Rural History. Economy, Society, Culture DATINI

Rural History.
Economy, Society, Culture

Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
ISSN: 0956-7933 (Print), 1474-0656 (Online)

Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini » – Coll: Riv. Digitale
Consistenza: v. 13, 2002, f. 1-
Lacune: –

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2002 ]

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n. 31, 2020, f. 2

Marjatta Rahikainen, Unfree labour by free peasants: labour service in the Swedish and Finnish countryside, from the late seventeenth to the early twentieth centuries, p. 121-134
Carol Beardmore, The Marquis of Anglesey: working and social relationships on a Dorset estate (c. 1812-1844), p. 135-150
Steven J. Taylor, Children, poverty and mental health in rural and urban England (1850-1907), p. 151-164
Laura Harrison, ‘There wasn’t all that much to do … at least not here’: memories of growing up in rural south-west England in the early twentieth century, p. 165-180
Rebecca Ford, Controlling contagion? Watercress, regulation and the Hackney typhoid outbreak of 1903, p. 181-194
Andrew J. H. Jackson, Conceptualising place in historical fact and creative fiction: rural communities and regional landscapes in Bernard Samuel Gilbert’s ‘Old England’ (c. 1910-1920), p. 195-209
Jordi Planas, Cooperation, technical education and politics in early agricultural policy in Catalonia (1914-24), p. 211-222
Richard J. Butler, Building a Catholic church in 1950s Ireland: architecture, rhetoric and landscape in Dromore, Co. Cork, 1952-6, p. 223-249

Reviews, p. 251

n. 31, 2020, f. 1

Heather Falvey, ‘Scandalus to all us’: presenting an anti-alehouse petition from late Elizabethan Rickmansworth (Hertfordshire), p. 1-15
Terry Dunne, Gentlemen regulators: landlord/tenant conflict and the making of moral economy in early nineteenth-century Ireland, p. 17-34
Stephen Ridgwell, Poaching and its representation in Edwardian England, c. 1901-14, p. 35-51
Bruno Esperante, Lourenzo Fernàndez Prieto, Miguel Cabo, Old and new plants from the Americas to Europe: potatoes, corn and the genetics of double hybrid corn (1800-1940), p. 53-62
Margaret Cook, Perceptions of ‘normal’ climate in Queensland, Australia (1924-34), p. 63-77
Jeremy Burchardt, Ladybird landscapes: or, what to look for in the What to Look For books, p. 79-95
Marta Blad, Land reform in the Second Polish Republic, p. 97-110

Reviews, p. 111

n. 30, 2019, f. 2

Apex A. Apeh, Christian C. Opata, The oil palm wine economy of rural farmers in Nigeria: evidence from Enugu Ezike, south-eastern Nigeria, p. 111-128
Erik Bengtsson, Patrick Svensson, The wealth of the Swedish peasant farmer class (1750-1900): composition and distribution, p. 129-145
Dimitris Panagiotopoulos, Juan Carmona-Zabala, The first peasant and his fellow travellers: state control over Greek agricultural institutions under Metaxas, p. 147-160
Paul Carter, Jeff James, Steve King, Punishing paupers? Control, discipline and mental health in the Southwell workhouse (1836-71), p. 161-180
John Martin, Saving the nation from starvation: the heroic age of food control, June 1917 to July 1918, p. 181-196
Salvador Calatayud Giner, Francesco D’Amaro, Farmers’ autonomous management or state regulation? The consolidation of local irrigation associations in Spain (nineteenth to twentieth centuries), p. 197-213
David Matless, Checking the sea: geographies of authority on the East Norfolk Coast (1790-1932), p. 215-240

Reviews, p. 241

n. 30, 2019, f. 1

Lies Vervaet, Women and leasehold in rural Flanders, c. 1290 to c. 1570, p. 1-15
Steve Zdatny, The old regime of hygiene: Life in the nineteenth-century French countryside, p. 17-36
Elizabeth B. Jones, Seeing is believing: sites/sights of agricultural improvement in Germany (1840-1914), p. 37-51
Ronan O’Donnell, David Petts, ‘Rural’ rhetoric in 1930s unemployment relief schemes, p. 53-69
Agata Zysiak, People will enter the downtown – the postwar ruralisation of the proletarian city of Lódz (1945-55), p. 71-86
Katrina Navickas, Conflicts of power, landscape and amenity in debates over the British Super Grid in the 1950s, p. 87-103

Reviews, p. 105

n. 29, 2018, f. 2

Nicolas De Vijlder, The Rural Land Market in Early Modern Inland Flanders and Brabant: A Long Run Perspective, p. 115-143
Marjolein Schepers, Regulating Poor Migrants in Border Regions: A Microhistory of Out-Parish Relief in Bulskamp (1768-96), p. 145-165
Pietro Piana, Charles Watkins, Ross Balzaretti, Travel, Modernity and Rural Landscapes in Nineteenth-Century Liguria, p. 167-193
Claudio Robles-Ortiz, Mechanisation in the Periphery: The Experience of Chilean Agriculture, c. 1850-90, p. 195-216
Merijn Knibbe, Marijn Molema, Institutionalisation of Knowledge-based Growth: the Case of the Dutch-Frisian Dairy Sector (1895-1950), p. 217-235
Laura Eskens, ‘The Troublesome Word of Crisis’: Discourse on the Agricultural Crisis of the 1930s in the Belgian Parliament, p. 237-257
Gary Willis, ‘An Arena of Glorious Work’: The Protection of the Rural Landscape Against the Demands of Britain’s Second World War Effort, p. 259-280

Reviews, p. 281

n. 29, 2018, f. 1

John Oldland, The Clothiers’ Century, 1450-1550, p. 1-22
Keir Waddington, Vitriol in the Taff: River Pollution, Industrial Waste, and the Politics of Control in late Nineteenth-Century Rural Wales, p. 23-44
K. D. M. Snell, Rachael Jones, Churchyard Memorials, ‘Dispensing with God Gradually’: Rustication, Decline of the Gothic and the Emergence of Art Deco in the British Isles, p. 45-80
Andrea Franc, Agricultural Protectionism on the Neoliberal Agenda? The Approach of the Director of the Swiss Business Federation to Agriculture, p. 81-98
Guoyan Wang, Wall Slogans: the Communication of China’s Family Planning Policy in Rural Areas, p. 99-112

Reviews, p. 113

n. 28, 2017, f. 2

Chris Watson, ‘To Beare the Towne Harmles’: Manorial Regulation of Mobility and Settlement in Early Modern Lancashire, p. 119-135
Iain Taylor, One For the (Farm) Workers? Perpetrator Risk and Victim Risk Transfer During the ‘Sevenoaks Fires’ of 1830, p. 137-159
Derwin Gregory, Tom Licence, Historic Global Commodity Networks: the Research Potential of Rubbish Dumps for the Study of Rural Household Market Access during the late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, p. 161-175
Sertaç Dokuzlu, The Agricultural Credit System in the Ottoman Empire between 1863 and 1888, p. 177-188
Luigi Lorenzetti, Agrarian Debt in Rural Switzerland: Economic Causes and Political Responses (1890-1940), p. 189-204
Sean J. Nixon, Vanishing Peregrines: J. A. Baker, Environmental Crisis and Bird-Centred Cultures of Nature, 1954-73, p. 205-226

Reviews, p. 227

n. 28, 2017, f. 1

Robert Tittler, Rural Society and the Painters’ Trade in Post-Reformation England, p. 1-19
Michael Kopsidis, Ulrich Pfister, Friederike Scholten, Johannes Bracht, Agricultural Output Growth in a Proto- and Early Industrial Setting: Evidence from Sharecropping in Western Westphalia and the Lower Rhineland, c. 1740-1860, p. 21-46
Duncan Taylor, Botanical Gardens and their Role in the Political Economy of Empire: Jamaica (1846-86), p. 47-68
Graham Rawson, Economies and Strategies of the Northern Rural Poor: the Mitigation of Poverty in a West Riding Township in the Nineteenth Century, p. 69-92
Irina Marin, Rural Social Combustibility in Eastern Europe (1880-1914): A Cross-Border Perspective, p. 93-113

Reviews, p. 115

n. 27, 2016, f. 2

David Worthington, Ferries in the Firthlands: Communications, Society and Culture along a Northern Scottish Rural Coast, c. 1600 to c. 1809, p. 129-148
Harvey Osborne, ‘Unwomanly practices’: Poaching Crime, Gender and the Female Offender in Nineteenth-Century Britain, p. 149-168
Rachael Jones, Gender, Criminal Opportunity and Landscape in Nineteenth-Century Wales, p. 169-185
Ismael Hernández Adell, Josep Pujol-Andreu, Economic Growth and Biological Innovation: The Development of the European Dairy Sector, 1865-1940, p. 187-212
Tom Carter, Iain Robertson, ‘Distilling More than 2,000 Years of History into 161,000 Square Feet of Display Space’: Limiting Britishness and the Failure to Create a Museum of British History, p. 213-237

Reviews, p. 239

n. 27, 2016, f. 1

Julia Allison, Midwives of Sixteenth-Century Rural East Anglia, p. 1-19
Karen E. Carter, The Affair of the Pigeon Droppings: Rural Schoolmasters in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 21-36
S. Karly Kehoe, From the Caribbean to the Scottish Highlands: Charitable Enterprise in the Age of Improvement, c.1750 to c.1820, p. 37-59
Ben Anderson, Alpine Agency: Locals, Mountaineers and Tourism in the Eastern Alps, c. 1860-1914, p. 61-78
Daniel Allen, Charles Watkins, David Matless, ‘An incredibly vile sport’: Campaigns against Otter Hunting in Britain, 1900-39, p. 79-101
Virginia Thorley, ‘School Milk’ in the Context of the Australian Dairy Industry, p. 103-117

Reviews, p. 119

n. 26, 2015, f. 2

James P. Bowen, ‘Before the breaking of the day, in a riotous manner and with great shouts and outcries’: Disputes over Common Land in Shropshire in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, p. 133-159
Richard A. Gaunt, Patrician Landscapes and the Picturesque in Nottinghamshire c.1750-c.1850, p. 161-180
Carol Beardmore, Landowner, Tenant and Agent on the Marquis of Anglesey’s Dorset and Somerset Estate, 1814-44, p. 181-199
Stephen Murray, Landscape, Agriculture and the Rural Economy of Hockley, Essex, 1840-1916, p. 201-226
Howard Lee, Gregory Lee, Getting On, Getting Out, and Going Places: Education, Opportunity, and Social Mobility in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Rural New Zealand, p. 227-248
Fernando Collantes, Dairy Products and Shifts in Western Models of Food Consumption since 1950: A Spanish Perspective, p. 249-268

Reviews, p. 269

n. 26, 2015, f. 1

Robert Hearn, Ross Balzaretti, Charles Watkins, The Wolf in the Landscape: Antonio Cesena and Attitudes to Wolves in Sixteenth-Century Liguria, p. 1-16
Danae Tankard, ‘I think myself honestly decked’: Attitudes to the Clothing of the Rural Poor in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 17-33
Colin Shepherd, Changing Tenurial Forms and Service Renders in the North East of Scotland between the Fifteenth and the Eighteenth Centuries: Evidence of Social Development, Capitalised Agrarianism and Ideological Change, p. 35-69
Jane E. Rowling, Trust in a Masculine Space and a Community within a Community: Pre-1950 Auction Mart Culture in Lower Wharfedale, Yorkshire, p. 71-99
Simon J. Fielke, Douglas K. Bardsley, A Brief Political History of South Australian Agriculture, p. 101-125

Reviews, p. 127

n. 25, 2014, f. 2

Carl J. Griffin, ‘Some inhuman wretch’: Animal Maiming and the Ambivalent Relationship between Rural Workers and Animals, p. 133-160
Frances Richardson, Women Farmers of Snowdonia, 1750-1900, p. 161-181
Brian Casey, Matt Harris and the Irish Land Question, 1876-1882, p. 183-201
Annie Tindley, Andrew Wodehouse, The Role of Social Networks in Agricultural Innovation: The Sutherland Reclamations and the Fowler Steam Plough, c.1855-c.1885, p. 203-222
Jonathan Brown, Photography and the Rural Press, 1880-1939, p. 223-241
Stuart Oglethorpe, The End of Sharecropping in Central Italy after 1945: The Role of Mechanisation in the Changing Relationship between Peasant Families and Land, p. 243-260

Reviews, p. 261

n. 25, 2014, f. 1

Andy Wood, ‘Some banglyng about the customes’: Popular Memory and the Experience of Defeat in a Sussex Village, 1549-1640, p. 1-14
Carlos Santiago-Caballero, Tithe Series and Grain Production in Central Spain, 1700-18001, p. 15-37
Wouter Ronsijn, Smallholders, Spinners, Weavers and the ‘scarcity of markets’ in the Flemish Countryside, c. 1780-1850: Motivations behind the Multiplication of Periodic Markets, p. 39-60
Tony Froissart, Thierry Terret, Peasant Vulnerability, Rural Masculinity and Physical Education in France, from the Early Twentieth Century to the Liberation, p. 61-77
Richard Moore-Colyer, Sir George Stapledon and the Cahn Hill Improvement Scheme: A Dream Turned Reality, p. 79-99
Martin S. Alexander, War and its Bestiality: Animals and their Fate during the Fighting in France, 1940, p. 101-124

Reviews, p. 125

n. 24, 2013, f. 2

Stephen Hipkin, Susan Pittman, ‘A grudge among the people’: Commercial Conflict, Conspiracy, Petitioning and Poaching in Cranbrook, 1594-1606, p. 101-125
Maria Antónia Pires De Almeida, Landlords, Tenants and Agrarian Reform: Local Elites and Regime Transitions in Avis, Portugal, 1778-2011, p. 127-142
Katie Barclay, Farmwives, Domesticity and Work in Late Nineteenth-Century Ireland, p. 143-160
Mordechai Zalkin, Can Jews Become Farmers? Rurality, Peasantry and Cultural Identity in the World of the Rural Jew in Nineteenth-Century Eastern Europe, p. 161-175
Ginger S. Frost, Claiming Justice: Paternity Affiliation in South Wales, 1870-1900, p. 177-198
Rachel Worth, Clothing the Landscape: Change and the Rural Vision in the Work of Thomas Hardy (1840-1928), p. 199-215

Reviews, p. 217

n. 24, 2013, f. 1


David Hitchcock, Editorial: Poverty and Mobility in England, 1600-1850, p. 1-8

Julie Sanders, The Pennyles Pilgrimage of John Taylor: Poverty, Mobility and Performance in Seventeenth-Century Literary Circles, p. 9-24
Audrey Eccles, ‘Furiously Mad’: Vagrancy Law and a Sub-Group of the Disorderly Poor, p. 25-40
John T. Gilmore, Irus and his Jovial Crew: Representations of Beggars in Vincent Bourne and other Eighteenth-Century Writers of Latin Verse, p. 41-57
Tim Hitchcock, The London Vagrancy Crisis of the 1780s, p. 59-72
K.D.M. Snell, In or Out of their Place: The Migrant Poor in English Art, 1740-1900, p. 73-100

n. 23, 2012, f. 2

Andrew J. H. Jackson, The ‘Open-Closed’ Settlement Model and the Interdisciplinary Formulations of Dennis Mills: Conceptualising Local Rural Change, p. 121-136
José-Miguel Lana-Berasain, Forgotten Commons: The Struggle for Recognition and Property Rights in a Spanish Village, 1509-1957, p. 137-159
Juan Infante-Amate, The Ecology and History of the Mediterranean Olive Grove: The Spanish Great Expansion, 1750 – 2000, p. 161-184
Keir Waddington, ‘It might not be a nuisance in a country cottage’: Sanitary Conditions and Images of Health in Victorian Rural Wales, p. 185-204
Nick Mansfield, Paternalistic Consumer Co-operatives in Rural England, 1870-1930, p. 205-211
John Field, An Anti-Urban Education? Work Camps and Ideals of the Land in Interwar Britain, p. 213-228

Reviews, p. 229

n. 23, 2012, f. 1

Miriam Müller, Conflict and Revolt: The Bishop of Ely and his Peasants at the Manor of Brandon in Suffolk c. 1300-81, p. 1-19
David Hitchcock, A Typology of Travellers: Migration, Justice, and Vagrancy in Warwickshire, 1670-1730, p. 21-39
Eric Richards, Annie Tindley, After the Clearances: Evander McIver and the ‘Highland Question’, 1835-73, p. 41-57
Julie Hipperson, ‘Come All and Bring Your Spades’:1 England and Arbor Day, c.1880 – 1914, p. 59-80
Jeremy Burchardt, State and Society in the English Countryside: The Rural Community Movement 1918-39, p. 81-106

Reviews, p. 107

n. 22, 2011, f. 2

Alan Albery, Woodland Management in Hampshire, 900 to 1815, p. 159-181
Gary Moses, Passive and Impoverished? A Discussion of Rural Popular Culture in the Mid Victorian Years, p. 183-206
John Martin, The Transformation of Lowland Game Shooting in England and Wales since the Second World War: The Supply Side Revolution, p. 207-226
Chantal Bisschop, Making a Rural Movement: The Farmers’ Union’s Answer to a Changing Rural World in Flanders, from the 1960s to the 1970s, p. 227-249
Ernesto Clar, Vicente Pinilla, Path Dependence and the Modernisation of Agriculture: A Case Study of Aragon, 1955-85, p. 251-269

Reviews, p. 271

n. 22, 2011, f. 1

Colin Shepherd, Agrarian and Settlement Characterisation in Post-Medieval Strathbogie, Aberdeenshire, 1600-1760, p. 1-30
Elizabeth Baigent, ‘God’s earth will be sacred’: Religion, Theology, and the Open Space Movement in Victorian England, p. 31-58
John Beckett, Charles Watkins, Natural History and Local History in Late Victorian and Edwardian England: The Contribution of the Victoria County History, p. 59-87
Michael Tichelar, ‘A blow to the men in Pink’: The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Opposition to Hunting in the Twentieth Century, p. 89-113
David R. Stead, Economic Change in South-West Ireland, 1960-2009, p. 115-146

Reviews, p. 147

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