Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient DATINI

Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient

Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 62
Consistenza: a. 1, 1958 – a. 56, 2013, 4-5
Lacune: a. 2, 1959; 6, 1963; 23, 1980; 42, 1999-43, 2000; 45, 2002; 48, 2005, 1; a. 51, 2008, 4; a. 54, 2011, 2;

[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1958 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 22, 1979

Carlo Zaccagnini, The price of the fields at Nuzi, p. 1
Suraiya Faroqhi, Sixteenth century periodic markets in various Anatolian sancaks. Içelm Hamid, Karahisar-I Sahib, Kütahya, Aydin, and Mentese, p. 32
Barry B. Blakeley, Functional Disparities in the Socio-political Traditions of Spring and Autumn China, III, p. 81
Elisabeth C.L. During Caspers, Sumer, Coastal Arabia and the Indus Valley in Protoliterate and Early Dynastic eras. Supporting Evidence for a Cultural Linkage, p. 121
Pierre Briant, L’élevage ovin dans l’Empire achéménide. VIe-IVe siècles avant notre ère, p. 136
Michael W. Dols, The Second Plague Pandemic and its recurrences in the Middle East: 1347-1894, p. 162
Craig J. Reynolds, Monastery Lands and Labour Endowments in Thailand. Some effects of Social and economic Change, 1868-1910, p. 190
David M. Goodblatt, The Poll tax in Sasanian Babylonia. The Talmudic Evidence, p. 233
T.R. Bryce, Lycian Tomb Families and their Social Implications, p. 296
Xavier de Planhol, Grandeur et Décadence du Vignoble de Trébizonde, p. 314

Daniel Gimaret, Les théologiens musulmans devant la hausse des prix, p. 330

Reviews, p. 119, 228, 339

a. 21, 1978

Howard Farber, A price and wage study for Northern Babylonia during the Old Babylonian period, p. 1
Carl Petry, Stanley Mendenhall, Geographic origins of the Civil Judiciary of Cairo in the fifteenth century, p. 52
Kenneth R. Hall, International Trade and Foreign Diplomacy in early medieval in South India, p. 75
Elisabeth C.L. During Caspers, A. Govindankutty, R. Thapar’s Dravidian hypothesis for the locations of Meluhha, Dilmun and Makan. A critical reconsideration, p. 113
?Jean David-Weill, Claude Cahen et autres, Papyrus arabes du Louvre, III, p. 146
Carl Petry, Geographic origins of Diwan officials in Cairo during the fiftheenth century, p. 165
Rekha Rani Sharma, Slavery in the Mauryan period (c. 300 B.C.-c. 200 B.C., p. 185
Ronald C. Jennings, Zimmis (non-Muslims) in early 17th century Ottoman judicial records. The Sharia court of Anatolian Kayseri, p. 225
Arvind Sharma, The Purusasukta: Its relations to the caste system, p. 294
A. M. Serajuddin, The Salt monopoly of the East India Company’s government in Bengal, p. 304

Raphael Israeli, Established Islam and Marginal Islam in China. From eclecticism to syncretism, p. 99
W. F. Leemans, Les tablettes des fouilles iraquiennes de Tell ed-Der, p. 195
Cl Cahen, Reflexiens sur un repertoire, p. 323

Reviews, p. 111, 205, p. 326

a. 20, 1977

David Lorton, The treatment of Criminals in Ancient Egypt through the New Kingdom, p. 2
Joannes Renger, Wrongdoing and its Sanctions. On « Criminal » and « Civil » Law in the Old Babylonian Period, p. 65
Tikva Sinone Frymer, The Nungal-Hymn and the Ekur-Prison, p. 78
Jack M. Sasson, Treatment of Criminals at Mari. A Survey, p. 90
?Kaspar K. Riemschneider, Prison and Punisment in early Anatolia, p. 114
Simo Parpola, Asko Papola and Robert H. Brunswig, Jr, The Meluhha Village. Evidence of accumulation of Harappan Traders in late third-millennium Mesopotamia?, p. 129
Dilip K. Chakrabarti, Distribution of Iron Ores and the Archaeological Evidence of early Iron in India, p. 166
Robert W. Olson, Jews, Janissares, Esnaf and the Revolt of 1740 in Istanbul. Social Upheaval and political realignment in the Ottoman empire, p. 185
Barry B. Blakelely, Functional Disparities in the Socio-Political traditions of spring and automn China. Part I: Lu and Ch’i, p. 208
Fred McGraw Donner, Mecca’s Food Supplies and Muhammad’s Boycott, p. 249
Andrew S. Ehrenkreutz, Numismato-Statistical reflections on the annual gold Coinage production of the Tulunid Mint in Egypt, p. 267
David Waines, The Third-Century internal crisis of the Abbasids, p. 282
Barry B. Blakelely, Functional Disparities in the Socio-Political traditions of spring and automn China. Part II: Chou, Sung, Cheng, p. 307

Aziz Ahmad, Muslim Kinship Terminology in Urdu, p. 344

Reviews, p. 127, 244, 351

a. 19, 1976

Guy Bunnens, Commerce et Diplomatie phéniciens au temps de Hiriam Ier de Tyr, p. 1
Jere L. Bacharach, Circassian monetary policy : Copper, p. 32
Savitri Chandra, Two aspects of Hindu social Life and thought, as reflected in the works of Tulsidas, p. 48
Albert E. Dien, Elite lineages and the T’o-pa accommodation. A study of the Edict of 495, p. 61
Daniel Sperber, Objects of trade between Palestine and Egypt in Roman times, p. 113
Hichem Djaït, Les Yamanites à Kufa au Ier siècle de l’Hégire, p. 148
R.W. Ferrier, An English view of Persian Trade in 1618, p. 182
Irène Beldiceanu-Steinherr, Fiscalité et formes de possession de la terre arable dans l’Anatolie préottomane, p. 233
Michel Cartier, Sapèques et tissus à l’époque des T’ang (618-906), p. 323

M. Heltzer, Mortgage of land property and freeing from it in Ugarit, p. 89
W. F. Leemans, Quelques remarques à propos d’une étude sur tidennutu personnelle à Nuzu, p. 95
Muhammad Manazir Ahsan, A note on hunting in the early Abbasid period, some evidence on expenditure and prices, p. 101
W. F. Leemans, Quelques remarques à propos d’un livre récent concernant la région d’Uruk/Warka, p. 215
S. D. Goiten, Two Arabic textiles, p. 221
Lotika Varadarajan, The brothers Boras et Virji Vora, p. 224
Noboru Karashima, Nayakas as lease-holders of temple lands, p. 227

Reviews, p. 106

a. 18, 1975

Romila Thapar, A possible identification of Meluhha, Dilmun and Makan, p. 1
Muh. Muhammad Amin, Un acte de fondation de waqf par une Chrétienne (Xe siècle h., XVIe s. chr.), p. 43
Ronald C. Jennings, Women in early 17th century Ottoman judicial records – The Sharia court of Anatolian Kayseri, p. 53
I. M. Diakonoff, The Rural Community in the Ancient Near East, p. 121
W. F. Leemans, The rôle of landlease in Mesopotamia in the early second millennium B.C., p. 134
Mario Liverani, Communautés de village et Palais royal dans la Syrie du IIème millénaire, p. 146
Pierre Briant, Villages et Communautés villageoises d’Asie achéménide et hellénistique, p. 165
Jesef Bauer, Darlehensurkunden aus Girsu, p. 189
Claude Cahen, Aperçu sur les impôts du sol in Syrie au Moyen Âge, p. 233
Abd al Raheim A. Abd al Raheim, Hazzal-Quhuf: A new source for the study of the Fallahin of Egypt in the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries, p. 245
John Masson Smith, Mongol manpower and Persian population, p. 271
Arvind Sharma, An analysis of three epithets applied to the Sudras in Aitareya Brahmana VII. 29.4, p. 300
Kenneth R. Hall, Khmer commercial development and foreign contacts under Suryavarman I, p. 318

Daniel Crecelius, Correspondance, p. 115
Amita Ray, Dilip K. Chakrabarti, Studies in ancient indian technology and production: a review, p. 219
Dilip K. Chakrabarti, Gujarat Harappan connection with West Asia; A reconstruction of the evidence, p. 337

Reviews, p. 120, 343

a. 17, 1974

M. Rowton, Enclosed Nomadism, p. 1
Ronald A. Messier, The almoravids. West African Gold and Gold currency of the Mediterranean Basin, p. 31
R.S. Sharma, D. N. Jha, The economic history of India up to AD 1200: trends and Prospects, p. 48
D. Schlingloff, Cotton-manifacture in Ancient India, p. 81
Michael G. Morony, Religious Communities in late Sasanian and early Muslim Iraq, p. 113
Abdal Aziz Duri, Notes on taxation in Early Islam, p. 136
Suraiya Faroqhi, Vakif administration in sixteenth century Konya. The zaviye of Sadreddin-I Konevî, p. 145
Patricia Ebrey, Estate and family management in the later Han as seen in the Monthly instructions for the four classes of people, p. 173
Alan D. Crown, Tidings and Instructions : How news travelled in the Ancient Near East, p. 244
Daniel Sperber, Drought, Famine and Pestilence in Amoraic Palestine, p. 272
Robert W. Olson, The Esnaf and the Patrona Halil rebellion of 1730: A realignment in Ottoman politics, p. 329

Richard S. Cooper, Land classification terminology and the assessment of the kharaj tex in Medieval Egypt, p. 91
Nicoara Beldiceanu, À propos d’un livre sur le lois pénales ottomanes, p. 206

Reviews, p. 103, 215

a. 16, 1973

?Jean David-Weill, Mireille Adda et Claude Cahen, Lettres à un marchand égyptien au III/IXe siècle, p. 1
Norman A. Stillman, The eleventh century Merchant House of Ibn Awkal (a Geniza study), p. 15
I. Karthikeya Sarma, A coin mould-piece from Nagarjunakonda excavations. New light on the silver coinage on the Satavahnas, p. 89
G. H. A. Juynboll, The qurra in early Islamic history, p. 113
Afaf Lufti Al-Sayyid Marsot, The political and economic functions of the ulama in the 18th century, p. 130
Irène Beldiceanu-Steinherr, Un transfuge qaramanide auprès de la Porte ottomane. Reflexions sur quelques institutions, p. 155
Ronald C. Jennings, Loans and credit in early 17th century Ottoman judicial records – The Sharia court of Anatolian Kayseri, p. 168
Joel Shinder, Career line formation in the Ottoman bureaucracy, 1648-1750: A new perspective, p. 217
Archibald Lewis, Maritime skills in the Indian Ocean, 1368-1500, p. 238
Upendra Thakur, Early Indian Mints, p. 265
B. D. Chattopadhyaya, Irrigation in early Medieval Rajasthan, p. 298
Richard S. Cooper, A note on the dinar jayship, p. 317
Stephen F. Dale, Communal relations in pre-modern India: 16th century Kerala, p. 319

Reviews, p. 328

a. 15, 1972

Claude Cahen, Notice nécrologique, Gustave E. von Grunebaum, p. 1
H. Limet, Les métaux à l’époque d’Agadé, p. 3
William A. Ward, The Shasu « Bedouin », p. 35
M. J. Kister, Some reports concernin Mecca from Jahiliyya to Islam, p. 61
Andrew S. Ehrenkreutz, Another Orientalist’s remarks concerning the Pirenne thesis, p. 94
D. S. Richards, Arabic documents from the Karaite Community in Cairo, p. 105
Egon Brucker, Grundsätze der Besteuerung im Kautilya-Arthasastra, p. 183
Daniel Sperber, Trends in third century Palestinian Agricolture, p. 227
A.F.L. Beeston, Kingship in ancient South Arabia, p. 256
Janine Sourdel-Thomine, Dominique Sourdel, Biens foncier constitués waqf en Syrie fatimide pour une famille de ?arifs damascains, p. 269
Upendra Thakur, A study in Barter and Exchange in ancient India, p. 297

D. A. Breebaart, The Fütüvvet-name-i kebir. A manuel on Turkish guilds, p. 203
Dilip K Chakrabarti, Prehistoric Ganges basin, p. 215
B.G. Gokhale, Burhanpur, Notes on the history of an Indian city in the XVIIth century, p. 316

Reviews, p. 220

a. 14, 1971

Jean David-Weill, Papyrus arabes du Louvre II, p. 1
Paul G. Forand, The status of the Land and Inhabitants of the Sawad during the first two centuries of Islam, p. 25
Janice Stargardt, Burma’s Economic and Diplomatic Relations with India and China from early Medieval sources, p. 38
Charles Pellat, Peut-on connaître le Taux de Natalité au temps du Prophète?, p. 107
Moshe Gil, Maintenance, Building operations, and Repairs in the houses of the Qodesh in Fustat, p. 136
Buddha Prakash, The Genesis and Character of Landed Aristocracy in ancient India, p. 196
Claude Cahen, Gaston Wiet, notice nécrologique, p. 223
Daniel Sperber, Patronage in Amoraic Palestine (c. 220-400): Causes and Effects, p. 227
W. F. Floor, The Office of the Kalantar in Qajar Persia, p. 253
Upendra Thakur, Economic Data from the early Coins of India, p. 269
K. Walton Dobbins, The Commerce of Kapisene and Gandhara after the fall of Indo-Greek rule, p. 286

Claude Cahen, Notes pour une histoire de l’agriculture dans les pays musulmans médiévaux, p. 63

Reviews, p. 69
Saleh Ahnad el-Ali, A new version of Ibn al Mutarriff’s list of revenues in the early times of Harun al-Rashid, p. 303
Claude Cahen, Tari, Mancus et Amiral, p. 310
Otar Tskitishvili, Two questions connected with the Topography of the oriental city in the Early Middle Ages, p. 311

Reviews, p. 69, 321