Business history DATINI

Business History

Semestrale; dal 1981 quadrimestrale; dal 1986 trimestrale; attualmente bimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6791

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Straniere 0334
Consistenza: a. 2, 1959, 1-
Lacune: v. 48, 2006, 4-v. 48, 2006, 6
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1959 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 32, 1990, 4

a cura di Mary B. Rose

Mary B. Rose, International Competition and Strategic Response in the Textile Industries since 1870, p. 1
William Mass, William Lazonick, The British Cotton Industry and International Competitive Advantage: The State of the and Debates, p. 9
D. T. Jenkins, J. C. Malin, European Competition in Woollen Cloth, 1870-1914, p. 66
Alex J. Robertson, Lancashire and the Rise of Japan, 1910-1937, p. 87
Marguerite W. Dupree, Struggling with Destiny: The Cotton Industry, Overseas Trade Policy and the Cotton Board, 1940-1959, p. 106
John Singleton, Showing the White Flag: The Lancashire Cotton Industry, 1945-1965, p. 129
D. A. Farnie, The Textile Machine-Making Industry and the World Market, 1870-1960, p. 150
Stanley Chapman, The Decline and Rise of Textile Merchanting, 1880-1990, p. 171

Book reviews, p. 191
Books received, p. 222

a. 32, 1990, 3

a cura di Charles Harvey and Jon Press

Charles Harvey, Jon Press, Issues in the History of Mining and metallurgy, p. 1
Derek Matthews, Serendipity or Economics? Tin and the Theory of Mineral Discovery, 1800-1920, p. 15
Roger Burt, Mineral Production, Organisation and Technological Change: The Coeur D’Alene District of Idaho, 1890-1933, p. 49
Edmund Newell, ‘Copperopolis’: The Rise and Fall of the Copper Industry in the Swansea District, 1826-1931, p. 75
Charles Harvey, Jon Press, The City and International Mining, 1870-1914, p. 98
Simon Katzenellenbogen, Southern African Mining Interests in Australia before 1939, p. 120
Trevor Boyns, Strategic Responses to Foreign Competition: The British Coal Industry and the 1930 Coal Mines Act, p. 133
Alexander C. Dow, Metal Mining and Canadian Economic Development before 1939, p. 146

Gregory P. Marchildon, A New View of Canadian Business History, p. 162

Book reviews, p. 168
Books received, p. 222

a. 32, 1990, 2

C. H. Lee, Corporate Behaviour in Theory and History: II. The Historian’s Perspective, p. 163
K. D. Brown, The Children’s toy Industry in Nineteenth-Century Britain, p. 180
Michael Collins, English Bank Lending and the Financial Crisis of the 1870s, p. 198
William J. Hausman, John L. Neufeld, The Structure and Profitability of the US Electric Utility Industry at the Turn of the Century, p. 225
Panikos Panayi, German Business Interests in Britain during the First World War, p. 244

Tom Donnelly, The British and American Motor Industries, p. 259

Book reviews, p. 266
Books received, p. 311

a. 32, 1990, 1

Charles Harvey, Geoffrey Jones, Business History in Britain into the 1990s, p. 5

C. H. Lee, Corporate Behaviour in Theory and History: I. The Evolution of Theory, p. 17
Simon Ville, Shipping in the Port of Sunderland, p. 32
Sue Bowden, Credit Facilities and the Growth of Consumer Demand for Electric Appliances in England in the 1930s, p. 52

Philip Ollerenshaw, British Business History: A Review of Recent Periodical Literature, p. 76

Peter Fearon, Trade, Finance and Diplomacy: The New World and the Old in the Twentieth Century, p. 100

Book reviews, p. 110
Books received, p. 156

a. 31, 1989, 4

Mary B. Rose, Social Policy and Business: Parish Apprenticeship and the Early Factory System, 1750-1834, p. 5
Dieter Ziegler, Central Banking in the English Provinces in the Second Quarter of the Nineteenth Century, p. 33
Richard A. Hawkins, The Pineapple Canning Industry during the World Depression of the 1930s, p. 48
Roger Munting, Betting and Business: The Commercialisation of Gambling in Britain, p. 67

W. G. Huff, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Less Developed, Countries, p. 86

Book reviews, p. 98
Books received, p. 142

a. 31, 1989, 3

a cura di Charles Harvey

Charles Harvey, Business History: Concepts and Measurement, p. 1
Roy Church, Production, Employment and Labour Productivity in the British Coalfields, 1830-1913: Some Reinterpretations, p. 7
Nicholas Morgan, Michael Moss, ‘Wealthy and Titled Persons’ – The Accumulation of Riches in Victorian Britain: The Case of Peter Denny, p. 28
Christine Shaw, British Entrepreneurs in Distribution and the Steel Industry, p. 48
John G. Treble, Interpreting the Record of Wage Negotiations under an Arbitral Regime: A Game Theoretic Approach to the Coal Industry Conciliation Boards, 1893-1914, p. 61
James Foreman-Peck, Competition, Co-operation and Nationalisation in the Nineteenth-Century Telegraph System, p. 81
John Hudson, The Birth and Death of Firms in England and Wales during the Inter-War Years, p. 102
Stephen Nicholas, Locational Choice, Performance and The Growth of British Multinational Firms, p. 122

Book reviews, p. 142

a. 31, 1989, 2

a cura di Charles Harvey, John Turner

John Turner, Labour and Business in Modern Britain, p. 1
Di Drummond, ‘Specifically Designed?’ Employers’ Labour Strategies and Worker Responses in British Railway Workshops, 1838-1914, p. 8
Alan McKinlay, Jonathan Zeitlin, The Meanings of Managerial Prerogative: Industrial Relations and the Organisation of Work in British Engineering, 1880-1939, p. 32
Robert Fitzgerald, Employers’ Labour Strategies, Industrial Welfare, and the Response to New Unionism at Bryant and May, 1888-1930, p. 48
Gerald Crompton, ‘Squeezing the Pulpless Orange’: Labour and Capital on the Railways in the Inter-War Years, p. 66
Howard F. Gospel, Product Markets, Labour Markets, and Industrial Relations: The Case of Flour Milling, p. 84
Tom Donnelly, David Thoms, Trade Unions, Management and the Search for Production in the Coventry Motor Car Industry, 1939-75, p. 98

J. Melling, Industry, Labour and Politics, 1880-1940, p. 114

Book reviews, p. 120

a. 31, 1989, 1

Eisuke Daito, Railways and Scientific Management in Japan 1907-30, p. 1
Roger Lumley, ‘The American System of Manufactures’ in Birmingham: Production Methods at the Birmingham Small Arms Co. in the Nineteenth Century, p. 29
Howard Cox, Growth and Ownership in the International Tobacco Industry: BAT 1902-27, p. 44

Christopher Clay, Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Economic Realities, p. 68

Book reviews, p. 72
Books received, p. 104

copertina della rivista

a. 30, 1988, 4

Michael Rowlinson, The Early Application of Scientific Management by Cadbury, p. 377
Michael French, The Growth and Relative Decline of the North British Rubber Co., 1856-1956, p. 396
Kate Phylaktis, Banking in a British Colony: Cyprus 1878-1959, p. 416
Oliver M. Westall, The Invisible Hand Strikes Back: Motor Insurance and the Erosion of Organised Competition in General Insurance, 1920-38, p. 432

Book reviews, p. 451
Books received, p. 475

a. 30, 1988, 3

M. J. Daunton, Inheritance and Succession in the City of London in the Nineteenth Century, p. 269
M. W. Kirby, Product Proliferation in the British Locomotive Building Industry, 1850-1914: An Engineer’s Paradise?, p. 287
Derek Matthews, Profit-Sharing in the Gas Industry, 1889-1949, p. 306
Norbert Mac Donald, Henry J. Kaiser and the Establishment of an Automobile Industry in Argentina, p. 329

Book reviews, p. 346
Books received, p. 372

a. 30, 1988, 2

Charles Harvey, Geoffrey Jones, Editorial Introduction, p. 161
Larry Neal, The Rise of a Financial Press: London and Amsterdam, 1681-1810, p. 163
David R. Green, Distance to Work in Victorian London: A Case Study of Henry Poole, Bespoke Tailors, p. 179
Ranald Michie, Dunn, Fischer & Co. in the City of London,1906-14, p. 195
Stanley Chapman, Mergers and Takeovers in the Post-War Textile Industry: The Experience of Hosiery and Knitwear, p. 219

Book reviews, p. 240

a. 30, 1988, 1

a cura di R. P. T. Davenport-Hines, Geoffrey Jones

R. P. T. Davenport-Hines, Geoffrey Jones, The End of Insularity, p. 1
Mira Wilkins, European and North American Multinationals, 1870-1914: Comparisons and Contrasts, p. 8
Ranald Michie, Different in Name Only? The London Stock Exchange and Foreign Bourses, c. 1850-1914, p. 46
Charles W. Munn, The Emergence of Joint-Stock Banking in the British Isles: A Comparative Approach, p. 69
Robert Locke, Educational Traditions and the Development of Business Studies after 1945 (An Anglo-French-German Comparison), p. 84
Howard F. Gospel, The Management of Labour: Great Britain, the US, and Japan, p. 104
Jonathan Liebenau, Ethical Business: The Formation of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Britain, Germany, and the United States before 1914, p. 116

Book reviews, p. 130
Books received, p. 153

a. 29, 1987, 4

a cura di R. P. T. Davenport-Hines, Geoffrey Jones

R. P. T. Davenport-Hines, Geoffrey Jones, Editorial Introduction, p. V
D. C. Coleman, Failings and Achievements: Some British Businesses 1910-80, p. 1
T. R. Gourvish, British Business and the Transition to a Corporate Economy: Entrepreneurship and Management Structures, p. 18
Diane Hutchinson, Stephen Nicholas, Modelling the Growth Strategies of British Firms, p. 46
T. A. B. Corley, Consumer Marketing in Britain 1914-60, p. 65
D. E. H. Edgerton, Science and Technology in British Business History, p. 84
Martin Chick, Privatisation: The Triumph of Past Practice over Current Requirements, p. 104

Book reviews, p. 117
Books received, p. 150

a. 29, 1987, 3

Richard Overy, Unemployment in the Third Reich, p. 253
Trevor Boyns, Rationalisation in the Inter-War Period: The Case of the South Wales Steam Coal Industry, p. 282
Tim Claydon, Trade Unions, Employers and Industrial Relations in the British Motor Industry c. 1919-45, p. 304
Jane Humphries, Inter-War House Building, Cheap Money and Building Societies: The Housing Boom Revisited, p. 325

Book reviews, p. 346
Books received, p. 373

a. 29, 1987, 2

Donald Coleman, The Uses and Abuses of Business History, p. 141
A. K. Cairncross, J. B. K. Hunter, The Early Growth of Messrs J. & P. Coats, 1830-83, p. 157
Rodney Wilson, Financial Development in the Arab Gulf: The Eastern Bank Experience 1917-50, p. 178
Douglas West, From T Square to T Plan: The London Office of the J. Walter Thompson Advertising Agency 1919-70, p. 199

Book reviews, p. 218

a. 29, 1987, 1

Colin Newbury, The Origins and Function of the London Diamond Syndicate 1889-1914, p. 5
Glenn O. Nichols, Intermediaries and the Development of English Government Borrowing: The Case of Sir John James and Major Robert Huntington, 1675-79, p. 27
Geoffrey Tweedale, Business and Investment Strategies in the Inter-War British Steel Industry: A Case Study of Hadfield Ltd. And Bean Cars, p. 47
John Hendry, The Teashop Computer Manufacturer: J. Lyons, LEO and the Potential and Limits of High-Tech Diversification, p. 73

Book reviews, p. 103

a. 28, 1986, 4

Mark Casson, Contractual Arrangements for Technology Transfer: Evidence from Business History, p. 5
Charles Harvey, Jon Press, William Morris and the Marketing of Art, p. 36
Stephanie Diaper, Merchant Banking in the Inter-War Period: The Case of Kleinwort, Sons & Co., p. 55
Christine White, Ford in Russia: In Pursuit of the Chimeral Market, p. 77

Book reviews, p. 105
Books received, p. 127

a. 28, 1986, 3

a cura di R. P. T. Davenport-Hines, Jonathan Liebenau

Editors’ Introduction, p. IV
A. J. G. Cummings, The Harburgh Company and its Lottery 1716-23, p. 1
Jacob M. Price, Sheffeild v. Starke: Institutional Experimentation in the London- Maryland Trade c.1696-1706, p. 19
Frank T. Melton, Deposit Banking in London, 1700-90, p. 40
Lorna Weatherill, The Business of Middleman in the English Pottery Trade before 1780, p. 51
Eric Hopkins, The Trading and Service Sectors of the Birmingham Economy, p. 77
Eric Robinson, Matthew Boulton and Josiah Wedgwood, Apostles of Fashion, p. 98
J. F. Bosher, Financing the French Navy in the Seven Years War: Beaujon, Goossens et Compagnie in 1759, p. 115
Directions for the Conduct of a Merchant’s Counting House, 1766, a cura di Jacob M. Price, p. 134

Book reviews, p. 151
Books received, p. 173

a. 28, 1986, 2

Roy Church, Family Firms and Managerial Capitalism: The Case of the International Motor Industry, p. 165
Rob Turrell, Jean Jacques van Helten, The Rothschilds, the Exploration Company and Mining Finance, p. 181
Gerry R. Rubin, From Packmen, Tallymen and ‘Perambulating Scotchmen’ to Credit Drapers’ Associations, c. 1840-1914, p. 206
Lewis Johnman, The Largest Manufacturing Companies of 1935, p. 226

Book reviews, p. 246

a. 28, 1986, 1

a cura di R. P. T. Davenport-Hines

Editor’s Introduction, p. V
Dilwyn Porter, A Trusted Guide of the Investing Public’: Harry Marks and the Financial News 1884-1916, p. 1
John Armstrong, Hooley and the Bovril Company, p. 18
Richard Davenport-Hines, Jean-Jacques Van Helten, Edgar Vincent, Viscount D’Abernon, and the Eastern Investment Company in London, Constantinople and Johannesburg, p. 35
Robert Turrell, Sir Frederic Philipson Stow: The Unknown Diamond Magnate, p. 62
Pat Thane, Financiers and the British State: The Case of Sir Ernest Cassel, p. 80
Terence Rodgers, Sir Alan Smith, the Industrial Group and the Politics of Unemployment 1919-24, p. 100
Hugo Hirst, Two Autobiographical Fragments, p. 124

Book reviews, p. 134
Books received, p. 155

a. 27, 1985, 3

Yoshitaka Suzuki, The Formation of Management Structure in Japanese Industrials 1920-40, p. 259
Alice Teichova, Penelope Ratcliffe, British Interests in Danube Navigation after 1918, p. 283
Youssef Cassis, Management and Strategy in the English Joint Stock Banks 1890-1914, p. 301
Luciano Segreto, More Trouble than Profit: Vickers’ Investments in Italy 1905-39, p. 316

Book reviews, p. 338

a. 27, 1985, 2

Guest Editor: Richard Wilson
Roger Munting, Agricultural Engineering and European Exports Before 1914, p. 125
T. R. Gourvish, R. G. Wilson, Profitability in the Brewing Industry, 1885-1914, p. 146
Roger Ryan, The Early Expansion of the Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, 1808-37, p. 166
Michael Sanderson, Adam Smith, Sir Herbert Tree and the Wages of Actors 1890-1914, p. 197
W. M. Mathew, Planter Entrepreneurship and the Ruffin Reforms in the Old South, 1820-60, p. 207
G. W. Crompton, ‘Efficient and Economical Working’? The Performance of the Railway Companies 1923-33, p. 222

Book reviews, p. 240

a. 27, 1985, 1

Wayne Lewchuk, The Return to Capital in the British Motor Vehicle Industry 1896-1939, p. 3
John Wilson, Strategy of Expansion and Combination: Dick, Kerr & Co., 1897-1914, p. 26
Duncan McDowall, A Streetcar Few Desired: The Bermuda Trolley Company, 1910-11, p. 42
Stephanie Jones, The Decline of British Maritime Enterprise in Australia: The Example of the Australasian United Steam Navigation Company, 1887-1961, p. 59
Richard G. Rodger, Business Failure in Scotland 1839-1913, p. 75

Book reviews, p. 100
Books received, p. 117

a. 26, 1984, 3

D. E. H. Edgerton, Technical Innovation, Industrial Capacity and Efficiency: Public Ownership and the British Military Aircraft Industry, 1935-48, p. 247
John Hendry, Prolonged Negotiations: The British Fast Computer Project and the Early History of the British Computer Industry, p. 280
Marie W. Williams, Choices in Oil Refining: The Case of BP 1900-60, p. 307
Jonathan Liebenau, Industrial R & D in Pharmaceutical Firms in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 329

Book reviews, p. 347
Books received, p. 368

a. 26, 1984, 2

Shinya Sugiyama, Thomas B. Glover: A British Merchant in Japan, 1861-70, p. 115
Olive Checkland, Sydney Checkland, British and Japanese Economic Interaction under the Early Meiji: The Takashima Coal Mine, 1868-88, p. 139
Peter Richardson, Nobels and the Australian Mining Industry, p. 156
Shin’Ichi Yonekawa, University Graduates in Japanese Enterprises before the Second World War, p. 193

Book reviews, p. 219

a. 26, 1984, 1

David J. Jeremy, Anatomy of the British Business Elite, 1860-1980, p. 3
S. R. H. Jones, The Country Trade and the Marketing and Distribution of Birmingham Hardware, 1750-1810, p. 24
Michael Collins, The Business of Banking: English Bank Balance Sheets, 1840-80, p. 43
Geoffrey Jones, Multinational Chocolate: Cadbury Overseas, 1918-39, p. 57
Seminar: Oil Companies and Governments, p. 75
The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts’ Companies Index, p. 78
Joseph Melling, Review Essay: Enterprise and Emancipation in Capitalist Industry, p. 79

Book reviews, p. 86

a. 25, 1983, 3

Geoffrey Tweedale, Sheffield Steel and America: Aspects of the Atlantic Migration of Special Steelmaking Technology, 1850-1930, p. 225
Linda J. Jones, Public Pursuit of Private Profit? Liberal Businessmen and Municipal Politics in Birmingham, 1865-1900, p. 240
R. Lloyd-Jones, M. J. Lewis, Industrial Structure and Firm Growth: The Sheffield Iron and Steel Industry, 1880-1901, p. 260
N. J. Morgan, M. J. Daunton, Landlords in Glasgow: A Study of 1900, p. 264
R. P. T. Davenport-Hines, Vickers’ Balkan Conscience: Aspects of Anglo-Romanian Armaments, 1918-1939, p. 287

Book reviews, p. 320
Books received, p. 341

a. 25, 1983, 2

Rosemary E. Ommer, ‘A Peculiar and Immediate Dependency of the Crown’: The Basis of the Jersey Merchant Triangle, p. 107
Ranald C. Michie, Crisis and Opportunity: The Formation and Operation of the British Assets Trust, 1897-1914, p. 125
A. J. Marrison, Businessmen, Industries and Tariff Reform in Great Britain, 1903-1930, p. 148
James Foreman-Peck, Diversification and the Growth of the Firm: The Rover Company to 1914, p. 179
Gill Burke, Peter Richardson, ‘The Adaptability of the Cornish Cost Book System’: A Response, p. 193

Book reviews, p. 200
Books received, p. 220

a. 25, 1983, 1

M. S. Moss, J. R. Hume, Business Failure in Scotland 1839-1913: A Research Note, p. 3
W. D. Rubinstein, Entrepreneurial Effort and Entrepreneurial Success: Peak Wealth-Holding in Three Societies, 1850-1939, p. 11
Roger Burt, Norikazu Kudo, The Adaptability of the Cornish Cost Book System, p. 30
Christine Shaw, The Large Manufacturing Employers of 1907, p. 42
Helen Jones, Employers’ Welfare Schemes and Industrial Relations in Inter-War Britain, p. 61
A. L. Lougheed, British Company Formation and the Queensland Mining Industry, 1886-1890, p. 76

SSRC Business History Seminar, p. 83
Book reviews, p. 86

a. 24, 1982, 3

Lorna Weatherill, Capital and Credit in the Pottery Industry Before 1770, p. 243
J. R. Edwards, K. M. Webb, The Influence of Company Law on Corporate Reporting Procedures. 1865-1929: An Exemplification, p. 259
Forrest Capie, Ghila Rodrik-Bali, Concentration in British Banking, 1870-1920, p. 280
Julian Mason, Accounting Records and Business History, p. 293
Gary G. Backler, Trevor D. Heaver, The Timing of a Major Investment in Railway Capacity: CPR’s 1913 Connaught Tunnel Decision, p. 300

Book reviews, p. 315

a. 24, 1982, 2

Editorial, p. 140
R. Lloyd-Jones, A. A. Le Roux, Marshall and the Birth and Death of Firms: The Growth and Size Distribution of Firms in the Early Nineteenth-Century Cotton Industry, p. 141
Robert. B. Perks, Real Profit-Sharing: William Thomson & Sons Huddersfield, 1886-1925, p. 156
C. More, Armaments and Profits: The Case of Fairfield, p. 175
Geoffrey Jones, Lombard Street on the Riviera: The British Clearing Banks and Europe 1900-1960, p. 186
W. O. Henderson, The Rhenish-Westphalian Business Archives, p. 211

Book reviews, p. 212
Book note, p. 238
Books received, p. 238

a. 24, 1982, 1

A. E. Harrison, F. Hopper and Co. – The Problems of Capital Supply in the Cycle Manufacturing Industry 1891-1914, p. 3
Barbara English, On the Eve of the Great Depression: the economy of the Sledmere Estate 1869-1878, p. 24
R. P. Crowhurst, Profitability in French Privateering 1793-1815, p. 48
J. G. Timmins, Concentration and Integration in the Sheffield Crucible Steel Industry, p. 61
D. J. Moss, The Private Banks of Birmingham 1800-1827, p. 79
S. W. Creigh, The Origins of British Strike Statistics, p. 95

Business History Seminar: Summaries of Papers, p. 107
Book reviews, p. 111

a. 23, 1981, 3

Theo Barker, Consular Reports: A Rich but Neglected Historical Source, p. 265
Theo Barker, Consular Reports of the United Kingdom, p. 266
G. Kurgan-Van Hentenryk, Belgian Consular Reports, p. 268
C. A. Tamse, The Netherlands Consular Service and the Dutch Consular Reports of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, p. 271
A. M. Møller, Consular Reports. The Danish Monarchy 1797-1904, p. 276
A. Broder, French Consular Reports, p. 279
DR. Gehung, German Consular Reports, p. 283
Sakae Tsunoyama, Japanese Consular Reports, p. 284
Sakae Tsunoyama, The Early History of Japanese-Australian Trade, p. 288
V. I. Bovykin, D. W. Spring, S. J. Thompstone, Russian Consular Reports to 1917, p. 291
S. Högberg, Consular Reports to the Swedish Board of Trade, p. 294
Gérald Arlettaz, François Jequier, Les rapports consulaires de la Confédération Suisse, p. 298
R. H. Werking, United States Consular Reports: Evolution and Present Possibilities, p. 300
T. C. Smout, American Consular Reports on Scotland, p. 304
Robert Glen, Industrial Wayfarers: Benjamin Franklin and a case of Machine Smuggling in the 1780s, p. 309
T. H. Corran, James Deady, Henry Meux, and the Griffin Brewery: Fraud in an early-nineteenth-century Business, p. 327
J. A. Cantrell, James Nasmyth and the Bridgewater Foundry: Partners and Partnerships, p. 346
J. H. Porter, Skill and the Struggle for Power at the Workplace – A Review Article, p. 359

Book reviews, p. 365
Book note, p. 374
Books received, p. 374

a. 23, 1981, 2

M. Miles, The Money Market in the Early Industrial Revolution: The Evidence from West Riding Attorneys e. 1750-1800, p. 127
R. C. Michie, Options, Concessions, Syndicates, and the Provision of Venture Capital, 1880-1913, p. 147
A. E. Harrison, Joint-Stock Company Flotation in the Cycle, Motor-Vehicle and Related Industries, 1882-1914, p. 165
J. Foreman-Peck, Exit, Voice and Loyalty as Responses to Decline: The Rover Company in the Inter-War Years, p. 191
P. N. Davies, Business Success and the Role of Chance: The Extraordinary Philipps Brothers, p. 208
Roger Lister, Company financial statements as source material for business historians: observations on the underlying conceptual framework, p. 133
David J. Jeremy, Dictionary of Business Biography, p. 240

Book reviews, p. 241
Book note, p. 257

a. 23, 1981, 1

Gillian Burke, Peter Richardson, The Decline and Fall of the Cost Book System in the Cornish Tin Mining Industry, 1895-1914, p. 4
C. W. Munn, Scottish Provincial Banking Companies: An Assessment, p. 19
Paul L. Robertson, Employers and Engineering Education in Britain and the United States 1890-1914, p. 42
J. J. Mason, A Manufacturing and Bleaching Enterprise during the Industrial Revolution: The Sykeses of Edgeley, p. 59
D. A. Farnie, Platt Bros. & Co. Ltd. of Oldham. Machine-Makers to Lancashire and to the World: an Index of Production of Cotton Spinning Spindles 1880-1914, p. 84
Business History Seminar: Summaries of Papers, p. 87
Marcus Arkin, Entrepreneurship and the English East India Company-A Review Article, p. 91

Book reviews, p. 96
Book notes, p. 120
Books received, p. 121