The Journal of Interdisciplinary History DATINI

The Journal of Interdisciplinary History

Cambridge Ms, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. School of Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN: 0022-1953

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Straniere 0464
Consistenza: a. I, 1, 1970-a. 32, 4, 2002

– Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza, Riv. Straniere 0370 RUSPOL
Consistenza: a. I, 1, 1970-
Lacune: a. 38, 2-a. 38, 1; a. 36, 3/4;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 51, 2020, 3

Elizabeth Belanger, Mapping Working-Class Activism in Reconstruction St. Louis, p. 353
Katherine Anne Wilson, Commerce and Consumers: The Ubiquitous Chest of the Late Middle Ages, p. 377
Victoria Nagy, Homicide in Victoria: Female Perpetrators of Murder and Manslaughter, 1860 to 1920, p. 405

Review Essays, p. 429

a. 51, 2020, 2

Jeffrey S. Adler, Guns and Violence: Weapon Instrumentality in New Orleans Homicide, 1920-1945, p. 185
John Dinan, Jac C. Heckelman, Support for Progressive Reforms: Evidence from California’s 1911 Referenda, p. 209
Steven A. King, Peter Jones, Fragments of Fury? Lunacy, Agency, and Contestation in the Great Yarmouth Workhouse, 1890s-1900s, p. 235
Eduard J. Alvarez-Palau, Jordi Martí-Henneberg, Shaping the Common Ground: State-Building, the Railway Network, and Regional Development in Finland, p. 267

a. 51, 2020, 1

Cam Grey, Risk and Vulnerability on the Campanian Plain: The Vesuvius Eruption of A.D. 472, p. 1
William O’Reilly, James Boyd, Prospect Theory, Cascade Effects, and Migration: Analyzing Emigration « Fevers » in the Historical Atlantic World, p. 39
Simone Paci, Nicholas Sambanis, William C. Wohlforth, Status-Seeking and Nation-Building: The « Piedmont Principle » Revisited, p. 65
Martin Bruegel, Sébastien Lecocq, The First Systematic Survey of Restaurant Hygiene in Paris, 1908, p. 97

a. 50, 2019, 4

The Editors, Introduction: Fifty Years of Interdisciplinary History, 1970-2020, p. 493

E. Anthony Wrigley, The Interplay of Demographic, Economic, and Social History, p. 495
Myron P. Gutmann, Quantifying Interdisciplinary History: The Record of (Nearly) Fifty Years, p. 517
Anne E. C. McCants, Economic History and the Historians, p. 547
Peter Burke, Art and History, 1969-2019, p. 567

a. 50, 2019, 3

The Editors, Introduction: Fifty Years of Interdisciplinary History, 1970-2020, p. 323

George C. Alter, The Evolution of Models in Historical Demography, p. 325
Steven Ruggles, Diana L. Magnuson, The History of Quantification in History: The JIH as a Case Study, p. 363

Christian Topalov, Power and Charity in New York City during the Progressive Era: A Network Analysis, p. 383

Review Essay, p. 427

a. 50, 2019, 2

The Editors, Introduction: Fifty Years of Interdisciplinary History, 1970-2020, p. 169

Anne Hardy, The Under-Appreciated Rodent: Harbingers of Plague From the Middle Ages to the Twenty-First Century, p. 171
Peter A. Coclanis, Field Notes: Agricultural History’s New Plot, p. 187
Steven A. Epstein, Environmental History in the JIH, 1970-2020, p. 213

Lisbeth RodriguesDebt Litigation and the Performance of Law Courts in Eighteenth-Century Portugal, p. 237

a. 50, 2019, 1

The Editors, Introduction: Fifty Years of Interdisciplinary History 1970-2020, p. 1

Michael McCormick, Climates of History, Histories of Climate: From History to Archaeoscience, p. 3
Peter Temin, Words and Numbers: A New Approach to Writing Ancient History, p. 31
Philip Slavin, Death by the Lake: Mortality Crisis in Early Fourteenth-Century Central Asia, p. 59

Myles Lavan, Epistemic Uncertainty, Subjective Probability, and Ancient History, p. 91

a. 49, 2018, 4

Nicholas Radburn, David Eltis, Visualizing the Middle Passage: The Brooks and the Reality of Ship Crowding in the Transatlantic Slave Trade, p. 533
Michael W. Rota, Moral Psychology and Social Change: The Case of Abolition, p. 567
Yali Li, Gideon Shelach-Lavi, Ronnie Ellenblum, Short-Term Climatic Catastrophes and the Collapse of the Liao Dynasty (907-1125): Textual Evidence, p. 591
William Mulligan, Jack S. Levy, Rethinking Power Politics in an Interdependent World, 1871-1914, p. 611

Review Essay, p. 641

a. 49, 2018, 3

Samuel Mark, The Origin and Spread of Leprosy: Historical, Skeletal, and Molecular Data, p. 367
Benjamin Reilly, Cardinal Numbers: Changing Patterns of Malaria and Mortality in Rome, 494-1850, p. 397
Edward M. Schoolman, Scott Mensing, Gianluca Piovesan, Land Use and the Human Impact on the Environment in Medieval Italy, p. 419

Or Aleksandrowicz, Claudia Yamu, Akkelies van Nes, Spatio-Syntactical Analysis and Historical Spatial Potentials: The Case of Jaffa-Tel Aviv, p. 445

Review Essay, p. 473
Reviews, p. 483

a. 49, 2018, 2

Martin Dribe, J. David Hacker, Francesco Scalone, Becoming American: Intermarriage during the Great Migration to the United States, p. 189
Nadir Özbek, Tax Farming in the Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Empire: Institutional Backwardness or the Emergence of Modern Public Finance?, p. 219
Gregori Galofré-Vilà, José-Miguel Martínez-Carrión, Javier Puche, Height and Climate in Mediterranean Spain, 1850-1949, p. 247

Grazyna Liczbinska, Ewa Syska, Renata Koziarska-Kasperczyk, Anna Kledzik, Marital Fertility and the Family in Poland from the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twentieth Century, p. 279

Review Essay, p. 305
Reviews, p. 315

a. 49, 2018, 1

Jordi Martí-Henneberg and Daniel A. Tirado-Fabregat, Introduction: A New Look at the Origins of Economic Growth and Regional Inequality, p. 1
E. Anthony Wrigley, Reconsidering the Industrial Revolution: England and Wales, p. 9
Emanuele Felice, The Socio-Institutional Divide: Explaining Italy’s Long-Term Regional Differences, p. 43
Erik Buyst, The Causes of Growth during Belgium’s Industrial Revolution, p. 71
Alfonso Díez-Minguela, Julio Martinez-Galarraga, M. Teresa Sanchis-Llopis, Daniel A. Tirado-Fabregat, The Origins of Economic Growth and Regional Income Inequality in Latin Europe, 1870-1950, p. 93
Marc Badia-Miró, Esteban A. Nicolini, Henry Willebald, Growth and Regional Disparities in South America, 1890-1960, p. 117

Reviews, p. 141

a. 48, 2018, 4

Nicola Di Cosmo, Amy Hessl, Caroline Leland, Oyunsanaa Byambasuren, Hanqin Tian, Baatarbileg Nachin, Neil Pederson, Laia Andreu-Hayles, Edward R. Cook, Environmental Stress and Steppe Nomads: Rethinking the History of the Uyghur Empire (744-840) with Paleoclimate Data, p. 439
Joel Thurtell, Emily Klancher Merchant, Gender-Differentiated Tarascan Surnames in Michoacán, p. 465
Barbara Keys, The Telephone and Its Uses in 1980s U.S. Activism, p. 485

Vincent Geloso, Were Wages That Low? Real Wages in the Strasbourg Region Before 1775, p. 511
Joanna Dzionek-Kozlowska, Kamil Kowalski, Rafal Matera, The Effect of Geography and Institutions on Economic Development: The Case of Lodz, p. 523

Reviews, p. 539

a. 48, 2018, 3

The Editors, Introduction: The Quest for Interdisciplinary History, p. 293

Herbert S. Klein, The « Historical Turn » in the Social Sciences, p. 295
Jan de Vries, Changing the Narrative: The New History That Was and Is to Come, p. 313

Adam Izdebski, Marcin Jaworski, Handan Üstündag, Arkadiusz Soltysiak, Bread and Class in Medieval Society: Foodways in Anatolia, p. 335
Michael Bycroft, Style and Substance in Rococo Science, p. 359

Review Essay, p. 385
Reviews, p. 393

a. 48, 2017, 2

In Memoriam
Joyce Appleby (1929-2016), p. VI

Ruben Schalk, Patrick Wallis, Clare Crowston, Claire Lemercier, Failure or Flexibility? Apprenticeship Training in Premodern Europe, p. 131
Paul Atkinson, Ian N. Gregory, Child Welfare in Victorian Newspapers: Corpus-Based Discourse Analysis, p. 159
Alana Jayne Piper, Victoria Nagy, Versatile Offending: Criminal Careers of Female Prisoners in Australia, 1860-1920, p. 187

Review Essay, p. 211
Reviews, p. 241

a. 48, 2017, 1

Sangkuk Lee, Wonjae Lee, Strategizing Marriage: A Genealogical Analysis of Korean Marriage Networks, p. 1
Scott Alan Carson, Health on the Nineteenth-Century U.S. Great Plains: Opportunity or Displacement?, p. 21

Kate Smith, Leonie Hannan, Return and Repetition: Methods for Material Culture Studies, p. 43

Review Essays, p. 61
Reviews, p. 79

a. 47, 2017, 4

Enric Tello, José Luis Martínez, Gabriel Jover-Avellà, José Ramón Olarieta, Roberto García-Ruiz, Manuel González de Molina, Marc Badia-Miró, Verena Winiwarter, Nikola Koepke, The Onset of the English Agricultural Revolution: Climate Factors and Soil Nutrients, p. 445
Katie Jakobiec, The Architecture of Benefaction: The Last Will and Testament of a Grain Merchant, p. 475

Max Rånge, Mikael Sandberg, Political Institutions and Regimes since 1600: A New Historical Data Set, p. 495
Lisa A. Kirschenbaum, The Meaning of Resilience: Soviet Children in World War II, p. 521

a. 47, 2017, 3

Anne E. Bailey, Miracle Children: Medieval Hagiography and Childhood Imperfection, p. 267
Noël Bonneuil, Elena Fursa, Learning Hygiene: Mortality Patterns by Religion in the Don Army Territory (Southern Russia), 1867-1916, p. 287
Gabriele Cappelli, The Missing Link? Trust, Cooperative Norms, and Industrial Growth in Italy, p. 333
Michal Kopczynski, Lukasz Sobechowicz, The Impact of Urbanization on Stature and bmi in Poland, p. 359

Comment and Controversy, p. 381
Reviews, p. 397

a. 47, 2017, 2

Daniel R. Curtis, Was Plague an Exclusively Urban Phenomenon? Plague Mortality in the Seventeenth-Century Low Countries, p. 139
Bas van Leeuwen, Peter Földvári, Economic Mobility in a Colonial and Postcolonial Economy: Indonesia, p. 171

Johan Fourie, The Data Revolution in African Economic History, p. 193

Review Essay, p. 213
Reviews, p. 223

a. 47, 2017, 1

Research Note Faisal H. Husain, Changes in the Euphrates River: Ecology and Politics in a Rural Ottoman Periphery, 1687-1702, p. 1
Sandro Guzzi-Heeb, Kinship Transition and Political Polarization: The Spread of Radicalism in the Swiss Alps, p. 27
Thomas J. Kehoe, E. James Kehoe, Crimes Committed by U.S. Soldiers in Europe, 1945-1946, p. 53

Review Essay, p. 85 Reviews, p. 93

a. 46, 2016, 4

Igor Fedyukin, Salavat Gabdrakhmanov, Cultural Capital and Education in St. Petersburg: The Noble Cadet Corps, 1732-1762, p. 485
Wayne Geerling, Gary B. Magee, Russell Smyth, Sentencing, Judicial Discretion, and Political Prisoners in Pre-War Nazi Germany, p. 517

Review Essay, p. 543
Comment and Controversy, p. 563
Reviews, p. 585

a. 46, 2016, 3

B. Zorina Khan, The Impact of War on Resource Allocation: « Creative Destruction, » Patenting, and the American Civil War, p. 315
Geoff Cunfer, Fridolin Krausmann, Adaptation on an Agricultural Frontier: Socio-Ecological Profiles of Great Plains Settlement, 1870-1940, p. 355
Stijn Ronsse, Glenn Rayp, What Determined the Location of Industry in Belgium, 1896-1961?, p. 393

Review Essay, p. 421

a. 46, 2015, 2

Luciano Allegra, Becoming Poor in Eighteenth-Century Turin, p. 153
Cheryl Elman, Andrew S. London, Robert A. McGuire, Fertility, Economic Development, and Health in the Early Twentieth-Century U.S. South, p. 185
Robert Urbatsch, The American Public’s Attention to Politics in Conflict and Crisis, 1880-1963, p. 225

Xavier Rubio-Campillo, Pau Valdés Matías, Eduard Ble, Centurions in the Roman Legion: Computer Simulation and Complex Systems, p. 224

Reviews, p. 265

a. 46, 2015, 1

Timothy P. Newfield, Human-Bovine Plagues in the Early Middle Ages, p. 1
Hui-wen Koo, Weather, Harvests, and Taxes: A Chinese Revolt in Colonial Taiwan, p. 39
Tinni Sen, Turk McCleskey, Atin Basuchoudhary, When Good Little Debts Went Bad: Civil Litigation on the Virginia Frontier, 1745-1755, p. 60

Joseph Margulies, Moral Legitimacy, Creedal Narratives, and National Identity, p. 90

Reviews, p. 105

a. 45, 2015, 4

In Memoriam
Richard H. Ullman 1934-2014, p. VI

Dagomar Degroot, Testing the Limits of Climate History: The Quest for a Northeast Passage during the Little Ice Age, 1594-1597, p. 459
Elise Dermineur, Trust, Norms of Cooperation, and the Rural Credit Market in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 485
Emanuele Felice, Giovanni Vecchi, Italy’s Growth and Decline, 1861-2011, p. 507

Civilization, Climate, and Malthus: The Rough Course of Global Historyle Harper, p. 549

Reviews, p. 567

a. 45, 2015, 3


Mari-Tere Álvarez, Charlene Villaseñor Black, Introduction: Art and Trade in the Age of Global Encounters, 1492-1800, p. 267
Paula De Vos, Apothecaries, Artists, and Artisans: Early Industrial Material Culture in the Biological Old Regime, p. 277
Barbara C. Anderson, Evidence of Cochineal’s Use in Painting, p. 337
Rocío Bruquetas, The Search for the Perfect Color: Pigments, Tints, and Binders in the Scientific Expeditions to the Americas, p. 367
Gabriela A. Siracusano, Mary’s Green Brilliance: The Case of the Virgin of Copacabana, p. 389

Theodore K. Rabb, Sugar and Art: Evidence and Method in the History of Material Goods, p. 407

Reviews, p. 413

a. 45, 2014, 2

John Haldon, Neil Roberts, Adam Izdebski, Dominik Fleitmann, Michael McCormick, Marica Cassis,Owen Doonan, Warren Eastwood, Hugh Elton, Sabine Ladstätter, Sturt Manning, James Newhard,Kathleen Nicoll, Ioannes Telelis, Elena Xoplaki, The Climate and Environment of Byzantine Anatolia: Integrating Science, History, and Archaeology, p. 113
Amos Megged, Between History, Memory, and Law: Courtroom Methods in Mexico, p. 163

Michael Paul Martoccio, Ideal Types and Negotiated Identities: A Comparative Approach to the City-State, p. 187
Reed Ueda, The Ebb and Flow of the Foreign-Born: Changing Conditions for Collective Identities, p. 201
Robert I. Rotberg, The Algorithms of Fame, p. 209

Reviews, p. 219

a. 45, 2014, 1

Marnix Croes, Holocaust Survival Differentials in the Netherlands, 1942-1945: The Role of Wealth and Nationality, p. 1

Olivier Hekster, Erika Manders, Daniëlle Slootjes, Making History with Coins: Nero from a Numismatic Perspective, p. 25

Robert I. Rotberg, Well-Being and Growth: A Diachronic Discourse, p. 39
Jonathan Rabb, A Fight for Love and Glory: The Moguls of Hollywood and the Third Reich, p. 47

Morgan Kelly, Cormac Ó Gráda, Debating the Little Ice Age, p. 57

Reviews, p. 69

a. 44, 2014, 4

Martin Bruegel, Jean-Michel Chevet, Sébastien Lecocq, Animal Protein and Rational Choice: Diet in the Eighteenth Century, p. 427
Zef Segal, Communication and State Construction: The Postal Service in German States, 1815-1866, p. 453
Trent MacNamara, Why « Race Suicide »? Cultural Factors in U.S. Fertility Decline, 1903-1908, p. 475
Enriqueta Camps, Stanley L. Engerman, World Population Growth: The Force of Recent Historical Trends, p. 509

Reviews, p. 527

a. 44, 2014, 3

The Editors, Introduction, p. 299

Morgan Kelly, Cormac Ó Gráda, The Waning of the Little Ice Age: Climate Change in Early Modern Europe, p. 301

Sam White, The Real Little Ice Age, p. 327
Ulf Büntgen, Lena Hellmann, The Little Ice Age in Scientific Perspective: Cold Spells and Caveats, p. 353

Jan de Vries, The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century: The Little Ice Age and the Mystery of the « Great Divergence », p. 369
Reviews, p. 223

a. 44, 2013, 2

Francisco Apellániz, Venetian Trading Networks in the Medieval Mediterranean, p. 157
John E. Murray, Werner Troesken, The African-American Labor Supply after Reconstruction: AddedWorker Effects in Urban Families, p. 181
Wayne Geerling, Gary B. Magee, Robert Brooks, Faces of Opposition: Juvenile Resistance, High Treason, and the People’s Court in Nazi Germany, p. 209

Lauren Derby, Sorcery in the Black Atlantic: The Occult Arts in Comparative Perspective, p. 235

Robert B. Ekelund, Jr., Robert D. Tollison, On « Translating » History: A Rejoinder to Ramsay MacMullen, p. 245

Reviews, p. 376

a. 44, 2013, 1

Nathan Pilkington, Growing Up Roman: Infant Mortality and Reproductive Development, p. 1
Sharon DeWitte, Philip Slavin, Between Famine and Death: England on the Eve of the Black Death-Evidence from Paleoepidemiology and Manorial Accounts, p. 37
Ruth Wallis Herndon, Amilcar E. Challú, Mapping the Boston Poor: Inmates of the Boston Almshouse, 1795-1801, p. 61
Ivan Paris, White Goods in Italy during a Golden Age (1948-1973), p. 83

Reviews, p. 111

a. 43, 2013, 4

Donatella Strangio, Public Debt in the Papal States, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Century, p. 511
David Beck Ryden, « One of the Finest and Most Fruitful Spots in America »: An Analysis of Eighteenth-Century Carriacou, p. 539
Seven Agir, The Evolution of Grain Policy: The Ottoman Experience, p. 571

Review Essay, p. 599

a. 43, 2013, 3

Metin M. Cosgel, Bogaç Ergene, Haggay Etkes, Thomas J. Miceli, Crime and Punishment in Ottoman Times: Corruption and Fines, p. 353
Russell R. Menard, Making a « Popular Slave Society » in Colonial British America, p. 377
Tracy Dennison, Steven Nafziger, Living Standards in Nineteenth-Century Russia, p. 397

Randolph Roth, Scientific History and Experimental History, p. 443

a. 43, 2012, 2

Michael McCormick, Ulf Büntgen, Mark A. Cane, Edward R. Cook, Kyle Harper, Peter Huybers, Thomas Litt, Sturt W. Manning, Paul Andrew Mayewski, Alexander F. M. More, Kurt Nicolussi, Willy Tegel, Climate Change during and after the Roman Empire: Reconstructing the Past from Scientific and Historical Evidence, p. 169
Joyce Macadam, English Weather: The Seventeenth-Century Diary of Ralph Josselin, p. 221
Gidon Cohen, Lewis Mates, Andrew Flinn, Capture-Recapture Methods and Party Activism in Britain, p. 247

örjan Kardell, Cows and Forests: Swedish Environmental History, p. 275
Ramsay MacMullen, The Translation of History into Economics, p. 289

a. 43, 2012, 1

Peter Tammes, « Hack, Pack, Sack »: Occupational Structure, Status, and Mobility of Jews in Amsterdam 1851-1941, p. 1
Benigno E. Aguirre, Better Disaster Statistics: The Lisbon Earthquake, p. 27

Jeffrey S. Adler, Cognitive Bias: Interracial Homicide in New Orleans, 1921-1945, p. 43

Michael A. Flannery, Planetary History, Wallace, and Natural Selection, p. 63

a. 42, 2012, 4


George C. Alter, Myron P. Gutmann, Susan Hautaniemi Leonard, Emily R. Merchant, Introduction: Longitudinal Analysis of Historical-Demographic Data, p. 503
Nora Bohnert, Hilde Leikny Jåstad, Jessica Vechbanyongratana, Evelien Walhout, Offspring Sex Preference in Frontier America, p. 519
Julia A. Jennings, Allison R. Sullivan, J. David Hacker, Intergenerational Transmission of Reproductive Behavior during the Demographic Transition, p. 543
Rebecca Kippen, Sarah Walters, Is Sibling Rivalry Fatal? Siblings and Mortality Clustering, p. 571
Mathew Creighton, Christa Matthys, Luciana Quaranta, Migrants and the Diffusion of Low Marital Fertility in Belgium, p. 593
Rosella Rettaroli, Francesco Scalone, Reproductive Behavior during the Pre-Transitional Period: Evidence from Rural Bologna, p. 615
Bárbara A. Revuelta Eugercios, Releasing Mother’s Burdens: Child Abandonment and Retrieval in Madrid, 1890-1935, p. 645

Index, p. 673

a. 42, 2012, 3

Clé Lesger, Marco H. D. Van Leeuwen, Residential Segregation from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century: Evidence from the Netherlands, p. 333
Scott Alan Carson, The Body Mass Index of Blacks and Whites in the United States during the Nineteenth Century, p. 371
Bruce G. Carruthers, Timothy W. Guinnane, Yoonseok Lee, Bringing « Honest Capital » to Poor Borrowers: The Passage of the U.S. Uniform Small Loan Law, 1907-1930, p. 393

Robert I. Rotberg, Charisma, Leadership, and Historiography, p. 419
Charles W. J. Withers, Art, Science, Cartography, and the Eye of the Beholder, p. 429

Reviews, p. 439

a. 42, 2011, 2

Johan Poukens, Nele Provoost, Respectability, Middle-Class Material Culture, and Economic Crisis: The Case of Lier in Brabant, 1690-1770, p. 159
Hui-wen Koo, Deer Hunting and Preserving the Commons in Dutch Colonial Taiwan, p. 185
Nicolas Rasmussen, Medical Science and the Military: The Allies’ Use of Amphetamine during World War II, p. 205

Daniëlle Slootjes, Local Elites and Power in the Roman World: Modern Theories and Models, p. 235
Michael McCormick, History’s Changing Climate: Climate Science, Genomics, and the Emerging Consilient Approach to Interdisciplinary History, p. 251

Reviews, p. 275

a. 42, 2011, 1


Jordi Marti-Henneberg, Geographical Information Systems and the Study of History, p. 1
Laia Mojica, Jordi Marti-Henneberg, Railways and Population Distribution: France, Spain, and Portugal, 1870-2000, p. 5
Luis Espinha da Silveira, Daniel Alves, Nuno Miguel Lima, Ana Alcantara, Josep Puig, Population and Railways in Portugal, 1801-1930, p. 29
Robert Schwartz, Ian Gregory, Thomas Thevenin, Spatial History: Railways, Uneven Development, and Population Change in France and Great Britain, 1850-1914, p. 53
Ossi Kotavaara, Harri Antikainen, Jarmo Rusanen, Urbanization and Transportation in Finland, 1880-1970, p. 89
Kaloyan Stanev, Jordi Marti-Henneberg, Martin Ivanov, Regional Transformations of a State under Construction: Bulgaria, 1878-2002, p. 111
Sedef Akgungor, Ceyhan Aldemir, Yesim Kustepeli, Yaprak Gulcan, Vahap Tecim, The Effect of Railway Expansion on Population in Turkey, 1856-2000, p. 135

a. 41, 2011, 4

Bas J. P. van Bavel, Markets for Land, Labor, and Capital in Northern Italy and the Low Countries, Twelfth to Seventeenth Centuries, p. 503
William Monter, Gendered Sovereignty: Numismatics and Female Monarchs in Europe, 1300-1800, p. 533
Gervase Phillips, Military Morality Transformed: Weapons and Soldiers on the Nineteenth-Century Battlefield, p. 565

Johann N. Neem, Taking Modernity’s Wager: Tocqueville, Social Capital, and the American Civil War, p. 591

Reviews, p. 619

a. 41, 2011, 3

Morgan Kelly, Cormac Ó Gráda, The Poor Law of Old England: Institutional Innovation and Demographic Regimes, p. 339
Christopher A. Casey, Common Misperceptions: The Press and Victorian Views of Crime, p. 367
Robert E. Mitchell, Antebellum Farm-Settlement Patterns: A Three-Level Approach to Assessing the Effects of Soils, p. 393

Tim Harris, The Ends of Life and the Rise of Modernity, p. 421

Reviews, p. 435