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“Global Exchanges and Maritime Trades”
13 mai 2018 - 19 mai 2018
Call for papers: The focus of the 2018 seminar is the formation and development of maritime exchanges. Its aim is to investigate the influence of trades and connections by sea on the integration of past and present economies, societies and cultures. Attention will be devoted to the exchanges, their techniques, institutions, periods of growth and decline and their geography. Papers could cover any period from Antiquity till today.
List of participants
- Daniele Dibello (San Marino – Ghent), «Armari debeant pro anno futuro ad viagium Flandrie sex galee»: Venetian merchants in Flanders during the XIVth century
- Gijs Dreijer (Exeter-Brussels), General average and the development of legal institutions in the Southern Netherlands (15th-16th centuries)
- Jake Dyble (Exeter) The development of maritime Law in the Livornese portofranco
- Marina Inì (Cambridge) The network of Lazzaretti in the Mediterranean region: architecture, trade
- Germán Jiménez Montes (Groningen) Flemish contractors in the organization of the Hispanic navy in Andalusia (1570s-1580s)
- Fredrik Kämpe (Stockholm ) Convoys, Tributes and Consuls – The Swedish Convoy Office and Swedish Shipping in the Mediterranean, 1724–1867
- Jurre Knoest (Leiden ) Moderating networks and managing globalization. Nagasaki and Japan’s maritime connections to the outside world, c. 1600-1800
- Víctor Muñoz Gómez (La Laguna) From the Mediterranean to the Atlantic: ports, navigation and sailing knowledge in Andalusia during the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Early Modern Age (14th-16th centuries)
- Daniele Ognibene (Geneva) Seismography of consumptions: the trading registers of Bologna in the international commercial networks between 14th and 15th century
- Franzisca Scheiner (Duisburg-Essen ) You have to speculate to accumulate – Investing strategies in Mediterranean long-distance trade in the Middle Ages
- Josh Ivinson (Cambridge) Transnational institutions and networks in the English Newfoundland trade, 1550-1650
- Tommaso Stefini (Yale) An open-access institution in Ottoman Istanbul? The Venetian consular court in early seventeenth-century Istanbul and its role in regulating cross-cultural trade
- Timo Tiainen (Jväskylä) Long distance international trade of Finland in 1634–1853 – some time series analyses
- Elisa Tirindelli (Dublin) The futility of merchants wars. A case study of France and Hamburg between 1713 and 1820
- Lewis Wade (Exeter ) Maritime trade and State regulation: maritime averages in France during the Seventeenth century
- Maarten Draper (Firenze IUE) Italian merchants in Amsterdam, 1650-1800
- Francesco Ammannati (Bocconi University Milano)
- Catia Antunes (Leiden University)
- Ben Gales (Groningen University)
- Paolo Malanima (UMG University Catanzaro)
- Giovanni Muto (Napoli University)
- Jari Ojala (Jyväskylä University)
- Jaco Zuijderduijn (Leiden University)