Agricultural History Review
Londra, British Agricultural History Society
ISSN: 0002-1490
Rivista digitale online all’indirizzo web:
consistenza fascicoli digitali: v. 1, 1953-v. 64, 2016, II
(vedi le Open Access Policy della rivista)
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 48
Consistenza: v. 4, 1956, 2 – v. 51, 2003, 2
Lacune: v. 5, 1957, 1, 2; v. 8, 1960, 1, 2; v. 10, 1962, 1 – v. 13, 1965, 1; v. 14, 1966, 1; v. 30, 1982, 1; v. 34, 1986, 1;
Conservata in:Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Str. 0653
Consistenza: a. 19, 1971-
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]
William D. Shannon, ‘An excellent improver of the soil’: Marl and the landscape of lowland Lancashire, p. 141-167
Albert Gallon, Creating a landed dynasty: Sir William Heathcote (16931751) of Hursley, Hampshire, p. 168-189
Samantha A. Shave, The land agent and the old poor laws: examining the correspondence of William Spencer in Sapcote, Leicestershire, p. 190-212
Esther Beeckaert, Inequality and commons in the Ardennes in the second half of the eighteenth century, p. 213-237
Carolina Uppenberg, Masters writing the rules: how peasant farmer MPs in the Swedish Estate Diet understood servants’ labour and the labour laws, 18231863, p. 238-256
Dirk H. R. Spennemann, Frustrations in economic botany: the efforts to manage the coconut scale insect in German Micronesia (18991914), p. 257-285
Jodey Nurse, Bruce Muirhead, The long road to stability: egg farmers in Canada and fair farm pricing, p. 286-306
Book Reviews, p. 307-326
Notes on contributors, p. III
Axel Mjærum, The emergence of mixed farming in eastern Norway, p. 1
R. W. Hoyle, Shrewsbury, dearth and extreme weather at the end of the sixteenth century, p. 22
Eric Chancellier, Henry L. Moore and the application of institutional economics to the cotton market in the early twentieth century, p. 37
Alan Swinbank, ‘Something significant to show for our efforts?’ British perspectives on the Stocktaking of the Common Agricultural Policy, p. 63
William A. Loux, The impact of global commodity prices on the Wilson government’s attempted CAP reform, 1974-1975, p. 86
Annual list of publications on Agrarian History, 2018, p. 109
Book Reviews, p. 122
Notes on contributors, p. III
Forthcoming conferences, p. IV
Spike Gibbs, Lords, tenants and attitudes to manorial office-holding, c.1300- c.1600, p. 155
Robert Liddiard, Decline and disparkment: Management trends in English deer parks, 1500-1750, p. 175
Lies Vervaet, Women and wage labour in rural Flanders in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, p. 203
Danae Tankard, ‘A garden to every cottage’: cottage gardens and the nineteenth-century agricultural labourer, p. 227
Catherine Glover, ‘In good hands’. The preservation of the New Forest and the long journey towards National Park designation, p. 251
R.W. Hoyle, Opposition to the creation of national parks: the case of the Yorkshire Dales, p. 283
Book Reviews, p. 315
Notes on contributors, p. III
Forthcoming conferences, p. IV
Joan Thirsk Memorial Prize, p. V
Jonathan Jarrett, Outgrowing the Dark Ages: agrarian productivity in Carolingian Europe re-evaluated, p. 1
Christopher Dyer, The housing of peasant livestock in England, 1200-1520, p. 29
Takashi Iida, Peasants’ labour obligations for the lords’ forests: another form of corvée in the Gutsherrschaft of Prussian monarchs, 1763-1850, p. 51
Piero Montebruno, Robert J. Bennett, Carry van Lieshout, Harry Smith and Max Satchell, Shifts in agrarian entrepreneurship in mid-Victorian England and Wales, p. 71
Iker Saitua, ‘Sweet Public Lands’: The open-range sheep industry of Nevada and its legal dimension in the late nineteenth century, p. 105
Alan G. Crosby, A disappearing landscape: the heathlands of the Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey borders, p. 171
Magnus Bohman, The road to modern forestry: dealing with deforestation in nineteenth-century southern Sweden, p. 199
Harvey Osborne, John Bright’s Poacher: Poaching, politics and the illicit trade in live game in early Victorian England, p. 215
Wouter Ronsijn, Eric Vanhaute, From the hungry 1840s to the dear 1850s: the case of Belgium’s food price crisis, 1853-56, p. 238
Abigail Miles, John Weaver, Rural crises and adjustment in an agrarian country, New Zealand, 1975 to 1990, p. 261
Notes on contributors, p. III
Forthcoming conferences, p. IV
Joan Thirsk Memorial Prize, p. V
Malcolm Thick, The sale of produce from non-commercial gardens in late medieval and early modern England, p. 1
Julie Marfany, Adapting to new markets: the income and expenditure of a Catalan peasant family, 1686 to 1812, p. 18
Chelsea Teale, The loss of wetland agricultural value in north-eastern North America, 1800 to 1840, p. 43
Joshua Rhodes, Subletting in eighteenth-century England: A new methodological approach, p. 67
Paul Bras Sley, Pig clubs and backyard chickens: the significance of household producers in Britain in the Second World War, p. 93
Review Article
R. W. Hoyle, A harvest gathered in: some implications of British economic growth, 1270-1870 for agricultural history, p. 112
Obituary, p. 132
Annual list of publications on Agrarian History, 2016, p. 135
Book Reviews, p. 152
Sarah J. Wager, The hays of medieval England: a reappraisal, p. 167
Janken Myrdal, Alexandra Sapoznik, Technology, labour, and productivity potential in peasant agriculture: England, c.1000 to 1348, p. 194
Richard Perren, From couper to farmers’ cooperative: livestock fairs and markets in north-east Scotland from 1800 to 1900, p. 213
Niccolo Mignemi and Juan Pan-Montojo, International organizations and agriculture, 1905 to 1945: Introduction, p. 237
Niccolo Mignemi, Italian agricultural experts as transnational mediators: the creation of the International Institute of Agriculture, 1905 to 1908, p. 254
Federico D’Onofrio, Agricultural statistics in their international aspect: the International Institute of Agriculture, the Economic Conferences of Genoa (1922) and Geneva (1927) and the 1930 census of agriculture, p. 277
Madeleine Lynch Dungy, The global agricultural crisis and British diplomacy in the League of Nations in 1931, p. 297
Amalia Ribi Forclaz, Shaping the future of farming: the International Labour Organization and agricultural education, 1920s to 1950s, p. 320
Notes on contributors, p. III
Forthcoming conferences, p. IV
Jordan Claridge, The role of demesnes in the trade of agricultural horses in late medieval England, p. 1
Hugo J. P. La Poutré, Fertilization by manure: a manor model comparing English demesne and peasant land, c.1300, p. 20
Frances Richardson, The enclosure of the commons and wastes in Nantconwy, North Wales, 1540 to 1900, p. 49
Elizabeth Ritchie, Feeding in the forest: How Scottish settlers learned to raise livestock in the old-growth forests of Upper Canada, 1814 to 1850, p. 74
Marten Seppel, The spread of the potato blight in the Russian Empire, 1846 to 1852, p. 94
Dries Claeys, World War I and the reconstruction of rural landscapes in Belgium and France: a historiographical essay, p. 108
Annual list of publications on Agrarian History, 2015, p. 130
Book Reviews, p. 146
David Crouch, Briony McDonagh, Turf wars: conflict and cooperation in the management of Wallingfen (East Yorkshire), 1281-1781, p. 133
Maika De Keyzer, Eline Van Onacker, Beyond the flock. Sheep farming, wool sales and social differentiation in a sixteenth-century peasant society: the Campine in the Low Countries, p. 157
Vincent Geloso, Alexis Lacombe, Why was flour of poor quality? The impact of seigneurial laws and price controls on flour in Quebec during the colonial era, p. 181
E. J. T. Collins, At the cutting edge: edge tool production in southern and south-west England, 1740 to 1960, p. 196
James P. Bowen, John Martin, The loss of livestock, the issue of fodder supply and the problem of the commons: the impact of the extreme winter of 1962-63 on two upland hill-farming regions in England and Wales, p. 226
Notes on contributors, p. III
Forthcoming conferences, p. IV
Malcolm Thick, Intensive rabbit production in London and nearby counties in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries: an alternative to alternative agriculture?, p. 1
Piet Van Cruyningen, Dutch investors and the drainage of Hatfield Chase, 1626 to 1656, p. 17
Tamsin Bapty, The Corbetts are ‘victorious over all’: agricultural implement making in Shropshire, c.1860 to 1914, p. 38
Heather Holmes, A neglected innovation: the double-furrow plough in Scotland, its early adoption and use, 1867 to 1880, p. 54
Godfrey Hove, Sandra Swart, The Cinderella of the cattle industry: the state and settler commercial dairy farming in Southern Rhodesia, c.1908 to 1937, p. 81
Annual list of publications on agrarian history, 2014, p. 103
Book Reviews, p. 117
Notes on contributors, p. III
Joan Thirsk Memorial Prize Fund, p. VI
Forthcoming conferences, p. VIII
Jordan Claridge, John Langdon, The composition of famuli labour on English demesnes, c.1300, p. 187
Elizabeth Griffiths, Draining the coastal marshes of north-west Norfolk: the contribution of the Le Stranges at Hunstanton, 1605 to 1724, p. 221
Manuel Vaquero Piñeiro, Readings for farmers: agrarian almanacs in Italy from the eighteenth to the twentieth century, p. 243
Tommy Lennartsson, Annawestin, Marja Erikson, Iréne A. Flygare, Maths Isacson, Mats Morell, Between nature and society: the interpretation of an early nineteenth-century Swedish farmer’s diary, p. 265
David Brown, New men of wealth and the purchase of land in Great Britain and Ireland, 1780 to 1879, p. 286
William Franklin, Drainage and the town plough, p. 311
Book Reviews, p. 321
Winter Conference Report 2014, p. 332
Spring Conference Report 2015, p. 334
Notes on contributors, p. III
Forthcoming conferences, p. V
Jean Birrell, Peasants eating and drinking, p. 1
Hugo J. P. La Poutré, The contribution of legumes to the diet of English peasants and farm servants, c.1300, p. 19
Ronan O’Donnell, The creation of ring-fence farms: some observations from eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Northumberland, p. 39
Laurent Herment, Wouter Ronsijn, Seasonal patterns in food markets in north-west Europe in the second quarter of the nineteenth century: the evidence of periodic markets in France, England, and Belgium, 1820 to 1850, p. 60
Eoin McLaughlin, Competing forms of cooperation? Land League, Land War and cooperation in Ireland, 1879 to 1914, p. 81
Enrique Montañes, James Simpson, Casual workers, collective action and anarcho-syndicalism in southern Spain: Jerez de la Frontera, 1882 to 1933, p. 113
Miguel Martín-Retortillo, Vicente Pinilla, Patterns and causes of the growth of European agricultural production, 1950 to 2005, p. 132
Annual list of publications on agrarian history, 2013, p. 160
Book Reviews, p. 176
Shami Ghosh, The imperial abbey of Ellwangen and its tenants: a study of the polyptych of 1337, p. 187
Mark Bailey, The transformation of customary tenures in southern England, c.1350 to c.1500, p. 210
Tim Soens, Pieter De Graef, Polder mania or marsh fever? Risk and risk management in early modern drainage projects: the case of the Kallo polder, Flanders, 1649 to 1662, p. 231
René van Weeren and Tine De Moor, Controlling the commoners: Methods to prevent, detect, and punish free-riding on Dutch commons in the early modern period, p. 256
John Chapman, Winners and losers: who gained from land auctions at parliamentary enclosures in England?, p. 278
Abigail Woods, Science, disease and dairy production in Britain, c.1927 to 1980, p. 294
Andrew Godley, The emergence of agribusiness in Europe and the development of the Western European broiler chicken industry, 1945 to 1973, p. 315
David Stead, Irish agriculture and agricultural policy during the hot, dry summer of 1976, p. 337
Christopher Dyer, The material world of English peasants, 1200-1540: archaeological perspectives on rural economy and welfare, p. 1
David Hey, The medieval origins of south Pennine farms: the case of Westmondhalgh Bierlow, p. 23
Jesper Larsson, Boundaries and property rights: the transformation of a common-pool resource, p. 40
Paul Warde, Tom Williamson, Fuel supply and agriculture in post-medieval England, p. 61
Thomas M. Smith, Warping and parliamentary enclosure: the example of north-west Lindsey, Lincolnshire, p. 83
Brett M. Bennett, The origins of timber plantations in India, p. 98
Donald L. Opitz, ‘Back to the land’: Lady Warwick and the movement for women’s collegiate agricultural education, p. 119
John Chartres, Jimmy Thirsk, Jane Robinson, Joan Thirsk, FBA, 1922-2013, p. 146
Notes on Contributors, p. III
Joan Thirsk, p. V
Forthcoming conferences, p. VI
Alexandra Sapoznik, Resource allocation and peasant decision making: Oakington, Cambridgeshire, 1360-99, p. 187
Stephen Hipkin, The conduct of the coastal metropolitan corn trade during the later seventeenth century: an analysis of the evidence of the Exchequer port books, p. 206
Sebastian A. J., Keibek Shaw-Taylor, Leigh Shaw-Taylor, Early modern rural by-employments: a re-examination of the probate inventory evidence, p. 244
Jeremy Diaper, The Criterion: an inter-war platform for agricultural discussion, p. 282
Karen Sayer, ‘His footmarks on her shoulders’: the place of women within poultry keeping in the British countryside, c.1880 to c.1980, p. 301
Ernesto Clar, Was Spain different? Agricultural change in Spain in a southern European perspective, 1961 to 1985, p. 330
Book Reviews, p. 351
Notes on Contributors, p. IV
Heather Falvey, Marking the boundaries: William Jordan’s 1633 pre-enclosure survey of Duffield Frith (Derbyshire), p. 1
Tim Wales, ‘Living at their own hands’: policing poor households and the young in early modern rural England, p. 19
Peter M.Solar, Luc Hens, Land under pressure: The value of Irish land in a period of rapid population growth, 1730-1844*, p. 40
Fredrik Bergenfeldt, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson, Wagons at work, or a transport revolution from below: the case of southern Sweden, 1750-1850*, p. 63
David W.Howell, The Land Question in nineteenth-century Wales, Ireland and Scotland: a comparative study, p. 83
Maureen Perrie, Hobby farming among the Birmingham bourgeoisie: the Cadburys and the Chamberlains on their suburban estates, c. 1880-1914, p. 111
Paul Brassley, David Harvey, Matt Lobley, Michael Winter, Accounting for agriculture: The origins of the Farm Management Survey, p. 135
Peter McShane, Annual List of publications on Agrarian History, 2011, p. 154
Book Reviews, p. 169
British Agricultural History Society Spring Conference 2012, p. 184-186(3)
Notes on Contributors, p. IV
Johan Poukens, ‘tout-à-la-fois cultivateurs et commerçans’: smallholders and the Industrious Revolution in eighteenth-century Brabant, p. 153
Ramon Garrabou, Jordi Planas, Enric Saguer, The management of agricultural estates in Catalonia in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, p. 173
Annie Tindley, Eric Richards, Turmoil among the crofters: Evander McIver and the ‘Highland Question’, 1873-1903, p. 191
R. B. Tranter, Agricultural adjustment on the Berkshire Downs during the recession of 1921-38, p. 214
Johann Custodis, Employing the enemy: the contribution of German and Italian Prisoners of War to British agriculture during and after the Second World War, p. 243
Jonathan Healey, The political culture of the English commons, c.1550-1650, p. 266
Rebecca J. H. Woods, Breed, culture, and economy: The New Zealand frozen meat trade, 1880-1914, p. 288
Notes on Contributors, p. IV
Forthcoming conferences, 2012-13, p. VI
Edvinsson, Rodney, Harvests and grain prices in Sweden, 1665-1870, p. 1
Baker, Alan R.H., Hail as hazard: changing attitudes to crop protection against hail damage in France, 1815-1914*, p. 19
Miskell, Louise, Putting on a show: the Royal Agricultural Society of England and the Victorian town, c.1840-1876, p. 37
Iwuagwu, Obi, The spread of cassava (manioc) in Igboland, south-east Nigeria: a reappraisal of the evidence, p. 60
Taylor, Katherine J.; Walford, Nigel; Short, Brian; Armitage, Richard, Cautionary notes on linking the National Farm Survey with other records for investigating the agrarian history of Second World War Britain, p. 77
Bisschop, Countrysideby Chantal; Emmery, Rien, Farming and folklore in the contested countryside: the ‘Year of the Village’ (1978) and the transformation of the Farmers’ Union in Flanders, p. 97
McShane, Peter, Annual List of publications on Agrarian History, 2010, p. 117
Book Reviews, p. 134
Chartres, John, Conference Report: Winter Conference 2011 ‘British Food Security in Historical Perspective’, p. 151
Notes on Contributors, pp. iv
Agricultural History Review’s sixtieth anniversary essay competition. pp. vi
The Society’s Spring Conference 2012, p. VI
Healey, Jonathan, Land, population and famine in the English uplands: a Westmorland case study, c.1370-1650, p. 151
Griffin, Carl J., Parish farms and the poor law: a response to unemployment in rural southern England, c.1815-35, p. 176
Hey, David, Kinder Scout and the legend of the Mass Trespass, p. 199
Conford, Philip, Science, organic husbandry and the work of Dr David Hodges, p. 217
Cerman, Markus, Demesne lordship and rural society in early modern East Central and Eastern Europe: comparative perspectives, p. 239
Hagen, William W., European yeomanries: a non-immiseration model of agrarian social history, 1350-1800, p. 259
Landsteiner, Erich, Demesne lordship and the early modern state in Central Europe: the struggle for labour rent in Lower Austria in the second half of the sixteenth century, p. 266
Panjek, Aleksander, Not demesne but money: lord and peasant economies in early modern western Slovenia, p. 293
Guzowski, Piotr, The influence of exports on grain production on Polish royal demesne farms in the second half of the sixteenth century, p. 312
Book Reviews, p. 328
Notes on Contributors, p. IV
Essay Competition: The Agricultural History Review at Sixty, p. VI
Forthcoming Conferences, p. VII
The Agricultural History Review on the web, p. VIII
Richar D. Oram, Waste management and periurban agriculture in the early modern Scottish burgh, p. 1
Danae Tankard, The regulation of cottage building in seventeenth-century Sussex, p. 18
Lowri Ann Rees, Paternalism and rural protest: the Rebecca riots and the landed interest of south-west Wales, p. 36
Nathalie Joly, Shaping records on the farm: agricultural record keeping in France from the nineteenth century to the Liberation, p. 61
E. H. Hunt, S. J. Pam, Agricultural depression in England, 1873-96: skills transfer and the ‘Redeeming Scots’, p. 81
Emma Vickers, ‘The Forgotten Army of the Woods’: The Women’s Timber Corps during the Second World War, p. 101
Peter Mcshane, Annual list of publications on agrarian history, 2009, p. 113
Book Reviews, p. 129