Business history DATINI

Business History

Semestrale; dal 1981 quadrimestrale; dal 1986 trimestrale; attualmente bimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6791
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Straniere 0334
Consistenza: a. 2, 1959, 1-
Lacune: v. 48, 2006, 4-v. 48, 2006, 6
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1959 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 65, 2023, 8

Umut Da?istan, The 1950 transformation of the Turkish business system in terms of its basic dynamics: Expectations and results, p. 1275-1293
Marie-Laure Baron, Nathalie Aubourg, Arabica or Robusta? Accounting for collective strategies within the coffee trade industry: the case of coffee merchants in Le Havre (France) between 1920 and 1954, p. 1294-1312
Ai Hisano, Nathaniel G. Chapman, The ?wine revolution? in the United States, 1960–1980: Narratives and category creation, p. 1313-1340
Kristin Ranestad, Paul Sharp, Success through failure? Four centuries of searching for Danish coal, p. 1341-1365
Hans Sjögren, Fahmi Yusuf, Profiles of entrepreneurial success during two centuries. The case of Sweden, with comparisons to Italy, p. 1366-1389
Andrea Lucarelli, Cecilia Cassinger, Karin Ågren, Continuity and discontinuity in the historical trajectory of the commercialising of cities: storying Stockholm 1900–2020, p. 1390-1416
Peter Scott, When GM met Austin: British and American variants of inter-war automobile mass production, p. 1417-1437
Riccardo Semeraro, José Antonio Miranda, Surviving peace: Resilience and production decentralization in the Italian gun-making district, 1945–1970, p. 1438-1462

v. 65, 2023, 7

Socialist Entrepreneurs? Business Histories of the GDR and Yugoslavia
Guest Editors: Vladimir Unkovski-Korica and Sa?a Vejzagi?

Vladimir Unkovski-Korica, Sa?a Vejzagi?, Business history goes East: An introduction, p. 1119-1136

Sa?a Vejzagi?, Persistent centralisation of decision-making in the age of industrial atomisation and self-management on the case of construction company Industrogradnja Zagreb (1966–1980), p. 1137-1157
Pieter Troch, Tensions between plan and market in a political factory in socialist Kosovo, p. 1158-1176
Dolores L. Augustine, Management of technological innovation: high tech R&D in the GDR, p. 1177-1193
Eszter Bartha, Workers against technocrats: The failed economic reform and the rise of consumer socialism in the German Democratic Republic, p. 1194-1208
Max Trecker, Entrepreneurs as saviours of socialism? The complicated relationship between East German state socialism and entrepreneurship, p. 1209-1225
Anna Calori, Losing the global: (Re)building a Bosnian enterprise across transition, p. 1226-1241
Gareth Dale, Vladimir Unkovski-Korica, Varieties of capitalism or variegated state capitalism? East Germany and Yugoslavia in comparative perspective, p. 1242-1274

v. 65, 2023, 6

Andrew Primmer, British overseas railway investment and economic development: The Colombian National Railway Company and its impact on the Colombian interior, p. 935-958
Unni Pillai, The origins of the tools suppliers in the semiconductor industry, p. 959-982
John Singleton, Origins of disaster management: the British mine rescue system, c. 1900 to c. 1930, p. 983-1004 Irina Yányshev-Nésterova, Soviet big business: The rise and fall of the state corporation Sovrybflot, 1965-1991, p. 1005-1028
Nicholas A. Phelps, Andrew M. Wood, Market maker? The Fantus Company and the making of a market for location in the United States, p. 1029-1047
Adam Nix, Stephanie Decker, Using digital sources: the future of business history?, p. 1048-1071
Karolina Hutková, West Indies technologies in the East Indies: Imperial preference and sugar business in Bihar, 1800–1850s, p. 1072-1098
Ian Webster, The decline of companies and voluntary organisations as infrastructure providers in nineteenth-century England, p. 1099-1117

v. 65, 2023, 5

Commodity Traders and the First Global Economy
Guest editors: Marten Boon, Espen Storli

Marten Boon, Espen Storli, Creating global capitalism: An introduction to commodity trading companies and the first global economy, p. 787-802

Michael Aldous, From traders to planters: The evolving role and importance of trading companies in the 19th century Anglo-Indian Indigo trade, p. 803-820
Alexandra Papadopoulou, Foreign merchant businesses and the integration of the Black and Azov Seas of the Russian Empire into the First global economy, p. 821-847
Amy Stambach, Sourcing and shipping museum objects from East Africa to the Smithsonian, 1887–1891, p. 848-862
Bastian Linneweh, Global trading companies in the commodity chain of rubber between 1890 and the 1920s, p. 863-879
Hiromi Mizuno, Ines Prodöhl, Mitsui Bussan and the Manchurian soybean trade: Geopolitics and economic strategies in China?s Northeast, ca. 1870s–1920s, p. 880-901
Thomas David DuBois, Branding and retail strategy in the condensed milk trade: Borden and Nestlé in East Asia, 1870–1929, p. 902-919
Robrecht Declercq, Natural born merchants. The Hudson Bay Company, science and Canada?s final fur frontiers (1925–1931), p. 920-934

v. 65, 2023, 4

Monica J. Keneley, The shifting corporate culture in the financial services industry: Explaining the emergence of the ?culture of greed? in an Australian Financial Services Company, p. 583-605
Simon Hussain, The development of the chartered financial analyst in the United States during the twentieth century, p. 606-635
William Quinn, John D. Turner, Bubbles in history, p. 636-655
Qing Lu, Steven Toms, Yingqi Wei, From light touch to top management control: HSBC?s integration of its first two acquired subsidiaries 1960-1980, p. 656-678
G. Meeks, G. Whittington, Death on the stock exchange: The fate of the 1948 population of large UK quoted companies, 1948–2018, p. 679-698
Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol, Banking on détente: Barclays, Paribas, and Société Générale in Poland, 1950s-1980s, p. 699-718
Enrico Berbenni, The pitfalls of multinational banking: The case of Italian banks in Egypt before WWII, p. 719-739
Pablo Díaz-Morlán, Miguel Á. Sáez-García, The paradox of scrap and the European steel industry?s loss of leadership (1950–1970), p. 740-761
Elena San Román, Nuria Puig, Águeda Gil-López, German Capital and the development of the Spanish hotel industry (1950s-1990s): A tale of two strategic alliances, p. 762-786

v. 65, 2023, 3

Robin Pearson, Normative practices, narrative fallacies? International reinsurance and its history, p. 397-413

Paula Jarzabkowski, Rebecca Bednarek, Wendy Kilminster, Paul Spee, An integrative approach to investigating longstanding organisational phenomena; opportunities for practice theorists and historians, p. 414-422

Cemil Ozan Soydemir, Mehmet Erçek, State and transforming institutional logics: the emergence and demise of Ottoman cooperatives as hybrid organizational forms, 1861–1888, p. 423-453
Nicholas D. Wong, Tom McGovern, Entrepreneurial strategies in a family business: growth and capital conversions in historical perspective, p. 454-478
James Derbyshire, Cross-fertilising scenario planning and business history by process-tracing historical developments: Aiding counterfactual reasoning and uncovering history to come, p. 479-501
Kiyotaka Maeda, Market-based financing for small corporations during early industrialisation: The case of salt corporations in Japan, 1880s–1910s, p. 502-524
Stefan Lagrosen, Achinto Roy, Entrepreneurial relationship marketing in 19th century India – The case of railway contractor Joseph Stephens, p. 525-540
Jonas Scherner, Mark Spoerer, Infant company protection in the German semi-synthetic fibre industry: Market power, technology, the Nazi government and the post-1945 world market, p. 541-571

Book Reviews, p. 572-581

v. 65, 2023, 2

Special issue paper in Brokers of the wealthy (Transnational business associations)
Guest Editors: Pierre Eichenberger, Neil Rollings and Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl

Pierre Eichenberger, Neil Rollings, Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl, The brokers of globalization: Towards a history of business associations in the international arena, p. 217-234
Neil Rollings, The development of transnational business associations during the twentieth century, p. 235-259
Thomas David, Pierre Eichenberger, ?A world parliament of business?? The International Chamber of Commerce and its presidents in the twentieth century, p. 260-283
Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl, Becoming the advocate for US-based multinationals: The United States Council of the International Chamber of Commerce, 1945–1974, p. 284-301
Grace Ballor, Liberalisation or protectionism for the single market? European automakers and Japanese competition, 1985–1999, p. 302-328
Benjamin C. Waterhouse, The Business Roundtable and the politics of U.S. manufacturing decline in the global 1970s, p. 329-344
Sabine Pitteloud, Let?s coordinate! The reinforcement of a ?liberal bastion? within European Industrial Federations, 1978-1987, p. 345-365
Ludovic Iberg, Fighting for a neoliberal Europe: Swiss business associations and the UNICE, 1970–1978, p. 366-381
Glenda Sluga, Business transnationalism, looking from the outside in, p. 382-388

Book Reviews, p. 389-396

v. 65, 2023, 1

Marta Herrero, Thomas R. Buckley, Collaborating profitably? The fundraising practices of the contemporary art society, 1919-1939, p. 1-23
Geraldine David, Christian Huemer, Kim Oosterlinck, Art dealers’ inventory strategy: the case of Goupil, Boussod & Valadon from 1860 to 1914, p. 24-55
Benoît Maréchaux, Business organisation in the Mediterranean Sea: Genoese galley entrepreneurs in the service of the Spanish Empire (late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries), p. 56-87
Maurizio Romano, ‘The originator of Eni’s ideas’. Marcello Boldrini at the top of Agip/Eni (1948-1967), p. 88-112
Peter Wegenschimmel, Andrew Hodges, The embeddedness of ‘public’ enterprises: the case of the Gdynia (Poland) and Uljanik (Croatia) shipyards, p. 113-130
Catherine Jill Bamforth, Malcolm Abbott, Comparing private and public approaches to state megaproject implementation: The R100-R101 airship development case study, p. 131-156
Glenda Oskar, Assessable stock and the Comstock mining companies, p. 157-185
Marie M. Fletcher, Death and taxes: Estate duty – a neglected factor in changes to British business structure after World War two, p. 187-209

v. 64, 2022, 9

Alfred Reckendrees, Boris Gehlen, Christian Marx, International business, multinational enterprises and nationality of the company: a constructive review of literature, p. 1567-1599
Simon Mollan, Billy Frank, Kevin Tennent, Changing corporate domicile: The case of the Rhodesian Selection Trust companies, p. 1600-1622
Álvaro Ferreira da Silva, Pedro Neves, The paradox of nationality: Foreign investment in Portuguese Africa (1890-1974), p. 1623-1647
Sabine Pitteloud, ‘American Management’ vs ‘Swiss Labour Peace’. The closure of the Swiss Firestone factory in 1978, p. 1648-1665
Andrew Smith, Maki Umemura, The defence of cosmopolitan capitalism by Sir Charles Addis, 1914-1919: A microhistorical study of a classical liberal banker in wartime, p. 1666-1683
Julian Faust, Filling a colonial void? German business strategies and development assistance in India, 1947-1974, p. 1684-1708
Christian Marx, Ben Wubs, National conflicts in a multinational: The case of the Dutch-German AKU/VGF/Akzo, 1920s to 1970s, p. 1709-1734

v. 64, 2022, 8

M. Rubio-Varas, J. De la Torre, D. P. Connors, The atomic business: structures and strategies, p. 1395-1412
Niklas Jensen-Eriksen, Looking for cheap and abundant power: Business, government and nuclear energy in Finland, p. 1413-1434
Joseba De la Torre, Mar Rubio-Varas, Esther M. Sánchez-Sánchez, Gloria Sanz Lafuente, Nuclear engineering and technology transfer: The Spanish strategies to deal with US, french and german nuclear manufacturers, 1955-1985, p. 1435-1459
Rita Mascolo, Tennessee valley in Southern Italy: How the ENSI project was the first and only World Bank loan for nuclear power, p. 1460-1493
Niall G. MacKenzie, Stephen Knox, Matthew Hannon, Fast breeder reactor technology and the entrepreneurial state in the UK, p. 1494-1509
Matti Roitto, Pasi Nevalainen, Miina Kaarkoski, Fuel for commercial politics: the nucleus of early commercial proliferation of atomic energy in three acts, p. 1510-1553

v. 64, 2022, 7

Thibaud Giddey, The institutionalization of the fight against white-collar crime in Switzerland, 1970-1990, p. 1185-1210
Robert J. Bennett, Harry Smith, Piero Montebruno, Carry van Lieshout, Changes in Victorian entrepreneurship in England and Wales 1851-1911: Methodology and business population estimates , p. 1211-1243
Claire Evans, Nick Rumens, Gender inequality and the professionalisation of accountancy in the UK from 1870 to the interwar years, p. 1244-1259
David Clayton, David M. Higgins, ‘Buy British’: An analysis of UK attempts to turn a slogan into government policy in the 1970s and 1980s, p. 1260-1280
Aykut Berber, Nancy Harding, Farooq Mughal, Instrumentality and influence of Fayol’s doctrine: history, politics and emotions in two post-war settings, p. 1281-1294
Hubert Bonin, A leading French trade house in China: Olivier (1900s-1930s), p. 1295-1318
Anna Karhu, Co-evolution of a MNE and institutional environment – focus on institutional logics change, p. 1319-1345
Matthew Hollow, A Wesleyan work ethic? Entrepreneurship and Weber’s protestant work ethic in the case of Isaac Holden, c. 1807-1897, p. 1346-1368
Karen McBride, ‘And one man in his time plays many parts’ – Samuel Pepys business administrator, accomptant and auditor, p. 1369-1387

v. 64, 2022, 6

Juha-Antti Lamberg, Jari Ojala, Jan-Peter Gustafsson, Strategy and business history rejoined: How and why strategic management concepts took over business history, p. 1011-1039
Shane Hamilton, Beatrice D’Ippolito, From Monsanto to ‘Monsatan’: Ownership and control of history as a strategic resource, p. 1040-1070
Christian Velasco, Monopoly and competition: the Kenyan commercial banks at the end of the colonial period (1954-1963), p. 1071-1087
Emmanuel Onah, Chinwe Okoyeuzu, Chibuike Uche, The nationalisation of British banks in post-colonial Tanzania: Did the banks’ net capital export position and home government support influence compensation negotiation outcomes?, p. 1088-1109
Valerio Cerretano, Autarky, market creation and innovation: Snia Viscosa and Saici, 1933-1970, p. 1110-1130
Brian D. Varian, Protection and the British rayon industry during the 1920s, p. 1131-1148
Jean-Loup Richet, A loose coupling perspective on Ancient Egypt economy and society, p.1149-1171

v. 64, 2022, 5


Chad Denton, Heike Weber, Rethinking waste within business history: A transnational perspective on waste recycling in World War II, p. 855-881
Heike Weber, Nazi German waste recovery and the vision of a circular economy: The case of waste paper and rags, p. 882-903
Chad B. Denton, Korean kuzuya, ‘German-style control’ and the business of waste in wartime Japan, 1931-1945, p. 904-922
Michael Kim, The brassware industry and the salvage campaigns of wartime colonial Korea (1937-1945), p. 923-945
Birgitte Beck Pristed, Point of no return: Soviet paper reuse, 1932-1945, p. 946-962
Peter Thorsheim, Trading with the enemy? The flow of scrap between Britain and Germany from pre-war rearmament to post-war reconstruction, p. 963-983
Alex Souchen, Recycling war machines: Canadian munitions disposal, reverse logistics, and economic recovery after World War II, p. 984-1000

v. 64, 2022, 4

Victor Zheng, Po-san Wan, Chinese culture and banyan-tree style family businesses: The enterprising family of Lo Ying-shek in Hong Kong, p. 633-654
Lingyu Kong, Florian Ploeckl, Modern Chinese banking networks during the Republican Era, p. 655-681
Pierre van der Eng, Chinese entrepreneurship in Indonesia: A business demography approach, p. 682-703
Ryo Izawa, Corporate structural change for tax avoidance: British multinational enterprises and international double taxation between the First and Second World Wars, p. 704-726
Anna Soulsby, Foreign direct investment and the undertow of history: Nationhood and the influence of history on the Czech-German relationship, p. 727-754
Aleksandra Wasowska, Organisational development in the context of radical institutional change: the case study of Poland’s Ursus, p. 755-780
Antonie Dole?alová, Hana Moravcová, Czechoslovak film industry on the way from private business to public good (1918-1945), p. 781-800
Victoria Barnes, Lucy Newton, Women, uniforms and brand identity in Barclays Bank, p. 801-830
Kristin Ranestad, State reforms in early modern mining: Røros copperworks and the role of workers managers, investors and the state in business development, p. 831-853

v. 64, 2022, 3

Luis Chirosa-Cañavate, Juan A. Rubio-Mondéjar, Josean Garrués-Irurzun, Business schools and the Spanish business elite since the mid-twentieth century, p. 457-474
Joaquín Ocampo Suárez-Valdés, Patricia Suárez Cano, Between the market and the state: Ibáñez, the Marquis of Sargadelos (1749-1809), a Spanish businessman sailing against the tide, p. 475-490
José Antonio Miranda, Felipe Ruiz-Moreno, Selling the past. The use of history as a marketing strategy in Spain, 1900-1980, p. 491-510
Juan Ricardo Nazer, Manuel Llorca-Jaña, Succession in large nineteenth-century Chilean family businesses, p. 511-536
Juan Carmona-Zabala, German economic power in Southeastern Europe: The case of Reemtsma and the Greek tobacco merchants (1923-1939), p. 537-557
Chantal S. Game, Lisa M. Cullen, Alistair M. Brown, Origins resting behind banking financial accountability of paragraphs 78 to 82 of the First Schedule of the Companies Act 1862 (UK), p. 558-582
Robin Pearson, The indigenous origins of UK corporate financial accountability: a comment, p. 583-586
Véronique Pouillard, Waleria Dorogova, Couture ltd: French fashion’s debut in London’s west end, p. 587-609
Robrecht Declercq, A return ticket to the world market? The Leipzig fur industry, internationalism and the case of the International Fur Exhibition (IPA) in 1930, p. 610-625

v. 64, 2022, 2

Silvia A. Conca Messina, Takeshi Abe, Noblemen in business in the nineteenth century: the survival of an economic elite?*, p. 207-225
Daniela Felisini, Far from the passive property. An entrepreneurial landowner in the nineteenth century Papal State, p. 226-238
Paolo Tedeschi, The noble entrepreneurs coming from the bourgeoisie: Counts Bettoni Cazzago during the nineteenth century, p. 239-254
Silvia A. Conca Messina, Catia Brilli, Agriculture and nobility in Lombardy. Land, management and innovation (1815-1861), p. 255-279
Maria Eugenia Mata, Exemplifying aristocratic cross-border entrepreneurship before WWI, from a Portuguese perspective, p. 280-296
Roberto Tolaini, The Genoese nobility: Land, finance and business from restoration to the First World War, p. 297-326
Begoña Giner, Amparo Ruiz, Family entrepreneurial orientation as a driver of longevity in family firms: a historic analysis of the ennobled Trenor family and Trenor y Cía, p. 327-358
Monika Poettinger, An aristocratic enterprise: the Ginori porcelain manufactory (1735-1896), p. 359-384
Niklas Jensen-Eriksen, Saara Hilpinen, Annette Forsén, Nordic noblemen in business: The Ehrnrooth family and the modernisation of the Finnish economy during the late 19th century, p. 385-404
Takeshi Abe, Izumi Shirai, Takenobu Yuki, Socio-economic activities of former feudal lords in Meiji Japan, p. 405-433
Shunsuke Nakaoka, A gateway to the business world? The analysis of networks in connecting the modern Japanese nobility to the business elite, p. 434-455

v. 64, 2022, 1

Alexandra D. Ketchum, Cooking the books: Feminist restaurant owners’ relationships with banks, loans and taxes, p. 1
Jim Tomlinson, Jim Phillips, Valerie Wright, De-industrialization: a case study of Dundee, 1951-2001, and its broad implications, p. 28
Robin Mackie, Succession and inheritance in Scottish business families, c.1875-1935, p. 55
Mercedes Fernández-Paradas, Alberte Martínez-López, Jesús Mirás-Araujo, The gas companies in Spain, a long-run approach (1842-2018), p. 75

Rafael Vallejo Pousada, Carlos Larrinaga, Travel agencies in Spain during the first third of the 20th century. A tourism business in the making, p. 98

Samuel Garrido, Cooperatives, opportunism and quality product: Why the early Spanish cooperative wineries produced ordinary wine, p. 118
Marta Gasparin, William Green, Christophe Schinckus, Shaping success through creative failure: A historical sensemaking analysis of the computerisation of the UK financial market, p. 134
Maciej Tyminski, Managers in the command economy: Case studies from Poland, 1956-1970, p. 156
Peter Scott, General Motors’ other franchise system: Creating an effective distribution model for Frigidaire, p. 183

v. 63, 2021, 8

Niall G. MacKenzie, Andrew Perchard, Christopher Miller, Neil Forbes, Business-government relations and national economic models: A review and future research directions in varieties of capitalism and beyond, p. 1239
Martin Shanahan, Susanna Fellman, Shifts in government business relations: Assessing change using the restrictive business registers in the OECD, 1945-1995, p. 1253
Maria Fernandez-Moya, Nuria Puig, Shaping the rules of the game: Spanish capitalism and the publishing industry under dictatorship (1939-1975), p. 1273
Zoi Pittaki, ‘No mutiny will be allowed’: business, the tax system and the Greek version of Mediterranean capitalism during dictatorship, 1967-1974, p. 1293
Chenxiao Xia, State intervention in East Asia’s varieties of capitalism: A case study of the electric power industry in China and Japan, 1882-1951, p. 1309
Pasi Nevalainen, Ville Yliaska, From state-owned smokestacks to post-industrial dreams: The Finnish government in business, 1970-2010, p. 1327
Martin Eriksson, Lena Andersson-Skog, Josefin Sabo, National institutions, regional outcomes. The political economy of post-war Swedish regional policy, p. 1357
Beatriz Rodriguez-Satizabal, Only one way to raise capital? Colombian business groups and the dawn of internal markets, p. 1371
Julie Bower, Varieties of capitalism, competition policy and the UK alcoholic beverages industry, p. 1393
Grietjie Verhoef, ‘Settlers and comrades’. The variety of capitalism in South Africa, 1910-2016, p. 1413

v. 63, 2021, 7

Geoffrey Poitras, Frederick Willeboordse, The societas publicanorum and corporate personality in roman private law, p. 1055
Nicholas Alexander, Anne Marie Doherty, Overcoming institutional voids: Maisons spéciales and the internationalisation of proto-modern brands, p. 1079
Valeria Giacomin, Geoffrey Jones, Erica H. Salvaj, Business investment in education in emerging markets since the 1960s, p. 1113
Abe de Jong, Philip T. Fliers, Gerarda Westerhuis, Exceptional big linkers: Dutch evidence from the 20th century, p. 1144
Davide Bagnaresi, Francesco Maria Barbini, Patrizia Battilani, Organizational change in the hospitality industry: The change drivers in a longitudinal analysis, p. 1175
Maxime Merli, Antoine Parent, Cécile Edlinger, Portfolio advice before modern portfolio theory: The Belle Epoque of French analyst Alfred Neymarck, p. 1197

v. 63, 2021, 6

Special issue paper in Bank-Industry versus Stock Market-Industry Relationships

José L. García-Ruiz, Michelangelo Vasta, Financing firms: Beyond the dichotomy between banks and markets, p. 877
Stefano Ugolini, The coevolution of banks and corporate securities markets: The financing of Belgium’s industrial take-off in the 1830s, p. 892
Emilie Bonhoure, David Le Bris, Did French stock markets support firms of the second industrial revolution?, p. 914
Mark Billings, Simon Mollan, Philip Garnett, Debating banking in Britain: The Colwyn committee, 1918, p. 944
Philipp Kern, Gerhard Schnyder, Corporate networks in post-war Britain: Do finance-industry relationships matter for corporate borrowing?, p. 966
Alberto Rinaldi, Anna Spadavecchia, The banking-industry relationship in Italy: large national banks and small local banks compared (1913-1936), p. 988
Lina Xu, Sophia Ji, Steven Dellaportas, The role of institutional entrepreneurship in the development of accounting in the early 20th century in China, p. 1007
Anders Perlinge, International mercantile networks and financial intermediation in nineteenth century Scania (Sweden). Foreign private capital imports and informal credit market imbalances, p. 1030

v. 63, 2021, 5

Aaron Graham, Slavery, capitalism, incorporation and the Close Harbour Company of Jamaica, circa 1800, p. 705
Tom Donnelly, Jason Begley, Clive Collis, The Rootes group: From growth to take-over, p. 727
Alberto Rinaldi, Giulia Tagliazucchi, Women entrepreneurs in Italy: A prosopographic study, p. 753
Richard Croucher, Gunnar Magne Økland, Women production workers’ introduction into a Norwegian Shipyard 1965-1989, p. 776
James M. Wilson, Implementing and operating the Portsmouth Block Mill, 1803-1812, p. 795
Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, Janette Rutterford, Carry van Lieshout, The rise of professional asset management: The UK investment trust network before World War I, p. 826
Jimmyn Parc, Business integration and its impact on film industry: The case of Korean film policies from the 1960s until the present, p. 850

v. 63, 2021, 4

Craig Heinicke, Seasonal variation in production, household composition and earnings in cottage manufacture: Evidence from women weavers employed by a mid-19th century Yorkshire firm, p. 529
Korinna Schönhärl, Why does a prestigious emission house emit a loan for a peripheral state? The house of Rothschild and the Greek guaranteed loan of 1833, p. 557
Juha-Antti Lamberg, Sandra Lubinaite, Jari Ojala, Henrikki Tikkanen, The curse of agility: The Nokia Corporation and the loss of market dominance in mobile phones, 2003-2013, p. 574
Laura Maran, Lee Parker, Non-financial motivations in mergers and acquisitions: The Fiat-Ferrari case, p. 606
Maiju Wuokko, The curious compatibility of consensus, corporatism, and neoliberalism: The Finnish business community and the retasking of a corporatist welfare state, p. 668
Mariusz Lukasiewicz, Early regulation and social organisation on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, 1887-1892, p. 686

v. 63, 2021, 3

Martin Wilcox, ‘To save the industry from complete ruin’: Crisis and response in British fishing 1945-1951, p. 353
Finn Erhard Johannessen, Great expectations: geological theories and technological transfer at Aardal Copperworks in Norway in the first half of the eighteenth century, p. 378
David A. Turner, Kevin D. Tennent, Progressive strategies of municipal trading: The policies of the London County Council Tramways c. 1891-1914, p. 397
Fco. Javier Fernández-Roca, Jesús D. López-Manjón, Business must go on: 175 years of an olive oil business beyond firms and families, p. 421
Clement Levallois, Ale Smidts, Paul Wouters, The emergence of neuromarketing investigated through online public communications (2002-2008), p. 443
Erik Lakomaa, Customer of last resort? The Swedish advertising industry and the government from World War II to the end of the Cold War, p. 467
Catherine Jill Bamforth, Malcolm Abbott, Entrepreneurs of the sky: Case studies on entrepreneurial learning from the early British aviation industry, p. 489

v. 63, 2021, 2

Christian Stutz, History in corporate social responsibility: Reviewing and setting an agenda, p. 175

Qing Lu, Bounded Reliability and the termination of international joint ventures – insights from the Mid-Med Bank, 1975-1979, p. 205
Douglas H.L. Brown, ‘The caprice of a local board of guardians’: Geographies of new poor law procurement in England and Wales, p. 225
Sudhanshu Shekhar, Vidyanand Jha, Emergence of the small-scale iron foundry industry in Howrah (India), 1833-1913, p. 249
Anders Ögren, The political economy of banking regulation: interest groups and rational choice in the formation of the Swedish banking system 1822-1921, p. 271
Sturla Fjesme, Neal Galpin, Lyndon Moore, British IPO directors, 1891-1911, p. 292
Eoin McLaughlin, Paul Sharp, Competition between organisational forms in Danish and Irish dairying around the turn of the twentieth century, p. 314

v. 63, 2021, 1


Swapnesh K. Masrani, Carlo Joseph Morelli, Amiya Kumar Bagchi, The rise of Indian business in the global context in the twentieth century: A review and introduction, p. 1
Michael Aldous, Tirthankar Roy, Reassessing FERA: Examining British firms’ strategic responses to ‘Indianisation’, p. 18
Carlo Morelli, Regulating the post-independence textile trade: Anglo-Indian tariff negotiations from independence to the Multi-Fibre Arrangement, p. 38
Ajit Nayak, Internationalisation of the Indian telecommunication industry (1947-2004): A firm-level perspective, p. 52
Christina Lubinski, Valeria Giacomin, Klara Schnitzer, Internment as a business challenge: Political risk management and German multinationals in Colonial India (1914-1947), p. 72
Neveen Abdelrehim, Aparajith Ramnath, Andrew Smith, Andrew Popp, Ambiguous decolonisation: a postcolonial reading of the IHRM strategy of the Burmah Oil Company, p. 98
Swapnesh K. Masrani, Linda Perriton, Alan McKinlay, Getting together, living together, thinking together: Management development at Tata Sons 1940-1960, p. 127