Premio “Human Solvency Prize 2026”
È stato bandito il premio “Human Solvency Prize 2026”.Per informazioni, approfondimenti e scadenziario del Premio, consulta la sezione dedicata: Human Solvency
LVI Settimana di Studi
Gestione del rischio, insolvenza e bancarotta nel mondo premoderno (secc. XIII-XVIII) • Risk Management, Insolvency, and Bankruptcy in the Pre-Modern World (13th-18th Centuries)
CALL FOR PAPERS 2025: “Finance in History”
Call for papers: The 2025 Datini-Ester seminar deals with Finance in History. The topic of the Datini-Ester seminar is closely related to the theme of the congress yearly organized by the "F. Datini" International Institute of Economic History and devoted in 2025 to Risk Management, Insolvency, and Bankruptcy in the Pre-Modern World (13th-18th Centuries). The 2025 Datini-Ester seminar will deal with Finance. The aims are encourage research on the development of financial institutions, risk and control of risk, financial practises and financial behaviour in different historical contexts. In particular topics are sovereign and public debt, money lending, banking, and insurance, relations between private creditors and debtors, exchange(s) and capital market(s), etc.
Lo storico e il mercante. Federigo Melis e Francesco Datini
On May 11, 2025, to concide with the opening of the 56th Study Week, the exhibition "Lo storico e il mercante. Federigo Melis e Francesco Datini" will be inaugurated in Palazzo Pretorio. The exhibition, organized by this Fondazione in collaboration …
Bando “Human Solvency Historical Research Prize 2024-2026”
Bando “Human Solvency Historical Research Prize 2024-2026” realizzato in collaborazione con: con il contributo di: La Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini” bandisce lo: Human Solvency Historical Research Prize 2026 1. Il premio si propone di valorizzare …
Le associazioni di mestiere nell'economia dell'Europa preindustriale (secoli XII-XVIII)
I risultati del progetto di ricerca saranno presentati a Prato durante la LVII Settimana di Studi (10-14 maggio 2026)