Advanced Seminar for economic and social historians Datini–ESTER


General information

In Advanced Seminars, PhD-students are trained and prepared for the international academic debate in a specific field of economic and social history. The seminar comprises a full-time programme of up to a week.

Organization of the Advanced Seminar DATINI-ESTER

Each Advanced Seminar is jointly organized by Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini” (DATINI) with the European School for Training in Economic and Social Historical Research (ESTER). Each participant will write and present a paper dealing with one or several core problems of his/her dissertation. Any paper should reflect own research and focus on theoretical or methodological problems encountered by the student in his/her research. The papers are prepared and distributed to any participant prior to the seminar. During the sessions the papers are discussed by both PhD-students and experts after a short introduction by the author.

Criteria for admission

The advanced seminars are open to postgraduates:
who are preferably in their second, third or fourth year and Post-Docs (who finished their doctorate less than five years prior to the seminar);whose subject of the dissertation is closely related to the theme selected for the advanced seminar. The selection of the postgraduates is the responsibility of the organizers. They will take their decisions on the basis of an abstract of the papers submitted by the PhD-students themselves. A maximum number of fifteen postgraduates are admitted to the advanced seminar.


  • Guido Alfani (project responsible, Fondazione “F. Datini”)
  • Ben Gales (Posthumus Institute)
  • Jaco Zuijderduijn (Posthumus Institute)
  • Francesco Ammannati (Fondazione “F. Datini”)

CALL FOR PAPERS 2025: “Finance in History”

Call for papers: The 2025 Datini-Ester seminar deals with Finance in History. The topic of the Datini-Ester seminar is closely related to the theme of the congress yearly organized by the "F. Datini" International Institute of Economic History and devoted in 2025 to Risk Management, Insolvency, and Bankruptcy in the Pre-Modern World (13th-18th Centuries). The 2025 Datini-Ester seminar will deal with Finance. The aims are encourage research on the development of financial institutions, risk and control of risk, financial practises and financial behaviour in different historical contexts. In particular topics are sovereign and public debt, money lending, banking, and insurance, relations between private creditors and debtors, exchange(s) and capital market(s), etc.

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