Scandinavian Journal of History DATINI

Scandinavian Journal of History

Oslo, Historical Associations of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
5 fascicoli l’anno, già trimestrale
ISSN: 0346-8755 (Print)
ISSN: 1502-7716 (Online)
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 107
Consistenza: v. 31, 2006, 1-Vol. 41, 2016, 4-5

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze
Risorsa online
Consistenza: 1976-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2006 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ]

copertina della rivista

Vol. 45, 2020, 5

Heikki Pihlajamäki, Summoning to Court: Ordines Iudiciarii and Swedish Medieval Legislation, p. 547
Erik Bengtsson, Mats Olsson, Peasant Aristocrats? Wealth, Social Status and the Politics of Swedish Farmer Parliamentarians 1769-1895, p. 573
Thorsteinn Vilhjálmsson, The Boundaries of Pleasure: The Diary of Ólafur Davíðsson and the Heterotopia of the Nineteenth-Century Reykjavík Latin School, p. 593
Andrej Kotljarchuk, STATE, EXPERTS, AND ROMA: Historian Allan Etzler and pseudo-scientific racism in Sweden, p. 615
Kjetil Braut Simonsen, Antisemitism on the Norwegian Far-Right, 1967-2018, p. 640
Johan Cederqvist, Susanna Lidström, Sverker Sörlin, Henrik Svedäng, Swedish environmental history of the Baltic Sea. A review of Current Knowledge and Perspectives for the Future, p. 663

Vol. 45, 2020, 4

Daniel Larsson, Diseases in Early Modern Sweden. A Parish-level Study 1631-1775, p. 407
Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen, Midwives as expert witnesses in the 18th-century Finnish courts of justice, p. 433
Anne Berg, Gendered democratic experiences? Men and women in workers’ organizations in mid-19th-century Sweden, p. 457
Christian Sandbjerg Hansen, Visions of the North-West. Making a Working-Class Neighbourhood in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1900-1950, p. 479
Felix Frey, A FLUID IRON CURTAIN. Norwegian-Soviet Hydropower Cooperation in the Pasvik Valley, 1955-1965, p. 506

Vol. 45, 2020, 3

Louisa Taylor, Bishop’s, war, and canon law. The Military Activities of Prelates in High Medieval Norway, p. 263
Ian Peter Grohse, THE LOST CAUSE. Kings, the Council, and the Question of Orkney and Shetland, 1468-1536, p. 286
Karin Sennefelt, YOUNG MAN, FIND YOUR FORTUNE: Guilds and the Practices of Social Order in Sweden, 1650?1720, p. 309
Ville Laamanen, FROM COMMUNIST CADRE TO OUTSIDER. Ideals, Opportunism, and Coping with Change in Moscow and Stockholm, 1929-1948, p. 334
Anika Seemann, CITIZEN OUTCASTS. The Penalty of ‘Loss of Civil Rights’ during the Norwegian Treason Trials, 1945-1953, p. 360
Carl Marklund, Double Loyalties? Small-State Solidarity and the Debates on New International Economic Order in Sweden During the Long 1970s, p. 384

Vol. 45, 2020, 2

Historical Legacy of Child Welfare.
Guest Editors: Pirjo Markkola and Johanna Sköld

Johanna Sköld, Pirjo Markkola, HISTORY OF CHILD WELFARE: A Present Political Concern, p. 143

Malin Arvidsson, RETROACTIVE RESPONSIBILITY: A Comparison of Argumentation on State Redress for Historical Institutional Child Abuse in Sweden and Denmark, p. 159
Johanna Sköld, Bengt Sandin, Johanna Schiratzki, HISTORICAL JUSTICE THROUGH REDRESS SCHEMES? The Practice of Interpreting the Law and Physical Child Abuse in Sweden, p. 178
Antti Malinen, Pirjo Markkola, Kirsi-Maria Hytönen, CONDUCTING COMMISSIONED RESEARCH. The Finnish Inquiry into the Failures of Child Welfare, 1937-1983, p. 202
Kjersti Ericsson, STAVNE REFORMATORY: 50 Years of Institutional History, p. 221
Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, DISOBEDIENT BOYS AND PROMISCUOUS GIRLS. Views on Institutions for Wayward Youth in Iceland 1900-1960, p. 238

Vol. 45, 2020, 1

Christopher Collstedt, TOWARDS A BIOPOLITICS OF THE VICTIMIZED BODY. Creating assault as a crime against health and life, c. 1945-1965, p. 1
Bjørg Evjen, Veli-Pekka Lehtola, Mo birget soadis (how to cope with war). Adaptation and resistance in Sámi relations to Germans in wartime Sápmi, Norway and Finland, p. 25
Marten Seppel, THE SEMIOTICS OF SERFDOM: How serfdom was perceived in the Swedish conglomerate state, 1561-1806, p. 48
Helge Danielsen, MILITARY ASSISTANCE, FOREIGN POLICY, AND NATIONAL SECURITY. The objectives of US military assistance to Norway, 1950-1965, p. 71
Árni Daníel Júlíusson, Birna Lárusdottir, Gavin Lucas, Gísli Pálsson, EPISCOPAL ECONOMICS. Property and power in post-reformation Iceland, p. 95
Margaretha Nordquist, Celebrating the Memory of Victory: Tracing the memories of the Battle of Brunkeberg (1471), p. 121

Vol. 44, 2019, 5

Guest Editors: Jeppe Nevers and Thomas Paster

Jeppe Nevers, Thomas Paster, BUSINESS AND THE NORDIC WELFARE STATES, 1890-1970, p. 535

Jeppe Nevers, CAPITALISM IN TIMES OF CRISIS. Danish Industrialists and the State, c. 1910—1940, p. 552
Rikard Westerberg, THE ALTERNATIVE. How Nordic Business Interest Associations Attempted to Formulate an Ideological Programme, 1945-1975, p. 572
Astrid Hedin, BEFORE THE BREAKDOWN OF THE SALTSJÖBADEN SPIRIT OF LABOUR MARKET COOPERATION: The Swedish Employers’ Confederation and workplace democracy in the 1960s, p. 591
Alf Sjöblom, THE BUSINESS OF WELFARE. Mutually Sustaining Practices of Public and Private Insurance in Sweden 1870-1946, p. 617

Vol. 44, 2019, 4

Jonas Lindström, Labouring Poor in Early Modern Sweden? Crofters and Lodgers in Västmanland in the 17th Century, p. 403
Nina Javette Koefoed, Authorities who care. The Lutheran Doctrine of the Three Estates in Danish Legal Development from the Reformation to Absolutism, p. 430
Karen Gram-Skjoldager, Haakon A. Ikonomou, Torsten Kahlert, SCANDINAVIANS AND THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS SECRETARIAT, 1919-1946, p. 454
Orsi Husz, Nikolas Glover, Between human capital and human worth. Popular Valuations of Knowledge in 20th-Century Sweden, p. 484
Mogens Rüdiger, From Coal to Wind. How the Danish Energy Policy changed in 1990, p. 510

Vol. 44, 2019, 3

Ragnhild Hutchison, Exploring an Early Cross-border Trade System. Norwegian Copper in the 18th Century, p. 261
Jarkko Keskinen, Cooperative competition: Business culture in the Finnish merchant community in the first half of the nineteenth-century. Business Culture in the Finnish Merchant Community in the First Half of the 19th Century, p. 287
Petter Tistedt, KNOWING THE DEMOS. Gender and the Politics of Classifying Voters in the Aftermath of Universal Suffrage, p. 332
Gunnar Hansson, SOCIAL CHANGE BY COMPROMISE? The Reformist Argument of Ernst Wigfross, p. 355

Vol. 44, 2019, 2


Pasi Ihalainen, Tiina Kinnunen, REFORM AND REVOLUTION IN SCANDINAVIA, 1917-1919. Entangled Histories and Visions of the Future, p. 143

Tiina Kinnunen, Ellen Key and Rudolf Kjellén on war, peace, and the future of post-First World War Europe, p. 150
Jonas Harvard, SOCIALIST COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES AND THE SPRING OF 1917. Managing Revolutionary Opinion Through the Media System, p. 169
Katarina Leppänen, The Swedish journal Morgonbris on political violence in Finland 1917-1918, p. 193
Pasi Ihalainen, Transnational Constructors of Parliamentary Democracy in Swedish and Finnish Constitutional Controversies, 1917-1919, p. 213
Jeppe Nevers, THE FIRST WORLD WAR AND THE REGULATORY STATE. Danish Experiences and Expectations, p. 236

Vol. 44, 2019, 1

Andrés Brink Pinto, Martin Ericsson, ‘YOUTH RIOTS’ AND THE CONCEPT OF CONTENTIOUS POLITICS IN HISTORICAL RESEARCH. The Case of the 1948 Stockholm Easter Riots, p. 1
Erik Bengtsson, Anna Missiaia, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson, ARISTOCRATIC WEALTH AND INEQUALITY IN A CHANGING SOCIETY: SWEDEN, 1750-1900, p. 27
Mika Kallioinen, MEDIEVAL MERCHANTS’ LETTERS IN NORTHERN EUROPE. Functions and Conventions, p. 53
Laura Ipatti, AT THE ROOTS OF THE ‘FINLAND BOOM’. The Implementation of Finnish Image Policy in Japan in the 1960s, p. 103

Vol. 43, 2018, 5

Gunn Enli, Trine Syvertsen, Ole J. Mjøs, THE WELFARE STATE AND THE MEDIA SYSTEM. The Role of Media and Communications in the Evolution and Transformation of Scandinavian Welfare States, p. 601
Karl Bruno, THE GOVERNMENT’S BUSINESS?. Swedish foreign policy and commercial mineral interests in Liberia, 1955-1980, p. 624
Alexander Isacsson, MONARCHICAL IMAGE-MAKING IN AN AGE OF REVOLUTION. Embodying the ‘Traditional’ and the ‘Modern’ in Swedish Dynastic Ceremonies, c. 1780-1820, p. 666

Vol. 43, 2018, 4

Mats Ingulstad, THE SHOVEL IS OUR WEAPON. The Norwegian Labour Service and the paradox of nationalist internationalism, p. 457
Henrik Mikael Forsberg, ‘If they do not want to work and suffer, they must starve and die.’Irish and Finnish famine historiography compared, p. 484
Ilona Pikkanen, The Emergence of a Story Space. The Image of the Club War (1596-97) in Swedish and Finnish Historiography, 1620-1860, p. 515
Baldur Thorhallsson, Sverrir Steinsson, Thorsteinn Kristinsson, A THEORY OF SHELTER: ICELAND’S AMERICAN PERIOD (1941-2006), p. 539

Vol. 43, 2018, 3

Anna Kaijser, David Larsson Heidenblad, Young Activists In Muddy Boots. Fältbiologerna and the Ecological Turn in Sweden, 1959-1974, p. 301
Dag Avango, Per Högselius, David Nilsson, Swedish Explorers, in-Situ Knowledge, and Resource-Based Business in the Age Of Empire, p. 324
Katariina Parhi, Young Man M. Political Violence, Moral Insanity, and Criminal Law in Finnish Psychiatry in the 1870s and 1880s, p. 348
Erik Wångmar, Malin Lennartsson, Historians and Their Sources. The Use of Unpublished Source Material in Swedish Doctoral Theses in History, 1959-2015, and in Student Bachelor’s and Master’s Theses, 2010-2015, p. 365
Charlotta Wolff, Opéra-Comique, Cultural Politics and Identity in Scandinavia 1760-1800., p. 387
Lovisa Broström, Daniel Rauhut, Poor Men: on the Masculinization of Poverty in Sweden, 1957-1981, p. 410

Vol. 43, 2018, 2

Frederik Forrai Ørskov, Screening The Social Face of Denmark to the Nazis. Social policy as subdued resistance during the German occupation of Denmark, p. 187
Elena Kochetkova, ‘A Shop Window Where You Can Choose the Goods You Like’. Finnish industrial and trade fairs in the USSR, 1950s-1960s, p. 212
Fredrik Norén, ‘6 to 8 Slices Of Bread’. Swedish health information campaigns in the 1970s, p. 233
Inger Lyngdrup Nørgård, The role of charity in public relief, 1708-1871: Copenhagen as case, p. 260
Einar Lie, Learning by Failing. The Origins of the Norwegian Oil Fund, p. 28

Vol. 43, 2018, 1

Glenn Sandström, Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, Long-Term Perspectives on Divorce in the Nordic Countries – Introduction, p. 1

Bente Rosenbeck, Liberalization of Divorce. No-fault divorce in Denmark and the Nordic countries in the early 20th century, p. 18
Hanne Marie Johansen, The History of Divorce Politics in Norway Continuity and change, p. 40
Pasi Saarimäki, Bourgeois Women and The Question of Divorce in Finland in The Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries, p. 64
Ólöf Garðarsdóttir, Brynja Björnsdóttir, The Implications of Divorce in late 19Th- and early 20Th-Century Iceland, p. 91
Antti Malinen, Marriage Guidance, Women and the Problem(S) of Returning Soldiers in Finland, 1944-1946, p. 112
Sophy Bergenheim, From Pronatalism to Salvaging Relationships. The Finnish Population and Family Welfare League’s conceptions of marriage and divorce, 1951-1988, p. 141
Glenn Sandström, The Breakthrough of a Post-Materialistic Marital Ideology. The discussion of divorce in Swedish newspapers during the 1960s, p. 161

Vol. 42, 2017, 5

Trond Bjerkås, From the Parish to the Publich Realm. Changing terms of local government in Norway between absolutism and constitutional rule, p. 477
Martin Åberg, The Formation of Swedish Independent Local Lists, 1990-2015. A study into the sources of non-diffusion, p. 505
Antti Räihä, Normative Imperatives and Communal Influences. The consistory’s role in proposing Lutheran clergy in the 18th-century Russian border area, p. 537
9 Harald Gustafsson, The Forgotten Union. Scandinavian dynastic and territorial politics in the 14th century and the Norwegian-Swedish connection, p. 560
Jari Ojala, Pirita Frigren, Anu Ojala, The Poor Man’S Goldmine? Career paths in Swedish and Finnish merchant shipping, c. 1840-1950, p. 583

Vol. 42, 2017, 4

Byron Rom-Jensen, A Model of Social Security? The political usage of Scandinavia in Roosevelt’s New Deal, p. 363
Sami Outinen, From Steering Capitalism to Seeking Market Acceptance. Social Democrats and employment in Finland, 1975-1998, p. 389
Kasper Kepsu, The Unruly Buffer Zone. The Swedish province of Ingria in the late 17th century, p. 414
Dag Retsö, No Taxation Without Negotiation. War economy, taxes, and the peasantry in Sweden in the early 16th century, p. 439
Jeppe Büchert Netterstrøm, Criminalization of Homicide in Early Modern Denmark (16th-17th Centuries), p. 459

Vol. 42, 2017, 3

Onni Pekonen, Parliamentarizing the Estate Diet. The debate on plenum plenorum in late 19th-century Finland, p. 245
Jakob Molinder, Jan Ottosson, Lena Andersson-Skog, Lars Magnusson, What Can the State Do for You? Relocation allowances and regional subsidies in post-war Sweden, p. 273
Heidi Anett Øvergård Beistad, Pope, Province, and Power. The authority of the Nidaros metropolitan see, c. 1240-1265, p. 299
Jan Selling, The Obscured Story of the International Criminal Police Commission, Harry Söderman, and the Forgotten Context of Antiziganism, p. 329

Book Reviews, p. 354

Vol. 42, 2017, 2

Jakob Maliks, Corsairs and Constitutions. Civil ensigns in the union of Norway and Sweden, 1814-1821, p. 125
Janne Kivivuori, Veli Verkko as an Early Criminologist. A case study in scientific conflict and paradigm shift, p. 144
Henrik Ågren, Status, Estate, or Profession? Social stratification via titles in 1730s Sweden, p. 166
Henrik Åström Elmersjö, Establishing an Ideologically Coherent History. Swedish social-democratic historical culture, 1881-1900, p. 193
Ian Peter Grohse, Nativism in Late Medieval Norway. Scrutinizing a theory, p. 219

Vol. 42, 2017, 1

Jonas M. Nordin, Organized Materiality. A study of material culture and space of the late medieval Swedish guilds, p. 1
Anne Eriksen, The Medical Periodicals of J.C. Tode and the Idea of Public Health, p. 28
Louise Berglund, A Medieval Heroine for the Modern Woman. The Fredrika Bremer Association writes women’s history (c. 1859-1916), p. 46
Taina Syrjämaa, At Intersections of Technology and a Modern Mass Medium, The Engineer Robert Runeberg and Exhibitions, 1867-1900, p. 71
Martin Ericsson, Common Starting Points, Different Directions. Assimilation policies for ‘Travelling families’ in Norway, Sweden and Finland c. 1850-1900, p. 96

Book Reviews, p. 122

Vol. 41, 2016, 4-5

Special Issue:
Slavery, Servitude and Freedom: New Perspectives on Life in the Danish-Norwegian West Indies, 1672-1848

Niklas Thode Jensen, Gunvor Simonsen, Introduction: The historiography of slavery in the Danish-Norwegian West Indies, c. 1950-2016, p. 475
Lasse Bendtsen, Domestic slave trading in St. Croix, 1764-1848, p. 495
Vibe Maria Martens, Royal slaves in the Danish-Norwegian West Indies 1792-1848: Living in autonomy, p. 516
Mirjam Louise Hvid, Indentured servitude and convict labour in the Danish-Norwegian West Indies, 1671-1755, p. 541
Marie Veisegaard Olsen, Sexual relationships and working lives of free Afro-Caribbean women, p. 565
Signe Haubroe Flygare, The Free Negro Company of Christiansted: Struggles for equality, 1773-1799, p. 586

Book Reviews, p. 608

Vol. 41, 2016, 3

Special Issue:
Gender, Material Culture and Emotions in Scandinavian History

Jacqueline Van Gent, Raisa Maria Toivo, Introduction: Gender, Material Culture and Emotions in Scandinavian History, p. 263
Ann-Catrine Eriksson, Materiality, rhetoric and emotion in the Pietà, p. 271
Raisa Maria Toivo, Religion and emotion, p. 289
Johanna Ilmakunnas, Embroidering women and turning men, p. 306
Åsa Karlsson Sjögren, Negotiating charity, p. 332
Eirinn Larsen, Vibeke Kieding Banik, Mixed feelings, p. 350
Laura Stark, Emotional causality in dynamistic Finnish-Karelian folk belief, p. 369
Jacqueline Van Gent, Linnaeus’ tea cup, p. 388
Ina Lindblom, The botany of friendship and love, p. 410
Päivi Räisänen-Schröder, Books, dress, and emotions in the memoirs of the clergyman Johan Frosterus (1720-1809), p. 427
Susan Broomhall, Face-making, p. 447

Vol. 41, 2016, 2

Paula Pinto Costa, Luís Adão da Fonseca, Kurt Villads Jensen, Cristina Pimenta, Miltary orders between territorialization and periphery from the 12th to the 16th century: A comparative perspective on Portugal and Denmark, p. 141
Helena Haage, Erling Häggström Lundevaller, Lotta Vikström, Gendered death risks among disabled individuals in Sweden: A case study of the 19th-century Sundsvall region, p. 160
Bo Poulsen, Imitation in European herring fisheries, c. 1550-1860, p. 185
Frode Ulvund, Travelling images and projected representations: Perceptions of Mormonism in Norway, c. 1840-1860, p. 208
Regin Schmidt, Denmark, Scandinavia and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions in the early Cold War, p. 231

Book Reviews, p. 254

Vol. 41, 2016, 1

Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, Editorial, p. 1
Rosa Vilkama, Ritva Kylli, Anna-Kaisa Salmi, Sugar consumption, dental health and foodways in late medieval Iin Hamina and early modern Oulu, Northern Finland, p. 2
Kristina Lenz, Nils Hybel, The Black Death: its origin and ruotes of dissemination, p. 54
Jørgen Mührmann-Lund, “Good order and police”: policing in the towns and the countryside during Danish absolutism (1660-1800), p. 71
Katarina Leppänen, The politics of Hella Wuolijoki’s autobiography, p. 91
Staffan Förhammar, Scientific philantrophy and welfare politics of solidarity: a discussion of the roots of the Swedish welfare state, p. 110

Book Reviews, p. 132

Vol. 40, 2015, 5

Merle Wessel, Castration of male sex offenders in the Nordic welfare state in the context of homosexuality and heteronormativity, 1930-1955, p. 591
Pawel Jaworski, Polish experiences with Scandinavian activity in the League of Nations, p. 610
Aappo Kähönen, The clash of great powers and revolution in the Baltic Sea? Finland in the Soviet foreign policy, 1922-1925, p. 632
Håkon Evju, Debating the moral and economic foundations of a democratic polity Odelsretten in parliament and the public sphere, 1807-1821, p. 653

Book Reviews, p. 677

Vol. 40, 2015, 4

Anna Brismark, Pia Lundqvist, A textile web: Jewish immigrants in Gothenburg in the early nineteenth century and their impact on the textile market, p. 485
Mats Wickström, Comparative and transnational perspectives on the introduction of multiculturalism in post-war Sweden, p. 512
Niklas Thode Jensen, The Tranquebarian Society: science, enlightenment and useful knowledge in the Danish-Norwegian East Indies, 1768-1813, p. 535
Heli Huhtamaa, Climatic anomalies, food systems, and subsistence crises in medieval Novgorod and Ladoga, p. 562

Vol. 40, 2015, 3

Special Issue:
Mission, Relief and Dcvelopment: Gender and Nordic Missions in Transnational and Humanitarian Settings, Ca. 1890—1960

Seija Jalagin, Inger Marie Okkenhaug, Maria Småberg, Introduction: Nordic missions, gender and humanitarian practices: from evangelizing to development, p. 285
Heini Hakosalo, Modest witness to modernization. Finland meets Ovamboland in mission doctor Selma Rainio’s family letters, 1921-1932, p. 298
Karina Hestad Skeie, Gender, Mission and Work. The complex relationship between formal rights and missionary agency in the Norwegian Lutheran China Mission Association , p. 332
Thomas G. Oey, Towards translocal development. Swedish-American Baptist Minnie Johnson Hanson and her context of the mission to the Kachins of Burma (Myanmar) , p. 357
Malin Gregersen, Protecting people in protected places. Gender, perceptions of protection, and the Scandinavian women of YWCA Changsha, China, 1917-1927 , p. 382
Maria Småberg, On mission in the cosmopolitan world. Ethics of care in the Armenian refugee crisis, 1920-1947, p. 405
Inger Marie Okkenhaug, Religion, relief and humanitarian work among Armenian women refugees in Mandatory Syria, 1927-1934, p. 432
Seija Jalagin, A Nordic Hebrew Christian centre in Jerusalem? Relief work, education and Nordic neutrality in Palestine, 1943-1946, p. 455

Book Reviews, p. 478

Vol. 40, 2015, 2

John F. L. Ross, Fridtjof Nansen and the Aegean population exchange, p. 133
Bjørn Tore Rosendahl, Patriotism, money and control: Mobilization of Norwegian merchant seamen during the Second World War, p. 159
Gissur Ó. Erlingsson, Jörgen Ödalen, Erik Wångmar, Understanding large-scale institutional change: Social conflicts and the politics of Swedish municipal amalgamations, 1952-1974, p. 195
Peter Edelberg, Dorthe Gert Simonsen, Changing the Subject: Epistemologies of Scandinavian source criticism, p. 215
Simon Halink, A Tainted Legacy: Finnur Magnússon’s mythological studies and Iceland’s national identity, p. 239

Book Reviews, p. 271

Vol. 40, 2015, 1

Dag Retsö, Johan Söderberg, The late-medieval crisis quantified: Real taxes in Sweden, 1320-1550, p. 1
Marjatta Rahikainen, The Fading of the Ancien Régime Mentality: Young upper-class women in imperial St Petersburg and Helsinki (Helsingfors), p. 25
Anne Berg, The State of Autonomy: The social liberal state and the politics of financing non-formal education in Sweden c. 1870-1910, p. 48
Pasi Ihalainen, The 18th-century traditions of representation in a new age of revolution: History politics in the Swedish and Finnish parliaments, 1917-1919, p. 70
Roddy Nilsson, ‘Arsenic of the size of a pea’: Women and poisoning in 19th-century Sweden, p. 97

Book Reviews, p. 119

Vol. 39, 2014, 5

Linda Haukland, Hans Nielsen Hauge: a catalyst of literacy in Norway, p. 539
Steinunn Kristjànsdòttir, Inger Larsson, Per Arvid Asen The Icelandic medieval monastic garden – dit it exist?, p. 425
Ulrika Kjellmann, How to picture race? The use of photography in the scientivic practice of the Swedish State Institute for Race Biology, p. 580
Helene Castenbrandt, A forgotten plague: dysentery in Sweden, 1750-1900, p. 612
Juuso Marttila, Social structures defined by occupation: contemporaries’ experiences of social boundaries in 20th-century ironworks in Finland and Sweden, p. 640
Grey Osterud, The historical roots of differing rural gender orders in Norway and Sweden, p. 664

Vol. 39, 2014, 4

Miia Ijäs, The Rejected Candidate: John III Vasa, the Polish-Lithuanian royal elections (1573-1575) and early-modern political decision-making, p. 403
Mirkka Lappalainen, Death and Disease the Great Finnish Famine 1695-1697, p. 425
Johannes Westberg, How much did a Swedish Schoolhouse Cost to build? Rewriting the history of 19th-century rural schoolhouses, p. 448
Karen Vallgårda, Can the Subaltern Woman Rule? Gender, race and agency in colonial missionary texts, p. 472
Tuomas Tepora, Coming to Terms with Violence: Sacrifice, collective memory and reconciliation in inter-war Finland, p. 487
Guomundur Jónsson, Iceland and the Nordic Model of Consensus Democracy, p. 510

Book Review, p. 529

Vol. 39, 2014, 3

Roald Berg, Denmark, Norway and Sweden in 1814: a geopolitical and contemporary perspective, p. 265
Joseph B. Kadane, Ferdinand Linthoe N?shagen, Homicide rates in rural southern Norway 1300-1569, p. 287
James Godbolt, A Picture and a Protest: Kjartan Slettemark and the Vietnam War, p. 299
David Brégaint, Solemn Entries in 12th- and 13th-century Norway, p. 314
Michael Bregnsbo, The motives behind the foreign political decisions of Frederick VI during the Napoleonic Wars, p. 335
Lars Borgersrud, 9 April revised: on the Norwegian history tradition after Magne Skodvin Quisling and the invasion of Norway in 1940, p. 353

Book Review, p. 398

Vol. 39, 2014, 2

Special Issue: Beyond the Military Revolution

Maria Sjöberg, Introduction. Beyond the Miitary Revolution: the civil and military spheres in early modem Scandinavia, p. 147
Christopher Collstedt, The Descents of Military Violence against Civiians: a history of the present, p. 153
Anna Maria Forssberg, The final argument: war and the merging of the military and civilian spheres in 17th-century Sweden, p. 170
Erik Petersson, Wounded Veterans and the State: the precursor of the veteran’s home in Sweden (1560-1650), p. 185
San Nauman, Winning a War with Words: oaths as means in military conflict in early modem Scandinavia, p. 198
David Gudmundsson, The Consolation of Soldiers: religious life in the Swedish army during the Great Northern War, p. 212
Maria Sjöberg, Replacing a Father: civilian aspects of the Swedlish military, 1600-1800, p. 226
Hugo Nordland, Soldiers and Citizens: the concept of citizenship and the Anjala Covenant, 1788-1790, p. 246

Vol. 39, 2014, 1

Special Issue: A Nordic Industrious Revolution?

Ragnhild Hutchison, Introduction: A Nordic ‘industrious revolution’?, p. 1
Ragnhild Hutchison, An Industrious Revolution in Norway? A Norwegian road to the modern market economy?, p. 4
Alan Hutchinson, Consumption and Endeavour: Motives for the acquisition of new consumer goods in a region in the north of Norway in the 18th century, p. 27
Hrefna Róbertsdóttir, Manufacturing in the 18th Century: Production, consumption and relative usefulness in Iceland’s Old Society, p. 49
Helle Vogt, ‘Likewise no one shall be tortured’: The use of judicial torture in early modern Denmark, p. 78
Vegard Kvam, The non-graded elementary school: A historical study of the development of the Norwegian non-graded rural elementary school, 1860-1970, p. 100
Mart Kuldkepp, Sweden’s Historical Mission and World War I: A regionalist theory of Swedish activism, p. 126

Vol. 38, 2013, 5

Riitta Laitinen, Banishment, Urban Community and Judicial Practice: Thieves in mid-17th-century Turku, p. 549
Niklas Jensen-Eriksen, Lost at Sea: Finnish government, shipping companies and the United Nations embargo against China during the 1950s, p. 568
Heidi Vad Jønsson, Immigrant Policy Developing in Copenhagen and Ishøj in the 1970s, p. 590
Maiju Wuokko, Layers of Disunity: The presidential politics of Finnish business, 1981-1982, p. 612
Rasmus Brun Pedersen, ‘Footnote Policy’ and the Social Democratic Party’s Role in Shaping Danish EEC Positions, 1982-1986, p. 636

Book Review, p. 658

Vol. 38, 2013, 4

Special Issue: Wars, States and Economic Change in the Scandinavian Countries, 1600-2000

Harald Espeli, Joachim Lund, Introduction, p. 399
Gunner Lind, Early Military Industry in Denmark-Norway, 1500-1814, p. 405
Finn Erhard Johannessen, Late Gaileys: the Fredriksvern Naval Shipyard and the coastal defence in Norway 1750-1814, p. 422
Masako Ikegami, The End of a ‘National’ Defence Industry?: impacts of globalization on the Swedish defence industry, p. 436
Patrik Winton, Politics of Debt, War and Peace: Scandinavia 1800-1830, p. 458
Joachim Lund, The Wages of Collaboration: the German food crisis 1939-1945 and the supplies from Denmark, p. 480
Harald Espeli, Economic Consequences of the German Occupation ofNorway, 1940-1945, p. 502
Timo Ylimaunu, Paul R. Mullins, James Symonds, Titta Kallio-Seppä, Hilkka Heikkilä, Markku Kuorilehto, Siiri Tolonen, Memory of Barracks: World War II German ‘Little Berlins’ and post-war urbanization in Northern Finnish towns, p. 525

Vol. 38, 2013, 3

Sverrir Jakobsson, From Reciprocity to Manorialism On the peasant mode of production in Medieval Iceland, p. 273
Hanna Enefalk, Alcohol and Respectability A case study of central Sweden circa 1800-1850, p. 296
Christer Lundh, The Geography of Marriage Regional variations in age at first marriage in Sweden, 1870-1900, p. 318
Johan Matz, Cables in Cipher, the Raoul Wallenberg Case and Swedish-Soviet Diplomatic Communication 1944-1947, p. 344
Martin Eriksson, Lars Westin, Regional Policy as Interaction between National Institutions and Regional Science The Nordic growth centre policies, 1965-1980, p. 367

Book Reviews, p. 387

Vol. 38, 2013, 2

Kristi Kukk, Stubborn Histories Overcoming pagan brutality narrative in Estonian 19th-century national-romantic historiography in the Nordic and Baltic context, p. 135
Martin Åberg, Liberalism and Revivalism. A Comparative Case Study of Liberal Ideology, Individualism, and Revivalism in Schleswig-Holstein and Värmland, ca. 1860-1920, p. 154
Ulrika Kjellman, A Whiter Shade of Pale Visuality and race in the work of the Swedish State Institute for Race Biology, p. 180
Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon, Gender: A Useful Category in the Analysis of Ego-Documents? Memory, historical sources and microhistory, p. 202
Sari Katajala-Peltomaa, Fatherhood, Masculinity and Lived Religion in Late-Medieval Sweden, p. 223
Henrik Rosengren, ‘A Wagner for the Jews’: Moses Pergament, Richard Wagner and anti-Semitism in Swedish cultural life in the interwar period, p. 245

Book Reviews, p. 262
Short Notices, p. 270

Vol. 38, 2013, 1

Erika Harlitz Kern, The Norwegian Origins of the Swedish Town of Lòdòse, c. 1050-1300: a suggested change of perspectives, p.
Liv Helene Wiliumsen, Children Accused of Witchcraft in 17th-Century Finnmark, p. 18
Edmund Rogers, A ‘Smail Free Trade Oasis’?: agriculture, tariff policy, and the Danish example in Great Britain and Ireland, c. 1885-1911, p. 42
John Lapidus, Why such a Permissive Attitude towards Monopolistic Associations?: social democracy up to the first Swedish law on cartels in 1925, p. 65
Andreas Marklund, Under the Danish Cross: flagging Danishness in the years around World War II, p. 89
Heli Kaarina Kananen, The Adaptation of an Ethnic Minority in Finland in the 1940s and I 950s: Orthodox displaced persons and the Lutheran indigenous population, p. 111

Short Notice, p. 133

Vol. 37, 2012, 5

Mats Hallenberg, For the Wealth of the Realm: the transformation of the public sphere in Swedish politics, c. 1434-1650, p. 557
Ragnhild Hutchison, The Norwegian and Baltic Timber Trade to Britain 1780-1835 and its Interconnections, p. 578
Ida Biom, Structures and Agency: a transnational comparison of the struggle for women’s suffrage in the Nordic countries during the long 19th century, p. 600
Jenny Katarina Eklöv Helena Ekerhoim, Erland Mårald, Promoting Ethanol in the Shadow of Oil Dependence: 100 years of arguments and frictions in Swedish politics, p. 621
Monica Quirico, Model or Utopia?: the Meidner plan and Sweden in Italy’s political and trade unionist debate (1975-1984), p. 646

Book Reviews, p. 667
Short Notices, p. 678
Books Received, p. 681

Vol. 37, 2012, 4

Elise Garritzen, Paratexts and Footnotes in Historical Narrative: Henry Biaudet and scholarly and nationalistic ambitions of historical research 1902-1915, p. 407
Heini Hakosalo, The Ryti Case: language, gender and the rules of the game in Finnish academic medicine in the 1920s, p. 430
Jenny Bjòrkman, The Right to a Nice Home: housing inspection in 1 930s Stockholm, p. 461
Ville Kivimiki, Between Defeat and Victory: Finnish mernory culture of the Second World War, p. 482
Johan Stenfeldt, Positioning in the Cold War – Swedish and Danish History Textbooks and the Totalitarianism Doctrine. Historical Cultures in Comparison, p. 505
Palle Roslyng-Jensen, From World War to Cold War: Scandjnavjan media attitudes to the Soviet Union 1945-1948, p. 526

Vol. 37, 2012, 3

Jakub Morawiec, Przemys?aw Urba?czyk, Building the Legend of the Battie of Svoldr, p. 279
Magnus Linnarsson, Postal Service on a Lease Contract: the privatization and outsourcing of the Swedish postal service, 1662-1668, p. 296
Magnus Perlestam, The Face of Disobedience: obedience and insubordination in a military environment in the reign of King Charles XII of Sweden, p. 317
Joachim Lund, Collaboration in Print: the ‘Aktion Ritterbusch’ and the failure of German intellectual propaganda in occupied Denmark, 1940-1942, p. 329
Alexey Goluhev, Between Social Reformism and Conservatism: Soviet women under the Finnish occupation regime, 1941-1944, p. 355
Jaana Lame, The Journey of Finnish Forest Workers from the Woods to the Negotiating Table: the first collectivc labour agreement in 1962, p. 377

Book Review, p. 401
Short notice, p. 404

Vol. 37, 2012, 2 – Special Issue

Special Issue: Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series I, Volume IX: The Nordic Countries: From War to Cold War, 1944-1951 ( guest editors: Tony Insall e Patrick Salmon)

Gu?mundur Hálfdanarson, Editorial, p. 131
Tony Insall, Patrick Salmon, Introduction, p. 133
Tony Insall, Patrick Salmon, Preface to The Nordic Countries: From War to Cold War, 1944-1951, p. 136
Alyson J. K. Bailes, The Nordic Countries from War to Cold War – and Today, p. 156
Olav Riste, Britain and Norway: from War to Cold War, 1944-1951, p. 164
Kimmo Rentola Great Britain and the Soviet Threat in Finland, 1944-1951, p. 171
Thorsten Borring Olesen, Scandinavian Security Alignments 1948-1949 in the DBPO Mirror, p. 185
Valur Ingimundarson, Britain, the United States and the Militarization of Iceland 1945-1951, p. 198
Magnus Petersson, Sweden and the Scandinavian Defence Dilemma, p. 221
Juhana Aunesluoma, A Nordic Country with East European Problems: British views on post-war Finland, 1944-1948, p. 230
Rasmus Mariager, ‘British Leadership is Experienced, Coll-Headed and Predictable’: Anglo-Danish relations and the United States from the end of the Second World War to the Cold War, p. 246
Helge Pharo, Together Again: Anglo-Norwegian relations and the early Cold War, p. 261

Vol. 37, 2012, 1

Marlen Ferrer, State Formation and Courtly Culture in the Scandinavian Kingdoms in the High Middle Ages, p. 1
Kimmo Katajaia, Drawing Borders or Dividing Lands?: the peace treaty of 1323 between Sweden and Novgorod in a European context, p. 23
Gabriela Bjarne Larsson, Wives or Widows and their Representatives, p. 49
Nieis Kayser Nielsen, John Baie, Associations and Democracy: sport and popular mobilization in Nordic societies c. 1850-1900, p. 69
Per H. Hansen, Cooperate or Free Ride?: the Scandinavian central banks, Bank for International Settlements and the Austrian financial crisis of 1931, p. 87
Chris Reid, Morten Karnøe Søndergaard, Bilateral Trade and Fisheries Development: the Anglo-Danish Trade Agreement, 1933, p. 108

Book Review, p. 129

Vol. 36, 2011, Special Issue

Special Issue: The Histories and Memories of the Holocaust in Scandinavia

May-Brith Ohman Nielsen, Editorial: A Special Issue on the Histories and Memories of the Holocaust in Scandinavia, p. 519
Antero Holmila, Karin Kvist Geverts, On Forgetting and Rediscovering the Holocaust in Scandinavia: introduction to the special issue on the histories and memories of the Holocaust in Scandinavia, p. 520
Pontus Rudberg, ‘A Record of Infamy’: the use and abuse of the image of the Swedish Jewish response to the Holocaust, p. 536
Jan Selling, Between History and Politics: the Swedish Living History project as discursive formation, p. 555
Karl Christian Lammers, The Holocaust and Collective Memory in Scandinavia: the Danish case, p. 570
Bjarte Bruland, Mats Tangestuen, The Norwegian Holocaust: changing views and representations, p. 587
Antero Holmila, Oula Silvennoinen, The Holocaust Historiography in Finland, p. 605

Books Received, p. 620

Vol. 36, 2011, 4

Liliane Irlenbusch-Reynard, Translations at the Court of Hákon Hákonarson: a well planned and highly selective programme, p. 387
Steinunn Kristjánsdóttir, The Poisoned Arrows of Amor: cases of syphilis from 16th-century Iceland, p. 406
Bertel Nygaard, Anti-Politics: modem politics and its critics in Denmark, 1830-1848, p. 419
Asa Karlsson Sjögren, Matrimony, Property and Power: marriage settlements in Sweden 1870-1920, p. 443
Jukka Kortti, Building the New Cultural Finland: the student magazine Ylioppilaslehti, the public sphere and the creation of the Finnish cultural elite in the post-war era, p. 462
Kristine Midtgaard, Bodil Begtrup and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: individual agency, transnationalism and intergovernmentalism in early UN human rights, p. 479
Monika Edgren, About Home and Giving Voice to Experiences of Marginalization: a feminist reading of the 1970s social report-books about migration policy in Sweden, p. 500

Book Review, p. 517

Vol. 36, 2011, 3

Louise Nyholm Kallestrup, Lay and Inquisitorial Witchcraft Prosecutions in Early Modem Italy and Denmark, p. 265
Anu Raunio, Scandinavian Converts to Catholicism in Rome, 1673-1706, p. 279
Christer Lundh, Mats Olsson, Contract-Workers in Swedish Agriculture, c. 1890s-1930s: a comparative study of standard of living and social status, p. 298
Åsa Össbo, Patrik Lantto, Colonial Tutelage and Industrial Colonialism: reindeer husbandry and early 20th-century hydroelectric development in Sweden, p. 324
Mikko Kohvakka, Science, Technology and Changing Power Relations: the negotiation process of the agreement on Finnish-Soviet scientific-Technical Cooperation, 1955, p. 349

Book Review, p. 371

Vol. 36, 2011, 2

Ann-Marie Ekengren, How Ideas Influence Decision Making: Ol of Palme and Swedish foreign policy, 1965-1975, p. 117
Erik Gøbel, Danish Shipping Along the Triangular Route, 1671-1802: voyages and conditions on board, p. 135
Ragnhild Hutchison, Bites, Nibbles, Sips and Puffs: new exotic goods in Norway in the 18th and the first haif of the 19th century, p. 156
Sigu?r Gyffl Magntsson, The Life of a Working-Class Woman: selective modernization and microhistory in early 20th-century Iceland, p. 186
Eva Jakobsson, Accident Investigations: a comparative perspective on societal safety in Norway and Sweden, 1970-2010, p. 206
Joni Krekola, Simo Mikkonen, Backlash of the Free World: the US presence at the World Youth Festival in Helsinki, 1962, p. 230

Vol. 36, 2011, 1

Magnus Resse, Conflicts between Early Modem European Subjects from Barbary Captivity, p. 1
Jakob Evertsson, Bishops and Professionalization in Sweden, c. 1780-1880, p. 23
Sofia Kotilainen, The Genealogy of Personal Names: towards a more productive method in historical onomastics States about Rescuing Their Own, p. 44
Glenn Sandstram, Time-Space Trends in Swedish Divorce Behaviour 1911-1974, p. 65
Johan Svanberg, Labour Migration and the Swedish Labour Market Model: a case study of recruitment of Yugoslav workers to Svenska Fläktfabriken in Växjö, 1969-1970, p. 91

Book Review, p. 114