Scottish Economic & Social History DATINI

Scottish Economic & Social History

Edinburgh, Economic and Social History Society of Scotland
Annuale; dal 1997 semestrale

dal 2004 (a. 24): Journal of Scottish Historical Studies

ISSN: 0269-5030
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 76
Consistenza: a. 13, 1993-a. 23, 2003, 2

[ 2003-2001 ] [ 2000-1993 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 20, 2000, 2

Lewis Johnman, Hugh Murphy, Scotland, ‘A Dead Loss’.The Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation and the Scottish Banks, 1945-1965, p. 153
Louise Miskell, William Kenefick, ‘A Flourishing Seaport’: Dundee Harbour and the Making of the Industrial Town, c.1815-1850, p. 176
Leah Leneman, ‘A natural foundation in equity’: Marriage and Divorce in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Scodand, p. 199

Reviews, p. 216

v. 20, 2000, 1


J. I. Little, From the Isle of Arran to Inverness Township: A Case Study of Highland Emigration and North American Settlement, 1829-34, p. 3
Heather Holmes, ‘Unwearied Investigations and Interminable Correspondence’: The Churches and Clerical Work in Improving Housing Conditions for Irish Migratory Potato Workers in Scotland, p. 31
Jan Levitt, Scottish Papers Submitted to the Cabinet, 1945-66: A Guide to Records Held at the Public Record Offlce and National Archive of Scotland, p. 58

Reviews, p. 126

v. 19, 1999, 2

Carot Hill, Galloway Shipping and Regional Development, 1750-1850, p. 95
James R. Coull, Penetrating and Monitoring the Market: The Development of the Continental Market for Scottish Herring in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, p. 117
J. I.ittle, Agricultural Improvement and Highland Clearance: The Isle of Arran 1766-1829, p. 132

L. M. Cullen, Ireland and Scotland: Famines and Migrants: E. Margaret Crawford (ed.), The Hungry Strearn: Essqys on Emigration and Famine; Martin J. Mitchell, The Irish in the West of Scotland: Trade Unions, Strikes and Political Movement; Frank Neal, Black ’47: Britain and the Famine Iris, p. 155

Reviews, p. 163

v. 19, 1999, 1

Tony Milligan, The British Union of Fascists’ Policy in Relation to Scotland, p. 1
Ian Levitt, Scottish Papers Submitted to the Cabinet, 1917-45: A Guide to Records HeId at the Public Record Office and National Archives of Scotland, p. 18
R. Guerriero Wilson, Office Workers, Business Elites and the Disappearance of the ‘Ladder of Success’ in Edwardian Glasgow, p. 55

Reviews, p. 78

v. 18, 1998, 2

Andrew Blaikie, Unhappy After Their Own Fashion: Infant Lives and Family Biographies in Southwest Scotland, 1855-1939, p. 95
John G. Harrison, Women and the Branks in Stirling, c.1600 to c.1730, p. 114
Alastajr Mann, Book Commerce, Litigation and the Art of Monopoly: The Case of Agnes Campbell, Royal Printer, 1676-1712, p. 132

Reviews, p. 157

v. 18, 1998, 1

Olaf Uwejanzen, A Scottish Sack Ship in the Newfoundland Trade 1726-27, p. 1
Lan Whyte, Poverty or Prosperity? Rural Society in Lowland Scotland in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries, p. 19
Sam Mckinstry, TransformingJohn Brown’s Shipyard: The Drilling Rig and Offshore Fabrication Businesses of Marathon and UIE, 1972-1997, p. 33
R. L. Mackie, Industry in Kirkcaldy: Mapping the Structure of Business in Twentieth-Century Scotland, p. 61

Reviews, p. 85

v. 17, 1997, 2

Alastairj. Durie, The Impact of Motor Traffic on the Roads System ofCentral Scotland c. 1896-1919, p. 92
Ajan R. Macdonald, ‘Both Profitable and Pleasant’: Eighteeth-Century Forestry on the Burgh Muir of Perth, p. 111
Janice Helland, Artistic Advocate: Mary Rose Hill Burton and the Falls of Foyers, p. 127

Reviews, p. 148

v. 17, 1997, 1

Debbie Kemmer, Investigating Infant Mortality in Early Twentieth Century Scotland Using the Civil Registers: Aberdeen and Dundee Compared, p. 1
Nell Tranter, Schooling and Literacy in Early Nineteenth Century Scotland: Some Additional Evidence and its Implications, p. 20
Ewan A. Cameron, ‘They wiil Listen to no Remonstrance’: Land Raids and Land Raiders in the Scottish Highlands, 1886 to 1914, p. 43

David Stevenson, A Note on a Scheme to Straighten the River Forth in 1636, p. 65

Reviews, p. 69

v. 16, 1996

Peter Mathias, Historical Continuity and Present Discontinuity in the Brewing Industry, p. 1
Craig Young, Rural Independent Artisan Production in the East-Central Lowlands of Scotland, c. 1600-1850, p. 17
Eric Richards, The Military Register and the Pursuit of Patrick Sellar, p. 38
W. Hamish Fraser, Owenite Socialism in Scotland, p. 60
Margaret Storrie, ‘They Go Much From Home’: Nineteenth-Century Islanders of Gigha, Scotland, p. 92

Reviews, p. 116
Bibliography, p. 133

v. 15, 1995

lan Donnachie, ‘The Darker Side’: A Speculative Survey of Scottish Crime During the First Half of the Nineteenth Century, p. 5
James R. Coull, The Role of the Fishery Board in the Development of Scottish Fishing Harbours c. 1809-1939, p. 25
Henry Maitles, Attitudes to Jewish Immigration in the West of Scotland to 1905, p. 44
Peter L. Payne, The End of Steelmaking in Scotland,c.1967-1993, p. 66

Hugh Cheape, A Song on the Lowland Shepherds: Popular Reaction to the Highland Clearances, p. 85

Reviews, p. 101

v. 14, 1994

Roy Church, The Checkland Memorial Lecture How Did Business Think?, p. 5
C.A. Whatley, Women and the Economic Transformation of Scotland c. 1740-1830, p. 19
Andrew Blaikie, A Kind of Loving: Illegitimacy, Grandparents and the Rural Economy of North East Scotland, 1750-1900, p. 41
R.H. Campbell, Too Much on the Highlands? A Plea for Change, p. 58
R.A. Cage, Infant Mortality Rates and Housing: Twentieth Century Glasgow, p. 77

Michael S. Moss, University History: Navel Gazing or a Fruitful Course of Enquiry?, p. 93
Paul Stirton, Scottish Portraiture in Context, p. 99
A.S. Skinner, Adam Smith Recalled, p. 103
Neil Rollings, Economic History and the Current Crisis in Economics, p. 106

Reviews, p. 110

v. 13, 1993

G.C. Peden, An Agenda for the Economic History of Twentieth-Century Scotland, p. 5
J.McG. Davies, Social and Labour Relations at Pullars of Perth, 1882-1924, p. 27
Leah Leneman, Workmen’s Compensation at the Wemyss Coal Company, 1906-1924, p. 43
W.J. Pike, The Oil PriceCrisis and its Impact on Scottish North Sea Development, 1986-1988, p. 56

Richard Penman, The Socio-Occupational Backgrounds of Association Football Supporters in Late Nineteenth-Century Scotland, p. 72

Keith M. Brown, A Land without a King, p. 74
Julian Goodare, Economic History, People’s History and Scottish History, p. 77

Reviews, p. 85