The Historical Journal DATINI

The Historical Journal
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Trimestrale, già semestrale
ISSN: 0018-246X
già: The Cambridge historical journal (1923-1957);
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini” – Coll: Riv. Digitale
Consistenza: n. 40, 1997, f. 1-
Lacune: –

Conservata in: Università di Firenze, Biblioteca Umanistica
Punto di Servizio: Deposito San Gallo – Scienza della formazione – Collocazione: 7 R00 00033/ 45
Consistenza: 14 (1971) –
[2030-2021 ] [2020-2011 ] [ 2010-1997 ] [1996-1993 ] [1992-1983 ] [1982-1973 ] [1972-1958 ]

copertina della rivista

n. 53, 2010, f. 4

Catrina Banks Whitley, Kyra Kramer, A New Explanation for the Reproductive Woes and Midlife Decline of Henry VIII, p. 827-848
Peter Marshall, John Calvin and the English Catholics, c. 1565-1640, p. 849-870
Anna Groundwater, From Whitehall to Jedburgh: Patronage Networks and the Government of the Scottish Borders, 1603 to 1625, p. 871-893
Ian Atherton, Cathedrals, Laudianism, and the British Churches, p. 895-918
John Cunningham, Oliver Cromwell and the ‘Cromwellian’ Settlement of Ireland, p. 919-937
Eduardo Posada-Carbó, Newspapers, Politics, and Elections in Colombia, 1830-1930, p. 939-962
Laurence Fenton, Charles Rowcroft, Irish-Americans, and the ‘Recruitment Affair’, 1855-1856, p. 963-982
G. C. Peden, Sir Horace Wilson, Appeasement, p. 983-1014
Erika Hanna, Dublin’s North Inner City, Preservationism, and Irish Modernity in the 1960S, p. 1015-1035

Communication, p. 1037
Historiographical Reviews, p. 1049

n. 53, 2010, f. 3

Nicholas Tyacke, The Puritan Paradigm of English Politics, 1558-1642, p. 527-550
Jonathan Healey, The Development of Poor Relief in Lancashire, c. 1598-1680, p. 551-572
Ian W. S. Campbell, Aristotelian Ancient Constitution and Anti-Aristotelian Sovereignty in Stuart Ireland, p. 573-591
Adam Fox, Printed Questionnaires, Research Networks, and the Discovery of the British Isles, 1650-1800, p. 593-621
Benjamin Heller, Leisure and the Use of Domestic Space in Georgian London, p. 623-645
Mark S. R. Jenner, Tasting Lichfield, Touching China: Sir John Floyer’s Senses, p. 647-670
Peter King, The Impact of Urbanization on Murder Rates and on the Geography of Homicide in England and Wales, 1780-1850, p. 671-698
Benjamin Dabby, Hannah Lawrance and the Claims OF Women’s History in Nineteenth-Century England, p. 699-722
Colin Reid, Stephen Gwynn and the Failure OF Constitutional Nationalism in ireland, 1919-1921, p. 723-745
Richard Bourke, Pocock and the Presuppositions of the New British History, p. 747-770

Communication, p. 771
Historiographical Review, p. 783
Review Articles, p. 795
Other Reviews, p.819

n. 53, 2010, f. 2

Alexander Schmidt, Irenic Patriotism in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century German Political Discourse, p. 243-269
K. J. Kesselring, Felony Forfeiture and the Profits Of Crime in Early Modern England, p. 271-288
Clive Holmes, The Trial and Execution of Charles I, p. 289-316
Alasdair Raffe, Presbyterianism, Secularization, and Scottish Politics After The Revolution Of 1688-1690, p. 317-337
Philip G. Dwyer, Napoleon and the Foundation of the Empire, p. 339-358
Richard Huzzey, Free Trade, Free Labour, and Slave Sugar in Victorian Britain, p. 359-379
Alex Middleton, Rajah Brooke and the Victorians, p. 381-400
Jonathan Bell, Social Politics in a Transoceanic World in the Early Cold War Years, p. 401-421

Historiographical Reviews, p. 423
Review Articles, p. 517
Other Reviews, p. 523-524

n. 53, 2010, f. 1

Robert Von Friedeburg, The Juridification of Natural Law: Christoph Besold’s Claim for a Natural Right To Believe What One Wants, p. 1-19
Elaine Murphy, Atrocities at Sea and the Treatment of Prisoners of War by the Parliamentary Navy In Ireland, 1641-1649, p. 21-37
Elliot Vernon, Philip Baker, What Was the First ” Agreement of the People “?, p. 39-59
Mark Goldie, Alexander Geddes at the Limits of the Catholic Enlightenment, p. 61-86
Alex Tyrrell, The Earl of Eglinton, Scottish Conservatism, and the National Association for the Vindication of Scottish Rights, p. 87-107
Edgar Jones, Stephen Ironside, Battle Exhaustion: the Dilemma of Psychiatric Casualties in Normandy, June-August 1944, p. 109-128
Ben Jackson, At the Origins of Neo-Liberalism: the Free Economy and the Srong State, 1930-1947, p. 129-151

Communications, p. 153
Historiographical Review, p. 177
Review Articles, p. 197
American Classics, P. 217
Other Reviews, p. 237

n. 52, 2009, f. 4

Alexandra Gajda, Debating War and Peace in Late Elizabethan England, p. 851-878
Aaron Graham, Finance, Localism, and Military Representation in the Army of the Earl of Essex (June-December 1642), p. 879-898
Chia-Chuan Hsieh, Publishing the Raphael Cartoons and the Rise of Art-Historical Consciousness in England, 1707-1764, p. 899-920
Erica Charters, The Caring Fiscal-Military State During the Seven Years War, 1756-1763, p. 921-941
Richard Dyson, Welfare Provision in Oxford During the Latter Stages of the Old Poor Law, 1800-1834, p. 943-962
Barry Crosbie, Ireland, Colonial Science, and the Geographical Construction of British Rule in India, c. 1820-1870, p. 963-987
Martin Thomas, French Empire Elites and the Politics of Economic Obligation in the Interwar Years, p. 989-1016
Claudia Baldoli, Marco Fincardi, Italian Society Under Anglo-American Bombs: Propaganda, Experience, and Legend, 1940-1945, p. 1017-1038

Historiographical Reviews, p. 1039
Review Articles, p. 1075
Other Reviews, p. 1121

n. 52, 2009, f. 3

Bernard Capp, Bigamous Marriage in Early Modern England, p. 537-556
Alice Hunt, The Monarchical Republic of Mary I, p. 557-572
Laura A. M. Stewart, English Funding of the Scottish Armies in England and Ireland, 1640-1648, p. 573-593
K. R. P. Clark, Defoe, Dissent, and Early Whig Ideology, p. 595-614
Andrew R. Holmes, Presbyterian Religion, Historiography, and Ulster Scots Identity, c. 1800 to 1914, p. 615-640
Bonnie J. White, Volunteerism and Early Recruitment Efforts in Devonshire, August 1914-December 1915, p. 641-666
Laura Beers, Labour’s Britain, Fight for It Now!, p. 667-695
Andrew J. Gawthorpe, The Ford Administration and Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific after the Fall of Saigon, p. 697-716

Historiographical Reviews, p. 717
Review Articles, p. 781
Other Reviews, p. 831

n. 52, 2009, f. 2

P. M. Kitson, Religious Change and the Timing of Baptism in England, 1538-1750, p. 269-294
Helen Jacobsen, Luxury Consumption, Cultural Politics, and the Career of the Earl of Arlington, 1660-1685, p. 295-317
J. E. Cookson, Early Nineteenth-Century Scottish Military Pensioners as Homecoming Soldiers, p. 319-341
Norihito Yamada, George Canning and the Spanish Question, September 1822 to March 1823, p. 343-362
Roland Quinault, Gladstone and Slavery, p. 363-383
Christopher N. B. Ross, Lord Curzon and E. G. Browne Confront the ‘Persian Question’, p. 385-411
Andrew Barros, Strategic Bombing and Restraint in ‘Total War’, 1915-1918, p. 413-431
James G. Mansell, Musical Modernity and Contested Commemoration at the Festival of Remembrance, 1923-1927, p. 433-454

Historiographical Reviews, p. 455
Review Articles, p. 493
Other Reviews, p. 531

n. 52, 2009, f. 1

Alec Ryrie, Paths Not Taken in the British Reformations, p. 1-22
Luc Racaut, Nicolas Chesneau, Catholic Printer in Paris during the French Wars of Religion, p. 23-41
Stefania Tutino, The Political Thought of Robert Persons’s Conference in Continental Context, p. 43-62
Sarah Waureghen, Covenanter Propaganda and Conceptualizations of the Public during the Bishops Wars, 1638-1640, p. 63-86
Simon Morgan, The Anti-Corn Law League and British Anti-Slavery in Transatlantic Perspective, 1838-1846, p. 87-107
Nicola Verdon, Agricultural Labour and the Contested Nature of Women’s Work in Interwar England and Wales, p. 109-130
Penny Sinanoglou, British Plans for the Partition of Palestine, 1929-1938, p. 131-152
Thomas Hoerber, Psychology and Reasoning in the Anglo-German Naval Agreement, 1935-1939, p. 153-174

Historiographical Reviews, p. 175
Review Articles, p. 235
Other Reviews, p. 265

n. 51, 2008, f. 4

Mark Goldie, Fifty Years of the “Historical Journal”, p. 821-855
Alan Cromartie, The God of Thomas Hobbes, p. 857-879
Diana Carrió-Invernizzi, Gift and Diplomacy in Seventeenth-Century Spanish Italy, p. 881-899
Ingrid H. Tague, Eighteenth-Century English Debates on a Dog Tax, p. 901-920
Matthew Rendle, The Officer Corps, Professionalism, and Democracy in the Russian Revolution, p. 921-942
Rebecca Haynes, Work Camps, Commerce, and the Education of the ‘New Man’ in the Romanian Legionary Movement, p. 943-967
Kenneth Mouré, Fabrice Grenard, Traitors, “Trafiquants”, and the Confiscation of ‘Illicit Profits’ in France, 1944-1950, p. 969-990
Lawrence Black, The Lost World of Young Conservatism, p. 991-1024
Pedro Ramos Pinto, Urban Social Movements and the Transition to Democracy in Portugal, 1974-1976, p. 1025-1046
R. Kim Cragin, Early History of Al-Qa’ida, p. 1047-1067

Historiographical Reviews, p. 1069
Review Articles, p. 1103
Other Reviews, p. 1125

n. 51, 2008, f. 3

Tony Claydon, Latitudinarianism and Apocalyptic History in the Worldview of Gilbert Burnet, 1643-1715, p. 577-597
J. A. O. C. Brown, Anglo-Moroccan Relations and the Embassy of A?mad Qardanash, 1706-1708, p. 599-620
S. J. Thompson, Parliamentary Enclosure, Property, Population, and the Decline of Classical Republicanism in Eighteenth-Century Britain, p. 621-642
John Morrow, Thomas Carlyle, ‘Young Ireland’ and the ‘Condition of Ireland Question’, p. 643-667
O. J. Wright, British Representatives and the Surveillance of Italian Affairs, 1860-70, p. 669-687
Simon Dixon, Archimandrite Mikhail (Semenov) and Russian Christian Socialism, p. 689-718
Dave Russell, Province, Metropolis, and the Literary Career of Phyllis Bentley in the 1930s, p. 719-740

Historiographical Review, p. 741
Review Articles, p. 753
Other Reviews, p. 811

n. 51, 2008, f. 2

Peter McCullough, Print, Publication, and Religious Politics in Caroline England, p. 285-313
J. R. Milton, Benjamin Martyn, the Shaftesbury Family, and the Reputation of the First Earl of Shaftesbury, p. 315-335
Peter H. Wilson, Prussia’s Relations with the Holy Roman Empire, 1740-1786, p. 337-371
David Todd, John Bowring and the Global Dissemination of Free Trade, p. 373-397
Matthew Johnson, The Liberal War Committee and the Liberal Advocacy of Conscription in Britain, 1914-1916, p. 399-420
Sarah Howard, The Advertising Industry and Alcohol in Interwar France, p. 421-455
Alex Goodall, The Battle of Detroit and Anti-Communism in the Depression Era, p. 457-480

Communication, p. 481
Historiographical Reviews, p. 497
Review Article, p. 547
Other Reviews, p. 559

n. 51, 2008, f. 1

Isaac Stephens, The Courtship and Singlehood of Elizabeth Isham, 1630-1634, p. 1-25
William Gibson, The Limits of the Confessional State: Electoral Religion in the Reign of Charles II, p. 27-47
William D. Godsey, Nation, Government, and ‘Anti-Semitism’ in Early Nineteenth-Century Austria, p. 49-85
Colin Barr, Lord Acton’s Irish Elections, p. 87-114
V. C. Barbary, Reinterpreting ‘Factory Politics’ in Bury, Lancashire, 1868-1880, p. 115-144
Catherine Mills, The Emergence of Statutory Hygiene Precautions in the British Mining Industries, 1890-1914, p. 145-168
William Whyte, The Modernist Moment at the University of Leeds, 1957-1977, p. 169-193

Communications, p. 195
Historiographical Review, p. 215
Review Articles, p. 251
Other Reviews, p. 277

n. 50, 2007, f. 4

Mary Partridge, Thomas Hoby’s English Translation of Castiglione’s “Book of the Courtier”, p. 769-786
Mark Nicholls, Strategy and Motivation in the Gunpowder Plot, p. 787-807
Eric Nelson, ‘Talmudical Commonwealthsmen’ and the Rise of Republican Exclusivism, p. 809-835
Rosemary Sweet, British Perceptions of Florence in the Long Eighteenth Century, p. 837-859
C. J. Bearman, An Army without Discipline? Suffragette Militancy and the Budget Crisis of 1909, p. 861-889
Helen McCarthy, Parties, Voluntary Associations, and Democratic Politics in Interwar Britain, p. 891-912

Historiographical Reviews, p. 913
Review Articles, p. 971
Other Reviews, p. 1007

n. 50, 2007, f. 3

Julie E. Cooper, Thomas Hobbes on the Political Theorist’s Vocation, p. 519-547
Elspeth Jajdelska, Pepys in the History of Reading, p. 549-569
Robert Saunders, The Politics of Reform and the Making of the Second Reform Act, 1848-1867, p. 571-591
Edmund Rogers, The United States and the Fiscal Debate in Britain, 1873-1913, p. 593-622
Fergus Campbell, Who Ruled Ireland? The Irish Administration, 1879-1914, p. 623-644
James Renton, Changing Languages of Empire and the Orient: Britain and the Invention of the Middle East, 1917-1918, p. 645-667
Peter Brooke, India, Post-Imperialism and the Origins of Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ Speech, p. 669-687

Historiographical Reviews, p. 689
Review Article, p. 747
Other Reviews, p. 761

n. 50, 2007, f. 2

Anna Whitelock, Diarmaid MacCulloch, Pincess Mary’s Household and the Succession Crisis, July 1553, p. 265-287
Malcolm Gaskill, Witchcraft, Politics, and Memory in Seventeenth-Century EngLand, p. 289-308
Susanne Lachenicht, Huguenot Immigrants and the Formation of National Identities, 1548-1787, p. 309-331
Gavin Daly, Napoleon and the ‘City of Smugglers’, 1810-1814, p. 333-352
Kim A. Wagner, Thuggee and Social Banditry Reconsidered, p. 353-376
Anne Cameron, The Establishment of Civil Registration in Scotland, p. 377-395
Elizabeth Greenhalgh, David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, and the 1918 Manpower Crisis, p. 397-421
Richard Whiting, The Reform of Working Life in Britian, 1963-1971, p. 423-448

Historiographical Reviews, p. 449
Review Articles, p. 483

n. 50, 2007, f. 1

Isabel Rivers, The First Evangelical Tract Society, p. 1-22
Richard Whatmore, Etienni Dumont, the British Constitution, and the French Revolution, p. 23-47
Holger Hoock, The British State and the Anglo-French Wars over Antiquities, 1798-1858, p. 49-72
Geoffrey Cubitt, The Political Uses of Seventeenth-Century English History in Bourbon Restoration France, p. 73-95
Kathryn Gleadle, Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna and the Mobilization of Tory Women in Early Victorian England, p. 97-117
Charles Van Onselen, Jewish Police Informers in the Atlantic World, 1880-1914, p. 119-144
Matt Houlbrook, ‘The Man with the Powder Puff’ in Interwar London, p. 145-171
Claire Langhamer, Love and Courtship in Mid-Twentieth-Century England, p. 173-196

Historiographical Reviews, p. 197
Review Articles, p. 241

n. 49, 2006, f. 4

Mathew McCormack, Citizenship, Nationhood, and Masculinity in the Affair of the Hanoverian Soldier, 1756, p. 971-993
James Lander, A Tale of Two Hoaxes in Britain and France in 1775, p. 995-1024
Ian Copland, Christianity as an Arm of Empire: The Ambiguous Case of India under the Company, C. 1813-1858, p. 1025-1054
Rosalind Crone, Mr and Mrs Punch in Nineteenth-Century England, p. 1055-1082
David Gange, Religion and Science in Late Nineteenth-Century British Egyptology, p. 1083-1103
Arieh Bruce Saposnik, Europe and Its Orients in Zionist Culture before the First World War, p. 1105-1123
Melanie Tebbutt, Rambling and Manly Identity in Derbyshire’s Dark Peak, 1880s-1920s, p. 1125-1153
R. M. Douglas, The Pro-Axis Underground in Ireland, 1939-1942, p. 1155-1183
Virginia Berridge, The Policy Response to the Smoking and Lung Cancer Connection in the 1950s and 1960s, p. 1185-1209

Historiographical Review, p. 1211
Review Articles, p. 1229
Other Review, p. 1273

n. 49, 2006, f. 3

Glyn Parry, John Dee and the Elizabethan British Empire in Its European Context, p. 643-675
Jane Ohlmeyer, Steven Zwicker, John Dryden, the House of Ormond, and the Politics of Anglo-Irish Patronage, p. 677-706
Junko Thérèse Takeda, French Absolutism, Marseillais Civic Humanism, and the Languages of Public Good, p. 707-734
Duncan Bell, From Ancient to Modern in Victorian Imperial Thought, p. 735-759
David Kennedy, Michael Collins, Community Politics in Liverpool and the Governance of Professional Football in the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 761-788
Anne Dolan, Killing and Bloody Sunday, November 1920, p. 789-810
Antony Best, The ‘Ghost’ of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance: An Examination into Historical Myth-Making, p. 811-831
Anne Logan, Professionalism and the Impact of England’s First Women Justices, 1920-1950, p. 833-850
Simon Prince, The Global Revolt of 1968 and Northern Ireland, p. 851-875

George Garnett, Law in the “Vindiciae, contra tyrannos”: A Vindication, p. 877-891
Kate Loveman, Samuel Pepys and Deb Willet after the Diary, p. 893-901

Historiographical Reviews, p. 903
Review Articles, p. 935
Other Reviews, p. 967

n. 49, 2006, f. 2

Dougal Shaw, Thomas Wentworth and Monarchical Ritual in Early Modern Ireland, p. 331-355
Thomas Cogswell, John Felton, Popular Political Culture, and the Assassination of the Duke of Buckingham, p. 357-385
Christopher Brooke, How the Stoics Became Atheists, p. 387-402
Neal Garnham, Riot Acts, Popular Protest, and Protestant Mentalities in Eighteenth-Century Ireland, p. 403-423
Michael Brown, Rethinking Early Nineteenth-Century Asylum Reform, p. 425-452
Valeska Huber, The Unification of the Globe by Disease? The International Sanitary Conferences on Cholera, 1851-1894, p. 453-476
Joe Moran, Crossing the Road in Britain, 1931-1976, p. 477-496
Jonathan Bell, Social Democracy and the Rise of the Democratic Party in California, 1950-1964, p. 497-524
Peter J. Beck, The Lessons of Abadan and Suez for British Foreign Policymakers in the 1960s, p. 525-547
Communication John Callaghan, Kevin Morgan, The Open Conspiracy of the Communist Party and the Case of W. N. Ewer, Communist and Anti-Communist, p. 549-564

Historiographical Reviews, p. 565
Review Articles, p. 593
Other Reviews, p. 635

n. 49, 2006, f. 1

Hillay Zmora, The Princely State and the Noble Family: Conflict and Co-operation in the Margraviates Ansbach-Kulmbach in the Early Sixteenth Century, p. 1-21
Anne McLaren, Rethinking Republicanism: “Vindiciae, contra tyrannos” in Context, p. 23-52
Michael Questier, Arminianism, Catholicism, and Puritanism in England during the 1630s, p. 53-78
Julian Hoppit, The Contexts and Contours of British Economic Literature, 1660-1760, p. 79-110
J. A. I. Champion, Enlightened Erudition and the Politics of Reading in John Toland’s Circle, p. 111-141
Florian Schui, Prussia’s ‘Trans-Oceanic Moment’: The Creation of the Prussian Asiatic Trade Company in 1750, p. 143-160
Philip Connell, British Identities and the Politics of Ancient Poetry in Later Eighteenth-Century England, p. 161-192
Peter Gray, Famine and Land in Ireland and India, 1845-1880: James Caird and the Political Economy of Hunger, p. 193-215
Matthew Roberts, ‘Villa Toryism’ and Popular Conservatism in Leeds, 1885-1902, p. 217-246
Jim English, Empire Day in Britain, 1904-1958, p. 247-276

Communication, p. 277
Historiographical Reviews, p. 281
Review Article, p. 317

n. 48, 2005, f. 4

Charles W. A. Prior, Ecclesiology and Political Thought in England, 1580-c. 1630, p. 855-884
Alan R. MacDonald, James VI and I, the Church of Scotland, and British Ecclesiastical Convergence, p. 885-903
Micheál Ó Siochrú, The Duke of Lorraine and the International Struggle for Ireland, 1649-1653, p. 905-932
Thomas Leng, Commercial Conflict and Regulation in the Discourse of Trade in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 933-954
Tim Lockley, Rural Poor Relief in Colonial South Carolina, p. 955-976
Dora M. Dumont, Rural Society and Crowd Action in Bologna, c. 1796-c. 1831, p. 977-997
Gordon Pentland, Scotland and the Creation of a National Reform Movement, 1830-1832, p. 999-1023
Murray Frame, Commercial Theatre and Professionalization in Late Imperial Russia, p. 1025-1053
Adrian Bingham, The British Popular Press and Venereal Disease during the Second World War, p. 1055-1076
Neville Wylie, British Smuggling Operations from Switzerland, 1940-1944, p. 1077-1102
Stephen Heathorn, The Mnemonic Turn in the Cultural Historiography of Britain’s Great War, p. 1103-1124

Review Articles, p. 1125
Other Review, p. 1155

n. 48, 2005, f. 3

Jacqueline Rose, John Locke, ‘Matters Indifferent’, and the Restoration of the Church of England, p. 601-621
Adrian Jones, A Russian Bourgeois’s Arctic Enlightenment, p. 623-640
Rachel Hammersley, Jean-Paul Marat’s “The Chains of Slavery” in Britain and France, 1774-1833, p. 641-660
Annelien de Dijn, Aristocratic Liberalism in Post-Revolutionary France, p. 661-681
Phil Handler, Forgery and the End of the ‘Bloody Code’ in Early Nineteenth-Century England, p. 683-702
G. Alex Bremner, Nation and Empire in the Government Architecture of Mid-Victorian London: The Foreign and India Office Reconsidered, p. 703-742
Martin Simpson, The ‘Milch-Cow State’ Revisited: Republican Politics in the Aveyron, p. 743-768
Christopher Hilliard, Modernism and the Common Writer, p. 769-787
Selina Todd, Young Women, Work, and Leisure in Interwar England, p. 789-809

Historiographical Review, p. 811
Other Reviews, p. 883

n. 48, 2005, f. 2

Charles-Edouard Levillain, William III’s Military and Political Career in Neo-Roman Context, 1672-1702, p. 321-350
Warren Johnston, Revelation and the Revolution of 1688-1689, p. 351-389
Markku Peltonen, Politeness and Whiggism, 1688-1732, p. 391-414
Derek Beales, Edmund Burke and the Monasteries of France, p. 415-436
Brett Bowles, Marcel Pagnol’s “The Baker’s Wife”, a Cinematic Charivari in Popular Front France, p. 437-469
Martin Thomas, Economic Conditions and the Limits to Mobilization in the French Empire, 1936-1939, p. 471-498
James Mark, Discrimination, Opportunity, and Middle-Class Success in Early Communist Hungary, p. 499-521

Historiographical Review, p. 523
Review Articles, p. 545
Other Reviews, p. 589

n. 48, 2005, f. 1

Andries Raath, Shaun de Freitas, Rebellion, Resistance, and a Swiss Brutus?, p. 1-26
Sujit Sivasundaram, Trading Knowledge: The East India Company’s Elephants in India and Britain, p. 27-63
Iain Hampsher-Monk, Edmund Burke’s Changing Justification for Intervention, p. 65-100
Matthew Kelly, The Politics of Protestant Street Preaching in 1890s Ireland, p. 101-125
Vera Tolz, Orientalism, Nationalism, and Ethnic Diversity in Late Imperial Russia, p. 127-150
Julia Stapleton, Citizenship versus Patriotism in Twentieth-Century England, p. 151-178
Paul Corthorn, Labour, the Left, and the Stalinist Purges of the Late 1930s, p. 179-207
Kent Fedorowich, German Espionage and British Counter-Intelligence in South Africa and Mozambique, 1939-1944, p. 209-230
Robert Freedman, The Religious Right and the Carter Administration, p. 231-260

Historiographical Reviews, p. 261
Review Articles, p. 295
Other Reviews, p. 313

n. 47, 2004, f. 4

Andrew Pettegree, Matthew Hall, The Reformation and the Book: A Reconsideration, p. 785-808
Helen Pierce, Anti-Episcopacy and Graphic Satire in England, 1640-1645, p. 809-848
Rachel Foxley, John Lilburne and the Citizenship of ‘Free-Born Englishmen’, p. 849-874
Andrew Cambers, Michelle Wolfe, Reading, Family Religion, and Evangelical Identity in Late Stuart England, p. 875-896
Peter Lamont, Spiritualism and a Mid-Victorian Crisis of Evidence, p. 897-920
Colin Heywood, Learning Democracy in France: Popular Politics in Troyes, c. 1830-1900, p. 921-939
Leonard Schwarz, Professions, Elites, and Universities in England, 1870-1970, p. 941-962
Michael Ottolenghi, Harry Truman’s Recognition of Israel, p. 963-988
Hugh Pemberton, Relative Decline and British Economic Policy in the 1960s, p. 989-1013
Iwan Morgan, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and the New Democratic Economics, p. 1015-1039

Historiographical Review, p. 1041
Review Article, p. 1055
Other Reviewsp. 1069

n. 47, 2004, f. 3

William Underwood, Thomas Cromwell and William Marshall’s Protestant Books, p. 517-539
Ethan H. Shagan, The English Inquisition: Constitutional Conflict and Ecclesiastical Law in the 1590s, p. 541-565
Linda A. Pollock, Anger and the Negotiation of Relationships in Early Modern England, p. 567-590
Jonathan Scott, What Were Commonwealth Principles?, p. 591-613
James Livesey, The Dublin Society in Eighteenth-Century Irish Political Thought, p. 615-640
Michael Ledger-Lomas, The Character of Pitt the Younger and Party Politics, 1830-1860, p. 641-661
Mark Berry, Richard Wagner and the Politics of Music-Drama, p. 663-683
Jim Tomlinson, The Labour Party and the Capitalist Firm, c. 1950-1970, p. 685-708

Historiographical Reviews, p. 709
Review Article, p. 775

n. 47, 2004, f. 2

Christopher Maginn, The Baltinglass Rebellion, 1580: English Dissent or a Gaelic Uprising?, p. 205-232
Christopher Haigh, Alison Wall, Clergy JPs in England and Wales, 1590-1640, p. 233-259
John Walter, Popular Iconoclasm and the Politics of the Parish in Eastern England, 1640-1642, p. 261-290
Emma L. Winter, German Fresco Painting and the New Houses of Parliament at Westminster, 1834-1851, p. 291-329
Ruth Harris, The ‘Unconscious’ and Catholicism in France, p. 331-354
James McConnel, The Franchise Factor in the Defeat of the Irish Parliamentary Party, 1885-1918, p. 355-377
Mark Mazower, The Strange Triumph of Human Rights, 1933-1950, p. 379-398

Communication, p. 399
Historiographical Reviews, p. 413
Review Articles, p. 477
Other Reviews, p. 511

n. 47, 2004, f. 1

Silvia Evangelisti, Monastic Poverty and Material Culture in Early Modern Italian Convents, p. 1-20
Brian Cowan, The Rise of the Coffeehouse Reconsidered, p. 21-46
S.-J. Savonius, Locke in French: The Du Gouvernement Civil of 1691 and Its Readers, p. 47-79
Simon J. Potter, The Imperial Significance of the Canadian-American Reciprocity Proposals of 1911, p. 81-100
Lucy Delap, The Superwoman: Theories of Gender and Genius in Edwardian Britain, p. 101-126
Philip Williamson, Baldwin’s Reputation: Politics and History, 1937-1967, p. 127-168

Review Articles, p. 169
Other Reviews, p. 195

n. 46, 2003, f. 4

Alexandra Walsham, Miracles and the Counter-Reformation Mission to England, p. 779-815
Gabriel Glickman, The Career of Sir John Hynde Cotton (1686-1752), p. 817-841
Simon Burrows, The Innocence of Jacques-Pierre Brissot, p. 843-871
Colin Kidd, Race, Empire, and the Limits of Nineteenth-Century Scottish Nationhood, p. 873-892
Francisco J. Romero Salvadó, The Great War and the Crisis of Liberalism in Spain, 1916-1917, p. 893-914
Victor Madeira, Moscow’s Interwar Infiltration of British Intelligence, 1919-1929, p. 915-933
Christopher J. Murphy, The Origins of SOE in France, p. 935-952

Historiographical Reviews, p. 953
Review Articles, p. 977
Other Reviews, p. 1005

n. 46, 2003, f. 3

Emily Cockayne, Experiences of the Deaf in Early Modern England, p. 493-510
Andrew Mackillop, The Political Culture of the Scottish Highlands from Culloden to Waterloo, p. 511-532
Kate Retford, Sensibility and Genealogy in the Eighteenth-Century Family Portrait: The Collection at Kedleston Hall, p. 533-560
T. K. Dennison, A. W. Carus, The Invention of the Russian Rural Commune: Haxthausen and the Evidence, p. 561-582
Lenard R. Berlanstein, Cultural Change and the Acting Conservatory in Late Nineteenth-Century France, p. 583-597
Michael Saler, ‘Clap If You Believe in Sherlock Holmes’: Mass Culture and the Re-Enchantment of Modernity, c. 1890-c. 1940, p. 599-622
Louise A. Jackson, Care or Control? The Metropolitan Women Police and Child Welfare, 1919-1969, p. 623-648
Matthew Stibbe, The Fischer Controversy over German War Aims in the First World War and Its Reception by East German Historians, 1961-1989, p. 649-668
Simon Hall, The Response of the Moderate Wing of the Civil Rights Movement to the War in Vietnam, p. 669-701

Historiographical Reviews, p. 703
Review Articles, p. 749
Other Reviews, p. 775

n. 46, 2003, f. 2

Liudmila Charipova, Peter Mohyla’s Translation of “The Imitation of Christ”, p. 237-261
David R. Como, Predestination and Political Conflict in Laud’s London, p. 263-294
Joseph Cope, The Experience of Survival during the 1641 Irish Rebellion, p. 295-316
Glenn J. Ames, The Role of Religion in the Transfer and Rise of Bombay, c. 1661-1687, p. 317-340
Jonathan Conlin, Gladstone and Christian Art, 1832-1854, p. 341-374
James J. Smyth, Resisting Labour: Unionists, Liberals, and Moderates in Glasgow between the Wars, p. 375-401
Nicholas Owen, The Conservative Party and Indian Independence, 1945-1947, p. 403-436

Historiographical Review, p. 437
Review Articles, p. 449

n. 46, 2003, f. 1

Michael McCahill, Ellis Archer Wasson, The New Peerage: Recruitment to the House of Lords, 1704-1847, p. 1-38
David Brown, Hinton Rowan Helper: The Logical Outcome of the Non-Slaveholders’ Philosophy?, p. 39-58
Ben Griffin, Class, Gender, and Liberalism in Parliament, 1868-1882: The Case of the Married Women’s Property Acts, p. 59-87
Justin Willis, Violence, Authority, and the State in the Nuba Mountains of Condominium Sudan, p. 89-114
Emmet O. Connor, Communists, Russia, and the IRA, 1920-1923, p. 115-131
Jeremy Nuttall, The Labour Party and the Improvement of Minds: The Case of Tony Crosland, p. 133-153

Communication, p. 155
Historiographical Reviews, p. 167
Review Articles, p. 203
Other Reviews, p. 231

n. 45, 2002, f. 4

Brennan C. Pursell, The End of the Spanish Match, p. 699-726
Sean Kelsey, The Death of Charles I, p. 727-754
Fergus Campbell, Irish Popular Politics and the Making of the Wyndham Land Act, 1901-1903, p. 755-773
Martin Pugh, Working-Class Experience and State Social Welfare, 1908-1914: Old Age Pensions Reconsidered, p. 775-796
Tony Collins, English Rugby Union and the First World War, p. 797-817
William Mulligan, Civil-Military Relations in the Early Weimar Republic, p. 819-841
Alan G. V. Simmonds, Raising Rachman: The Origins of the Rent Act, 1957, p. 843-868

Historiographical Reviews, p. 869
Review Articles, p. 937
Other Reviews, p. 967

n. 45, 2002, f. 3

Pärtel Piirimäe, Just War in Theory and Practice: The Legitimation of Swedish Intervention in the Thirty Years War, p. 499-523
Robert B. Shoemaker, The Taming of the Duel: Masculinity, Honour and Ritual Violence in London, 1660-1800, p. 525-545
Michael Durey, Lord Grenville and the ‘Smoking Gun’: The Plot to Assassinate the French Directory in 1798-1799 Reconsidered, p. 547-568
Eliza Riedi, Women, Gender, and the Promotion of Empire: The Victoria League, 1901-1914, p. 569-599
Ragnheidur Kristjánsdóttir, Communists and the National Question in Scotland and Iceland, c. 1930 to c. 1940, p. 601-618

Historiographical Reviews, p. 619
Review Articles, p. 653
Other Reviews, p. 689

n. 45, 2002, f. 2

David Cressy, The Protestation Protested, 1641 and 1642, p. 251-279
Andrew Hopper, The Farnley Wood Plot and the Memory of the Civil Wars in Yorkshire, p. 281-303
Jeffrey R. Collins, Thomas Hobbes and the Blackloist Conspiracy of 1649, p. 305-331
Andrew C. Thompson, Popery, Politics, and Private Judgement in Early Hanoverian Britain, p. 333-356
Antony Taylor, Shakespeare and Radicalism: The Uses and Abuses of Shakespeare in Nineteenth-Century Popular Politics, p. 357-379
Jan Palmowski, Liberalism and Local Government in Late Nineteenth-Century Germany and England, p. 381-409
Nikolaus Wachsmann, Between Reform and Repression: Imprisonment in Weimar Germany, p. 411-432
Stefan Berger, Darren G. Lilleker, The British Labour Party and the German Democratic Republic during the Era of Non-Recognition, 1949-1973, p. 433-458
Corey Ross, Before the Wall: East Germans, Communist Authority, and the Mass Exodus to the West, p. 459-480

Review Article, p. 481
Other Reviews, p. 495

n. 45, 2002, f. 1

Greg Walker, Rethinking the Fall of Anne Boleyn, p. 1-29
Annabel Brett, Natural Right and Civil Community: The Civil Philosophy of Hugo Grotius, p. 31-51
Robert K. Hanks, Georges Clemenceau and the English, p. 53-77
Andrew Kaye, Roscoe Conkling Simmons and the Significance of African American Oratory, p. 79-102
Matthew Hilton, The Female Consumer and the Politics of Consumption in Twentieth-Century Britain, p. 103-128
Chloe Campbell, Juvenile Delinquency in Colonial Kenya, 1900-1939, p. 129-151
James C. Van Hook, From Socialization to Co-Determination: The US, Britain, Germany, and Public Ownership in the Ruhr, 1945-1951, p. 153-178

Historiographical Reviews, p. 179
Review Articles, p. 229
Other Reviews, p. 245

n. 44, 2001, f. 4

Mary Laven, Sex and Celibacy in Early Modern Venice, p. 865-888
Eric Nelson, Greek Nonsense in More’s “Utopia”, p. 889-917
Kenneth Fincham, The Restoration of Altars in the 1630s, p. 919-940
Patrick Little, The Irish ‘Independents’ and Viscount Lisle’s Lieutenancy of Ireland, p. 941-961
Christina de Bellaigue, The Development of Teaching as a Profession for Women before 1870, p. 963-988
James Robert Moore, Progressive Pioneers: Manchester Liberalism, the Independent Labour Party, and Local Politics in the 1890s, p. 989-1013
Jonathan E. Gumz, Wehrmacht Perceptions of Mass Violence in Croatia, 1941-1942, p. 1015-1038

Historiographical Reviews, p. 1039
Review Article, p. 1083
Other Reviews, p. 1099

n. 44, 2001, f. 3

Ian W. Archer, The Burden of Taxation on Sixteenth-Century London, p. 599-627
Natalie Mears, Counsel, Public Debate, and Queenship: John Stubbs’s “The Discoverie of a Gaping Gulf”, 1579, p. 629-650
Michael Zell, Walter Morrell and the New Draperies Project, c. 1603-1631, p. 651-675
John Walter, Confessional Politics in Pre-Civil War Essex: Prayer Books, Profanations, and Petitions, p. 677-701
Annabel Patterson, Martin Dzelzainis, Marvell and the Earl of Anglesey: A Chapter in the History of Reading, p. 703-726
Hannah Smith, English ‘Feminist’ Writings and Judith Drake’s “An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex” (1696), p. 727-747
James Taylor, Private Property, Public Interest, and the Role of the State in Nineteenth-Century Britain: The Case of the Lighthouses, p. 749-771
Michael Gehler, Wolfram Kaiser, Transnationalism and Early European Integration: The Nouvelles Equipes Internationales and the Geneva Circle 1947-1957, p. 773-798

Communication, p. 799
Historiographical Reviews, p. 811
Review Articles, p. 845
Other Review, p. 863

n. 44, 2001, f. 2

Peter N. Miller, Stoics Who Sing: Lessons in Citizenship from Early Modern Lucca, p. 313-339
Geoff Baldwin, Individual and Self in the Late Renaissance, p. 341-364
Barbara Donagan, The Web of Honour: Soldiers, Christians, and Gentlemen in the English Civil War, p. 365-389
David Allan, The Age of Pericles in the Modern Athens: Greek History, Scottish Politics, and the Fading of Enlightenment, p. 391-417
Timothy Jenks, Language and Politics at the Westminster Election of 1796, p. 419-439
Tyler Anbinder, Lord Palmerston and the Irish Famine Emigration, p. 441-469
V. Markham Lester, The Employers’ Liability/Workmen’s Compensation Debate of the 1890s Revisited, p. 471-495
David French, Doctrine and Organization in the British Army, 1919-1932, p. 497-515
Neil Rollings, Whitehall and the Control of Prices and Profits in a Major War, 1919-1939, p. 517-540

Historiographical Review, p. 541
Review Articles, p. 559
Other Reviews, p. 593

n. 44, 2001, f. 1

Markku Peltonen, Francis Bacon, the Earl of Northampton, and the Jacobean Anti-Duelling Campaign, p. 1-28
Timothy Raylor, Hobbes, Payne, and “A Short Tract on First Principles”, p. 29-58
Edward Vallance, Oaths, Casuistry, and Equivocation: Anglican Responses to the Engagement Controversy, p. 59-77
Christian Windler, Diplomatic History as a Field for Cultural Analysis: Muslim-Christian Relations in Tunis, 1700-1840, p. 79-106
Philip Harling, The Law of Libel and the Limits of Repression, 1790-1832, p. 107-134
Michael Broers, Napoleon, Charlemagne, and Lotharingia: Acculturation and the Boundaries of Napoleonic Europe, p. 135-154
Abigail Green, Intervening in the Public Sphere: German Governments and the Press, 1815-1870, p. 155-175
Mark Hampton, The Press, Patriotism, and Public Discussion: C. P. Scott, the “Manchester Guardian”, and the Boer War, 1899-1902, p. 177-197
Iago Gil Aguado, The Creditanstalt Crisis of 1931 and the Failure of the Austro-German Customs Union Project, p. 199-221

Communication, p. 223
Historiographical Reviews, p. 239
Review Articles, p. 291
Other Reviews, p. 307

n. 43, 2000, f. 4

Howell A. Lloyd, The Political Thought of Adam Blackwood, p. 915-935
Christine Churches, Business at Law: Retrieving Commercial Disputes from Eighteenth-Century Chancery, p. 937-954
Malcolm Crook, Citizen Bishops: Episcopal Elections in the French Revolution, p. 955-976
Graham Johnson, ‘Making Reform the Instrument of Revolution’: British Social Democracy, 1881-1911, p. 977-1002
Anthony Webster, Business and Empire: A Reassessment of the British Conquest of Burma in 1885, p. 1003-1025
Kevin Matthews, Stanley Baldwin’s ‘Irish Question’, p. 1027-1049
Neil Gregor, A Schicksalsgemeinschaft? Allied Bombing, Civilian Morale, and Social Dissolution in Nuremberg, 1942-1945, p. 1051-1070
E. D. R. Harrison, The British Special Operations Executive and Poland, p. 1071-1091

Communications, p.1093
Historiographical Reviews, p. 1113
Review Article, p. 1173
Other Reviews, p. 1183

n. 43, 2000, f. 3

Thomas S. Freeman, Fate, Faction, and Fiction in Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, p. 601-623
J. T. Peacey, John Lilburne and the Long Parliament, p. 625-645
Philip Milton, John Locke and the Rye House Plot, p. 647-668
Elaine Chalus, Elite Women, Social Politics, and the Political World of Late Eighteenth-Century England, p. 669-697
J. P. Parry, Disraeli and England, p. 699-728
Matthew Kelly, Dublin Fenianism in the 1880s: ‘The Irish Culture of the Future’?, p. 729-750
C. J. Bearman, Who Were the Folk? The Demography of Cecil Sharp’s Somerset Folk Singers, p. 751-775
Andrew Thorpe, The Membership of the Communist Party of Great Britain, 1920-1945, p. 777-800
MacGregor Knox, 1 October 1942: Adolf Hitler, Wehrmacht Officer Policy, and Social Revolution, p. 801-825
Alan Booth, Inflation, Expectations, and the Political Economy of Conservative Britain, 1951-1964, p. 827-847

Historiographical Reviews, p. 849
Review Article, p. 889
Other Reviews, p. 905

n. 43, 2000, f. 2

Roger Bowers, The Chapel Royal, the First Edwardian Prayer Book, and Elizabeth’s Settlement of Religion, 1559, p. 317-344
John Cramsie, Commercial Projects and the Fiscal Policy of James VI and I, p. 345-364
David R. Ransome, Village Tensions in Early Virginia: Sex, Land, and Status at the Neck of Land in the 1620s, p. 365-381
Kevin Sharpe, ‘So Hard a Text’? Images of Charles I, 1612-1700, p. 383-405
Mark S. Dawson, Histories and Texts: Refiguring the Diary of Samuel Pepys, p. 407-431
S. J. Connolly, A Woman’s Life in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Ireland: The Case of Letitia Bushe, p. 433-451
Aileen Fyfe, Reading Children’s Books in Late Eighteenth-Century Dissenting Families, p. 453-473
Laurence Cole, Nation, Anti-Enlightenment, and Religious Revival in Austria: Tyrol in the 1790s, p. 475-497
Pamela Pilbeam, Dream Worlds? Religion and the Early Socialists in France, p. 499-515

Historiographical Reviews, p. 517
Review Article, p. 583
Other Reviews, p. 595

n. 43, 2000, f. 1

Claire Walker, Prayer, Patronage, and Political Conspiracy: English Nuns and the Restoration, p. 1-23
Nicholas B. Harding, North African Piracy, the Hanoverian Carrying Trade, and the British State, 1728-1828, p. 25-47
C. I. Hamilton, John Wilson Croker: Patronage and Clientage at the Admiralty, 1809-1857, p. 49-77
Alan Pitt, The Cultural Impact of Science in France: Ernest Renan and the Vie de Jésus, p. 79-101
Rotem Kowner, ‘Lighter than Yellow, but not Enough’: Western Discourse on the Japanese ‘Race’, 1854-1904, p. 103-131
Mark A. Russell, The Building of Hamburg’s Bismarck Memorial, 1898-1906, p. 133-156
Robert Mallett, Fascist Foreign Policy and Official Italian Views of Anthony Eden in the 1930s, p. 157-187
Richard Toye, The Labour Party’s External Economic Policy in the 1940s, p. 189-215

Communication, p. 217
Historiographical Reviews, p. 233
Review Articles, p. 295
Other Reviews, p. 309

n. 42, 1999, f. 4

Anne McLaren, Reading Sir Thomas Smith’s De Republica Anglorum As Protestant Apologetic, p. 911-939
David Hickman, Religious Belief and Pious Practice among London’s Elizabethan Elite, p. 941-960
Peter Schröder, The Constitution of the Holy Roman Empire after 1648: Samuel Pufendorf’s Assessment in His Monzambano, p. 961-983
John Broad, Parish Economies of Welfare, 1650-1834, p. 985-1006
Colin Kidd, Civil Theology and Church Establishments in Revolutionary America, p. 1007-1026
David Stack, William Lovett and the National Association for the Political and Social Improvement of the People, p. 1027-1050
Jeremy Krikler, The Inner Mechanics of a South African Racial Massacre, p. 1051-1075
John F. Pollard, The Vatican and the Wall Street Crash: Bernardino Nogara and Papal Finances in the Early 1930s, p. 1077-1091

Communication, p. 1093
Historiographical Reviews, p. 1111
Review Articles, p. 1147
Other Reviews, p. 1179

n. 42, 1999, f. 3

Howard G. Brown, Domestic State Violence: Repression from the Croquants to the Commune, p. 597-622
Neal Garnham, Local Elite Creation in Early Hanoverian Ireland: The Case of the County Grand Jury, p. 623-642
Michael Rowe, Between Empire and Home Town: Napoleonic Rule on the Rhine, 1799-1814, p. 643-674
Jan Palmowski, The Politics of the ‘Unpolitical German’: Liberalism in German Local Government, 1860-1880, p. 675-704
Robert Stuart, ‘Jesus the Sans-Culotte’: Marxism and Religion during the French Fin de siècle, p. 705-727
Paul Bew, Moderate Nationalism and the Irish Revolution, 1916-1923, p. 729-749
Zara Steiner, The Soviet Commissariat of Foreign Affairs and the Czechoslovakian Crisis in 1938: New Material from the Soviet Archives, p. 751-779
John Welshman, Evacuation, Hygiene, and Social Policy: The Our Towns Report of 1943, p. 781-807
Randall Hansen, The Kenyan Asians, British Politics, and the Commonwealth Immigrants Act, 1968, p. 809-834

Communication, p. 865
Historiographical Reviews, p. 853
Review Article, p. 903

n. 42, 1999, f. 2

George F. Steckley, Litigious Mariners: Wage Cases in the Seventeenth-Century Admiralty Court, p. 315-345
David Scott, The ‘Northern Gentlemen’, the Parliamentary Independents, and Anglo-Scottish Relations in the Long Parliament, p. 347-375
Julie M. Flavell, The ‘School for Modesty and Humility’: Colonial American Youth in London and Their Parents, 1755-1775, p. 377-403
Simon Devereaux, The Making of the Penitentiary Act, 1775-1779, p. 405-433
Munro Price, Louis XVI and Gustavus III: Secret Diplomacy and Counter-Revolution, 1791-1792, p. 435-466
Paul A. Readman, The 1895 General Election and Political Change in Late Victorian Britain, p. 467-493
Peter Scott, Tim Rooth, Public Policy and Foreign-Based Enterprises in Britain Prior to the Second World War, p. 495-515
Tony Badger, Southerners Who Refused to Sign the Southern Manifesto, p. 517-534

Historiographical Reviews, p. 535
Review Articles, p. 565
Other Reviews, p. 583

n. 42, 1999, f. 1

John Craig, Reformers, Conflict, and Revisionism: The Reformation in Sixteenth-Century Hadleigh, p. 1-23
Andrew Fitzmaurice, The Civic Solution to the Crisis of English Colonization, 1609-1625, p. 25-51
Mark Kishlansky, Tyranny Denied: Charles I, Attorney General Heath, and the Five Knights’ Case, p. 53-83
Jon Parkin, Hobbism in the Later 1660s: Daniel Scargill and Samuel Parker, p. 85-108
Andrew Barclay, The Rise of Edward Colman, p. 109-131
Karl de Leeuw, The Black Chamber in the Dutch Republic during the War of the Spanish Succession and Its Aftermath, 1707-1715, p. 133-156
Peter M. Jones, Living the Enlightenment and the French Revolution: James Watt, Matthew Boulton, and Their Sons, p. 157-182
Andrea Tanner, The Casual Poor and the City of London Poor Law Union, 1837-1869, p. 183-206
Peter Hart, The Social Structure of the Irish Republican Army, 1916-1923, p. 207-231
John McHugh, The Labour Party and the Parliamentary Campaign to Abolish the Military Death Penalty, 1919-1930, p. 233-249

Historiographical Review, p. 251
Review Articles, p. 269
Other Reviews, p. 309

n. 41, 1998, f. 4

Diana Newton, Sir Francis Hastings and the Religious Education of James VI and I, p. 917-934
J. F. Merritt, Puritans, Laudians, and the Phenomenon of Church-Building in Jacobean London, p. 935-960
John Coffey, Puritanism and Liberty Revisited: The Case for Toleration in the English Revolution, p. 961-985
Alan Cromartie, Harringtonian Virtue: Harrington, Machiavelli, and the Method of the Moment, p. 987-1009
Michael J. Turner, The ‘Bonaparte of Free Trade’ and the Anti-Corn Law League, p. 1011-1034
Alan Pitt, The Irrationalist Liberalism of Hippolyte Taine, p. 1035-1053
Timothy B. Smith, The Social Transformation of Hospitals and the Rise of Medical Insurance in France, 1914-1943, p. 1055-1087
Laura K. Donohue, Regulating Northern Ireland: The Special Powers Acts, 1922-1972, p. 1089-1120
R. C. Whiting, Ideology and Reform in Labour’s Tax Strategy, 1964-1970, p. 1121-1140

Historiographical Review, p. 1141
Review Articles, p. 1161
Other Reviews, p. 1183

n. 41, 1998, f. 3

Chris R. Kyle, Prince Charles in the Parliaments of 1621 and 1624, p. 603-624
Anthony Milton, Licensing, Censorship, and Religious Orthodoxy in Early Stuart England, p. 625-651
Anthony B. Thompson, Licensing the Press: The Career of G. R. Weckherlin during the Personal Rule of Charles I, p. 653-678
Maiken Umbach, The Politics of Sentimentality and the German Fürstenbund, 1779-1785, p. 679-704
Bruce Haddock, Political Union without Social Revolution: Vincenzo Gioberti’s Primato, p. 705-723
George L. Bernstein, Special Relationship and Appeasement: Liberal Policy towards America in the Age of Palmerston, p. 725-750
David E. Torrance, Britain, South Africa, and the High Commission Territories: An Old Controversy Revisited, p. 751-772
Timothy J. Paris, British Middle East Policy-Making after the First World War: The Lawrentian and Wilsonian Schools, p. 773-793
Peter Jackson, French Intelligence and Hitler’s Rise to Power, p. 795-824
Ronald W. Zweig, Feeding the Camps: Allied Blockade Policy and the Relief of Concentration Camps in Germany, 1944-1945, p. 825-851
Wayne Reynolds, Rethinking the Joint Project: Australia’s Bid for Nuclear Weapons, 1945-1960, p. 853-873

Review Articles, p. 875
Other Reviews, p. 909

n. 41, 1998, f. 2

G. W. Bernard, The Making of Religious Policy, 1533-1546: Henry VIII and the Search for the Middle Way, p. 321-349
Peter Marshall, Papist As Heretic: The Burning of John Forest, 1538, p. 351-374
Tristan Marshall, The Tempest and the British Imperium in 1611, p. 375-400
Peter McCullough, Making Dead Men Speak: Laudianism, Print, and the Works of Lancelot Andrewes, 1626-1642, p. 401-424
Paul D. Halliday, ‘A Clashing of Jurisdictions’: Commissions of Association in Restoration Corporations, p. 425-455
Peter Nockles, Church or Protestant Sect? The Church of Ireland, High Churchmanship, and the Oxford Movement, 1822-1869, p. 457-493
Robert Tombs, ‘Lesser Breeds without the Law’: The British Establishment and the Dreyfus Affair, 1894-1899, p. 495-510
Gail Savage, Erotic Stories and Public Decency: Newspaper Reporting of Divorce Proceedings in England, p. 511-528
Martin Pugh, The British Union of Fascists and the Olympia Debate, p. 529-542
Priscilla Dale Jones, Nazi Atrocities against Allied Airmen: Stalag Luft III and the End of British War Crimes Trials, p. 543-565

Communications, p. 567
Review Articles, p. 579
Other Review, p. 601

n. 41, 1998, f. 1

C. S. L. Davies, Tournai and the English Crown, 1513-1519, p. 1-26
Alexandra Walsham, ‘Frantick Hacket’: Prophecy, Sorcery, Insanity, and the Elizabethan Puritan Movement, p. 27-66
Steve Hindle, Power, Poor Relief, and Social Relations in Holland Fen, c. 1600-1800, p. 67-96
Michelle O’Callaghan, ‘Talking Politics’: Tyranny, Parliament, and Christopher Brooke’s the Ghost of Richard the Third (1614), p. 97-120
Linda Levy Peck, Beyond the Pale: John Cusacke and the Language of Abolutism in Early Stuart Britain, p. 121-149
Kathleen M. Noonan, ‘The Cruell Pressure of an Enraged, Barbarous People’: Irish and English Identity in Seventeenth-Century Policy and Propaganda, p. 151-177
B. W. Young, ‘Scepticism in Excess’: Gibbon and Eighteenth-Century Christianity, p. 179-199
Thomas Munck, Absolute Monarchy in Later Eighteenth-Century Denmark: Centralized Reform, Public Expectations, and the Copenhagen Press, p. 201-224
Gary Savage, Favier’s Heirs: The French Revolution and the Secret du Roi, p. 225-258
Kevin L. Yuill, The 1966 White House Conference on Civil Rights, p. 259-282

Communications, p. 283
Review Articles, p. 303
Other Reviews, p. 317

n. 40, 1997, f. 4

David Moon, Peasant Migration and the Settlement of Russia’s Frontiers, 1550-1897, p. 859-893
Judith M. Richards, Mary Tudor as ‘Sole Quene’?: Gendering Tudor Monarchy, p. 895-924
Paul Griffiths, Secrecy and Authority in Late Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century London, p. 925-951
Jason T. Peacey, Order and Disorder in Europe: Parliamentary Agents and Royalist Thugs 1649-1650, p. 953-976
Daniel Szechi, Constructing a Jacobite: The Social and Intellectual Origins of George Lockhart of Carnwath, p. 977-996
Timothy B. Smith, The Ideology of Charity, the Image of the English Poor Law, and Debates over the Right to Assistance in France, 1830-1905, p. 997-1032
Andrew S. Thompson, Tariff Reform: An Imperial Strategy, 1903-1913, p. 1033-1054
Peter Leese, Problems Returning Home: The British Psychological Casualties of the Great War, p. 1055-1067
Nigel John Ashton, A Microcosm of Decline: British Loss of Nerve and Military Intervention in Jordan and Kuwait, 1958 and 1961, p. 1069-1083
Communication, p. 1085 Review Articles, p. 1117 Other Review, p. 1135

n. 40, 1997, f. 3

E. A. Wrigley, How Reliable is Our Knowledge of the Demographic Characteristics of the English Population in the Early Modern Period?, p. 571-595
Adam Fox, Rumour, News and Popular Political Opinion in Elizabethan and Early Stuart England, p. 597-620
Paul E. J. Hammer, Myth-Making: Politics, Propaganda and the Capture of Cadiz in 1596, p. 621-642
Kevin Sharpe, Private Conscience and Public Duty in the Writings of Charles I, p. 643-665
John Robertson, The Enlightenment above National Context: Political Economy in Eighteenth-Century Scotland and Naples, p. 667-697
Jennifer Mori, The British Government and the Bourbon Restoration: The Occupation of Toulon, 1793, p. 699-719
Andreas K. Fahrmeir, Nineteenth-Century German Citizenships: A Reconsideration, p. 721-752
Glenn Feldman, Soft Opposition: Elite Acquiescence and Klan-Sponsored Terrorism in Alabama, 1946-1950, p. 753-777

Communication, p. 779
Historiographical Review, p. 787
Review Articles, p. 811
Other Review, p. 857

n. 40, 1997, f. 2

Rivkah Zim, Dialogue and Discretion: Thomas Sackville, Catherine de Medici and the Anjou Marriage Proposal 1571, p. 287-310
M. C. Questier, Loyalty, Religion and State Power in Early Modern England: English Romanism and the Jacobean Oath of Allegiance, p. 311-329
Wendel D. Craker, Spectral Evidence, Non-Spectral Acts of Witchcraft, and Confession at Salem in 1692, p. 331-358
James E. Crimmins, Jeremy Bentham and Daniel O’Connell: Their Correspondence and Radical Alliance, 1828-1831, p. 359-387
Nick Carter, Hudson, Malmesbury and Cavour: British Diplomacy and the Italian Question, February 1858 to June 1859, p. 389-413
John M. Foot, ‘White Bolsheviks’? The Catholic Left and the Socialists in Italy-1919-1920, p. 415-433
Tom Buchanan, The Death of Bob Smillie, the Spanish Civil War, and the Eclipse of the Independent Labour Party, p. 435-461
Rodney Lowe, Milestone or Millstone? The 1959-1961 Plowden Committee and Its Impact on British Welfare Policy, p. 463-491

Communications, p. 493
Historiographical Review, p. 507
Other Reviews, p. 565

n. 40, 1997, f. 1

Wallace T. MacCaffrey, The Newhaven Expedition, 1562-1563, p. 1-21
Andy Wood, Beyond Post-Revisionism? The Civil War Allegiances of the Miners of the Derbyshire ‘Peak Country’, p. 23-40
R. A. Melikan, Mr Attorney General and the Politicians, p. 41-69
Andrew J. O’Shaughnessy, The Formation of a Commercial Lobby: The West India Interest, British Colonial Policy and the American Revolution, p. 71-95
John Morrow, The Paradox of Peel as Carlylean Hero, p. 97-110
D. Andrew Penny, John Foxe’s Victorian Reception, p. 111-142
Brock Millman, Canada, Sanctions and the Abyssinian Crisis of 1935, p. 143-168
James Walston, History and Memory of the Italian Concentration Camps, p. 169-183

Communication, p. 185
Historiographical Review, p. 195
Review Articles, p. 217
Other Reviews, p. 281