Essays in Economic and Business History
Anaheim, California, Economic and Business Historical Society
ISSN: 0896-226X
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 106
Consistenza: v. XXIII, 2005-v. XXXII, 2014
Lacune: v. XXV, 2007;
Rivista on line all’indirizzo web:
Nota bene: per la consultazione è necessaria la registrazione
consistenza fascicoli digitali: v. XVII, 1999 –
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-1999 ]
Loren Gatch, Oklahoma Bank Behavior and the Panic of 1907, p. 5
Stephanie O. Crofton, Luis G. Dopico, James A. Wilcox, American Share Insurance: the Sole Surviving Private Deposit Insurer in the United States, p. 27
Lisa Baillargeon, Patrice Gélinas, Fashion in the Kitchen: Cast Iron Stoves in the Province of Quebec, 1900-1914, p. 41
Emily Martz, « Relationships, Relationships, Relationships »: the Mutual Fund Industry’s Mantra for Success from the 1940s through the 1960s, p. 57
Joseph C. Corey, Jason E. Taylor, « Oversell and Underperform »: the Impact of Great Society Economic Programs Upon the City of Detroit, 1964-1968, p. 73
Jan Eloranta, Mark Wilson, Thwarting the « Merchants of Death » Accusation: the Political Economy of Military Procurement in Industrial Democracies during the Interwar Period, p. 91
Patrick Van Horn, The Small, Private Banker in New York and Regulatory Change, 1893-1933, p. 107
Janice M. Traflet, Never Bought, Always Sold: Salesmanship, the Small Investor, and the Early Postwar Surge in Mutual Fund Participation, p. 5
Douglas Karsner, A Yen For The Dollar: Airlines and the Transformation of US-Japanese tourism, 1947-1977, p. 15
Lisa Baillargeon, Patrice Gélinas, An Analysis Of The Differentiation Strategies Of Rural Foundries At The Beginning Of The 20th Century In The Province Of Quebec, p. 31
Olli Turunen, Ideas Of Social Capital In Early German Historical Economics, p. 47
Clark Hultquist, Ph.D., Publics And The French Advertising World, 1946-1968, p. 61
Michael Scott Martin, The Goal And The Gold Mine: Constraints Management and the Dutch Herring Fishing Industry, 1400-1700, p. 77
Randall L. Patton, Mills B. Lane, Jr. And Enterprise In A New South, p. 93
Philip M. Glende, VICTOR BERGER’S DANGEROUS IDEAS: Censoring the Mail to Preserve National Security During World War I, p. 5
Christiane Diehl Taylor, THE WORTH OF WIVES: 1950s Corporate America « Discovers » Spousal Social Capital, p. 33
Richard D. Storie, Michael Landry, THE RAILROAD CAPACITY CRISIS: After Cutting to the Bone and More, Trains Are Back, p. 63
Jari Eloranta, Jori Kauppila, BEYOND GUNS AND BUTTER: Finnish Central Government Spending Patterns in the Twentieth Century, p. 73
Jessica I. Elfenbein, BALTIMORE’S M.S. LEVY AND SONS: Straw Hat Makers to The World, 1870-1960, p. 89
Erik Benson, RIVALS OF A KIND: the Anglo-American Commercial Aviation Rivalry, 1939-45, p. 103
Roger Lloyd-Jones, Myrddin John Lewis, A WAR OF MACHINERY: the British Machine tool Industry and Arming the Western Front, 1914-1916, p. 117
Jeffrey L. Furman, Megan Mac Garvie, WHEN THE PILL PEDDLERS MET THE SCIENTISTS: the Antecedents and Implications of Early Collaborations Between US Pharmaceutical Firms and Universities, p. 133
Stuart Sweeney, INDIAN RAILWAYS AND FAMINE 1875-1914: Magic Wheels and Empty Stomachs, p. 147
Janice Traflet, GENDERED DOLLARS: Pin Money, Mad Money, and Changing Notions of a Woman’s Proper Place, p. 189
Erik Benson, Aviator of Fortune: Lowell Yerex and the Anglo-American Commercial Aviation Rivalry, 1931-46
Charles W. Cheape, Working on the Railroad: Workers and the Evolution of the Pennsylvania Railroad’s Pension Plan
Duncan Philip Connors, The Decline of British Shipbuilding: Negotiations Between the British Government and the Scott Lithgow Company 1960-1987
Stephanie O. Crofton, Luis G. Dopico, Zara-Inditex and the Growth of Fast Fashion
Douglas Karsner, Unfair Competition? American and Japanese Airlines Transpacific Route Rivalries, 1946-1971
Carl Lane, The Elimination of the National Debt in 1835 and the Meaning of Jacksonian Democracy
Gilbert L. Mathis, William M. Snell, Tobacco in Transition: An Overview of Sixty-Six Years of Partnership Between Producers, Processors and Politicians
Maria Cristina Moreira, The Role of Quality: Spanish Wool in Portuguese Trade in the Early Nineteenth Century
Charles S. Reback, Merger For Monopoly: the Formation of U.S. Steel
Jason E. Taylor, Buy Now! Buy Here!: the Rise and Fall of the Patriotic Blue Eagle Emblem, 1933-1 935
Janice M. Traflet, Michael P. Coyne, Ending A Nyse Tradition: the 1975 Unraveling of Brokers’ Fixed Commissions and Its Long Term Impact on Financial Advertising
Robert E. Wright, On the Economic Efficiency of Organizations: toward A Solution of the Efficient Government Enterprise Paradox
Anne Wohlcke, Wives, Windows, and Singlewomen: Working Women at London’s Eighteenth-Century Fairs, p. 1
Noel D. Johnson, The Cost of Credibility: The Company of General Farms and Fisical Stagnation in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 16
Harvey Gresham Hudspeth, Slavery and Civil Law in the Antebellum South – Two case Studies, p. 29
Christiane Diehl Taylor, The silent Partner: Mary Mehagan Hill and the Great Northern Railway, p. 34
Greg A. Phelps, D. Gene Pace, Judson Churchill Welliver, Wordsmith, p. 48
David A. Zalewski, A Reconsideration of the Revenue Act of 1932, p. 56
Ranjit S. Dighe, Reversal of Fortune: The Rockfellers and the decline of Business Support for Prohibition, p. 69
Janice M. Traflet, Lessons in Crisis Mismanagament from the 1929 Crash, p. 89
Jeffrey J. Matthews, From the Lewis and Clark Expedition to IBM, Dell, and Southwest Airlines: Teaching History and Leadership to Business Students, p. 102
Bradley A. Hansen, Mary Elisabeth Hansen, New Evidence on Race Discrimination Under « Separate But Equal », p. 120
David O. Whitten, A Brave New World of Burials: The Business of Idiosyncratic Body Disposal in the Twenty-First Century, p. 140
Stephanie O. Crofton, The Bubonic Plague of 1349, the Wage-to-Rent Ratio, and the English Peasant Family, p. 1
Jerome J. DeRidder, Evolution of Accounting Since Luca Paciolo, p. 14
Matthew T. Gregg, Market Orientation and the Multifactor Productivity of Cherokee Indian Farmers Before Removal, p. 20
Harvey Gresham Hudspeth, « One Percent Inspiration and 99 Percent Tracing Paper »: The Pan-Electric Scandal and the Making of a Circuit Court Judge, April-November 1886, p. 39
Scott Dalrymaple, A Glass Half Full: Capitalist Ethics in the Novels of Will Payne, p. 55
David Meskill, Reframing the Skilled Worker: The Psychological and Institutional Origins of the German Skills Machine, p. 66
Michael Landry, Richard Stone, From Satire to Selling: Stan Freberg’s Venture into Advertising, p. 82
Erik Benson, « A Persistent Exception to Texbook Economics »: A Historical Overview of International Airlines, p. 91
Kailai Huang, American Business and Normalization of US-China Commercial Relations, 1979-1980, p. 107
Paul L. Butterworth, James T. Schultz, Marian C. Schultz, More Than a Labor Dispute: The PATCO Strike of 1981, p. 125
David O. Whitten, Corpse Abuse and the Body-Parts Market, p. 140
Antonio Calabria, The Cost of a Man’s Life in Sixteenth-Century Naples: Galley Rowers on the Early Modern Mediterranean
Alfred C. Mierzejewski, 1957: Ludwig Erhard’s Annus Terribilis
Sean O’Connell, Chris Reid, « Foreseeing, Thrifty Economical »? the Provident Cloth Ing and Supply Company and Working Class Consumer Credit in the United Kingdom, 1925-60
Wade E. Shilts, Accounting, Engineering, or Advertising? Limited Liability, the Company Prospectus, and the Language of Uncertainty in Victorian Britain
Roberto Mazzoleni, Public Enterprise, Slave Labor, and Technological Learning in the Nineteenth-Century Brazilian Iron Industry
Toby Bates, An Opportunity Seized: J & B Services, Inc., the 1970s and 1980s Deregulation of the Motor Carrier System, and the Potential for Small Business
Erik Benson, The Chosen Instrument? Reconsidering the Early Relationship Between Pan American Airways and the U.S. Government
Daniel C. Giedeman, J.P. Morgan, the Clayton Antitrust Act, and Industrial Finance-Constraints in the Early Twentieth Century
Michael V. Kennedy, The Consequences of Cruelty the Escalation of Servant and Slave Abuse, 1750-1780
Michael Mc Avoy, Bankers’ Preferences and Locating Federal Reserve Bank Locations
Karyn Lyn Moyer, Perceptions of the Past: the Merging of Economic Analysis, Cultural Identity, and Literature
Charles Steven Palmer, Economics, Grievances, Protectwe-Employee Unionization, and the 1978 Memphis Fire and Police Strikes
Robert P. Rogers, The Social Background of Nineeteenth-Century Innovators in the American Iron and Steel Industry
Richard D. Stone, Michael Landry, Sunsetting the Icc: Is It Really Dead?
Lauren Strach, Hospital Advertising in the Beginning: Marketplace Dynamics and the Lifting of the Ban
Jason E. Taylor, The New Deal Goes to War: the Role of the Alphabet Agencies in World War II Mobilization
Janice Traflet (ed.), Spreading the Ideal of Mass Shareownership: Public Relations and the Nyse
Mary C. Swilling, The Business of the Canal: the Economics and Politics of the Carter Administration’s Panama Canal Zone Initiative, 1978
David O. Whitten, Tugwell After Eighty Years
Thomas R, Winpenny, The Engineer As Promoter: Richard B. Osborne, the Camden and Atlantic Railroad, and the Creation of Atlantic City
Gregory Zieren, American Manufacturing, American Technology and the Labor Question At the Paris Exposition Universelle of 1867
Jerome J. DeRidder, What on Earth Happened to the Accounting Profession
Erik Benson, An Impecunious Pilot: British Business Culture and the Case of Lowell Yerex, 1933-1946
Antonio Calabria, Naples, 1629: Bureaucracy, War Finance and the « Renaissance State »
Jochen Streb, Can Politicians Speed Up Long-Term Technological Change? Some Insights From a Comparison of the German and Us-American Synthetic Rubber Programs Before, During and After World War II
Carl H. Tong, Allen L. Bures, The Voluntary Export Restraint (Ver) Agreement With Japan on Automobiles in the 1980s
D. Gene Pace, Paz, Pri, and Progress: Octavio Paz’s Political, Economic and Literary Struggle to Inspire Reform in Twentieth-Century Mexico
Ranjit S. Dighe, Efficiency Wages, Insiders and Outsiders, and the Great Depression
Michael Haupert, Kenneth Winter, Pay Ball: Estimating the Profitability of the New York Yankees 1915-1937
Harvey Gresham Hudspeth, The Case of the « Vacillating Jurist »: Pittsburgh’s George Shiras, Jr. and the Income Tax Case of 1895
Michael V. Kennedy, The Hidden Economy of Slavery: Commercial and Industrial Hiring in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, 1728-1800
Michael Landry, Richard D. Stone, The Trans-Missouri Case: Does the Sherman Act Apply to the Railroads?
John Paul Rossi, Innovation, Imitation, and Entrepreneurship: the Introduction and Diffusion of the Homeowners Policy, 1944-1960
Lauren Strach, Malcolm Russell, The Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval: From Innovative Consumer Protection to Popular Badge of Quality
Thomas R. Winpenny, With an Eye to Better Outcomes: the Opening of the Trans-Mississippi Grain Belt Might Have Been Tempered and More Gradual
Carla Guapo Costa, Portuguese Investments in Brazil: the Contribution of Historical and Cultural Proximity
James M. O’Donnell, « A String of Bubbles: Tulips, the South Seas and the 1990’s Internet Frenzy »
Antonio Calabria, The South Pays for the North: Financing the Thirty Years’ War From Naples, 1622-1644
Roberto Mazzoleni, The Role of Sales Agents in the Diffusion of U.S. Machine tool Technology in Europe
Astrid Baker, Private and Public Enterprise: Fletcher Construction and the Building of New Zealand
Paul R. Auerbach, Michael J. Haupert, Problems in Analyzing Inflation During the Civil War
Fred Bateman, Jason E. Taylor, Franklin Roosevelt, Federal Spending, and the Postwar Southern Economic Rebound
Ranjit S. Dighe, Oz, Populism, and Intent
Harvey Gresham Hudspeth, The Rise and Fall of the Greene Doctrine: the Sherman Act, Howell Jackson, and the Interpretation of « Interstate Commerce », 1890 – 1941
W. David Lewis, Edward Bok: the Editor As Entrepreneur
Jeffrey J. Matthews, Yankee Enterprise! the Houghtons of Massachusetts & the Rise and Fall of ‘Corning Incorporated,’ 1851-1871
Priscilla Roberts, Frank A. Vanderlip and the National City Bank During the First World War
Andrew Seltzer, Monopsony and Minimum Wages: Evidence From the Tobacco Leaf-Processing Industry
Douglas Steeples, « Peerless Advocate: Dana’s Chronicle »
Kenneth Weiher, The Decline of the Federal Debt: Life Without Hamilton’s Blessing?
Silvano A. Wueschner, Economic Pragmatism: the Iowa Amish and the Vision of Communal Coherence in Late 20th Century America
Mark L. Gardner, « The Nordstrom Way-Will It Survwe? »
Philip R. Smith, Charles J. Kennedy 1912-2001 (Obituary)
Antonio Calabria, The Seventeenth-Century Crisis Revisited. The Case of the Southern Italian Silk Industry: Reggio Calabria, 1547-1686
Jari Eloranta, Military Competition Between Friends? Hegemonic Development and Military Spending Among Eight Western Democracies, 1920-1938
Kailai Huang, American Business and the China Trade Embargo in the 1950s
Jonathan S. Russ, Challenges in Transplantation: Honda of America and the Search for Personnel
Erik Benson, Flying Down to Rio: American Commercial Aviation, the Good Neighbor Policy and World War Two, 1939-45
Juan Carlos Santamarina, The Cuba Company and Eastern Cuba’s Economic Development, 1900-1959
Saul Engelbourg, Henry C. Wallich: a Third Generation Banker
Jane Flaherty, Incidental Protection: an Examination of the Morrill Tariff
Harvey Gresham Hudspeth, The Best Laid Plans: Fred M. Vinson and the Decline and Fall of the Roosevelt Court, 1946-1949
Douglas Karsner, Barnstormers, Businessmen, and V-12s: Bloomsburg’s Romance With Aviation
Michael Landry, John Ozment, Railroad Renaissance: the Post-1970 Short Line Movement
Monica Cousins Noraian, The American Business Press and Business Community’s Reaction to German Aggression, 1932-1940
Martin T. Ollif, Les Amis D’escoffier and the Post-Depression Labor Market for Chefs De Cuisine in America
Douglas Steeples, Advertising and an Accidental Classic: Illustrated Sketches of Dfath Valley
Kenneth Weiher, The Rise and Fall of Glass-Steagall
David O. Whitten, Mortuary Mergers and the Internationalization of Interment
Thomas R. Winpenny, The Winpennys of Manayunk: an Alternative Approach in the Burgeoning Nineteenth Century American Textile Industry
Silvano A. Wueschner, One Man’s Demise Is Another Man’s Gain: the Growth of the Funeral Industry on the Iowa Frontier
Steven B. Isbell, The « New Economy », Solow’s Paradox, and Economic History
James D. Smith, Competition-Through-Innovation: the Third Industrial Stage
Ronald K. Taylor, Richard Stone, The U.S. Shipbuilding Industry: a Short Historical and Economic Perspective
Bethany J. Walker, Bangles, Beads and Bedouin: Excavating a Late Ottoman Cemetery in Jordan
David Whitten, Bess Whitten, James H. Soltow 1924-2001 (Obituary)
Antonio Calabria, What Happened to Tuscan Capital Investment in Sixteenth-Century Naples? an Unsolved Problem in the History of Early Capitalism
Erik Benson, The Man Without a Country: Lowell Yerex, His Airline, and U.S. Policy Concerning International Commercial Aviation, 1939-44
Mohammed Ansari, Carl H. Tong, Allen L. Bures, A Competitiveness Analysis of the Us-Japan Trade Relations, 1985-1995
Ralp O. Gunderson, Reversals in Industrial Fortune: a Tale of the Fox Cities and Oshkosh
Mary Eschelbach Hansen, Middlemen in the Market for Grain: Changes and Comparisons
Harvey Graham Hudspeth, A Court Divided: Harlan Fiske Stone, Judicial Review, and Administrative Regulation of the Economy, 1941-1946
W. David Lewis, Eddie Rickenbacker: Racetrack Entrepreneur
Barbara Libby, The Canadian Political Business Cycle
Stephen E. Lile, The Religious Economy of Texas: an Historical Perspectwe
Laurence J. Malone, Telegraphs to Incandescent Lamps: a Sequential Process of Innovation
Nikki Mandell, The Triumph of Personnel Management: Contesting Corporate Motherhood and the Corporate Welfare System
David L. Mason, At the Intersection of Economics and Culture: the Thrift Industry and Progressive Era Social Reform
Don Matthews, The Visible Hand? The Economics of Alfred Chandler
John W. Miller, The Business Practices of the Frontier Editor: Indiana in the Early Nineteenth Century
Kenneth Weiher, Stock Prices, 1900-1995: the Real and Nominal Story
David O. Whitten, Earth Roads Are Easy
Silvano A. Wueschner, Herbert Hoover, Great Britain, and the Rubber Crisis, 1923-1926
David A. Zalewski, Stock Market Speculation and Federal Reserve Policy: Lessons From the Great Bull Market
Michael W. Brandl, On the Role of Economic History in the Convergence Debate
Edward C. Koziara, Chiou S. Yan, The U.S.S. Olympia: Glorious Past, Decayed Present and Hopeful Future
Philip R. Smith, Jack Blicksilver 1926-1999 (Obituary)
Laird Jones, Market Tours, Peddler Receipts and the Shopkeeper Grape Vine: an Import Wholesaler’s Attempts to Gauge Rural, African Consumer Demand in Early Colonial Northwestern Tanzania
John Abbot, Peasant Economic Calculation and the Household Economy in Imperial Germany
Michael S. Smith, Product Innovation and the Growth of the Large Firm: the Case of Air Liquide, 1902-1930
L. M. Stallbaumer, Between Coercion and Cooperation: the Flick Concern in Nazi Germany Before the War
Oliver Volckart, Institutional Competition: a New Theoretical Concept for Economic History
Cady Alpert, Kyle D. Kauffman, The Economics of the Union Draft: Institutional Failure and Government Manipulation of the Labor Market During the Civil War
John K. Brown, Product Design Choices in American Capital Goods Industries, 1850 – 1925
Martin J. Burke, « Catholicity and Civilization »: Catholics and the Capitalist Ethic in Nineteenth-Century America
Christiane Diehl-Taylor, George Green, The Business of Wellness: the Health Insurance Industry’s Response to Public Health Campaigns, 1960-1990
Maura Doherty, « Canaries in the Coal Mine »: the Deindustrialization of New England and the Rise of the Global Economy, 1923-1975
Harvey G. Hudspeth, Losing Battles and Winning Wars: Franklin Roosevelt and the Fight to Transform the Supreme Court, 1937 – 1941
Douglas Karsner, « Now Hawaii is Only Hours Away! »: the Airlines Alter tourism
Drew Keeling, Transatlantic Shipping Cartels and Migration Between Europe and America, 1880-1914
Jason Taylor, Cartels or Fair Competition? The Economics of the National Industrial Recovery Act
Thomas R. Winpenny, Downsizing to Corporate Anorexia While Dismantling the Middle Class: Are We in Danger Of Recreating The 1920s?
Jerome Deridder, H. Reed Muller, Development of the Accounting Profession in Maryland
Laurence J. Malone, New Evidence for an Infrastructural Investment Cycle
Peter J. Piveronus, Jr., Direct Worker Ownership: the Russian Formula for Economic Reform (1984-1994)