Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 62
Consistenza: a. 1, 1958 – a. 56, 2013, 4-5
Lacune: a. 2, 1959; 6, 1963; 23, 1980; 42, 1999-43, 2000; 45, 2002; 48, 2005, 1; a. 51, 2008, 4; a. 54, 2011, 2;
[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1958 ]
Daniel Sperber, Costs of Living in Roman Palestine,
IV, p. 1
Hayyim J. Cohen, The economic background and the secular occupations
of Muslim Jurisprodents and traditionalists in the classical
period of Islam (until the middle of the eleventh century), p. 16
Steven G. Darian, The economic history of the Ganges to the
end of Gupta times, p. 62
Michael C. Astour, Ma’hadu, the harbor of Ugarit, p. 113
Benjamin R. Foster, Agoranomos and Muhtasib, p. 128
Gabriel Baer, Monopolies and restrictive practices of Turkish
guilds, p. 145
Paul Balog, Islamic bronze weights from Egypt, p. 233
Alice Boner, Economic and organizational aspects of the Building
operations of the Sun Temple at Konarka, p. 257
Janice Stargardt, Social and Religious aspects of Royal Power
in Medieval Burma, from inscriptions of Kyansattha’s reign, 1084-1112, p. 289
Gabriel Baer, Monopolies and restrictive practices of Turkish
guilds, (Corrigendum), p. 336
O. Tskitishvili, On one evidence in Ibn al Faqi al Hamadani, p. 88
Paul Lévi, Le problème des Castes dans Homo
Hierarchicus de Louis Dumont, p. 91
M. A. P. Meilink-Roelofsz, Note to ‘Ahmedabad in the XVIIth
century’ (JESHO XII, 1969, 187-197), p. 100
F. Ashtor, Quelques observations d’un Orientaliste sur la
thèse de Pirenne, p. 166
Richard W. Bulliet, A quantitative approach to Medieval Muslim
Biographical Dictionaries, p. 195
Claude Cahen, Note sur l’Esclavage musulmane et le Devshirme
ottoman à propos de travaux récents, p. 211
Ahmed Abd-ar-Raziq, Un document concernant le mariage des
esclaves au temps des Mamluks, p. 309
Reviews, p. 103, 219, 315
Ira M. Lapidus, The grain economy of Mamluk Egypt,
p. 1
John Masson Smith, Jr., The silver currency of Mongol Iran, p. 16
George W. Spencer, Religious networks and royal influence
in eleventh century South India, p. 42
Jung-Pang Lo, Maritime commerce and its relation to the Sung
navy, p. 57
S. D. Goiten, Erratum to JESHO VIII, 1965, p. 35 (The exchange
rate of gold and silver money in Fatmid and Ayyubid times), p. 112
C. E. Bosworth, Abu ‘Abdallah al-Khwarazmi on the technical
terms of the secretary’s art, p. 113
M. N. Pearson, The Spanish ‘impact’ on the Philippines, 1565-1770, p. 165
N.B. Jankowska, Communal self-government and the king of the
state of Arrapha, p. 233
H. Reviv, On urban representative institutions and self-government
in Syria-Palestine in the second half of the second millennium
B.C., p. 283
E. Ashtor, Claude Cahen, Débat sur l’évolution économico-sociale de l’Égypte à la fin du Moyen Âge, à propos d’un livre récent, p. 102
B.G. Gokhale, Ahmedabud in the XVIIth century, p. 187
Reviews, p. 198, p. 341
Nicoara Beldiceanu, Irène Beldiceanu-Steinherr, Recherches
sur la province de Qaraman au XVIe siècle, p. 1
Jac. J. Janssen, p. W. Pestman, Burial and inheritance in
the community of the necrepolis workmen and Thebes, p. 137
W.F. Leemans, Old Babylonian letters and economic history.
A review article with a digression on Foreign Trade, p. 171
Daniel Sperber, Costs of living in Roman Palestine III, p. 233
John Masson Smith, Frances Plunkett, Gold money in Mongol
Iran, p. 275
Jere L. Bacharach, Adon A. Gordus, Studies on the fineness
of silver coins, p. 298
Edward H. Schafer, Hunting parks and animal enclosures in
ancient China, p. 318
Claude Cahen, Quelques mots sur les Hilaliens et le nomadisme, p. 130
Reviews, p. 134, 227
A. Leo Oppenheim, A new look at the structure of Mesopotamian
society, p. 1
Dale F. Eickelman, Musaylima: An approach to the social anthropology
of seventh century Arabia, p. 17
Jacob Lassner, Municipal entities and mosques: An additional
note on the Imperial Center, p. 53
Hameda Khatoon Naqvi, Progress of urbanization in United Provinces,
1550-1800, p. 81
Robert Hartwell, A cycle of economic change in Imperial China:
Coal and Iron in Northeast China, 750-1350, p. 102
D. Cocquerillat, Aperçus sur la phéniciculture
en Babylonie à l’époque de la Ière dinastie
de Babylone, p. 161
Robert Mantran, Règlements fiscaux ottomans. La province
de Bassora (2e moitiè du XVIe s.), p. 224
N. K. Wagle, Social groups and ranking: An aspects of ancient
Indian social life derived from the Pali canonical texts, p. 278
James T. C. Liu, The Sung views on the control of government
clerks, p. 317
Jacob Lassner, Massignon and Baghdad: The complexities
of growth in an imperial city, p. 1
S. D. Goiten, Bankers accounts from the eleventh century,A.D.,
p. 28
W. F. Paterson, The anchers of Islam, p. 69
Igor de Rachewiltz, Personnel and personalities in North China
in the early Mongol period, p. 88
Jack M. Sasson, A sketch of North Syrian economic relations
in the Middle Bronze Age, p. 161
Daniel Sperber, Costs of living in Roman Palestine, II,
p. 182
Paul Balong, The Ayyubid glass jetons and their use, p. 242
P. H. L. Eggermont, The Murundas and the ancient trade-route
from Taxila to Ujjain, p. 257
Giovanni Oman, Remarques sur la première monnaie ottomane
en cuivre, frappée au Caire en l’an 926/1520, p. 297
R. S. Sharma, Material Background of the Vedic. Warfare, p. 302
Reviews, p. 145, 308
S. D. Goiten, The Exchange Rate of Gold and Silver money
in Fatimid and Ayyubid times, p. 1
John F. Richards, The economic history of the Lodi period:
1451-1526, p. 47
M. J. Kister, Mecca and Tamim (Aspects of their relations), p. 113
Janine Sourdel-Thomine, Dominique Sourdel, Trois actes de
vente damascains du début du IVe/Xe siècle, p. 164
T. Fahd, Les corps de métiers au IVe/Xe siècle
à Bagdad d’après le chapitre XII d’al-Qâdirî
Fî-t-ta’bîr de Dînawarî, p. 186
Simon Pembroke, Last of the Matriarchs : A study in the Inscriptions
of Lycia, p. 217
Daniel Sperber, Costs of Living in Roman Palestine, p.
M. J. Kister, The Market of the Prophet, p. 272
Jean David-Weill, Papyrus arabes du Louvre, p. 277
M. Meuleau, Problèmes d’histoire économique
(à propos de l’ouvrage de Fritz M. Heichelheim, An Ancient
Economic History II), p. 68
T. Lewicki, Nouveaux travaux russes concernant les trésors
de monnaies musulmans trouvés en Europe orientale et en
Asie centrale (1959-1963), p. 81
A. S. Ehrenkreutz, Al-Buzajani (A. D. 939-997) on the « Ma’sir », p. 90
Touvia Ashkenazi, Social and historical problems of the ‘Anazeh
tribes, p. 93
Subhi Labib, Al Asadi und sein Bericht über Verwaltungs-
und Geld-reform im 15. Jahrhundert, p. 312
C. Margabandhu, Trade contacts between western India and the
Graeco-roman world in the early centuries of the Christian Era,(An
Archaeological Restatement), p. 316
Reviews, 105, 323
William A. Ward, Relations between Egypt and Mesopotamia
from prehistoric times to the end of the middle Kingdom,
p. 1
Andrew S. Ehrenkreutz, The Tasrif and tas’ir calculations
in medieval Mesopotamian Fiscal operations, p. 46
Lallanji Gopal, Sugar-making in Ancient India, p. 57
J. Duncan M. Derrett, Law and Social Order in India before
the Muhammadan conquests, p. 73
William A. Ward, Relations between Egypt and Mesopotamia from
Prehistoric times to the end of the Middle Kingdom, p. 121
Wolfgang Helck, Feiertage und Arbeitstage in der Ramessidenzeit, p. 136
Andrew S. Ehrenkreutz, Arabic dinars struck by the Crusaders, p. 167
Andrew S. Ehrenkreutz, Byzantine tetartera and Islamic dinar, p. 183
Claude Cahen, Douanes et Commerce dans les Ports méditerranéens
de l’Egypte médiévale d’après le Minhadj
d’al-Makhzumi, p. 217
F. R. Allchin, An inscribed weight from Mathura, p. 326
Subhi Labib, The problem of the bid’a in the light of an Arabic
manuscript of the 14th century, p. 191
Thomas R. Trautmann, On the translation of the term varna, p. 196
F. R. Allchin, An inscribed weight from Mathura, p. 201
Reviews, p. 206, 315
Gaston Wiet, Le traité des famines de Maqrizi,
p. 1
Elena Cassin, L’influence babylonienne à Nuzi, p. 113
Claude Cahen, Un traité financier inédit d’époque
Fatimide-Ayyubide, p. 139
Muh.Talbi, Les Courtiers en vêtements en Ifriqiya au
IXe-Xe siècle, p. 160
F. R. Allchin, Upon the antiquity and methods of gold mining
in ancient India, p. 195
S.D. Singh, Iron in ancient India, p. 212
Wolfgang Helck, Soziale Stellung und Grablage (Berkungen zur
Thebanischen Nekropole), p. 225
Claude Cahen, Contribution à l’étude des impôts
dans l’Égypte médiévale, p. 244
Edward H. Schafer, The conservation of nature under the T’ang
dynasty, p. 279
A.S. Ehrenkreuz, The kurr system in medieval Iraq, p. 309
John W. Spellman, Political implications of the king’s Vetana, p. 314
Reviews, p. 91, 215, 319
N. Pigulevskaja, Les rapports sociaux à Nedjran
au début du VIe siècle de l’ère Chrétienne,
II, p. 1
E. Ashtor, L’évolution des prix dans la Proche Orient
à la basse époque, p. 15
Reza Arasteh, Th character, organization and social role of
the Lutis (Javan Mardan) in the traditional Iarnian society of
the nineteenth century, p. 47
Lallanji Gopal, Textiles in ancient India, p. 53
R. S. Sharma, Land grants to vassals and officials in Northern
India (c. A:D: 1000-1200), p. 70
J. Bottero, Désordre économique et annulation
des dettes en Mésopotamie à l’époque paléo-babylonienne, p. 113
Elena Cassin, Note sur le « commerce de carrefour » en Mésopotamie ancienne, p. 164
S.D. Goiten, The main industries of the Medeterranean area
as reflected in the records of the Cairo Geniza, p. 168
D. D. Kosambi, Social and economic aspects of the Bhagabvad
Gita, p. 198
H. R. Idris, Commerce maritime et kirad en Berbérie
orientale, p. 225
Lallanji Gopal, Ownership of agricultural land in ancient
India, p. 240
A. Karim, Murshid Quli Khan’s relations with the English East
India Company from 1700-1707, p. 264
E. G. Pulleyblank, Registration of population in China in
the Sui and T’ang periods, p. 289
Otto Berkelbach Van der Sprenkel, The geographical background
of the Ming civil service, p. 302
Reviews, p. 106
Cl. Cahen, Au seuil de la troisième année:
Réflexions sur l’usage du mot de « Féodalité », p. 2
W. F. Leemans, The trade relations of Babylonia and the question
of relations with Egypt in the Old Babylonian period, p. 21
D. O. Edzard, Die Beziehungen Babyloniens und Ägyptens
in der mittelbabylonischen Zeit un das Gold, p. 38
E. Ashtor, Le coût de la vie dans l’Égypte médiévale, p. 56
W. J. Fischel, The Jewish Merchant-colony in Madras (Fort
St George) during the 17th and 18th centuries, p. 78
N. Pigulevskaja, Les rapports sociaux à Nedjran au
début du VIe siècle de l’ère Chrétienne, p. 113
Halil Inalcik, Bursa and the commerce of the Levant, p. 131
D. Ayalon, Studies in al-Jabarti I. Notes on the transformation
of Mamluk society in Egypt under the Ottomans, p. 148
W. J. Fischel, The Jewish Merchant-colony in Madras (Fort
St George) during the 17th and 18th centuries, p. 175
E. Balazs, The birth of capitalism in China, p. 196
E. Ashtor, Le coût de la vie dans l’Égypte médiévale, p. 240
Ph. Grierson, The monetary reforms af ‘Abd al-Malik, p. 241
J. C. Russell, Late medieval Balkan and Asia Minor population, p. 265
D. Ayalon, Studies in al-Jabarti I. Notes on the transformation
of Mamluk society in Egypt under the Ottomans, p. 275
W.F. Leemans, Some marginal remarks on ancient technology, p. 217
M. J. Kister, The social and political implications of three
traditions in the Kitab al-Kharadj of Yahya b. Adam, p. 326
Reviews, p. 108, 238, 335
Ö. L. Barkan, Essai sur les données statistiques
des registres de recensement dans l’Empire ottoman aux XVe et
XVIe siècles, p. 9
D. Ayalon, The system of payment in Mamluk military society, p. 37
J. D. M. Derrett, The right to earn in ancient India, p. 66
S. K. Maity, Land measurement in Gupta India, p. 98
E. H. Pritchard, Private trade between England and China in
the eighteenth century (1680-1833), p. 108
D. Twitchett, Recent work on medieval Chinese history by Sudo
Yoshiyuki, p. 145
W. J. Fishel, The spice trade in Mamluk Egypt, p. 157
S. D. Goiten, New light on the beginnings of the Karim merchants, p. 175
E. G. Pulleyblank, The origins and nature of chattel slavery
in China, p. 185
E. H. Pritchard, Private trade between England and China in
the eighteenth century (1680-1833), p. 221
D. Ayalon, The system of payment in Mamluk military society, p. 257
R. S. Sharma, The origins of feudalism in India, p. 297
W. F. Leemans, The contribution of the nomads to the Babylonian
population, p. 138
Sudo Yoshiyuki, Recent work on medieval chinese social history, p. 145
Ch. Issawi, Comment on Professor Barkan’s estimate of the
population of the ottoman Empire in 1520-30, p. 329
O. L. Barkan, Réponse à Mr. Issawi, p. 331
A. L. Basham, A new interpretation of Indian history, p. 333
Reviews, p. 149, 348