Journal of Population Economics DATINI

Journal of Population Economics

ISSN: 0933-1433
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0599
Consistenza: n. 1, 1988 –
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1998 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 36, 2023, 4

Raphaël Franck, The impact of industrialization on secondary schooling during the industrial revolution: evidence from nineteenth-century France, p. 2007–2023
Sijie Hu, Survival of the literati: Social status and reproduction in Ming–Qing China, p. 2025-2070
M. Aykut Attar, Technology and survival in preindustrial England: a Malthusian view, p. 2071-2110
Boxiao Zhang, The long-term effect of wartime social networks: evidence from African American Civil War veterans, 1870–1900, p. 2111-2143
Melissa S. Kearney, Phillip B. Levine, The US COVID-19 baby bust and rebound, p. 2145-2168
Shanjukta Nath, Explaining third birth patterns in India: causal effects of sibling sex composition, p. 2169-2203
Jie Zhang, Haoming Liu, Differential fertility, school enrollment, and development, p. 2205-2240
Madhulika Khanna, Nishtha Kochhar, Do marriage markets respond to a natural disaster? The impact of flooding of the Kosi river in India, p. 2241-2276
Bastian Schulz, Fabian Siuda, Marriage and divorce: the role of unemployment insurance, p. 2277-2308
Elizabeth Brainerd, Olga Malkova, Maternity benefits and marital stability after birth: evidence from the Soviet Baltic republics, p. 2309-2345
Yuanyuan Chen, Wei Fu, Migration control policy and parent–child separation among migrant families: evidence from China, p. 2347-2388
Giovanni Peri, Reem Zaiour, Changes in international immigration and internal native mobility after COVID-19 in the USA, p. 2389-2428
Nora El-Bialy, Elisa Fraile Aranda, Stefan Voigt, No man is an island: trust, trustworthiness, and social networks among refugees in Germany, p. 2429-2455
Robert Bernhardt, Phanindra V. Wunnava, Does asking about citizenship increase labor survey non-response?, p. 2457-2481
Yarine Fawaz, Pedro Mira, Social isolation, health dynamics, and mortality: evidence across 21 European countries, p. 2483-2518
Riccardo Ciacci, Dario Sansone, The impact of sodomy law repeals on crime, p. 2519-2548
Chen Huang, Cong Li, Ruofei Xu, Vaccination and risky behaviors: evidence from the hepatitis B vaccination campaign in China, p. 2549-2580
Silvia Beghelli, Augustin De Coulon, Mary O’Mahony, Health benefits of reducing aircraft pollution: evidence from changes in flight paths, p. 2581-2607
Elodie Djemai, Yohan Renard, Anne-Laure Samson, Mothers and fathers: education, co-residence, and child health, p. 2609-2653
Jonathan Norris, Martijn van Hasselt, Troubled in school: does maternal involvement matter for adolescents?, p. 2655-2689
Kendall J. Kennedy, Hidden schooling: endogenous measurement error and bias in education and labor market experience, p. 2691-2723
Hikaru Kawarazaki , Early childhood education and care: effects after half a century and their mechanisms, p. 2725-2797
Ruzica Savcic, Nikolaos Theodoropoulos, Dimitrios Xefteris, Conscription and educational outcomes, p. 2799-2824
Ana Lucia Abeliansky, Holger Strulik, Health and aging before and after retirement, p. 2825-2855
Oliver Pardo, Mandatory retirement savings in the presence of an informal labor market, p. 2857-2888
Axel Börsch-Supan, Klaus Härtl, Alexander Ludwig, Preventing reforming unequally, p. 2889-2924
Yinjunjie Zhang, Robert Breunig, Female breadwinning and domestic abuse: evidence from Australia, p. 2925-2965
Vaidehi Tandel, Arnab Dutta, Ashwini Narayanan, Women’s right to property and the child quantity-quality trade-off: evidence from India, p. 2967-3003
Ben D’Exelle, Liz Ignowski, Friends in the village:do they matter for women’s involvement in household decisions?, p. 3005-3028
William Jergins, Gender equity and the gender gap in STEM: is there really a paradox?, p. 3029-3056
Todd R. Jones, Matthew J. Millington, Joseph Price, Changes in parental gender preference in the USA: evidence from 1850 to 2019, p. 3057-3070
Ori Shai, Can conflict affect individuals’ preferences for income redistribution?, p. 3071-3096

v. 36, 2023, 3

Carol Graham, Julia R. Pozuelo, Do high aspirations lead to better outcomes? Evidence from a longitudinal survey of adolescents in Peru, p. 1099 – 1137
Vladimir Otrachshenko, Milena Nikolova, Olga Popova, Double-edged sword: persistent effects of Communist regime affiliations on well-being and preferences, p. 1139 – 1185
Marc Helbling, Daniel Meierrieks, Global warming and urbanization, p. 1187 – 1223
Jia Wu, Jiada Lin, Xiao Han, Compensation for girls in early childhood and its long-run impact: family investment strategies under rainfall shocks, p. 1225 – 1268
Xin Zhang, Xun Zhang, Yuehua Liu, Xintong Zhao, Xi Chen, The morbidity costs of air pollution through the Lens of Health Spending in China, p. 1269 – 1292
Yue Hua, Yun Qiu, Xiaoqing Tan, The effects of temperature on mental health: evidence from China, p. 1293 – 1332
Olukorede Abiona, Joseph B. Ajefu, The impact of timing of in utero drought shocks on birth outcomes in rural households: evidence from Sierra Leone, p. 1333 – 1362
Masahiro Shoji, Gendered effects of early childhood weather shocks on locus of control: evidence from 28 agricultural countries, p. 1363 – 1393
Anna Adamecz-Völgyi, Morag Henderson, Nikki Shure, The labor market returns to “first-in-family” university graduates, p. 1395 – 1429
Heather Congdon Fors, Annika Lindskog, Son preference and education Inequalities in India: the role of gender-biased fertility strategies and preferential treatment of boys, p. 1431 – 1460
Alessandra Casarico, Elena Del Rey, Jose I. Silva, Child care costs, household liquidity constraints, and gender inequality, p. 1461 – 1487
Alessandra Casarico, Salvatore Lattanzio, Behind the child penalty: understanding what contributes to the labour market costs of motherhood, p. 1489 – 1511
Lindsey Macmillan, Emma Tominey, Parental inputs and socio-economic gaps in early child development, p. 1513 – 1543
Evangelos Dioikitopoulos, Dimitrios Varvarigos, Delay in childbearing and the evolution of fertility rates, p. 1545 – 1571
M. Perez-Alvarez, M. Favara, Children having children: early motherhood and offspring human capital in India, p. 1573 – 1606
Jisoo Hwang, Seok Ki Kim, Unexpected longevity, intergenerational policies, and fertility, p. 1607 – 1640
Angus C. Chu, Natural selection and Neanderthal extinction in a Malthusian economy, p. 1641 – 1656
Yu Bai, Yanjun Li, Pak Hung Lam, Quantity-quality trade-off in Northeast China during the Qing dynasty, p. 1657 – 1694
Vitantonio Mariella, Landownership concentration and human capital accumulation in post-unification Italy, p. 1695 – 1764
Jongkwan Lee, The impact of a local human capital shock: evidence from World War II veterans, p. 1765 – 1798
Matthias Schön, Demographic change and the rate of return in pay-as-you-go pension systems, p. 1799 – 1827
Toshiki Tamai, Social security, economic growth, and social welfare in an overlapping generation model with idiosyncratic TFP shock and heterogeneous workers, p. 1829 – 1862
Balázs Zélity, Age diversity and aggregate productivity, p. 1863 – 1899
Matija Kovacic, Cristina Elisa Orso, Who’s afraid of immigration? The effect of economic preferences on tolerance, p. 1901 – 1940
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, José R. Bucheli, Implications of restrictive asylum policies: evidence from metering along the U.S.-Mexico Border, p. 1941 – 1962
Khandker Wahedur Rahman, International migration and the religious schooling of children in the home country: evidence from Bangladesh, p. 1963 – 2005

v. 36, 2023, 2

Uwe Jirjahn, Martha Ottenbacher, Big Five personality traits and sex, p. 549 – 580
Cyrine Hannafi, Mohamed Ali Marouani, Social integration of Syrian refugees and their intention to stay in Germany, p. 581 – 607
Lorraine Wong, The effect of linguistic proximity on the labour market outcomes of the asylum population, p. 609 – 652
Hai-Anh H. Dang, Paolo Verme, Estimating poverty for refugees in data-scarce contexts: an application of cross-survey imputation, p. 653 – 679
Andreas Beerli, Ronald Indergand, Johannes S. Kunz, The supply of foreign talent: how skill-biased technology drives the location choice and skills of new immigrants, p. 681 – 718
Magdalena Ulceluse, Martin Kahanec, Eastward enlargements of the European Union, transitional arrangements and self-employment, p. 719 – 742
Sumit S. Deole, Marc Oliver Rieger, The immigrant-native gap in risk and time preferences in Germany: levels, socio-economic determinants, and recent changes, p. 743 – 778
Tanika Chakraborty, Anirban Mukherjee, Economic geography of contagion: a study of COVID-19 outbreak in India, p. 779 – 811
Gopi Shah Goda, Emilie Jackson, Lauren Hersch Nicholas, Sarah See Stith, The impact of Covid-19 on older workers’ employment and Social Security spillovers, p. 813 – 846
Roland Pongou, Guy Tchuente, Jean-Baptiste Tondji, Optimal interventions in networks during a pandemic, p. 847 – 883
David G. Blanchflower, Donn. L. Feir, Native Americans’ experience of chronic distress in the USA, p. 885 – 909
Bence Boje-Kovacs, Jane Greve, Cecilie D. Weatherall, Neighborhoods and mental health—evidence from a natural experiment in the public social housing sector, p. 911 – 934
Bruno Ferman, Gaute Torsvik, Kjell Vaage, Skipping the doctor: evidence from a case with extended self-certification of paid sick leave, p. 935 – 971
Nicholas A. Jolly, Nikolaos Theodoropoulos, Health shocks and spousal labor supply: an international perspective, p. 973 – 1004
Marte E. S. Ulvestad, Simen Markussen, , Born or bred? The roles of nature and nurture for intergenerational persistence in labour market outcomes, p. 1005 – 1047
Julia Philipp, Gendered university major choice: the role of intergenerational transmission, p. Pages: 1049 – 1097

v. 36, 2023, 1

Luca J. Uberti, Elodie Douarin, The Feminisation U, cultural norms, and the plough, p. 5-35
Matloob Piracha, Massimiliano Tani, Ben Zhe Wang, Social assimilation and immigrants’ labour market outcomes (first, second and last of 4), p. 37-67
Maria Rosaria Carillo, Vincenzo Lombardo, Tiziana Venittelli, Social identity and labor market outcomes of immigrants, p. 69-113
Hani Mansour, Terra McKinnish, Male wage inequality and characteristics of « early mover » marriages, p. 115-138
Annette Bergemann, Regina T. Riphahn, Maternal employment effects of paid parental leave, p. 139-178
Henk-Wim de Boer, Egbert L. W. Jongen, Analysing tax-benefit reforms in the Netherlands using structural models and natural experiments, p. 179-209
Corrado Giulietti, Enrico Rettore, Sara Tonini, The chips are down: the influence of family on children’s trust formation, p. 211-233
Francis Kramarz, Olof Rosenqvist, Oskar Nordström Skans, How family background shapes the relationship between human capital and fertility, p. 235-262
Paola Bertoli, Veronica Grembi, The Linh Bao Nguyen, Birth outcomes in hard times among minority ethnic groups, p. 263-294
Francisco Gallego, Jeanne Lafortune, Baby commodity booms? The impact of commodity shocks on fertility decisions and outcomes, p. 295-320
Yannay Shanan, The effect of compulsory schooling laws and child labor restrictions on fertility: evidence from the early twentieth century, p. 321-358
Hong Liu, Lili Liu, Fei Wang, Housing wealth and fertility: evidence from China, p. 359-395
Ratbek Dzhumashev, Ainura Tursunalieva, Social externalities, endogenous childcare costs, and fertility choice, p. 397-429
Erasmo Papagni, Long-term barriers to global fertility convergence, p. 431-470
Philip DeCicca, Harry Krashinsky, The effect of education on overall fertility, p. 471-503
Patricia I. Ritter, Ricardo A. Sanchez, The effects of an epidemic on prenatal investments, childhood mortality and health of surviving children, p. 505-544

v. 35, 2022, 4

Dhaval Dave, Drew McNichols, Joseph J. Sabia, Political violence, risk aversion, and population health: Evidence from the US Capitol riot , p. 1345-1384
Caitlin Knowles Myers, Confidential and legal access to abortion and contraception in the USA, 1960-2020, p. 1385-1441
Grace Arnold, The impact of targeted regulation of abortion providers laws on abortions and births, p. 1443-1472
Garima Rastogi, Anisha Sharma, Unwanted daughters: the unintended consequences of a ban on sex-selective abortions on the educational attainment of women, p. 1473-1516
Mauro Caselli, Andrea Fracasso, Sergio Scicchitano, From the lockdown to the new normal: individual mobility and local labor market characteristics following the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy, p. 1517-1550
Pawel Bukowski, Gregory Clark, Rita Peto, Social Mobility and Political Regimes: Intergenerational Mobility in Hungary, 1949-2017 (first, second and last of 4), p. 1551-1588
Maria F. Hoen, Simen Markussen, Knut Røed, Immigration and economic mobility, p. 1589-1630
Nelly Elmallakh, Jackline Wahba, Return migrants and the wage premium: does the legal status of migrants matter?, p. 1631-1685
Nicola Campigotto, Chiara Rapallini, Aldo Rustichini, School friendship networks, homophily and multiculturalism: evidence from European countries?, p. 1687-1722
Rui Wang, Xi Chen, Xun Li, Something in the pipe: the Flint water crisis and health at birth, p. 1723-1749
Tamás Hajdu, Gábor Hajdu, Temperature, climate change, and human conception rates: evidence from Hungary, p. 1751-1776
Isabelle Chort, Maëlys de la Rupelle, Managing the impact of climate on migration: evidence from Mexico, p. 1777-1819
Wei Si, Higher education expansion and gender norms: evidence from China, p. 1821-1858
Anne Ardila Brenøe, Brothers increase women’s gender conformity, p. 1859-1896
Cristina Bellés-Obrero, Sergi Jiménez-Martín, Judit Vall Castello, Minimum working age and the gender mortality gap, p. 1897-1938
Correction to: Migration and experienced utility of left-behind parents: evidence from rural China, p. 1939-1940

v. 35, 2022, 3

Astghik Mavisakalyan, Yashar Tarverdi, Clas Weber, Heaven can wait: future tense and religiosity, p. 833-860
Adam Cook, Saving lives: the 2006 expansion of daylight saving in Indiana, p. 861-891
Emiliano Tealde, The unequal impact of natural light on crime, p. 893-934
Anna Godøy, Maja Weemes Grøtting, Rannveig Kaldager Hart, Reopening schools in a context of low COVID-19 contagion: consequences for teachers, students and their parents, p. 935-961
Guilhem Cassan, Marc Sangnier, The impact of 2020 French municipal elections on the spread of COVID-19, p. 963-988
Jia Cao, Minghao Li, Hyperbolic discounting in an intergenerational model with altruistic parents, p. 989-1005
Ziteng Lei, Short-run and long-run effects of peers from disrupted families, p. 1007-1036
Kota Ogasawara, Mizuki Komura, Consequences of war: Japan’s demographic transition and the marriage market, p. 1037-1069
Eva Österbacka, Tapio Räsänen, Back to work or stay at home? Family policies and maternal employment in Finland, p. 1071-1101
James Alm, Weizheng Lai, Xun Li, Housing market regulations and strategic divorce propensity in China, p. 1103-1131
Jessica L. Arnup, Nicole Black, David W. Johnston, Changes in children’s time use during periods of financial hardship, p. 1133-1162
Jorge Garcia-Hombrados, Child marriage and infant mortality: causal evidence from Ethiopia, p. 1163-1223
Shu Cai, Albert Park, Winnie Yip, Migration and experienced utility of left-behind parents: evidence from rural China , p. 1225-1259
Dafeng Xu, Yuxin Zhang, Identifying ethnic occupational segregation, p. 1261-1296
Alexander M. Danzer, Carsten Feuerbaum, Ludger Woessmann, Growing up in ethnic enclaves: language proficiency and educational attainment of immigrant children, p. 1297-1344

v. 35, 2022, 2

Harriet Duleep, Xingfei Liu, Mark Regets, How the earnings growth of US immigrants was underestimated, p. 381-407
Nick Drydakis, Sexual orientation and earnings: a meta-analysis 2012-2020 , p. 409-440
Miriam Marcén, Marina Morales, The effect of same-sex marriage legalization on interstate migration in the USA, p. 441-469
Bruno Arpino, Pierluigi Conzo, Francesco Salustri, I am a survivor, keep on surviving: early-life exposure to conflict and subjective survival probabilities in adult life, p. 471-517
Tito Boeri, Pietro Garibaldi, Espen R. Moen, In medio stat victus: Labor Demand Effects of an Increase in the Retirement Age, p. 519-556
Janina Nemitz, Increasing longevity and life satisfaction: is there a catch to living longer?, p. 557-589
Shu Cai, Does social participation improve cognitive abilities of the elderly?, p. 591-619
Xiaomeng Zhang, Theodore Palivos, Xiangbo Liu, Aging and automation in economies with search frictions, p. 621-642
Joop Hartog, Pedro Raposo, Hugo Reis, Fluctuations in the wage gap between vocational and general secondary education: lessons from Portugal, p. 643-675
Massimiliano Bratti, Corinna Ghirelli, Giulia Santangelo, Vocational training for unemployed youth in Latvia , p. 677-717
Julia Lang, Employment effects of language training for unemployed immigrants , p. 719-754
Masao Nakagawa, Asuka Oura, Yoshiaki Sugimoto, Under- and over-investment in education: the role of locked-in fertility, p. 755-784
Jo Blanden, Emilia Del Bono, Birgitta Rabe, Quantity and quality of childcare and children’s educational outcomes , p. 785-828

v. 35, 2022, 1

Hendrik Jürges, Luca Stella, Alexandra Schwarz, Cohort at risk: long-term consequences of conflict for child school achievement (first, second and last of 4), p. 1
Marina Mileo Gorzig, Deborah Rho, The effect of the 2016 United States presidential election on employment discrimination, p. 45
Crystal Zhan, Wage distributions in origin societies and occupational choices of immigrant generations in the USA, p. 89
Simen Markussen, Marte Strøm, Children and labor market outcomes: separating the effects of the first three children, p. 135
Jacob Nielsen Arendt, Labor market effects of a work-first policy for refugees, p. 169
Ján Palguta, René Levínský, Samuel ?koda, Do elections accelerate the COVID-19 pandemic?, p. 197
Pierre Pestieau, Gregory Ponthiere, Optimal lockdown and social welfare, p. 241
Fernanda Marquez-Padilla, Biani Saavedra, The unintended effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home orders on abortions, p. 269
Federico H. Gutierrez, The inter-generational fertility effect of an abortion ban, p. 307
Enkelejda Havari, Marco Savegnago, The intergenerational effects of birth order on education, p. 349
Jan Priebe, Correction to: Quasi-experimental evidence for the causal link between fertility and subjective well-being, p. 379

v. 34, 2021, 4

Martin Kahanec, Luká? Lafférs, Bernhard Schmidpeter, The impact of repeated mass antigen testing for COVID-19 on the prevalence of the disease, p. 1105
Daniel Graeber, Alexander S. Kritikos, Johannes Seebauer, COVID-19: a crisis of the female self-employed, p. 1141
Augusto Cerqua, Roberta Di Stefano, Sara Miccoli, Local mortality estimates during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy (first, second and last of 4), p. 1189
Annie Tubadji, Culture and mental health resilience in times of COVID-19, p. 1219
Eiji Yamamura, Yoshiro Tsustsui, School closures and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan, p. 1261
Steffen Juranek, Floris T. Zoutman, The effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions on the demand for health care and on mortality: evidence from COVID-19 in Scandinavia, p. 1299
Abel Brodeur, Idaliya Grigoryeva, Lamis Kattan, Stay-at-home orders, social distancing, and trust, p. 1321
Neha Deopa, Piergiuseppe Fortunato, Coronagraben in Switzerland: culture and social distancing in times of COVID-19, p. 1355
Isaure Delaporte, Julia Escobar, Werner Peña, The distributional consequences of social distancing on poverty and labour income inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean, p. 1385
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Neeraj KaushalAshley N. Muchow, Timing of social distancing policies and COVID-19 mortality: county-level evidence from the U.S., p. 1445
James Foreman-Peck, Peng Zhou, Correction to: fertility versus productivity: a model of growth with evolutionary equilibria, p. 1473

v. 34, 2021, 3

Maxim Ananyev, Michael Poyker, Yuan Tian, The safest time to fly: pandemic response in the era of Fox News, p. 775
Elena Del Rey, Andreas Kyriacou, José I. Silva, Maternity leave and female labor force participation: evidence from 159 countries, p. 803
Rita Peto, Balázs Reizer, Gender differences in the skill content of jobs, p. 825
Bernt Bratsberg, Oddbjørn Raaum, Knut Røed, Excess churn in integrated labor markets, p. 865
Diana Contreras Suarez, Pushkar Maitra, Health spillover effects of a conditional cash transfer program, p. 893
Thomas Hofmarcher, The effect of paid vacation on health: evidence from Sweden, p. 929
Benjamin Artz, Colin P. Green, John S. Heywood, Does performance pay increase alcohol and drug use?, p. 969
Maja Pedersen, Claudia Riani, Paul Sharp, Malthus in preindustrial Northern Italy?, p. 1003
Andrés Forero, Francisco A. Gallego, Matías Tapia, Railroads, specialization, and population growth: evidence from the first globalization, p. 1027
James Foreman-Peck, Peng Zhou, Fertility versus productivity: a model of growth with evolutionary equilibria, p. 1073

v. 34, 2021, 2

M. Niaz Asadullah, Elisabetta De Cao, Zahra Siddique, Measuring gender attitudes using list experiments, p. 367
Simon Chang, The sex ratio and global sodomy law reform in the post-WWII era, p. 401
Nguyen Thang Dao, Julio Dávila, Angela Greulich, The education gender gap and the demographic transition in developing countries, p. 431
Huichao Du, Yun Xiao, Liqiu Zhao, Education and gender role attitudes, p. 475
Carole Bonnet, Bertrand Garbinti, Anne Solaz, The flip side of marital specialization: the gendered effect of divorce on living standards and labor supply, p. 515
David G. Blanchflower, Is happiness U-shaped everywhere? Age and subjective well-being in 145 countries, p. 575
David G. Blanchflower, Andrew E. Clark, Children, unhappiness and family finances, p. 625
Ferdi Botha, John P. de New, Nicolás Salamanca, Implications of COVID-19 labour market shocks for inequality in financial wellbeing, p. 655
Nicholas W. Papageorge, Matthew V. Zahn, Egon Tripodi, Socio-demographic factors associated with self-protecting behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic, p. 691
Leonardo Baccini, Abel Brodeur, Stephen Weymouth, The COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 US presidential election, p. 739
Michaella Vanore, Correction to: Why is fertility on the rise in Egypt? The role of women’s employment opportunities, p. 769

v. 34, 2021, 1

?tepán Jurajda, Dejan Kovac, Names and behavior in a war, p. 1
Lixing Li, Xiaoyu Wu, Yi Zhou, Intra-household bargaining power, surname inheritance, and human capital accumulation, p. 35
Gigi Foster, Leslie S. Stratton, Does female breadwinning make partnerships less healthy or less stable?, p. 63
Jakub Lonsky, Does immigration decrease far-right popularity? Evidence from Finnish municipalities, p. 97
Sandra V. Rozo, Therese Anders, Steven Raphael, Deportation, crime, and victimization, p. 141
Cristina Bellés-Obrero, Nicolau Martin Bassols, Judit Vall Castello, Safety at work and immigration, p. 167
Fabio Milani, COVID-19 outbreak, social response, and early economic effects: a global VAR analysis of cross-country interdependencies, p. 223
Domenico Depalo, True COVID-19 mortality rates from administrative data, p. 253
Luca Bonacini, Giovanni Gallo, Fabrizio Patriarca, Identifying policy challenges of COVID-19 in hardly reliable data and judging the success of lockdown measures, p. 275
Luca Bonacini, Giovanni Gallo, Sergio Scicchitano, Working from home and income inequality: risks of a ‘new normal’ with COVID-19, p. 303