Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu DATINI

Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu

Romae, Gesuiti, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu
ISSN: 0037-8887
Conservata in: Prato, Archivio Storico Diocesano (Fondo Società Pratese di Storia Patria) – Coll.: R. 200
Consistenza: a. I, 1932, 1-
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1932 ]

Copertina della rivista

178, a. LXXXIX, 2020, 2

Bert Daelemans S.J., La primera imagen del examen de conciencia en la espiritualidad ignaciana: orar con el Via vitae Aeternae (1620) de Antonius Sucquet S.J., p. 313
Guglielmo Pireddu S.J., Gli studi superiori nel collegio di Santa Croce a Cagliari (1606-1773), p. 337
M ark A. Leivis S.J., Evaluating an Early Modern Soteriology: Nicholas Bobadilla’s Question on Meriting Eternal Life, p. 379
Paul Begheyn S.J., Vincent Hunink, Peter Canisius S.J. to Cardinal Giovanni Morone: Two Fabricated Letters Dated in The Mid-Sixteenth Century, p. 419
Carlo Pelliccia, Il viaggio degli ambasciatori giapponesi tra Venezia e Mantova (1585) nelle epistole del codice Ital. 159 dell’Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, p. 437

Jakub Zouhar, Historical Research in the Czech Republic between 1979 and 2019 on the Pre-Suppression Society of Jesus, p. 467

Bibliography, p. 499
Book Reviews, p. 619
Notes and News, p. 657

177, a. LXXXIX, 2020, 1

Miguel Gabriel Cari Pallicer, La alimentación en el Colegio jesuita de Montesión de Palma de Mallorca: cultura, productos y practicas (1561-1715), p. 5
Lorenzo Mancini, I bibliotecari del Collegio Romano (1551- 1873): un contributo per la storia delle biblioteche della Compagnia di Gesù, p. 45
Carla Benocci, La presenza dei Gesuiti a Tivoli (XVI-XVIII secolo): strategie imprenditoriali al servizio della Missione, p. 117
Dario Di Maso, L’idea primigenia dell’Apostolato della preghiera nei documenti dell’Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, p. 185
Emanuele Colombo, From Paper to Screen. The Digital Indipetae Database, a New Resource for Jesuit Studies, p. 213

Ronnie Po-chia Hsia, One World is Not Enough: The Oxford Handbook of the Jesuits, p. 231

John W. O’Malley S.J., Jesuit History and Me, p. 247

Book Reviews, p. 259
Notes and News in Jesuit History, p. 299

176, a. LXXXVIII, 2019, 2

Thierry Meynard S.J., Could Chinese Vegetarians be Baptized? Part 2: The Canton Conference and Prospero Intorcetta S.J.’s Report of 1668, p. 285
Eneko Ortega Mentxaka, Del «gran escenario de la palabra» al «gran escenario de la irnagen»: la evolución del programa iconografico de la casa profesa-colegio de San Ignacio de Valladolid, p. 343

Liam M atthew Brockey, Comprehending the World: Jesuits, Language, and Translation, p. 389

Mirella Saulini, Il Tractatus de Trinitate di Stefano Tuccio S.J. (1540-1597), una vicenda tra agiografia e storia, p. 411
Robert Danieluk S.J., From Failure to Success: The Jesuit Mission in Zambia and the Sources for its History in the Jesuit Roman Archives, p. 419

Festa Mkenda S.J., Pedro Arrupe and Africa: Clear Vision and Bold Steps in a Moment of Unsettling Transitions, p. 439
Jean Luc Enyegue S.J., New Wine into Old Wineskins? African Reactions to Arrupe’s Governing Vision (1965-1978), p. 471
Paul Begheyn S.J., Memoirs of Someone who is ‘Addicted’ to Jesuit History, p. 509

Bibliography, p. 519
Book Reviews, p. 593
Notes and News, p. 631
Index volume LXXXVI, p. 639

175, a. LXXXVIII, 2019, 1

Jessica Dalton, The Politics of Conversion: Antonio Possevino S.J., Rome and the Conversion of the Family of the French Ambassador to Venice (1601-1607), p. 3
Yuval Givon, A Tale of Dynastic Change in China: The Ming-Qmg Trarisition through Athanasius Kircher S.J.’s China illustrata (1667), p. 49
António Vitor Ribeiro, Dreams, Visions and a Taoist-Christian ‘Saint’ in the Seventeenth-Century Jesuit Records of the China Mission, p. 103

Jonathan Greenwood, Tracing the Cult of Ignatius Loyola through Print, p. 135
Carta Benocci, I Gesuiti nella vigna. L’incisione di Matthäus Greuter (1616) e l’Instruttione di Sante Lancerio, bottigliere di Paolo III Farnese, p. 183

Book Reviews, p. 213
Notes and News in Jesuit History, p. 275

174, a. LXXXVII, 2018, 2

David Aeby, Un anti jésuitisme issu des missions d’Asie dans le diocèse de Lausanne: Les Lettres édifiantes et curieuses de l’abbé Pierre-François Favre (1746), p. 189
Ana Carolina Hosne, In the Shadow of Cathay: A Survey of European Encounters in Discerning, Mapping, and Exploring Tibet during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, p. 243

Andrea Mariani, State-Sponsored Inventories of Jesuit Houses in the Aftermath of the Suppression of the Society of Jesus: Notes on a Source for Jesuit History from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, p. 289
Gauthier Malulu Lock S.J., Louis Antoine Grimod (1716-1788). Dernier «ex-jésuite» en Egypte après la suppression de la Compagnie de Jésus, p. 375

Paul F. Grendier, An Historian’s Journey to Jesuit Education, p. 385

Book Reviews, p. 513
Notes and News in Jesuit History, p. 549

173, a. LXXXVII, 2018, 1

Gillian Thompson, The Jesuit Province of France on the Eve of its Destruction in 1762, p. 3
Thierry Meynard S.J., Could Chinese Vegetarians be Baptized? The Canton Conference and Adrien Grelon S.J.’s Report of 1668, p. 75

Book Reviews, p. 147
Notes and News in Jesuit History, p. 171

172, a. LXXXVI, 2017, 2

Javier Cía Blasco S.J., Las lecciones sobre la oración del P. Diego Laínez impartidas en Roma, 1557-1558, p. 259
Cinzia Sulas, La riforma della Ratio studiorum di fronte al paradigma scientifico moderno. La prospettiva di Luigi Taparelli S.J., rettore al Collegio Romano (1824-1829), p. 301

Fabián R. Vega, Los saberes misionales en los márgenes de la monarquía hispánica: los libros de la reducción jesuíticoguaraní de Candelaria, p. 337

Urbano Valero S.J., El Padre Pedro Arrupe, portavoz del Papa Pablo VI en la Congregación General 31 de la Compañía de Jesús, p. 387

Bibliography, p. 439
Book Reviews, p. 545

171, a. LXXXVI, 2017, 1

Camilla Russeil, Eighty-Five Years Since the First Issue of AHSI in 1932, p. 3

Orsolya Szàraz, Tears and Weeping on Jesuit Missions in Seventeenth-Century Italy, p. 7
Steffen Zierholz, Conformitas Crucis Christi. Zum motiv der kreuzesnachfolge in der Jesuitischen druckgrafik des 17. Jahrhunderts im Iicht der vision von La Storta, p. 49

Sergio Palagiano, Il fondo Santa Sede nell’Archivum Romanum Societatis lesu (ARSI) tra Antica e Nuova Compagnia: analisi archivistica e prospettive di ricerca, p. 99

Marceli Kosman and Andrea Mariani, Jesuits in the Early-Modern Polish-Lithuanian State: Recent Trends and Research Directions, p. 145

Book Reviews, p. 209
Notes and News in Jesuit History, p. 247

170, a. LXXXV, 2016, 2

Christoph Sander, Early-Modern Magnetism: Uncovering New Textual Links between Leonardo Garzoni S.J. (1543-1592), Paolo Sarpi OSM (1552-1623), Giambaltista Della Porta (1535-1615), and the Accademia dei Lincei, p. 303
Elisa Frei, The Many Faces of Ignazio Maria Romeo S.J. (1676- 1724?), Petitioner for the Indies: A Jesuit Seen through his Litterae Indipetae and the Epistulae Generalium, p. 365
Wenceslao Soto Artuñedo S.J., El deseo de las Indias: las cartas indipetas de Alonso de Barzana S.J. (1530-1598), p. 405

Bibliography, p. 445
Book Reviews, p. 553
Notes and News in Jesuit History, p. 601

169, a. LXXXV, 2016, 1

Mario Zanardi, Pietro Chiari « gesuita » (1731-1744): note e documenti, p. 3
Claudia Von Collani, The German Protestant Scholar Christoph Gottlieb von Murr (1733-1811) and his Defence of the Suppressed Society of Jesus, p. 43
Sergio Palagiano, La serie Affari del fondo archivistico Pietro Tacchi Venturi S.J. (1861-1956) nell’Archivum Romanum Societatis lesu (ARSI): lavori archivistici e primi rilievi, p. 97
Anna Markiewicz, From Lviv to Paris: The Jablonowski Brothers at the Jesuit Collège Louis-le-Grand, 1684-1686, p. 187

Review Essay, p. 221
Book Reviews, p. 233
Notes and News in Jesuit History, p. 281

168, a. LXXXIV, 2015, 2

Lorenzo Mancini, « Et questo mi pare quanto agli studij vostri »: una lettera inedita di Juan de Polanco a Pedro de Ribadeneira (1547) alle origini della pedagogia gesuita, p. 187
Tiziana M. Di Blasio, La polemica antigesuitica nella seconda metà del XVIII secolo: « Trilogia delle lettere ad una Dama dubbiosa », p. 221
Francisco Malta Romeiras, A constituição e o percurso das colecções cientificas dos jesuítas exilados pela 1a República: o caso de Carlos Zimmerman S.J. (1871-1950), p. 270

Bibliography, p. 329
Book Reviews, p. 149
Notes and news in Jesuit History, p. 493
Index, p. 497

167, a. LXXXIV, 2015, 1

Norman Tanner S.J., Bicentenary of the Restoration of the Society of Jesus: Conferences in 2014, p. 3

Philippe Lécrivain SI, Les missions étrangères au cœur durétablissement de la Compagnie de Jésus en France, p. 15
Marcos Recolons de Arquer SI, Los primeros hermanos jesuitas, p. 51
Adriana Valerio, Leopoldina Naudet, l’Amicizia Cristiana e la Bibbia: l’influenza dei gesuiti nell’apostolato del libro, p. 79
Isabel Maria Madaleno, Medicinal Flora and the Jesuits in Latin America (XVI-XVII centuries), p. 111

Book Reviews, p. 149

166, a. LXXXIII, 2014, 2

Pope Francis, Homily at the Liturgy of Thanksgiving – celebrated in Chiesa del Gesù in Rome on 27 September 2014 – to commemorate the bicentenary of the Restoration of the Society of Jesus: in italiano and in English, p. 263

Thomas E. Conlon, Hans-Joachim Vollrath, Kaspar Schott’s letters to Philip Vegelin 1661-1664, p. 273
Alberto Tanturri, Fermenti antigesuitici nel Mezzogiorno settecentesco, p. 307
Andrea Mariani, Le fonti per lo studio della storia dei Gesuiti presso l’Archivio Statale Russo degli Atti Antichi di Mosca, p. 343
Rafael Ramis Barceló, Las catedras suaristas de la Universidad Luliana y Literaria de Mallorca (1692-1767), p. 399

Bibliography, p. 427

Diego Poli, I « Dieci capitoli di un uomo strano » nel contesto inculturativo promosso da Matteo Ricci, p. 533

Book Reviews, p. 545
Congresses, p. 567
Archivum Romanum Societatis Jesu, p. 571
Index, p. 579

165, a. LXXXIII, 2014, 1

Norman Tanner S.J., Bicentenary of Restoration of the Society of Jesus, p. 3

Ignacio Vila Despujol S.J., La Compañia de Jesus según los tres volúmenes del « Lumen Domus » o Anales del Convento de Santa Catalina de los doninicos de Barcelona, en los siglos XVII y XVIII, p. 9
José del Rey Fajardo S.J., La restauracion de los jesuitas expulsados de Venezuela (1767-1916), p. 61
Nicolás Hernán Perrone, Alcunas aproximaciones a la construccion literaria de enemigos en la historogriafia jesuítica iberoamerica. Cambios y permanencias entre los siglos XVIII y XX, p. 111
Délio Mendonça S.J., Jesuits in Goa: Restoration after Suppression (1759-1935), p. 131
Marc Lindeijer S.J. (article by), Canonization of Pierre Favre S.J.:
Il culto del Beato Pietro Favre (1872-2013) (Versione italiana), p. 161
The cult of Blessed Peter Faber (1872-2013) (English version), p. 195

Book Reviews, p. 229

164, a. LXXXII, 2013, 2

Charles Libois S.J., L’École des Jésuites au Caire dans l’Ancienne Compagnie, p. 355
Leonardo Cohen, Ei padre Pedro Páez frente a la interpretación bíblica etíope. La controversia sobre « cómo llenar una brecha mítica », p. 397
Claudia von Collani, Astronomy versus Astrology. Johann Adam Schail von Beh and his « superstitious » Chinese Calendar, p. 421
Andrea Mariani, Mobilità e formazione dei Gesuiti della Confederazione polacco-lituana. Analisi statisticoprosopografica del personale dei collegi di Nieéwie? e Sluck (1724-1773), p. 459
Francisco Malta Romeiras, The emergence of molecular genetics in Portugal: the enterprise of Luis Archer S.J., p. 501

Bibliography, p. 513
Book Reviews, p. 633
Index, p. 675

163, a. LXXXII, 2013, 1

Robert Danieluk S.J., A Failed Mission or a « Never-ending Tertianship »? François Marie Gaillard S.J. (1853-1927) and his contribution to the historiography of The Society of Jesus, p. 3
Ugo Baldini, Matteo Ricci nel Collegio Romano (1572-1577): cronologia, maestri, studi, p. 115
Beatriz Puente-Ballesteros, Isidoro Lucci S.J. (1661-1719) and João Baptista Lima (1659-1733) at the Qing Court: The Physician, the Barber-surgeon, and the Padroado’s Interests in China, p. 165
Est her Schmid Heer, America die verkehrte Welt. Eine literaturwissenschaftlich-kulturwissenschaftliche Lektüre der Paraguay-Berichte des Tiroler Jesuiten Anton Sepp (1655-1733), p. 217
Heinz Sproil, Jesuitenkollegien und Jesuitenpädagogik im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, p. 241

Rafael Ramis-Barceló, La historia del Colegio de Montesíon de Palma de Mallorca (1561-2011), p. 267

Book Reviews, p. 283
Congresses/Exhibitions, p. 325

162, a. LXXXI, 2012, 2

Klaus Schatz S.J., The Yasuki Shrine Affair: Paolo Marella and the Revision of the Prohibition of Eastern Rites, p. 451
Ana Carolina Hosne, Lo deseable y lo possible. La visién e la representacién de China en la obra de José de Acosta, p. 481
Kathleen Comerford, Jesuit Tuscan Libraries of the 1560s and 1570s: Bibliotheca non-yet Selecta, p. 515
François Kurris S.J., Le Narré dans la vie du Père Édmond Auger: traité ou document humain (1530-1591), p. 533
Augustin Udias S.J., Conclusiones Mathemàticas en los Colegios jesuitas de Madrid, 1704-1762, p. 571

Paul Oberholzer S.J., Kommunication und Administration in der Alten Gesellschaft Jesu, p. 581

Paul Begheyn S.j, Bibliography, p. 599
Book Reviews, p. 713
Congresses, p. 749
Index, p. 763

161, a. LXXXI, 2012, 1

Francisco de Borja Medina Rojas S.J., Los delictos Calivicados y muy henormes de Ifligo de Loyola. Notas al liamado Proceso de Azpeitia de 1515, estudio documental, p. 3
Nicolas Standaert, The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola in the China mission of the 17th and 18th centuries, p. 73
Johanna Schmid, German Jesuits in Maryland and Pennsylvania 1740-1833, p. 125
Eva Fontana Castelli, Dalle Dilette di Gesù di Niccolò Paccanari alle Sorelle della Sacra Famiglia di Leopoldina Naudet (1799-1833), p. 159
Rene Kollar O.S.B., Fr. Sydney Fenn Smith S.J. and his Response to a Rescued Nun Story. An Episode in Nineteenth Century English Anti-Catholicism, p. 193
Paul Begheyn S.J., The contacts of Martino Martini S.J. with the Amsterdam printer Joan Blaeu, p. 219
Roberta Grossi, Le fonti sui Martiri Gesuiti nell’ARSI, p. 233
Robert Danieluk S.J., Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu – uno sguardo di insieme sulla collana, p. 249

Paul Oberholzer S.J., Jesuiten mission in Südamerika – Jesuiten in Luzern. Jahrestagung von Jesuitica e.V., 9-11. März 2012, Luzern, p. 291
Eva Fontana Castelli, La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi. Aspetti religiosi, politici, religiosi, p. 300
Simona Negruzzo, Gesuiti educatori della nobiltà a Parma. A proposito di un recente volume di Miriam Turrini, p. 310
Carlos Coupeau S.J., La nueva biografia de Jerònimo Nadal y la « Gracia de la Vocación », p. 320
Silvia Carandini, Stefano Tuccio S.J e il teatro di collegio: la triplice scena di Cristo. A proposito dell’edizione critica delle tragedie di Stephanus Tuccius, Christus nascens, Christus patiens, Christur iudex Tragoediae, a cura di Mirella Saulini, p. 332
René Krüger, Un esloveno-argentino rehabilita a los creadores del barroco guaraní. Darko Sustersic y sus investigaciones sobre las imágenes guaraní-jesuíticas, p. 345
Daniele Maggi, Da Montepulciano a Mylapore, p. 352

Book Reviews, p. 365
Congresses/Exhlbitions, p. 431
Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, p. 437

160, a. LXXX, 2011, 2

Hilmar M. Pabel, Paraphrase and Plagiarism. Peter Canisius’ Exposition of Psalm 51, p. 371
Antonio Astorgano Abajo, Vicente Requeno S.J. (1743-1811). Un obsesionado por el mito de la perfecciòn clàsica (mcl. Apéndice Bibliogràfico), p. 407
Michiel van Groesen, A Brazilian Jesuit in Amsterdam. Anti-Spanish and Anti-Catholic rhetoric in the early Dutch Golden Age, p. 445
Margherita Belli, Nicolas Caussin S.J., Boezio ed il teatro gesuitico, p. 471

Heinz Sproll, Intellektuelle Performanz und kulturelle Repräsentanz aus dem Geist der Exerzitien. Die Tagungsakten zur Konferenz « Bohemia Jesuitica 1556-2006 », Prag 2006, p. 515
David Martin Lòpez, Congreso Internacional « Los Jesuitas. Religiòn, Politica y Educación (siglos XVI-XVIII) », Madrid, 20-22 de junio de 2011, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, p. 540
Guillermo Wilde, Tradiciones Indigenas y Culturas Misionales en las Fronteras de Sudamérica. Coloquio Internacional, Casa de la provincia de Salta, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 16 y 17 de agosto de 2011, p. 554

Bibliography (Paul Begheyn S.J.), p. 561
Book Reviews, p. 713
Congresses, p. 760
Institutum Historicum Societatis lesu, p. 769
Archivum Romanum Societatis lesu, p. 772
Scientific activity of the members of ARSI from July to November 2011, p. 774

159, a. LXXX, 2011, 1

Marisa Patulli Trythall, Edmund A. Walsh S.J. and the Settlement of the Religious Question in Mexico, 1929, p. 3
Alexandre Coello de la Rosa, El Estatuto de Limpieza de Sangre de la Compañia de Jesùs (1593) y su influencia en el Perù Colonial, p. 45
Ingrid Dettmann, Die allegorischen Querhausaltäre von St. Michael in München, p. 95
Bernardo Rodriguez Caparrini, Alumnos españoles en el internado jesuita de Beaumont (Old Windsor, Inglaterra) 1869-1874, p. 151

Miscellanea, p. 251
Book Reviews, p. 280
Congresses, p. 334
Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, p. 363
In memoriam, p. 368