I Tatti studies : Essays in the Renaissance DATINI

I Tatti studies : Essays in the Renaissance

Chicago (già Firenze), Harvard University. Center for Italian Studies Villa I Tatti
Semestrale, già biennale (fino al 2012)
ISSN: 0393-5949
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 77
Consistenza: v. 1, 1985-

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca Umanistica
Punto di servizio: Lettere; Riv. it. 1692/ 10
Consistenza: v. 1, 1985-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2012 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 1999-1985 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 13, 2010

Giancarla Periti, Female Self-Commemoration, Spirituality, and Lineage in Jacopo Loschi’s Frescoes for the Convent of San Paolo in Parma, p. 11
Peter Howard, Painters and the Visual Art of Preaching: The Exemplum of the Fifteenth-Century Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel, p. 33
Gene Brucker, Niccolo Machiavelli, His Lineage, and the Tuscan Church, p. 79
Benedetta Matucci, Ratio ancilla fidei. Una proposta per la lettura del monumento di san Giovanni Gualberto di Benedetto da Rovezzano, p. 91
Nadja Aksamija, Architecture and Poetry in the Making of a Christian Cicero: Giovanni Battista Campeggi’s Tuscolano and the Literary Culture of the Villa in Counter-Reformation Bologna, p. 127

Photo credits, p. 201

v. 12, 2009

Judith Bryce, Dada degli Adimari’s Letters from Sant’Antonino: Identity, Maternity, and Spirituality, p. 11
Roberto Cobianchi, Fashioning the Imagery of a Franciscan Observant Preacher: Early Renaissance Portraiture of Bernardino da Siena in Northern Italy, p. 55
Carolyn James and F.W.Kent, Margherita Cantelmo and Agostino Strozzi: Friendship’s Gifts and a Portrait Medal by Costanzo da Ferrara, p. 85
Jerzy Miziolek, Orpheus and Eurydice: Three Spalliera Panels by Jacopo del Sellaio, p. 117
Lorenzo Pericolo, Love in the Mirror: A Comparative Reading of Titian’s Woman at Her Toilet and Caravaggio’s Conversion of Mary Magdalene, p. 149
Sanne Wellen, La Guerra de’ topi e de’ ranocchi, Attributed to Andrea del Sarto: Considerations on the Poem’s Authorship, the Compagnia del Paiuolo, and Vasari, p. 181
Bramko Mitrovic, Studying Renaissance Architectural Theory in the Age of Stalinism, p. 233

Photo Credits, p. 265

v. 11, 2007
Amanda Lillie, Fiesole: « locus amoenus » or Penitential Landscape?, p. 11
Gene Brucker, I Tatti and its Neighbors, 1427-1530, p. 57
Machtelt Israëls, Absence and Resemblance. Early Images of Bernardino da Siena and the Issue of Portraiture (With a New Proposal for Sassetta), p. 77
Flaminia Bardati, Napoli in Francia? L’arco di Alfonso e i portali monumentali del primo Rinascimento francese, p. 115
Guido Rebecchini, After the Medici. The New Rome of Pope Paul III Farnese, p. 147
Nerida Newbigin, Greasing the Wheels of Heaven: Recycling, Innovation and the Question of « Brunelleschi’s » Stage Machinery, p. 201
Suzanne B. Butters, The Uses and Abuses of Gifts in the World of Ferdinando de’ Medici (1549-1609), p. 243
Photo Credits, p. 355

v. 10, 2005

Antonella Astorri, David Friedman, The Fiorentine Mercanzia and its Palace, p. 11
Richard A. Goldthwaite, An Entrepreneurial Silk Weaver in Renaissance Florence, p. 69
Gary Ianziti, From Praise to Prose – Leonardo Bruni’s Lives of the Poets, p. 127
Louis A. Waldman, Patronage, Lineage, and Self-Promotion in Maso da San Friano’s Naples Double Portrait, p. 149
Pauline Moffitt Watts, A Mirror for the Pope: Mapping the Corpus Christi in the Galleria delle Carte geografiche, p. 139

Photo Credits, p. 173

Allegato: NICOLAI RUBUNSTEIN. In memoriam
F. W. Kent, Foreword, p. 9
Riccardo Fubini, Nicolai Rubinstein: dal Medioevo al Rinascimento (e dal Comune ai Medici, p. 11
Michael Mallett, Nicolai Rubinstein and the Lorenzo Letters, p. 25
F.W. Kent, Nicolai Rubinstein, Teacher, p. 35

v. 9, 2001

Alison Brown, Lucretius and the Epicureans in the Social and Political Context of Renaissance Florence, p. 11
Giancarlo Fiorenza, Pandolfo Collenuccio’s Specchio d’Esopo and the Portrait of the Courtier, p. 63
Maureen C. Miller, The Medici Renovation of the Florentine Arcivescovado, p. 89
Alessandra Malquori, La « Tebaide » degli Uffizi – Tradizioni letterarie e figurative per l’interpretazione di un tema iconografico, p. 119
Lorenz Böninger, Politics, Trade and Toleration in Renaissance Florence -Lorenzo de’ Medici and the Besalù Brothers, p. 139

Photo Credits, p. 173