The Indian Economic and Social History Review DATINI

The Indian Economic and Social History Review

New Delhi/Thousand Oacks/London. The Indian Economic and Social History Association
ISSN: 0019-4646
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 54
Consistenza: a. XXXVIII, 2001, 1-
Lacune: a. XLIII, 2006, 2-a. XLV, 2008, 4;

[ 2013-2001 ]

copertina della rivista

a. L, 2013, 4

Utsa Ray, The body and its purity: Dietary politics in colonial Bengal, p.
Karen Leonard, Political players: Courtesans of Hyderabad, p.
Ajit Menon, Christelle Hinnewinkel, Sylvie Guillerme, Denuded forests, wooded estates: Statemaking in a Janmam area of Gudalur, Tamil Nadu, p.
Lipokmar Dzuvichu, Roads and the Raj: The politics of road building in colonial Naga Hills, 1860s-1910s, p.
Review Essay, p. 495 Book Reviews, p. 511

a. L, 2013, 3

Projit Bihari Muhkharji, In-Disciplining Jwarasur: The Folk/Classical Divide and Transmateriality of Fevers in Colonial Bengal, p. 261
Radhika Singha, The Great War and a ‘Proper’ Passport for the Colony: Border-Crossing in British India, c. 1882-1922, p. 289
Neeti Nair, Beyond the ‘Communal’ 1920s: The Problem of Intention, Legislative Pragmatism, and the Making of Section 295A of the Indian Penal Code, p. 317
Kalyani Ramnath, The Colonial Difference between Law and Fact: Notes on the Criminal Jury in India, p. 341

Book Reviews, p. 365

a. L, 2013, 2

Special issue: Kalha?a’s RājataranginÄ« and Its Inheritors (guest editor Whitney Cox)

David Shulman, Preface: Kalha?a’s Rājatara?gi?Ä«: What is it?, p. 127
Whitney Cox, Literary register and historical consciousness in Kalha?a: A hypothesis, p. 131
Yigal Bronner, From conqueror to connoisseur: Kalha?a’s account of JayāpÄ«á?a and the fashioning of Kashmir as a Kingdom of learning, p. 161
Lawrence McCrea, Śāntarasa in the Rājatara?gi?ī: History, epic, and moral decay, p. 179
Chitralekha Zutshi, Past as tradition, past as history: The Rajatarangini narratives in Kashmir’s Persian historical tradition, p. 201
Luther Obrock, History at the end of history: ŚrÄ«vara’s Jainatara?gi?Ä«, p. 221
Daud Ali, Temporality, narration and the problem of history: A view from Western India c. 1100-1400, p. 237

a. L, 2013, 1

Arik Moran, Toward a history of devotional Vaishnavism in the West Himalayas: Kullu and the Ramanandis, c. 1500-1800, p. 1
Prashant Keshavmurthy, The local universality of poetic pleasure: Sirājuddin ‘Ali Khān ?rzu and the speaking subject, p. 27
C. Ryan Perkins, From the Mehfil to the printed word: Public debate and discourse in late colonial India, p. 47
Niels Brimnes, Coming to terms with the native practitioner: Indigenous doctors in colonial service in South India, 1800-25, p. 77

Book Reviews, p. 111

a. XLIX, 2012, 4

Guest Editor: Manan Ahmed

Manan Ahmed, Introduction, p. 455
Manan Ahmed, The long thirteenth century of the Chachnama, p. 459
A. Azfar Moin, Peering through the cracks in the Baburnama: The textured lives of Mughal sovereigns, p. 493
Pasha M. Khan, Marvellous histories: Reading the Shahnamah in India, p. 527
Anand Vivek Taneja, Saintly visions: Other histories and history’s others in the medieval ruins of Delhi, p. 557

Book Reviews, p. 591 Index to Volume XLIX, p. 613

a. XLIX, 2012, 3

Tanika Sarkari, Something like rights? Faith, law and widow immolation debates in colonial Bengal, p. 295
Dwaipayan Sen, ‘No matter how, Jogendranath had to be defeated’: The Scheduled Castes Federation and the making of partition in Bengal, 1945-1947, p. 321
Pim De Zwart, Population, labour and living standards in early modern Ceylon: An empirical contribution to the divergence debate, p. 365
Jonh Thomas, Sending out the spears: Zeliangrong movement, Naga Club and a nation in the making, p. 399

Book Reviews, p. 439

a. XLIX, 2012, 2

Muzaffar Alam, Strategy and imagination in a Mughal Sufi story of creation, p. 151
Ali Anooshahri, Author of one’s fate: Fatalism and agency in Indo-Persian histories, p. 197
Francesca Orsini, How to do multilingual literary history? Lessons from fifteenth- and sixteenth-century north India, p. 225
G. Balachandran, Claiming histories beyond nations: Situating global history, p. 247
Book Reviews, p. 273

a. XLIX, 2012, 1

Sadan Jha, Visualising a region: Phaniswarnath Renu and the archive of the ‘regional-rural’ in the 1950s, p. 1
Arupjyoti Saikia, Oral tradition, nationalism and Assamese social history: Remembering a peasant uprising, p. 37
Achintya Kumar Durra, Rice trade in the ‘rice bowi of Bengal’: Burdwan 1880-1947, p. 73
Indrajlt Ray, Struggling against Dundee: Bengal jute industry during the mneteenth century, p. 105

Book Reviews, p. 147

a. XLVIII, 2011, 4

Lisa Mitchell, ‘to stop train puil chain’: Writing histories of contemporary political practice, p. 469
Savithrl Preetha Nairj, ‘…Of real use to the people’: The Tanjore printing press and the spread of useful knowledge, p. 497
Pritipuspa Mishra, Beyond powerlessness: Institutional life of the vernacular in the making of modern Orissa (1866-1931), p. 531
A. Sean Pue, In the mirror of Ghalib: Post-colonial reflections on Indo-Muslim selfhood, p. 571

Book Reviews, p. 593

a. XLVIII, 2011, 3

Saurabh Mishra, Of poisoners, tanners and the British Raj: Redefining Chamar identity in colonial North India, 1850-90, p. 317
Jangkhomang Guite, Civilisation and its malcontents: The politics of Kuki raid in nineteenth century Northeast India, p. 339
Venkat Dhulipala, A nation state insufficiently imagined?: Debating Pakistan in late colonial North India, p. 377
Nilanjan Sarkar, An urban imaginaire, ca 1350: The capital city in Ziya’ Barani’s Fatawa-i Jahandari, p. 407
Awadhendra Sharan, From source to sink: ‘Official’ and ‘improved’ water in Delhi, 1868-1956, p. 425

Book Reviews, p. 463

a. XLVIII, 2011, 2

Tilottama Mukherjee, Markets in eighteenth century Bengal economy, p. 143
Rahul Govind, Revenue, rent…profit? Early British imperialism, political economy and the search for a differentia specifica (inter se), p. 177
Anne Viguier, An improbable reconstruction: The transformation of Madurai, 1837-47, p. 215
Manjusha Kuruppat, Casting despots in Dutch drama: The case of Nadir Shah in Van Steenwyk’s Thamas Koelikan, p. 241

Book Reviews, p. 287

a. XLVIII, 2011, 1

Ulrike Stark, Associational culture and civic engagement in colonial Lucknow: the Jalsah-e Tahzib, p. 1
C. M. Naim, Individualism within conformity: A brief history of Waz’dari in Delhi and Lucknow, p. 35
Kapil Raj, The historical anatomy of a contact zone: Calcutta in the eighteenth century, p. 55
Chihkayoshi Nomura, Selling steel in the 1920s: TISCO in a period of transition, p. 83

Book reviews, p. 117

a. XLVII, 2010, 4

Edited by: Rosalind O’Hanlon and David Washbrook

Rosalind O’Hanlon, David Washbrook, Introduction, p. 441
Kumkum Chatterjee, Scribal elites in Sultanate and Mughal Bengal, p. 445
C.J. Fuller, Haripriya Narasimhan, Traditional vocations and modern professions among Tamil Brahmans in colonial and post-colonial south India, p. 473
Sumit Guha, Serving the barbarian to preserve the dharma : The ideology and training of a clerical elite in Peninsular India c. 1300-1800, p. 497
Rajeev Kinra, Master and Munshi : A Brahman secretary’s guide to Mughal governance, p. 527
Rosalind O’Hanlon, The social worth of scribes: Brahmins, Kayasthas and the social order in early modern India, p. 563
David Washbrook, The Maratha Brahmin model in south India: An afterword, p. 597

Index to Volume XLVII, p. 617

a. XLVII, 2010, 3

Kathryn Hansen, Who wants to be a cosmopolitan?, p. 291
Charu Gupta, Feminine, criminal or manly? Imaging Dalit masculinities in colonial north India, p. 309
Jonathan Saha, The male state: Colonialism, corruption and rape investigations in the Irrawady Delta c. 1900, p. 343
P. Thirumal, C. Lalrozami, On the discursive and material context of the first handwritten Lushai newpaper ‘Mizo Chanchin Laishuih’ 1898, p. 377

Book Reviews, p. 405

a. XLVII, 2010, 2

Ashtsh Chadha, Cryptographic imagination: Indus script and the project of scientific decipherment, p. 141
Latika Chaudhary, Land revenues, schools and literacy: A historical examination of public and private funding of education, p. 179
S.A. Zaidi, Who is a Muslim? Identities of exclusion-north Indian Muslims, c. 1860-1900, p. 205
Peter Custer, Maulana Bhashani and the transition to secular politics in East Bengal, p. 231

Book Reviews, p. 261

a. XLVII, 2010, 1

Witney M. Cox, Scribe and script in the Cālukya West Deccan, p. 1
Upinder Singh, Politics, violence and war in Kāmandaka’s NÅ«tisāra, p. 29
John S. Deyell, Cowries and coins: The dual monetary system of the Bengal Sultanate, p. 63
Malavika Kasturi, ?All gifting Is sacred?: The Sanatana Dharma sabha movement, the reform of dana and civil society in late colonial India, p. 107

a. XLVI, 2009, 4

Muzaffar Alam, Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Frank disputations: Catholics and Muslims in the court of Jahangir (1608-11), p. 457
Gunnel Cederlòf, Fixed boundaries, fluid landscapes: British expansion into Northern East Bengal in the 1820s, p. 513
Anshu Malhotra, Telling her tale? Unravelling a life in conflict in Peero’s Ik Sau Sath Kāfian (one hundred and sixty kafis), p. 541
Tirthankar Roy, Did globalisation aid industrial development in colonial India? A study of knowledge transfer in the iron industry, p. 579

Index to Volume XLVI, p. 615

a. XLVI, 2009, 3

Special Issue:
Princely spaces and domestic voices: New perspectives on the IndiaN princely states
Guest editors: Aya Ikegame and Andrea Major

Aya Ikegame and Andrea Major, Introduction: Princely spaces and domestic voices: New perspectives on the Indian princely states, p. 293
Chitralekha Zutshj, Re-visioning princely states in South Asian historìography: A review, p. 301
Andrea Major, Enslaving spaces: Domestic slavery and the spatial, ideological and practical limits of colonial control in the nineteenth-century Rajput and Maratha states, p. 315
Aya Ikegame, Space of kinship, space of empire: Marrìage strategies amongst the Mysore royal caste in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, p. 343
Angma D. Jhala, The Malabar Hill murder trial of 1925: Sovereignty, law and sexual politics in colonial princely India, p. 373
Mridu Rai, To ‘tear the mask off the face of the past’: Archaeology and politics in Jammu and Kashmir, p. 401
Manu Bhagavan, Princely states and the making of modera India: Internationalism, constitutionalism and the postcolonial moment, p. 427

a. XLVI, 2009, 2

Kumkum Chatterjee, Cultural flows and cosmopolitanism in Mugnai India: The Bishnupur Kingdom, p. 147
Chandra Mallampalli, Cosmopolitanism in the Hinterland? Bellary District through Fresh Lenses, 1800-1840, p. 183
John Black, The military influence on engineering education in Britain and India, 1848-1906, p. 211
Sraman Mukherjee, New province, old capital: Making Patna Pataliputra, p. 241

Book Reviews, p. 281

a. XLVI, 2009, 1

Special Issue: Personal law, identity politics and civil society in colonial South Asia
Guest editors: Eleanor Newbigin, Leigh Denault and Rohit De

Eleanor Newbigin, Leigh Denault and Rohit De, Introduction: Personal law, identity politics and civil society in colonial South Asia, p. 1
Erica Wald, From begums and bibis to abandoned females and idle women: sexual relationships, venereal disease and the redefinition of prostitution in early nineteenth-century India, p. 5
Leigh Denault, Partition and the politics of the joint family in nineteenth-century north India, p. 27
Mitra Sharafi, The semi-autonomous judge in colonial India: Chivalric imperialism meets Anglo-Islamic dower and divorce law, p. 57
Eleanor Newbigin, The codification of personal law and secular citizenship: Revisiting the history of law reform in late colonial India, p. 83
Rohit De, Mumtaz Bibi’s broken heart: The many lives of the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, p. 105

Book Reviews, p. 131

a. XLIII, 2006, 1

Yigal Bronner, David Shulman, ‘A Cloud Turned Goose’: Sanskrit in the vernacular millennium, p. 1
Stephen Hughes, House full: Silent film genre, exhibition and audiences in south India, p. 31
G. Arunima, Imagining communities-differently: Print, language and the ‘public sphere’ in colonial Kerala, p. 63
Jamal Malik, Letters, prison sketches and autobiographical literature: The case of Fadl-e Haqq Khairabadi in the Andaman Penal Colony, p. 77

Book Reviews, p. 101

a. XLII, 2005, 4

Rama Sundari Mantena, Lisa Mitchell, Bernard Bate, Introduction: Language, genre and historical imagination in south India, p. 443
Lisa Mitchell, Parallel languages, parallel cultures: Language as a new foundation for the reorganisation of knowledge and practice in southern India, p. 445
Bernard Bate, Arumuga Navalar, Saivite sermons, and the delimitation of religion, c.1850, p. 469
Amanda Weidman, Can the subaltern sing? Music, language, and politics of voice in early twentieth-century south India, p. 485
Rama Sundari Mantena, Vernacular futures: Colonial philology and the idea of history in nineteenth-century south India, p. 513
A.R. Venkatachalapathy, “Enna Prayocanam” Constructing the canon in colonial Tamilnadu, p. 535

Book Reviews, p. 555

a. XLII, 2005, 3

Finbarr Barry Flood, Ghurid monuments and Muslim identities: Epigraphy and exegesis in twelfth-century Afghanistan, p. 263
Harald Fischer-Tiné, Britain’s other civilising mission: Class prejudice, European ‘loaferism’ and the workhouse-system in colonial India, p. 295
Indrajit Ray, The silk industry in Bengal during colonial rule: The ‘de-industrialisation’ thesis revisited, p. 339

Literary Cultures in History, p. 377

Book Reviews, p. 409

a. XLII, 2005, 2

Clare Anderson, ‘The Ferringees are flying-the ship is ours!: The convict middle passage in colonial South and Southeast Asia, 1790-1860, 143
Nile Green, Mystical missionaries in Hyderabad State: Mu’in Allah Shah and his Sufi reform movement, p. 187
Rosinka Chaudhuri, Hemchandra’s Bharat Sangeet (1870) and the politics of poetry: A pre-history of Hindu nationalism in Bengal?, p. 213

Review Article
Book Reviews, p. 257

a. XLII, 2005, 1

Anand Pandian, Securing the rural citizen: The anti-Kallar movement of 1896, p. 1
Nandita Prasad Sahai, Artisans, the state, and the politics of wajabi in eighteenth-century Jodhpur, p. 41
Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Taking stock of the Franks: South Asian views of Europeans and Europe, 1500-1800, p. 69
Seema Alavi, Unani medicine in the nineteenth-century public sphere: Urdu texts and the Oudh Akhbar, p. 101

Book Reviews, p. 131

a. XLI, 2004, 4

Christopher Minkowski, Nilakantha’s instruments of war: Modern, vernacular, barbarous, p. 365
Mahesh Sharma, State formation and cultural complex in western Himalaya: Chamba genealogy and epigraphs-700-1650 c.e., p. 387
Rochona Majumdar, Snehalata’s death: Dowry and women’s agency in colonial Bengal, p. 433
Velayutham Saravanan, Colonialism and coffee plantations: Decline of environment and tribals in Madras Presidency during the nineteenth century, p. 465

Book Reviews, p. 489

a. XLI, 2004, 3

James Heitzman, S. Rajagopal, Urban geography and land measurement in the twelfth century: The case of Kanchipuram, p. 237
Lakshmi Subramanian, A trial in transition: Courts, merchants and identities in western India, circa 1800, p. 269
Shubhada Pandya, ‘Regularly brought up medical men’: Nineteenth-century Grant Medical College graduates, medical rationalism and leprosy, p. 293
Ajit Menon, Colonial cosntructions of ‘agrarian fields’ and ‘forests’ in the Kolli Hills, p. 315

Book Reviews, p. 339

a. XLI, 2004, 2

Amit Ranjan Basu, Emergence of a marginal science in a colonial city: Reading psychiatry in Bengali periodicals, p. 103
Debdas Banerjee, Is there overestimation of ‘British capital’ outflow? Keynes’ Indo-British trade and transfer accounts re-examined with alternative evidence, p. 143
Sangeeta Dasgupta, The journey of an anthropologist in Chtotanagpur, p. 165
Indrajit Ray, The indigo dye industry in colonial Bengal: A re-examination, p. 199

Book Reviews, p. 225

a. XLI, 2004, 1

Special Issue: Caste, Power and Region in Colonial South Asia
Guest editor: John D. Rogers

John D. Rogers, Introduction: Caste, power and region in colonial South Asia, p. 1
Prachi Deshpande, Caste as Maratha: Social categories, colonial policy and identity in early twentieth-century Maharashtra, p. 7
Brian P. Caton, Social categories and colonisation in Panjab, 1849-1920, p. 33
John D. Rogers, Caste as a social category and identity in colonial Lanka, p. 51
Sumit Guha, Civilisations, markets and services: Village servants in India from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries, p. 79

a. XL, 2003, 4

Vakulabharanam Rajagopal, The rhetorical strategy of an autobiography: Reading Satyavati’s Atmacaritamu, p. 377
Velayutham Saravanan, Colonial commercial forest policy and tribal private forests in Madras Presidency: 1792-1881, p. 403
Harish Naraindas, Crisis, charisma and triage: Extirpating the pox, p. 425

Book Reviews, p. 459

a. XL, 2003, 3

Herman Tieken, Old Tamil Cankam literature and the so-called Cankan period, p. 247
Awadhendra Sharan, From caste to category: Colonial knowledge practies and the Depressed/Scheduled Castes of Bihar, p. 279
Dick Kooiman, Meeting at threshold, at the edge of the carpet or somewhere in between? Questions of ceremonial in princely India, p. 311
Stuart Blackburn, Colonial contact in the “hidden land”: Oral history among the Apatanis of Arunachal Pradesh, p. 335

Book Reviews, p. 367

a. XL, 2003, 2

Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Turning the stones over: Sixteenth-century millenarianism from the Tagus to the Ganges, p. 129
Harald Fischer-Tiné, ‘White women degrading themselves to the lowest depths’: European networks of prostitution and colonial anxieties in British India and Ceylon ca. 1880-1914, p. 163
Rimli Bhattacharya, The nautee in ‘the second city of the Empire’, p. 191

Book Reviews, p. 237

a. XL, 2003, 1
David Lorenzen, Europeans in late Mughal south Asia: The perceptions of Italian missionaries, p. 1
David Gilmartin, Cattle, crime and colonialism: Property as negotation in north India, p. 33
G. Arunima, Face value: Ravi Varma’s portraiture and the project of colomial modernity, p. 57
Rohan D’Souza, Damming the Mahanadi river: The emergence of multi-purpose river valley development in India (1943-46), p. 81

Book Reviews, p. 107

a. XXXIX, 2002, 4

Bidyut Chakrabarty, The ‘hut’ and the ‘axe’: The 1947 Sylhet referendum, p. 317
Ravi Ahuja, State formation and ‘famine policy’ in early colonial south India, p. 351
Jorge Manuel Flores, Relic or Springboard? A note on the ‘rebirth’ of Portuguese Hughli, ca. 1632, p. 381
Neeraj Hatekar, Indian political economy and the early British industrial revolution: A fresh look for 1753-1794, p. 397
Satadru Sen, The female jails of colonial India, p. 417

Book Reviews, p. 439

a. XXXIX, 2002, 2-3

Special Issue: Land, Politics and Trade in South Asia, 18th-20th Centuries: Essays in Memory of Dharma Kumar

Sunjay Subrahmanyam, Introduction: Making sense of Indian historiography, p. 121
Om Prakash, Cooperation and conflict among European traders in the Indian Ocean in the late eighteenth century, p. 131
Jhon F. Richards, The opium industry in British India, p. 149
Sumit Guha, Claims on the commons: Political power and natural resources in pre-colonial India, p. 181
Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Profiles in transition: Of adventurers and administrators in south India, 1750-1810, p. 197
David Ludden, Spectres of agrarian territory in southern India, p. 233
Tsukasa Mizushima, From mirasidar to pattadar: South India in the late nineteenth century, p. 259
Tirthankar Roy, Madras handkerchiefs in the interwar period, p. 285
A. R. Venkatalapathy, ‘In those days there was no coffee’: Coffee-drinking and middle-class culture in colonial Tamilnadu, p. 301

a. XXXIX, 2002, 1

Ines G. Zupanov, Drugs, health, bodies and souls in the tropics: Medical experiments in sixteenth-century Portuguese India, p. 1
Deborah Sutton, Horrid sights and customary rights: The toda funeral on the colonial Nilgiris, p. 45
G. Balachandran, Conflicts in the international maritime labour market: British and Indian seamen, employers, and the state, 1890-1939, p. 71
James Heitzman, Intersecting paths in early South Asian historiography: A review, p. 101

Book Reviews, p. 113

a. XXXVIII, 2001, 4

David Shulman, First grammarian, first poet: A south Indian vision of cultural origins, p. 353
Thomas R. Trautmann, Dr Johnson and the pandits: Imagining the perfect dictionary in colonial Madras, p. 375
Partha Chatterjee, The nation in heterogeneous time, p. 399
Gijsbert Oonk, Motor or millstone? The managing agency system in Bombay and Ahmedabad, 1850-1930, p. 419

Review Article
Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Whispers and shouts: Some recent writings on medieval south India, p. 453

Book Reviews, p. 467

a. XXXVIII, 2001, 3

Carla Petievich, Gender Politics and the Urdu Ghazal: Exploratory Observations on Rekjita versus Rekhti, p. 223
Prakash Kumar, Scientific Experiments in British India: Scientists, Indigo Planters and the State, 1890-1930, p. 249
Amy Skaria, Homeless in Gujarat and India: On the Curious Love of Indulal Yagnik, p. 271
David L. Curley, Kings and Commerce on an Agrarian Frontier: Kalketu’s Story in Mukunda’s Candimangal, p. 299

Book Reviews, p. 325

a. XXXVIII, 2001, 2

Sumathi Ramaswamy, Remains of the Race: Archaeology, nationalism, and the yearning for civilisation in the Indus valley, p. 105
Ira Klein, Development and death: reinterpreting malaria, economics and ecology in British India, p. 147
Indrajit Ray, Imperial policy and the decline of the Bengal salt industry under colonial rule: An episode in the ‘de-industrialisation’ process, p. 181

Book reviews, p. 207

a. XXXVIII, 2001, 1

Nita Kumar, Guest editor’s comment, p. 1
Sheldon Pollock, New intellectuals in seventeenth-century India, p. 3
Shantanu Phukan, ‘Through throats where many rivers meet’: The ecology of Hindi in the world of Persian, p. 33
Vasudha Dalmia, Vernacular histories in late nineteenth-century Banaras: Folklore, Puranas and the new antiquarianism, p. 59
Nita Kumar, Languages, families and the plural Jearning of the nineteenth-century intelligentsia, p. 81