The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought DATINI

The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought

bimestrale, fino al 2009 trimestrale
ISSN: 0967-2567

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia – Coll.: RIV STR0699
Consistenza: a. 1, 1993, 1-
Lacune: a. 2, 1995, 3
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1993 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 7, 2000, 4

Donald Winch, Does progress matter?, p. 465
Christian Gehrke, Tozer on machinery, p. 485
Heino Heinrich Nau, Gustav Schmoller’s « Historico-Ethical Political Economy »: ethics, politics and economics in the younger German Historical School, 1860-1917, p. 507
Jörg Bibow, On exogenous money and bank behavior: the Pandora’s box kept shut in Keynes’ theory of liquidity preference?, p. 532
Rodolfo Signorino, Method and analysis in Piero Sraffa’s 1925 critique of Marshallian economics, p. 569

Book reviews, p. 595
Notes for contributors, p. 617
Aims and scope, p. 619

a. 7, 2000, 3

Mark Donoghue, Some unpublished correspondence of William Thomas Thornton, 1866-1872, p. 321
Philippe Bazard, Sidgwick and Edgeworth on indeterminacy in the labour market, p. 350
Alan Martina, Antonelli’s analytical techniques: their exploitation to derive results in duality theory, p. 363
John H. Finch, Is post-Marshallian economics an evolutionary research tradition?, p. 377
Philippe Fontaine, Making use of the past: theorists and historians on the economics of altruism, p. 407

Book reviews, p. 423
Notes for contributors, p. 462
Aims and scope, p. 464

a. 7, 2000, 2

Kenneth J. Arrow, Increasing returns: historiographic issues and path dependence, p. 171
Richard van den Berg, Differential rent in the 1760s: two neglected French contributions, p. 181
Takashi Uchiyama, Ricardo on machinery: a dynamic analysis, p. 208
David R. Andrews, Keynes, Ricardo and the classical theory of interest, p. 228
Michel de Vroey, Marshall on equilibrium and time: a reconstruction, p. 245
Mark Blaug, Henry George: rebel with a cause, p. 270

Book reviews, p. 289
Notes for contributors, p. 317
Aims and scope, p. 319

a. 7, 2000, 1

Loïc Charles, From « The Encyclopédie » to the « Tableau économique »: Quesnay on the freedom of grain trade and economic growth, p. 1
Rudi Verburg, Adam Smith’s growing concern on the issue of distributive justice, p. 23
André Lapidus, Nathalie Sigot, Individual utility in a context of asymmetric sensitivity to pleasure and pain: an interpretation of Bentham’s « Felicific Calculus », p. 45
Nerio Naldi, The friendship between Piero Sraffa and Antonio Gramsci in the years 1919-1927, p. 79
Vincent Barnett, Tugan-Baranovskii’s vision of an international socialist economy, p. 115

Book reviews, p. 137
Notes for contributors, p. 171

a. 6, 1999, 4

João Ricardo Faria, The readmission of the Jews to England: the Mercantilist view, p. 513
Samuel Hollander, Jeremy Bentham and Adam Smith on the usury laws: a ‘Smithian’ reply to Bentham and a new problem, p. 523
Mark R. Greer, Individuality and the economic order in Hegel’s ‘Philosophy of Right’, p. 552
John Cunliffe, Guido Erreygers, Moral philosophy and economics: the formation of François Huet’s doctrine of property rights, p. 581
Barbara Ingham, Human behavior in development economics, p. 606

Book reviews, p. 625
Announcements, p. 655
Notes for contributors, p. 657

a. 6, 1999, 3

Erik Grimmer-Solem, Roberto Romani, In search of full empirical reality: historical political economy, 1870-1900, p. 333
Ephraim Kleiman, From Bastiat’s circumference to Knight’s wheel: a newly discovered letter of Mr. Sherlock Holmes to Dr Watson, p. 365
Hansjörg Klausinger, German anticipations of the Keynesian revolution? The case of Lautenbach, Neisser and Röpke, p. 378
Francisco Louçã, The econometric challenge to Keynes: arguments and contradictions in the early debates about a late issue, p. 404
Esther-Mirjam Sent, The randomness of the rational expectations: a perspective on Sargent’s early incentives, p. 439

Book reviews, p. 473
Notes for contributors, p. 511

a. 6, 1999, 2

Nien-hê Hsieh, The conspicuous absence of examination questions concerning the Great Irish Famine: political economy as science and ideology, p. 169
Oskar Kurer, John Stuart Mill: liberal or utilitarian?, p. 200
Ingo Barens, Volker Caspari, Old views and new perspectives: on re-reading Hicks’s ‘Mr. Keynes and the Classics’, p. 216
Guglielmo Chiodi, Leonardo Ditta, Hicks’s valuation of social income: an appraisal, p. 242
Anna Carabelli, Nicolò De Vecchi, ‘Where to Draw the Line?’ Keynes versus Hayek on knowledge, ethics and economics, p. 271
Inter-war trade-cycle theories in a poem by James Mead, Edited by Danielle Besom, p. 297

Book reviews, p. 301
Announcements, p. 329
Notes for contributors, p. 331

a. 6, 1999, 1

David R. Andrews, Continuity and change in Keynes’s thought: the importance of Hume, p. 1
Mark Donoghue, One step ahead: Thornton versus Longe, p. 22
Bert Mosselmans, Reproduction and scarcity: the population mechanism in classicism and in the ‘Jevonian revolution’, p. 34
M. M. G. Fase, Pierson on scarcity of gold and changes in the general price level, p. 58
Benny Carlson, The institutional ideas virus: the case of Johan Åkerman, p. 71
A. M. Endres, G. A. Fleming, Public investment programs in the interwar period: the view from Geneva, p. 87

Book reviews, p. 111
Announcements, p. 165
Notes for contributors, p. 167

a. 5, 1998, 3


Editorial, p. 413
Pierangelo Garegnani, Sraffa: The theoretical world of the ‘old classical economists’, p. 415
Samuel Hollander, Sraffa in historiographical perspective: A provisional statement, p. 430
Heinz D. Kurz, Against the current: Sraffa’s unpublished manuscripts and the history of economic thought, p. 437
Takashi Negishi, Sraffa and the microfoundations of Keynes, p. 452
Paul A. Samuelson, Report card on Sraffa at 100, p. 458
Bertram Schefold, Reading Sraffa’s Indices – a note, p. 468

John Fullarton’s ‘Response to a proposal for a Bank of India’, Edited by Mark Cassidy, p. 480
Mark Cassidy, The development of John Fullarton’s monetary theory, p. 509

Book reviews, p. 537
Notes for contributors, p. 573
Acknowledgments, p. 575

a. 5, 1998, 2

Philippe Steiner, The structure of Say’s economic writings, p. 227
Avner Cohen, Cobden’s stance on the currency and the political forces behind the approval of the Bank Charter Act of 1844, p. 250
Eberhard Feess, Marx on Ricardo: an explanation of some important misunderstandings, p. 276
Harald Hagemann, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Cantillon and Ricardo effects: Hayek’s contributions to business cycle theory, p. 292
Gilles Dostaler, Friedman and Keynes: divergences and convergences, p. 317

Book reviews, p. 349
Notes for contributors, p. 409

a. 5, 1998, 1

Toon Van Houdt, ‘Lack of money’: a reappraisal of Lessius’ contribution to the scholastic analysis of money-lending and interest-taking, p. 1
David Levine, The self and its interests in classical political economy, p. 36
Jérôme de Bayer, Endogenous money and shareholders’ funds in the classical theory of banking, p. 60
Heinz D. Kurz, Friedrich Benedikt Wilhelm Hermann on capital and profits, p. 85
Claes-Henric Siven, Two early Swedish debates about Wicksell’s cumulative process, p. 120
Mauro Boianovsky, Wicksell, Ramsey and the theory of interest, p. 140
Axel Leijonhufvud, Mr. Keynes and the Moderns, p. 169

Book reviews, p. 189
Announcements, p. 221
Notes for contributors, p. 223

a. 4, 1997, 3

R. B. Echelon Jr., R. D. Collision, On neoinstitutional theory and preclassical economies mercantilism revisited, p. 375
Wilfred Dolfsma, The social construction of value: value theories and John Locke’s framework of qualities, p. 400
Tony Aspromourgos, Cantillon on real wages and employment: a rational reconstruction of the significance of land utilization, p. 417
Carlos Rodríguez Braun, Early Smithian economics in the Spanish empire: J. H. Vieytes and colonial policy, p. 444
Rhead S. Bowman, The place of education in W. S. Jevons’s political economy, p. 455
Martin O’Connor, J. S. Mill’s utilitarianism and the social ethics of sustainable development, p. 478

Book reviews, p. 507
Announcements, p. 552
Notes for contributors, p. 553

a. 4, 1997, 2

O. E Hamouda, B. B. Price, The justice of the just price, p. 191
Terry Peach, The age of the universal consumer: a reconsideration of Ricardo’s politics, p. 217
Nathan Sussman, William Huskisson and the bullion controversy, 1810, p. 237
Michel De Vroey, Involuntary unemployment: the missing piece in Keynes’s « General Theory », p. 258
Bo Sandelin, Sinimaaria Ranki, Internationalization or Americanization of Swedish economics?, p. 284
Robert Leonard, Value, sign and social structure: the ‘game’ metaphor and modern social science, p. 299

Book reviews, p. 327
Announcements, p. 371
Notes for contributors, p. 372

a. 4, 1997, 1

Anthony Brewer, An eighteenth-century view of economic development: Hume and Steuart, p. 1
Hyun-Ho Song, Adam Smith’s conception of the social relations of production, p. 23
Jan Steedman, Jevons’s Theory of political economy and the ‘marginalist revolution’, p. 43
Phillip A. O ‘Hara, Veblen’s critique of Marx’s philosophical preconceptions of political economy, p. 65
Daniele Besomi, Roy Harrod and traditional theory, p. 92
Nicolò Bellanca, Marco E. L. Guidi, « Uchronies » and the history of economic knowledge, p. 116

Book reviews, p. 143
Notes for contributors, p. 195

a. 3, 1996, 3

Maria Luisa Pesante, Paradigms in English political economy: Interregnum to Glorious Revolution, p. 353
Robert Urquhart, The trade wind, the statesman and the system of commerce: Sir James Steuart’s vision of political economy, p. 379
Andrea Maneschi, Jules Dupuit: a sesquicentennial tribute to the founder of benefit-cost analysis, p. 411
John B. Davis, Convergences in Keynes and Wittgenstein’s later views, p. 433
Michalis Psalidopoulos, Keynesianism across nations: the case of Greece, p. 449
Mathieu Carlson, Keynes and a post-Keynesian controversy over the effect of debt on income expansion, p. 463

Book reviews, p. 488
Announcements, p. 523
Notes for contributors, p. 527

a. 3, 1996, 2

Robert B. Ekelund Jr., Donald R. Street, Audrey B. Davidson, Marriage, divorce and prostitution: economic sociology in medieval England and Enlightenment Spain, p. 183
Robert E Hébert, Authority versus freedom in Quesnay’s thought, p. 200
Murray Milgate, Shannon C. Stimson, The figure of Smith: Dugald Stewart and the propagation of Smithian economics, p. 225
Donald A. Walker, The structure of Walras’s mature model of capital goods markets, p. 254
Nahid Aslanbeigui, The cost controversy: Pigouvian economics in disequilibrium, p. 275
Alessandro Roncaglia, Why should economists study the history of economic thought?, p. 296

Book reviews, p. 311
Announcements, p. 345
Notes for contributors, p. 349

a. 3, 1996, 1

Lars Herlitz, From spending and reproduction to circuit flow and equilibrium: the two conceptions of « Tableau économique », p. 1
Walter Eltis, The « Grand Tableau » of François Quesnay’s economics, p. 21
Donald Winch, Malthus versus Condorcet revisited, p. 44
Peter Hans Matthews, The modern foundations of Marx’s monetary economics, p. 61
A. M. Endres, Some microfoundations of Austrian economics: Böhm-Bawerk’s version, p. 84
Carlo Zappia, The notion of private information in a modern perspective: a reappraisal of Hayek’s contribution, p. 107

Book reviews, p. 133
Notes for contributors, p. 179

a. 2, 1995, 2

Editorial: debate on « Jürg Nïehans », ‘Multiple discoveries in economic theory’, p. 273
Neil De Marchi, Comment on Niehans, ‘Multiple discoveries’, p. 275
Philip Mirowski, A confederacy of bunches: comment upon Niehans on ‘Multiple discoveries’, p. 279
Alessandro Roncaglia, Multiple discoveries: quantitative data and ideological biases. A comment on Niehans, p. 289
Jürg Nïehans, Multiple discoveries defended: a reply, p. 293

David M. Levy, The partial spectator in the Wealth of Nations: a robust utilitarianism, p. 299
Keith Tribe, Professors Malthus and Jones: Political Economy at the East India College 1806-1858, p. 327
Mark Donoghue, The wages-and-profits fund: classical remnants in Marshall’s early theory of distribution, p. 355
Mauro Boianovsky, Wicksell’s business cycle, p. 375
Rudy van Zijp, Lachmann and the wilderness: on Lachmann’s radical subjectivism, p. 412
Albert Jolink, ‘Anecdotal myths’: Tinbergen’s influence on Harrod’s growth theory, p. 434

Book reviews, p. 451
Announcements, p. 491
Notes for contributors, p. 493

a. 2, 1995, 1

Jürg Nïehans, Multiple discoveries in economic theory, p. 1
Vicent Llombart, Market for ideas and reception of physiocracy in Spain: some analytical and historical suggestions, p. 29
Christian Gehrkce, Heinz D. Kurz, Karl Marx on physiocracy, p. 53
Kepa M. Ormazabal, The law of diminishing marginal utility in Alfred Marshall’s « Principles of Economics », p. 91
Gunther Chaloupek, Long-term economic perspectives compared: Joseph Schumpeter and Werner Sombart, p. 127
David Laidler, Robertson in the 1920s, p. 151

Philippe Steiner, Economic sociology: a historical perspective, p. 175
José Luís Cardoso, Teaching the history of economic thought, p. 197

Book reviews, p. 215
Announcements, p. 269
Notes for contributors, p. 270

a. 1, 1994, 3

André Lapidus, Norm, virtue and information: the just price and individual behaviour in Thomas Aquinas' »Summa Theologiae », p. 435
Hans-Jürgen Wagener, « Cupiditate et Potentia »: the political economy of Spinoza, p. 475
Ruhdan Doujon, Steuart’s position on economic progress, p. 495
Gilbert Faccarello, « Nil Repente! »: Galiani and Necker on economic reforms, p. 519
Albert Jeck, The macrostructure of Adam Smith’s theoretical system: a reconstruction, p. 551
Aiko Ikeo, When economics harmonized mathematics in Japan: a history of stability analysis, p. 577

Book reviews, p. 601
Announcements, p. 668
List of contributors, p. 670
Notes for contributors, p. 671

a. 1, 1994, 2

Philippe Steiner, Demand, price and net product in the early writings of F. Quesnay, p. 231
Bruce Elmslie, Positive feedback mechanisms in Adam Smith’s theories of international trade, p. 253
Peter D. Groenewegen, Alfred Marshall and the Labour Commission 1891-1894, p. 273
Jan Steedman, John Carruthers: a Victorian market socialist, p. 297
Carlo Panico, Neri Salvadori, Sraffa, Marshall and the problem of returns, p. 323
Fortunato Calleri, To quote or not to quote: the case of the « Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy » by F. Hutcheson, p. 345

Book reviews, p. 351
Announcements, p. 428
List of contributors, p. 430
Notes for contributors, p. 431

a. 1, 1993, 1

Editorial, p. 1

Walter Eltis, France’s free market reforms in 1774-6 and Russia’s in 1991-3: the immediate relevance of l’Abbé de Condillac’s analysis, p. 5
Andrew S. Skinner, Adam Smith: the origins of the exchange economy, p. 21
Antoin E. Murphy, John Law and Richard Cantillon on the circular flow of income, p. 47
Richard Sturn, Postsocialist privatization and agency-related property: from Coase to Locke, p. 63
Heinz Rieter, Matthias Schmolz, The ideas of German Ordoliberalism 1938-45: pointing the way to a new economic order, p. 87
Takashi Negishi, A Smithian growth model and Malthus’s optimal propensity to save, p. 115
Heinz D. Kurz, Neri Salvadori, Von Neumann’s growth model and the ‘classical’ tradition, p. 129

Book reviews, p. 161
Announcements, p. 225
List of contributors, p. 226
Notes on contributors, p. 227
Notes for contributors, p. 228