“Economic Innovations”

Prato Prato, Prato, PO, Italy

Call for papers: The 2022 Datini-Ester seminar deals with Economic Innovations; that is the effects on the productivity and efficiency of the economic system deriving from changes in the mix of the inputs. Our purpose is to clarify the role of …

LIV Settimana di Studi

Prato Prato, Prato, PO, Italy

Mezzi di scambio non monetari. Merci e servizi come monete alternative nelle economie dei secoli XIII-XVIII - Alternative currencies. Commodities and services as exchange currencies in the monetarized economies of the 13th to 18th centuries

“Economic Exchanges”

Prato Prato, Prato, PO, Italy

Call for papers: The 2023 Datini-Ester seminar deals with Economic Exchanges. The aims are encourage research on the exchange of goods and services, on the role of markets, monies, trade, transaction costs and institutional contexts, which might foster market integration …

LV Settimana di Studi

Prato Prato, Prato, PO, Italy

La mobilità sociale nelle società preindustriali: tendenze, cause ed effetti (secc. XIII-XVIII) • Social Mobility in pre-industrial societies: tendencies, causes and effects (13th-18th centuries)

“Social and geographic mobility”

Prato Prato, Prato, PO, Italy

Call for papers: The 2024 Datini-Ester seminar deals with Social and geographic mobility. The aims are encourage research on social and socio-economic mobility (both upward and downward) in different historical contexts, as well as on geographic mobility, that is migration (short- or long-distance). As is well known, across human history geographic mobility has often played a major role in shaping patterns of socio-economic mobility. Purpose is to clarify the determinants, the extent and the final consequences of mobility in different periods, across entire societies or regarding specific social groups.

Bando “Human Solvency Historical Research Prize 2024-2026”

Prato Prato, Prato, PO, Italy

Bando “Human Solvency Historical Research Prize 2024-2026” realizzato in collaborazione con: con il contributo di: La Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini” bandisce lo: Human Solvency Historical Research Prize 2026   1. Il premio si propone di valorizzare …