Revista de Historia Económica – Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History
Cambridge, Instituto Figuerola de Historia y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
già (fino al 2008?): Madrid, Instituto Figuerola de Historia y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
già (fino al 2005): Madrid, Fundación Empresa Pública, Centro de Estudio Constitucionales
ISSN: 0212-6109
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 49
Consistenza: a. XVI, 1998, 1 – a. XXXVII, 2019, 1
Lacune: a. XXVIII, 2010, 1, 2, 3;
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0608
Consistenza: a. VII, 1989-
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1989 ]
Creating global demand during the Early Modern Era
Guest Editor Manuel Pérez-García
Manuel Pérez-Garcia, Creating Global Demand: Polycentric Approaches, Crossroads of Silk and Silver in China and Iberian Empires During the Early Modern Era, p. 405
Jin Cao, Dennis O. Flynn, Global Quantification and Inventory Demand for Silver in China, p. 421
Manuel Pérez-Garcia, Global Goods, Silver and Market Integration: Consumption of Wine, Silk and Porcelain Through the Grill Company via Macao-Canton and Marseille-Seville Trade Nodes, 18th Century, p. 449
Antonio Ibarra, El Mundo en una Nuez: de Calcuta y Cantón a Buenos Aires en una Época de Guerra. La Introducción de Efectos Asiáticos en los Mercados Suramericanos, 1805-1807, p. 485
Lúcio de Sousa, Judaeo-Converso Merchants in the Private Trade between Macao and Manila in the Early Modern Period, p. 519
Richard von Glahn, The Changing Significance of Latin American Silver in the Chinese Economy, 16th-19th Centuries, p. 553
Prices, living standards and numeracy in Spain and Latin America (16th to 19th centuries)
Guest Editor Rafael Dobado-González
with the collaboration of Daniel Santilli and Roberto Schmit
Rafael Dobado-González, Introduction, p. 215
José Ignacio Andrés Ucendo, Ramón Lanza García, Prices and Wages in Segovia, 1571-1807, p. 221
María Inés Moraes, Eating, Drinking, Paying. The Price of Food in Montevideo in the Late Colonial Period, p. 249
Julio Djenderedjian, Juan Luis Martirén, Consumption Baskets and Cost of Living in Southern Late Colonial Brazil: Rio Grande, 1772-1823, p. 279
Daniel Santilli, Consumption and Living Standards in Buenos Aires. Consumer Baskets and Income Between the Late Colonial Age and the First Half of the 19th Century, p. 311
Roberto Schmit, Prices and Early Inflation In Buenos Aires during the First Half of the 19th Century (1824-1850), p. 343
Andrés Calderón-Fernández, Rafael Dobado-González, Alfredo García-Hiernaux, Numeracy in Central New Spain During the Enlightenment, p. 369
Editorial Note, p. 1
Economic History of Portugal
Guest Editor Nuno Palma
Nuno Palma, Introduction to a Special Issue on The Economic History of Portugal, p. 7
António Henriques, Capital in a Frontier Economy: Portugal, 1230-1500, p. 11
Filipa Ribeiro da Silva, Hélder Carvalhal, Reconsidering The Southern European Model: Marital Status, Women’s Work and Labour Relations in Mid-eighteenth-century Portugal, p. 45
Eric Golson, The Allied Neutral? Portuguese Balance of Payments with The UK and Germany in The Second World War, 1939-1945, p. 79
Pedro Gomes, Matilde P. Machado, Literacy and Primary School Expansion in Portugal: 1940-62, p. 111
Dácil Juif, Joerg Baten, Mari Carmen Pérez-Artés, Numeracy of Religious Minorities in Spain and Portugal During the Inquisition Era, p. 147
Thales Augusto Zamberlan Pereira, The North-South Divide: Real Wages and Welfare in Brazil During the Early 20th Century, p. 185
Yue Teng, Educational Inequality and its Determinants: Evidence for Women in Nine Latin American Countries, 1950s-1990s, p. 409
María José Fuentes-Vásquez, Educational Disparities in Colombia 1904-58: New Evidence from a Regional Level Approach, p. 443
Luiz Felipe Bruzzi Curi, Danilo Barolo Martins De Lima, Vinícius Bivar Marra Pereira, German Economic Strategies for Brazil: Autarky and Extended Economic Space in the 1930s, p. 479
Carmen Mena García, Montserrat Cachero Vinuesa, Es un Mundo Pequeño: Movilidad y redes empresariales en el proceso de colonización americana, p. 507
Oscar Granados, José Joaquín Pinto, Más allá de Pamplona (Nueva Granada): Circuitos cacaoteros del suroccidente durante la transición, 1790-1821, p. 539
José M. Martínez-Carrión, Ricardo D. Salvatore, Inequality and Well-Being in Iberian and Latin American Regions since 1820. New Approaches from Anthropometric History, p. 193
Antonio D. Cámara, José Miguel Martínez-Carrión, Javier Puche, Josep-Maria Ramon-Muñoz, Height and Inequality in Spain: A Long-Term Perspective, p. 205
Manuel Llorca-Jaña, Juan Navarrete-Montalvo, Roberto, Araya-Valenzuela, Federico Droller, The Physical Stature of Men in 19th-Century Chile: Another Case of Stagnation during an Export Boom, p. 239
Moramay López-Alonso, Roberto Vélez-Grajales, Height and Inequality in Post-1950 Mexico: A History of Stunted Growth, p. 271
Adolfo Meisel-Roca, María Teresa Ramírez-Giraldo, Daniela Santos-Cárdenas, Socio-Economic Determinants and Spatial Convergence of Biological Well-Being: The Case of Colombia, 1920-1990, p. 297
Ricardo D. Salvatore, Net Nutrition Inequality in Argentina, 1875-1950: New Evidence and
Some Conjectures, p. 339
Daniel Franken, Anthropometric History of Brazil, 1850-1950: Insights from Military
and Passport Records, p. 377
Editorial Note, p. 1
Giovanni Federico, Antonio Tena-Junguito, World Trade, 1800-1938: A New Synthesis, p. 9
Herbert S. Klein and Sergio T. Serrano Hernández, Was there a 17th Century Crisis in Spanish America?, p. 43
Cyril Milhaud, Interregional Flows of Capital and Information. in Spain: a Case Study of the Theresian Carmelite Order, p. 81
Claudia Kedar, The World Bank Lending And Non-Lending To Latin America: a Case Study of Argentina, 1971-1976, p. 111
Yolanda Blasco-Martel, Reputation and the Palmer Rule in The Origins of Banking in Spain, p. 139
José M. Menudo, José Maria O’Kean, Ediciones, reimpresiones y traducciones en español del Tratado de Economía Politica de Jean Baptiste Say, p. 169
Sebastian Alvarez, A Fatal Flaw: Domestic Bank’s and Mexico’s International Negotiating Position in the 1982 Debt Crisis, p. 337
Juan Ignacio Campa Navarro, Naturaleza y efectos de la política de parentes en el régimen de la industrialización por sustitución de importaciones en Mexico entre 1940-1970, p. 363
Luis Felipe Zegarra, Reconstruction of Export Series for Peru before the Great Depression, p.393
Pedro Tedde De Lorca, La banca de emisión aiulaltiza cii perspectiva nacional (1856-1914), p. 423
David Carlos Castellvi Narbón, Rafael Barquíñ Gil, Las subvenciones adicionales en la compañía ferroviaria MZA, p. 457
Marc Badia-Miró, José Diaz-Baliamonde, Chilean Trade 18801930: a Comment on the Sources for the Age of Exports, p. 481
María Inés Moraes, Florencia Thul, Los salarios reales y el nivel de vida en una economía latinoamericana colonial: Montevideo entre 1760-1810, p. 185
Raúl García Heras, Multilateral Loans, Banking Finance, and the Martínez De Hoz Plan in Argentina, 1976-1981, p. 215
Gabriel Brea-Martínez, Joana-Maria Pujadas-Mora, Transformación y desigualdad económica en la industrialización en el área de Barcelona, 1715-1860, p. 241
Diego Azqueta, Development Economics and the Russian Revolution: The Soviet Industrialisation Debate, p. 275
Cristian Paúl Naranjo Navas, Evolución de salarios reales en Ecuador durante la Gran Depresión, 1927-1937, p. 299
Editorial Note / Nota de los Editores, p. 3
Sandra Kuntz-Ficker, Latin American Foreign Trade Statistics for the 19th and Early 20th Centuries, p. 13
Agustina Rayes, The Other Side of Argentine Foreign Trade: Sources for the Study of Imports, 1880-1913, p. 27
José Alejandro Peres-Cajías, Anna Carreras-Marhi, Official Bolivian Trade Statistics (1910-1949): Landlockness and the Limits of a Standard Accuracy Approach, p. 53
Christopher David Absell, Antonio Tena-Junguito, The Reconstruction. of Brazil’s Foreign Trade Series, 1821-1913, p. 87
Rafael Angel Ledezma Diaz, Reconstrucción. de series de valor del comercio exterior de honduras. 18801930, p. 117
Sandra Kuntz-Ficker, Antonio Tena-Junguito, Mexico’s Foreign Trade in a Turbulent Era (1821-1870): A Reconstruction, p. 149
Pablo Astorga, Real wages and skill premiums in Latin America, 1900-2011, p. 319
Sergio Espuelas, Political regime and public social spending in Spain: a time series analysis (1850-2000), p. 355
Francisco Comín, Joaquim Cuevas, The deadly embrace between the banks and the state in Spain, 1850-2015, p. 387
Samuel Garrido, El fruto de la inseguridad. vino, contrato óptimo y derechos de propiedad en Cataluña (1898-1935), p. 415
Juan Baños, Francisco Javier Fernández-Roca, A born-again global firm: Inés Rosales sociedad anónima unipersonal (sau) in the traditional sector of pastry production, p. 445
Jordi Planas, State intervention in wine markets in the early 20th century: why was it so different in France and Spain?, p. 175
José María Serrano, María Dolores Gadea, Marcela Sabaté, Gone with the euro: a reappraisal of the peseta’s adjustment mechanism (1870-1998), p. 207
Concha Betrán, María A. Pons, Two great banking crises and their economic impact compared: Spain 1976/1977 and 2008, p. 241
Paulo Reis Mourão, Port wine, Brazil and the world economy: a time series analysis from 1756 to brazilian independence, p. 275
Sandra Kuntz-Ficker, How industrialised was Mexico by 1929? a small but necessary correction to Mexico’s national accounts, p. 301
Editorial Note, p. 3
María-Isabel Ayuda, Javier Puche, Biological Welfare and Nutritional Inequality in Rural Mediterranean Spain: the Irrigated Area of Valencia, 1859-1939, p. 11
Javier Rodríguez Weber, La erosión del poder de la élite en Chile entre 1913 y 1970. Una aproximación desde los ingresos del 1%, p. 49
Tjeerd Menno Boonman, The Economic Impact of Sovereign Defaults in Latin America 1870-2012, p. 81
Luis Felipe Zegarra, Private Lenders, Banks and Mortgage Credit in Peru. Evidence from Notarised Loans, p. 105
Mariano Bonialian, La Seda china en Nueva España a principios del siglo Xvii. Una mirada imperial en el Memorial de Horacio Levanto, p. 147
Carlos Álvarez-Nogal, Christophe Chamley, Philip Ii Against the Cortes and the Credit Freeze of 1575-1577, p. 351
Oriol Sabaté, Do Democracies Spend Less on the Military? Spain as a Long-Term Case Study (1876-2009), p. 385
Alfonso Díez-Minguela, Julio Martínez-Galarraga, Daniel A. Tirado-Fabrega, Why Did Spanish Regions not Converge Before the Civil War? Agglomeration Economies and (Regional) Growth Revisited, p. 417
Celia Cussen, Manuel Llorca-Jaña, Federico Droller, The Dynamics and Determinants of Slave Prices in an Urban Setting: Santiago de Chile, c. 1773-1822, p. 449
Ignacio Briones, Vinculaciones Políticas En Un Régimen De Banca Libre: El Caso De La Crisis Bancaria De 1878 En Chile, p. 479
Alejandra Irigoin, Revisiting the Legacy of Colonialism in Africa, India and Latin America: An introduction, p. 163
Alejandra Irigoin, Representation Without Taxation, Taxation without Consent: the Legacy of Spanish Colonialism in America, p. 169
Tirthankar Roy, The British Empire and the Economic Development Tindia (1858-1947), p. 209
Ewout Frankema, Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom, Endogenous Processes of Colonial Settlement. the Success and Failure of European Settler Farming in Sub-Saharan Africa, p. 237
Agustina Vence Conti, Eduardo Martín Cuesta, Prices and Wages in the 1890 Crisis in Buenos Aires, p. 267
Enrique Llopis, Felipa Sánchez, The Crisis of 1803-1805 in the Two Castiles: Foodstuff, Mortality and institutional Collapse, p. 295
José M. Menudo, Cartas Españolas de Jean-Baptiste Say: Evidencias Para el Estudio de la Circulación de Ideas Económicas, p. 323
Editorial Note, p. 3
Nota De Los Editores, p. 6
Stephen Broadberry, Leigh Gardner, Economic Development In Africa And Europe: Reciprocal Comparisons, p. 11
Sara Torregrosa-Hetland, Sticky Income Inequality In The Spanish Transition (1973-1990), p. 39
Leticia Arroyo Abad, The Limits Of The Estado Docente: Education And Political Participation In Peru, 1876-1940, p. 81
Francisco J. Beltrán Tapia, Common Lands And Economic Development In Spainp, p. 111
Luis Perdices De Blas, José Luis Ramos-Gorostiza, Rediscovering America: Political Economy Of Spanish Colonies According To The Explorers Juan-Ulloa, Malaspina And Humboldt, p. 135
Manuel González-Mariscal, Inflación y Niveles de Vida en Sevilla Durante la Revolución de los Precios, p. 353
José Aguilar-Retureta, The GDP « Per Capita » of the Mexican Regions (1895-1930): New Estimates, p. 387
Javier San-Julian-Arrupe, In Search of a Replacement for Economic Journals: The Diffusion of Political Economy in Cultural Reviews in the Liberal Age in Spain, 1868-1914, p. 425
Jordi Domenech, Empleo y Carreras Laborales en Correos de España, 1890-1935, p. 455
Angela M. Rojas Rivera, Economic Reforms in 1970s Colombia: Assessing the Strategic Role of López Michelsen’s Government and the Cjoffe Boom, p. 487
Trade, Migration and Capital
Dácil Juif, Skill Selectivity in Transatlantic Migration: The Case of Canary Islanders in Cuba, p. 189
Vicente Pinilla, Gema Aparicio, Navigating in Troubled Waters: South American Exports of Food And Agricultural Products, 1900-1950, p. 223
Paul Caruana-Galizia, Why Did The Mediterranean Fail To Globalise? Real Wages And Labour Market Integration in The 19th Century, p. 257
Nicolás Bonino-Gayoso, Antonio Tena-Junguito, Henry Willebald, Uruguay And The First Globalization: On The Accuracy of Export Performance, 1870-1913, p. 287
Javier Moreno-Lázaro, The Stock Exchange, The State And Economic Development in Mexico, 1932-1976, p. 321
Editorial Note / Nota de los Editores, p. 3
Panorama and Debate
Rafael Dobado-González, Pre-Independence Spanish Americans: Poor, Short and Unequal… Or the Opposite?, p. 15
Robert C. Allen, Tommy E. Murphy and Eric B. Schneider, Una de cal y otra de arena: Building Comparable Real Wages in a Global Perspective, p. 61
Leticia Arroyo Abad, Jan Luiten van Zanden, Optimistic hut Plawed? A Reply, p. 77
Articles / Artículos
Amílcar E. Challú, Aurora Gómez-Galvarriato, Mexico’s Real Wages in the Age of the Great Divergence, 1730-1930, p. 83
Julio Djenderedjian y Juan Luis Martirén, Precios, producto agrario y niveles de vida en las fronteras rioplatenses, 1700-1810: una nueva mirada sobre el crecimiento econo’mico tardocolonial, p. 123
Jorge Gelman y Daniel Santilli, Salarios y precios de losfactores en Buenos Aires, 1770-1880: Una aproximación a la distribución funcional del ingreso en el largo plazo, p. 153
José L. Gasch-Tomás, Globalisation, market formation and commoditisation in the spanish empire. Consumer demand for asian goods in Mexico city and Seville, c. 1571-1630, p. 189
Klas Rönnbäck, Sweet business: quantifying the value added in the British colonial sugar trade in the 18th century, p. 223
Gerson Javier Pérez Valbuena, Adolfo Meisel Roca, Ley de zipf y de gibrat para Colombia y sus regiones: 1835-2005, p. 247
Tomàs Fernández-De-Sevilla, Inside the dynamics of industrial capitalism: the mass production of cars in Spain, 1950-1985, p. 287
David Reher, Miguel Requena, Was there a Mid-20th Century Fertility Boom in Latin America?, p. 319
Xavier Franch-Auladell, Mateu Morillas-Torné, Jordi Martí-Henneberg, The Railway Network and the Process of Population Concentration in Spain, 1900-2001, p. 351
Melchor Campos García, Cambios en la estructura de las rentas públicas de Yucatán, 1850-1902, p. 381
Adolfo Meisel, No Reversal of Fortune in the Long Run: Geography and Spatial Persistence of Prosperity in Colombia, 1500-2005, p. 411
José L. Gash-Tomás, Globalisation, Market Formation and Commoditisation in the Spanish Empire. Consumer Demand for Asian Goods in Mexico City and Seville, C.1571-1630, p. 189
Klas Rönnback, Sweet Business: Quantifying the Value Added in the British Colonial Sugar Trade in the 18th Century, p. 223
Gerson Javier Pérez Valbuena, Adolfo Meisel Roca, Ley de Zipf y de Gibrat para Colombia y sus regiones, 1835-2005, p. 247
Tomàs Fernandez-de-Sevilla, Inside the Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism: The Mass Production of Cars in Spain, 1950-1985, p. 287
Editors’ Note / Nota de los Editores, p. 3
Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, Transport technology and economic expansion: the growth contribution of railways in Latin America before 1914, p. 13
Leticia Arroyo Abad, Failure to launch: cost of living and living standards in Peru during the 19 century, p. 47
José Alejandro Peres-Cajías, Bolivian public finances, 1882-2010. The challenge to make social spending sustainable, p. 77
Juan Carmona, Markus Lampe, Joan R. Rosés, Spanish housing markets, 1904-1934: new evidence, p. 119
Luis Felipe Zegarra, Women and credit in Peru during the Guano era. Was there gender discrimination in the mortgage credit market of Peru?, p. 151
Giuseppe De Corso, El crecimiento económico de venezuela, desde la oligarquía conservadora hasta la revolución bolivariana: 1830-2012. una visión cuantitativa, p. 321
Carlos Santiago-Caballero, Trapped by nature: provincial grain yields in spain in the mid 18th century, p. 359
Sergio Espuelas, Fallos de mercado y seguro de paro en españa antes de 1936, p. 387
Manuel Llorca-Jaña, Connections and networks in spain of a london merchant-banker, 1800-1850, p. 423
Reto Bertoni, Carolina Román, Auge y ocaso del carbón mineral en uruguay. un análisis histórico desde fines del siglo xix hasta la actualidad, p. 459
Gerardo Della Paolera, Alan M. Taylor, Sovereign debt in Latin America, 1820-1913, p. 173
Ana Maria Cerro, Osvaldo Meloni, Grises and Crashes: Argentina 1825-2002, p. 219
Nadia Fernández-de-Pinedo Echevarría, Emiliano Fernández-de-Pinedo Fernández, Distribution of English textiles in the Spanish market at the beginning of the 18th century, p. 253
Justin R. Bucciferro, A forced hand: Natives, Africans, and The Population of Brazil, 1545-1850, p. 285
Editorial Note / Nota de los Editores, p. 1
Gonzalo Islas Rojas, Does regulation matter? An analysis of corporate charters in a Laissez-Faire environment, p. 11
Luis Felipe Zegarra, Transportation costs and the social savings of railroads in The case of Peru, p. 41
María Florencia Araoz, La calidad institucional en Argentina en el largo plazo, p. 73
Javier Moreno Lázaro, La Bolsa de La Habana, el mercado mundial de azúcar de la economía Cubana, 1910-1959, p. 111
Eric Golson, Spanish civilian labour for Germany during the Second World War?, p. 145
Ernest Sánchez Santiró, Los impactos fiscales de una guerra distante: crisis y restauracio’n de la real hacienda en la provincia de Yucata’n (1801-1821), p. 323
Francisco Comín, Default, rescheduling and infiation: public debt crises in Spain during the 19th and 20th centuries, p. 353
Rafael Barquin, Pedro Pérez, Basilio Sanz, La influencia del ferrocarril en el desarrollo urbano español (1860-1910), p. 391
Concha Betrán, Pablo Martín-Aceña, María A. Pons, Financial crises in Spain: lessons from the last 150 years, p. 417
Salomón Kalmanovitz, Edwin López Rivera, La Economía de Santafé de Bogotá En 1810, p. 191
Marc Badia-Miró, Jordi Guilera, Pedro Lains, Regional Incomes in Portugal: Industrialisation, Integration and Inequality, 1890-1980, p. 225
Josean Garrués-Irurzun, Traditional Electricity Systems in Spain: Fensa (1927-1991), p. 245
Isabel Bartolomé Rodríguez, The Smaller the Market, the Better the Rent Capturing: Electrification in North Portugal during the Interwar Period, p. 287
Editor’s Note, p. 3
Michael A. Clemens, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Why were Latin America’s tariffs so much higher than Asia’s before 1950?, p. 11
Leandro Prados de la Escosura, Joan R. Rosés, Isabel Sanz-Villarroya, Economic reforms and growth in Franco’s Spain, p. 45
Sigfrido Vázquez Cienfuegos, Antonio Santamaría García, Cuba económica en tiempos de las independencias Americanas. La hacienda y la consolidación de los vales reales en comparación con el caso de México, p. 91
Paola Azar, Sebastián Fleitas, Gasto Público Total y Social: El Caso De Uruguay En El Siglo XX, p. 125
Roberto Frenkel, Martín Rapetti, Exchange rate regimes in the major Latin American countries since the 1950s: lessons from history, p. 157
Germán H. González, Valentina N. Viego, The « Argentine failure » from a comparative perspective: the role of total factor productivity, p. 301
Xavier Tafunell, La revolución eléctrica en América Latina: una reconstrucción cuantitativa del proceso de electrificación hasta 1930, p. 327
Luis Felipe Zegarra, Transport costs and economic growth in a backward economy: the case of Peru, 1820-1920, p. 361
Cristina Moreira, Jari Eloranta, Importance of « weak » states during conflicts: Portuguese trade with the United States during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, p. 393
José-Miguel Lana-Berasain, La productividad total de los factores en la agricultura española: el caso del sur de Navarra, 1780-1900, p. 425
Marta Felis-Rota, Un paseo por la literatura sobre capital social desde una perspectiva económica, p. 461
Germà Bel, The first privatisation policy in Latin America: selling state-owned enterprises in 1948-1950 Puerto Rico, p. 157
Malcolm Deas, Insecurity and economic development in Colombia in the 15th century of independence, p. 183
Raúl Serrano, Vicente Pinilla, The terms of tradefor agricultural andfood products, 1951-2000, p. 213
Javier San-Julin-Arrupe, Political economy and tax reform in parliament: Spain’s attempt to implement income tax in 1868-1869, p. 245
José Ignacio Andrés Ucendo, Fiscalidad y precios en Castilla en el siglo xvii: los precios del vino en Madrid, 1606-1700, p. 269
Editors’ Note / Nota de los Editores, p. 3
Manuel Llorca-Jaña, To be waterproof or to be soaked: importance of packing in British textile exports to distant markets. The cases of Chile and the River Plate, c. 1810-1859, p. 11
James Simpson, Factor endowments, markets and vertical integration. The development of commercial wine production in Argentina, Australia and California, c. 1870-1914, p. 39
Timothy W. Guinnane and Susana Martínez-Rodríguez, Cooperatives before cooperative law: business law and cooperatives in Spain,
1869-1931, p. 67
Marcela Sabaté, Carmen Fillat, Ana Belén Gracia, The peripheral protectionist backlash in the First Globalization, Spain (1870-1913), p. 95
Gabrlel Tortella, Gloria Quiroga, Ignacio Moralarce, ¿El empresario nace o se hace? Educación y empresarialidad en la España contemporánea, p. 123