Technology and Culture DATINI

Technology and Culture

Detroit-Chicago. Society for the History of Technology
ISSN: 0040-165X
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0585
Consistenza: a. 29, 1988, 1-
Lacune: a. 42, 2001, 1;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1988 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 64, 2023, 4

Tamar Novick, On the Cover: Speculations with Vaginal Specula, p. 1019-1026
Tamar Novick, Introducing Bovine Regimes: When Animals Become Technologies, p. 1027-1043
David Arnold, The Camera and the Cattle: Bovine Photography and Technologies of « Improvement » in Colonial South India, p. 1045-1070
Lucy Beech, Tamar Novick, Sex Panic and the Productive Infertility of the Freemartin, p. 1071-1092
Taija Kaarlenkaski, Cows and Humans as Technology Users: Multispecies Agency and Gender in Automated Milking Systems in Finland, p. 1093-1119
Thamarai Selvan Kannan, Skin and Sound: Caring for and Crafting Bovine Hide in South India, p. 1121-1139
Nicole Welk-Joerger, Maintaining Bovine, p. 1141-1158
Nicola Williams, Do Microscopes Have Politics? Gendering the Electron Microscope in Laboratory Biological Research, p. 1159-1183
Adrian Kirwan, Shaping Communications: The Development of the National Telegraph Network in Ireland, 1850–70, p. 1185-1209
Edmund Russell, Lauren Winkler, Animating History: Digitally Mapping the United States Telegraph System, p. 1211-1225
Rachel Hill, Introducing the Act of Looking at Technology-in-Operation, p. 1227-1233
Ai Hisano, Eye Appeal Is Buy Appeal, p. 1235-1247
Emily Rees Koerner, Why Don’t We Look at Television?, p. 1249-1259
Thomas Zeller, Imaging Landscapes, Roads, Race, and Power, p. 1261-1273
Seunghyun Oh, Sangwoon Yoo, Beyond Imagined Discontinuity: Review of the Book Series Science and Civilization in Korea, p. 1274-1291

a. 64, 2023, 3

Rachel Hill, Cover Essay: Stamping Soviet Cosmonauts, Craft, and Cosmos, p. 651-664
Bertram Mapunda, Debate: Why Study Precolonial African Technology and Material Culture?, p. 665-676
Diana J. Montaño, Missionaries of Light and Progress in Mexico: Engineers and Technological Pilgrims Craft Necaxa Falls, 1890s–1914, p. 677-705
Alka Raman, From Hand to Machine: How Indian Cloth Quality Shaped British Cotton Spinning Technology, p. 707-736
Hugo Silveira Pereira, The Camera and the Railway: Framing the Portuguese Empire and Technological Landscapes in Angola and Mozambique, 1880s–1910s, p. 737-759
Daniel Akselrad, Visions of Control: The Head-Up Display, Perceptual Labor, and a Lesson for Augmented Reality, p. 761-789
Tatiana Kasperski, Paul Josephson, Women, Reactors, and Nuclear Weapons: From Revolutionary Liberation to the « Miss Atom » Pageant in (Post-)Soviet Russia, p. 791-822
Arthur Molella, Robert Kargon, Atomville: Architects, Planners, and How to Survive the Bomb, p. 823-844
Giacomo Bonan, Hydraulic Engineers and Antiquarians: Political Use of the Past in Nineteenth-Century Venice, p. 845-874
Daniel C.S. Wilson, Mariona Coll Ardanuy, Kaspar Beelen, Barbara McGillivray, Ruth Ahnert, The Living Machine: A Computational Approach to the Nineteenth-Century Language of Technology, p. 875-902
Xaq Frohlich, Introduction: Unearthing Technology in Public Histories of Food, p. 903-908
Ximo Guillem-Llobat, Technology and Subaltern Knowledge at the Catalan Olive Oil Museum, p. 909-917
Barkha Kagliwal, A Historian of Technology Watches « The King, His Kitchen, and Other Stories », p. 919-929

a. 64, 2023, 2

Keisuke Yamada, Cover Essay: Visual Images in Sound Studies, p. 303-307
Richard R. John, Debating New Media: Rewriting Communications History, p. 308-358
Keisuke Yamada, Mobilizing Citizens’ Ears: Aural Training as Civil Defense, 1941–45, p. 359-378
Anna Kvicalova, Sound on the Quiet: Speaker Identification and Auditory Objectivity in Czechoslovak Fonoscopy, 1975–90, p. 379-406
Jose Bellido, Patents In Miniature: The Effects of Microfilm as an Information Technology, 1938–68, p. 407-433
Shehab Ismail, The Engineer as Economist: Sewers and the Making of the Water Consumer in Colonial Cairo, 1890, p. 434-455
Faisal H. Husain, To Dam or Not to Dam: The Social Construction of an Ottoman Hydraulic Project, 1701–02, p. 456-484
Laureen Kuo, The Search for Independence: Planning for France’s Information Technology Autonomy, 1958–66, p. 485-514
Måns Jansson, Göran Rydén, Improving Swedish Steelmaking: Circulation and Localized Knowledge-Making in Early Modernity , p. 515-542
Suzanne Moon, Taking Up Neglected Histories, p. 543-549
Society for the History of Technology Awards and Fellowships 2022, p. 550-565
Thomas C. Cornillie, The Machine Age: Curation and Memory in Two U.S. Exhibits, p. 566-573

a. 64, 2023, 1

Scott Kushner, Cover Essay: Reading Ordinary Photographs, p. 1-6
Scott Kushner, Controlling Crowds: On the Technological Management of Entertainment Audiences, p. 7-33
James Esposito, Oxygen Sense: Creating Embodied Knowledge to Promote Health Innovation in the Royal Air Force, 1939–45, p. 34-62
Corinna Schlombs, Built on the Hands of Women: Data, Automation, and Gender in West Germany’s Financial Industry, p. 63-89
Chad B. Denton, Are Carcasses Political? German Veterinarians and the Modernization of Rendering Technology, 1864–1940, p. 90-123
Christiane Berth, Interrupted Conversations: Gender and Telephone Use in Mexico, 1930s–70s, p. 124-148
Arnaud Page, Pure White Bread? Bleached Flour, Contestations, and Regulation in Great Britain, 1900–50, p. 149-171
J. Martin Vest, « Mr. Phonograph, Are You There? »: Mechanical Failure and Technological Determinism, 1877–1900, p. 172-201
David Pretel, Hidden Connections: The Global History of Jungle Commodities, p. 202-219

a. 63, 2022, 4

Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler, Working in the Electronic Garden: The Visual Rhetoric of Herman Miller’s Action Office, p. 927-934
Chandra Bhimull, Gabrielle Hecht, Edward Jones-Imhotep, Chakanetsa Mavhunga, Lisa Nakamura, Asif Siddiqi, Systemic and Epistemic Racism in the History of Technology, p. 935-952
Chris Otter, Socializing the Technosphere, p. 953-978
Yuan Yi, Crafted for Mass Production: Imported Spinning Machinery on the Shop Floor, China, 1910s-1920s, p. 979-1004
Richard Hornsey, Becoming « Escalator-Legged » in Interwar London: Mechanization, Habit, and the Mobile Body, p. 1005-1032
Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler, Designing for Maintenance: Plant Care Technology in the Office, p. 1033-1056
Frank Mondelli, Beautiful Sounds, Beautiful Life: Cultivating Musical Listening through Hearing Aids in 1950s Japan, p. 1057-1077
John Alekna, Neither Nation nor Empire: Situating Shanghai Radio in a Global Technological Moment, 1922-25, p. 1078-1105
Tommy Jamison, Manning the Torpedo Boats: How Gendered Insecurities Shaped Naval War in the United States and Britain, 1860-1900, p. 1106-1136
Benjamin Gross, Allison Marsh, Going Digital: The Research Library and the Pandemic, p. 1137-1139
Benjamin Gross, Research in the Time of COVID: Virtual Fellowships at the Linda Hall Library, p. 1140-1156
Allison Marsh, Fellows Online: The User Experience, p. 1157-1167
Xing Huang, Xiaowu Guan, Review of Twenty-Six Volumes of History of Science and Technology in China, p. 1168-1184

a. 63, 2022, 3

Kirill Chunikhin, Establishing Eye Contact with One Historical Photograph, p. 599-602
Kirill Chunikhin, Risk and Respirators: The Hazardous Trajectories of Soviet Occupational Safety, 1940s-80s, p. 603-633
Hannah Zeavin, « This is Womenspace »: USENET and the Fight for a Digital Backroom, 1983-86, p. 634-664
Logan Brown, Learning to Love Computers: Useful Cinema and the Mediation of American Computing, 1958-62, p. 665-688
W. Patrick McCray, Art Out of Order: Jack Burnham, the 1970 Software Show, and the Aesthetics of Information Systems, p. 689-717
Dongxin Zou, Economizing Socialist Aid: China’s Failed Surgical Plant in Algeria, 1973-80, p. 718-748
Tanfer Emin Tunc, Gokhan Tunc, « A Light Bulb in Every House »: The Istanbul General Electric Factory and American Technology Transfer to Turkey, p. 749-774
Konstantinos Chatzis, Building Capabilities for a Transnational World: Foreign Languages at the École des Ponts et Chaussées, 1790s-1850s, p. 775-807
Alejandra Osorio, Why Chuño Matters: Rethinking the History of Technology in Latin America, p. 808-829
Jens Ivo Engels, Rhythm Analysis: A Heuristic Tool for Historical Infrastructure Research, p. 830-852

a. 63, 2022, 2

Aleksandra Kobiljski, The Global Industrial Now, p. 309-325
Aleksandra Kobiljski, Energy Workarounds: Designing Coals for the Japanese Steel Industry, 1895-1911, p. 326-348
David Wittner, A Tale of Two Mills: Socio-Technological Integration in Meiji Japan, 1868-1912, p. 349-376
Asuka Imaizumi, Widespread Enthusiasm: Grassroots Participation and Regional Variation in Early Japanese Patenting, 1885-99, p. 377-400
Satoru Kobori, When Energy Efficiency Begets Air Pollution: Fuel Conservation in Japan’s Steel Industry, 1945-60, p. 401-426
Shinichiro Nakamura, Taikan Oki, Shinjiro Kanae, Lost Rivers: Tokyo’s Sewage Problem in the High-Growth Period, 1953-73, p. 427-449
Jennifer Robertson, Glamorized Exploitation: Visual Images of Meiji-Period « Factory Girls » (joko), p. 450-457
The Editors, How Curators and Archivists Responded to the Pandemic, p. 458-460
Annemarie de Wildt, Errol Boom, Creating an Online Community: Corona in the City, p. 461-470
Saurav Kumar Rai, Reaching Out: How the Pandemic Impacted Knowledge Production and Dissemination in India, p. 471-476
Catherine Cuenca, Beyond the Museum Walls: The Pandemic and the Prototypes Exhibit at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, p. 477-482
Tizian Zumthurm, Stefan Krebs, Collecting Middle-Class Memories? The Pandemic, Technology, and Crowdsourced Archives, p. 483-493
Arthur Molella, The Soul of Technology, p. 494-506

a. 63, 2022, 1

Per Högselius, Atomic Shocks of the Old: Putting Water at the Center of Nuclear Energy History, p. 1-30
Edmund Russell, Capitalism Matters: How Financial and Technological Innovations Shaped U.S. Telegraphs, 1845-60, p. 31-60
Camilla Mørk Røstvik, Tampon Technology in Britain: Unilever’s Project Hyacinth and the « 7-Day War » Campaign, 1968-1980, p. 61-86
BuYun Chen, The Craft of Color and the Chemistry of Dyes: Textile Technology in the Ryukyu Kingdom, 1700-1900, p. 87-117
Yuting Dong, Red Brick Imperialism: How Vernacular Knowledge Shaped Japanese Colonial Expertise in Northeast China, 1905-45, p. 118-152
Marc J. Alsina, Aviation for the People: Class and State Aviation in Perón’s « New Argentina », 1946-55, p. 153-181
Agata Ignaciuk, Innovation and Maladjustment: Contraceptive Technologies in State-Socialist Poland, 1950s-1970s, p. 182-208
Edward Slavishak, Collision Course: Rural Track Crossing Habits and the Railroad in the United States, 1915-32, p. 209-233

a. 62, 2021, 4

Nathan Cardon, Cycling on the Color Line: Race, Technology, and Bicycle Mobilities in the Early Jim Crow South, 1887-1905, p. 973
Paola Bertucci, Spinners’ Hands, Imperial Minds: Migrant Labor, Embodied Expertise, and the Failed Transfer of Silk Technology across the Atlantic, p. 1003
Kjell D. Ericson, Judging the Perle Japonaise: The Techno-Legal Separation of Culture from Nature in 1920s Paris, p. 103
Amelia Bonea, « Contagion by Telephone »: Print Media and Knowledge about Infectious Diseases in Britain, 1880s-1914, p. 1063
Elizabeth A. Kessler, Technology’s Palette: Voyager’s Eyes and the Hyperchromatic Enhancement of Jupiter and Saturn, p. 1087
Rod Bantjes, The Optical Machine’s Asynchronic Progress: Perceptual Paradigms and 3-D Enhancement Technologies, 1700-1925, p. 1119
Harold D. Wallace Jr., Inventing in a Crisis: Lighting the United States after the 1973 Oil Embargo, p. 1143
Jeffrey Bartos, The Accumulated Knowledge of a Thousand Generations: U.S. Mining Engineers as Public Intellectuals, 1885-1920, p. 1172
Cindy Ott, Seeing History in 2-D: A Tool Kit for Interpreting Images, p. 1199
Storytelling Historians, p. 1217
David E. Nye, Harari’s World History: Evolution toward Intelligence without Consciousness?, p. 1219

a. 62, 2021, 3

Amanda Beardsley, The Female Absorption Coefficient: The Miniskirt Study, Gender, and Latter-day Saint Architectural Acoustics, p. 659
Jan Hua-Henning, Opening the Red Box: The Fire Alarm Telegraph and Politics of Risk Response in Imperial Germany, 1873-1900, p. 685
Jennifer Fraser, Seeing Infrared: Breast Cancer, Inuit, and the Extractive Colonality of Disease Distributions and Diagnostic Imaging Technologies, p. 709
Leor Halevi, What Hath Allah Wrought? The Global Invention of Prescriptive Machines for the Islamic Consumer, 1975-2010, p. 741
John E. Murray, Javier Silvestre, How Do Mines Explode? Understanding Risk in European Mining Doctrine, 1803-1906, p. 780
Anthony Eames, A « Corruption of British Science? »: The Strategic Defense Initiative and British Technology Policy, p. 812
Owen Marshall, The Maniac-Making Machine: A Media History of Delayed Auditory Feedback, p. 839

a. 62, 2021, 2

Dagmar Schäfer, Simona Valeriani, Technology Is Global: The Useful & Reliable Knowledge Debate, p. 327
Feza Günergun, Timekeepers and Sufi Mystics: Technical Knowledge Bearers of the Ottoman Empire, p. 348
Dagmar Schäfer, Useful Work: State Demands and Craftsmen’s Social Mobility in Fifteenth-Century China, p. 373
Takehiko Hashimoto, Making and Using Scientific Instruments in Japan: How Scholars and Craftsmen Cooperated, 1781-1853, p. 401
Masayuki Tanimoto, Introduction and Diffusion: Useful and Reliable Knowledge in Early Modern Industrial Japan, p. 423
Liliane Hilaire-Pérez, The Codification of Techniques: Between Bureaucracy and the Markets in Early Modern Europe from a Global Perspective, p. 442
Simona Valeriani, Grasping the Body: Physicians, Tailors, and Holy People, p. 467
Tirthankar Roy, Useful & Reliable: Technological Transformation in Colonial India, p. 494
Rosalind Williams, Crisis: The Emergence of Another Hazardous Concept, p. 521
Johannes-Geert Hagmann, Contested Heritage in East Asia: Colonial Memory & Technology Sites, p. 547
Daisuke Konagaya, How an Imperial Military Laboratory Became a Museum for Peace, p. 551
John P. DiMoia, « Difficult Heritage » & Selective Elision: The Seoul Power Plant, p. 561
Hsien-Chun Wang, Contested Tracks to Modernity: Negotiating Narratives at Taiwan’s Railway Department Park, p. 573

a. 62, 2021, 1

Ryan Driskell Tate, Rural Revolt: Power Line Protests and the Alternative Technology Movement in the United States, 1970s, p. 1
Felipe Fernandes Cruz, Hacking Airspace: The Insurgent Technology of Brazil’s Hot Air Balloons, 1970-Present, p. 27
Jeff Nagy, Pink Chat: Networked Sex Work before the Internet, p. 57
Hugo Silveira Pereira, Railway Imperialism Revisited: The Failed Line from Macao to Guangzhou, p. 82
Marcin Krasnodebski, Upscaling Forest Waste: The French Quest for Fuel Autarky after World War I, 105
Jessamyn R. Abel, Technologies of Cold War Diplomacy: Transforming Postwar Japan, p. 128
Gloria Calhoun, Why Wire Mattered: Building U.S. Networked Infrastructures, 1845-1910, p. 156
Colin Levings, The Fishery Technology Complex: From Mapping to Depletion of Pacific Ocean Perch, 1880s-1970s, p. 185
Eda Kranakis, Writing Technology into History, p. 212
Shorouk El Hariry, On Our Own Terms: Towards a History of Arab Technological Landscapes and Cultures, p. 241