Labour History Review DATINI

Labour History Review

Liverpool, Society for the Study of Labor History
ISSN (print): 0961-5652
ISSN (online): 1745-8188
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. dig.

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1960 ]

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v. 65, 2000, n. 3

Colin Davis, New York City and London Dockworkers: A Comparative Perspective of Rank-and-File Movements in the Post-Second World War Era, p. 295-316
Susan Corby, The GCHQ Union Ban 1984-1997: the unions’ strategy and the outcome, p. 317-332

Theses and Dissertations, p. 333-346
Archive Deposits, p. 347-354
Annual Bibliography: 1999, p. 355
Review Essay, p. 379
Labour History Series, p. 382
Short Notices, p. 388
Index of Articles and Book Reviews Volume 61 (1996)-65 (2000), p. 405

v. 65, 2000, n. 2

David De Vries, The Making of Labour Zionism as a Moral Community: Workers’ Tribunals in 1920s Palestine, p. 139-165
David Renton, Not Just Economics but Politics as Well: Trade Unions, Labour Movement Activists and Anti-Fascist Protests, 1945-51, p. 166-180
John McIlroy, Reds at Work: Communist Factory Organisation in the Cold War, 1947-56, p. 181-201
Lawrence Black, ‘Still at the Penny-Farthing Stage in a Jet-Propelled Era’: Branch Life in 1950s Socialism, p. 202-226
Terry Irving, Sean Scalmer, The Public Sphere and Party Change: Explaining the Modernisation of the Australian Labor Party in the 1960s, p. 227-246

Short Notices, p. 247
Books Received in 1999, p. 289
Notes for Contributors, p. 293

v. 65, 2000, n. 1

Editorial, p. 1

Edward Royle, Chartists and Owenites – many parts but one body, p. 2-21
Cris Yelland, Speech and Writing in the Northern Star, p. 22-40
John Hope, Blackshirts, Knuckle-Dusters and Lawyers: Documentary Essay on the Mosley versus Marchbanks Papers, p. 41-58
Peter Ackers, Jonathan Payne, ‘Through a Glass Darkly’: Deciphering the Colliery Consultation Minutes of the Nationalised British Coal Industry, 1947-74, p. 59-89

Review Essay, p. 90
Short Notices, p. 93

v. 64, 1999, n. 3

Pilar Anaya, The Labour Party, the TUC and Spain, 1959-1977, p. 269-286

From the Archives, p. 287
Theses and Dissertations, p. 290
Archive Deposits, p. 307
Annual Bibliography: 1998, p. 314
Conference Report, p. 335
Review Essay, p. 337

v. 64, 1999, n. 2

John Belchem, Britishness, the United Kingdom and the Revolutions of 1848, p. 143-158
John Foot, Analysis of a defeat: revolution and worker-peasant alliances in Italy, 1919-20, p. 159-178
John McIlroy, Alan Campbell, Still setting the pace? Labour history, industrial relations and the history of post-war trade unionism, p. 179-199

Review Essays, p. 200-209
Short Essays, p. 210-261
Books Received in 1998, p. 262
Obituary, p. 266
Conference Notices, p. 267

v. 64, 1999, n. 1

Editorial, p. ii
Alan Fowler, Lancashire to Westminster: a study of cotton trade union officials and British labour 1910-39, p. 1-22
John Newsinger, The American connection: George Orwell, ‘literary Trotskyism’ and the New York intellectuals, p. 23-43
Jim Phillips, Labour and the Cold War: the TGWU and the politics of anti-Communism, 1945-55, p. 44-61

Review Feature, p. 62-73
Short Notices, p. 74-138
Obituary, p. 139

v. 63, 1998, n. 3

Richard Price, Contextualising British syndicalism, c. 1907-c. 1920, p. 261-276
Dan Weinbren, ‘From gun carriage to railway carriage’: the fight for peace work at the Woolwich Arsenal 1919-22, p. 277-297

From the Archives,p. 298-301
Theses and Dissertations, p. 302-323
Archive Deposits, p. 324-329
Annual Bibliography: 1997, p. 330-356
Review Essay, p. 357-363
Short Notices, p. 364-376
Book Review, p. 377-386
Conference Announcement, p. 386

v. 63, 1998, n. 2

Chris Evans, A skilled workforce during the transition to industrial society: forgemen in the British iron trade, 1500-1850, p. 143-159
Janet Toole, Workers and slaves: class relations in South Lancashire in the time of the Cotton Famine, p. 160-181
Marcel van der Linden, Second thoughts on revolutionary syndicalism, p. 182-196

Review Essay, p. 197-201
Short Notices, p. 202-254
Conference Reports, p. 255-258
News and Notes, p. 259-260

v. 63, 1998, n. 1

Pamela Sharpe Harriet Bradley, Editorial: Gendering work: historical approaches, p. 1-3
Michael Roberts, ‘To bridle the falsehood of unconscionable workmen, and for her own satisfaction’: what the Jacobean housewife needed to know about men’s work, and why, p. 4-30
Jane Humphries, Female-headed households in early industrial Britain: the vanguard of the proletariat?, p. 31-65
Siân Reynolds, The face on the cutting-room floor: women editors in the French cinema of the 1930s, p. 66-82
Penny Summerfield, ‘They didn’t want women back in that job!’: the Second World War and the construction of gendered work histories, p. 83-104

Review Essay, p. 105-109
Short Notices, p. 110-142

v. 62, 1997, n. 3

Editorial, p. 253-259
Gary Cross, Consumer history and the dilemmas of working-class history, p. 261-274
Susanna Martins, Tom Williamson, Labour and improvement: agricultural change in East Anglia, circa 1750-1870, p. 275-295
Barry McLoughlin, Proletarian cadres en route: Austrian NKVD agents in Britain 1941-43, p. 296-317
John Belchem, Reconstructing labour history, p. 318-323

Review Essays, p. 324-332
Short Notices, p. 333-366
Conference Reports, p. 367-372
Forthcoming Conference, p. 373-374
Notes for Contributors, p. 375

v. 62, 1997, n. 2

David Nicholls, Friends of the people: parliamentary supporters of popular radicalism, 1832-1849, p. 127-146
Patrick Joyce, Refabricating labour history; or, from labour history to the history of labour, p. 147-152
Geoff Smith, Theses and Dissertations, p. 153-168

Archive Deposits, p. 169-177
Annual Bibliography: 1996, p. 178-206
Review Essay, p. 207
Short Notices, p. 211-247
Obituary, p. 248
News and Notes, p. 249
Forthcoming Conferences, p. 251

v. 62, 1997, n. 1

Editorial, p. 1-3
Richard Stevens, Containing Radicalism: The Trades Union Congress Organisation Department and Trades Councils, 1928-1953, p. 5-21
Tim Bale, ‘A Deplorable Episode’? South African Arms and the Statecraft of British Social Democracy, p. 22-40

Short Notices, p. 41-117
Obituary, p. 118-123
Forthcoming Conferences, p. 124
News and Notes, p. 125

v. 61, 1996, n. 3

John Gorman, The Labour Party’s Election Posters in 1945, p. 299-308
Mike Tyldesley, The House of Industry League: Guild Socialism in the 1930s and 1940s, p. 309-321
John Saville, The Crisis in Labour History: A Further Comment, p. 322-328

Conference Report, p. 329-331
Review Essays, p. 332-340
Short Notices, p. 341-399
Obituary, p. 400-401
Letter to the Editors, p. 402-403
News and Notes, p. 404-404
Notes for Contributors, p. 405-406
Forthcoming Conferences, p. 407-408

v. 61, 1996, n. 2

Pamela Horn, Pauper apprenticeship and the Grimsby fishing industry, 1870 to 1914, p. 73-194
Bill Coxall, Clive Griggs, ‘Fiction with a solid background of genuine autobiography’: The critical reception of The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists in 1914, p. 195-211

Theses and Dissertation, p. 153-168
Archive Deposits, p. 231-238
Annual Bibliography: 1995, p. 239-262
Essays in Review, p. 263-275
Short Notices, p. 276-296
Forthcoming Conferences, p. 296-296
Notes for Contributors, p. 297-298

v. 61, 1996, n. 1

Editorial, p. 1-3
John Slatter, Learning from Russia: The History of Soviets in Britain, p. 5-29
Paul Kelemen, Labour Ideals and Colonial Pioneers: Wedgwood, Morrison and Zionism, p. 30-48
Ayodeji Olukoju, The Travails of Migrant and Wage Labour in the Lagos Metropolitan Area in the Inter-War Years, p. 49-70
Hilary Partridge, Labour’s Challenge to Capital in Fiat: The Influence of Southern Immigrants in a Changing Industrial Culture, p. 71-101

Review Essay, p. 102-109
Short Notices, p. 110-170
Forthcoming Conferences, p. 171-172

v. 60, 1995, n. 3

Conference Report, p. 2-36
Communications, p. 37-42
Document, p. 43-45
Debate, p. 46-53
Thesis Report, p. 54-56
Essays in Review, p. 57-70
Short Notices, p. 71-101
Letters to the Editors, p.102-104
Obituary, p. 105
News and Notes, p. 106

v. 60, 1995, n. 2

Theses and Dissertations, p. 2-15
Archive Deposits, p. 16-20
Annual Bibliography, p. 21-46
Conference Report, p. 47-110
Essays in Review, p. 111-123
Short Notices, p. 124-157
Letters to the Editors, p. 158
News and Notes, p. 159
Conference Notices, p. 160

v. 60, 1995, n. 1

Editorial, p. 2

Christofher Norton, The Left in Northern Ireland 1921-1932, p. 3-20

Emmet O’Connor, A historiography of Irish labour, p. 21-34

Kevin Morgan, Robert Duncan, Loitering on the party line: The unpublished memoirs of J.T. Walton Newbold, p. 35-51

Conference Reports, p. 52-56
Essays in Review, p. 57-76
Short Notices, p. 77-133
Letters to the Editors, p. 134
Obituary, p. 135
News and Notes, p. 136
Notes for Contributors, p. 137
Conference Notices, p. 139

v. 59, 1994, n. 3

Obituary, p. 2-4
News and Notes, p. 5
Letters to the Editors, p. 6-10

Steve Koerner, The history of the Labour Party, p. 11-16

Dan Weinbren, Labour representation in Woolwich, p. 17-19

Jonathan Schneer, London’s Docks in 1900: Nexus of Empire, p. 20-67

Essays in Review, p. 68-83
Short Notices, p. 84-108
Conference Notices, p. 109-110

v. 59, 1994, n. 2

News and Notes, p. 2
Geoff Smith, Theses and Dissertations, p. 3-22
Michelle Cale, Archive Deposits, p. 23-29
John Bennett, Alison Matthews, Annual Bibliography, p. 30-52
Peter Ackers, Thesis Report, p. 53-54
Notes on Sources, p. 55-63
Essays in Review, p. 64-71
Short Notices, p. 72-104
Notes for Contributors, p. 105-106
Conference Notice, p. 107-108

v. 59, 1994, n. 1

Obituary, p. 2-7
Letters to the Editors, p. 8-11
News and Notes, p. 12-14
Joe White, Conference Report, p. 14-15

Graham D. Goodlad, Lord Sankey and Labour: The radicalisation of a Conservative, p. 16-33

Essays in Review, p. 34-47
Short Notices, p. 48-72
Notes for Contributors, p. 73-74
Conference Notice, p. 75-76

v. 58, 1993, n. 3

News and Notes, p. 2
Letters to the Editors, p. 3
Conference Reports, p. 4-21

Richard Stevens, Disruptive elements’? The influence of the Communist Party in Nottingham and District Trades Council, 1929-1951, p. 22-37

Nick Howard, Oer Wilde Necker: A Weimar Republican recalls the years from 1918 to 1934, p. 38-50

Neil Barrett, The Communist Party in Manchester and Salford, 1935-6, p. 51-66

Peter Ackers, The ‘Protestant Ethic’ and the English labour movement: The case of the Churches of Christ, p. 67-72

Essays in Review, p. 73-91
Short Notices, p. 92-113
Conference Notices, p. 114-116

v. 58, 1993, n. 2

News and Notes, p. 2
Letters to the Editors, p. 3-8
Geoff Smith, Theses and Dissertations, p. 9-22
Michelle Cale, Archive Deposits, p. 23-30
Claire Abson, John Bennett, Annual Bibliography, p. 31-43
Essays in Review, p. 44-58
Short Notices, p. 59-111
J. Oldfield, Conference Notice, p. 111
Notes for Contributors, p. 112

v. 58, 1993, n. 1

Editorial, p. 2-3
News and Notes, p. 4
Letters to the Editors, p. 5-7
Conference Reports, p. 8-34

Keith Flett, Where is labour history going?, p. 35-36

ESSAY IN LABOUR HISTORY Clive Griggs, George Meek, the ragged trousered Robert Tressell of Eastbourne, p. 37-46

Essays in Review, p. 47-66
Short Notices, p. 67-106
Conference Notice, p. 107-108

v. 57, 1992, n. 3

News and Notes, p. 2

Conference reports, p. 3-36

Kevin McDermott, Rethinking the Comintern: Soviet historiography, 1987-1991, p. 37-58

James Hintün, Women and the Labour vote, 1945-50, p. 59-66

Edward Royle, Communication, p. 67-71

John Hope, British fascism and the state 1917-1927: a re-examination of the documentary evidence, p. 72-83

Thomas W. Porter, Ernest Charles Jones and the Royal Literary Fund, p. 84-94

Essays in Review, p. 95-109
Short Notices, p. 110-135
Conference Notices, p. 136

v. 57, 1992, n. 2

Editorial, p. 2
Letters to the Editors, p. 3-4
News and Notes, p. 4
Kevin Morgan, Theses and Dissertations, p. 5-15
Stephen Bird, Classified Archive Deposits, p. 16-20
John Bennett, Matthew Chatterton, Linda Smallbone, Annual Bibliography, p. 21-42
Essays in Review, p. 43-48
Short Notices, p. 49-78
Conference Notices, p. 78

v. 57, 1992, n. 1

Editorial, p. 2-5
News and Notes, p. 5-7

Conference report, p. 8-20

Andrew J. Taylor, The Conservative trade union movement, 1952-1961, p. 21-36

Geoffrey Alderman, Dr Robert Forgan’s resignation from the British Union of Fascists, p. 37-41

Short Notices, p. 42-80
Conference Notices, p. 80

v. 56, 1991, n. 3

Francis King, George Matthews, Letter to the Editor, p. 2-3
News and Notes, p. 3

Conference report, p. 4-22

Roy Church, Chartism and the miners: A reinterpretation, p. 23-36

Essays in Review, p. 37-71
Short Notices, p. 72-103
Conference Notice, p. 104

v. 56, 1991, n. 2

News and Notes, p. 2
Archives and Resources News, p. 2-3
Letters to the Editors, p. 3-4
Victor Gilber, Theses and Dissertations, p. 5-14
Classified Archive Deposits, p. 15-19
John Bennett, Annual Bibliography, p. 20-38
Paul Cunningham, Thesis Report, p. 39-40
Martyn Everett, Notes on Sources, p. 41-50
Document, p. 51-53
Short Notices, p. 54-84
Conference Notice, p. 85-86