Business history DATINI

Business History

Semestrale; dal 1981 quadrimestrale; dal 1986 trimestrale; attualmente bimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6791

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Straniere 0334
Consistenza: a. 2, 1959, 1-
Lacune: v. 48, 2006, 4-v. 48, 2006, 6
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1959 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 22, 1980, 2

Lewis R. Fischer, Eric W. Sager, An Approach to the Quantitative Analysis of British Shipping Records, p. 135
Charles A. Jones, Great Capitalists and the Direction of British Overseas Investment in the Late Nineteenth Century: The Case of Argentina, p. 152
J. H. Treble, The Pattern of Investment of the Standard Life Assurance Company 1875-1914, p. 170
Victor M. Batzel, Legal Monopoly in Liberal England: The Patent Controversy in the Mid-Nineteenth Century, p. 189
The Dictionary of Business Biography, p. 238
Sheila Marriner, Company Financial Statements as Source Material for Business Historians, p. 203

Richard Storey, The Confederation of British Industry’s Predecessor Archives, p. 236
C. E. Challis, Comment, p. 241

Book reviews, p. 246
Book note, p. 267
Books received, p. 267

a. 22, 1980, 1

Robert Stein, The French Sugar Business in the Eighteenth Century: A Quantitative Study, p. 3
J. Neville Bartlett, Alexander Pirie & Sons, of Aberdeen and the Expansion of the British Paper Industry, c. 1860-1914, p. 18
Jonathan S. Boswell, Hope, Inefficiency or Public Duty? The United Steel Companies and West Cumberland, 1918-39, p. 35
C. W. Chalklin, Capital Expenditure on Building for Cultural Purposes in Provincial England, 1730-1830, p. 51
J. R. Fisher, A. Smith, International Competition in the Australian Wire Market 1880-1914, p. 71
Alister McCrae, The Irrawaddy Flotilla Company, p. 87
R. Forman, M. Turner, There is No Future for Business History: A Reply, p. 100

Business History Seminar: Summaries of Papers, p. 104
Book reviews, p. 108

a. 21, 1979, 2

Professor Francis E. Hyde, p. 147

Saul Engelbourg, The Economic Impact of the Civil War on Manufacturing Enterprise, p. 148
Joseph Melling, Industrial Strife and Business Welfare Philosophy: the case of the South Metropolitan Gas Company from the 1880’s to the War, p. 163
Howard F. Gospel, Employers’ Labour Policy: A Study of the Mond-Turner Talks 1927-33, p. 180
A. L. Minkes, D. G. Tucker, J. A. Crabtree: A Pioneer of Business Management, p. 198
R. Perren, Oligopoly and Competition: Price Fixing and Market Sharing Among Timber Firms in Northern Scotland, 1890-1939, p. 213
R. G. Rodger, Speculative Builders and the Structure of the Scottish Building Industry, 1860-1914, p. 226
Jennifer Tann, Arkwright’s Employment of Steam Power: A note of some new evidence, p. 247

Book reviews, p. 251
Books received, p. 261

a. 21, 1979, 1

Charles E. Harvey, Business History and the Problem of Entrepreneurship: The Case of the Rio Tinto Company, 1873-1939, p. 3
Sheila Marriner, Sir Alfred Mond’s Octopus: a Nationalised House-Building Business, p. 23
Eric Richards, An Anatomy of the Sutherland Fortune: Income, Consumption, Investments and Returns, 1780-1880, p. 45
Mary B. Rose, Diversification of Investment by the Greg Family, 1800-1914, p. 79
D. A. Farnie, An Index of Commercial Activity: The Membership of the Manchester Royal Exchange, 1809-1948, p. 97
A. J. Cooke, Robert Owen and the Stanley Mills, 1802-1811, p. 107
The New Business History Unit in London, p. 112

Business History Seminar-Summaries of Papers, p. 116
Book reviews, p. 120
Books received, p. 144

a. 20, 1978, 2

G. Gareth Jones, The Oil-Fuel Market in Britain 1900-14: A Lost Cause Revisited, p. 131
R. C. Michie, The Transfer of Shares in Scotland 1700-1820, p. 153
Stuart Jones, The Cotton Industry and Joint-Stock Banking in Manchester 1825-1850, p. 165
T. R. Gourvish, The Performance of British Railway Management After 1860: The Railways of Watkin and Forbes, p. 186
R. H. Campbell, The North British Locomotive Company between the Wars, p. 201
Michael Turner, There is No Future for Business History!, p. 235
Michael Cook, The Cunard Archives at Liverpool, p. 240

Book reviews, p. 253
Books received, p. 268

a. 20, 1978, 1

J. R. Ward, Speculative Building at Bristol and Clifton, 1783-1793, p. 3
Vera Blinn Reber, Speculation and Commerce in Buenos Aires-The Hugh Dallas House, 1816-1822, p. 19
Richard L. King, The Book Collections of the New York and San Francisco Mercantile Libraries, p. 37
Peter Fearon, The Vicissitudes of a British Aircraft Company: Handley Page Ltd. Between the Wars, p. 63
P. J. Cain, The British Railway Rates Problem 1894-1913, p. 87
D. P. Lamb, Re-landing and Trans-shipping of Slaves by British Vessels in the 1790s: A Note, p. 100
Ealing Business History Seminar: Entrepreneurial Activity, p. 105

Book reviews, p. 109
Book notes, p. 123
Books received, p. 125

a. 19, 1977, 2

B. W. E. Alford, Entrepreneurship, Business Performance and Industrial Development, p. 116
Malcolm Falkus, The Development of Municipal Trading in the Nineteenth Century, p. 134
Peter L. Payne, Rationality and Personality: A Study of Mergers in the Scottish Iron and Steel Industry, 1916-1936, p. 162
A. Slaven, A Shipyard in Depression: john Browns of Clydebank 1919-38, p. 192

Book reviews, p. 116
Books received, p. 232

a. 19, 1977, 1

P. N. Davies, The Impact of the Expatriate Shipping Lines on the Economic Development of British West Africa, p. 3
G. D. Tucker, The Slate Islands of Scotland: the History of the Scottish Slate Industry, p. 18
Mary B. Rose, The Role of the Family in providing Capital and Managerial Talent in Samuel Greg & Company 1784-1840, p. 37
J. V. Beckett, The Eighteenth-Century Origins of the Factory System: A Case Study from the 1740s, p. 35
G. F. R. Spenceley, The English Pillow Lace Industry 1840-80: A Rural Industry in Competition with Machinery, p. 68
Ealing Business History Seminar: Employment Policies, p. 88

Book reviews, p. 93
Books received, p. 108

a. 18, 1976, 2

Roberta A. Dayer, Strange Bedfellows: J. P. Morgan & Co., Whitehall and the Wilson Administration during World War I, p. 127
Sheila Marriner, Cash and Concrete: Liquidity Problems in the Mass Production of ‘Homes for Heroes’, p. 152
P. J. Cain, Railways and Price Discrimination: The Case of Agriculture 1880-1914, p. 190
R. Bean, D. A. Peel, Business Activity, Labour Organisation and Industrial Disputes in the U.K., 1892-1938, p. 205
Ealing Business History Seminars: Summaries of Papers, p. 212
Business Archives Council: Creation of Branches, p. 221

Book reviews, p. 222
Books received, p. 233

a. 18, 1976, 1

Professor Hyde’s retirement, p. 3

Sidney Pollard, Robert Turner, Profit-Sharing and Autocracy: The Case of J. T. and J. Taylor of Batley, Woollen Manufacturers, 1892-1966, p. 4
S. R. H. Jones, Hall, English & Co., 1813-41: A Study of Entrepreneurial Response in the Gloucester Pin Industry, p. 35
Barrie M. Ratcliffe, Railway Imperialism: the example of the Pereires’ Paris-Saint-Germain Company, 1835-46, p. 66
B. K. Drake, Continuity and Flexibility in Liverpool’s Trade with Africa and the Caribbean, p. 85
Rosalie Silverstone, Office Work for Women: An Historical Review, p. 98

Book reviews, p. 111

a. 17, 1975, 2

Carole Shammas, The ‘Invisible Merchant’ and Property Rights: The Misadventures of an Elizabethan Joint Stock Company, p. 95
A. E. Musson, Joseph Whitworth and the Growth of Mass-Production Engineering, p. 109
R. J. Irving, New Industries for Old? Some Investment Decisions of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Ltd., 1900-14, p. 150
S. G. Checkland, The Entrepreneur and the Social Order: the Japan Business History Society Conference, 6-9 January 1975, p. 176
T. Rath, Business Records in the Public Record Office in the age of the Industrial Revolution, p. 189

Book reviews, p. 201

a. 17, 1975, 1

Peter Mathias, Business History and Management Education, p. 3
A. M. Bourn, Business History and Management Education, p. 17
Graeme Holmes, Henri Ruff, The Perils of Entrepreneurial History, p. 26
J. S. Kepler, The Operating Potential of London Marine Insurance in the 1570’s: Some Evidence from ‘A Booke of Orders of Assurances within the Royall Exchange, p. 44
Richard W. Unger, Technology and Industrial Organization: Dutch Shipbuilding to 1800, p. 56

Book reviews, p. 73
Book notes, p. 88
Books received, p. 88

a. 16, 1974, 2

J. M. Teckdwell, William Wood and the Company of Ironmasters of Great Britain, p. 97
T. M. Devine, Sources of Capital for the Glasgow Tobacco Trade, c. 1740-1780, p. 113
Richard I. Lester, An Aspect of Confederate Finance During the American Civil War: The Erlanger Loan and the Plan of 1864, p. 130
M. W. Kirby, The Lancashire Cotton Industry in the Inter-War Years: A Study in Organizational Change, p. 145
David E. Pitfield, Regional Economic Policy and the Long-Run: Innovation and Location in the from and Steel Industry, p. 160
D. J. Oddy, Ealing Business History Seminar: Accounting in the Nineteenth Century, p. 175

Book reviews, p. 183

a. 16, 1974, 1

John Killick, Risk, Specialization and Profit in the Mercantile Sector of the Nineteenth Century Cotton Trade: Alexander Brown and Sons 1820-80, p. 1
Dolores Greenberg, Yankee Financiers and the Establishment of Trans?Atlantic Partner-ships: A Re-examination, p. 17
Paul L. Robertson, Shipping and Shipbuilding: The Case of William Denny and Brothers, p. 36
Edwin J. Perkins, Managing a Dollar-Sterling Exchange Account: Brown, Shipley and Co. in the 1850’s, p. 48
Les Hannah, Takeover Bids in Britain before 1950: An Exercise in Business ‘Prehistory’, p. 65
K. Matthews, Crew Lists, Agreements, and Official Logs of the British Empire 1863-1913, p. 78

Book reviews, p. 81

a. 15, 1973, 2

I. S. W. Blanchard, Seigneurial Entrepreneurship: The Bishops of Durham. and the Weardale Lead Industry, 1406-1529, p. 97
R. B. Walker, Advertising in London Newspapers, 1650-1750, p. 112
A. J. Lee, The Management of a Victorian Local Newspaper: The Manchester City News, 1864-1900, p. 131
Jennifer Tann, Fuel Saving in the Process Industries during the Industrial Revolution: A Study in Technological Diffusion, p. 149
M. W. Kirby, Government Intervention in Industrial Organization: Coal Mining in the Nineteen Thirties, p. 160

Book reviews, p. 174

a. 15, 1973, 1

G. Hammersley, Technique or Econorny? The Rise and Decline of the Early English Copper Industry, ca. 1550-1650, p. 1
B. A. Holderness, A Sheffield Commercial House in the Mid-Eighteenth Century, Messrs. Osborne and Gunning around 1760, p. 32
Dr. H. E. Bergquist Jr., The Boston Manufacturing Company and Anglo-American Relations 1807-1820, p. 45
W. E. Cheong, China Houses and the Bank of England Crisis of 1825, p. 56

Book reviews, p. 74

a. 14, 1972, 2

P. N. Davies, A. M. Bourn, Lord Kylsant and the Royal Mail, p. 103
Roger Burt, The London Mining Exchange, 1850-1900, p. 124
M. Collins, The Bank of England at Liverpool, 1827-1844, p. 144
D. A. Celatterton, State Control of Public Utilities in the Nineteenth Century: The London Gas Industry, p. 166

Book reviews, p. 179

a. 14, 1972, 1

K. A. Tucker, Business History: Some Proposals for Aims and Methodology, p. 1
A. E. Musson, The ‘Manchester School’ and Exportation of Machinery, p. 17
M. A. Utton, Some Features of the Early Merger Movements in British Manufacturing Industry, p. 51
J. C. Logan, The Dumbarton Glass Works Company: A Study in Entrepreneurship, p. 61

Book reviews, p. 82
Book notes, p. 100
Notices, p. 101

a. 13, 1971, 2

W. E. Cheong, The Beginnings of Credit Finance on the China Coast: The Canton Financial Crisis of 1812-1815, p. 87
Richard B. Sheridan, Planters and Merchants: The Oliver Family of Antigua and London 1716-1884, p. 104

Sheila Marriner, Economic Growth of Australia, p. 114
S. Engerman, Railways and Economic Growth m England and Wales 1840-1870. A New Approach to English Railway History, p. 124

Book reviews, p. 129
Book notes, p. 138

a. 13, 1971, 1

B. Lenman, Kathleen Donaldson, Partners’ Incomes, Investment & Diversification in the Scottish Linen Area 1850-1921, p. 1
R. G. Schafer, Genesis and Structure of the Foley ‘Ironworks in Partnership’ of 1692, p. 19
R. J. Irving, British Railway Investment and Innovation 1900-1914, p. 39
J. H. Porter, The Development of a Provincial Department Store 1870-1939, p. 64

Book reviews, p. 72
Book notes, p. 82