Amsterdam, Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Litteren en Schone Kunsten van BelgiëAnnuale
Jahrbuch für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte
München, Bayerische Numismatische GesellschaftAnnuale
Jahrbuch fur Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Berlin, Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut fur Geschichte, Abteilung WirtschaftsgeschichteTrimestrale. Dal 1992 Semestrale
JOUHS Journal of the Oxford University History Society
Oxford University History SocietyAnnuale
Journal of British Studies
Chicago, University of ChicagoTrimestrale
Journal of Contemporary History
Journal of Early Modern History
Journal of Modern Italian Studies
John A. Davis - University of Connecticut, USA5 fascicoli l'anno
Journal of Population Economics
Journal of Scottish Historical Studies
Edinburgh University PressSemestrale
Journal of Social History
Pittsburgh, Carnegie-Mellon UniversityTrimestrale
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
The Journal of Economic History: The tasks of economic history
New York, Economic History AssociationTrimestrale
The Journal of European Economic History
Roma, Unicredit GroupSemestrale
The Journal of Interdisciplinary History
Cambridge, Massachussetts Institute of Technology. School of Humanities and Social SciencesTrimestrale
The Journal of Legal History
The Journal of Medieval History
The Journal of Transport History
Leicester, University College of LeicesterSemestrale