The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
bimestrale, fino al 2009 trimestrale
ISSN: 0967-2567
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia – Coll.: RIV STR0699
Consistenza: a. 1, 1993, 1-
Lacune: a. 2, 1995, 3
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1993 ]
Harald Hagemann, Heinz D. Kurz, Persefoni Tsaliki, Lefteris Tsoulfidis, Preface, p. 1111
Robert M. Solow, Stories about economics and technology, p. 1113
Nicholas Crafts, Cliometrics and technological change: a survey, p. 1127
Hugh Goodacre, Technological progress and economic analysis from Petty to Smith, p. 1149
Tony Aspromourgos, ‘Universal opulence’: Adam Smith on technical progress and real wages, p. 1169
Heinz D. Kurz, Technical progress, capital accumulation and income distribution in Classical economics: Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Karl Marx, p. 1183
Regina Roth, Marx on technical change in the critical edition, p. 1223
Peter Groenewegen, Marshall’s treatment of technological change in Industry and Trade, p. 1253
Arrigo Opocher, Measuring productivity increase by long-run prices: the early analyses of G.R. Porter and R. Giffen, p. 1271
Gilbert Faccarello, Richard Sturn, The challenge of the history of public economics, p. 537
Alan Peacock, Public economics and history of economic thought: a personal memoir, p. 543
Alan Peacock, Jack Wiseman, Two unpublished papers from the 1950s, p. 559
Marco E. L. Guidi, Jeremy Bentham, the French Revolution, and the political economy of representation (1788 to 1789), p. 579
Antoinette Baujard, Collective interest versus individual interest in Bentham’s felicific calculus. Questioning welfarism and fairness, p. 607
Michael McLure, Pareto, Pigou and third-party consumption: divergent approaches to welfare theory with implications for the study of public finance, p. 635
Arnaud Orain, Progressive indirect taxation and social justice in eighteenth-century France: Forbonnais and Graslin’s fiscal system, p. 659
Serge-Christophe Kolm, History of public economics: The historical French school, p. 687
Gilbert Faccarello, Bold ideas. French liberal economists and the state: Say to Leroy-Beaulieu, p. 719
Nathalie Sigot, Utility and justice: French liberal economists in the nineteenth century, p. 759
Philippe Poinsot, he foundations of justice in Jules Dupuit’s thought, p. 793
Claire Silvant, Gustave Fauveau’s contribution to fiscal theory, p. 813
Laurent Dobuzinskis, Non-welfarism Avant la Lettre: Alfred Fouillée’s political economy of justice, p. 837
Daniele Corado, Stefano Solari, Natural law as inspiration to Adolph Wagner’s theory of public intervention, p. 865
Amedeo Fossati, The idea of State in the Italian tradition of public finance, p. 881
Domenicantonio Fausto, Public expenditure in Italian public finance theory, p. 909
Piero Bini, Daniela Parisi, Common welfare versus the spirit of private enterprise: the experience of Italian municipalization from 1880 to 1930, p. 933
Maurice Lagueux, The residual character of externalities, p. 957
Elodie Bertrand, The three roles of the ‘Coase theorem’ in Coase’s works, p. 975
Ragip Ege, Herrade Igersheim, Rawls’s justice theory and its relations to the concept of merit goods, p. 1001
Alasdair Rutherford, Get by with a little help from my friends: A recent history of charitable organisations in economic theory, p. 1031
Monique Florenzano, Government and the provision of public goods:from equilibrium models to mechanismdesign, p. 1047
Yahya M. Madra, Fikret Adaman, Public economics after neoliberalism: a theoretical-historical perspective, p. 1079
Daniel Diatkine, Vanity and the love of system in Theory of Moral Sentiments, p. 383
Marco Dardi, Marshall on welfare, or: the ‘utilitarian’ meets the ‘evolver’, p. 405
Ludovic Frobert, Conventionalism and liberalism in Jacques Rueff’s early works (1922 to 1929), p. 439
Michael H. Turk, The arrow of time in economics: from Robinson’s critique to the new historical economics, p. 471
James Forder, The historical place of the ‘Friedman-Phelps’ expectations critique, p. 493
Obituary, p. 513
Book reviews, p. 521
Daniel A. Schiffman, Rabbinical perspectives on money in seventeenth-century Ottoman Egypt, p. 163
Claire Pignol, Money, exchange and division of labour in Rousseau’s economic philosophy, p. 199
Arrigo Opocher, he future of the working classes: a comparison between J.S. Mill and A. Marshall, p. 229
Mauro Caminati, Function, mind and novelty: organismic concepts and Richard M. Goodwin formation at Harvard, 1932 to 1934, p. 255
Richard Sturn, ‘Public goods’ before Samuelson: interwar Finanzwissenschaft and Musgrave’s synthesis, p. 279
D. Wade Hands, Stabilizing consumer choice: the role of ‘true dynamic stability’ and related concepts in the history of consumer choice theory, p. 313
Book reviews 345
André Lapidus, The valuation of decision and individual welfare: a Humean approach, p. 1
Ajit Sinha, In defence of Adam Smith’s theory of value, p. 29
Daniele Besomi, Paper money and national distress: William Huskisson and the early theories of credit, speculation and crises, p. 49
Stefano Solari, The corporative third way in Social Catholicism (1830 to 1918), p. 87
Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, E. W. Kemmerer’s contribution to the quantity theory of money, p. 115
Book reviews 141
Brian J. Loasby, Knowledge, coordination and the firm: Historical perspectives, p. 539
Kurt Rothschild, A nostalgic retrospect on a debate on various aspects of welfare economics, p. 559
Yuichi Shionoya, The history of economics as economics?, p. 575
Patrick Mardellat, Max Weber’s critical response to theoretical economics, p. 599
Andreas Kakridis, Continuity and change: Mapping the community of economists in Greece (1944 to 1967), p. 625
Luca Zamparelli, Average cost and marginal cost pricing in Marshall: Textual analysis and interpretation, p. 665
Book reviews 695
Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch, Cameralism as ‘political metaphysics’: Human nature, the state, and natural law in the thought of Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi, p. 409
Antoinette Baujard, A return to Bentham’s felicific calculus: From moral welfarism to technical non-welfarism, p. 431
Dimitris Sotiropoulos, Why John Stuart Mill should not be enlisted among neoclassical economists, p. 455
Luca Fiorito, Frank H. Knight, pragmatism, and American institutionalism: A note, p. 475
Alessandro Roncaglia, Keynes and probability: An assessment, p. 489
William J. Baumol, Thijs ten Raa, Wassily Leontief: In appreciation, p. 511
Book reviews, p. 523
John Berdell, Interdependence and independence in Cantillon’s Essai, p. 221
Gioacchino Fazio, Bilateral monopoly: a contribution by Francesco Ferrara, p. 251
Gianfranco Tusset, The Italian contribution to early economic dynamics, p. 267
Carlo Cristiano, Keynes and India, 1909-1913: a study on foreign investment policy, p. 301
Agnès Festré, Eric Nasica, Schumpeter on money, banking and finance: an institutionalist perspective, p. 325
Obituary, p. 357
Review article, p. 361
Book reviews, p. 375
Gilbert Faccarello, The enigmatic Mr Graslin. A Rousseauist bedrock for classical economics?, p. 1
Kwangsu Kim, Adam Smith’s theory of economic history and economic development, p. 41
Michael V. White, Hunting a precursor: The limits of Mountifort Longfield on utility and value, p. 65
David A. Spencer, Work in utopia: Pro-work sentiments in the writings of four critics of classical economics, p. 97
Christian Bidard, Guido Erreygers, Wilfried Parys, ‘Our daily bread’: Maurice Potron, from Catholicism to mathematical economics, p. 123
Jörg Bibow, On the origin and rise of central bank independence in West Germany, p. 155
Book reviews, p. 191
Odd Langholm, The German tradition in late medieval value theory, p. 555
Frank Geary, Renee Prendergast, Philosophers and practical men: Charles Babbage, Irish merchants and the economics of information, p. 571
Claude Diebolt, Antoine Parent, A note on Juglar, Bonnet and the intuition of the interest parity relation, p. 595
Daniele Besomi, John Wade’s early endogenous dynamic model: ‘commercial cycle’ and theories of crises, p. 611
Karsten von Blumenthal, Economic theorist and ‘entrepreneur of popularisation’: Schumpeter as Finance Minister and journalist, p. 641
Ricardo F. Crespo, Keynes’s realisms, p. 673
Book reviews, p. 695
Amos Witztum, Smith’s theory of actions and the moral significance of unintended consequences, p. 401
Paola Tubaro, Producer choice and technical unemployment: John E. Tozer’s mathematical model (1838), p. 433
Yukihiro Ikeda, Carl Menger’s monetary theory: A revisionist view, p. 455
Thomas Uebel, Calculation in kind and marketless socialism: On Otto Neurath’s utopian economics, p. 475
Philippe Steiner, Foucault, Weber and the history of the economic subject, p. 503
Review Article, p. 529
Book reviews, p. 539
Sylvie Diatkine, Jérôme de Boyer, British monetary orthodoxy in the 1870s: A victory for the Currency Principle, p. 181
Christian Becker, Thoreau’s economic philosophy, p. 211
Arrigo Opocher, Ian Steedman, The industry supply curve: Two different traditions, p. 247
M. G. Hayes, Keynes’s degree of competition, p. 275
Domenicantonio Fausto, The Italian theories of progressive taxation, p. 293
Manuela Mosca, On the origins of the concept of natural monopoly: Economies of scale and competition, p. 317
Book reviews, p. 355
Gilbert Faccarello, Philippe Steiner, Interest, sensationism and the science of the legislator: French ‘philosophie économique’, 1695-1830, p. 1
Ragip Ege, Herrade Igersheim, Rawls with Hegel: The concept of ‘Liberalism of freedom’, p. 25
Matthew Smith, Thomas tooke on the Bullionist controversies, p. 49
Michel S. Zouboulakis, Contesting the autonomy of political economy: The early positivist criticism of economic knowledge, p. 85
Abdallah Zouache, On the microeconomic foundations of macroeconomics in the Hayek-Keynes controversy, p. 105
Obituary, p. 129
Review article, p. 135
Book reviews, p. 151
Eyüp Özveren, Bazaars of the Thousand and One Nights, p. 629
Jean-Stéphane Mésonnier, Interest rate gaps and monetary policy in the work of Henry Thornton: Beyond a retrospective Wicksellian reading, p. 657
Alain Marciano, Economists on Darwin’s theory of social evolution and human behaviour, p. 681
Nicola Meccheri, Wage behaviour and unemployment in Keynes’ and New Keynesians’ views: A comparison, p. 701
Jochen Hartwig, Keynes vs. the Post Keynesians on the Principle of Effective Demand, p. 725
Jordi Pascual, Lluis Argerm d’Abadal (1945-2007), p. 741
Notes for contributors, p. 745
Aims and Scope, p. 749
Volume Index, p. 751
Special Issue: Cycles, Markets and Networks: Early Contributions to Quantitative Business Cycle Analysis
Guest Editors: Mauro Boianovsky and Guido Erreygers
Mauro Boianovsky, Guido Erreygers, Early contributions to quantitative business cycle research: An introduction, p. 415
Edmond Malinvaud, About the role, in older days, of econometrics in quantitative
economics, p. 423
Olav Bjerkholt, Ragnar Frisch’s Business Cycle Approach: The genesis of the propagation and impulse model, p. 449
Mauro Boianovsky, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Johan Åkerman vs. Ragnar Frisch on Quantitative Business Cycle Analysis, p. 487
Robert W. Dimand, William Veloce, Charles F. Roos, Harold T. Davis and the Quantitative Approach to Business Cycle Analysis at the Cowles Commission in the 1930s and early 1940s, p. 519
Guido Erreygers, Albert Jolink, Perturbation, networks and business cycles: Bernard Chait’s pioneering work in econometrics, p. 543
Pierangelo Garegnani, Samuelson’s misses: A rejoinder, p. 573
Richard Sturn, Richard Abel Musgrave 1910-2007, p. 587
Book reviews, p. 597
Notes for contributors, p. 623
Aims and Scope, p. 627
Editorial, p. 179
Pierangelo Garegnani, Professor Samuelson on Sraffa and the Classical economists, p. 181
Paul A. Samuelson, Classical and Neoclassical harmonies and dissonances, p. 243
Peter Groenewegen, Alfred Marshall’s use of Adam Smith: Corning to grips with an aspect of Alfred Marshall’s citation practice, p. 273
Malcolm Rutherford, American Institutionalism and its British connections, p. 291
Toshiaki Hirai, How did Keynes transform his theory from the Tract into the Treatise?-Consideration through primary material, p. 325
Roxana Bobulescu, Parametric external economies and the Cambridge controversy on returns, p. 349
David Laidler, Milton Friedman – a brief obituary, p. 373
Book reviews, p. 383
Notes for contributors, p. 409
Aims and Scope, p. 413
Antoin E. Murphy, ‘The Elements of Commerce Delineated in Aphorisms’ – An analysis of a newly discovered manuscript written by Joseph Massie, p. 1
Jerome de Boyer des Roches, Cause and effect in the gold points mechanism: A criticism of Ricardo’s criticism of Thornton, p. 25
Katia Caldani, Alfred Marshall’s criticai analysis of scientific management, p. 55
Alberto Baccini, Edgeworth on the foundations of ethics and probability, p. 79
Michaël Assous, Kalecki’s 1934 model VS. the IS-LM model of Hicks (1937) and Modigliani (1944), p. 97
Ivan Moscati, History of consumer demand theory 1871-1971: A Neo-Kantian rational reconstruction, p. 119
Book reviews, p. 157
Notes for contributors, p. 173
Aims and Scope, p. 177
Heinz D. Kurz, Whither the history of economic thought? Going nowhere rather slowly?, p. 463
Jean-Louis Peaucelle, Adam Smith’s use of multiple references for his pin making example, p. 489
John Maloney, Britain’s single currency debate of the late 1860s, p. 513
Andrés Vàzquez, Slonimsky’s view on Antoine-Augustin Cournot, p. 533
Gerold Blümle, Nils Goldschmidt, From economic stability to social order: The debate about business cycle theory in the 1920s and its relevance for the development of theories of social order by Lowe, Hayek and Eucken, p. 543
D. Wade Hands, Frank Knight and pragmatism, p. 571
Marcella Corsi, In memory of Paolo Sylos Labini (1920-2005), p. 607
Kotaro Suzumura, Shigeto Tsuru (1912-2006): Life, work and legacy, p. 613
Book reviews, p. 621
Notes for contributors, p. 633
Aims and Scope, p. 637
Volume index, p. 639
Yuri Biondi, The doubleemergence of the Modified Internai Rate of Return: The neglected financial work of Duvillard (1755-1832) in a comparative perspective, p. 311
Yves Breton, Gerard Klotz, Jules Dupuit, Société d’economie politique de Paris and the issue of population in France (1850 – 66), p. 337
Mario Pomini and Giovanni Tondini, The idea of increasing returns in neoclassical growth models, p. 365
Peter Kesting, The interdependence between economie analysis and methodology in the work of Joseph A. Schumpeter, p. 387
Vincent Barnett, Chancing an interpretation: Slutsky’s random cycles revisited, p. 411
Book reviews, p. 433
Chevet Jean-Michel, Õ Gráda, Grain prices and mortality: A note on ‘La Michodière’s Law’, p. 183
Turk Michael H., The fault line of axiomatization: Walras’ linkage of physics with economics, p. 195
Ferris J. Stephen, Galbraith John A., On Hayek’s denationalization of money, free banking and inflation targeting, p. 213
De Vecchi Nicolò, Hayek and the General Theory, p. 233
De Vroey Michel, The temporary equilibrium method: Hicks against Hicks, p. 259
Book reviews, p. 279
Mini-symposium on the History of Public Economics
Faccarello Gilbert, An ‘Exception culturelle’? French Sensationist political economy and the shaping of public economics, p. 1
Sturn Richard, Subjectivism, joint consumption and the State: Public goods in Staatswirtschaftslehre, p. 39
Fausto Domenicantonio, The Italian approach to the Theory of Public Goods, p. 69
De-Juan Oscar, Monsalve Fabio, Morally ruled behaviour: The neglected contribution of Scholasticism, p. 99
Hein Eckhard, Money, interest and capital accumulation in Karl Marx’s economics: a monetary interpretation and some similarities to post-Keynesian approaches, p. 113
Cohen Avi J., The Kaldor/Knight controversy: Is capital a distinct and quantifiable factor of production?, p. 141
Book reviews, p. 163
Notes for contributors, p. 177
Aims and Scope, p. 181
Mosselmans Bert, Adolphe Quetelet, the average man and the development of economic methodology, p. 565
White Michael V., Strande brew: The antinomies of distribution in W.S. Jevons’ Theory of Political Economy, p. 583
McLure Michael, Equilibrium and Italian fiscal sociology: a reflection on the Pareto-Griziotti and Pareto-Sensini letters on fiscal theory, p. 609
Diamond Arthur M., Jr., Measurement, incentives and constraints in Stigler’s economics of science, p. 635
Lundahl Mats, To be an independent thinker: an intellectual portrait of Staffan Burenstam Linder, p. 663
Review article
Szmrecsányi Tamás, The contributions of Celso Furtado (1920-2004) to development economics, p. 689
Faccarello Gilbert, A tale of two traditions: Pierre Force’s Self-interest before Adam Smith, p. 701
Hurtado Jimena, Pity, sympathy and self-interest: review of Pierre Force’s Self-interest before Adam Smith, p. 713
Force Pierre, Two concepts of providence and two concepts of pity: a reply to Gilbert Faccarello and Jimena Hurtado, p. 723
Notes for contributors, p. 733
Aims and Scope, p. 737
Volume Index, p. 739
Pasinetti Luigi L., The Sraffa-enigma, p. 373
Naldi Nerio, Sraffa Piero ,: emigration and scientific activity (1921-45), p. 379
Rosselli Annalisa, Sraffa and the Marshallian tradition, p. 403
Marcuzzo Maria Cristina, Piero Sraffa at the University of Cambridge, p. 425
Garegnani Pierangelo, On a turning point in Sraffa’s theoretical and interpretative position in the late 1920s, p. 453
Kurz Heinz D., Salvadori Neri, Removing an ‘insuperable obstacle’ in the way of an objectivist analysis: Sraffa’s attempts at fixed capital, p. 493
Schefold Bertram, Joint production. Triumph of Economic over Mathematical logic?, p. 525
Negishi Takashi, Michio Morishima and history: an obituary, p. 553
Notes for contributors, p. 559
Aims and Scope, p. 563
Mark S. Peacock, Rationality in Leviathan: Hobbes and his game-theoretic admirers, p. 191
Elsa Bolado, Lluis Argemí, Jean Antoine Chaptal: from chemistry to political economy, p. 215
Manuela Mosca, De Viti de Marco, historian of economic analysis, p. 241
David A. Spencer, A question of incentive? Lionel Robbins and Dennis H. Robertson on the nature and determinants of the supply of labour, p. 261
Massimo M. Augello, Marco E. L. Guidi, The Italian economists in parliament from 1860 to 1922: a quantitative analysis, p. 279
Neil T. Skaggs, Treating schizophrenia: a comment on Antoin Murphy’s diagnosis of Henry Thornton’s theoretical condition, p. 321
Antoin E. Murphy, Rejoinder to Skagg’s Treating schizophrenia: a comment on Antoin Murphy’s diagnosis of Henry Thornton’s theoretical condition, p. 329
Obituary, p. 333
Review article
Walter Eltis, Roy Harrod and the Keynesian revolution: his newly published correspondence, p. 337
Book reviews, p. 357
Notes for contributors, p. 367
Aims and Scope, p. 371
Tony Aspromourgos, The invention of the concept of social surplus: Petty in the Hartlib Circle, p. 1
Hansjörg Klausinger, ‘Misguided monetary messages’: The Austrian case, 1931-34, p. 25
Goulven Rubin, Patinkin and the Pigou effect er how a Keynesian come to accept an anti-Keynesian argument, p. 47
Ivo Maes, Erik Buyst, Migration and Americanization: The special case of Belgian economics, p. 73
Marc-Arthur Diaye, André Lapidus, A Humean theory of choice of which rationality may be one consequence, p. 89
Robert Sugden, Why rationality is not a consequence of Hume’s theory of choice, p. 113
Marc-Arthur Diaye, André Lapidus, Why rationality may be a consequence of Hume’s theory of choice, p. 119
Round Table
Esther-Mirjam Sent, Roger E. Backhouse, A. W. Bob Coats, John B. Davis, Harald Hagemann, Perspectives on Michael A. Bernstein’s. A Perilous Progress: Economists and Public Purpose in Twentieth-Century America, p. 127
Review article
J. E. King (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics Edward J. Nell, p. 147
Book Reviews, p. 157
Addenda, p. 183
Aims and Scope, p. 189
Gloria Vivenza, Renaissance Cicero. The ‘economic’ virtues of De Officiis I, 22 in some sixteenth century commentaries, p. 507
Joachim Zweynert, The theory of internal goods in nineteenth-century Russian classical economic thought, p. 525
Simon Cook, Missing links in Marshall’s early thoughts on education, p. 555
Rick Tilman, Ferdinand Tönnies, Thorstein Veblen and Karl Marx: From community to society and back?, p. 579
Andrea Maneschi, Eli Heckscher on intermittently free goods: A neglected anticipation of the theory of imperfect competition?, p. 607
Debate, p. 623
Book Reviews, p. 637
Announcement, p. 659
Notes for contributors, p. 661
Aims and Scope, p. 665
Edited by Marco E. L. Guidi
Marco E. L. Guidi, Introduction, p. 341
Richard Sturn, The sceptic as an economist’s philosopher? Humean utility as a positive principle, p. 345
Sergio Cremaschi, Ricardo and the Utilitarians, p. 377
Marco E. L. Guidi, ‘My Own Utopia’. The economics of Bentham’s Panopticon, p. 405
Luigino Bruni, The ‘Happiness transformation problem’ in the Cambridge tradition, p. 433
Sandra J. Peart, David M. Levy, Sympathy and its discontents: ‘Greatest happiness’ versus the ‘general good’, p. 453
Book reviews, p. 479
Notes for contributors, p. 497
Aims and Scope, p. 501
Peter J. Law, Samuel Johnson on consumer demand, status and positional goods, p. 183
Tiziano Raffaelli, Whatever happened to Marshall’s industrial economics?, p. 209
Vincent Barnett, Historical political economy in Russia, p. 231
Atsushi Komine, The making of Beveridge’s Unemployment (1909): three concepts blended, p. 255
Genealogical Investigations
Arnold Heertje, The Dutch and Portuguese-Jewish background of David Ricardo, p. 281
Lluís Barbé, Francis Ysidro Edgeworth’s Catalan grandfather, p. 295
Book reviews, p. 309
Notes for contributors, p. 335
Aims and Scope, p. 339
Jimena Hurtado Prieto, Bernard Mandeville’s heir: Adam Smith or Jean Jacques Rousseau on the possibility of economic analysis, p. 1
Takeshi Nakano, Hegel’s theory of economic nationalism: political economy in the Philosophy of Right, p. 33
Andrés Alvarez, Learning to choose a commodity-money: Carl Menger’s theory of imitation and the search monetary framework, p. 53
Miguel Ángel Durán, Manuel Montalvo, An example of untranslatability: the conceptual structures of Marshall’s and Keynes’ conceptions of investiment, p. 79
Roger E. Backhouse, History of economic, economics and economic history in Britain, 1824-2000, p. 107
Rewiev Articles
Editorial, p. 129
Pascal Bridel, Christophe Salvat, Reason and sentiments: review of Emma Rothschild’s Economic Sentiments: Adam Smith, Condorcet and the Enlightenment, p. 131
Walter Eltis, Emma Rothschild on economic sentiments: and the true Adam Smith, p. 147
Book Reviews, p. 161
Notes for contributors, p. 175
Aims and Scope, p. 179
Edited by Robert Leonard
Robert Leonard, Introduction, p. 525
Loïc Charles, The visual history of the Tableau Économique, p. 527
E. Roy Weintraub, Visualizing the gains from trade, mid-1870s to 1962. Neil De Marchi, with the assistance, p. 551
Laurent Derobert, Guillaume Thieriot, The Lorenz curve as an archetype: A historico-epistemological study, p. 573
Mikael Stenkula, Carl Menger and the network theory of money, p. 587
Mark Blaug, Rational vs historical reconstruction – a counter-note on Signorino’s note on Blaug, p. 607
Rodolfo Signorino, A rejoinder, p. 609
Review article
Alexandre J. Field, Mirowski’s Machine Dreams, p. 611
Book reviews, p. 623
Announcements, p. 637
Notes for contributors, p. 639
Aims and scope, p. 643
Arnaud Orain, Decline and progress: the economic agent in Condillac’s theory of history, p. 379
Jean Cartelier, Productive activities and the wealth of nations: some reasons for Quesnay’s failure and Smith’s success, p. 409
Antoin E. Murphy, Paper credit and the multi-personae. Mr Henry Thornton, p. 429
Olivier Brette, Thorstein Veblen’s theory of institutional change: beyond technological determinism, p. 455
Arrigo Opocher, ‘Interrelated prices’ and Sraffa’s critique of partial equilibrium, p. 479
Book Reviews, p. 497
Announcement, p. 517
Notes for contributors, p. 519
Aims and scope, p. 523
Cosimo Perrotta, The legacy of the past: ancient economic thought on wealth and development, p. 177
José J. Benítez-Rochel, Luis Robels-Teigeiro, The foundations of the Tableau Économique in Boisguilbert and Cantillon, p. 231
Philippe Steiner, Durkheim’s sociology, Simiand’s positive political economy and the German historical school, p. 249
Mário da Graça Moura, Schumpeter on the integration of theory and history, p. 279
Manuel Fernández López, Ugo Broggi: a precursor in mathematical economics, p. 303
Rodolfo Signorino, Rational vs historical reconstructions. A note on Blaug, p. 329
Book Reviews, p. 339
Announcement, p. 371
Notes for contributors, p. 373
Aims and Scope, p. 377
Neri Salvadori, Introuction, p. 1
Davide Fiaschi, Rodolfo Signorino, Consumption patterns, development and growth: Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Thomas Robert Malthus, p. 5
Elise S. Brezis, Warren Young, The new views on demographic transition: a reassessment of Malths’s and Marx’s approach to population, p. 25
Carlos Ricoy, Marx on division of labour, mechanization and technical progress, p. 47
Andrea Lavezzi, Smith, Marshall and Young on division of labour and economic growth, p. 81
Antonella Palumbo, Attilio Trezzini, Growth without normal capacity utilization, p. 109
Book Reviews, p. 137
Notes for contributors, p. 173
Aims and scope, p. 175
Pascal Bridel, Elisabeth Huck, Yet another look at Léon Walras’s theory of tâtonnement, p. 513
Antoine Rebeyrol, ‘Yet another look’? A commet, p. 541
Manuel Luís Costa, Comment on ‘Yet another look at Léon Walras’s theory of tâtonnement’, p. 550
Pascal Bridel, Elisabeth Huck, Walras’s tâtonnement: a reply to Rebeyrol and Costa, p. 559
Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira, Aristotle’s analysis of bilateral exchange: an early formal approach to the bargaining problem, p. 568
John Considine, Budgetary institutions and fiscal discipline: Edmund Burke’s insightful contribution, p. 591
Michel Rosier, The logic of Keynes’ criticism of the Classical model, p. 608
Christian Gehrke, Heinz D. Kurz, Keynes and Sraffa’s ‘Difficulties with J. H. Hollander’. A note on the history of the RES edition of The Works and Corrispondence of David Ricardo, p. 644
Review article
Michel De Vroey, The history of economic thought: the French way, p. 672
Book Reviews, p. 688
Notes for contributors, p. 708
Aims and scope, p. 710
Matthew Smith, Tooke’s approach to explaining prices, p. 333
Roberto Romani, Political economy and other idioms: French views on English development, 1815-1848, p. 359
John B. Davis, Gramsci, Sraffa, Wittigenstein: philosophical linkages, p. 384
Roxana Bobulescu, The ‘paradox’ of F. Graham (1890-1949): a study in the theory of internationval trade, p. 402
Max Gillman, Keyne’s Treatise: aggregate price theory for modern analysis?, p. 430
Review article
A. M. C. Waterman, The ‘Sussex School’ and the history of economic thought: British Intellectual History, 1750-1950, p. 452
Book Reviews, p. 464
Notes for contributors, p. 508
Aims and scope, p. 510
Announcement, p. 511
Patinkin and the Development of Modern Economic Theory Edited by Pascal Bridel and Michel De Vroey
Pascal Bridel, Michel De Vroey, Introduction, p. 155
Perry Mehrling, Don Patinkin and the origins of postwar monetary orthodoxy, p. 161
Roger E. Backhouse, Don Patinkin: interpreter of the Keynesian revolution, p. 186
Goulven Rubin, From equilibrium to disequilibrium: the genesis of Don Patinkin’s interpretation of the Keynesian theory, p. 205
Mauro Boianovsky, Patinkin, the Cowles Commision, and the theory of unemployment and aggregate supply, p. 226
Frank Hahn, The dichotomy once again, p. 260
Pascal Bridel, Patinkin, Walras and the ‘money-in-the-utility-function’ tradition, p. 268
Michel De Vroey, Can slowly adjusting wages explain involuntary unemployment? A critical re-examination of Patinkin’s theory of involuntary unemployment, p. 293
Robert W. Dimand, Patinkin on Irving Fisher’s monetary economics, p. 308
Notes for contributors, p. 327
Aim and scope, p. 329
Announcement, p. 331
Timothy Davis, David Ricardo, financier and empirical economist, p. 1
R. D. Collison Black, The political economy of Thomas Edward Cliffe Leslie (1826-82): a re-assessment, p. 17
Daniele Besomi, Löwe’s and Hayek’s influence on Harrod’s trade cycle theory, p. 42
Mauro Boianovsky, Simonsen and the early history of the cash-in-advance approach, p. 57
Brian J. Loasby, Content and method: an epistemic perspective on some historical episodes, p. 72
David Laidler, Skidelsky’s Keynes: a review essay, p. 97
Donald Moggridge, ‘Rescuing Keynes from the economists’?: the Skidelsky trilogy, p. 111
Book reviews, p. 125
Fabio Petri, H. D. Kurz (ed.), Critical Essays on Piero Sraffa’s Legacy in Economics, p. 130
Notes for contributors, p. 150
Aims and scope, p. 152
Stefano Fiori, Visible and invisible order. The theoretical duality of Smith’s political economy, p. 429
Christian Gehrke, Heinz D. Kurz, Say and Ricardo on value and distribution, p. 449
Malcolm Sawyer, Kalecki on money and finance, p. 487
Stefan Baumgärtner, Heinrich von Stackelberg on joint production, p. 509
Hukukane Nikaido, Transition from the classical to the Keynesian Perspective, p. 526
Book reviews, p. 547
Notes for contributors, p. 567
Aims and scope, p. XXX
Editorial, p. 285
James M. Buchanan, Gérard Debreu, Lawrence R. Klein, Milton Friedman, Robert M. Solow, The most significant contributions to economics during the of the Nobel laureates, p. 289
Kenneth J. Arrow, The five most significant developments in economics of the twentieth century, p. 298
Paul A. Samuelson, On just how great ‘great books are’, p. 305
Herbert Simon, Pro- and anti-lists of the most significant contributions to economic literature of the twentieth century, p. 309
Erich W. Streissler, Rau, Hermann and Roscher: contributions of German economics around the middle of the nineteenth century, p. 311
Franck Jovanovich, Philippe Le Gall, Does God practice a random walk? The ‘financial physics’ of a nineteenth-century forerunner, Jules Regnault, p. 332
Giuseppe Freni, Sraffa’s early contribution to competitive price theory, p. 363
Nerio Naldi, Keynes on the nature of capital: a note on the origin of « The General Theory’s » chapter 16, p. 391
Book reviews, p. 402
Announcement, p. 424
Notes for contributors, p. 425
Aims and scope, p. 427
Editorial, p. 123
Lluís Argemí, Obituary: Ernest Lluch (1937-2000), p. 124
Ernest Lluch, López de Peñalver’s « Reflexiones » an economic and mathematical approach, p. 130
Richard van den Berg, Christophe Salvat, Scottish subtlety: André Morellet’s comments on the « Wealth of Nations », p. 146
Donald A. Walker, A factual account of the functioning of the nineteenth-century Paris Bourse, p. 186
Tiziano Raffaelli, Marshall on mind and society: neurophysiological models applied to industrial and business organization, p. 208
Rodolfo Signorino, An appraisal of Piero Sraffa’s ‘The Laws of Returns under Competitive Conditions’, p. 230
Book reviews, p. 251
Notes for contributors, p. 282
Aims and scope, p. 284
Lisa Hill, The hidden theology of Adam Smith, p. 1
Michel S. Zouboulakis, From Mill to Weber: the meaning of the concept of economic rationality, p. 30
Klaus Hamberger, Böhm-Bawerk, Jevons and the ‘Austrian’ theory of capital: ‘a quite different relation’, p. 42
Giovanni Cesaroni, The finance motive, the Keynesian theory of the rate of interest and the investment multiplier, p. 58
Matias Vernengo, Louis-Philippe Rochon, Kaldor and Robinson on money and growth, p. 75
Book reviews, p. 105
Announcements, p. 118
Notes for contributors, p. 119
Aims and scope, p. 121