Journal of Population Economics DATINI

Journal of Population Economics

ISSN: 0933-1433

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0599
Consistenza: n. 1, 1988 –

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1998 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 13, 2000, 4

Stephen P. Jenkins, 1998 President of the European Society for Population Economics, p. 527

S. P. Jenkins, Modelling household income dynamics, p. 529

L. M. Argys, S. L. Averett, D. I. Rees, Welfare generosity, pregnancies and abortions among unmarried AFDC recipients, p. 569
R. Aaberge, U. Colombino, S. Strørn, Labor supply responses and welfare effects from replacing current tax rules by a flat tax: Empirical evidence from Italy, Norway and Sweden, p. 595
P. Osmundsen, G. Schjelderup, K. P. Hagen, Personal income taxation under mobility, exogenous and endogenous welfare weights and asymmetric information, p. 623
G. Marini, p. Scaramozzino, Social time preference, p. 639

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 647
Fourteenth ESPE Conference and General Assembly in Bonn, 2000, p. 649
Call for papers, p. 657
Contents of volume 13 (2000) I-IV

v. 13, 2000, 3

M. Bräuninger, J. P. Vidal, Private versus public financing of education and endogenous growth, p. 387
D. de la Croix, p. Monfort, Education funding and regional convergence, p. 403
D. Anderberg, Occupational risks, social insurance and investments in education, p. 425
A. Kemnitz, Social security, public education, and growth in a representative democracy, p. 443

edited by Timothy W. Guinnane and Christoph M. Schmidt

T. W. Guinnane, C. M. Schmidt, Editorial, p. 463
P. Groote, V. Tassenaar, Hunger and migration in a rural-traditional area in the nineteenth century, p. 465
M. Vogler, R. Rotte, The effects of development on migration: Theoretical issues and new empirical Evidence, p. 485
T. J. Hatton, How much did immigrant « quality » decline in late nineteenth century America?, p. 509

v. 13, 2000, 2

edited by Rainer Winkelmann and Klaus F. Zimmermann

R. Winkelmann, K. F. Zimmermann, Editorial, p. 171
J. M. C. Santos Silva, F. Covas, A modified hurdle model for completed fertility, p. 173
M. Meikersson, D. O. Rooth, Modeling female fertility using inflated count data models, p. 189
P- G. Moffatt, S. A. Peters, Grouped zero-inflated count data models of coital frequency, p. 205
A. S. Kaiwij, The effects of female employment status on the presence and number of children, p. 221
J. Mayer, R. T. Riphahn, Fertility assimilation of immigrants: Evidence from count data models, p. 241
V. Atella, F. C. Rosati, Uncertainty about children’s survival and fertility: A test using indian microdata, p. 263

edited by Thomas A. Mroz and Klaus F. Zimmermann

T. A. Mroz, K. F. Zimmermann, Editorial, p. 279
Orazem P. F., M. Vodopivec, Male-female differences in labor market outcomes during the early transition to market. The cases of Estonia and Slovenia, p. 283
B. Li. S. Gustafsson, Economic transformation and the gender earnings gap in urban China, p. 305
P. W. Liu, X. Meng, J. Zhang, Sectoral gender wage differentials and discrimination in the transitional Chinese economy, p. 331
E. Glinskaya, T. A. Mroz, The gender gap in wages in Russia from 1992 to 1995, p. 353

v. 13, 2000, 1

Kuznets Prize for James R. Walker, p. 1

R. Ray, Analysis of child labour in Peru and Pakistan: A comparative study, p. 3
Ø. A. Nilsen, A. E. Risa, A. Torstensen, Transitions from employment among young Norwegian workers, p. 21
P. A. Puhani, Poland on the dole: The effect of reducing the unemployment benefit entitlement period during transition, p. 35
J. Hansen, The effect of work absence on wages and wage gaps in Sweden, p. 45

Co. C. Y., I. N. Gang, M. S. Yun, Returns to returning, p. 57
S. A. Kossoudji, D. A. Cobb-Clark, IRCA’s impact on the occupational concentration and mobility of newly-legalized Mexican men, p. 81
W. Suen, Estimating the effects of immigration in one city, p. 99
D. Gaumont, A. Mesnard, Altruism and international labour migration, p. 113
Meier V., Time preference, international migration, and social security, p, 127

H. Jürges, Of rotten? Kids and Rawlsian parents: The optimal timing of intergenerational transfers, p. 147
E. R. Eide, M. H. Showalter, A note on the rate of intergenerational convergence of earnings, p. 159

Thirteenth ESPE Conference and General Assembly in Torino, 1999, p. 163

v. 12, 1999, 4

F. Bourguignon. 1995 President of the European Society for Population Economics, p. 501

F. Bourguignon, The cost of children: May the collective approach to household behavior help?, p. 503

J. Waldfogel, Y. Higuchi, M. Abe, Family leave policies and women’s retention after childbirth: Evidence from the United States, Britain, and Japan, p. 523
D. C. Ribar, The socioeconomic consequences of young women ‘s childbearing: Reconciling disparate evidence, p. 547
C. Lehr Scotese, Banking on fewer children: Financial intermediation, fertility and economic development, p. 567
J. Tiefenthaler, The sectoral labor supply of married couples in Brazil: Testing the unitary model of household behavior, p. 591

R. A. Pecchenino, K. R. Utendorf, Social security, social welfare and the aging population, p. 607
B. U. Wigger, Pay-as-you-go financed public pensions in a model of endogeneous growth and fertility, p. 625

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 641
Call for papers, p. 643
Call for proposals, p. 644
Contents of volume 12 (1999), I – IV

v. 12, 1999, 3

I. Preston, I. Walker, Welfare measurement in labour supply models with nonlinear budget Constraints, p. 343
A. T. Riphahn, Income and employment effects of health shocks. A test case far the German welfare state, p. 363
P. B. Levine, D. J. Zimmerman, An empirical analysis of the welfare magnet debate using the NLSY, p. 391
J. Ekberg, Immigration and the public sector: Income effects for the native population in Sweden, p. 411

T. Lindh, B. Malmberg, Age structure effects and growth in the OECD. 1950-1990, p. 431
J. McIntosh, An analysis of reproductive behaviour in Canada: Results from an intertemporal optimizing model, p. 451
A. M. M. Masih, R, Masih, Is a significant socio-economic structural change a pre-requisite for ‘initial’ fertility decline in the LDCs? Evidence from Thailand based on a multivariate cointegration/vector error correction modelling approach, p. 463
S. Bougheas, Y. Georgellis, The effect of divorce costs on marriage formation and dissolution, p. 489

Call for papers, p. 499
Call for proposal, p. 500

v. 12, 1999, 2

edited by Klaus F. Zimmermann

K. F. Zimmermann, Editorial, p. 193
J. M. Orszag, D. Snower, Youth unemployment and government policy, p. 197
D. J. Macunovich, The fortunes of one’s birth: Relative cohort size and the youth labor market in the United States, p. 215
G. J. van den Berg, J. C. van Ours, Duration dependence and heterogeneity in French youth unemployment durations, p. 273
P. Rice, The impact of local labour markets on investment in further education: Evidence from the England and Wales youth cohort studies, p. 287
A. Barrett, T. Callan, B. Nolan, Returns to education in the Irish youth labour market, p. 313
R. Winter-Ebmer, J. Zweimüller, Do immigrants displace young native workers: The Austrian experience, p. 327
Twelfth ESPE Conference and General Assembly in Amsterdam, 1998 (Corrigendum), p. 341

v. 12, 1999, 1

edited by L. Katseli, T. Straubhaar and K. F. Zimmermann

L. Katseli, T. Straubhaar, K. F. Zimmermann, Editorial, p. 1
G: S: Epstein, A. L. Hillman, A. Weiss, Creating illegal immigrants, p. 3
P. Levine, The-welfare economics of immigration control, p. 23
S. Djajic, Dynamics of immigration control, p. 45
B. R. Chiswick, p. W. Miller, Language skills and earnings among legalized aliens, p. 63
F. L. Rivera-Batiz, Undocumented workers in the labor market: An analysis of the earnings of legal and illegal Mexican immigrants in the United States, p. 91
I. N. Gang, R. C. Stuart, Mobility where mobility is illegal: Internal migration and city growth in the Soviet Union, p. 117
A. Venturini, Do immigrants working illegally reduce the natives’ legal employment? Evidence- from Italy, p. 135
A. H. Sarris, S. Zografakis, A computable general equilibrium assessment of the impact of illegal immigration on the Greek economy, p. 155

v. 11, 1998, 4

edited by Ira N. Gang and T. Paul Schultz

A. Deolalikar, E. Rose, Gender and savings in rural India, p. 453
A. Garg, J. Morduch, Sibling rivalry and the gender gap: Evidence from child health outcomes in Ghana, p. 471
J. Haughton, O. Haughton, Are simple tests of son preference useful? An evaluation using data from Vietnam, p. 495

K. Blackburn, G. P. Cipriani, Endogenous fertility, mortality and growth, p. 517
G. Steinmann, A. Prskawetz, G. Feichtinger, A model on the escape from the Malthusian trap, p. 535
A. Kalwij, R. Alessie, p. Fontein, Household commodity demand and demographics in the Netherlands: A microeconometric analysis, p. 551

F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, Are migrant minorities strategically self-selected?, p. 579
J-P, Vidal, The effect of emigration on human capital formation, p. 589

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 601
Call for papers, p. 603
Contents of volume 11 (1998)

v. 11, 1998, 3

T. Paul Schultz, 1997 President of the European Society for Population Economics, p. 305

T. P. Schultz, Inequality in the distribution of personal income in the world: How it is changing and why, p. 307

F. van Dijk, Private support and social security, p. 345
Ø. Thøgersen, A note on intergenerational risk sharing and the design of pay-as-you-go pension programs, p. 373

B. A. Portnov, The effect of housing on migrations in Israel: 1988-1994, p. 379
R. P. C. Brown, Comparative labor market performance of visaed and non-visaed migrants: Pacific islanders in Sydney, p. 395

R. E. Bailey, M. J. Chambers, The impact of real wage and mortality fluctuations on fertility and nuptiality in precensus England, p. 413
S. Al-Qudsi, The demand for children in Arab countries: Evidence from panel and count data models, p. 435

v. 11, 1998, 2

Heather Joshi, 1996 President of the European Society for Population Economics, p. 159

h. Joshi, The opportunity costs of childbearing: More than mothers’ business, p. 161

M. Lundholm, H. Ohlsson, Wages. Taxes and publicly provided day care, p. 185
S. Boggess, Family structure, economic status, and educational attainment, p. 205
G. Lacroix, M. Picot, C. Sofer, The extent of labour specialization in the extended family: A theoretical and empirical analysis, p. 223

T. P. Schultz, Immigrant quality and assimilation: A review of the US literature, p. 239
B. R. Chiswick, Hebrew Language usage: Determinants and effects on earnings among Immigrants in Israel, p. 253
J. T. Durkin Jr, Immigration, assimilation and growth, p. 273
J. E. Hayfron, The performance of immigrants in the Norwegian labor market, p. 293

v. 11, 1998, 1

C. Blackorby, W. Bossert, D. Donaldson, Uncertainty and critical-level population principles, p. 1

A. Cigno, Fertility decisions-when infant survival is endogenous, p. 21
P. Merrigan P, Y. St. Pierre, An econometric and neoclassical analysis of the timing and spacing of births in Canada from 1950 to 1990, p. 29
D. J. Macunovich, Fertility and the Easterlin hypothesis: An assessment of the literature, p. 53

R. Axelsson, O. Westerlund, A panel study of migration, self-selection and household real income, p. 113
P. L. Siklos, W. L. Marr, The unemployment insurance compensation experience of immigrants in Canada, 1980-1988, p. 127
B. Crettez, p. Michel, J. P. Vidal, Time preference and capital mobility in an OLG model with land, p. 149

v. 10, 1997, 4

D. A. Galbi, Child labor and the division of labor in the early English cotton mills, p. 357
G. Psacharopoulos, Child labor versus educational attainment. Some evidence from Latin America, p. 377
H. A. Patrinos, G. Psacharopoulos, Family size, schooling and child labor in Peru. An empirical analysis, p. 387
P. Jensen, H. S. Nielsen, Child labour or school attendance? Evidence from Zambia, p. 407
O. Dustmann, C. Rajan N., S. Smith, Teenage truancy, part-time working and wages, p. 425

W. Suen, Retirement patterns in Hong Kong: A censored regression analysis, p. 443
S. Siddiqui, The pension incentive to retire: Empirical evidence for West Germany, p. 463

Acknowlegement to editorial collaborators, p. 487
Eleventh ESPE Conference and General Assembly in Colchester, 1997, p. 489
Contents of Volume 10 (1997)

v. 10, 1997, 3

J. L. Hotchkiss, M. M. Kassis, R. E. Moore, Running hard and falling behind: A welfare analysis of two-earner families, p. 237

H. Nguyen-Dinh, A socioeconomic analysis of the determinants of fertility: The case of Vietnam, p. 251
W. Wang, F. Famoye, Modeling household fertility decisions with generalized Poisson regression, p. 273

H. Strulik, Learning-by-doing, population pressure, and the theory of demographic transition, p. 285
M. B. Cronshaw, T. Requate, Population size and environmental quality, p. 299
E. Canton, L. Meijdam, Altruism and the macroeconomic effects of demographic changes, p. 317
M. Kolmar, Intergenerational redistribution in a small open economy with endogenous fertility, p. 335

v. 10, 1997, 2

D. J. Macunovich, A conversation with Richard Easterlin, p. 119
S. Harkness, S. Machin, J. Waldfogel, Evaluating the pin money hypothesis: The relationship between women’s labour market activity, family income and poverty in Britain, p. 137

R. Winkelmann, How young workers get their training: A survey of Germany versus the United States, p. 159
D. Harhoff, T. J. Kane, Is the German apprenticeship system a panacea for the U.S. labor market?, p. 171
W. Arulampalam, A.L. Booth, Who gets over the training hurdle? A study of the training experiences of young men and women in Britain, p. 197
J. R. Veum, Training and job mobility among young workers in the United States, p. 219
C. Y. C. Chu, R. D. Lee, Famine revolte and the dynasfic cycle: population dynamics in historic China (Corrigendum), p. 235

v. 10, 1997, 1

K. F. Zimmermann, Editorial: The second decade, p. 1
A. Sen, Population policy: Authoritarianism versus cooperation, p. 3
C. R. Arroyo, J. Zhang, Dynamic microeconomic models of fertility choice: A survey, p. 23
J. B. Davies, J. Zhang, The effects of gender control on fertility and children’s consumption, p. 67
R. Kollmann, Endogenous fertility in a model with non-dynastic parental altruism, p. 87
C. K. Yip, J. Zhang, A simple endogenous growth model with endogenous fertility: Indeterminancy and uniqueness, p. 97

Tenth ESPE Conference and General Assembly in Uppsala, 1996, p. 111

v. 9, 1996, 4

A. C. Kelley, R. M. Schmidt, Saving; dependency and development, p. 365
B.Crettez. Ph. Michel, J.-P. Vidal, Time preference and labour migration in an OLG model with land and capital, p. 387
H. Cremer, p. Pestieau, Bequests as a heir » discipline device, p. 405
Th. Palivos, C. A. Scotese, Fertility, growth and the financing of public education and health, p. 415
A. Kimhi, Demographic composition of farm households and its effect on time allocation, p. 429

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 441
Call for Papers, p. 442
Contents of Volume 9 (1996)

v. 9, 1996, 3

edited by S. S. Gustafsson and J. E Ermisch

S. S. Gustafsson, J. F. Ermisch, Editorial, p. 221
S. S. Gustafsson. C. M. M. P. Wetzels, J. D. Vlasblom, S. Dex, Women’s labor force transations in connection with childbirth: A panel data comparison between Germany, Sweden and Great Britain, p. 223
J. Ondrich, C K. Spiess, Q. Yang, Barefoot and in a German kitchen: Federal parental leave and benefit policy and the return to work after childbirth in Germany, p. 247
M. Rönsen. M. Sundström, Maternal employment in Scandinavia: A comparison of the after-birth employment activity of Norwegian and Swedish women, p. 267
G. C. Giannelli, Women’s transitions in the labour market: A competing risks analysis on German panel data, p. 287
P. Adam, Mothers in an insider-outsider economy: The puzzle of Spain, p. 301
H. Joshi, S. Macran, S. Dex, Employment after childbearing and women’s subsequent labour force partiapation: Evidence from the British 1958 birth cohort, p. 325
B. Dankmeyer, Long run opportunity-costs of children according to education of the mother in the Netherlands, p. 349

v. 9, 1996, 2

T. Bergstrom, R. F. Schoeni, Income prospects and age-at-marriage, p. 115
M. Staat. G. Wagenhals, Lone mothers: A review, p. 131
L. Meijdam, H. A. A. Verbon, Aging and political decision making on public pensions, p. 141
A. Winkelmann, Unskilbed labor and wage determination: An empirical investigation far Germany, p. 159

E.L. Lehrer, Religion as a determinant of marital fertility, p. 173
D. O. Ribar, The effects at teenage fertility on young adult childbearing, p. 197

v. 9, 1996, 1

K. F. Zimmermann, Editorial, p. 1
J. Broome, The value of life and the value of population, p. 3

B.R. Chiswick, p. W. Miller, Ethnic networks and language proficiency among immigrants, p. 19
Ch. Dustmann, The social assimilation of immigrants, p. 37
A. Barrett, Did the decline continue? Comparing the labor-market quality of United States immigrants from the late 1970’s and late 1980’s, p. 55
G. A. Bucci. R. Tenorio, On financing the internal enforcement of illegal immigration policies, p. 65
E. S. Brezis, p. R. Krugman, Immigration, investment and real wages, p. 83
P. Michel, A. Perrot, J.F. Thisse, Interregional equilibrium with heterogeneous labor, p. 95

v. 8, 1995, 4

K. F. Zimmermann, Editorial

T. P. Schultz, Y. Zeng, Fertility of rural China. Effects of local family planning and health programs, p. 329
R.F Schoeni, Marital status and earnings in developed countries, p. 351

B. Gustafsson, Assessing poverty. Some reflections on the literature, p. 361
M. S. Rendall, A. Speare. Jr., Elderly poverty alleviation through living with family, p. 383

K. O’Rourke, Emigration and living standards in Ireland since the Famine, p. 407
C.O. Gràda, N. Duffy, Fertility control early in marriage in Ireland a century ago, p. 423

Ninth ESPE Conference and General Assembly in Lisbon, 1995, p. 433
Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 439
Contents of volume 8 (1995)

v. 8, 1995, 3

R. Walker, The effect of public policies on recent Swedish fertility behavior, p. 223
G.G. Liu, An economic analysis of pregnancy resolution in Virginia: specific as to race and residence, p. 253
S. P. Jenkins, N.C. O’Leary, Modelling domestic work time, p. 265
J. Tiefenthaler, Deviations from the least-cost diets for infants, p. 281
C. A. Echevarria, On age distribution of population, government expenditure and fiscal federalism, p. 301
K.A. Konrad, Social security and strategic inter-vivos transfers of social capital, p. 315

v. 8, 1995, 2

T. I. Garner. K. de Vos, Income sufficiency v. poverty. Results from the United States and The Netherlands, p. 117

edited by B.-A. Wickström

F. Breyer, The political economy of rationing in social health insurance, p. 137
S. D. Flam, A. E. Risa, Market insurance, social insurance and education, p. 149
W. Peters, Public pensions, family allowances and endogenous demographic change, p. 161
C. Sedl, The desire for a son is the father of many daughters. A sex ratio paradox, p. 185
R. K. von Weizsäcker, Public pension reform, demographics and inequality, p. 205

v. 8, 1995, 1

R. M. Blank, Changes in inequality and unemployment over the 1980s. Comparative cross-national responses, p. 1
J. E. L. Campos, D. Lien, Political instability and illegal immigration, p. 23
C. Y. C. Chu, H.C. Lu, Toward a general analysis of endogenous Easterlin cycles, p. 35
A. Prskawetz, G. Feichtinger, Endogenous population growth may imply chaos, p. 59
A. Razin, C.-W. Yuen, Utilitarian tradeoff population growth and income growth, p. 81
J. H. M. Nelissen, Lifetime income redistribution by social security, p. 89
N. S. Blomquist, H. Wijkander, Fertility waves aggregate savings and the rate of interest (erratum), p. 107

Eight ESPE conference and general Assembly in Tilburg, 1994, p. 111

v. 7, 1994, 4

Arie Kapteyn, 1993 President of the European Society for Population Economics, p. 331

A. Kapteyn, The measurement of household cost functions. Revealed preference versus subjective measures, p. 333
C.Y.C. Chu, R. D. Lee, Famine, revolt, and the dynastic cycle. Population in historic China, p. 351
S.F. Leung, Will sex selection reduce fertility?, p. 379
J. Ermisch, N. Ogawa, Age at motherhood in Japan, p. 393

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 421
Contents of Volume 7(1994)

v. 7, 1994, 3

M. Blackburn, S. Korenman, The declining marital-status earnings differential, p. 247
J. Zweimüller, R. Winter-Ebmer, Gender wage differentials in private and public sector jobs, p. 271
B. Gustafsson, U. Kjulin, Time use in child care and housework and the total cost of children, p. 287
F. T. Denton, C. H. Feaver, B. G. Spencer, Teachers and the birth rate. The demographic dynamics of a service population, p. 307

v. 7, 1994, 2

edited by W. Franz, K. F. Zimmermann

G. L. Borjas, Immigrant skills and ethnic spillovers, p. 99
B. R. Chiswick, p. W. Miller, Language choice among immigrants in a multi-lingual destination, p. 119
C. Dustmann, Speaking fluency, writing fluency and earnings of migrants, p. 133
I. N. Gang, F. L. Rivera-Batiz, Labor market effects of immigration in the United States and Europe. Substitution vs. Complementarity, p. 157
J. P. De New, K. F. Zimmermann, Native wage impacts of foreign labor: a random effects panel analysis, p. 177
J. Dolado, A. Goria. A. Ichino, Immigration, human capital and growth in the host country. Evidence from pooled country data, p. 193
W. Franz, U. Oser, p. Winker, A macroeconometric disequilibrium analysis of current and future migration from Eastern Europe into West Germany, p. 217
R. Faini, Workers remittances and the real exchange rate. A quantitative framework, p. 235

v. 7, 1994, 1

J. A. Brander, S. Dowrick, The- role of fertility and population in economic growth. Empirical results from aggregate cross-national data, p. 1
N. S. Blomquist, H. Wijkander, Fertility waves, aggregate savings and the rate of interest, p. 27
N. Bonneuil, Capital accumulation, inertia of consumption and norms of reproduction, p. 49
N. Ahn, Effects of the one-child family policy on second and third births in Hebei, Shaanxi and Shanghai, p. 63
H. R. Clarke, The welfare effects of labour force growth with internationally mobile capital, p. 79

v. 6, 1993, 4

edited by A. Cigno

G. Psacharopoulos, Z. Tzannatos, Economic and demographic effects on working women in Latin America, p. 293
O. S. DeGraff, R. E. Bilsborrow, Female-headed households and family welfare in rural Ecuador, p. 317
R. E Wright, p. S. Maxim, Immigration policy and immigrant quality. Empirical evidence from Canada, p. 337
Ph. Michel, p. Pestieau, Population growth and optimality. When does serendipity hold?, p. 353
Y. Spiegel, Rawlsian optimal population size, p. 363

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 375
Contents of Volume 6 (1993)

v. 6, 1993, 3

R. Ray, Optimal demogrants and taxes in a federal welfare state, p. 199

edited by G. J. Duncan

G. J. Duncan, B. Gustafsson, A. Hauser, G. Schmauss, H. Messinger, R. Muffels, B. Nolan, J.- C. Ray, Poverty dynamics in eight countries, p. 215
K. Van den Bosch, T. CaIlan, J. Estivill. P. Hausman. B. Jeandidier, A. Muffels, J. Yfantopoulos, A comparison of poverty in seven European countries and regions using subjective and relative measures, p. 235
S. E. Mayer, Living conditions among the poor in four rich countries, p. 261

Seventh ESPE congress General Assembly in Budapest, 1993, p. 287

v. 6, 1993, 2

N. Anders Klevmarken – 1992 President of the European Society for Population Economics, p. 103

N. A. Klevmarken, Demographics and the dynamics of earnings, p. 105
H. Verbon, Public pensions. The role of public choice and expectations, p. 123
J. L. Simon, Economic thought about population consequences: Some reflections, p. 137
C. Dustmann, Earnings adjustment of temporary migrants, p. 153
D.-H.D. Lien, Asymmetric information and the brain drain, p. 169
J. A. Dunlevy, Migrant stock vs. lagged migrant flow as a determinant of migrant settlement. A comment on Anjomani and Hariri, p. 181
T. Abeysinghe, Time cost relative income and fertility in Canada, p. 189

v. 6, 1993, 1

M. L Blackburn, D. E. Bloom, D. Neumark, Fertility timing, wages, and human capital, p. 1
C.J. Flinn, Cohort size and schooling choice, p. 31
L. Danziger, S. Neuman, Equality and fertility in the kibbutz, p. 57
C. van Marrewijk, J. Verbeek, On opulence driven poverty traps, p. 67
B. Delhausse, A. Luttgens, S. Perelman, Comparing measures of poverty and relative deprivation. An example for Belgium, p. 83

v. 5, 1992, 4

Gary S. Becker -Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics 1992, p. 251

edited by A. Cigno

A. Cigno, Savings and age structure. Introduction, p. 257
D. T. Greenwood, E. N. Wolff, Changes in wealth in the United States, 1962-1983. Savings, capital gains, inheritance, and lifetime transfers, p. 261
A. Borsch-Supan, Saving and consumption patterns of the elderly. The German case, p. 289
S. Perelman, p. Pestieau, Inheritance and wealth composition, p. 305
A. Cigno, F. C. Rosati, The effects of financial markets and social security on saving and fertility behaviour in Italy, p. 319

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 345
Contents of Volume- 5 (1992)

v. 5, 1992, 3

Alessandro Cigno – 1991 President of the European Society for Population Economics, p. 173

A. Cigno, Children and pensions, p. 175
G. S. Becker, Fertility and the economy, p. 185
J. Zhang, B. G. Spencer, Who sings China’s one-child certificate, and why?, p. 203
W. Sander, Unobserved variables and marital status. The schooling connection, p. 217
G. Pepermans, Retirement decisions in a discrete choice model and implications for the government budget. The case of Belgium, p. 229

v. 5, 1992, 2

A. Anjomani, V. Hariri, Migration stock and the issue of competing and complementary flows in United States interstate migration, p. 87
G. S. Fields, Modern sector enlargement or traditional sector enrichment? GNP effects with induced. Migration, p. 101
R. Kochhar, International labor migration and domestic labor supply, p. 113
O. Galor, The choice of factor mobility in a dynamic world, p. 135
T. Darvish-Lecker, N. Kahana, The destination decision of political migrants. An economic approach, p. 145
W. Groot, H. A. Pott-Buter, The timing of maternity in the Netherlands, p. 155

v. 5, 1992, 1

B. L Wolfe, J. R. Behrman, The synthesis economic fertility model. A latent variable investigation of some critical attributes, p. 1
D. Neumark, Interpreting demographic effects in duration analyses of first birth intervals, p. 17
A. H. Beller, S. S. Chung, Family structure and educational attainment of children. Effects of remarriage, p. 39
S. Gustafsson, Separate taxation and married women’s labor supply. A comparision of West Germany and Sweden, p. 61

v. 4, 1991, 4

R. Boadway, M. Marchand, p. Pestieau, Pay-as-you-go social security in a changing environment, p. 257
O. S. Mitchell, Social security reforms and poverty among older dual-earner couples, p. 281
R. E. Wright, Cohort size and earnings in Great Britain, p. 295

Fifth ESPE Congress and General Assembly in Pisa 1991, p. 308
Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 313
Contents of volume 4 (1991), p. I

v. 4, 1991, 3

Edited by S. Cnossen and D. Bös

K. F. Zimmermann, Ageing and the labor market. Age structure, cohort size and unemployment, p. 117
P. Apps, Tax reform, population ageing and the changing labour supply behaviour of married women, p. 201
R. V. Burkhauser, G. J. Duncan, United States public policy and the elderly. The disproportionate risk to the well-being of women, p. 217
A. Börsch-Supan, K. Stahl, Life cycle savings and consumption constraints. Theory, empirical evidence, and fiscal implications, p. 233

v. 4, 1991, 2

edited by D. Bös and S. Cnossen

Editors’ note, p. 87

E. Drissert, F. van Winden, Social security in a general equilibrium model with endogenous government behavior, p. 89
D. E Wildasin, The marginal cost of public funds with an aging population, p. 111
D. Btanchet, D. Kessler, Optimal pension funding with demographic instability and endogenous returns on investment, p. 137
W. Peters, Public pensions in transition. An optimal policy path, p. 155

v. 4, 1991, 1

O. Galor, O. Stark, The impact of differences in the levels of technology on international labor migration, p. 1
S. Berninghaus, H. G. Seifert-Vogt, A temporary equilibrium model for international migration, p. 13
J. L. Simon, G. Steinmann, Population growth, farmland, and the long-run standard of living, p. 37
T Abeysinghe, On testing Easterlin’s hypothesis using relative cohort size as a proxy for relative income. An analysis of Canadian data, p. 53
P. S. Carlin, Home investment in husband’s human capital and the wife’s decision to work, p. 71

v. 3, 1990, 4

J. J. Heckman, J.R. Walker, The third birth in Sweden, p. 235
R. A. Easterlin, Ch. Macdonald, D. J. Macunovich, How have American baby boomers fared? Earnings and economic well-being of young adults, 1964-1987, p. 277
B. S. Ferguson, Optimal population control with uncertain output, p. 291
J. Zhang, Mortality and fertility: How large is the direct child replacement effect in China?, p. 303

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 315
Contents of Volume 3 (1990), p. I

v. 3, 1990, 3

W. Schmähl, Demographic change and social security. Some elements of a complex relationship, p. 159
A. Prinz, Endogenous fertility, altruistic behavior across generations, and social security systems, p. 179
C. U. Chiswick, E. L. Lehrer, On marriage-specific human capital. Its role as a determinant of remarriage, p. 193
P. Jemsen, N. Smith, Unemployment and marital dissolution, p. 215

Fourth ESPE Congress and General Assembly in Instanbul, 1990. A report, p. 232 .

v. 3, 1990, 2

G. Feichtinger, E. J. Dockner, Capital accumulation, endogenous population growth, and Easterlin cycles, p. 73
Harrie A. A. Verbon, Transfers to the old, government debt and demographic change, p. 89
Junsen Zhang, Socioeconomic determinants of fertility in China. A microeconometric analysis, p. 105
Naci H. Mocan, Business cycles and fertility dynamics in the United States. A vector autoregressive model, p. 125
Alok Bhargava, An econometric analysis of the U.S. postwar G.N.P., p. 147

v. 3, 1990, 1

John Ermisch -1989 President of the European Society for Population Economics, p. 1

John Ermisch, European women’s employment and fertility again, p. 3
J. R. Behrman, p. Taubman, A comparison and latent variable test of two fertile ideas, p. 19
T. Barmby, A. Cigno, A sequential probability model of fertility patterns, p. 31
G. Sohwödiauer, A. Wenig, The impact of taxation on the distribution of wealth in an economy with changing population, p. 53

v. 2, 1989, 4

W.R. Reed, K. Harford, The marriage premium and compensating wage differentials, p. 237
G. Feichtinger, G. Sorger, Self-generated fertility waves in a non-linear continuous overlapping generations model, p. 267
H. Kondo, International factor mobility and production technology, p. 281
B. Dutta., I. N. Gang, S. Gangopadhyay, Subsidy policies with capital accumulation: Maintaining employment levels, p. 301

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 319
Contents of volume 2 (1989), p. I

v. 2, 1989, 3

F. T. Denton, B. G. Spencer, Macro-effects of changes in household preferences for children. Simulated history and future time paths, p. 165
D. Lam, Population growth, age structure, and age-specific productivity. Does a uniform age distribution minimize lifetime wages?, p. 189
R. Ray, The behavioural and welfare implications of housing demand under rationing. The United Kingdom experience, p. 211
S. Hadzivukovic, Population growth and economic development. A case study of Yugoslavia, p. 225

v. 2, 1989, 2

J. F. Ermisch, Purchased child care, optimal family size and mother’s employment Theory and econometric analysis, p. 79
K. Matsushita, Economic analysis of age at first marriage, p. 103
Z. Tzannatos, J. Symons, An economic approach to fertility in Britain since 1860, p. 121
R. H. Day, K-H. Kim, D. Macunovich, Complex demoeconomic dynamics, p. 139

Third ESPE Congress and General Assembly in Paris, 1989. A report, p. 162

v. 2, 1989, 1

Pierre Pestieau -1988 President of the European Society for Population Economics, p. 1

P. Pestieau, The demographics of inequality, p. 3
L. Danziger, S. Neuman, Intergenerational effects on fertility. Theory and evidence from Israel, p. 25
S. Possebon, O. S. Mitchell, Married women’s retirement behavior, p. 39
D. Mont, Two earner family migration. A search theoretic approach, p. 55
W. A. Jackson, Utilitarian pension and retirement policies under population ageing, p. 73

v. 1, 1989, 4

R. Moffitt, Demographic behavior and the welfare state. Econometric issues in the identification of the effects of tax and transfer programs, p. 237
E. L. Lehrer, Preschoolers with working mothers. An analysis of the determinants of child care arrangements, p. 251
J. Ermisch, Intergenerational transfers in industrialised countries. Effects of age distribution and economic institutions, p. 269
B. Bental, The old age security hypothesis and optimal population growth, p. 285

Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, p. 303
Contents to Volume 1 (1988/1989), p. I

v. 1, 1988, 3

E. van Imhoff, Age structure, education, and the transmission of technical change, p. 167
D. Blanchet, Age structure and capital dilution effects in neo-classical growth models, p. 183
S. Beminghaus, H. G. Seifert-Vogt, Temporary vs. permanent migration. A decision theoretical approach, p. 195
R. Ray, Household composition and optimal commodity taxes. Do demographic variables matter?, p. 213
V. Rao, Diet, mortality and life expectancy. A cross national analysis, p. 225

v. 1, 1988, 2

S. F. Leung, On tests for sex preferences, p. 95
N. Smith, N. Westergard-Nielsen, Wage differentials due to gender, p. 115
M. S. Kimenyi, W. E.. Shughart II, R. D. Tollison, An interest-group theory of population growth, p. 131
A. Rodriguez, The dependency ratio and optimum population growth. The total utility case, p. 141
O. Stark, S. Yitzhaki, Merging populations, stochastic dominance and Lorenz curves, p. 157

Second ESPE Congress and General Assembly in Mannehim, 1988. A report, p. 163

v. 1, 1988, 1

K. F. Zimmermann, Editorial, p. 1
B. M. S. van Praag, The notion of population economics, p. 3
M. Nerlove, Population policy and individual choice, p. 17
R. K. von Weizsäcker, Age structure and income distribution policy, p. 33
O. Stark, S. Yilzhaki, Labour migration as a response to relative deprivation, p. 57
D. J. Macunovich, R. A. Easterlin, Application of Granger-Sims causality tests to monthly fertility data, 1958-1984, p. 71

First ESPE Congress and General Assembly in Rotterdam 1987. A report, p. 90
European society for population economics. Statutes, p. 93