Lo storico e il mercante. Federigo Melis e Francesco Datini
11 May - 28 September
On May 11, 2025, to concide with the opening of the 56th Study Week, the exhibition “Lo storico e il mercante. Federigo Melis e Francesco Datini” will be inaugurated in Palazzo Pretorio. The exhibition, organized by this Fondazione in collaboration with Banca d’Italia-MUDEM, Museo di Palazzo Pretorio, and Prato State Archives, will be realised to commemorate the 70th year of the great exhibition of Datini documents held in Prato in 1955 and which was inaugurated by Luigi Einaudi and Giovanni Gronchi. On that occasion Federigo Melis brought Francesco di Marco Datini and his very rich archive to the attention of scholars and the general public.
The exhibition will display objects, images, archival documents and videos. It will be divided into sections recalling the 1955 event, the figure of Federigo Melis and Francesco Datini.