The Journal of European Economic History DATINI

The Journal of European Economic History

Roma, Unicredit group
ISSN: 0391-5115
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 5
Consistenza: a. 7, 1978, 2/3 –
Lacune: a. 21, 1992, 1; a. 21, 1992, 2; a. 23, 1994, 2- a. 23, 1994, 3; a. 24, 1995, 2 – a. 25, 1996, 3; a. 26, 1997, 3-v. 28, 1999, 3;

Conservata in: Prato, Istituto culturale e di documentazione Lazzerini – Fondo Melis
Consistenza: a. 1, 1972, 1-7, 1978, 1

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Coll.:RIV IT 0861
Consistenza: 1(1972);5(1976) -6(1977);9(1980) –
Lacune: a. 28, 1999, 3; a. 33, 2004, 3; a. 34, 2005, 1; a. 34, 2005, 3; a. 35, 2006, 1;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1972 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 39, 2010, 3

Manos Perakis, An Eastern Mediterranean economy under transformation. Crete in the late Ottoman era (1840-98), p. 483
Harm G. Schröter, Losers inpower-plays? Smail states and international cartelization (1919-1939), p. 527
Zdenka Johnson, Klara Fabiankova, Czechoslovakia and West Germany. A convenient trade partnership? A Czechoslovak point of view, p. 557

Donatella Strangio, Italian colonies and enterprises in Eritrea (XIX-XX centuries), p. 599

Gaetano Sabatini, The Vaaz: the rise and fall of a family of Portuguese bankers in Spanish Naples, p. 627

In memoriam, p. 663
Reviews of Books, p. 667
Books Received, p. 691
Journals Received, p. 693
Index, 697

v. 39, 2010, 2

Paolo Savona, Luigi Einaudi: fifthy years after bis death, p. 191

John Oldland, The variely and quality of English woollen cloth exponed in the Late Middie Ages, p. 211
Tamas Vonyó, Socialist Industrialisation or Post-War Reconstruction? Understanding Hungarian Economic Growth, 1949-1967, p. 253
Silvana Cassar, Salvo Creaco, The role of the « Cassa per il Mezzogiorno » in water-resources development, p. 301

Chiara Dalle Nogare, Matilde Vassaffi, Pressure on the Bank of Italy n the pre-EMU era (1984-1998), p. 371

Stefano Baietti, Giovanni Farese, Sergio Paronetto and the Italian economy between the industrial reconstruction of the 1930s and the reconstruction, p. 411

In memoriam, p. 428
Reviews of Books, p. 433
Books Received, p. 459
Journals Received, p. 461

v. 39, 2010, 1

Donald J. Harreld, Foreign Merchants and International Trade Networks in the Sixteenth-Century Low Countries, p. 11
Erik Lindberg, Merchant Guilds in Hamburg and Kònigsberg: a Comparative Study of Urban Institutions and Economic Development in the Early-Modern Period, p. 33
Despina Viami, Coiporate Identity and Entrepreneunial Initiative: the Levant Company in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, p. 67

Donald C. Wellington, The Pre-eminent Cause of the American Revolution, p. 103

Eduardo Cuenca Garda, Margarita Navarro Pabsdorf, Economic,Political and Social Implications of Integration Processes: the Spanish Case, p. 109

Reviews of Books, p. 137
Books Received, p. 167
Journals Received, p. 169

v. 38, 2009, 3


J. A. M. Royo, Municipal Finances in the Kingdom of Aragon in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, p. 449
P. Hedberg, Bilateralism and Barganing Power. Belligerent Germany and the small Country of Sweden during the 1930,s, p. 493
F. J. Fuentes García, S. M. Sánchez Cañizares, T. Romero Atela, The Olive Oil Industry in Spain in the Nineteenth Century: Córdoba and the Alvear Mill, p. 527

P. I. Prodromidis, Economic Environment, Policies and Inflation in the Roman Empire up to Diocletian’s price Edict, p. 567

Reviews of Books, p. 609
Books Received, p. 625
Journals Received, p. 627

v. 38, 2009, 2


L. F. Costa, State Monopoly or Corporate Business: Warfare in Early-Modern Europe, p. 219
J. Baten, G. Fertig, Did the Railway Increase Inequality? A Micro-Regional Analysis of Heights in the Hinterland of the Booming Ruhr Area during the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 263
S. Pajung, Trading Networks and Peasant Consumption in late Medieval and Early-Modern Eastern Denmark, p. 301

L. de Courten, The Chinese enigma in Politics and in the Economy: Italy in the Far East 1900-1947, p. 341

H. Braun, Lighter-than-air vs. Heavier-than-air. How can Network Effects Explain the Failure of Aiship-Technology, p. 369

Reviews of Books, p. 401
Books Received, p. 425
Journals Received, p. 427

v. 38, 2009, 1


D. Khoudour-Castéras, Labour Immobility and Exchange-Rate Regimes An Alternative Explanation for the Fall of the Interwar Gold Exchange Standard, p. 13
J. Goodare, A Balance Sheet for James VI of Scotland, p. 49
A. Di Vittorio, Commercial Transactions Leases and Partnerships for Vessels. The South Adriatic Area at the Beginning of the XIX Century, p. 93

G. Booth, Foreign-Exchange Profits in Two Early Renaissance Money Markets, p. 123

M. Carboni, Public Debt, Guarantees and Local Elites in the Papal States (XVI-XVIII Centuries), p. 149

Reviews of Books, p. 177
Books Received, p. 199
Journals Received, p. 201

v. 37, 2008, 2-3

H. Pohl, Savings BanKs and Credit Cooperatives in Germany: Competitors in the Same Markets for 150 Yeam?, p. 317

O.H. Grytten, Why was the Great Depression not so Great in the Nordic Countries? Economic Policy and Unemployment, p. 369
R. Studer, « When Did the Swiss Get so Rich? « Comparing Living Standards in Switzerland and Europe, 1800-1913, p. 405

D. Sella, Peasant Strategies for Sumivai in Northern Italy. XVI-XVII Centuries, p. 455

A.M. Cossiga, Immigrants or Planters? The Social-Cultural Matrix of the US Economic Performance, p. 473

F. Spinelli, C. Trecroci, The Lira’s Purchasing Power from Italy’s Unficationto the Single European Currency, p. 497

Reviews of Books, p. 525
Books Received, p. 557
Journals Received, p. 559

v. 37, 2008, 1

Paolo Savona, Preface, p. III
Michele Barbato, Introduction, p. V

Foreword by Luigi De Rosa

I. Reconstruction, p. 17
II. The Lira within the International Monetary System, p. 39
III. International influences on Italian Economic Development, p. 53
IV. The Agricoltura1 Revolution (1943-79), p. 65
V. Policy for the South, p. 84
VI. Sunset of « Economic Miracle », p. 102
VII. Strengths and Weaknesses in Industrial Development between 1945 and 1979, p. 118
VIII. The Energy Revolution, p. 127
IX. The Revolution in Steel, p. 139
X. The Revolution in the Mechanical Engineering Industry, p. 147
XI. The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, p. 164
XII. The Expansion of the Texile and Clothing Industries, p. 174
XIII. The Modernization of Food Processing, p . 185
XIV. Leisure-time Activity and Industry, p. 197
XV. The Modernization of Infrastrutture, p. 212
XVI. Crisis in the public Finances, p. 235
XVII. Stagnation and Restructuring, p. 253
XVIII. The Transformation of the Financial Markets, p. 271
XIX. The Tax Burden and Economic Crisis, p. 287

copertina della rivista

v. 36, 2007, 2-3

Paolo Savona, Preface, p. 207
Gaetano Sabatini, Introduction, p. 209
An Unpublished Essay of Luigi De Rosa
The Consequences of the Crisis oh 1929 on the Italian Banking System, p. 225


1. Banking History, Public Finance and Money
The Policies of Central Banks in Historical Perspective: an International Comparison, p. 253
The Beginnings of Paper Money Circulation: the Neapolitan Public Banks (1540-1650), p. 261
Immobility and Change in Public Finance in the Kingdom of Naples (1649-1806), p. 283
State Intervention and Italian Savings Banks, p. 299

2. Business History, History of Commerce and Economic Development
Urbanization and Industrialization in Italy (1861-1921), p. 321
Italy’s Second Industrial Revolution, p. 339
Mediterranean Ports and Trade in the XVth and XVIth Centuries, p. 351
Silk and the European Economy, p. 367

3. History of Italian Emigration
Italian Emigration to Argentina and Immigrant Remittances (1850-1908), p. 383
South Italy’s Place in the Atlantic Labour Markets (1860-1907), p. 393
Italian Emigration in the Post-Unification Period (1861-1971), p. 407

4. History of South Italy
Property Rights, Institutional Change and Economic Growth in Southern Italy in the XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries, p. 431
The Balkan Minorities (Slavs and Albanians) in South Italy, p. 445
The Economy in Italy and Southern Italy towards the End of the XXth Century, p. 457

5. Economic Historiografy and History of Economic Thought
Economic History’s Adventure in Italy, p. 487
Pietro Giannone and the Economic Issues of his Lifetime, p. 513
Sismondi, a Development Theorist, p. 529
Bresciani Turroni and the Devaluation of the German Mark, p. 545

Giovanni Farese, The Bibliography of Luigi De Rosa (1945-2005), p. 555

v. 36, 2007, 1

O. Boehme, Monetary Affairs in the Heart of Africa. The National Bank of Belgium and Finance in Congo, 1945-1974, p. 13
J. Wagner, C. McDaniel, D. Loschky, Real Income and Mortality in a Household Production Model: English Mortality from 1541 to 1871, p. 47

V. Barnett, Popular Nouelists and the British Film Industy, 1927-1932, p. 73
J. Kalik, etween tbe Census and the Poll-Tax: the Jewish Population of Crown Poland during the XVIII Century, p. 101

P. Malanima, Wages, Productivity and Working Time in Italy, 1270-1913, p. 127, p. 127

Reviews of books, p. 431
Books received, p. 447

v. 35, 2006, 3

F. Mondello, The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Signing of the Treaty of Rome, p. 531

B. Dedinger Trade, History and Geography. The Geographical Structure of Trade in Germany since the Late XIXth Century, p. 551
W. Snyder, Occupational Evolution in XVIIIth and XIXth-Century France, p. 585

H. Akitomi, The British Trade Policy Plan During the First World War: a Modified « Imperialism of free trade? », p.627

F. C. Casula, Giuseppe Garibaldi: a Sardinian in the Italian Risorgimento, p. 647

C. Lapavitsas, Industrial Development and Social Trasformation in Ottoman Macedonia, p. 661

Reviews of Books, p. 713
Books Received, p. 737
Journals Received, p. 739
Index to volume 35, p. 743
List of Contributors, p. 747

v. 35, 2006, 2

G. Di Taranto, Italy and the International Monetary Fund. From Multiple Exchange-Rate System to Convertibility, p. 263

F. Buelens, H. Willems The Second Wolrld War and the Belgian Stock Exchanges, p. 315
B. A’Hearn, Remapping Italy’s Path to the XIXth Century: Anthropometric Signposts, p. 349

K. Storchmann, Asymmetric Information and Markets in Transition: Vineyard Auctions in the Mosel Valley after the French Revolution, p. 395

H. Ortner, The Origin of the « Knowledge Economy », p.427
E. Paulet, The Péreires Brothers: Bankers or Speculators? An Interpretation through Agency Theory Paradigm, p. 463

Reviews of Books, p. 497
Books Received, p. 517
Journals Received, p. 519

v. 35, 2006, 1

J. C. Martinez Oliva, The Stabilization of the Italian Lira and the « quota novanta », p. 11

Peter Mathias, Economic History: Stili Living with the Neighbours, p. 39
R. A. Houston, Property Values in Scotland, 1650-1850, p. 55
H. Hemetsberger-Koller, E. Kolm, Globalization and International Taxation in the XIXth Centuty: Double Taxation Agreements with Special Reference to the « State of the Fund » Principle, p. 85

J. Armstrong, D. M. Williams, Steam Shipping and the Beginnings of Overseas tourism: British Travel to North-Western Europe, 1820-1850, p. 125
F. Witlox, The Iron Rhine Railway Link: a Chronicle of Dutch Flemish Geopolitics Based on Contextual History, p. 149
D. W. Jones, The Workings and Measurement of Pre-Industrial ‘Organic’ Economies: Conjectures on English Agrarian Growth, 1660-1820, p. 177

Reviews of books, p. 221 Books received, p. 249

v. 34, 2005, 3

Paolo Savona, On the Definition of Political Economy and on the Method of Investigation Proper to It: Reflections on the Bicentennial of the Birth of John Stuart Mill, p. 573

F. Spooner, From Hoards to Safe Havens: Some Transfers Abroad in the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries, p. 601
D. S. Jacks, Immigrant Stocks and Trade Flows,1870-1913, p. 625

Silvana Cassar, Salvo Creaco, Water Resource Planning: the Italian Experience, p. 653
A. L. Paolilli, Development and Crisis in the Late Middle Ages: the Role of Trade, p. 687

R. Torres Sánchez, The Failure of the Spanish Crown’s Fiscal Monopoly Over Tobacco in Catatonia during the XVIIIth Century, p. 721

Reviews of Books, p. 763
Books Received, p. 791

v. 34, 2005, 2

P. Scott, Public-Sector Investment and Britain’s Post-War Economic Performance: a Case Study for Roads Policy, p. 391
E. Garcia Cuenca, Exchange-Rate Policies and the European Monetary Union: Past, Present and Future, p. 419
D. Celetti, The Arsenal of Venice and the Organisation of Domestic Hemp Growing in the Sixteenth and Seventtenth Centuries, p. 447

Jerònia Pons Pons, Large American Corporations in the Spanish Life Insurance Market (1880-1922), p. 467
A.P. Jacbos, D’Esposito F., Migratory Movements between Spain and the New World and the Leyes Nuevas: Passengers in both Directions in 1543-1544, p. 483

Y. Segers, Economic Growth and Living Standards. Private Consumer Expenditure and Food Consumption in Nineteenth Century Belgium, p. 513

Reviews of Books, p. 541
Books Received, p. 559

v. 34, 2005, 1

J. Mooij, Corporate Culture of Central Banks: Lessons from the Past, p. 11
S. Ciriacono, Migration, Minorities and Technology Transfer in Early Modern Europe, p. 43
C. Hsu, Implication of a Higher Euro: Trends, Benefits and Drawbacks, p. 65
G. P. Caselli, G. Thoma, The Albanian Economy During World War 11 and the First Attempt at Planning, p. 93
T. Nonnenmacher, S. Onyeiwu, Illusion of a Cotton Paradise: Explaining the Failure of the British Cotton growing Association in Colonial Nigeria, p. 121

M. A. Denzel, H. J. Gerhard, Global and Local Aspects of Pre-Industrial Inflations: New Research on Inflationary Processes in XVIIIth-Century Central Europe, p. 149
G. Kostelenos, D. Vasiliou, The Evolution of Tertiary Production in Pre-World War II Greece: 1833-1939, p. 187
Ruth Pike, Partnership Companies in Sixteenth-Century Transatlantic Trade: the De la Fuente Family of Seville, p. 215
Basil C. Gounaris, Peasants, Brigands, and Navvies: Railway Dreams and Realities in the Ottoman Balkans, p. 245
E. S. Tan, Origins and Evolution of the Medieval Church’s Usury Laws: Economic Self-Interest or Systematic Theology?, p. 263
C. A. Conrad, Taking Stock: The History of European Steel Crisis Policy, p. 283

L. Cullen Labrousse, The Annales School, and Histoire sans Frontières, p. 309

Reviews of Books, p. 353
Books Received, p. 373

v. 33, 2004, 3

Paolo Savona, Luigi De Rosa: in memoriam, p. 471

J. Foreman-Peck, J. Smith, Business and Social Mobility into the British Elite 1870-1914, p. 485
B. Baack, British Versus American Interest in Land and the War of American Independence, p. 519
S. Mechoulan, The Expulsion of the Jews from France in 1306: A Modern Fiscal Analysis, p. 555
J. P. Ward, Prices of Weapons and Munitions in Early Sixteenth Century Holland during the Guelders War, p. 585

F. Boldizzoni, The Italian Way to Seignorage: Public Finance, Personal Power and Inflation Shocks in the Po Valley Between XVIIIth and XVIIth Centuries, p. 623
I. Del Punta, Principal Italian Banking Companies of the XIIIth and XIVth Centuries: a Comparison Between the Ricciardi of Lucca and the Bardi, Peruzzi and Acciaiuoli of Florence, p. 647
M. Romaniello, The Profit Motive: Regional Economic Development in Muscovy after the Conquest of Kazan, p. 663
V. Baladouni, The Armenian Silk Road: An Economic and Politico-Cultural Landscape, p. 687

C. Bekar, R. G. Lipsey, Science, Institutions and the Industrial Revolution, p. 709

Reviews of books, p. 757
Books Received, p. 781

v. 33, 2004, 2

V. Cerretano, The ‘Benefits of Moderate Inflation’. The Rayon Industry and Snia Viscosa in the Italy of the 1920s, p. 233
D. S. Jacks, Market Integration in the North and Baltic Seas, 1500-1800, p. 285
J. J. Martínez Ruiz, The Credit Market and Profits from Letters of Exchange. Ricorsa Exchange Operations between Seville and the Besançon Fairs (1589-1621), p. 331

V. Barnett, Tariff Levels and Growth Rates in Russia, 1861-1913: a note, p. 359
D. C. Wellington, A Modest Suggestion for Understanding Economic Growth, p. 373

A. J. Arnold, S. M. Cartney, Were they ever ‘productive to the capitalist’? Rates of return on Britain’s railways, 1830-55, p. 383

Reviews of Books, p. 413
Books Received, p. 453

v. 33, 2004, 1

D. H. Aldcroft, The Sterling Area in the 1930s: A Unique Monetary Arrangement?, p. 9
E. S. Brezis, F. Crouzet, Changes in the Training of the Power Elites in Western Europe, p. 33
D. Sella, Industrial Raw Materials in the Import Trade of Northern and Central Italy during the XVIITh Century, p. 59
J. Streb, Product Differentiation by Bundling Standard Good and Innovative Knowledge: Technological Transfer in the German Plastics Industry from the 1930s to the 1970s, p. 71

E. Bilotti, Time-Space in World-Systems Analysis, p. 109

M. Gehler, From Multilateral to Bilateral Free Trade: Austria’s Bridging the Gap and the Pailure of ‘ »Going-it-alone « to Brussels 1955-72, p. 127

Reviews of Books, p. 181
Books Received, p. 215

v. 32, 2003, 3

M. Bogucka, Women and Credit Operations in Polish towns in Early Modern Times (XVIth-XVII th centuries), p. 477
P. Chorley, Rascie and Florentine Cloth industry during the Sixteenth Century, p. 487
R. A. Goldwaithe, The Florentine Wool Industry in the Late Sixteenth Century: A Case Study, p. 527
G. B. Magee, Comparative Technological Creativity in Britain and America at the End of the Nineteenth Century: the Antipodean Experience, p. 555
R. Perren, Big Business and its Customers: the European Market for American Meat from 1840 to 1939, p. 591

G. Roseman, Evidence on Determinants of the Choice of Sail or Steam from the Hamburg Passenger Lists of 1866, p. 623

P. Latimer, The Quantity of Money in England 1180-1247: a Model, p. 637

Books Received, p. 691

v. 32, 2003, 2

M. Bratchel, Usury in the Fifteenth-Century Lucchesia: Images of the Petty Moneylender, p. 249
F. Capie, G. Wood, Deflation in the British Economy, 1870-1939, p. 277
G. Garcia, H. Prast, Depositor and Investor Protection in the EU and the Netherlands: A Brief History, p. 307

G. Griffiths, Leonardo Bruni’s. Justification of the Persuit of Wealth, p. 351

R. M. Kozub, Evolution of Taxation in England, 1700-1850: A Period of War and Industrialization, p. 363

M. Bulut, Rethinking the Dutch Economy and Trade in the Early Modern Period 1570-1680, p. 391

Reviews of Books, p. 427
Books Received, p. 457

v. 32, 2003, 1

I.T. Berend, Changes in Central and Eastern Europe in the last Quarter of the XXth Century, p. 9
H. Bruan, C. Panzer, The Expansion of the Motor-Cycle Industry in Germany and in Great Britain (1918 until 1932), p. 25
M. Hau, J. M. Selig, Malnutrition in XIXth Century Alsace, p. 61
A. J. Heywood, Russia’s Foreign Supply Policy in World War I: Imports of Railway Equipment, p. 77

A. Horstman, Taxation in the Zenith: Taxes and Classes in the United Kingdom, 1816-1842, p. 111

P. Edwards, The Low Countries, the Arms Trade and the British Civil War, p. 141

P. Berezin, Did Medieval Craft Guilds do More Harm than Good?, p. 171

Books Received, p. 229

v. 31, 2002, 3

M. Baker, M. Collins, English Commercial Bank Stability, 1860-1914, p. 491
L. De Rosa, Naples: a Maritime Port, p. 513
M. García Zuñiga, Taxation in the Kingdom of Navarre (XVIth-XVIIth Centuries), p. 531
N. Hayes, Forcing modernisation on the ‘one remaining really backward industry’: British Construction and the Politics of Progress and Ambiguous Assessment, p. 559
M. Jolly, Monopsonistic and Competitive Labour Markets – A Comparative Study of British Car Manufacturers During the Interwar Period, p. 589

D. J. Harreld, Antwerp Sugar Prices from the Hundredth Penny Tax Records (1543-45), p. 611

H. Espeli, Pespectives on the distinctiveness of Norwegian price and competition policy in the XXth century, p. 621

E. Davidova, A Centre in the Periphery: Merchants during the Ottoman period in Modern Bulgarian Historiography, p. 663

Reviews of Books, p. 689
Books Received, p. 719

v. 31, 2002, 2

M. Barrio Gozalo, The Landed Property of the Spanish Church during the Ancien Regime, p. 245
A. Blair, L. Karsten, J. Leopold, The Fight over Working Hours: Trade Union Action or State Control? A British Dutch Comparative Perspective, p. 273
M. Flandreau, J. Komlos, Core or Periphery? The Credibility of the Austro-Hungarian Currency, p. 293
H. Louri, I. Pepelasis Minoglou, A Hesitant Evolution: Industrialisation and De – Industialisation in Greece over the Long Run, p. 321
M. A. Romani, From Body to Soul: the Debate on Justice on the Italy of the Englightenment, p. 349

N. Ostroot, W. Snyder, La « Capitation »: Taxing Commoners and Nobles during the Old Regime, p. 367

A. Nuvolari, The ‘Machine Breakers’ and the Industrial Revolution, p. 393

M. Palairet, Grossman-Horváth, and Hyperinflation in Hungary, 1944-1946, p. 429

Reviews of Books, p. 449
Books Received, p. 473

v. 31, 2002, 1

D. O. Flynn, A. Giráldez, Silver and Ottoman Monetary History in Global Perspective, p. 9
I. Inkster, Politicisng the Gerschenkron Schema: Technology Transfer, Late Development and the State in Historical perspective, p. 45
E. Paulet, Financing Industry: the Crédit Mobilier in France 1860-1875, p. 89

K. K. Howell, Lending and Growth in Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic States, p. 115

P. A. Riach, An Historical Swedish « Real Wage Gap », p. 129

M. Mantovani, Art in the Economic History of tbe Kingdom of Naples from the Eighteenth to the Nineteenth Centuries, p. 159

Cheng-Chung Lai, Braudel’s Identity of France, p. 185

Reviews of books, p. 197
Books received, p. 225

v. 30, 2001, 3

L. De Rosa, The beginnings of paper-money circulation: the Neapolitan Public Banks (1540-1650), p. 497
J. C. Hocquet, Ships, Sailors and Maritime Activity in Constantinople (1436-1440), p. 533
T. Rooth, R. Taylor, Exporis and External Adjustment during the Slump: the British Market, Australia and Canada during the 1930s, p. 569
J. I. A. Ucendo, Castile’s Tax System in the Seventeenth Century, p. 597

G. Mc Cann, The Economic Design of tbe European Union’s Education Policy, p. 621

A. M. Endres, G. A. Fleming, Trade policy research in the 1930s and 1940s: Geneva doctrine and tbe Scandivian connection, p. 645
M. Finoia, Continuity of Economic Policy and Economic tought in Italy between the First and Second World Wars, p. 675

Reviews of books, p. 697
Books received, p. 719

a. 30, 2001, 2

K. Davids, From De La Coun to Vreede. Regulation and Self-regulation in Dutch Economic. Discourse from c. 1600 to the Napoleonic Era, p. 245
R. Di Quirico, Italy and the Economic Penetration Policy in Central-Eastern Europe during the Early First Post-War Period, p. 291
J.A. Gil, Spain in Europe: a Centusy of Growt, p. 319
P.C Reynard, The Language of Failure: Bankruptcy in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 355

D.N. Laband, Castle Economics, p. 393

J. Singleton, The British Engineering Industry and Commonwealth Development in the ear/v 1950s, p. 398

A. Boitho, Reconstruction after Two World Wan. Why the Differences?, p. 429

Reviews of books, p. 459
Books received, p. 481
Errata corrige, p. 487

a. 30, 2001, 1

J. Baten, Climase, Grain Production ami Nutritional Status in Soutbern Germany during the XVIIIth Century, p. 9
V. Magaihaea Godinho, The Portuguese Empire 1565-1665, p. 49
E. Ladevig Petersen, Poor Nobles and Rich in Denmark, 1500-1700, p. 105
B. Tomka, The Development of Hungarian Banking: an International Comparison, 1880-1931, p. 125

DC. Weflington, The Gainsfrom Inventions, p. 165

D.H. Aldcroft, The Twentieth Century International Debt Problem in Historical Perspective, p. 173

D. Sella, Carlo M. Cipolla (1922-2000), p. 205

Reviews of books, p. 211
Books received, p. 223