Business history DATINI

Business History

Semestrale; dal 1981 quadrimestrale; dal 1986 trimestrale; attualmente bimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6791
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Straniere 0334
Consistenza: a. 2, 1959, 1-
Lacune: v. 48, 2006, 4-v. 48, 2006, 6
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1959 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 52, 2010, 7

Matthias Beck, New financial elites, or financial dualism in historical perspective? An extended reply to Folkman, Froud, Johal and Williams, p. 1027 – 1047
Geoffrey Wood, Mike Wright, Wayward agents, dominant elite, or reflection of internal diversity? A critique of Folkman, Froud, Johal and Williams on financialisation and financial intermediaries, p. 1048 – 1067
Ralf Banken, Ray Stokes, ‘The trauma of competition’: The entry of Air Products Inc. into the industrial gases business in Britain and continental Europe, 1947-70, p. 1068 – 1085
Carolyn Downs, Mecca and the birth of commercial bingo 1958-70: A case study, p. 1086 – 1106
Chris Ivory, Audley Genus, Symbolic consumption, signification and the ‘lockout’ of electric cars, 1885-1914, p. 1107 – 1122
Claudio Giachetti, Gianluca Marchi, Evolution of firms’ product strategy over the life cycle of technology-based industries: A case study of the global mobile phone industry, 1980-2009, p. 1123 – 1150
Hiroshi Shimizu, Different evolutionary paths: Technological development of laser diodes in the US and Japan, 1960-2000, p. 1151 – 1181

Book Reviews, p. 1182
Miscellaneous, p. 1197

v. 52, 2010, 6

Ian Mitchell, Innovation in non-food retailing in the early nineteenth century: The curious case of the bazaar, p. 875 – 891
Kurt Pedersen, Peter Sørensen, Jesper Strandskov, An international business blunder: Fennia 1913-16, p. 892 – 911
Albane Forestier, Risk, kinship and personal relationships in late eighteenth-century West Indian trade: The commercial network of Tobin & Pinney, p. 912 – 931
Marcel Hoogenboom, Duco Bannink, Willem Trommel, From local to grobal, and back, p. 932 – 954
Qing Lu, The US government dual banking regulation levels, transaction costs and HSBC’s strategy in acquiring Marine Midland Banks, Inc., 1978-80, p. 955 – 977
Brahim Herbane, The evolution of business continuity management: A historical review of practices and drivers, p. 978 – 1002

Book Reviews, p. 1003

v. 52, 2010, 5

David Higgins, Geoffrey Tweedale, Oil on the water: Government regulation of a carcinogen in the twentieth-century Lancashire cotton spinning industry, p. 695 – 712
Pierre-Yves Donzé, Switzerland and the industrialisation of Japan: Swiss direct investments and technology transfers to Japan during the twentieth century, p. 713 – 736
Andrew J. Seltzer, Salaries and promotion opportunities in the English banking industry, 1890-1936, p. 737 – 759
James M. Wilson, Alan McKinlay, Rethinking the assembly line: Organisation, performance and productivity in Ford Motor Company, c. 1908-27, p. 760 – 778
Susanna Fellman, Enforcing and re-enforcing trust: Employers, managers and upper-white-collar employees in Finnish manufacturing companies, 1920-1980, p. 779 – 811
Leanne Johns, Pierre van der Eng, Networks and business development: Convict businesspeople in Australia, 1817-24, p. 812 – 833
Ilan Oshri, Henk J. de Vries, Huibert de Vries, The rise of Firefox in the web browser industry: The role of open source in setting standards, p. 834 – 856

Book Reviews, p. 857

v. 52, 2010, 4

Alistair Mutch, Improving the public house in Britain, 1920-40: Sir Sydney Nevile and ‘social work’, p. 517 – 535
John Singleton, Grietjie Verhoef, Regulation, deregulation, and internationalisation in South African and New Zealand banking, p. 536 – 563
A. J. (Tony) Arnold, Sean McCartne, Can macro-economic sources be used to define UK business performance, 1855-1914?, p. 564 – 589
Marc Deloof, Annelies Roggeman, Wouter Van Overfelt, Bank affiliations and corporate dividend policy in pre-World War I Belgium, p. 590 – 616 Andrew M. Wild, Learning the wrong lessons from history: Underestimating strategic change in business turnarounds, p. 617 – 650
David Clayton, Advertising expenditure in 1950s Britain, p. 651 – 665

Book Reviews, p. 666

v. 52, 2010, 3

guest editors: Carles Sudrià e Paloma Fernàndez Pérez

Carles Sudrià, Paloma Fernàndez Pérez, Introduction: The evolution of business history as an academic field in Spain, p. 359 – 370
Adoración Álvaro Moya, Internationalisation and political bargaining under oligopoly: International Harvester in Spain (c. 1900-1980), p. 371 – 389
Ramon Ramon Muñoz, Product differentiation and entry barriers: Mediterranean export firms in the American markets for olive oil prior to World War II, p. 390 – 416
Francisco J. Medina Albaladejo, External competitiveness of Spanish canned fruit and vegetable businesses during the second half of the twentieth century, p. 417 – 434
Esther Sánchez, The French armament firms and the Spanish market, 1948-75, p. 435 – 452
María Fernàndez Moya, A family-owned publishing multinational: The Salvat company (1869-1988), p. 453 – 470
Tomás Fernàndez de Sevilla, Renault in Spain: From assembly to manufacture, 1961-72, p. 471 – 492
Marc Badia Miró, Yolanda Blasco, Sergi Lozano, Raimon Soler, Centrality and investment strategies at the beginning of industrialisation in mid-nineteenth-century Catalonia, p. 493 – 515

v. 52, 2010, 2

Teriy Gourvisli, Kevin Tennent, Peterson and Berger revisited: Changing market dominance in the British popular music industry, c.1950-80, p. 187
Jordi Catalan, Strategic policy revisited: The origins of mass production in the motor industry of Argentina, Korea and Spain 1945-87, p. 207
Kurt Jacobsen, Wasted opportunities? The Great Northern Telegraph Company and the wireless challenge, p. 231
Pål Thonstad Sandvik, Multinationals, host countries and subsidiary development: Falconbridge Nikkelverk in Norway, 1929-39, p. 251
Hale Abdul Kader, Michael Adams, Lars Fredrik Andersson, Magnus Lindmark, The determinants of reinsurance in the Swedish property fire insurance market during the interwar years, 1919-39, p. 268
David McLean, Protecting wood and killing germs: ‘Burnett’s Liguid’ and the origins of the preservative and disinfectant industries in early Victorian Britain, p. 285
Hannele Seeck, Anna Kuokkanen, Management paradigms in Finnish journals and literature between 1921 and 2006, p. 306

Book Reviews, p. 337

v. 52, 2010, 1

Keynote Lecture, p.
John K. Walton, New directions in business history: Themes, approaches and opportunities. Association of Business Historians 2009 Conference, University of Liverpool Management School, p. 1

John Mercer, A mark of distinction: Branding and trade mark low in the UK from the 1860s, p. 17
Bethan Lloyd Jones, Did royalties really impact on profits to the extent that coal companies believed? A case study of the Denbighshire Coalfield, 1870-1914, p. 43
Yun Liu, Revisiting Hanveping Company (1889-1908): A case study of China’s early industrialisation and corporate history, p. 62
John Sedgwick, Michael Pokorny, Consumers as risk takers: Evidence from the film industry during the 1930s, p. 74
Eva Fernández, Unsuccessful responses to quality uncertainty: Brands in Spain’s sherry industry, 1920-1990, p. 100
Myriam Cloodt, John Hagedoorn, Nadine Roijakkers, Inter-firm R&D networks in the global software industry: An overview of major trends and patterns, p. 120
Anne L. Murphy, Learning the business of banking: The management of the Bank of England’s first tellers, p. 150

Review Essay, p. 169

copertina della rivista

v. 51, 2009, 6

Jim Phillips, Business and the limited reconstruction of industrial relations in the UK in the 1970s, p. 801
Sheryllynne Haggerty, Risk and risk management in the Liverpool slave trade, p. 817
Sub Park, Cooperation between business associations and the government in the Korean cotton industry, 1950-70, p. 835
Mae Baker, C’aroline Eadsforth, Michael Gollins, Avoiding toxic assets and ensuring bank stability: English commercial bank investments, 1880-1910, p. 854
Martin E Shanahan, David K. Round, Serious cartel conduct criminalisation and evidentiary standards: Lessons from the Coal Vend case of 1911 in Australia, p. 875
Makoto Kasuya, Bond markets and banks in inter-war Japan, p. 907
Eugene K. Choi, Entrepreneurial leadership in the Meiji cotton spinners’ early conceptualisation of global competition, p. 927

Book Reviews, p. 959

v. 51, 2009, 5

Harm G. Schröter, Transactions and interactions – the flow of goods, services and information, p. 645
Hugo van Driel, Irma Bogenrieder, Memory and learning: Selecting users in the port of Rotterdam, 1883-1900, p. 649
Mila Davids, Sue-Yen Tfong Tj in Tai, Absorptive capacity, knowledge circulation and coal cleaning innovation: The Netherlands in the 1930s, p. 668
Steen Andersen, Escape from ‘Safehaven’: The case of Christiani & Nielsen’s blacklisting in 1944, p. 691
Paloma Fernández Pérez, Nana Puig, Global lobbies for a global economv: The creation of the Spanish Institute of Family Firms in international perspective, p. 712
Fredrik Sandgren, From ‘peculiar stores’ to ‘a new way of thinking’: Discussions on self-service in Swedish trade journals, 1935-1955, p. 734
Alain Cortat, How cartels stimulate innovation and R&D: Swiss cable firms innovation and the cartel question, p. 754
Stig Tenold, Vernon’s product life cycle and maritime innovation: Specialised shipping in Bergen. Norway, 1970-1987, p. 770

Book reviews, p. 787

v. 51, 2009, 4

Glen O’Hara, ‘What the electorate can be expected to swallow’: Nationalisation, transnationalism and the shifting boundaries of the state in post-war Britain, p. 501
Lara Vivienne Marks, Collaboration – a competitor’s tool: The story of Centocor, an entrepreneurial biotechnology company, p. 529
Pablo Díaz-Morlán, Antonio Escudero, Miguel Sáez, The restructuring of the Spanish integrated steel industry in the European panorama (1971-86): A lost opportunity, p. 547
Carsten Burhop, No need for governance? The impact of corporate governance on valuation, performance and survival of German banks during the 1870s, p. 569
Manuel Llorca-Jaña, Knowing the shape of demand: Britain’s exports of ponchos to the Southern Cone, c. 1810s-70s, p. 602

Book Reviews, p. 622

v. 51, 2009, 3

Peter Buckley, Introduction: Business history and international business, p. 307
Mira Wilkins, Multinational enterprise in insurance: An historical overview, p. 334
Niall Ferguson, Siegmund Warburg, the City of London and the financial roots of European integration, p. 364
Haiming Hang, Andrew Godley, Revisiting the psychic distance paradox: International retailing in China in the long run (1840-2005), p. 383
Pavlos Dimitratos, Ioanna Liouka, Duncan Ross, Stephen Young, The multinational enterprise and subsidiary evolution: Scotland since 1945, p. 401
Peter Miskell, Resolving the global efficiency versus local adaptability dilemma: US film multinationals in their largest foreign market in the 1930s and 1940s, p. 426
Rolv Petter Amdam, The internationalisation process theory and the internationalisation of Norwegian firms, 1945 to 1980, p. 445
Nuria Puig, Paloma Fernández Pérez, A silent revolution: The internationalisation of large Spanish family firms, p. 462
David Boughey, British overseas railways as free-standing companies, 1900-1915, p. 484

v. 51, 2009, 2

Franco Amatori, Business history as history (Keynote Lecture at the 2008 European Business History Association Conference – Bergen, Norway, August 2008), p. 143
Catherine Schenk, ‘Parasitic invasions’ or sources of good governance: Constraining foreign competition in Hong Kong banking, 1965-81, p. 157
Marc Prat, Between the firm and the market: An international comparison of the commercial structures of the cotton industry (1820-1939), p. 181
Rafaela Alfalla-Luque, Carmen Medina-López, Supply Chain Management: Unheard of in the 1970s, core to today’s company, p. 202
Aashish Velkar, Transactions, standardisation and competition: Establishing uniform sizes in the British wire industry c.1880, p. 222
M. J. Keneley, Organisational capabilities and the role of routines in the emergence of a modern life insurer: The story of the AMP, p. 248
Alessandro Stanziani, Information, quality and legal rules: Wine adulteration in nineteenth century France, p. 268

Review Essay, p. 292
Book Reviews, p. 295

v. 51, 2009, 1

Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, Emergence and evolution of ATM networks in the UK, 1967-2000, p. 1
Lars Heide, Facilitating and restricting a challenger: Patents and standards in the development of the Bull-Knutsen punched card system, 1919-1938, p. 28
Maria Eugénia Mata, Managerial strategies in canning industries: A case study of early twentieth century Portugal, p. 45
David McKeagan, Development of a mature securities market in Montreal from 1817 to 1874, p. 59
Keun Lee, Xuehua Jin, The origins of business groups in China: An empirical testing of the three paths and the three theories, p. 77
Dries Lyna, Ilja Van Damme, A strategy of seduction? The role of commercial advertisements in the eighteenth-century retailing business of Antwerp, p. 100

Review Essay, p. 122
Book Reviews, p. 126

v. 50, 2008, 6

Pamela Walker Laird, Introduction: Putting social capital to work, p. 685
Grietjie Verhoef, Nationalism, social capital and economic empowerment: SANLAM and the economic upliftment of the Afrikaner people, 1918-1960, p. 695
Bradley Hansen, Mary Eschelbach Hansen, Religion, social capital and business bankruptcy in the United States, 1921-1932, p. 714
Ann Carlos, Karen Maguire, Larry Neal, ‘A knavish people.’: London Jewry and the stock market during the South Sea Bubble, p. 728
Jari Ojala, Vilma Luoma-aho, Stakeholder relations as social capital in early modern international trade, p. 749
Robin Pearson, David Richardson, Social capital, institutional innovation and Atlantic trade before 1800, p. 765
David Merrett, Stephen Morgan, Simon Ville, Industry associations as facilitators of social capital: The establishment and early operations of the Melbourne Woolbrokers Association, p. 781
Mairi Maclean, New rules – old games? Social capital and privatisation in France, 1986-1998, p. 795

Book Reviews, p. 811

v. 50, 2008, 5

Camilla Brautaset, Stig Tenold, Globalisation and Norwegian shipping policy, 1850-2000, p. 565
Hans-Werner Gottinger, Celia Umali, The evolution of the pharmaceutical-biotechnology industry, p. 583
Mark Westcott, Markets and managerial discretion: tooth & Co., 1970-1981, p. 602
Jesper Strandskov, Kurt Pedersen, Foreign direct investment into Denmark before 1939: Patterns and Scandinavian contrasts, p. 619
Steffen Hertog, Petromin: The slow death of statist oil development in Saudi Arabia, p. 645

Book Reviews, p. 668

v. 50, 2008, 4

Karl Moore, Susan Reid, The birth of brand: 4000 years of branding, p. 419
Marcelo Bucheli, Multinational corporations, totalitarian regimes and economic nationalism: United Fruit Company in Central America, 1899-1975, p. 433
Angel Calvo, State, firms and technology. The rise of multinational telecommunications companies: ITT and the Compañía Telefónica Nacional de España, 1924-1945, p. 455
Nigel Holden, Andrei Kuznetsov, Jeryl Whitelock, Russia’s struggle with the language of marketing in the communist and post-communist eras, p. 474
Andrew Alexander, Format development and retail change: supermarket retailing and the London Co-operative Society, p. 489
F. Kees Boersma, Marc de Vries, Transitions in industrial research: the case of the Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium (1914-1994), p. 509
Magnus Lindmark, Ann Kristin Bergquist, Expansion for pollution reduction? Environmental adaptation of a Swedish and a Canadian metal smelter, 1960-2005, p. 530

Book reviews, p. 547

v. 50, 2008, 3

Michael Helier, Work, income and stability: The late Victorian and Edwardian London male clerk revisited, p. 253
Anne Kelk Mager, Apartheid and business: Competition, monopoly and the growth of the malted beer industry in South Africa, p. 272
Hugh Murphy, Stig Tenold, Strategies, market concentration and hegemony in chemical parcel tanker shipping, 1960-1985, p. 291
Juan Baños Sánchez-Matamoros, Gloria Cuevas-Rodrlguez, The organisational structure of Spanish New Settlements in the eighteenth century, p. 310
A. J. Arnold, J. M. Bidmead, Going ‘to paradise by way of Kensal Green’: A most unfit subject for trading profit?, p. 328
Eric Berkers, Tastes differ: Comparing company strategies innovation trajectories and knowledge sources in Dutcb soft drink production in the 1930s, p. 351
David Michayluk, The rise and fali of singie-letter ticker symbols, p. 368

Book reviews, p. 386

v. 50, 2008, 2

John Wilson, Steven Toms, Fifty years of Business History, p. 125

John Quail, Becoming fully functional: The conceptual struggle for a new structure for the giant corporation in the US and UK in the first half of the twentieth century, p. 127
Maria Eugénia Mata, The role of implicit contracts: Building public works in the 1840s in Portugal, p. 147
Miguel A. López-Morell, José M. O’Kean, A stable network as a source of entrepreneurial opportunities: The Rothschilds in Spain 1835-1931, p. 163
David M. Higgins, Mads Mordhorst, Reputation and export performance: Danish butter exports and the British market. c.1880 – c.1914, p. 185
Mila Davids, Hans Schippers, Innovations in Dutch shipbuilding in the first half of the twentieth century, p. 205

Book reviews, p. 226
Corrigendum, p. 251

v. 50, 2008, 1

John Wilson, Steven Toms, Jon Press, Andrew Popp, Teresa da Silva Lopes, Tribute to Charles Harvey, p. 1
Peter Scott, Marketing mass horne ownership and the creation of the modern working-class consumer in inter-war Britain, p. 4
Mark Hearn, Productivity and patriotism: The management narrative of New South Wales Rail Chief Commissioner James Fraser, 1917-1929, p. 26
Jesper Strandskov, Kurt Pedersen, The foreign expansion of a service company: The case of ISS AIS, p. 40
Gareth Shaw, Andrew Alexander, British co-operative societies as retail innovators: Interpreting the early stages of the self-service revolution, p. 62
Amanda McLeod, Quality control: The origins of the Australian Consumers’ Association, p. 79

Book reviews, p. 99
Books received, p. 124

v. 49, 2007, 6

Derek Matthews, The Performance of British Manufacturing in the Post-War Long Boom, p. 763
Tim E. Crumplin, Opaque Networks: Business and Community in the Isle of Man, 1840-1900, p. 780
Richard A. Hawkins, American Boomers and the Flotation of Shares in the City of London in the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 802
Howard Cox, Business on Trial: The Tobacco Securities Trust and the 1935 Pepper Debacle, p. 823
Greg Patmore, Employee Representation Plans at the Minnequa Steelworks, Pueblo, Colorado, 1915-1942, p. 844
Jill Hills, Regulation, Innovation and Market Structure in International Telecommunications: The Case of the 1,956 TATI Submarine Cable, p. 868
Tom McGovern, Why Do Successful Companies Fail? A Case Study of the Decline of Dunlop, p. 886
Gerald Crompton, Robert Jupe, Network Rail – Fjorward or Backward? Not-for-Profit in British Transport, p. 908

Book Reviews (see over), p. 929
Index to Volume 49, p. 949

v. 49, 2007, 5

Mark Freeman, Robin Pearson, James Taylor, Technological Change and the Governance of Joint-Stock Enterprise in the Early Nineteenth Century: The Case of Coastal Shipping, p. 573
Peter Sørensen, Kurt Pederson, Limits to Scale and Scope: The Failure of a Danish Slaughterhouse Merger in 1890/91, p. 595
Nuno Luís Madureira, Enterprises, Incentives and Networks: The Formative Years of the Electrical Network in Portugal, 1920-1947, p. 625
Paloma Fernández Pérez, Small Firms and Networks in Capital Intensive Industries: The Case of Spanish Steel Wire Manufacturing, p. 647
David Smith, Defence Contractors and Diversification into the Civil Sector: Rolls-Royce, 1945-2005, p. 669
Ufuk Çakmakçi, Beyza Oba, The Role of Employer Unions in Hegemonic Struggle, Interest Representation and Promotion of Managerial Perspectives in Turkey, p. 695
Chris Nyland, Amanda McLeod, The Scientific Management of the Consumer Interest, p. 717

Mary A. O’Sullivan, Usinor-Arcelor: Du Locai àu Global…, p. 737
Book Reviews (see over), p. 745
Book Received, p. 761

v. 49, 2007, 4

Richard Whittington, Introduction: Comparative Perspectives on the Managerial Revolution, p. 399
Leslie Hannah, The ‘Divorce’ of Ownership from Control from 1900 Onwards: Re-calibrating Imagined Global Trends, p. 404
Hugo Van Driel, Ferry De Goey, Jaques Van Gerwen, Testing the Chandler Thesis: Comparing Middle Management and Administrative Intensity in Dutch and US Industries, 1900-1950, p. 439
Michael Rowlinson, Steven Toms, John F. Wilson, Competing Perspectives on the ‘Managerial Revolution’: From ‘Managerialist’ to ‘Anti-Managerialist’, p. 464
Marie-Laure Djelic, Rolv Petter Amdam, Americanization in Comparative Perspective: The Managerial Revolution in France and Norway, 1940-1990, p. 483
Veronica Binda, Martin Jes Iversen, Towards a ‘Managerial Revolution’ in European Business? The Transformation of Danish and Spanish Big Business, 1973-2003, p. 506
Mairi Maclean, Charles Harvey, Jon Press, Managerialism and the Post-war Evolution of the French National Business System, p. 531
Peter Folkman, Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal, Karel Williams, Working for Themselves? Capital Market Intermediaries and Present Day Capitalism, p. 553

v. 49, 2007, 3

Neil Rollings, British Business History: A Review of the Periodical Literature for 2005, p. 271

Chris Caswill, Robin Wensley, Doors and Boundaries: A Recent History of the Relationship between Research and Practice in UK Organizational and Management Research, p. 293
Andrew Popp, Building the Market: John Shaw of Wolverhampton and Commercial Travelling in Early Nineteenth-Century England, p. 321
Niklas Jensen-Eriksen, The First Wave of the Soviet Oil Offensive: The Anglo-American Alliance and the Flow of ‘Red Oil’ to Finland during the 1950s, p. 348
José Luis García Ruiz, Cultural Resistance and the Graduai Emergence of Modern Marketing and Retailing Practices in Spain, 1950-1975, p. 367

Book Reviews (see over), p. 385
Books Received, p. 397

v. 49, 2007, 2

Mark Billings, Forrest Capie, Capital in British Banking, 1920-1970, p. 139
Graeme J. Milne, British Business and the Telephone, 1878-1911, p. 163
Yovanna Pineda, Manufacturing Profits and Strategies in Argentine Industrial Development, 1904-1930, p. 186
Emma Robertson, Marek Korczynsky, Michael Pickering, Harmonious Relations? Music at Work in the Rowntree and Cadbury Factories, p. 211
Hubert Bonin, Business Interests versus Geopolitics: The Case of the Siberian Pipeline in the 1980s, p. 235

Book Reviews (see over), p. 255
Books Received, p. 270

v. 49, 2007, 1

Charles Harvey, John Wilson, Redefining Business History: An Editorial Statement, p. 1

Geoffrey Jones, Peter Miskell, Acquisitions and Firm Growth: Creating Unilever’s Ice Cream and Tea Business, p. 8
William C. Baer, Early Retailing: London’s Shopping Exchanges, 1550-1700, p. 29
Ian Hunter, Making a Little Go Further: Capital and the New Zealand Entrepreneur, p. 52
Francisco Javier Fernández Roca, The Adaptive Strategies of Spanish Cotton Industry Companies, 1939-1970, p. 75

Roger Lloyd-Jones, M. J. Lewis, ‘A New Paradigm of British Business History’: A Critique of Toms and Wilson, p. 98
Steven Toms, John Wilson, Scale, Scope and Accountability: A Response to Lloyd-Jones and Lewis, p. 106

Book Reviews (see over), p. 112
Books Received, p. 137

v. 48, 2006, 4

David M. Higgins, Steven Toms, Financial institutions and corporate strategy: David Alliance and the transformation of British textiles, c. 1950 – c. 1990, p. 453
Robert Miliward, Business and govemmerit in electricity network integration in Western Europe, c. 1900-1950, p. 479
Derek Matthews, The development of British accountancy in the nineteenth century: A technological determinist approach, p. 501
M. J. Keneley, In the service of the society: The labour management practices of an Australian life Insurer to 1940, p. 529
Kirsten W. Kinimnonth, The growth, development and management of J. & P. Coats Ltd, c.1890-1960: An analysis of strategy and structure, p. 551

v. 48, 2006, 3

Philip Scranton, Technology, Science and American Innovation, p. 311
Andrew Popp, Though it is but a Promise’: Business Probity in Arnold Bennett’s Anna of the Pive towns, p. 332
Francesca Polese, In Search of a New Industry: Giovanni Battista Pirelli and his Educational Journey through Europe, 1870-1871, p. 354
Roy Church, Trust, Burroughs Wellcome & Co. and the Foundation of a Modern Pharmaceutical Industry in Britain, 1880-1914, p. 376
Christopher Kobrak, Jana Wüstenhagen, International Investment and Nazi Politics: The Cloaking of German Assets Abroad, 1936-1945, p. 399

Book Reviews (see over), p. 428
Book Received, p. 452

v. 48, 2006, 2

Sydney Finkelstein, Why Smart Executives Fail: Four Case Histories of How People Learn the Wrong Lessons from History, p. 153
Sheryllynne Haggerty, The Structure of the Philadelphia Trading Community on the Transition from Colony to State, p. 171
Carol Matheson Connell, Entrepreneurial Enterprise and ‘Image’ in the Nineteenth-cenjury Trading Firm: Shaping the Legai Erivironment for Business, p. 193
Josephine Maltby, Janette Rutterford, ‘She Possessed Her Own Fortune’: Women Investors from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Early Twentieth Century, p. 220
Roger Munting, British Business and the Politics of Trade with the USSR during the New Economie Policy (NEP), p. 254

Review Article, p. 272
Book Reviews (see over), p. 281
Book Received, p. 308

v. 48, 2006, 1

Alistair Mutch, Public Houses as Multiple Retailing: Peter Walker & Son, 1846-1914, p. 1
Peter Scott, Path Dependence, Fragmented Property Rights, and the Slow Diffusion of High Throughput Technologies in Inter-war British Goal Mining, p. 20
Colin Divall Technological Networks and Industriai Research in Britain: The London, Midland & Scottish Railway, 1926-47, p. 43
Andrew Alexander, Simon Phillips, ‘Fair Play for thesSmall Man’: Perspectives on the Contribution qf the Independent Shopkeeper 1930-C.1945, p. 69
Kazuo Wada, The Fable of the Birth of the Japanese Automobile Industry: A Reconisideration of the toyoda-Platt Agreement of 1929, p. 90

Review Article, p. 119
Book Reviews (see over), p. 127
Book Received, p. 152

v. 47, 2005, 4

Abstracts, p. VII

Kyle Bruce, Magnus Alexander, the Economists and the Issue of Labour Turnover, p. 493
Robert Fitzgerald, Products, Firms and Consumption: Cadbury and the Development of Marketing, 1900-1939, p. 511
Bishnupriya Gupta, Why did Collusion Fail? The Indian Jute Industry in the Inter-War Years, p. 532
Doreen Arnoldus, Joost Dankers, Management Consultancies in the Dutch Banking Sector, 1960s and 1970s, p. 553
Anna Spadavecchia, Financing Industrial Districts in Italy, 1971-91: A Private Venture?, p. 569

Review Article, p. 594
Book Reviews (see over), p. 600
Books Received, p. 618

v. 47, 2005, 3

Special Issue:
Editors: Matthias Kipping, Lina Gálvez Múñoz

Abstracts, p. VII

Matthias Kipping, Lina Gálvez Múñoz, The Business of Dependency: An Introduction, p. 331
T.A.B. Corley, UK Government Regulation fo Medicinal Drugs, 1890-2000, p. 337
Judy Slinn, Price Controls or Control through Prices? Regulating the Cost and Consumption of Prescription Pharmaceuticals in the UK, 1948-67, p. 352
James Simpson, Too Little Regulation? The British Market for Sherry, 1840-90, p. 367
Pamela E. Pennock, K. Austin Kerr, In the Shadow of Prohibition: Domestic American Alcohol Policy since 1933, p. 383
Lina Gálvez Múñoz, Regulating an Addictive Product: The Spanish Government, Brand Advertising and Tobacco Business (1880-s to 1930s), p. 401
David T. Courtwright, ‘Carry on Smoking’: Public Relations and Advertising Strategies of American and British Tobacco Companies since 1950, p. 421
Peter Miskell, Seduced by the Silver Screen: Film Addicts, Critics and Cinema Regulation in Britain in the 1930s and 1940s, p. 433
Matthias Kipping, Denis Saint-Martin, Between Regulation, Promotion and Consumption: Government and Management Consultancy in Britain, p. 449

Book Reviews (see over), p. 466
Books Received, p. 492

v. 47, 2005, 2

Abstracts, p. VII

David M. Higgins, British Business History: A Review of the Periodical Literature for 2003, p. 159

Charles R. Hickson, John D. Turner, The Genesis of Corporate Governance: Nineteenth-Century Irish Joint-Stock Banks, p. 174
Peter Scott, Peter Walsh, New Manufacturign Plant Formation, Clustering and Locational Externalities in 1930s Britain, p. 190
Mila Davids, The Privatisation and Liberalisation of Dutch Telecommunications in the 1980s, p. 219
ALberto Rinaldi, The Emilian Model Revisited: Twenty Years After, p. 244
Steven Toms, Mike Wright, Divergence and Convergence within Anglo-American Corporate Governance Systems: Evidence from the US and UK, 1950-2000, p. 267

Eric Jones, Industrialisation: What Distinguished Britain?, p. 296

Book Reviews (see over), p. 302
Books Received, p. 329

v. 47, 2005, 1

Abstracts, p. VII

William D. Wray, Nodes in the Global Webs of Japanese Shipping, p. 1
Paolo di Martino, Approaching Disaster: Personal Bankruptcy Legislation in Italy and England, c. 1880-1939, p. 23
Véronique Pouillard, American Advertising Agencies in Europe: J. Walter Thompson’s Belgian Business in the Inter-War Years, p. 44
Richard Harris, Michael Buzzelli, House Building in the Machine Age, 1920s-1970s: Realities and Perceptions of Modernisation in North America and Australia, p. 59
Kenneth D. Brown, Unions and Management in Engineering: A Case Study, 1964-79, p. 86
Giuliano Maielli, Spot-Welding Technology and the Development of Robotics at Fiat, 1972-87: A Case of Managerial Discontinuity?, p. 102

Review Article, p. 122
Book Reviews (see over), p. 128
Books Received, p. 159

v. 46, 2004, 4

Abstracts, p. VII

Pamela Dixon, Neal Garnham, Andrew Jackson, Shareholders and Shareholding: The Case of the Football Company in late Victorian England, p. 503
Carsten Burhop, Executive Remuneration and Firm Performance: The Case of Large German Banks, 1854-1910, p. 525
R. Emerson-Elliott, A Pipe Dream Come True: The International Expansion of the Hume Pipe Company in the 1920s, p. 544
Gareth Shaw, Louise Curth, Andrew Alexander, Selling Self-Service and the Supermarket: The Americanisation of Food Retailing in Britain, 1945-60, p. 568
Catherine R. Schenk, Finance of Industry in Hong Kong, 1950-70: A Case of Market Failure?, p. 583
Mike C. Parsons, Mary B. Rose, Communities of Knowledge: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Networks in the British Outdoor Trade, 1960-90, p. 609

Review Articles, p. 640
Book Reviews (see over), p. 652
Books Received, p. 678

v. 46, 2004, 3

Special Issue:

Abstracts, p. VII

Behlül Üsdiken, Alfred Kieser, Introduction: History in Organisation Studies, p. 321
Peter Clark, Michael Rowlinson, The Treatment of History in Organisation Studies: towards an ‘Historic Turn’?, p. 331
Huseyin Leblebici, Nina Shah, The Birth, Trasformation and Regeneration of Business Incubators as New Organisational Forms: Understanding the Interplay Between Organisational History and Organisational Theory, p. 353
Behlül Üsdiken, Alfred Kieser, Peter Kjaer, Academy, Economy, and Polity: Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Germany, Denmark and Turkey before 1945, p. 381
Aya S. Chacar, William Hesterly, Innovations and Value Creating in Major League Baseball, 1860-2000, p. 407
Hans-Dieter Ganter, Changes in Work Organisation in French Top-Quality Restaurants, p. 439

Roger Middleton, W(h) ither Economic History, or Economic History is what Economic Historians Do?, p. 461

Book Reviews (see over), p. 474
Books Received, p. 501

v. 46, 2004, 2

Andrew Popp, British Business History: A Review of the Periodical Literature for 2002, p. 155

Jon Stobart, Andrew Hann, Retailing Revolution in the Eighteenth Century? Evidence from North-West England, p. 171
José Antonio Miranda, American Machinery and European Footwear: Technology Transfer and International Trade, 1860-1939, p. 195
Gelina Harlaftis, John Theotokas, European Family Firms in International Business: British and Greek Tramp-Shipping Firms, p. 219
Brian R. Cheffins, Mergers and the Evolution of Patterns of Corporate Ownership and Control: The British Experience, p. 256

Book Reviews (see over), p. 285

v. 46, 2004, 1

Abstracts, p. VII

Charles Harvey, Tribute to Geoffrey Jones, p. XI

Maggie Mort, Graham Spinardi, Defence and the Decline of UK Mechanical Engineering: The Case of Vickers at Barrow, p. 1
Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo, Strategic Alliances and Competitive Edge: Insights from spanish and UK Banking Histories, p. 23
Andrew Jenkins, Government Intervention in the British Gas Industry, 1948 to 1970, p. 57
Paloma Fernández Pérez, Núria Puig, Knowledge and Training in Family Firms of the European Periphery: Spain in the Eighteenth to Tweintieth Centuries, p. 79
Geoffrey Jones, Alison Kraft, Corporate Venturing: The Origins of Unilever’s Pregnancy Test, p. 100

Book Reviews (see over), p. 123
Books Received, p. 153

v. 45, 2003, 4

Abstracts, p. VI

Steven Toms, John F. Wilson, Scale, Scope and Accountability: towards a New Paradigm of British Business History, p. 1
Mark Matthews, Trevor Boyns, John Richard Edwards, Chandlerian Image or Mirror Image: Managerial and Accounting Control in the Chemical Industry: The Case of Albright & Wilson, c. 1892 to c. 1923, p. 24
Nick Tiratsoo, Materials Handling in British Industry, 1945-c. 1975: The Anatomy of a Manufacturing Fundamental, p. 53
Elana San Romàn, Carles Sudriá, Synthetic Fuels in Spain, 1946-66: The Failure of Franco’s Autarkic Dream, p. 73
Walter A. Friedman, Richard S. Tedlow, Statistical Portraits of American Business Elites: A Review Essay, p. 89

Review Article, p. 114
Book Reviews (see over), p. 119

v. 45, 2003, 3

Abstracts, p. VII

Susanna Fellman, The Role of Internal Labour Markets and Social Networks in the Recruitment of Top Managers in Finnish Manufacturing Firms, 1900-1975, p. 1
Alfred Reckendrees, From Cartel Regulation to Monopolistic Control? The Founding of the German ‘Steel Trust? in 1926 and its Effect on Market Regulation, p. 22
David M. Higgins, British Manufacturing Performance, 1950-79: Implications for the Productivity Debate and the Post-War Consensus, p. 52
S. R. H. Jones, Brand Building and Structural Change in the Scotch Whisky Industry since 1975, p. 72
Núria Puig, The Search for Identity: Spanish Perfume in the International Market, p. 90

Review Article, p. 119
Book Reviews, p. 125
Books Received, p. 155

v. 45, 2003, 2

Mansel G. Blackford, British Business History: A Review of the Periodical Literature for 2001, p. 1

Howard Cox, Huang Biao, Stuart Metcalfe, Compradors, Firm Architecture and the ‘Reinvention’ of British Trading Companies: John Swire & Sons’ Operations in Early Twentieth-Century China, p. 15
Jeff Hornibrook, Riding the Tiger: Merchant-State Alliance in a Coalmine Modernisation Scheme, p. 35
Gordon Boyce, Network Knowledge and Network Routines: Negotiating Activities between Shipowners and Shipbuilders, p. 52
Hugo Van Driel, The Role of Middlemen in the International Coffee Trade since 1870: The Dutch Case, p. 77

Book Reviews, p. 102
Books Received, p. 141

v. 45, 2003, 1

Special Issue:

Roy Church, Andrew Godley, The Emergence of Modern Marketing: International Dimensions, p. 1
Pamela Pilbeam, Madame Tussaud and the Business of Wax: Marketing to the Middle Classes, p. 6
Roy Church, Christine Clark, Purposive Strategy or Serendipity? Development and Diversification in Three Consumer Product Companies, 1918-39: J. & J. Colman, Reckitt & Sons, and Lever Bros./Unilever, p. 23
Sally Clarke, Closing the Deal: GM’s Marketing Dilemma and Its Franchised Dealers, 1921-41, p. 60
Andrew Godley, Foreign Multinationals and Innovation in British Retailing, 1850-1962, p. 80
Gerben Bakker, Building Konwledge about the Consumer: The Emergence of Market Research in the Motion Picture Industry, p. 101
Hartmut Berghoff, ‘Times Change and We Change with Them’: The German Advertising Industry in the Third Reich – Between Professional Self-Interest and Political Repression, p. 128

Abstracts, p. 148
Review Article, p. 151

v. 44, 2002, 4

Robin Pearson, Mutuality Tested: The Rise and Fall of Mutual Fire Insurance Offices in Eighteenth-Century London, p. 1
Javier Vidal Olivares, Pedro Parlo Ortúñez, The Intemationalisation of Ownership of the Spanish Railway Companies, 1858-1936, p. 29
Ferry De Goey, Henry Deterding, Royal Dutch/Shell and the Dutch Market for Petrol, 1902-46, p. 55
Gordon Boyce, Larry Lepper, Assessing Information Quality Theories: The USSCo. Joint Venture with William Holyman & Sons and Huddart Parker Ltd, 1904-35, p. 85
John Singleton, British Engineering and the New Zealand Market, 1945-60, p. 121

Review Article, p. 141
Book Reviews, p. 146
Books Received, p. 175

v. 44, 2002, 3

Teresa da Silva Lopes, Brads and the Evolution of Multinationals in Alcoholic Beverages, p. 1
Sue Bowden, Ownership Responsibilities and Corporate Governance: the crisis at Rolls Royce, 1968-71, p. 31
Hugo Van Driel, Innovation and Integration in Mineral Bulk Handing in the Port of Rotterdam, 1886-1923, p. 63
Steve Toms, Mike Wright, Corporate Governance, Strategy and Structure in British Business History, 1950-2000, p. 91

Book Reviews (see over), p. 125
Books Received, p. 162

v. 44, 2002, 2

Steven Toms, British Business History: A review of the Periodical Literature for 2000, p. 1

Andrew Popp, Barriers to Innovation in Marketing in the Mid-Nineteenth century: Merchant-Manufacturer relationships, p. 19
Ioanna Pepelasis Minoglou, Between Informal Networks and Formal Contracts: International Investment in Greece during in the 1920s, p. 40
David Merrett, Australian firms abroad before 1970: Why so few, why those and why there?, p. 65
Sverre Knutsen, Einar Lie, Financial Fragility, Growth strategies and Banking Failures: The major Norwegian Banks and the Banking Crisis, 1987-92, p. 88

Books Reviews (see over), p. 112
Books Received, p. 164

v. 44, 2002, 1

John Booker, Russell Craig, Balancing Debt in the Absence of Money: Documentary Credit in New South Wales, 1817-20, p. 1
Alastair Owens, Inheritance and the Life-Cycle of Family Firms in the Early Industrial Revolution, p. 21
John Benson, Coalowners, Coalminers and Compulsion: Pit Clubs in England, 1860-80, p. 47
Joaquim Cuevas, Banking Growth and Industry Financing in Spain during the Nineteenth Century, p. 61

Review Article, p. 95
Book Reviews (see over), p. 99
Books Received, p. 146

a. 43, 2001, 4

Michael Collins, Mae Baker, Sectorial Differences in English Bank Asset Structures and the Impact of Mergers, 1860-1913, p. 1
Byron D. Cannon, Mortgage Banking Strategies in Egypt, 1880-1914: Crédit Foncier Egyptien Investment and Local Borrowing, p. 29
Sérgio De Oliveira Birchal, The Transfer of Technology to Latecomer Economies in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of Minas Gerais, Brazil, p. 48
Armin Grünbacher, The Early Years of a German Institution: The Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau in the 1950s, p. 68
Brian R. Cheffins, History and the Global Corporative Governance Revolution: The UK Perspective, p. 87

Book reviews, p. 119
Book received, p. 166

a. 43, 2001, 3

Robin MacKie, Family Ownership and Business Survival: Kirkcaldy, 1870-1970, p. 1
Jonathan Reinarz, ‘Fit for Management?: Apprenticeship and the English Brewing Industry, 1870-1914, p. 33
Sue Bowden, James Foreman-Peck, Tom Richarson, The Post-War Productivity Failure: Insights from Oxford (Cowley), p. 54
Martin Boldt-Christmas, Siv Fagerland Jacobsen, Adrian E. Tschoegl, The International Expansion of the Norwegian Banks, p. 79

David J. Jeremy, Douglas A. Farnie, The Ranking of Firms, the Counting of Employees, and the Classification of Data: A Cautionary Note, p. 105
Peter Wardley, On the Ranking of Firms: A Response to Jeremy and Farnie, p. 119

Book reviews, p. 135
Books received, p. 177

a. 43, 2001, 2

Judith Wale, British Business History: A Review of the Periodical Literature for 1999, p. 1

Forbes Munro, Tony Slaven, Networks and Markets in Clyde Shipping: The Donaldsons and the Hogarths, 1870-1939, p. 19
Kai Yiu Chan, A Turning Point in China’s Comprador System: KMA’s Changing Marketing Structure in the Lower Yangzi Region, 1912-25, p. 51
Peter Scott, Industrial Estates and British Industrial Development, 1897-1939, p. 73
Behlül Üsdiken, Demet Cetin, From Betriebswirtschaftslehre to Human Relations: Turkish Management Literature before and after the Second World War, p. 99

Book reviews, p. 125
Books received, p. 177

a. 43, 2001, 1

Caroline Fohlin, The Balancing Act of German Universal Banks and English Deposit Banks, 1880-1913, p. 1
Bela Tomka, Interlocking Directorates between Banks and Industrial Companies in Hungary at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century, p. 25
Per H. Hansen, Bank Regulation in Denmark from 1880 to World War Two: Public Interests and Private Interests, p. 43
Matthias Kipping, Ruggero Ranieri, Joost Dankers, The Emergence of New Competitor Nations in the European Steel Industry: Italy and the Netherlands, 1945-65, p. 69
Stephen Broadberry, Nicholas Crafts, Competition and Innovation in 1950s Britain, p. 97

Katrina Honeyman, Engendering Enterprise, p. 119

Book reviews, p. 127
Books received, p. 175