Essays in Economic and Business History
Anaheim, California, Economic and Business Historical Society
ISSN: 0896-226X
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 106
Consistenza: v. XXIII, 2005-v. XXXII, 2014
Lacune: v. XXV, 2007;
Rivista on line all’indirizzo web:
Nota bene: per la consultazione è necessaria la registrazione
consistenza fascicoli digitali: v. XVII, 1999 –
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-1999 ]
Guest Editors: Gary Hoover, Matthew Mitchell and Dan Giedeman
Gary A. Hoover, Matthew D. Mitchell, Daniel C. Giedeman, Contents and Guest Editors’ Introduction, p. i-iv
Michael J. Andrews, Jonathan T. Rothwell, Reassessing the Contributions of Black Inventors to the Golden Age of Innovation, p. 1-39
Valerie Ellen Mock, Contributions of Black Entrepreneurs to the US Whaling Industry, Abolition, and Other Civil Rights, p. 40-62
Adam Arenson, Mobility and Opportunity: Black Business Owners and Inventors Cross the US-Canada Borders, p. 63-83
Justin R. Bucciferro, A Comparative Portrait of Long-Run Racial Disparity in the United States and Brazil, p. 84-110
Marcus Anthony Allen, The Black Dollar in Nineteenth-Century Baltimore, p. 111-131
Tanner Corley, Wendy Lucas, Marcus Witcher, License to Exclude: Black Barbers in Arkansas, p. 132-148
Howard Bodenhorn, Bad Men, Good Roads, Jim Crow, and the Economics of Southern Chain Gangs, p. 149-170
Nina Banks, The Race was on TrialMigrant Adjustment in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh During the Great Migration, p. 171-185
Anthony M. Donaldson Jr., So why cant they finance Black Power? Howard Lamar Fullers Fight for Black Control of Black Housing in North Carolina, 1965-1969, p. 186-207
Stefano Agnoletto, Endogenous and Exogenous: Debating the Historiography of the Industrial Revolution and the Great Divergence, p. 1-30
Sashi Sivramkrishna, George Gunton’s Divergent View on the Origin of the Great Divergence: The Dynamics of Social Wants in England and India, p. 31-54
Yoong Hon Lee, The Audio Compact Disc: A Business History Case, p. 55-79
Claude Diebolt, Michael Haupert, Cliometrics and the Future of Economic History, p. 1-20
Eline Poelmans, Jason E. Taylor, Adjusting the Lights: Prohibition Was Not Flipped On and Off Like a Switch, p. 21-43
Andrew Schein, Exceptions to the Rule: Countries/Areas That Had a Growth in the Value of Their Exports in the Midst of the Great Depression, p. 44-63
Daam Van Reeth, TV Broadcasting of the Tour de France: From Local Experiment to Global Media Product, 1948-2021, p. 64-83
Jackson Battista, A New Timeline for Deindustrialization: The Movement of Auto Corporations in the US and Detroit, p. 84-113
James Fowler, The Strategic Narratives of Decline and Revival at London Transport, 1970-90, p. 114-136
Matteo Landoni, The Development of the Space Industry in Italy: From State Ownership to the Entrepreneurial State, 1969-2017, p. 137-155
Jon R. Moen, Mary Tone Rodgers, How J. P. Morgan Picked the Winners and Losers in the Panic of 1907: An Exploration of the Individual over the Institution as Lender of Last Resort, p. 156-187
Art Carden, Charles Courtemanche, Reginald Harris, The Vital Two: Retail Innovation by Sol Price and Sam Walton, p. 188-209
Alexander Zahar, Historical Responsibility for Climate Change in Historical Perspective, p. 210-232
Maria Eugénia Mata, Mário João Salvador Roldão, (Un)sustainability in a Monetary Union: Main Factors in the Escudo Zone Monetary Union (1963-71), p. 233-264
Book Reviews, p. 265-273
David George Surdam, Bryce E. Kanago, Kenneth H. Brown, Major League Baseball and the Competition for Leisure Dollars in America, 1920-1941, p. 1-16
Qing-Ping Ma, Grassroots and Local Initiatives Versus the Architect’s Design During China’s Reform and Opening Process, p. 17-44
Martin Quinn, Gerhard Kristandl, Accounting Controls at the Kelheim Brewery in the Seventeenth Century-Single Entry Accounting as Fit for Purpose, p. 45-71
Peter H. Bent, Recoveries from Financial Crises: The United States and Argentina in the 1890s, p. 72-104
Valerio Varini, Governing the Enterprise: The Transition from Welfare Capitalism to Human Relations in Post-World War Two Italian Business, p. 105-128
Cameron J.G. Dodge, The Dutch Sappanwood Trade in the Eighteenth Century, p. 129-147
Andrew Economopoulos, An Examination of Illinois Free Banks: Bank Ownership, Operations, and Free Bank Failures, p. 148-168
Miguel Castro Brandão, War at Sea-Portugal, Navigation and Maritime Commerce during World War One, p. 169-187
Simon Mollan, Financialization, Financial Elites, and the Changing Genres of Financial and Banking History, p. 188-205
Vincent Geloso, Judge Glock, The New History of Capitalism and the Methodologies of Economic History, p. 206-221
Susie J. Pak, The Empirics of Finance: Comments on Mollan (2021) and Geloso and Glock (2021) in this volume, p. 222-225
Book Review Essay, p. 226-235
Book Reviews, p. 236-247