European history quarterly DATINI

European history quarterly

ISSN: 0265-6914
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 0614
Consistenza: v. 19, 1989, 1-
Lacune: v. 28, 1998, 2; v. 34, 2004, 1; v. 36, 2006, 4

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1989]

copertina della rivista

v. 30, 2000, 4

Dora M. Dumont, ‘Strange and Exorbitant Demands’: Rural Labour in Nineteenth-Century Bologna, p. 467
Marnix Beyen, A Tribal Trinity: The Rise and Fall of the Franks, the Frisians and the Saxons in the Historical Consciousness of the Netherlands since 1850, p. 493
Jill Lewis, Austria 1950: Strikes, ‘Putsch’ and their Political Context, p. 533
Philip Boobbyer, Truth-telling, Conscience and Dissent in Late Soviet Russia: Evidence from Oral Histories, p. 553

Jeremy Black, Warfare, State and Society in Europe, 1510-1914, p. 587

Reviews, p. 595
Abstracts, p. 609

v. 30, 2000, 3

Sebastian Balfour, Pablo La Porte, Spanish Military Cultures and the Moroccan Wars, 1909-36, p. 307
Filipe Ribeiro de Meneses, ‘All of Us are Looking Forward to Leaving’: The Censored Correspondence of the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps la France, 1917-18, p. 333
R. J. B. Bosworth, Per necessità famigliare: Hypocrisy and Corruption in Fascist Italy, p. 357
Joan Tumblety, ‘Civil Wars of the Mind’: The Commemoration of the 1789 Revolution in the Parisian Press of the Radical Right, 1939, p. 389

A viel Roshwald, A Price above Rubies? The Value and Meaning of Survival in Modern Jewish History, p. 431

Reviews, p. 443
Abstracts, p. 461

v. 30, 2000, 2

Timothy B. Smith, The Plight of the Able-bodied Poor and the Unemployed in Urban France, 1880-1914, p. 147
Matthew Worley, The Communist International, The Communist Party of Great Britain, and the ‘Third Period’, 1928-1932, p. 185
Michael Seidman, Agrarian Collectives during the Spanish Revolution and Civil War, p. 209
Mark Minion, The Fabian Society and Europe during the 1940s: The Search for a ‘Socialist Foreign Policy’, p. 237

Reviews, p. 271
Abstracts, p. 295

v. 30, 2000, 1

Toby Osborne, Abbot Scaglia, the Duke of Buckingham and Anglo-Savoyard Relations During the 1620s, p. 5
C. Edmund Clingan, The Budget Debate of 1926: A Case Study in Weimar Democracy, p. 33
David J. Dunthorn, The Prieto-Gil-Robles Meeting of October 1947: Britain and the Failure of the Spanish Anti-Franco Coalition, 1945-50, p. 49
Aristotle A. Kallis, The ‘Regime-Model’ of Fascism: A Typology, p. 77

Jeremy Black, Why the French Failed: New Work on the Military History of French Imperialism 1792-1815, p. 105

Reviews, p. 117
Abstracts, p. 141

v. 29, 1999, 4

Ulriké Kirchberger, The German National League in Britain and Ideas of a German Overseas Empire, 1859-67, p. 451

Helen Graham, ‘Against the State’: A Genealogy of the Barcelona May Days (1937), p. 485
Michael Richards, Falange, Autarky and Crisis: The Barcelona General Strike of 1951, p. 543

Tom Gallagher, Political Change in Eastern Europe, p. 587

Reviews, p. 595

v. 29, 1999, 3

George Kazamias, ‘The Usual Bulgarian Stratagems’: The Big Three and the End of the Bulgarian Occupation of Greek Eastern macedonia and Thrace, September-october 1944, p. 323
Dietrich Orlow, A Difficult Relationship of Unequal Relatives: The Dutch NSB and Nazi Gernumy, 1933-1940, p. 349
Charles R. Bailey, Monarchic Survivors in France’s Revolutionary Government: The Slow Eclipse of Ministers of the Interior, 1793-4, p. 381

Bernard Harris, The Social History of Health and Healing, p. 419

Reviews, p. 425

v. 29, 1999, 2

Kevin Morgan, Tauno Saarela, Northern Underground Revisited: Finnish Reds and the Origins of British Communism, p. 179
T. D. Sfikas, A tale of Parallel lives: The Second Greek Republic and the Second Spanish Republic, 1924-36, p. 217
Jerry H. Brookshire, ‘Speak for England’ Act for England: Labour’s Leadership and British National Under the Threat of War in the Late 1930s, p. 251

Peter Monteath, Organizing Antifascism: The Obscure History of the VVN, p. 289

Reviews, p. 305

v. 29, 1999, 1

Christopher Storrs, Disaster at Darien (1698-1700)? The Persistence of Spanish Imperial Power on the Eve of the Demise of the Spanish Habsburpgs, p. 5
Lucy Riall, Nelson versus Bronte: Land, Litigation and Local Politics in Sicily, 1799-1860, p. 39
María del Mar Pozo Andrés, Jacques F. A. Braster, The Rebirth of the ‘Spanish Race’: The State, Nationalism, and Education in Spain, 1875-1931, p. 75
Edward Ross Dickinson, Citizenship, Vocational Training, and Reaction: Continuation Schooling and the Prussian ‘Youth Cultivation’ Decree of 1911, p. 109

Wendy Bracewell, The End of Yugoslavia and New National Histories, p. 149

Reviews, p. 157

v. 28, 1998, 4

Aristotle A. Kallis, Expansionism in Italy and Germany between Unification and the First World War: On the Ideological and Political Origins of Fascist Expansionism, p. 435
Angela Cenarro, Elite, Party, Church. Pillars of the Francoist ‘New State’ In Aragon, 1936-1945, p. 461
Spencer W. Mawby, From Distrut to Despair: Britain and the European Army, 1950-54, p. 487

Nigel Aston, Religion in Eighteenth-century France, p. 515
Aviel Roshwald, Between Catastrophe and Redemption: The European Jewish Diaspora and Zionism in the Twentieth Century, p. 527
David Saunders, The Soviet Compound, p. 539
Tobias Abse, Varieties of Fascism?, p. 551

Reviews, p. 561

v. 28, 1998, 3

Porfirio Sanz, England and Spanish Foreign Policy during the 1640s, p. 291
Sharif Gemie, France and the Val d’Aran: Politics and Nationhood on the Pyrenean Border, c. 1800-1825, p. 311
Lito Apostolakou, The ‘Bound Prometheus’: Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in a Greek town, 1881-1936, p. 347
Richard Davis, ‘Why Did the General Do It?’ De Gaulle, Polaris and the French Veto of Britain’s Application to Join the Common Market, p. 373

John Edwards, Jewish Life in Early Modern Europe, p. 399
Alexander De Grand, Modern Italian History, p. 405

Reviews, p. 415

v. 28, 1998, 1

Peter H. Wilson, War in German Thought from the Peace of Westphalia to Napoleon, p. 5
David Andress, Press and Public in the French Revolution: A Parisian Case-Study from 1791, p. 51
John R. Davis, The Bamberg Conference of 1854: A Re-Evaluation, p. 81
Filipe Ribeiro de Meneses, Sidónio Pais, the Portuguese ‘New Republic’and the Challenge to Liberalism in Southern Europe, p. 109

Reviews, p. 131

v. 27, 1997, 4

Rebecca K. McCoy, The Société Populaire at Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines: Local Culture and National Identity in an Alsatian Community during the French Revolution, p. 435
Erik Hansen, Peter A. Prosper, Trasformation and Accommodation in Dutch Socialism: P. J. Troelstra and Social Democratic Political Theory, 1894-1914, p. 475
Arthur Turner, Keynes, the Treasury and French War Debts in the 1920s, p. 505
Perry R. Willson, Cooking the Patriotic Omelette: Women and the Italian Fascist Ruralization Campaign, p. 531

Philip G. Dwyer, War and Resistance in Napoleonic Europe: Some Recent Works, p. 549
John K. Walton, Taking the History of tourism Seriously, p. 563
Roger Griffin, Solving the Fascist Conundrum, p. 573
Bernard Harris, Food in History, p. 581

Reviews, p. 587

v. 27, 1997, 3

Tracy Borman, Untying the Knot? The Survival of the Anglo-Dutch, Alliance, 1587-97, p. 307
Robert Stuart, Whores and Angels: Women and the Family in the Discourse of French Marxism 1882-1905, p. 339
R. J. B. Bosworth, The touring Club Italiano and the Nationalization of the Italian Bourgeoisie, p. 371

Sharif Gemie, French Social History and ‘The Return to Politics’, p. 411
Máire F. Cross, Women Teachers in Control? Findings on Expansion of Primary Education in Nineteenth-Century France, p. 417

Reviews, p. 421

v. 27, 1997, 2

Martyn Lyons, What did the Peasants Read? Written and Printed Culture in Rural France, 1815-1914, p. 165
Donald M. McKale, ‘The Kaiser’s Spy’: Max von Oppenheim and the Anglo-German Rivalry Before and During the First World War, p. 199
Oded Heilbronner, Detlef Mühlberger, The Achilles’ Heel of German Catholicism: ‘Who Voted for Hitler?’ Revisited, p. 221

R. J. Knecht, Absolutism in Early Modern France, p. 251

Reviews, p. 257

v. 27, 1997, 1

Angel Smith, Anarchism, the General Strike and the Barcelona Labour Movement, 1899-1914, p. 5
Roger MacGinty, War Cause and Peace Aim? Small States and the First World War, p. 41
Jay Bergman, The Idea of Individual Liberation in Bolshevik Vision of the New Soviet Man, p. 57
Mike Cronin, ‘Putting New Wine into Old Bottles’: The Irish Right and the Embrace of European Social Thinking in the Early 1930s, p. 93

Jeremy Black, Rewriting the Revolution, p. 127

Reviews, p. 139

v. 26, 1996, 4

David Moon, Reassessing Russian Serfdom, p. 483
Vincent Viaene, Paul de Lagarde: A Nineteenth-Century ‘Radical’ Conservative – and Precursor of National Socialism?, p. 527
Wayne Thorpe, Anarchosyndicalism in Inter-War France: The Vision of Pierre Besnard, p. 559

H. G. Koenigsberger, The Past and Future History of Nationalism, p. 591
Nigel Aston, Recent Work on the French Revolution, p. 603

Reviews, p. 615

v. 26, 1996, 3


Michael Broers, The Police and the Padroni: Italian Notabili, French Gendarmes and the Origins of the Centralized State in Napoleonic Italy, p. 331
John Lawrence Tone, Napoleon’s Uncongenial Sea: Guerrilla Warfare in Navarre during the Poninsular War, 1808-14, p. 355
Geoffrey Roberts, The Alliance that Failed: Moscow and the Triple Alliance Negotiations, 1939, p. 383
Richard S. Grayson, The British Government, the Channel Tunnel and European Unity, 1948-64, p. 415

Review Articles, p. 437

v. 26, 1996, 2

Ralph Gibson, An Appreciation, p. 179

Serban Papacostea, Captive Clio: Romanian Historiography under Communist Rule, p. 181

Shelley Baranowski, East Elbian Landed Elites and Germany’s Turn to Fascism: The Sonderweg Controversy Revisited, p. 209
Julio de la Cueva, The Stick and the Candle: Clericals and Anticlericals in Northern Spain, 1898-1913, p. 241
Martin Conway, The Extreme Right in Inter-War Francophone Belgium: Explanations of a Failure, p. 267

Nigel Aston, French Revolutionary Studies, p. 293
E.D.R. Harrison, Friends or Foes: Nazi Policy, Propaganda and Resistance, p. 299

Reviews, p. 311

v. 26, 1996, 1

R. M. Hatton, An Appreciation, p. 5
J. Caro Baroja, An Appreciation, p. 5

Geoffrey Wawro, Austria Versus the Risorgimento: A New Look at Austria’s Italian Strategy in the 1860s, p. 7
Arthur Turner, Anglo-French Financial Relations in the 1920s, p. 31
John Keating, Looking to Europe: Roman Catholics and Christian Democracy in 1930s Britain, p. 57
John Farquharson, From Unity to Division: What Prompted Britain to Change its Policy in Germany in 1946?, p. 81

Euan Cameron, Humanists, Reformers and Scholastics, p. 125
V.R. Berghahn, Germany and Europe: What Lessons from History?, p. 141

Reviews, p. 149

v. 25, 1995, 4

David Potter, Kingship in the Wars of Religion: The Reputation of Henri III of France, p. 485
Francisco J. Romero Salvadó, Spain and the First World War. The Structural Crisis of the Liberal Monarchy, p. 529
Peter Lambert, German Historians and Nazi Ideology. The Parameters of the Volksgemeinschaft and the Problem of Historical Legitimation, 1930-45, p. 555

Jeremy Black, Recent Work in English on Austrian History, 1683-1790, p. 583

Reviews, p. 591

v. 25, 1995, 3

James R. Farr, Parlementaires and the Paradox of Power: Sovereignty and Jurisprudence in Rapt Cases in Early Modern Burgundy, p. 325
Richard Pennell, State Power in a Chronically Weak State: Spanish Coastguards as Pirates, 1814-50, p. 353
Jonathan Dunnage, Law and Order in Giolittian Italy: A Case Study of the Province of Bologna, p. 381
Kevin McDermott, Stalin and the Comintern during the ‘Third Period’, 1928-33, p. 409

Jeremy Black, Mapping Early Modern Europe, p. 431

Reviews, p. 443

v. 25, 1995, 2

Dennis W. Thomson, Prelude to the Sulphur War of 1840: The Neapolitan Perspective, p. 163
David Saunders, Russia’s Ukrainian Policy (1847-1905): A Demographic Approach, p. 181
Pieter Lagrou, US Politics of Stabilization in Liberated Europe. The View from the American Embassy in Brussels, 1944-6, p. 209

John Newsinger, The Catholic Church in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, p. 247

Christopher Harvie, Comparative Studies on Governments and Non-Dominant Ethnic Groups, p. 269

Reviews, p. 285

v. 25, 1995, 1

Trevor J. Dadson, The Duke of Lerma and the Count of Salinas: Politics and Friendship in Early Seventeenth-Century Spain, p. 5
Alexander Grab, State Power, Brigandage and Rural Resistance in Napoleonic Italy, p. 39
Christian Leitz, Nazi Germany’s Struggle for Spanish Wolfram during the Second World War, p. 71
Arieh J. Kochavi, Britain, the United States and Irish Neutrality, 1944-5, p. 93

W. D. Edmonds, ‘Qu’est-ce que la Province?’ Some Books in English on Provincial France during the Revolution, p. 117

Reviews, p. 129

v. 24, 1994, 4

Stefan Troebst, Debating the Mercantile Background to Early Modern Swedish Empire-Building: Michael Roberts versus Artur Attman, p. 485
David Garrioch, The People of Paris and their Police in the Eighteenth Century: Reflections on the Introduction of a ‘Modern’ Police Force, p. 511
Denis Smyth, The Dispatch of the Spanish Blue Division to the Russian Front: Reasons Repercussions, p. 537

Rochelle Ruthchild, Engendering History: Women in Russia and the Soviet Union, p. 555
Thanos Veremis, Scholarly Predilections on Balkan Affairs, p. 563

Reviews, p. 569

v. 24, 1994, 3

Michael Hughes, British Diplomats in Russia on the Eve of War and Revolution, p. 341
Martyn Housden, Hans Frank – Empire Builder in the East, 1939-41, p. 367

R. A. H. Robinson, Portugal: The ‘New State’ and After, p. 395
Stanley G. Payne, Regional Historiography of the Spanish Civil War, p. 403

Reviews, p. 411

v. 24, 1994, 2

Sharon Kettering, Political Parties at Aix-en-Provence in 1589, p. 181
Sharif Gemie, Docility, Zeal and Rebellion: Culture and Sub-Cultures in French Women’s Teacher Training Colleges, c.1860-c.1910, p. 213

Ian D. Thatcher, Trotsky and the Censor, p. 245

Jeremy Black, State and Society, 1470-1790, p. 259
R. A. Stradling, ‘A Military Revolution’: The Fall-Out from the Fall-In, p. 271

Reviews, p. 279

v. 24, 1994, 1

Eleni Calligas, Lord Seaton’s Reforms in tbc Ionian Isiands, 1843-8: A Race With Time, p. 7
Craig D. Patton, The Myth of Moderation: German Chemical Employer Responses to Labour Conflict, 1914-24, p. 31
G. H. Bennett, Britain’s Relations with France after Versailles: The Problem of Tangier, 1919-23, p. 53

Serge Noiret, Political Parties and the Political System in Belgium before Federalism, 1830-1980, p. 85

Reviews, p. 123

v. 23, 1993, 4

Jonathan Harwood, Mandarins and Outsiders in the German Professoriate, 1890-1933: A Study of the Genetics Community, p. 485
Richard Davis, Mesentente Cordiale: The Failure of the Anglo-French Relations During the Ethiopian and Rhineland Crises, 1934-6, p. 513
Srdjan Trifkovic, Yugoslavia in Crisis: Europe and the Croat Question, 1939-41, p. 529

Julian Swann, Cultural History and French Revolution, p. 563
Tim Rees, Visions of the Vanquished: Recent Work on the Spanish Civil War, p. 571

Reviews, p. 583

v. 23, 1993, 3

Anthony L. Cardoza, The Long Goodbye: The Landed Aristocracy in North-Western Italy, 1880-1930, p. 323
Gerasimos T. Soldatos, The Inter-War Greek Economy: Income Inequality and Speculation, p. 359
Angela Schwarz, Image and Reality: British Visitors to National Socialist Germany, p. 381

Jeremy Black, The Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip III, p. 407
Charles Esdaile, The Napoleonic Period: Some Thoughts on Recent Historiography, p. 415

Reviews, p. 433

v. 23, 1993, 2

Selim Deringil, The Ottoman Origins of Kemalist Nationalism: Namik Kemal to Mustafa Kemal, p. 165
Perry Biddiscombe, Prodding the Russian Bear: Pro-German Resistance in Romania, 1944-5, p. 193
Tom Ericsson, Cults, Myths and the Swedish Petite Bourgeoisie, 1870-1914, p. 233

Reviews, p. 253

v. 23, 1993, 1

Leonore Loft, Le Journal du Licée de Londres: A Study in the Pre-Revolutionary French Press, p. 7
D. R. Watson, The Rise and Fall of the Russo-Asiatic Bank. Problems of a Russian Enterprise with French Shareholders, 1910-26, p. 39
Paul Corner, Women in Fascist Italy. Changing Family Roles in the Transition from an Agricultural to an Industrial Society, p. 51

Stanley G. Payne, Historic Fascism and Neofascism, p. 69

Reviews, p. 77

v. 22, 1992, 4

Special Issue: Rewriting Russia 1917

Alan Wood, The Bolsheviks, the Baby and the Bathwater, p. 483

Vladimir P. Buldakov, The October Revolution: Seventy-Five Years On, p. 497
Vladimir I. Shishkin, The October Revolution and Perestroika: A Critical Analysis of Recent Soviet Historiography, p. 517
Vladimir Brovkin, Identity, Allegiance and Participation in the Russian Civil War, p. 541
Paul Dukes, From October 1917 to August 1991 and Beyond: Newer Thinking on the World Revolution, p. 569

David Moon, Agriculture and Peasants, Industry and Workers, Political Parties and Revolution: Recent Books on Russian History, p. 597
Gregory L. Freeze, New Scholarship on the Russian Peasantry, p. 605

Reviews, p. 619

v. 22, 1992, 3

James Michael Hill, The Distinctiveness of Gaelic Warfare, 1400-1750, p. 323
Christopher Storrs, Machiavelli Dethroned: Victor Amadeus II and the Making of the Anglo-Savoyard Alliance of 1690, p. 347
Dick van Lente, Ideology and Technology. Reactions to Modern Technology in the Netherlands 1850-1920, p. 383

John M. MacKenzie, European Imperialism: Comparative Approaches, p. 415
John Breuilly, Liberalism and Modernization in Wilhelmine Germany, p. 431

Reviews, p. 439

v. 22, 1992, 2

H. G. Koenigsberger, The Idea of Decadence in Early Modern History, or The Apples of Freia, p. 163
Christopher R. Friedrichs, Urban Politics and Urban Social Structure in Seventeenth-Century Germany, p. 187
Ann J. Lane, Putting Britain Right with Tito: The Displaced Persons Question in Anglo-Yugostav Relations 1946-7, p. 217

Jeremy Black, Ancien Regime and Enlightenment. Some Recent Writing on Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Europe, p. 247
John Breuilly, State-Building, Modernization and Liberalism from the Late Eighteenth Century to Unification: German Peculiarities, p. 257

Reviews, p. 285

v. 22, 1992, 1

Dorothy Koenigsberger, Leben des Benvenuto Cellini: Goethe, Cellini and Transformation, p. 7
Sudipta Das, British Reactions to the French Bugbear in India, 1763-83, p. 39
María Rosa de Madariaga, The Intervention of Moroccan Troops in the Spanish Civil War: A Reconsideration, p. 67

Ted Harrison, The Red Flag and the Cross: New Writing on the German Resistance, p. 99

Reviews, p. 121

v. 21, 1991, 4

Henk van Nierop, A Beggars’ Banquet: The Compromise of the Nobility and the Politics of Inversion, p. 419
Siep Stuurman, 1848: Revolutionary Reform in the Netherlands, p. 445
Brendan Simms, The Worker Correspondents’ Movement in Würtemberg during the Weimar Republic: 1928-33, p. 481
Alexander De Grand, Cracks in the Facade: The Failure of Fascist totalitarianism in Italy 1935-9, p. 515

David Parrott, An Age of Iron? Recent Works on Early Modern European Social and Economic History, p. 537
Stuart Thompstone, Russian Government and Politics through American Eyes, p. 551

Reviews, p. 557

v. 21, 1991, 3

John Cashmere, The Social Uses of Violence in Ritual: Charivari or Religious Persecution?, p. 291
Jeremy Jennings, The CGT and the Couriau Affair: Syndicalist Responses to Female Labour in France before 1914, p. 321
Enrique Moradiellos, The Origins of British Non-Intervention in the Spanish Civil War: Anglo-Spanis Relations in Early 1936, p. 339
Arieh J. Kochavi, British Policy on Non-Repatriable Displaced Persons in Germany and Austria, 1945-7, p. 365

Celia Applegate, Among the Bourgeoisie: Recent Writings on the German Middle Classes and their Milieu, p. 383
Bob Moore, More Pieces for the Jigsaw Puzzle: Studies on the Occupation and Reconstruction of Europe, 1940-9, p. 389
Ian Connor, Denazification in Post-War Germany, p. 397

Reviews, p. 403

v. 21, 1991, 2

Raymond A. Mentzer, Jr, Ecclesiastical Discipline and Communal Reorganization among the Protestants of Southern France, p. 163
Mária M. Kovács, The Ideology of Illiberalism in the Professions: Leftist and Radicalism among Hungarian Doctors, Laawyers and Engineers, 1918-45, p. 185
Barry Jordan, Culture and Opposition in Franco’s Spain: The Reception of Italian Neo-Realist Cinema in the 1950s, p. 209

Henry J. Cohn, Early Modern German Princes and their Subjects, p. 239
Stefan Berger, Missed Opportunities for German Labour History: A Critical Reassessment of a Major Book, p. 247
Carl Cavanagh Hodge, Knowing Better: Weimar Intellectuals and the German Republic, p. 257
Jeremy Noakes, Government and Politics in Germany 1918-45: A System in Crisis, p. 261

Reviews, p. 269

v. 21, 1991, 1

Alan Foster, The Beaverbrook Press and Appeasement: The Second Phase, p. 5
Joanna Hanson, Stanislaw Mikolajczyk: November 1944-June 1945, p. 39

Jeremy Black, International Relations in Ancien Regime Europe, p. 75
David Saunders, Modern Ukrainian History (II), p. 81
V. R. Berghahn, Big Business in the Third Reich, p. 97
Bob Moore, Occupation, Collaboration and Resistance: Some Recent Publications on the Netherlands during the Second World War, p. 109

Reviews, p. 119

v. 20, 1990, 4

Helen Watanabe-O’Kelly, Tournaments and their Relevance for Warfare in the Early Modern Period, p. 451
Paul Mansfield, The Management of Terror in Montagnard Lyon, Year II, p. 465
John Perkins, Nazi Autarchic Aspirations and the Beet-Sugar Industry, 1933-9, p. 497

Brendan Dooley, Revisiting the Forgotten Centuries: Recent Work on Early Modern Tuscany, p. 519

William J. Murray, In the Shadow of 1789, p. 551
Jerzy Tomaszewski, Recent Studies on Eastern European History, p. 557

Reviews, p. 565

v. 20, 1990, 3

D. F. Allen, Charles II, Louis XIV and the Order of Malta, p. 323
Peter H. Amann, French Sharecropping Revisited: The Case of the Lauragais, p. 341
Helen Boak, Women in Weimar Politics, p. 369

Mary Fulbrook, On Germany’s Double Transformation, p. 401

Reviews, p. 415

v. 20, 1990, 2

Special Issue: Modern Spain

Michael Seidman, The Unorwellian Barcelona, p. 163
Richard Veatch, The League of Nations and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-9, p. 181
Sheelagh M. Ellwood, Falange Española and the Creation of the Francoist ‘New State’, p. 209
Andrew Cowan, The Guerrilla War Against Franco, p. 227

Peter Monteath, German Historiography and the Spanish Civil War: A Critical Survey, p. 255

Paul Preston, Persecuted and Persecutors: Modern Spanish Catholicism, p. 285
Martin Blinkhorn, Franco, Francoism and Anti-Francoism, p. 293

Reviews, p. 301

v. 20, 1990, 1

David Potter, Marriage and Cruelty among the Protestant Nobility in Sixteenth-Century France: Diane de Barbançon and Jean de Rohan, 1561-7, p. 5
Jeanette Brock, Population Patterns and Movement in an Aragonese Village 1680-1830, p. 39
John Newsinger, ‘A Lamp to Guide Your Feet’: Jim Larkin, the Irish Worker and the Dublin Working Class, p. 63

David Parrott, The Constraints on Power: Recent Works on Early Modern, European History, p. 101
Richard J. Evans, Blue Funk and Yellow Peril: Cholera and Society in Nineteenth-Century France, p. 111

Reviews, p. 127

v. 19, 1989, 4

Els Witte, The formation of a Centre in Belgium: The Role of Brussels in the Formative Stage of the Belgian State (1830-40), p. 435
Sharif Gemie, Balzac and the Moral Crisis of the July Monarchy, p. 469
David Hannell, Lord Palmerston and the ‘Don Pacifico Affair’ of 1850: The Ionian Connection, p. 495
Colin Heywood, The Catholic Church and the Formation of the Industrial Labour Force in Nineteenth-Century France: An Interpretative Essay, p. 509

Reviews, p. 535

v. 19, 1989, 3

Patrick Williams, Lerma, 1618: Dismissal or Retirement?, p. 307
J. C. H. Blom, The Persecution of the Jews in the Netherlands: A Comparative Western European Perspective, p. 333
John Farquharson, The Consensus That Never Came: Hans Schlange-Schöningen and the CDU, 1945-9, p. 353

Dick Geary, Image and Reality in Hitler’s Germany, p. 385
Ian Kershaw, How Necessary is a ‘Historicization’ of the Third Reich? A Survey of Some Recent Publications on Nazism, p. 391

Reviews, p. 407

v. 19, 1989, 2

Special Issue

Introduction, p. 131

Thanos Veremis, From the National State to the Stateless Nation, 1821-1910, p. 135
Paschalis M. Kitromilides, ‘Imagined Communities’ and the Origins of the National Question in the Balkans, p. 149
John S. Koliopoulos, Brigandage and Irredentism in Nineteenth-Century Greece, p. 193
Evangelos Kofos, National Heritage and National Identity in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Macedonia, p. 229
Alexander Kitroeff, Continuity and Change in Contemporary Greek Historiography, p. 269

Reviews, p. 299

v. 19, 1989, 1

Jeremy Black, The Problems of the Small State: Bavaria and Britain in the Second Quarter of the Eighteenth Century, p. 5
Richard Bosworth, Bernardo Bertolucci, 1900 and the Myth of Fascism, p. 37
Dawn L. Raby, Controlled, Limited and Manipulated Opposition under a Dictatorial Regime: Portugal, 1945-9, p. 63
Meir Michaelis, Fascism, totalitarianism and the Holocaust: Reflections on Current Interpretations of National Socialist Anti-Semitism, p. 85

Paul Flenley, Rethinking the Russian Revolution, p. 105
Richard Bessel, Making Sense of the German Countryside: Some Recent Writing on Rural Life and Politics in Germany, p. 115