JOUHS Journal of the Oxford University History Society ELETTRONICHE

JOUHS Journal of the Oxford University History Society

Oxford University History Society
ISSN: 1742-917X

Rivista on line all’indirizzo web:

consistenza fascicoli digitali: 1 [2004]-
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2012 ] [ 2010-2004 ]


(Special Issue – Colloquium 2009) Hilary-Trinity 2010

Stephen Hague (Linacre College, University of Oxford):
– List of contributors
– Programme of the Colloquium 2009 ‘Odd Alliances in History’
– Report of the Proceedings


Panel 1 : Religion
Katherine Sykes (Harris Manchester, University of Oxford), Male and Female, Clerk and Lay: Odd Alliances in the Order of Sempringham during the Late Middle Ages
Sveinbjorn Thordarson (University of Iceland/University of Edinburgh) The Alliance of Christianity and Mechanistic Philosophy in 17th-century England
Philip Lockley (New College, University of Oxford), Religious Millenarians and Secular Radicals: An Alliance for a New World in early 1830s England

Panel 2: Politics, Diplomacy and War
Christopher Lillington-Martin (University of Exeter), Procopius, Belisarius and the Goths
Professor Fernando Dore Costa (Instituto Superior de Ciencias do Trabalho eda Empresa, Lisbon), An Odd Alliance: William Beresford and Don João, Prince and King of Portugal
The Odd at Odds: British Spies and US Attorneys versus a Conspiracy of German Junkers, Indian Revolutionaries, and Irish Republicans during WWI by Matthew E. Plowman (Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa)
Lasse Heerten (University of Oxford/Freie Universität Berlin), The Cross-Party Network against the Wilson Government’s Support of the Federal Military Regime in the Nigerian Civil War

Panel 3 : Empire and Social Policies
Tyler Griffith (University of Aberdeen), The Alliance of ‘Fanaticism’ and ‘Avarice’ in Descriptionsof the New World during the 18th Century
Bronwen Everill (King’s College, London), Those that are well off do have the natives as Slaves’: Humanitarian Compromises with Slavery in Sierra Leone and Liberia, 1825-1848
Chris Sladen (Christ Church, University of Oxford), Jingoists and Quakers: Supporters of an Oxfordshire ‘Colony’

The JOUHS Interview:
History teaching in conflict and post-conflict areas ‘Sometimes, textbooks need to be locked in the cupboard’

Book Reviews

Jose Luis Caño, Dowry and Marriage in the City of Guanajuato, Mexico during the Colonial Period
Robert Nelson, Liberty by Trial: John Stuart Mill, the American Civil War and the Ethics of Foreign Intervention
Stuart M. McManus, Byzantines in the Florentine polis: Ideology, Statecraft and Ritual during the Council of Florence
Rakesh Ankit, The Cold War and its Impact on the Evolution of the Kashmir Crisis, 1947-48
Benjamin Weber, Emancipation in the West Indies and the Freedom to toil: Manual Labor and Moral Redemption in Transatlantic Antislavery Discourse
Essay Laura M. Carlson, Dangerous Acquisitions? An Examination of History’s Appropriation and Utilization of Ritual Theory

OUHS Activities
The JOUHS Interview
Book Reviews

Alastair Logan (University of Exeter), « When and by whom was the Basilica Apostolorum built? »
Carla M. Heelan (University of Cambridge), « The role of Frankish and Papal missi in diplomatic exchanges in the eighth century »
Joan Fagan (Providence College), « Kinsey, controversy and college: A look at the covert revolution of attitudes towards sex in 1950s America »



Clemena Antonova (Somerville College, Oxford), « The Hegelian Trichotomy Underlying Panofsky’s Perspective as a Symbolic Form »

Book Reviews

List of Contributors

Barbara Bader, Books as Collections: Dieter Roth’s Artists’ Books as Case in Point
William Partlett, The Cultural Revolution in the Village School: S. T. Shatskii’s Kaluga School Complex, 1919-1932
Youngkwon Chung, Growth, Consolidation and Revolution: Assessing the Various Views on the Rise of Protestantism in Scotland prior to 1560
Rachel Eden Black, Feeding the City: Social Welfare, Food Supply and Urban Markets in Lyon, France
Anne Müller, Institutionalisation and Vita Religiosa. New Approaches towards the History of the Medieval Religious Orders

Book Reviews

List of Contributors

Kristina Van Prooyen, The Realm of the Spirit: Caspar David Friedrich’s artwork in the context of romantic theology, with special reference to Friedrich Schleiermacher
Yukiko Sumi Barnet, India in Asia: Ôkawa Shûmei’s Pan-Asian Thought and His Idea of India in Early Twentieth-Century Japan
Timothy Wilson, Ritual and Violence in Upper Silesia and Ulster, 1920
Sonja Kmec, Royalist Noblewomen and Family Fortunes during the Civil War and Commonwealth: the Survival Strategies of the Countess of Derby
Dolores Wilson, Anglo-Norman Forest

Book Reviews

List of Contributors

John Maguire, Internment, the IRA and the Lawless Case in Ireland: 1957-61
Stephen Miller, Economic Growth in Eighteenth Century France: A Review of the Evidence with Regard to Languedoc
Sumita Mukherjee, ‘Narrow-majority’ and ‘Bow-and-agree’: Public Attitudes towards the Elections of the First Asian MPs in Britain, Dadabhai Naoroji and Mancherjee Merwanjee Bhownaggree, 1885-1906
Claire Paolacci, Serge Lifar and the Paris Opera during World War II
Christopher Sladen, The unremarked disappearance of Dispensary Road

Nadia Pollini, Michael Burtscher, Interview with Dr Maria João Branco, Fellow in Medieval History at the Open University in Lisbon and Visiting Research Fellow at St John’s College, Oxford, from 2001 to 2003

Book Reviews