Business history DATINI

Business History

Semestrale; dal 1981 quadrimestrale; dal 1986 trimestrale; attualmente bimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6791
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Straniere 0334
Consistenza: a. 2, 1959, 1-
Lacune: v. 48, 2006, 4-v. 48, 2006, 6
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1959 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 62, 2020, 8

Giulio Ongaro, Military food supply in the Republic of Venice in the eighteenth century: Entrepreneurs, merchants, and the state, p. 1255
Willem de Haan, To know or not to know: Silent complicity in crimes against humanity in Argentina (1976-1983), p. 1279
Luc Borrowman, Lionel Frost, Abdel K Halabi, Peter Schuwalow, Evading labour market regulations to preserve team performance: evidence from the Victorian Football League, 1930-70, p. 1303
James Fowler, Compensating the passengers. A comparison of the management of three London underground crashes 1909-1975, p. 1324
Robert J. Bennett, Harry Smith, Piero Montebruno, The Population of Non-corporate Business Proprietors in England and Wales 1891-1911, p. 1341
Susana Martínez-Rodríguez, Mistresses of company capital: Female partners in multi-owner firms, Spain (1886-1936), p. 1373

v. 62, 2020, 7

Adoracion Álvaro-Moya, Susanna Fellman, Nuria Puig, Business history special issue on foreign investment and the development of entrepreneurial and managerial capabilities in host economies, p. 1063
T. S. Lopes, V. C. Simões, Foreign investment in Portugal and knowledge spillovers: From the Methuen Treaty to the 21st century, p. 1079

Special issue paper in: Foreign Investment and Development of Capabilities in Host Economies
Nadia Fernández-de-Pinedo, Rafael Castro, David Pretel, Technology transfer networks in the first industrial age: the case of Derosne & Cail and the sugar industry (1818-1871), p. 1107

Norma Silvana Lanciotti, Andrea Lluch, Staffing policies and human resource management in Argentina: American and British firms (1890-1930s), p. 1137
Montserrat Llonch-Casanovas, Immigrant entrepreneurs, technology transfer and knowledge spillovers: The case of Lyon Barcelona (1933-1981), p. 1162
Keetie Sluyterman, Decolonisation and the organisation of the international workforce: Dutch multinationals in Indonesia, 1945-1967, p. 1182
Paloma Fernández Pérez, Partners in a journey to the centre of the world: Spanish and Japanese knowledge transfer and alliances in the Spanish healthcare industries (1960s-1980s), p. 1202
Adoración Álvaro-Moya, Núria Puig, Eugenio Torres, Managing foreign know-how and local human capital: Urquijo Group and the rise of Spanish engineering firms, p. 1231

v. 62, 2020, 6

Stéphane Bécuwe, Bertrand Blancheton, French textile specialisation in long run perspective (1836-1938): trade policy as industrial policy, p. 891
Etienne Farvaque, Antoine Parent, Piotr Stanek, Debates and dissent inside the FOMC during WWII, p. 915
Marrisa Joseph, Enter the middleman: Legitimisation of literary agents in the British Victorian publishing industry 1875-1900, p. 940
Swapnesh K. Masrani, Peter McKiernan, Alan McKinlay, Strategic responses to low-cost competition: Technological lock-in in the Dundee jute industry, p. 960
Graeme G. Acheson, Christopher Coyle, David P. Jordan, John D. Turner, Share trading activity and the rise of the rentier in the UK before 1920*, p. 982
Michael Heller, Michael Rowlinson, The British house magazine 1945 to 2015: The creation of family, organisation and markets, p. 1002
Emily Buchnea, Anna Tilba, John F. Wilson, British corporate networks, 1976-2010: Extending the study of finance-industry relationships, p. 1027

Book Review, p. 1058

v. 62, 2020, 5


Neil Rollings, Laurent Warlouzet, Business history and European integration: How EEC competition policy affected companies’ strategies, p. 717
Neil Rollings, Babcock and Wilcox Ltd, the ‘Babcock Family’ and regulation 17/62: A business response to new competition policy in the early 1960s, p. 743
Niklas Jensen-Eriksen, Creating clubs and giants: How competition policies influenced the strategy and structure of Nordic pulp and paper industry, 1970-2000, p. 763
Marco Bertilorenzi, From cartels to futures. The aluminium industry, the London Metal Exchange and European competition policies, 1960s-1980s, p. 782
Sigfrido M. Ramírez Pérez, Embedding the market during times of crisis: the European automobile cartel during a decade of crisis (1973-1985), p. 815
Arthe Van Laer, The European Lilliputians attacking IBM: Balancing innovation and competition in the European Commission’s first big antitrust case (1973-1984), p. 83
Laurent Warlouzet, The collapse of the French Shipyard of Dunkirk and EEC state-aid control (1977-86), p. 858

v. 62, 2020, 4

Peter Scott, Friends in high places: Government-industry relations in public sector house-building during Britain’s tower block era, p. 545
Hanaan Marwah, Untangling government, market, and investment failure during the Nigerian oil boom: the Cement Armada scandal 1974-1980, p. 566
J. Carles Maixé-Altés, Retail trade and payment innovations in the digital era: a cross-industry and multi-country approach, p. 588
Francesca Fauri, Matteo Troilo, The ‘Duce hometown effect’ on local industrial development: The case of Forlì, p. 613
Jesús M. Valdaliso, Accounting for the resilience of the machine-tool industry in Spain (c. 1960-2015), p. 637
Ioanna-Sapfo Pepelasis, Stefanos Zarkos, Constantine Aivalis, Why leverage does not always deliver: Lessons from the performance of the top 50 industrial firms in Greece during the Great Depression, p. 663

Christos Tsakas, Europeanisation under authoritarian rule: Greek business and the hoped-for transition to electoral politics, 1967-1974, p. 686

v. 62, 2020, 3


Ralf Banken, Introduction: The room for manoeuvre for firms in the Third Reich, p. 375

Roman Köster, Julia Schnaus, Sewing for Hitler? The clothing industry during the ‘Third Reich’, p. 393
Christopher Kopper, The Munich Re: an internationally-oriented reinsurer in the Nazi era, p. 410
Rüdiger Hachtmann, A hard-to-untangle business conglomerate: The economic empire of the German labour front, p. 421
Johannes Bähr, Between values orientation and economic logic: Bosch in the Third Reich, p. 438
Tim Schanetzky, Commercial expansion in the steel industry of World War II: The case of Henry J. Kaiser and Friedrich Flick, p. 451
Marten Boon, Ben Wubs, Property, control and room for manoeuvre: Royal Dutch Shell and Nazi Germany, 1933-1945, p. 468

José Antonio Miranda, The country-of-origin effect and the international expansion of Spanish fashion companies, 1975-2015, p. 488
Carlos Eduardo Valencia Villa, Microfinances in the banking houses of Rio de Janeiro in 1864, p. 509

v. 62, 2020, 2

Kristin Ranestad, Multinational mining companies, employment and knowledge transfer: Chile and Norway from ca. 1870 to 1940, p. 197
Mike Adams, Lars-Fredrik Andersson, Magnus Lindmark, Liselotte Eriksson, Elena Veprauskaite, Managing policy lapse risk in Sweden’s life insurance market between 1915 and 1947, p. 222
Leon Gooberman, Business failure in an age of globalisation: Interpreting the rise and fall of the LG project in Wales, 1995-2006, p. 240
David Paulson, The professionalisation of selling and the transformation of a family business: Kenrick & Jefferson, 1878-1940, p. 261
Marie-Claire Loison, Celine Berrier-Lucas, Anne Pezet, Corporate social responsibility before CSR: Practices at Aluminium du Cameroun (Alucam) from the 1950s to the 1980s, p. 292
Zoi Pittaki, Extending William Baumol’s theory on entrepreneurship and institutions: lessons from post-Second World War Greece, p. 343

v. 62, 2020, 1


Rafael Castro, Patricio Sáiz, Cross-cultural factors in international branding, p. 1

Pierre-Yves Donzé, The transformation of global luxury brands: The case of the Swiss watch company Longines, 1880-2010, p. 26
Elisabetta Merlo, Mario Perugini, Making Italian fashion global: Brand building and management at Gruppo Finanziario Tessile (1950s?1990s), p. 42
Felicity Barnes, David M. Higgins, Brand image, cultural association and marketing: ‘New Zealand’ butter and lamb exports to Britain, c. 1920-1938, p. 70
Ramon Ramon-Muñoz, The expansion of branding in international marketing: The case of olive oil, 1870s-1930s, p. 98
Matthew J. Bellamy, The making of Labatt ‘Blue’: The quest for a national lager brand, 1959-1971, p. 123
Valeria Pinchera, Diego Rinallo, The emergence of Italy as a fashion country: Nation branding and collective meaning creation at Florence’s fashion shows (1951-1965), p. 151
Brigita Tranavi?i?t?, Dreaming of the West: The power of the brand in Soviet Lithuania, 1960s-1980s, p. 179

v. 61, 2019, 8

Hugo van Driel, Financial fraud, scandals, and regulation: A conceptual framework and literature review, p. 1259

Laura Panza, David Merrett, Hidden in plain sight: Correspondent banking in the 1930s, p. 1300
Thomas J. Kehoe, Elizabeth M. Greenhalgh, ‘An indispensable luxury’: British American Tobacco in the occupation of Germany, 1945-1948, p. 1326
Lars-Fredrik Andersson, Liselotte Eriksson, Exclusion of women and organisational characteristics: Swedish mutual health insurance 1901-1910, p. 1352

v. 61, 2019, 7


James Foreman-Peck, Daniel Raff, Peter Scott, Introduction: Leslie Hannah and business history in his time, p. 1091

Daniel M.G. Raff, Hannah on ‘Hollywood history’: Exploring the limits of the Chandlerian model, p. 1108
John Kay, The concept of the corporation, p. 1129
Peter Temin, Taxes and industrial structure, p. 1144-1157 James Foreman-Peck, An American and European technological difference: The early motor car power source, p. 1158
Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, Janette Rutterford, Financial diversification strategies before World War I: Buy-and-hold versus naïve portfolio selection, p. 1175
Ron Harris, Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Opening the black box of the common-law legal regime: Contrasts in the development of corporate law in Britain and the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, p. 1199
Martin Chick, Incentives, inequality and taxation: The Meade Committee Report on the Structure and Reform of Direct Taxation (1978), p. 1222
Anthony Gandy, Roy Edwards, Enterprise vs. product logic: the industrial reorganisation corporation and the rationalisation of the British electrical/electronics industry, p. 1236

v. 61, 2019, 6

Andrew Smith, Maki Umemura, Prospects for a transparency revolution in the field of business history, p. 919
Sheryllynne Haggerty, What’s in a price? The American raw cotton market in Liverpool and the Anglo-American War, p. 942
Jesper Strandskov, Restructuring of the Danish pork industry: The role of mergers and takeovers, 1960-2010, p. 971
Natalya Vinokurova, Failure to learn from failure: The 2008 mortgage crisis as a déjà vu of the mortgage meltdown of 1994, p. 1005
Adrien Jean-Guy Passant, The early emergence of European commercial education in the nineteenth century: Insights from higher engineering schools, p. 1051

Book Reviews, p. 1083

v. 61, 2019, 5


Christian Marx, Morten Reitmayer, Introduction: Rhenish capitalism and business history, p. 745

Morten Reitmayer, The concept of social fields and the productive models: Two examples from the European automobile industry, p. 785
Boris Gehlen, Corporate law and corporate control in West Germany after 1945, p. 810
Christian Marx, Between national governance and the internationalisation of business. The case of four major West German producers of chemicals, pharmaceuticals and fibres, 1945-2000, p. 833
Ralf Ahrens, Financing Rhenish capitalism: ‘bank power’ and the business of crisis management in the 1960s and 1970s, p. 863
Stephanie Tilly, Supplier relations within the German automobile industry. The case of Daimler-Benz, 1950-1980, p. 879
Ingo Köhler, Confrontational coordination: The rearrangement of public relations in the automotive industry during the 1970s, p. 898

v. 61, 2019, 4

Lise Arena, Leonard Minkes, The virtues of dialogue between academics and businessmen, p. 581
Andrea Lluch, Alberto Rinaldi, Erica Salvaj, Michelangelo Vasta, Directors and syndics in corporate networks: Argentina and Italy compared (1913-1990), p. 603
José Galindo, A French migrant business network in the period of export-led growth (ELG) in Mexico: The case of the Barcelonnettes, p. 629
Adrian R. Bailey, Andrew Alexander, Cadbury and the rise of the supermarket: innovation in marketing 1953-1975, p. 659
Damian Tobin, Technical self-sufficiency, pricing independence: a Penrosean perspective on China’s emergence as a major oil refiner since the 1960s, p. 681
Md Aslam Mia, Hwok-Aun Lee, VGR Chandran, Rajah Rasiah, Mahfuzur Rahman, History of microfinance in Bangladesh: A life cycle theory approach, p. 703

Book Reviews, p. 734

v. 61, 2019, 3


Pierre-Yves Donzé, Paloma Fernández Pérez, Health Industries in the Twentieth Century, p. 385

Paloma Fernández Pérez, Nuria Puig, Esteban García-Canal, Mauro F. Guillén, Learning from giants: Early exposure to advance markets in the growth and internationalisation of Spanish health care corporations in the twentieth century, p. 404
Ken Sakai, Thriving in the shadow of giants: The success of the Japanese surgical needle producer MANI, 1956-2016, p. 429
Maki Umemura, Challenging the Problem of ‘Fit’: Advancing the Regenerative Medicine Industries in the United States, Britain and Japan, p. 456
Sabine Schleiermacher, ‘Importance of Germany to Countries around and to World Economy makes it impossible to ignore’ – The Rockefeller Foundation and Public Health in Germany after WWII, p. 481
Jean-Paul Domin, Socialisation of healthcare demand and development of the French health system (1890-1938), p. 498
Roser Alvarez-Klee, China: The development of the health system during the Maoist period (1949-76), p. 518
Pierre-Yves Donzé, Architects and knowledge transfer in hospital systems: The introduction of Western hospital designs in Japan (1918-1970), p. 538-
Jerònia Pons-Pons, Margarita Vilar-Rodríguez, The genesis, growth and organisational changes of private health insurance companies in Spain (1915-2015), p. 558

v. 61, 2019, 2


Oscar Gelderblom, Francesca Trivellato, The business history of the preindustrial world: towards a comparative historical analysis, p. 225

Rémi Bourguignon, Mathieu Floquet, When union strategy meets business strategy: The union voucher at Axa, p. 260
Peter Collinge, Guilds, authority and the individual: The Company of Mercers prosecution of Dorothy Gretton in early eighteenth-century Derby, p. 281
Volodymyr Kulikov, Martin Kragh, Big business in the Russian empire: A European perspective, p. 299
Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Liselotte Eriksson, Sober business: Shared value creation between the insurance industry and the temperance movement, p. 322
In Woo Jun, Chris Rowley, Competitive advantage and the transformation of value chains over time: The example of a South Korean diversified business group, 1953-2013, p. 343

Book reviews, p. 371

v. 61, 2019, 1


Karen Tranberg Hansen, Jennifer Le Zotte, Changing Secondhand Economies, p. 1

Jon Stobart, Domestic textiles and country house sales in Georgian England, p. 17
Wendy A. Woloson, ‘Fence-ing lessons’: child junkers and the commodification of scrap in the long nineteenth century, p. 38
Laura Katarina Ekholm, Jews, second-hand trade and upward economic mobility: Introducing the ready-to-wear business in industrializing Helsinki, 1880-1930, p. 73
Jonathan Z. S. Pollack, Shylocks to superheroes: Jewish scrap dealers in Anglo-American popular culture, p. 93
Miki Sugiura, The mass consumption of refashioned clothes: Re-dyed kimono in post war Japan, p. 106
Jennifer Ayres, The work of shopping: Resellers and the informal economy at the goodwill bins, p. 122
Frederik Larsen, Valuation in action: Ethnography of an American thrift store, p. 155
Staffan Appelgren, History as business: Changing dynamics of retailing in Gothenburg’s second-hand market, p. 172
Abel Ezeoha, Chinwe Okoyeuzu, Emmanuel Onah, Chibuike Uche, Second-hand vehicle markets in West Africa: A source of regional disintegration, trade informality and welfare losses, p. 187
Lucy Norris, Urban prototypes: Growing local circular cloth economies, p. 205

v. 60, 2018, 8


Patricio Sáiz, Rafael Castro, Trademarks in branding: Legal issues and commercial practices, p. 1103

Carlo Marco Belfanti, Branding before the brand: Marks, imitations and counterfeits in pre-modern Europe, p. 1125
Paul Duguid, Early marks: American trademarks before US trademark law, p. 1145
Teresa da Silva Lopes, Carlos Gabriel Guimarães, Alexandre Saes, Luiz Fernando Saraiva, The ‘disguised’ foreign investor: Brands, trademarks and the British expatriate entrepreneur in Brazil, p. 1169
Igor Goñi-Mendizabal, Brands in the Basque gun making industry: The case of ASTRA-Unceta y Cía, p. 1194
Ilaria Suffia, Andrea Maria Locatelli, Claudio Besana, Cheese trademarks: Italian dairy firms’ practices during the 20th century, p. 1225
Thomas Mollanger, The effects of producers’ trademark strategies on the structure of the cognac brandy supply chain during the second half of the 19th century. The reconfiguration of commercial trust by the use of brands, p. 1253
Jose Bellido, Kathy Bowrey, Disney in Spain (1930-1935), p. 1275

v. 60, 2018, 7


Peter Scott, Patrick Fridenson, New perspectives on 20th-century European retailing, p. 941

Andrew Hull, Managing business performance: The contrasting cases of two multiple retailers 1920 to 1939, p. 959
Bethan Bide, More than window dressing: visual merchandising and austerity in London’s West End, 1945-50, p. 983
Adam Dewitte, Sebastian Billows, Xavier Lecocq, Turning regulation into business opportunities: A brief history of French food mass retailing (1949-2015), p. 1004
Tristan Jacques, The state, small shops and hypermarkets: A public policy for retail, France, 1945-1973, p. 1026
Peter Heyrman, Unlocking the padlock: Retail and public policy in Belgium (1930-1961), p. 1049
Anitra Komulainen, Sakari Siltala, Resistance to Inequality as a Competitive Strategy? – The Cases of the Finnish consumer Co-ops Elanto and HOK 1905-2015, p. 1082

v. 60, 2018, 6

John F. Wilson, Emily Buchnea, Anna Tilba, The British corporate network, 1904-1976: Revisiting the finance-industry relationship, p. 779
Peter Scott, James T. Walker, Retailing under resale price maintenance: Economies of scale and scope, and firm strategic response, in the inter-war British retail pharmacy sector, p. 807
Akinyinka Akinyoade, Chibuike Uche, Development built on crony capitalism? The case of Dangote Cement, p. 833
Stephen B. Adams, Dustin Chambers, Michael Schultz, A moving target: The geographic evolution of Silicon Valley, 1953-1990, p. 859

Nicholas D. Wong, Andrew Popp, ‘In the best position to reap mutually beneficial results’: Sole-agency agreements and the distribution of consumer durables in inter-war Britain, p. 884
Pasi Nevalainen, Deadlock in corporate governance: Finding a common strategy for private telephone companies, 1978-1998, p. 908

Book review, p. 930

v. 60, 2018, 5


Stephanie Decker, Behlül Üsdiken, Lars Engwall, Michael Rowlinson, Special issue introduction: Historical research on institutional change, p. 613

R. Daniel Wadhwani, Interfield Dynamics: Law and the creation of new organisational fields in the nineteenth-century United States, p. 628
Pamela A. Popielarz, Moral dividends: Freemasonry and finance capitalism in early-nineteenth-century America, p. 655
Neil Thompson, Hey DJ, don’t stop the music: Institutional work and record pooling practices in the United States’ music industry, p. 677
Jarmo Seppälä, Managing the paradox of unwanted efficiency: The symbolic legitimation of the hypermarket format in Finland, 1960-1975, p. 699
Aya S. Chacar, Sokol Celo, William Hesterly, Change dynamics in institutional discontinuities: Do formal or informal institutions change first? Lessons from rule changes in professional American baseball, p. 728
Olivier Butzbach, From data problems to questions about sources: elements towards an institutional analysis of population-level organisational change. The case of British building societies, 1845-1980, p. 754

v. 60, 2018, 4

Victoria Barnes, Lucy Newton, How far does the apple fall from the tree? The size of English bank branch networks in the nineteenth century, p. 447
, Benjamin BrühwilerInterweaving threads of credit and debt: Trading (through) textiles in colonial Dar es Salaam, p. 474
Takahiro Endo, Legal structure, business organisations and lobbying: The Japanese publishing sector, 1990-2001, p. 492
Thomas R. Buckley, In the city: The John Lewis partnership and planned shopping centres, p. 512
Manuel Barcia, Effie Kesidou, Innovation and entrepreneurship as strategies for success among Cuban-based firms in the late years of the transatlantic slave trade, p. 542
Mariola Ciszewska-Mlinaric, Krzysztof Obloj, Aleksandra Wasowska, Internationalisation choices of Polish firms during the post-socialism transition period: The role of institutional conditions at firm’s foundation, p. 562

Book Reviews, p. 601

v. 60, 2018, 3


Hartmut Berghoff, Uwe Spiekermann, Shady business: On the history of white-collar crime, p. 289

William A. Pettigrew, The changing place of fraud in seventeenth-century public debates about international trading corporations, p. 305 Robert Bernsee, Privatisation and corruption in historical perspective: The case of secularisation in Bavaria and Prussia in the early nineteenth century, p. 321 James Taylor, White-collar crime and the law in nineteenth-century Britain, p. 343 Uwe Spiekermann, Cleaning San Francisco, cleaning the United States: The graft prosecutions of 1906-1909 and their nationwide consequences, p. 361 William J. Hausman, Howard Hopson’s billion dollar fraud: The rise and fall of associated gas & electric company, 1921-1940, p. 381 Simone M. Müller, Corporate behaviour and ecological disaster: Dow Chemical and the Great Lakes mercury crisis, 1970-1972, p. 399 Hartmut Berghoff, « Organised irresponsibility »? The Siemens corruption scandal of the 1990s and 2000s, p. 423

v. 60, 2018, 2

Juha-Antti Lamberg, Jari Ojala, Mirva Peltoniemi, Thinking about industry decline: A qualitative meta-analysis and future research directions, p. 127

Laura Panza, Simon Ville, David Merrett, The drivers of firm longevity: Age, size, profitability and survivorship of Australian corporations, 1901-1930, p. 157
Kamal R. Sharma, Mukund R. Dixit, Longevity challenges and leadership interventions: Strategy journeys of two Indian banks, p. 178
Alexander Claver, G. Roger Knight, A European role in intra-Asian commercial development: The Maclaine Watson network and the Java sugar trade c.1840-1942, p. 202
Shima Amini, Steven Toms, Accessing capital markets: Aristocrats and new share issues in the British bicycle boom of the 1890s, p. 231
Paul Lagneau-Ymone, Angelo Riva, Trading forward: The Paris Bourse in the nineteenth century, p. 257

v. 60, 2018, 1


Stephanie Decker, Ray Stokes, Andrea Colli, Abe de Jong, Paloma Fernandez Perez, Neil Rollings, Change of referencing style, p. 1

Rafael Torres-Sánchez, Pepijn Brandon, Marjolein’t Hart, War and economy. Rediscovering the eighteenth-century military entrepreneur, p. 4
Gordon Bannerman, The impact of war: New business networks and small-scale contractors in Britain, 1739-1770, p. 23
David Plouviez, The French navy and war entrepreneurs: Identity, business relations, conflicts, and cooperation in the eighteenth century, p. 41
Pierrick Pourchasse, Military entrepreneurs and the development of the French economy in the eighteenth century, p. 57
Sergio Solbes Ferri, The Spanish monarchy as a contractor state in the eighteenth century: Interaction of political power with the market, p. 72
Agustín González Enciso, War contracting and artillery production in Spain, p. 87
Ivan Valdez-Bubnov, Shipbuilding administration under the Spanish Habsburg and Bourbon regimes (1590?1834): A comparative perspective, p. 105

v. 59, 2017, 8

Mads Mordhorst, Stefan Schwarzkopf, Theorising narrative in business history, p. 1155
William M. Foster, Diego M. Coraiola, Roy Suddaby, Jochem Kroezen, David Chandler, The strategic use of historical narratives: a theoretical framework, p. 1176
Pamela Walker Laird, How business historians can save the world – from the fallacy of self-made success, p. 1201
Mairi Maclean, Charles Harvey, Lindsay Stringfellow, Narrative, metaphor and the subjective understanding of historic identity transition, p. 1218
Andrew Popp, Susanna Fellman, Writing business history: Creating narratives, p. 1242
Gabrielle Durepos, Alan McKinlay, Scott Taylor, Narrating histories of women at work: Archives, stories, and the promise of feminism, p. 1261
Søren Friis Møller, Histories of leadership in the Copenhagen Phil – A cultural view of narrativity in studies of leadership in symphony orchestras, p. 1280

Book Reviews, p. 1303

v. 59, 2017, 7



Andrew Smith, Kirsten Greer, Uniting business history and global environmental history, p. 987

Joshua MacFadyen, Long-range forecasts: Linseed oil and the hemispheric movement of market and climate data, 1890-1939, p. 1010
Dawn Alexandrea Berry, Business interrupted: remote resources and environmental knowledge flows in times of global crisis (Alcan and Greenland 1940-1945), p. 1034
George Colpitts, Knowing nature in the business records of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1670-1840, p. 1054
Hayley Goodchild, The problem of milk in the nineteenth-century Ontario cheese industry: an envirotechnical approach to business history, p. 1081

Karolina Hutková, Transfer of European technologies and their adaptations: The case of the Bengal silk industry in the late-eighteenth century, p. 1111 Jon Stobart, Making the global local? Overseas goods in English rural shops, c.1600-1760, p. 1136

v. 59, 2017, 6

Heidi Reed, Corporations as agents of social change: A case study of diversity at Cummins Inc., p. 821
Robert Jupe, Warwick Funnell, ‘A highly successful model’? The rail franchising business in Britain, p. 844
Maki Umemura, Stephanie Slater, Reaching for global in the Japanese cosmetics industry, 1951 to 2015: the case of Shiseido, p. 877
Andrew Perchard, Niall G. MacKenzie, Stephanie Decker, Giovanni Favero, Clio in the business school: Historical approaches in strategy, international business and entrepreneurship, p. 904
Sam McKinstry, Ying Yong Ding, Business success and the architectural practice of Sir George Gilbert Scott, c.1845-1878: a study in hard work, sound management and networks of trust, p. 928
Danila Raskov, Vadim Kufenko, Religious minority in business history: The case of Old Believers, p. 951

v. 59, 2017, 5

Pierre van der Eng, Managing political imperatives in war time: strategic responses of Philips in Australia, 1939-1945, p. 645
Tom McGovern, Tom McLean, The genesis of the electricity supply industry in Britain: A case study of NESCo from 1889 to 1914, p. 667
Mark Latham, ‘A fraud, a drunkard, and a worthless scamp’: estate agents, regulation, and Realtors in the interwar period, p. 690
Marcus Box, Bring in the brewers: business entry in the Swedish brewing industry from 1830 to 2012, p. 710
Gianvito Lanzolla, Alessandro Giudici, Pioneering strategies in the digital world. Insights from the Axel Springer case, p. 744
Helen Mercer, The making of the modern retail market: economic theory, business interests and economic policy in the passage of the 1964 Resale Prices Act, p. 778

J. J. Bissell, The decline in the British bank population since 1810 obeys a law of negative compound interest, p. 802
Philip Garnett, Simon Mollan, R. Alexander Bentley, Banks, births, and tipping points in the historical demography of British banking: A response to J.J. Bissell, p. 814

v. 59, 2017, 4

Bjørn L. Basberg, Keynes, Trouton and the Hector Whaling Company. A personal and professional relationship, p. 471
Colm O’Gorman, Declan Curran, Strategic transformations in large Irish-owned businesses, p. 497
Michael Aldous, Rehabilitating the intermediary: brokers and auctioneers in the nineteenth-century Anglo-Indian trade, p. 525
Neveen Abdelrehim, Steven Toms, The obsolescing bargain model and oil: the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company 1933-1951, p. 554
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah, Jan Ottosson, Hans Sjögren, United we stand, divided we fall: historical trajectory of strategic renewal activities at the Scandinavian Airlines System, 1946-2012, p. 572
Graeme G. Acheson, Gareth Campbell, John D. Turner, Who financed the expansion of the equity market? Shareholder clienteles in Victorian Britain, p. 607

v. 59, 2017, 3

Emanuele Felice, Amedeo Lepore, State intervention and economic growth in Southern Italy: the rise and fall of the ‘Cassa per il Mezzogiorno’ (1950-1986), p. 319
Shraddha Verma, Neveen Abdelrehim, Oil multinationals and governments in post-colonial transitions: Burmah Shell, the Burmah Oil Company and the Indian state 1947-70, p. 342
Pasi Nevalainen, Facing the inevitable? The public telecom monopoly’s way of coping with deregulation, p. 362
Ying Yong Ding, Kirsten Kininmonth, Sam McKinstry, Cocooned: path dependence and the demise of Anderson, Robertson Ltd, Scotland’s last silk throwsters, p. 382
Nuno Luis Madureira, The confident forecaster. Lessons from the upscaling of the electricity industry in England and Wales, p. 408
Anthony Gandy, Roy Edwards, Enterprise logic vs product logic: the development of GE’s computer product line, p. 431
Guillaume Vallet, Cooperation rather than competition in industrial organisations: Albion W. Small’s underestimated view, p. 453

v. 59, 2017, 2

Miguel A. Sáez-García, Business and State in the development of the steel industry in Spain and Italy (c.1880-1929), p. 159
Peter Scott, James T. Walker, Barriers to ‘industrialisation’ for interwar British retailing? The case of Marks & Spencer Ltd, p. 179
Linda Perriton, The parochial realm, social enterprise and gender: the work of Catharine Cappe and Faith Gray and others in York, 1780-1820, p. 202
Pål Vik, ‘The computer says no’: the demise of the traditional bank manager and the depersonalisation of British banking, 1960-2010, p. 231
Monica J. Keneley, The breakdown of the workplace ‘family’ and the rise of personnel management within an Australian financial institution 1950-1980, p. 250
Klara Arnberg, Jonatan Svanlund, Mad women: gendered divisions in the Swedish advertising industry, 1930-2012, p. 268
Pablo Gutiérrez González, Jerònia Pons Pons, Risk management and reinsurance strategies in the Spanish insurance market (1880-1940), p. 292

v. 59, 2017, 1

The stagflation crisis and the European automotive industry, 1973-1985

The stagflation crisis and the European automotive industry, 1973-1985. Perspectives s for Business History, p. 1

Jordi Catalan Vidal, The stagflation crisis and the European automotive industry, 1973-85, p. 4

James T. Walker, Voluntary export restraints between Britain and Japan: The case of the UK car market (1971-2002), p. 35
Tom Donnelly, Jason Begley, Clive Collis, The West Midlands automotive industry: the road downhill, p. 56
Tommaso Pardi, Industrial policy and the British automotive industry under Margaret Thatcher, p. 75-
Giuliano Maielli, Path-dependent product development and Fiat’s takeover of Lancia in 1969: meta-routines for design selection between synergies and brand autonomy, p. 101
Tomàs Fernández-de-Sevilla, Growth amid a storm: Renault in Spain during the stagflation crisis, 1974-1985, p. 121
Thomas Fetzer, Reversing gear: trade union responses to economic crises at Opel (1974-1985), p. 141

v. 58, 2016, 8

Klas Rönnbäck, Transaction costs of early modern multinational enterprise: measuring the transatlantic information lag of the British Royal African Company and its successor, 1680-1818, p. 1147
Lionel Frost, Margaret Lightbody, Amanda Carter, Abdel K. Halabi, A cricket ground or a football stadium? The business of ground sharing at the Adelaide Oval before 1973, p. 1164
Lan Peng, Alistair M. Brown, A decade of hybrid reporting and accountabilities of the Hanyeping Company (1909-1919), p. 1183
Andreas R. Dugstad Sanders, Pål Thonstad Sandvik, Espen Storli, Dealing with globalisation: the Nordic countries and inward FDI, 1900-1939, p. 1210
Kirsten Kininmonth, Weber’s Protestant Work Ethic: a case study of Scottish entrepreneurs, the Coats Family of Paisley, p. 1236
Geoffrey Jones, Simon Mowatt, National image as a competitive disadvantage: the case of the New Zealand organic food industry, p. 1262

v. 58, 2016, 7

Mark J. Crowley, ‘Inequality’ and ‘value’ reconsidered? the employment of post office women, 1910-1922, p. 985
Franco Amatori, The burden of the family company: Leopoldo Pirelli and his times, p. 1008
Michael Heller, The development of integrated marketing communications at the British General Post Office, 1931-39, p. 1034
Fernando Collantes, Food chains and the retailing revolution: supermarkets, dairy processors and consumers in Spain (1960 to the present), p. 1055
Birgit Karlsson, Cartels and norms in the Swedish steel industry 1923-1953, p. 1077
Mark Harvey, The rise of the LP: the politics of diffusion innovation in the recording industry, p. 1095
Adrien Jean-Guy Passant, Issues in European business education in the mid-nineteenth century: a comparative perspective, p. 1118

v. 58, 2016, 6

Andrew Wild, Andy Lockett, Turnaround and failure: Resource weaknesses and the rise and fall of Jarvis, p. 829
Juan A. Rubio-Mondéjar, Jósean Garrués-Irurzun, Economic and Social Power in Spain: corporate networks of banks, utilities and other large companies (1917-2009), p. 858
Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl, The transatlantic business community faced with US direct investment in Western Europe, 1958-1968, p. 880
Brendan O’Connell, Paul De Lange, Greg Stoner, Alan Sangster, Strategic manoeuvres and impression management: communication approaches in the case of a crisis event, p. 903
Karen McBride, Tony Hines, Russell Craig, A rum deal: The purser’s measure and accounting control of materials in the Royal Navy, 1665-1832, p. 925
Grietjie Verhoef, ‘Not to bet the farm’: SANLAM and internationalisation, 1995-2010, p. 947

v. 58, 2016, 5

Special Issue: Beer, Brewing, and Business History

Ignazio Cabras, David M. Higgins, Beer, brewing, and business history, p. 609

Ignazio Cabras, Charles Bamforth, From reviving tradition to fostering innovation and changing marketing: the evolution of micro-brewing in the UK and US, 1980-2012, p. 625
Julie Bower, Vertical and financial ownership: Competition policy and the evolution of the UK pub market, p. 647
David Higgins, Steven Toms, Moshfique Uddin, Vertical monopoly power, profit and risk: The British beer industry, c.1970-c.2004, p. 667
Koen Deconinck, Eline Poelmans, Johan Swinnen, How beer created Belgium (and the Netherlands): the contribution of beer taxes to war finance during the Dutch Revolt, p. 694
Graeme G. Acheson, Christopher Coyle, John D. Turner, Happy hour followed by hangover: financing the UK brewery industry, 1880-1913, p. 725
Ranjit S. Dighe, A taste for temperance: how American beer got to be so bland, p. 752
Richard White, Death and re-birth of Alabama beer, p. 785
Kai Lamertz, William M. Foster, Diego M. Coraiola, Jochem Kroezen, New identities from remnants of the past: an examination of the history of beer brewing in Ontario and the recent emergence of craft breweries, p. 796

v. 58, 2016, 4

Mark Billings, Anna Tilba, John Wilson, ‘to invite disappointment or worse’: governance, audit and due diligence in the Ferranti-ISC merger, p. 453
Stijn Ronsse, Glenn Rayp, International shipping traffic as a determinant of the growing use of advertisements by local shopkeepers: a case study of eighteenth century Ghent, p. 479
Ben Harvey, The Oaks Colliery disaster of 1866: a case study in responsibility, p. 501
Therese Nordlund Edvinsson, Standing in the shadow of the corporation: women’s contribution to Swedish family business in the early twentieth century, p. 532
Kristene E. Coller, Jean Helms Mills, Albert J. Mills, The British Airways Heritage Collection: an ethnographic ‘history’, p. 547
Luca Zan, Complexity, anachronism and time-parochialism: historicising strategy while strategising history, p. 571

v. 58, 2016, 3

Special Issue: History and Evolution of Entrepreneurship and Finance in China

Douglas J. Cumming, Alessandra Guariglia, Wenxuan Hou, Edward Lee, Special Issue: History and Evolution of Entrepreneurship and Finance in China, p. 317

Andrew Atherton, Alex Newman, The emergence of the private entrepreneur in reform era China: re-birth of an earlier tradition, or a more recent product of development and change?, p. 319
Douglas Cumming, Grant Fleming, Taking China private: The Carlyle Group, leveraged buyouts and financial capitalism in Greater China, p. 345
Andrew C. Godley, Haiming Hang, Collective financing among Chinese entrepreneurs and department store retailing in China, p. 364
Xiuping Hua, Yuhuilin Chen, Shameen Prashantham, Institutional logic dynamics: private firm financing in Ningbo (1912-2008), p. 378
Cheryl Susan McWatters, Qiu Chen, Shujun Ding, Wenxuan Hou, Zhenyu Wu, Family business development in mainland China from 1872 to 1949, p. 408
Craig Wilson, Fan Yang, Shanxi Piaohao and Shanghai Qianzhuang: a comparison of the two main banking systems of nineteenth-century China, p. 433

v. 58, 2016, 2

David Bowie, Pure diffusion? The great English hotel charges debate in The Times, 1853, p. 159
Andrew Smith, The winds of change and the end of the Comprador System in the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, p. 179
Maria Carmela Schisani, Francesca Caiazzo, Networks of power and networks of capital: evidence from a peripheral area of the first globalisation. The energy sector in Naples: from gas to electricity (1862-1919), p. 207
Pablo Díaz-Morlán, Miguel Sáez-García, The European response to the challenge of the Japanese steel industry (1950-1980), p. 244
Jordi Planas, The emergence of winemaking cooperatives in Catalonia, p. 264
Anthony John Arnold, Business returns from gold price fixing and bullion trading on the interwar London market, p. 283

v. 58, 2016, 1

Special Issue: Business Groups around the World

Andrea Colli, Stephanie Decker, Abe de Jong, Paloma Fernández Pérez, Neil Rollings, Ray Stokes, Editorial: special issues in Business History, p. 1
María Inés Barbero, Nuria Puig, Business groups around the world: an introduction, p. 6
Andrea Colli, Alberto Rinaldi, Michelangelo Vasta, The only way to grow? Italian Business groups in historical perspective, p. 30
Álvaro Ferreira da Silva, Luciano Amaral, Pedro Neves, Business groups in Portugal in the Estado Novo period (1930-1974): family, power and structural change, p. 49
Asli M. Colpan, Geoffrey Jones, Business groups, entrepreneurship and the growth of the Koç Group in Turkey, p. 69
Mehmet Erçek, Öner Günçavdi, Imprints of an Entrepreneur and Evolution of a Business Group, 1948-2010, p. 89
Gustavo A. Del Angel, The nexus between business groups and banks: Mexico, 1932-1982, p. 111
Erica Salvaj, Juan Pablo Couyoumdjian, Interlocked’ business groups and the state in Chile (1970-2010), p. 129

v. 57, 2015, 8

Nikola Balnave, Greg Patmore, The outsider consumer co-operative: lessons from the Community Co-operative Store (Nuriootpa), 1944-2010, p. 1133
Olivier Butzbach, From thrifts to universal banks: the sources of organisational change in French savings banks, 1945-2000, p. 1155
Luciano Amaral, Measuring competition in Portuguese commercial banking during the Golden Age (1960-1973), p. 1192
Michael Ng, Dirt of whitewashing: re-conceptualising debtors’ obligations in Chinese business by transplanting bankruptcy law to early British Hong Kong (1860s-1880s), p. 1219-
Gareth Campbell, John D. Turner, Managerial failure in mid-Victorian Britain?: Corporate expansion during a promotion boom, p. 1248
Hugo van Driel, Henk W. Volberda, Sjoerd Eikelboom, Eline Kamerbeek, A co-evolutionary analysis of longevity: Pakhoed and its predecessors, p. 1277

Book Reviews, p. 1306

v. 57, 2015, 7

Special Issue: Business Longevity

Maria Rosaria Napolitano, Vittoria Marino, Jari Ojala, In search of an integrated framework of business longevity, p. 955
Angelo Riviezzo, Mika Skippari, Antonella Garofano, Who wants to live forever: exploring 30 years of research on business longevity, p. 970
Björn Eriksson, Maria Stanfors, A winning strategy? The employment of women and firm longevity during industrialisation, p. 988
Cinzia Lorandini, Looking beyond the Buddenbrooks syndrome: the Salvadori Firm of Trento, 1660s – 1880s, p. 1005
Innan Sasaki, Hidekazu Sone, Cultural approach to understanding the long-term survival of firms – Japanese Shinise firms in the sake brewing industry, p. 1020
Arturo Capasso, Carmen Gallucci, Matteo Rossi, Standing the test of time. Does firm performance improve with age? An analysis of the wine industry, p. 1037

Simon Mollan, Kevin D. Tennent, International taxation and corporate strategy: evidence from British overseas business, circa 1900-1965, p. 1054
Adoración Álvaro-Moya, Networking capability building in the multinational enterprise: ITT and the Spanish adventure (1924-1945), p. 1082
Juha Kansikas, The business elite in Finland: a prosopographical study of family firm executives 1762-2010, p. 1112

v. 57, 2015, 6

Martin J. Liu, Jimmy Huang, Alain Yee-loong Chong, Zhengzhi Guan, Natalia Yannopoulou, Fellow-townsmenship as the mechanism for exploring and exploiting business opportunities: A longitudinal reflection of the nineteenth century Ningbo entrepreneurs in Shanghai, p. 773
Shawn Moura, Try it at home: Avon and gender in Brazil, 1958-1975, p. 800
Pierre-Yves Donzé, Rika Fujioka, European luxury big business and emerging Asian markets, 1960-2010, p. 822
Kee-Cheok Cheong, Poh-Ping Lee, Kam-Hing Lee, The internationalisation of family firms: case histories of two Chinese overseas family firms, p. 841
Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Kristina Söderholm, Transition to greener pulp: regulation, industry responses and path dependency, p. 862
Andreas Kornelakis, European market integration and the political economy of corporate adjustment: OTE and Telecom Italia, 1949-2009, p. 885
Martin Eriksson, Beyond industrial policy. State intervention in the Swedish electricity supply industry, 1936-1946, p. 903
Elisabetta Merlo, ‘Size revolution’: the industrial foundations of the Italian clothing business, p. 919

Book Reviews, p. 942

v. 57, 2015, 5

Special Issue: Re-introducing evolutionary theory to business history

Jim Quinn, Editorial: re-introducing evolutionary theory to business history: making sense of today’s structure, p. 655
Franco Malerba, Luigi Orsenigo, The evolution of the pharmaceutical industry, p. 664
Ray Stokes, Ralf Banken, Constructing an ‘industry’: the case of industrial gases, 1886-2006, p. 688

Johann Peter Murmann, Deepening the conversation between business history and evolutionary economics, p. 705

Michael G. Jacobides, What drove the financial crisis? Structuring our historical understanding of a predictable evolutionary disaster, p. 716
Steven Toms, Nick Wilson, Mike Wright, The evolution of private equity: corporate restructuring in the UK, c.1945-2010, p. 736

Richard Nelson, Evolutionary economics and recounting of business history, p. 769

v. 57, 2015,4

Anne Marie Doherty, Nicholas Alexander, Liberty in Paris: International retailing, 1889-1932, p. 485
Mika Kallioinen, Cartel success and institutions. The Finnish Cotton Cartel, 1903-1939, p. 512
M. Capelo, p. Araújo, C. Álvarez-Dardet, Management control systems, trust and risk in inter-organisational relationships: The case of Francisco González de la Sierra and its partner Rivas y Cantallops (1847-1864), p. 528
Peter Scott, James Trevor Walker, Demonstrating distinction at ‘the lowest edge of the black-coated class’: The family expenditures of Edwardian railway clerks, p. 564
Francisco J. Medina-Albaladejo, Co-operative wineries: Temporal solution or efficient firms? The Spanish case during late Francoism, 1970-1981, p. 589

Book Reviews, p. 638

v. 57, 2015, 3

Special Issue: Tripartism in Comparative and Historical Perspective

Richerd Croucher, Geoffrey Wood, Tripartism in Comparative and Historical Perspective, p. 347
Chris Minns, Marian Rizov, Institutions, history and wage bargaining outcomes: international evidence from the post-World War Two era, p. 358
Thomas James Prosser, Emmanuelle Perin, European tripartism: chimera or reality? The ‘new phase’ of the European social dialogue in the light of tripartite theory and practice, p. 376
Guglielmo Meardi, Juliusz Gardawski, Oscar Molina, The dynamics of tripartism in post-democratic transitions: comparative lessons from Spain and Poland, p. 398
Paul Teague, Jimmy Donaghey, The life and death of Irish social partnership: lessons for social pacts, p. 418
Peter Sheldon, Bernard Gan, David Morgan, Making Singapore’s tripartism work (faster): the formation of the Singapore National Employers’ Federation in 1980, p. 438
Pauline Dibben, Gilton Klerck, Geoffrey Wood, The ending of southern Africa’s tripartite dream: the cases of South Africa, Namibia and Mozambique, p. 461

v. 57, 2015, 2

Arjan van Rooij, Sisyphus in business: Success, failure and the different types of failure, p. 203
Sue Bowden, David M. Higgins, Investment decision-making and industrial performance: The British wool industry during the interwar years, p. 224
Alan McKinlay, Alistair Mutch, ‘Accountable creatures’: Scottish Presbyterianism, accountability and managerial capitalism, p. 241
Sue-Yen Tjong Tjin Tai, Frank Veraart, Mila Davids, How the Netherlands became a bicycle nation: Users, firms and intermediaries, 1860-1940, p. 257
Terry Newholm, Sandra Newholm , Deirdre Shaw, A history for consumption ethics, p. 290
Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol, ‘Trust is good, control is better’: The 1974 Herstatt Bank Crisis and its Implications for International Regulatory Reform , p. 311

Book Reviews, p. 335
Erratum, p. 346

v. 57, 2015, 1

Special Issue: New Business History?

Abe de Jong, David Michael Higgins, New business history?, p. 1

Abe de Jong, David Michael Higgins, Hugo van Driel, Towards a new business history?, p. 5
Stephanie Decker, Matthias Kipping, R. Daniel Wadhwani, New business histories! Plurality in business history research methods, p. 30
Andrea Whittle, John Wilson, Ethnomethodology and the production of history: studying ‘history-in-action’, p. 41
Andrea Colli, Michelangelo Vasta, Large and entangled: Italian business groups in the long run, p. 64
David Higgins, Steven Toms, Igor Filatotchev, Ownership, financial strategy and performance: the Lancashire cotton textile industry, 1918-1938, p. 97
Arjen Mulder, Gerarda Westerhuis, The determinants of bank internationalisation in times of financial globalisation: evidence from the world’s largest banks, 1980-2007, p. 122
Graham Brownlow, Back to the failure: an analytic narrative of the De Lorean debacle, p. 156
Philip Garnett, Simon Mollan, R. Alexander Bentley, Complexity in history: modelling the organisational demography of the British banking sector, p. 182

Erratum, p. I

v. 56, 2014, 8

Elena San Román, Paloma Fernández Pérez, Águeda Gil López, As old as history: Family-controlled business groups in transport services: the case of SEUR, p. 1201
Mark Casson, Catherine Casson, The history of entrepreneurship: Medieval origins of a modern phenomenon, p. 1223
Joan Carles Cirer-Costa, Majorca’s tourism cluster: The creation of an industrial district, 1919-36, p. 1243
Qing Lu, Is the speed of post-acquisition integration manageable? Case study: post-acquisition integration of HSBC with the Mercantile Bank, 1959-84, p. 1262
Adriana Castagnoli, Across borders and beyond boundaries: How the Olivetti Company became a multinational, p. 1281
Hubert Bonin, Europeanised French bankers? (From the 1830s to the 1970s), p. 1312
Liselotte Eriksson, Beneficiaries or policyholders? The role of women in Swedish life insurance 1900-1950, p. 1335
Roy Edwards, Anthony Gandy, Navigating the M-Form: Product Scope Review and the development of the General Electric Computer Department, p. 1361

Book Reviews, p. 1380

v. 56, 2014, 7

John K. Walton, Family firm, health resort and industrial colony: The grand hotel and mineral springs at Mondariz Balneario, Spain, 1873-1932 , p. 1037
Alessandra Tessari, Andrew Godley, Made in Italy. Made in Britain. Quality, brands and innovation in the European poultry market, 1950-80, p. 1057
Gunnar Lind Haase Svendsen, Associational autonomy or political influence? The case of the cooperation between the Danish Dairies’ Buttermark Association and the Danish state, 1900-1912, p. 1084
Eoin Drea, A gamble forced upon them? A re-appraisal of Ulster Bank’s operations in Southern Ireland 1921-32, p. 1111
Edwin J. Perkins, In the eye of the storm: Isaac Seligman and the panic of 1873, p. 1129
Sam McKinstry, Ying Yong Ding, Ron Livingstone, Anatomy of a rural meat operation: The family values/firm strategy nexus at Jackson’s of Symington, c.1890-1981, p. 1143
Chris Carr, Andrew Lorenz, Robust strategies: lessons from GKN 1759-2013, p. 1169

Book Reviews, p. 1196

v. 56, 2014, 6

Les Hannah, Corporations in the US and Europe 1790-1860, p. 865
Maria Eugénia Mata, J.C. Rodrigues da Costa, From finance to management: Rui Ennes Ulrich, a Portuguese scholar of the early twentieth century, p. 900
Neil Rollings, The twilight world of British business politics: The Spring Sunningdale conferences since the 1960s, p. 915
Paul A. Grout, Andrew Jenkins, Anna Zalewska, Regulatory valuation of public utilities: A case study of the twentieth century, p. 936
Mike Adams, Lars Fredrik Andersson, Philip Hardwick, Magnus Lindmark, Firm size and growth in Sweden’s life insurance market between 1855 and 1947: A test of Gibrat’s law, p. 956
Lee Moerman, Sandra van der Laan, David Campbell, A tale of two asbestos giants: Corporate reports as (auto)biography, p. 975
Jonas Scherner, Jochen Streb, Stephanie Tilly, Supplier networks in the German aircraft industry during World War II and their long-term effects on West Germany’s automobile industry during the ‘Wirtschaftswunder’, p. 996

Book Reviews, p. 1021

v. 56, 2014, 5

John Sedgwick, Michael Pokorny, Peter Miskell, Hollywood in the world market – evidence from Australia in the mid-1930s, p. 689
Norma S. Lanciotti, Isabel Bartolomé, Global strategies, differing experiences. Electricity companies in two lateindustrialising countries: Spain and Argentina, 1890-1950, p. 724
Matthew Hollow, Strategic inertia, financial fragility and organisational failure: The case of the Birkbeck Bank, 1870-1911, p. 746
Daniele Pozzi, An elastic managerial revolution: Family, managers and multidivisional organisation at Pirelli (1943-56), p. 765
Sashi Sivramkrishna, From merchant to merchant-ruler: A structure-conduct-performance perspective of the East India Company’s history, 1600-1765, p. 789
Maki Umemura, Crisis and change in the system of innovation: The Japanese pharmaceutical industry during the Lost Decades, 1990-2010, p. 816

Book Reviews, p. 845

v. 56, 2014, 4

Joseph Amankwah-Amoah, Yaw A. Debrah, Air Afrique: the demise of a continental icon, p. 517
Eva Fernández, Selling agricultural products: farmers’ co-operatives in production and marketing, 1880-1930, p. 547
Eoin McLaughlin, ‘Profligacy in the encouragement of thrift’: Savings banks in Ireland, 1817-1914, p. 569
Edward Kasabov, Usha Sundaram, An institutional account of governance structures in early modern business history: the Coventry business (hi)story, p. 592
Geoffrey Jones, Christina Lubinski, Making ‘Green Giants’: Environment sustainability in the German chemical industry, 1950s-1980s, p. 623
José M. Ortiz-Villajos, Patents, what for? The case of Crossley Brothers and the introduction of the gas engine into Spain, c. 1870-1914, p. 650

Book Reviews, p. 677

v. 56, 2014, 3

Kenneth E. Aupperle, William Acar, Debmalya Mukherjee, Revisiting the fit-performance thesis half a century later: a historical financial analysis of Chandler’s own matched and mismatched firms, p. 341
Andy Lockett, Andrew, Bringing history (back) into the resource-based view, p. 372
Bertrand Blancheton, Hubert Bonin, David Le Bris, The French paradox: A financial crisis during the golden age of the 1960s, p. 391
Anthony Gandy, Product strategy choices – Honeywell and RCA mainframe computer product strategies 1963-71, p. 414
Martin P. Shanahan, Kerrie Round, Transforming Australian business attitudes to competition: Responses to the Trade Practices Act 1965, p. 434
Ashique Ali Jhatial, Nelarine Cornelius, James Wallace, Rhetorics and realities of management practices in Pakistan: Colonial, post-colonial and post-9/11 influences, p. 456
Woo Jun, Chris Rowley, Change and continuity in management systems and corporate performance: Human resource management, corporate culture, risk management and corporate strategy in South Korea, p. 485
Les Hannah, James Foreman-Peck, Ownership dispersion and listing rules in companies large and small: A reply, p. 509

v. 56, 2014, 2

Andrew David Allan Smith, A successful British MNE in the backyard of American big business: Explaining the performance of the American and Canadian subsidiaries of Lever Brothers 1888-1914, p. 135
Pier Angelo Toninelli, Michelangelo Vasta, Opening the black box of entrepreneurship: The Italian case in a historical perspective, p. 161
Hiroki Shin, The art of advertising railways: organisation and coordination in Britain’s railway marketing, 1860-1910, p. 187
Erik Lakomaa, Technology, labour and the rise of a financial newspaper – the early years of Dagens Industri, p. 214
Marco Bertilorenzi, Business, finance, and politics: the rise and fall of international aluminium cartels, 1914-45, p. 236
Michael Heller, Bernadette Kamleitner, Salaries and promotion opportunities in the English banking industry, 1890-1936: a rejoinder, p. 270
Denis Jon Nettle, Issues of management identity: attitudes to management within the Australian Institute of Management, 1940-73, p. 287
Christopher L. Colvin, Interlocking directorates and conflicts of interest: the Rotterdamsche Bankvereeniging, Müller & Co. and the Dutch financial crisis of the 1920s, p. 314

Corrigendum, p. 335
Editorial, p. 336

v. 56, 2014, 1 (special issue)

Special Issue: Scholarship in Business History

Mats Larsson, Lars Magnusson, Kersti Ullenhag, Scholarship in business history, p. 1
Susanna Fellman, Prosopographic studies of business leaders for understanding industrial and corporate change, p. 5
Margrit Müller, What do firms maximise? The contribution of business history to a controversial topic, p. 22
Andrea Colli, Mats Larsson, Family business and business history: An example of comparative research, p. 37
Marianne Dahlén, Mats Larsson, Business history and legal history, p. 54
Lars Magnusson, Business history and the history of work – a contested relationship, p. 71
Kersti Ullenhag, The part and the whole, p. 84
Espen Ekberg, Even Lange, Business history and economic globalisation, p. 101
Mads Mordhorst, Arla and Danish national identity – business history as cultural history, p. 116

v. 55, 2013, 8

Ronald Kroeze, Sjoerd Keulen, Leading a multinational is history in practice: The use of invented traditions and narratives at AkzoNobel, Shell, Philips and ABN AMRO, p. 1265
Robert J. Bennett, Network interlocks: The connected emergence of chambers of commerce and provincial banks in the British Isles, 1767-1823, p. 1288
Pierre-Yves Donzé, Takafumi Kurosawa, Nestlé coping with Japanese nationalism: Political risk and the strategy of a foreign multinational enterprise in Japan, 1913-45, p. 1318
Sean Patrick Adams, The perils of personal capital in antebellum America: John Spotswood Wellford and Virginia’s Catharine Furnace, p. 1339
Simon den Uijl, Henk J. de Vries, Pushing technological progress by strategic manoeuvring: the triumph of Blu-ray over HD-DVD, p. 1361

v. 55, 2013, 7 (special issue)

Special Issue: The Age of Strategy: Strategy, Organizations and Society

Chris Carter, The Age of Strategy: Strategy, Organizations and Society, p. 1047

Martin Kornberger, Clausewitz: On strategy, p. 1058
Ingrid Jeacle, Lee Parker, The ‘problem’ of the office: Scientific management, governmentality and the strategy of efficiency, p. 1074
Liisa Kurunmäki, Peter Miller, Calculating failure: The making of a calculative infrastructure for forgiving and forecasting failure, p. 1100
Pete Thomas, John Wilson, Owen Leeds, Constructing ‘the history of strategic management’: A critical analysis of the academic discourse, p. 1119
Andrew D. Brown, Edmund R. Thompson, A narrative approach to strategy-as-practice, p. 1143
Frank Mueller, Andrea Whittle, Alan Gilchrist, Peter Lenney, Politics and strategy practice: An ethnomethodologically-informed discourse analysis perspective, p. 1168
Sotirios Paroutis, Max Mckeown, Simon Collinson, Building castles from sand: Unlocking CEO mythopoetical behaviour in Hewlett Packard from 1978 to 2005, p. 1200
Chris Carter, Alan McKinlay, Cultures of strategy: Remaking the BBC, 1968-2003, p. 1228
Stewart R. Clegg, Walter P. Jarvis, Tyrone S. Pitsis, Making strategy matter: Social theory, knowledge interests and business education, p. 1247

v. 55, 2013, 6 (special issue)

Special Issue: Long Term Perspectives on Family Business

Andrea Colli, Carole Howorth, Mary Rose, Long-term perspectives on family business, p. 841

Hartmut Berghoff, Blending personal and managerial capitalism: Bertelsmann’s rise from medium-sized publisher to global media corporation and service provider, 1950-2010, p. 855
Geoffrey Tweedale, Backstreet capitalism: An analysis of the family firm in the nineteenth-century Sheffield cutlery industry, p. 875
Robin Holt, Andrew Popp, Emotion, succession, and the family firm: Josiah Wedgwood & Sons, p. 892
Oswald Jones, Abby Ghobadian, Nicholas O’Regan, Valerie Antcliff, Dynamic capabilities in a sixth-generation family firm: Entrepreneurship and the Bibby Line, p. 910
Nicolas Antheaume, Paulette Robic, Dominique Barbelivien, French family business and longevity: Have they been conducting sustainable development policies before it became a fashion?, p. 942
Neil Forbes, Family banking in an era of crisis: N.M. Rothschild & Sons and business in central and eastern Europe between the World Wars, p. 963
Stéphanie Ginalski, Can families resist managerial and financial revolutions? Swiss family firms in the twentieth century, p. 981
Christof Dejung, Worldwide ties: The role of family business in global trade in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, p. 1001
Marta Rey-Garcia, Nuria Puig-Raposo, Globalisation and the organisation of family philanthropy: A case of isomorphism?, p. 1019

v. 55, 2013, 5

Ann-Christine Frandsen, Tammy Bunn Hiller, Janice Traflet, Elton G. McGoun, From money storage to money store: Openness and transparency in bank architecture, p. 695
Sam McKinstry, Ying Yong Ding, Alex Cowan & Sons Ltd, Papermakers, Penicuik: a Scottish case of Weber’s Protestant Work Ethic, p. 721
Geoff Walters, Sean Hamil, The contests for power and influence over the regulatory space within the English professional football industry, 1980-2012, p. 740
Bernard Burnes, Bill Cooke, The Tavistock’s 1945 invention of Organization Development: early British business and management applications of social psychiatry, p. 768
Andy Lockett, Andrew Wild, A Penrosean theory of acquisitive growth, p. 790
Rory M. Miller, Financing British manufacturing multinationals in Latin America, 1930-65, p. 818

v. 55, 2013, 4

Aldo Musacchio, John D. Turner, Does the law and finance hypothesis pass the test of history?, p. 524
James Foreman-Peck, Leslie Hannah, Some consequences of the early twentieth-century British divorce of ownership from control, p. 543
Fabio Braggion, Lyndon Moore, How insiders traded before rules, p. 565
Mariana Pargendler, Henry Hansmann, A new view of shareholder voting in the nineteenth century: evidence from Brazil, England and France, p. 585
Brian R. Cheffins, Steven A. Bank, Harwell Wells, Questioning ‘law and finance’: US stock market development, 1930-70, p. 601
Eric Hilt, Shareholder voting rights in early American corporations, p. 620
Mark Freeman, Robin Pearson, James Taylor, Law, politics and the governance of English and Scottish joint-stock companies, 1600-1850, p. 636
Richard Sylla, Robert E. Wright, Corporation formation in the antebellum United States in comparative context, p. 653
Brian R. Cheffins, Dmitri K. Koustas, David Chambers, Ownership dispersion and the London Stock Exchange’s ‘two-thirds rule’: an empirical test, p. 670

v. 55, 2013, 3

Kevin D. Tennent, A distribution revolution: Changes in music distribution in the UK 1950-76, p. 327
Donald Nordberg, Terry McNulty, Creating better boards through codification: Possibilities and limitations in UK corporate governance, 1992-2010, p. 348
Mark Casson, Teresa da Silva Lopes, Foreign direct investment in high-risk environments: an historical perspective, p. 375
Peter J. Buckley, Sierk A. Horn, Adam R. Cross, John Stillwell, The spatial redistribution of Japanese direct investment in the United Kingdom between 1991 and 2010, p. 405
Alan McKinlay, Banking, bureaucracy and the career: the curious case of Mr Notman, p. 431
Tom McGovern, Tom McLean, The growth and development of Clarke Chapman from 1864 to 1914, p. 448
Roy Edwards, ‘Keeping unbroken ways’: the role of the Railway Clearing House Secretariat in British freight transportation, c.1923-c.1947, p. 479
Susan C. Townsend, The ‘miracle’ of car ownership in Japan’s ‘Era of High Growth’, 1955-73, p. 498

v. 55, 2013, 2

Alistair Bruce, Rodion Skovoroda, Bankers’ bonuses and the financial crisis: Context, evidence and the rhetoric-policy gap, p. 139
Bob Doherty, Iain A. Davies, Sophi Tranchell, Where now for fair trade?, p. 161
Andrea Colli, Coping with the Leviathan: Minority shareholders in state-owned enterprises – evidence from Italy, p. 190
Kristoffer Jensen, Carina Gråbacke, Appropriate reactions to globalisation? Interest group theory and trade associations in clothing between 1970 and 2000 – a comparison between Denmark and Sweden, p. 215v Andy Lockett, Mike Wright, Andrew Wild, The co-evolution of third stream activities in UK higher education, p. 236
Mary Rose, Moira Decter, Sarah Robinson, Sarah Jack, Nigel Lockett, Opportunities, contradictions and attitudes: The evolution of university-business engagement since 1960, p. 259
Mark S. Peacock, Accounting for money: The legal presuppositions of money and accounting in ancient Greece, p. 280

Nicholas Alexander, Retailing in international markets, 1900-2010: A response to Godley and Hang’s ‘Globalisation and the evolution of international retailing: A comment on Alexander’s « British overseas retailing, 1900-1960″‘, p. 302

Book reviews, p. 313

v. 55, 2013, 1 (special issue)

Special Issue: Entrepreneurship: Contexts, opportunities and processes

Colin Mason, Charles Harvey, Entrepreneurship: Contexts, opportunities and processes, p. 1

Andrew Popp, Robin Holt, The presence of entrepreneurial opportunity, p. 9
Ajit Nayak, Mairi Maclean, Co-evolution, opportunity seeking and institutional change: Entrepreneurship and the Indian telecommunications industry, 1923-2009, p. 29
Philip Roscoe, Allan Discua Cruz, Carole Howorth, How does an old firm learn new tricks? A material account of entrepreneurial opportunity, p. 53
Sara L. McGaughey, Institutional entrepreneurship in North American lightning protection standards: Rhetorical history and unintended consequences of failure, p. 73
Despina Vlami, Ikaros Mandouvalos, Entrepreneurial forms and processes inside a multiethnic pre-capitalist environment: Greek and British enterprises in the Levant (1740s-1820s), p. 98
Andrea Colli, Esteban Garcia-Canal, Mauro F. Guillen, Family character and international entrepreneurship: A historical comparison of Italian and Spanish ‘new multinationals’, p. 119

v. 54, 2012, 7

F. Javier Fernandez-Roca, The strategies of the Spanish cotton textile companies before the Civil War: The road to longevity, p. 1023
Bert De Munck, The agency of branding and the location of value. Hallmarks and monograms in early modern tableware industries, p. 1055
James Reveley, Reciprocity, associability and cartelisation: Organisational development of the New Zealand Shipowners’ Federation, 1906-1960s, p. 1077
William Ritchie, David Cavazos, Justin Barnard, Charles White, The ancient Hebrew culture: Illustrations of modern strategic management concepts in action, p. 1099
Arjan van Rooij, Claim and control: The functions of patents in the example of Berkel, 1898-1948, p. 1118
Lucia Lima Rodrigues, Alan Sangster, ‘Public-private partnerships’: The Portuguese General Company of Pernambuco and Paraiba (1759), p. 1142
Shakila Yacob, Trans-generational renewal as managerial succession: The Behn Meyer story (1840-2000), p. 1166

v. 54, 2012, 6 (special issue)

Special Issue: The business of Co-operation: National and international dimensions since the nineteenth century

Anthony Webster, John K. Walton, Introduction, p. 825

Philip B. Whyman, Co-operative principles and the evolution of the ‘dismal science’: The historical interaction between co-operative and mainstream economics, p. 833
Steven Toms, Producer co-operatives and economic efficiency: Evidence from the nineteenth-century cotton textile industry, p. 855
Anthony Webster, Building the Wholesale: The development of the English CWS and British co-operative business 1863-90, p. 883
Peter J. Gurney, Co-operation and the ‘new consumerism’ in interwar England, p. 905
Nicole Robertson, Collective strength and mutual aid: Financial provisions for members of co-operative societies in Britain, p. 925
Fernando Molina, Fagor Electrodomesticos: The multinationalisation of a Basque co-operative, 1955-2010, p. 945
Patrizia Battilani, Vera Zamagni, The managerial transformation of Italian co-operative enterprises 1946-2010, p. 964
Nikola Balnave, Greg Patmore, Rochdale consumer co-operatives in Australia: Decline and survival, p. 986
Espen Ekberg, Confronting three revolutions: Western European consumer co-operatives and their divergent development, 1950-2008, p. 1004

Book reviews, p. 1186

v. 54, 2012, 5

Peter J. Buckley, Adam R. Cross, Sierk A. Horn, Japanese foreign direct investment in India: An institutional theory approach, p. 657
Robin Mackie, Bearing ‘the burden and heat of the day’: The experience of business failure in Douglas & Grant Ltd., p. 689
Jongseok Lee, Iain Clacher, Kevin Keasey, Industrial policy as an engine of economic growth: A framework of analysis and evidence from South Korea (1960-96), p. 713
Martin Wilcox, Railways, roads and the British white fish industry, 1920-70, p. 741
Carlo Joseph Morelli, Jim Tomlinson, Valerie Wright, The managing of competition: Government and industry relationships in the jute industry 1957-63, p. 765
Chih-lung Lin, The British dynamic mail contract on the North Atlantic: 1860-1900, p. 783

George Ritzer, Zach Richer, Still enamoured of the glocal: A comment on ‘From local to grobal, and back’, p. 798

Marcel Hoogenboom, Duco Bannink, Willem Trommel, Ritzer malgre lui: Reply to ‘Still enamoured of the glocal: A comment on « From local to grobal, and back »‘, p. 805

Book reviews, p. 810

v. 54, 2012, 4

David McLean, Constructors in a foreign land: Messrs. Lynch & Co. on the Bakhtiari road 1897-1913, p. 487
David Merrett, Simon Ville, Industry associations and non-competitive behaviour in Australian wool marketing: Evidence from the Melbourne Woolbrokers’ Association, 1890-1939, p. 510
Andrew Godley, Haiming Hang, Globalisation and the evolution of international retailing: A comment on Alexander’s ‘British overseas retailing, 1900-1960’, p. 529
Colin Divall, Business history, global networks and the future of mobility, p. 542
Robbie Guerriero Wilson, The ‘layering’ of management in post-war Britain: The case of the Office Management Association, p. 556
Carsten Burhop, Thorsten Lubbers, The design of licensing contracts: Chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and electrical engineering in imperial Germany, p. 574
Valerio Cerretano, European cartels, European multinationals and economic de-globalisation: Insights from the rayon industry, c. 1900-1939, p. 594
Stuart Bell, ‘A masterpiece of knavery’? The activities of the Sword Blade Company in London’s early financial markets, p. 623

Book reviews, p. 639

v. 54, 2012, 3 (special issue)

Special Issue: Not-for-profit

Jonathan Michie, Foreword, p. 307

Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, Mark Billings, New perspectives on not-for-profit financial institutions: Organisational form, performance and governance, p. 309
Christopher O’Brien, Paul Fenn, Mutual life insurers: Origins and performance in pre-1900 Britain, p. 325
Monica J. Keneley, The path to Project Darwin: The evolution of the AMP’s organisational structure, p. 346
Montserrat Carbonell-Esteller, Montes de piedad and savings banks as microfinance institutions on the periphery of the financial system of mid-nineteenth-century Barcelona, p. 363
David L. Mason, The rise and fall of the cooperative spirit: The evolution of organisational structures in American thrifts, 1831-1939, p. 381
Peter Scott, Lucy Ann Newton, Advertising, promotion, and the rise of a national building society movement in interwar Britain, p. 399
David Koistinen, Development credit corporations: Not-for-profit development finance institutions in the postwar United States, p. 424
Paolo Di Martino, Shaker Sarsour, Microcredit in Palestine (1995-2008): A business history perspective, p. 441
Susan V. Scott, Markos Zachariadis, Origins and development of SWIFT, 1973-2009, p. 462

Book review, p. 483

v. 54, 2012, 2

Robert Lee, Divided loyalties? In-migration, ethnicity and identity: The integration of German merchants in nineteenth-century Liverpool, p. 117
Niall Piercy, Business history and operations management, p. 154
Montserrat Llonch-Casanovas, Trademarks, product differentiation and competitiveness in the Catalan knitwear districts during the twentieth century, p. 179
Mary Quek, Globalising the hotel industry 1946-68: A multinational case study of the Intercontinental Hotel Corporation, p. 201
Hannah Barker, Mina Ishizu, Inheritance and continuity in small family businesses during the early industrial revolution, p. 227
Armin Grunbacher, The Americanisation that never was? The first decade of the Baden-Badener Unternehmergesprache, 1954-64 and top management training in 1950s Germany, p. 245
Federico Barbiellini Amidei, Andrea Goldstein, Corporate Europe in the US: Olivetti’s acquisition of Underwood fifty years on, p. 262

Book review, p. 285

v. 54, 2012, 1 (special issue)

Special Issue: Fashion

John Wilson, Steven Toms, Editorial, p. 1

Francesca Polese, Regina Lee Blaszczyk, Fashion forward: The business history of fashion, p. 6
Alexander Engel, Colouring markets: The industrial transformation of the dyestuff business revisited, p. 10
Lourdes M. Font, International couture: The opportunities and challenges of expansion, 1880-1920, p. 30
Florence Brachet Champsaur, Madeleine Vionnet and Galeries Lafayette: The unlikely marriage of a Parisian couture house and a French department store, 1922-40, p. 48
Howard Cox, Simon Mowatt, Vogue in Britain: Authenticity and the creation of competitive advantage in the UK magazine industry, p. 67
Marianne Dahlen, Copy or copyright fashion? Swedish design protection law in historical and comparative perspective, p. 88
Ingrid Giertz-Martenson, H&M – documenting the story of one of the world’s largest fashion retailers, p. 108

v. 53, 2011, 7

Stephanie Decker, Corporate political activity in less developed countries: The Volta River Project in Ghana, 1958-66, p. 993
Tobias A. Jopp, Old times, better times? German miners’ Knappschaften, pay-as-you-go pensions, and implicit rates of return, 1854-1913, p. 1018
Fred R. Kaen, World War II prime defence contractors: Were they favoured?, p. 1044
Mike Adams, Lars-Fredrik Andersson, Joy Yihui Jia, Magnus Lindmark, Mutuality as a control for information asymmetry: A historical analysis of the claims experience of mutual and stock fire insurance companies in Sweden, 1889 to 1939, p. 1074
Katie McDade, Liverpool slave merchant entrepreneurial networks, 1725-1807, p. 1092
Kelly B. Olds, The Taiwan hat industry: Pre-war roots of the post-war miracle, p. 1110
Mark Tadajewski, Correspondence sales education in the early twentieth century: The case of The Sheldon School (1902-39), p. 1130
R. Daniel Wadhwani, Organisational form and industry emergence: Nonprofit and mutual firms in the development of the US personal finance industry, p. 1152

Book reviews, p. 1178

v. 53, 2011, 6

Peter Scott, Still a niche communications medium: The diffusion and uses of the telephone system in interwar Britain, , p. 801
Manuel Llorca-Jaña, The organisation of British textile exports to the River Plate and Chile: Merchant houses in operation, c. 1810-59, p. 821
Janette Rutterford, ‘Propositions put forward by quite honest men’: Company prospectuses and their contents, 1856 to 1940, p. 866
John K. Walton, Seaside tourism in Europe: Business, urban and comparative history, p. 900-916 Marianne Pitts, Trevor Boyns, Accounting and economic returns in British coal mining: The Carlton Main colliery, 1872-1909, p. 917
Jongchul Kim, How modern banking originated: The London goldsmith-bankers’ institutionalisation of trust, p. 939

David W. Gutzke, Sydney Nevile: Squire in the slums or progressive brewer?, p. 960

Alistair Mutch, Sydney Nevile: Squire in the slums or progressive brewer? A response to David Gutzke, p. 970

Review essay
Michael H. Best, Internet Alley: high technology in Tysons Corner, 1945-2005, p. 976

Book Reviews, p. 981

v. 53, 2011, 5 (Special Issue)

Special Issue: Utilities

Judith Clifton, Pierre Lanthier, Harm Schröter, Regulating and deregulating the public utilities 1830-2010, p. 659
Robert Millward, Geo-politics versus market structure interventions in Europe’s infrastructure industries c. 1830-1939, p. 673
Germà Bel, Infrastructure and nation building: The regulation and financing of network transportation infrastructures in Spain (1720-2010), p. 688
Jock Given, States and start-ups: Public competitors in Australian communications, p. 706
William J. Hausman, John L. Neufeld, How politics, economics, and institutions shaped electric utility regulation in the United States: 1879-2009, p. 723
Martin Chick, The 3 Rs: Regulation, risk and responsibility in British utilities since 1945, p. 747
Judith Clifton, Francisco Comín, Daniel Díaz-Fuentes, From national monopoly to multinational corporation: How regulation shaped the road towards telecommunications internationalisation, p. 761
Dominique Barjot, Public utilities and private initiative: The French concession model in historical perspective, p. 782

v. 53, 2011, 4

Philip Scranton, Mastering failure: Technological and organisational challenges in British and American military jet propulsion, 1943-57, p. 479
Graeme G. Acheson, Charles R. Hickson, John D. Turner, Organisational flexibility and governance in a civil-law regime: Scottish partnership banks during the Industrial Revolution, p. 505
Nicholas Alexander, British overseas retailing, 1900-60: International firm characteristics, market selections and entry modes, p. 530
René Taudal Poulsen, Henrik Sornn-Friese, Downfall delayed: Danish shipbuilding and industrial dislocation, p. 557
Maria Benedita Almada Câmara, Madeira embroidery: A failed collective brand (1935-59), p. 583
Tom McGovern, The decline of the British tyre industry: An evaluation of the policies of the Tyre Industry Sector Working Party, p. 600
A. J. Arnold, ‘Out of light a little profit’? Returns to capital at Bryant and May, 1884-1927, p. 617

Review Essay
Dwayne Winseck, Network nation: inventing American telecommunications, p. 641

Book Reviews, p. 648

v. 53, 2011, 3

Diane van den Broek, Strapping, as well as numerate: Occupational identity, masculinity and the aesthetics of nineteenth-century banking, p. 289
Peter M. Solar, John S. Lyons, The English cotton spinning industry, 1780-1840, as revealed in the columns of the London Gazette, p. 302
Robert Jupe, ‘A Poll Tax on wheels’: Might the move to privatise rail in Britain have failed?, p. 324
Elisabetta Merlo, Italian fashion business: Achievements and challenges (1970s-2000s), p. 344
Nicholas Kyriazis, Theodore Metaxas, Path dependence, change and the emergence of the first joint-stock companies, p. 363
V. Necla Geyikdagi, M. Yasar Geyikdagi, Foreign direct investment in the Ottoman Empire: Attitudes and political risk, p. 375
Christopher Kobrak, Andrea Schneider, Varieties of business history: Subject and methods for the twenty-first century, p. 401
Charles Harvey, Mairi Maclean, Jillian Gordon, Eleanor Shaw, Andrew Carnegie and the foundations of contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy, p. 425

v. 53, 2011, 2 (special issue)

Special Issue: The ‘2008 Crisis’ in an Economic History Perspective: Looking at the 20th Century

Christopher Kobrak, Mira Wilkins, The ‘2008 Crisis’ in an economic history perspective: Looking at the twentieth century, p. 175
Mark Billings, Forrest Capie, Financial crisis, contagion, and the British banking system between the world wars, p. 193
Christopher Kopper, New perspectives on the 1931 banking crisis in Germany and Central Europe, p. 216
Mikael Lönnborg, Anders ögren, Michael Rafferty, Banks and Swedish financial crises in the 1920s and 1930s, p. 230
Donald J.S. Brean, Lawrence Kryzanowski, Gordon S. Roberts, Canada and the United States: Different roots, different routes to financial sector regulation, p. 249
Carlos D. Ramirez, The effect of banking crises on deposit growth: State-level evidence from 1900 to 1930, p. 270

v. 53, 2011, 1 (special issue)

Special Issue: European Business Models

Andrea Colli, Martin Jes Iversen, Abe de Jong, Mapping strategy, structure, ownership and performance in European corporations: Introduction, p. 1
Veronica Binda, Andrea Colli, Changing big business in Italy and Spain, 1973-2003: Strategic responses to a new context, p. 14
Mitchell J. Larson, Gerhard Schnyder, Gerarda Westerhuis, John Wilson, Strategic responses to global challenges: The case of European banking, 1973-2000, p. 40
Abe de Jong, Keetie Sluyterman, Gerarda Westerhuis, Strategic and structural responses to international dynamics in the open Dutch economy, 1963-2003, p. 63
David M. Higgins, Steven Toms, Explaining corporate success: The structure and performance of British firms, 1950-84, p. 85
Martin Jes Iversen, Mats Larsso, Strategic transformations in Danish and Swedish big business in an era of globalisation, 1973-2008 n, p. 119
Olaf Ehrhardt, Eric Nowak, The evolution of German industrial legends: The case of Baden-Württemberg, 1940-2007, p. 144
Richard Whittington, More SSOP: Commentary on the special issue, p. 169