Comparative Studies in Society and History: an International Quaterly
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
ISSN: 0010-4175
Conservata in: Firenze, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali – Punto di servizio: Economia, Coll: Riv. Str. 0247
Consistenza: a. 1, 1958/59-a. 43, 2001
Lacune: a. 16, 1974, 1
Conservata in: Firenze, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali – Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Coll: Riv. Str. 0064
Consistenza: a. 1, 1958/59-
[2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1958 ]
Edward Shils, Political Development in the New States
(II), p. 379
David L. Hicks, Sienese Society in the Renaissance, p. 412
Marvin B. Becker, Some Aspects of Oligarchical, Dictatorial
and Popular Signorie in Florence, 1282-1382, p. 421
Hans Baron, The Social Background of Political Liberty in
the Early Italian Renaissance, p. 440
Gordon Griffiths, The Revolutionary Character of the Revolt
of the Netherlands, p. 452
George Nadel, The Logic of the Anatomy of Revolution, with
reference to the Netherlands Revolt, p. 473
John T. Krause, On the Possibility of Increasing Fertility
in the Underdeveloped Nations, p. 485
Letters to the Editor, p. 488
Notice, p. 496
Books received, p. 497
Edward Shils, Political Development in the New States
(I), p. 265
George O. Totten, Buddhism and Socialism in Japan and Burma, p. 293
Morris David Morris, The Recruitment of an Industrial Labor
Force in India, with British and American Comparisons, p. 305
Gaston V. Rimlinger, The Legitimation of Protest: a Comparative
Study in Labor History, p. 329
Ernst Werner, Popular Ideologies in late mediaeval Europe:
Taborite Chiliasm and its Antecedents, p. 344
L’Etranger (Recueils de la Société Jean Bodin),
reviewed by M. Rheinstein, p. 364
PierFr. Bandettini, The Employment of Women in Italy 1881-1951, p. 369
Richard A. Easterlin, Implications of the Demographic History
of Developed Countries for Present-Day Under-developed Nations, p. 374
J. A. Barnes, Indigenous Politics and Colonial Administration
with special reference to Australia, p. 133
John S. Galbraith, The « Turbolent Frontier » as a
Factor in British Expansion, p. 150
Charles Gibson, The Aztec Aristocracy in Colonial Mexico, p. 169
Leslie H. Palmier, The Javenese Nobility under the Dutch, p. 197
Clifford Geerts, The Javanese Kijaji: the Changing Role of
a Cultural Broker, p. 228
Leonard Binder, The Islamic Tradition and Politics: the Kijaji
and the Alim (A Comment on Clifford Geertz’s The Javanese Kijaji), p. 250
Harry J. Benda, The Crescent and the Rising Sun. Indonesian
Islam under the Japanese Occupation 1942-1945; C. A. O. van
Nieuwenhuijze, Aspects of Islam in Past-Colonial Indonesia.
Five Essays(Amry Vandenbosch), p. 257
Francis X. Sutton, Representation and the Nature of Political
Systems, p. 1
L. A. Fallers, Despotism, Status Culture and Social Mobility
in an African Kingdom, p. 11
C. C. Wrigley, The Christian Revolution in Buganda, p. 33
Carl N. Degler, Slavery and the Genesis of American Race Prejudice, p. 49
Hyman Kublin, The Evolution of Japanese Colonialism, p. 67
H. Schiffrin, Pow-Key Sohn, Henry George on Two Continents:
A Comparative Study in the Diffusion of Ideas, p. 85
Hayden V. White, Ibn Khaldûn in World Philosophy of
History, p. 110
Sylvia L. Thrupp, Hicrarchy, Illusion and Social Mobility, p. 126
Committee for the Study of Mankind, p. 129
Books received, p. 130
Justus M. van Der Kroef, Javanese Messianic Expectations:
Their Origin and Cultural Context, p. 299
Margaret Mead, Independent Religious Movements, p. 324
Ping-Ti Ho, Aspects of Social Mobility in China, 1368-1911, p. 330
Brian Tierney, The Decretists and the « Deserving Poor », p. 360
Brian Rodgers, Comment, p. 374
Robert H. Bremner, Modern Attitudes toward Charity and Relief, p. 377
The State and Religion:
I. Comments, by James H. Nichols, p. 383
II. Comments, by J. van Buitenen, p. 385
III. Reply to Critics, by Rushton Coulborn, p. 387
Reviews, p. 394
Short Notices, p. 400
Dietrich Gerhard, The Frontier in Comparative View, p. 205
A. L. Kroeber, Comments on the Grays’ Four Hundred Year Cycle
in Human Ability, p. 230
Traian Stoianovich, The Pattern of Serbian Intellectual Evolution,
1830-1880, p. 242
Sidney Mintz, Labor and Sugar in Puerto Rico and in Jamaica,
1800-1850, p. 273
Elsa V. Goveia, Comment, p. 281
Silvio Zavala, International Collaboration in the History
of America, p. 284
Everett C. Hughes, Social Science in Prague, p. 288
Reviews, p. 291
Sigmund Neumann, The Comparative Study of Politics, p. 105
L. P. Mair, Independent Religious Movements in Three Continents, p. 113
Herbert Moller, The Social Causation of the Courtly Love Complex, p. 137
John T. Krause, Some Implications of Recent Research in Demographic
History, p. 164
John Leddy Phelan, Free versus Complusory Labor: Mexico and
the Philippines 1540-1648, p. 189
Helmuth Plessner, ed., Untersuchungen zur Lage der deutschen
Hochschullehrer (Everett C. Hughes), p. 202
Sylvia L. Thrupp, Editorial, p. 1
Edward Shils, The Intellectuals and the Powers: Some Perspectives
for Comparative Analysis, p. 5
E. A. Kracke, Jr., The Changing Role of the Chinese Intellectual:
an Introductory Note, p. 23
Earl Swisher, Chinese Intellectuals under Western Impact,
1838-1900, p. 26
Joseph R. Strayer, The State and Religion: Greece and Rome,
the West, Islam, p. 38
Rushton Coulborn, The State and Religion: Iran, India and
China, p. 44
S. N. Eisenstadt, Internal Contradictions in Bureaucratic
Polities, p. 58
Lawrence Krader, Feudalism and the Tatar Polity of the Middle
Ages, p. 76
Jacques Bousquet, An Enquiry into the Organization of Historical
Research, p. 100
Everett C. Hughes, Sociology in Moscow, p. 102