Journal of Scottish Historical Studies DATINI

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies

Edinburgh University Press

già: Scottish Economic & Social History

ISSN: 0296-5030
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 76
Consistenza: v. 20, 2000, 1 – v. 39, 2019, 2
Lacune: –
[ 2020-2000 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 39, 2019, 2

Contributors, p. IV

Charlotte Bassett, Lead-Mining and the Lead Industry in Scotland 1680-1780, p. 116
Kieran German, Gregor Adamson, Distilling in the Cabrach, c.1800-1850: The Illicit Origins of the Scotch Whisky Industry, p. 146
Stephen Bowman, The Scottish-American Association, 1919-1923: A Study of Failure, p. 166

Book Reviews, p. 193

v. 39, 2019, 1

Contributors, p. IV

Frank D. Bardgett, The Reforrnation in Moray and Mr Robert Pont, p. 1
Bernard Harris, Parsimony and Pauperism: Poor Relief in England, Scotland and Wales iii the Ninetcenth and Early Twenticth Centuries, p. 40
Patrick Watt, Manpower, Myth and Memory: Analysing Scotland’s Military Contribution to the Great War, p. 75

Book Reviews, p. 101

v. 38, 2018, 2

Contributors, p. IV

Keith M. Brown, Allan Kennedy, Assimilation Aborted: Henry Clerk and the Limits of Anglo-Scottish Integration in the Age of Union, p. 199
Iona Macintyre, An Exponent of Scottish Common Sense Philosophy in Revolutionary South America: José Joaquín de Mora, p. 219
Dee Hoole, Dissection of the Destitute: The Supply of Anatomical Subjects to the Medical Schools of Aberdeen c. 1832-1902, p. 238
Gordon J. Barclay, ‘Duties In Aid of the Civil Power’: The Deployment of the Army to Glasgow, 31 January to 17 February 1919, p. 261
Julian Goodare, Lizanne Henderson, Witchcraft and Folk Belief in the Age of Enlightenment: Scotland, 1670-1740, p. 293

v. 38, 2018, 1

Contributors, p. IV
Allan I. Macinnes, Jean-François Dunyach, Introduction: Enlightenment and Empire, p. 1
Barbara C. Murison, Roads Not Taken: Alternative Views of the Empire, p. 18
Allan I. Macinnes, Political Virtue and Capital Repatriation: A Jacobite Agenda for Empire, p. 36
Frederick G. Whelan, Eighteenth-century Scottish Political Economy and the Decline of Imperial Spain, p. 55
Bruce Lenman, Scots and Access to Spanish America from Before the Union to 1748, p. 73
Nathaniel Wolloch, William Robertson on Natural Resources and Cultural Contacts in Colonial America, p. 88
Jack A. Hill, Adam Ferguson’s Discourse on ‘Rude Nations’ in the Essay and the Critique of Despotic Empire, p. 104
Denys Van Renen, ‘Sick Nature Blasting’: The Ecological Limits of British Imperialism in Thomson’s The Seasons, p. 121
Minakshi Menon, Transferrable Surveys: Natural History from the Hebrides to South India, p. 143
Frances B. Singh, Three Scottish Cousins in East India Company Service, 1792-1804, p. 160
John G. Reid, Scots, Settler Colonization and Indigenous Displacement: Mi’kma’ki, 1770-1820, in Comparative Context, p. 178

Abbreviations, p. 197

v. 37, 2017, 2

Contributors, p. IV

James J. Smyth, Douglas S. Robertson, Lost Alternatives to Council Housing? An Examination of Stirling’s Alternative Housing Initiatives, c. 1906-1939, p. 117
Alistair Mutch, The Business of Religion: Lending and the Church of Scotland in the Eighteenth Century, p. 136
Theresa Mackay, Women at Work: Innkeeping in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland 1790-1840, p. 155
Esther Breitenbach, The Making of a Missionary Icon: Mary Slessor as ‘Heroine of Empire’, p. 177

Book Reviews, p. 198

v. 37, 2017, 1

Contributors, p. IV

Stuart Macdonald, Counting Witches: Illuminating and Distorting the Shape of Witchcraft Accusations in Scotland, p. 1
Darren Tierney, Catholics and Great War Memorialisation in Scotland, p. 19
Glenn Hooper, Furnishing Scotland and the World: Morris & Co., Glasgow, 1945-65, p. 52
Matthew L. McDowell, Scottish Football and Colonial Zimbabwe: Sport, the Scottish Diaspora, and ‘White Africa’, p. 73

Book Reviews, p. 100

v. 36, 2016, 2

Contributors, p. IV

Alice Glaze, Women and Kirk Discipline: Prosecution, Negotiation, and the Limits of Control, p. 125
Jason White, State Power, Local Autonorny, and War in Scotland, 1625-9 143 Geoffrey N Swinney, George Wilson’s Map of Technology: Giving Shape to the ‘industrial arts’ in Mid-nineteenth-century Edinburgh, p. 165
Elaine McParland, Christ’s Soldier, Scotland’s Hero: Major-General Andrew Gilbert Wauchope (1846-99), p. 191

Book Reviews, p. 212

v. 36, 2016, 1

T. C. Smout, Kingsbarns: A Farmers’ Harbour, p. 1
J. Donnelly, The perils and dangers of these knights (and undead peasants): Interpreting English and Scottish Extent Rolls of 1297-1305, p. 13
A. Kennedy, Rebellion, Government and the Scottish Response to Argyll’s Rising of 1685, p. 40
Sally Tuckett, ‘Needle Crusaders’: The Nineteenth-Century Ayrshire Whitework Industry, p. 60
Ben Wilkie, Lairds of Suburbia: Scottish Migrant Settlement and Housing in Australian Cities, 1880-1930, p. 81

Book Reviews, p. 103

v. 35, 2015, 2

Karin Bowie, ‘A Legal Limited Monarchy’: Scottish Constitutionalism in the Union of Crowns, 1603-1707, p. 131
Eric R. Cregeen, ed. Annie Tindley, The Creation of the Crofting townships in Tiree, p. 155
Bill Jenkins, Evangelicals and the Plurality of Worlds Debate in Scotland, 1810-55, p. 189
Mark Gilfillan, Jewish Responses to Fascism and Antisemitism in Edinburgh, 1933-1945, p. 211

Book Reviews, p. 115

v. 35, 2015, 1

Roger A. Mason, Debating Britain in Seventeenth-Century Scotland: Multiple Monarchy and Scottish Sovereignty, p. 1
Eric Grant, Alistair Mutch, Indian Wealth and Agricultural Improvement in Northern Scotland, p. 25
Wendy M. Gordon, The Obligation to Support the Widow: Settlement, the New Poor Law and the Scottish Local State, p. 45
Eilidh Macrae, The Scottish Cyclist and the New Woman: Representations of Female Cycists in Scotland, 1890-1914, p. 70
Fraser Raeburn, ‘Fae nae hair te grey hair they answered the cail’: International Brigade Volunteers from the West Central Belt of Scotland in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-9, p. 92

Book Reviews, p. 115

v. 34, 2014, 2

John Finlay, ‘Tax the attornies!’ Stamp Duty and the Scottish Legal Profession in the Eighteenth Century, p. 141
Johanna Frew, Scottish Backgrounds and Indian Experiences in the late Eighteenth Century, p. 167
Kirsten Elliot, Birth Control Clinics in Scotland, 1926 – c.1939, p. 199
Alison Chand, Conflicting Masculinities? Men in Reserved Occupations in Clydeside 1939-45, p. 218

Book Reviews, p. 237

v. 34, 2014, 1

Nicola Cowmeadow, ‘In sum what bave I don for God or my Soule this day?’: The Religious Writing of Katherine, First Duchess of Atholl (1662-1707), p. 1
Nel J’Vhiting, Gender and National Identity in David Allan’s Smail, Domestic and Conversation Paintings, p. 20
Michael Pugh, ‘Centralisation has its draw backs as well as its advantages’: The Surrounding Burgbs’ Resistance to Glasgow’s Municipal Expansion, c. 1869-1912, p. 40
Stana Nenadic, Exhibiting India in Nineteenth-Century Scotland and the Impact on Commerce, Industry and Popular Culture, p. 67
Johnny Rodger, McCaig’s tower and a Scottish Monumental Tradition, p. 90

Book Reviews, p. 129

v. 33, 2013, 2

Joanna Huntington, St Margaret of Scotland: Conspicuous Consumption, Genealogical Inheritance, and Post-Conquest Authority, p. 149
Esther Mijers, Between Empires and Cultures: Scots in New Netherland and New York, p. 165
Stephen Mullen, A Glasgow-West India Merchant House and the Imperial Dividend, 1779-1867, p. 196
Louise Settle, The Social Geography of Prostitution in Edinburgh, 1900-1939, p. 234
Kenneth Baxter, ‘The advent of a woman candidate was seen … as outrageous’: Women, Party Poiitics and Elections in Interwar Scotland and England, p. 260

Book Reviews, p. 284

v. 33, 2013, 1

Alexander Murdoch, Hector McAllister in North Carolina, Argyll and Arran: Family and Memory in Return Migration to Scotland in the Eighteenth Century, p. 1
Mitch Numark, The Scottish ‘Discovery’ of Jainism in Nineteenth-Century Bombay, p. 20
David Smale, Alfred John List and the Development of Policing in the Counties of Scotland, c. 1832-77, p. 52
Neil MacGillivray, Dr John Mackenzie (1803-86): Proponent of Scientific Agriculture and Opponent of Highland Emigration, p. 81
R.J. Morris, White Horse Close: Philanthropy, Scottish Historical Imagination and the Re-building of Edinburgh in the later Nineteenth Century, p. 101

Book Reviews, p. 129

v. 32, 2012, 2

Contributors, p. IV

John McCallum, Charity doesn’t Begin at Home: Ecclesiastical Poor Relief beyond the Parish, 1560-1650, p. 107
Anthony Gooke, An Elite Revisited: Glasgow West India Merchants, 1783-1877, p. 127
Paul T. Riggs, Prosecutors, Jumies, Judges and Punishment in Early Nineteenth-Centumy Scotland, p. 166
Ben Braber, The Influence of Immigration on the Growth, Urban Concentration and Composition of the Scottish Population, 1841-1911, p. 190

Book Reviews, p. 213

v. 32, 2012, 1

Contributors, p. IV
Christopher A. Whatley, Custom, Commerce and Lord Meadowbank: the Management of the Meal Market in Urban Scotland, c.1740-c.1820, p. 1
Mark Nixon, Gordon Pentland and Matthew Roberts, The Material Culture of Scottish Reform Politics, c.1820-c.1884, p. 28
Robert Anderson, The Development of History Teaching in the Scottish Universities, 1894-1939, p. 50
Annie Tindley and Karly Kehoe, Dr Lachian Grant of Ballachulish, c.1870-1945: A One-day Workshop, 10 September 2011, p. 74

Book Reviews, p. 87

v. 31, 2011, 2

Siobhan Talbott, Beyond ‘the Antiseptic Realm of Theoretical Economic Models’: New Perspectives on Franco-Scottish Commerce and the Auld Alliance in the Long Seventeenth Century, p. 149
Adam Fox, The Emergence of the Scottish Broadside Ballad in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries, p. 169
Gavin Bowd, Scotland for Franco: Charles Saroléa v. The Red Duchess, p. 195
Huw D. Jones, Susan Galloway, Arts Governance in Scotland: the Saga of Scottish Opera, 1962-2007, p. 220

Book Reviews, p. 242

v. 31, 2011, 1

Editorial Note, iv

Philipp Robinson Ròssner, New Avenues of Trade: Structural Change in the European Economy and Foreign Commerce as Reflected in the Changing Structure of Scotland’s Commerce, 1660-1760, p. 1
Michael Anderson, Guesses, Estimates and Adjustments: Webster’s 1755 ‘Census’ of Scotland Revisited Again, p. 26
Peter Hillis, The Social Composition of the Cathedral Church of St Mungo in Late Nineteenth-Century Glasgow, p. 46
Johann Gustodis, Exploiting the Enerny in the Orkneys: The Employment ofitalian Prisoners ofWar on the Scapa Flow Barriers during the Second World War, p. 72
Duncan Sim, The Scottish Cornmunity and Scottish Organisations on Merseyside: Development and Decline of a Diaspora, p. 99
Katie Barclay, Siobhan Talboti, New Perspectives on Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Scotland: The Economic and Social History Society of Scotland Conference 2010, p. 119

Book Reviews, p. 134

v. 30, 2010, 2

Contributors, p. IV
Editorial, p. V

Kenneth Collins, A Cominunity on Trial: The Aberdeen Shechita Case, 1893, p. 75
Allan Kennedy, ‘A Heavy Yock Uppon Their Necks’: Covenanting Government in the Northern Highlands, 1638-1651, p. 93
Angus MacKenzie, Self-Help and Propaganda: Scottish National Development Council, 1931-1939, p. 123
Peter Fletcher, Railway Capital in Northern Scotland, 1844-1874, p. 146
Yukihisa Kumagai, Kirkman Finlay and John Crawfurd: Two Scots in the Campaign of the Glasgow East India Association for the Opening of the China Trade, 1829-1833, p. 175

v. 30, 2010, 1

Contributors, p. IV

Geoffrey Bagott, Melness Farm, Sutherland: The Land Question and the Congested Districts Board, C. 1866-1911, p. 1
Wendy M. Gordon, The Demographics of Scottish Poverty: Paisley’s Applicants for Relief, 1861 and 1871, p. 25
Janay Nugent, Megan Clark, A Loaded Plate: Food Symbolism and the Early Modern Scottish Household, p. 43
Stuart Basten, The Impact of the 1783 and 1785 Stamp Duty Acts on Scottish Vital Registration, p. 64

v. 29, 2009, 2

Contributors, p. IV

Ben Braber, Within Our Gates: A New Perspective on Germe Glasgow during the First World War, p. 87
Alison Duncan, The Sword and the Pen: The Role of Correspondence in the Advancement Tactics of Eighteent-Century Military Officers, p. 106
Jim Tomlinson, The Deglobalisation of Dundee, e, 1900-2000, p. 123

Book reviews, p. 141

v. 29, 2009, 1

Contributors, p. IV
Editorial note, p. V

Stuart M. Nisbet, The Making of Scotland’s First Industriai Regioni The Early Cotton Industry in Renfrewshire, p. 1
John D. Wood, Robinson Crusoe Untravelled: John Younger (1785-1860) of St Boswells, p. 29 Marie Robinson, Plague and Humiliation: The Ecclesiastical Response to Cattle Plague in Mid-Victorian Britain, p. 52

Book reviews, p. 72

v. 28, 2008, 2

Contributors, p. II
Editorial, p. III

Katie Barclay, Negotiating Patriarchy: The Marriage of Anna Potts and Sir Archibald Grant of Monymusk, 1731-1744, p. 83
Rosalind Carr, The Gentleman and the Soldier: Patriotic MascuHnities in Eighteenth-Century Scotland, p. 102
Roger Davidson, ‘The Cautionary Tale of Tom’: The Male Homosexual Experience of Scottish Medicine in the 1970s and early 1980s, p. 122

News, p. 139

v. 28, 2008, 1

Contributors, p. II

Women’s History Scotland Prize Essay 2007
Cathryn Spence, Women and Business in Sixteenth-Century Edinburgh: Evidence from their Testaments, p. 1

Economie and Social History Society of Scotland, Postgraduate Prize Essay 2007
Mark towsey, ‘Ali Partners may be Enlightened and Improved by Reading them’: The Distribution of Enlightenment Books in Scottish Subscription Library Catalogues, 1750-e. 1820, p. 20
W. M. Mathew, Animus, Absenteeism, and Succession in the Keiller Marmalade Dynasty, 1839-1919, p. 44

Conference Reports
Historical Perspectives Conference, Glasgow, May 2007, p. 62
A Woman’s Island? Shetland Women: Past, Present and Future, Lerwick, April 2007, p. 64

Book reviews, p. 67

v. 27, 2007, 2

Contributors, p. II
Editorial, p. III

Patricia Lucie, The Sinner and the Phrenologist: Davey Haggart meets George Combe, p. 125
Nathalie Rosset, Popular Philosophy in Early Nineteenth-Century Scotland, p. 150
Atsuko Betchaku, Thomas Chalmers, David Stow and the St John’s Experiment: A Study in Educational Influence in Scotland and Beyond, 1819-C.1850, p. 170

Special Feature
Peter L. M. Hillis, Scottish History in the School Curriculum, p. 191

v. 27, 2007, 2

Contributors, p. II

Sarah Covington, Royalists, Covenanters and the Shooting of Servants in the Scottish Civil War, p. 1
Christopher A. Whatley and DerekJ. Patrick, Contesting Interpretations of the Union of 1707: The Abuse and Use of George Lockhart of Carnwath’s Memoirs, p. 24
Robin Mackie, Counting Chemists: The Distribution of Chemical Expertise in Scotland in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, p. 48
Alison Gihnour, The Trouble with Linwood: Compliance and Coercion in the Car Plant, 1963-1981, p. 75

Special Feature
Film and History: An Interview with Janet McBain, Curator of the Scottish Film Archive, p. 94

Book reviews, p. 105

v. 26, 2006, 1-2

Contributors, p. II
Editorial, p. IV

Elizabeth Ewan, A Land Fit for Heroines? The Making of the Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women, p. 1
Sample Entries from the Biographkal Dictionary of Scottish Women, p. 11
Mary O’Dowd, Review Essay: Scottish Women, p. 14

Research Articles
PRIZE ESSAY: Alasdair Raffe, Episcopalian Polemic, the London Printing Press and Anglo-Scottish Divergence in the 1690s, p. 23
Vivienne S. Dunstan, Glimpses into a town’s Reading Habits in Enlightenment Scotland: Analysing the Borrowings of Gray Library, Haddington, 1732-1816, p. 42
John MacAskill, The Highland Kelp Proprietors and their Struggle over the Salt and Barilla Duties, 1817-1831, p. 60
Som McKinstry, The Positive Depiction of Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship in the Novels of Sir Walter Scott, p. 83
John Stewart, John Welshman, The Evacuation of Children in Wartime Scotland: Culture, Behaviour and Poverty, p. 100

Beth Lord and James Tomlinson: Review Essay: History and Postmodernism, p. 121
Response by Willie Thompson, p. 131
Response by Callum Brown, p. 134

News, p. 137

v. 25, 2005, 2

Contributors, p. II
Martin Rorke, Women overseas traders in sixteenth-century Scotland, p. 81
Douglas Watt, The management of capital by the Company of Scotland 1696-1707, p. 97
Douglas G. Lockkart, Lotted lands in North East Scotland since 1850, p. 119

Review Article, p. 140
Book Reviews, p. 146

v. 25, 2005, 1

Katharine Glover, The Female Mind: Scottish Enlightenment Femininity and the World of Letters. A Case Study of the Women of the Fletcher of Saltoun Family in the Mid-eighteenth Century, p. 1
Ian Levitt, Regenerating the Scottish Highlands: Whitehall and the Fort William Pulp Mill, 1945-63, p. 21
David Stewart, Fighting for Survival: the 1980s Campaign to Save Ravenscraig Steelworks, p. 40

Book Reviews, p. 58

v. 24, 2004, 2

Catriona M. M. Macdonald, ‘Wersh the wine o’ victorie’: Writing Scotland’s Second World War, p. 105
Ronnie Johnston, Arthur McIvor, The war and the body at work: occupational health and safety in Scottish industry, 1939-1945, p. 113
Wendy Ugolini, The internal enemy ‘other’: recovering the World War Two narratives of Italian Scottish women, p. 137
Fraser MacDonald, Sharon Macdonald, Julie S. Heath, Margaret A. Mackay, Donald Macleod, Susan Parman, Colloquium: Susan Parman’s Scottish Crofters: a historical ethnography of a Celtic Village, p. 159
Callum Brown, Appreciation: Olive Checkland 1920-2004, p. 182

Book Reviews, p. 185
News, p. 194

v. 24, 2004, 1

Contributors, p. II
Editorial, p. III

Alistair Mutch, Management practice and kirk sessions: an exploration of the Scottish contribution to management, p. 1
Elaine McFarland, Researching death, mourning and commemoration in modern Scotland, p. 20
Lindsay Paterson, The modernising of the democratic intellect: the role of English in Scottish secondary education, 1900-1939, p. 45
Roger Davidson, Gayle Davis, ‘A Festering Sore on the Body of Society’: The Wolfenden Committee and female prostitution in mid-twentieth century Scotland, p. 80

News, p. 99

v. 23, 2003, 2

Stuart Macdonald, Enemies of God Revisited: Recent Publications on Scottish Witch-hunting, p. 65
Annette Carruthers, House Museums and Domestic Life Displays in Scotland, p. 85
Kirsty Lingstadt, Scotland’s Black Diamonds: Heritage, Education, Entertainment and Commercialism, p. 99

Review essay, p. 112
Reviews, p. 119

v. 23, 2003, 1

W. Hamish Fraser, Rosalind Mitchison (1919-2002) and John Butt (1929-2002): An Appreciation, p. 1
Andrew Bain, The Beginnings of Democratic Control of Local Education in Scotland, p. 7
R. Guerriero-Wilson, Women and the Scottish Clerks’ Association: From Contempt to Collegiality, p. 26
The Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women, p. 43

Reviews, p. 48

v. 22, 2002, 2

Arthur McIvor, Ronnie Johnston, Voices from the Pits: Health and Safety in Scottish Coal Mining Since 1945, p. 111
Michael French, Jim Phillips, Food Safety Regimes in Scotland, 1899-1914, p. 134
K. J. James, A View from Across the Irish Sea: Margaret Irwin and the Sweating Question in Ulster, p. 158

Reviews, p. 168

v. 22, 2002, 1

Ian Levitt, Scottish Papers Submitted to the Cabinet, 1966-70: a Guide to Records held at the Public Record Office (with Addendeum, 1964-66), p. 1
Murray Watson, The English Diaspora: Discovering Scotland’s Invisible Migrants – 1945 to 2000, p. 23
Sarah Pedersen, A Surfeit of Socks? The Impact of the First World War on Women Correspondents to Daily Newspapers, p. 50

Reviews, p. 73

v. 21, 2001, 2

Kathryn L. Moore, The Northeast of Scotland’s Coastal Trading Links towards the End of the Nineteenth Century Evidence from the daybook of three ports: Aberdeen, Peterhead and Gardenstown, p. 95
Lorraine Peters, Paisley and the Cotton Famine of 1862-1863, p. 121
Kay Blackwell, Women on Red Clydeside: The Invisible Workforce Debate, p. 140

Reviews, p. 163

v. 21, 2001, 1

James R. Coull, Fishery Development in Scotland in the Eighteenth Century, p. 1
W. Douglas Jones, ‘The Bold Adventurers’: A Quantitative Analysis of the Darien Subscription List (1696), p. 22
John Stewart, ‘The most precious possession of a nation is its children’: The Clyde Committee on Homeless Children in Scotland, p. 43

Reviews, p. 67

v. 20, 2000, 2

Lewis Johnman, Hugh Murphy, Scotland, ‘A Dead Loss’. The Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation and the Scottish Banks, 1945-1965, p. 153
Louise Miskell, William Kenefick, ‘A Flourishing Seaport’: Dundee Harbour and the Making of the Industrial town, c.1815-1850, p. 176
Leah Leneman, ‘A natural foundation in equity’: Marriage and Divorce in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Scotland, p. 199

Reviews, p. 216

v. 20, 2000, 1

Stana Nenadic, Leah Leneman, p. 1

J. I. Little, From the Isle of Arran to Inverness township: A Case Study of Highland Emigration and North American Settlement, 1829-34, p. 3
Heather Holmes, ‘Unwearied Investigations and Interminable Correspondence’: The Churches and Clerical Work in Improving Housing Conditions for Irish Migratory Potato Workers in Scotland, p. 31
Ian Levitt, Scottish Papers Submitted to the Cabinet, 1945-66: a Guide to Records Held at the Public Record Office and National Archives of Scotland, p. 58

Reviews, p. 126