Technology and Culture DATINI

Technology and Culture

Detroit-Chicago. Society for the History of Technology
ISSN: 0040-165X
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0585
Consistenza: a. 29, 1988, 1-
Lacune: a. 42, 2001, 1
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1988 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 52, 2011, 1

Editor’s Note
Suzanne Moon, Accepting the Baton, p. 1-5

Richard F. Hirsh, Historians of Technology in the Real World: Reflections on the Pursuit of Policy-Oriented History, p. 6-20

Timothy Cooper, Peter Lund Simmonds and the Political Ecology of Waste Utilization in Victorian Britain, p. 21-44
Rebecca Slayton, From Death Rays to Light Sabers: Making Laser Weapons Surgically Precise, p. 45-74
Leslie Tomory, Building the First Gas Network, 1812-1820, p. 75-102

Research Note
Timothy S. Wolters, Recapitalizing the Fleet: A Material Analysis of Late-Nineteenth-Century U.S. Naval Power, p. 103-126

On the Cover, p. 127
Presidential Address, p. 131
Organizational Notes, p. 143
Exhibit Review, p. 171
Book Reviews, p. 180

a. 51, 2010, 4

Editor’s Note
John M. Staudenmaier S. J., Passing the Baton, p. 781-785

Gabriele Balbi, Radio before Radio: Araldo Telefonico and the Invention of Italian Broadcasting, p. 786-808
Noah Arceneaux, Wanamaker’s Department Store and the Origins of Electronic Media, 1910-1922, p. 809-828
Priya Satia, War, Wireless, and Empire: Marconi and the British Warfare State, 1896-1903, p. 829-853
Christopher Beauchamp, Who Invented the Telephone?: Lawyers, Patents, and the Judgments of History, p. 854-878

Research Note
Kimberly Fabbri, Stephen H. Cutcliffe, Robert Fulton’s Torpedoes, p. 879-888

On the Cover, p. 889
Exhibit Review, p. 995
Essay Review, p. 1002
Classics Revisited, p. 1010
Book Reviews, p. 1018

a. 51, 2010, 3

Leo Marx, Technology: The Emergence of a Hazardous Concept, p. 561-577
Francesca Bray, How Blind Is Love?: Simon Winchester’s The Man Who Loved China, p. 578-588
John DiMoia, Atoms for Sale?: Cold War Institution-Building and the South Korean Atomic Energy Project, 1945-1965, p. 589-618
Jon R. Lindsay, « War upon the Map »: User Innovation in American Military Software, p. 619-651
Kristoffer Whitney, Fertilizers, and the Nonpoint Source Pollution Dilemma, p. 652-674

On the Cover, p. 675
NSF Essay Series, p. 680
Exhibit Review, p. 723
Classics Revisited, p. 728
Reviews, p. 738

a. 51, 2010, 2

Susan J. Douglas, Some Thoughts on the Question « How Do New Things Happen? », p. 293

Kieran Downes, « Perfect Sound Forever »: Innovation, Aesthetics, and the Re-making of Compact Disc Playback, p. 305
Bert De Munck, Corpses, Live Models, and Nature: Assessing Skills and Knowledge before the Industrial Revolution (Case: Antwerp), p. 332
Cai Guise-Richardson, Redefining Vulcanization: Charles Goodyear, Patents, and Industrial Control, 1834-1865, p. 357

Research Note
Shin Hirose, Two Classes of British Engineers: An Analysis of Their Education and Training, 1880s-1930s, p. 388

On the cover, p. 403
NSF Essay Series, p. 425
Exhibit review, p. 462
Essay reviews, p. 470
Book reviews, p. 490

a. 51, 2010, 1

Gabrielle Hecht, The Power of Nuclear Things, p. 1

Hsien-Chun Wang, Discovering Steam Power in China, 1840s-1860s, p. 31
Chihyung Jeon, A Road to Modernization and Unification: The Construction of the Gyeongbu Highway in South Korea, p. 55
Albert Presas I Puig, Technoscientific Synergies between Germany and Spain in the Twentieth Century: Continuity amid Radical Change, p. 80
Shaul Katzir, War and Peacetime Research on the Road to Crystal Frequency Control, p. 99
Gregory K. Dreicer, Building Bridges and Boundaries: The Lattice and the Tube, 1820-1860, p. 126

Organizational Notes, p. 164
Classic revisited, p. 199
Essay reviews, p. 216
Book reviews, p. 235

a. 50, 2009, 4

John K. Brown, Gary Lee Downey, Maria Paula Diogo, The Normativities of Engineers: Engineering Education and History of Technology, p. 737

Matthew H. Wisnioski, « Liberal Education Has Failed »: Reading Like an Engineer in 1960s America, p. 753
Ross Bassett, Aligning India in the Cold War Era: Indian Technical Elites, the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, and Computing in India and the United States, p. 783
Andrés Valderrama, Juan Camargo, Idelman Mejía, Antonio Mejía, Ernesto Lleras, Antonio García, Engineering Education and the Identities of Engineers in Colombia, 1887-1972, p. 811

Robert C. Post, Chance and Contingency: Putting Mel Kranzberg in Context, p. 839

On the cover, p. 873
Exhibit review, p. 876
Conference Report, p. 883
Classic revisited, p. 894
Essay reviews, p. 915
Book reviews, p. 919

a. 50, 2009, 3

Kara W. Swanson, The Emergence of the Professional Patent Practitioner, p. 519
Hjalmar Fors, « Away! Away to Falun! »: J. G. Gahn and the Application of Enlightenment Chemistry to Smelting, p. 549
Vera Pavri, What You Say Is What You Get: Policy Discourse and the Regulation of Canada’s First Domestic Communications Satellite System, p. 569

On the Cover, p. 586
Shot Fiftieth-Anniversary Plenary Session, p. 594

Louise Nelson Dyble, Reconstructing Transportation: Linking Tolls and Transit for Place-Based Mobility, p. 631

Exhibit review, p. 649
Classic revisited, p. 658
Essay reviews, p. 669
Book reviews, p. 677

a. 50, 2009, 2

Stephen Bocking, A Disciplined Geography: Aviation, Science, and the Cold War in Northern Canada, 1945-1960, p. 265
Abby J. Kinchy, African Americans in the Atomic Age: Postwar Perspectives on Race and the Bomb, 1945-1967, p. 291
Timothy Stoneman, A Bold New Vision: The VOA Radio Ring Plan and Global Broadcasting in the Early Cold War, p. 316
Matthew N. Eisler, « A Modern ‘Philosopher’s Stone' »: Techno-Analogy and the Bacon Cell, p. 345
Brenton J. Malin, Mediating Emotion: Technology, Social Science, and Emotion in the Payne Fund Motion-Picture Studies, p. 366

On The Cover, p. 391

Jordan Kleiman, Local Food and the Problem of Public Authority, p. 399

Exhibit review, p. 418
Classic revisited, p. 426
Essay reviews, p. 441
Book reviews, p. 453

a. 50, 2009, 1

Lewis H. Siegelbaum, On the Side: Car Culture in the USSR, 1960s-1980s, p. 1
Eric S. Hintz, Portable Power: Inventor Samuel Ruben and the Birth of Duracell, p. 24
W. Patrick McCray, From Lab to iPod: A Story of Discovery and Commercialization in the Post-Cold War Era, p. 58
I. B. Holley Jr., The Mechanization of Brickmaking, p. 82

On the Cover, p. 103
Presidential Addess, p. 110
Organizational Notes, p. 127
Essay reviews, p. 193
Book reviews, p. 202

a. 49, 2008, 4

Warren Dym, Scholars and Miners: Dowsing and the Freiberg Mining Academy, p. 833
Frédéric Graber, Purity and Theory: Theoretical Tools at Ponts et Chaussées, circa 1800, p. 860
Elizabeth Cavicchi, Charles Grafton Page’s Experiment with a Spiral Conductor, p. 884
Annmarie Adams, Kevin Schwartzman, David Theodore, Collapse and Expand: Architecture and Tuberculosis Therapy in Montreal, 1909, 1933, 1954, p. 908
David K. Hecht, The Atomic Hero: Robert Oppenheimer and the Making of Scientific Icons in the Early Cold War, p. 943

On the Cover, p. 967

Erik van der Vleuten, Toward a Transnational History of Technology: Meanings, Promises, Pitfalls, p. 974
Rudi Volti, A Car for the Great Asian Multitude, p. 95
Karen Pinkus, On Climate, Cars, and Literary Theory, p. 1002

Classic revisited, p. 1018
Book reviews, p. 1025

a. 49, 2008, 3

Martin Reuss, Seeing Like an Engineer: Water Projects and the Mediation of the Incommensurable, p. 531

Dolly Jürgensen, Cooperative Sanitation: Managing Streets and Gutters in Late Medieval England and Scandinavia, p. 547
Paul Dobraszczyk, Image and Audience: Contractual Representation and London’s Main Drainage System, p. 568
David Biggs, Breaking from the Colonial Mold: Water Engineering and the Failure of Nation-Building in the Plain of Reeds, Vietnam, p. 599
Heather J. Hoag, May-Britt öhman, Turning Water into Power: Debates over the Development of Tanzania’s Rufiji River Basin, 1945-1985, p. 624
Esha Shah, Telling Otherwise: A Historical Anthropology of Tank Irrigation Technology in South India, p. 652
Noyan Dinçkal, Reluctant Modernization: The Cultural Dynamics of Water Supply in Istanbul, 1885-1950, p. 675
Dianne Van Oosterhout, From Colonial to Postcolonial Irrigation Technology: Technological Romanticism and the Revival of Colonial Water Tanks in Java, Indonesia, p. 701
Abbie B. Liel, David P. Billington, Engineering Innovation at Bonneville Dam, p. 727

On the Cover, p. 752
Presidential Addess, p. 764
Essay reviews, p. 773
Book reviews, p. 779

a. 49, 2008, 2


Josh Lauer, From Rumor to Written Record: Credit Reporting and the Invention of Financial Identity in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 301
Shannon Jackson, The City from Thirty Thousand Feet: Embodiment, Creativity, and the Use of Geographic Information Systems as Urban Planning Tools, p. 325
Jennifer Light, Taking Games Seriously, p. 347
Michael Brian Schiffer, A Cognitive Analysis of Component-Stimulated Invention: Electromagnet, Telegraph, and the Capitol Dome’s Electric Gas-Lighter, p. 376
Thomas Leslie, « As Large as the Situation of the Columns Would Allow »: Building Cladding and Plate Glass in the Chicago Skyscraper, 1885-1905, p. 399
Research Note, p. 420
Essay, p. 430
Classic revisited, p. 442
Essay reviews, p. 449
Book reviews, p. 462

a. 49, 2008, 1


Slotten, Hugh Richard, Radio’s Hidden Voice: Noncommercial Broadcasting, Extension Education, and State Universities during the 1920s, p. 1
Guigueno, Vincent, Building a High-Speed Society: France and the Aérotrain, 1962-1974, p. 21
Josephson, Paul R., The Ocean’s Hot Dog: The Development of the Fish Stick, p. 41
Zaidi, S. Waqar H., The Janus-face of Techno-nationalism: Barnes Willis and the « Strength of England « Wallis, Barnes, 1887-1979., p. 62
Socolow, Michael J., A Wavelength for Every Network: Synchronous Broadcasting and National Radio in the United States, 1926-1932, p. 89
Essay, p. 114
Exhibit review, p. 127
Organizational Notes, p. 133
Classic revisited, p. 202
Essay reviews, p. 215
Book reviews, p. 237

a. 48, 2007, 4

Eda Kranakis, Patents and Power: European Patent-System Integration in the Context of Globalization, p. 689
John A. Britton, « The Confusion Provoked by Instantaneous Discussion »: The New International Communications Network and the Chilean Crisis of 1891-1892 in the United States, p. 729
Hyungsub Choi, The Boundaries of Industrial Research: Making Transistors at the RCA, 1948-1960, p. 758
Brian G. Awty, The Development and Dissemination of the Walloon Method of Ironworking, p. 783

On the cover, p. 804
Exhibit review, p. 810
Classic revisited, p. 824
Essay reviews, p. 831
Book reviews, p. 844
Memorial, p. 910
Index, p. 913

a. 48, 2007, 3

Crosbie Smith, Anne Scott, « Trust in Providence »: Building Confidence into the Cunard Line of Steamers, p. 471
Christopher W. Wells, The Road to the Model T: Culturem Road Conditions, and Innovation at the Dawn of the American Motor Age, p. 497
Max Dawson, Home Video and the « TV Problem »: Cultural Critics and Technological Change, p. 524
Arian Van Rooij, Methods for Innovation: The Varying Role of Industrial Research in DSM’s Nitrogen Fertilizer Business, 1925-1970, p. 550

Fred Nadis, Nature at Aichi World’s Expo 2005, p. 575

Exhibit review, p. 582
Classic revisited, p. 589
Essay reviews, p. 594
Book reviews, p. 612
Communications, p. 680

a. 48, 2007, 2

Karen Johnson Freeze, Innovation and Technology Transfer during the Cold War: The Case of the Open-End Spinning Machine from Communist Czechoslovakia, p. 249
Takashi Nishiyama, War, Peacem and Nonweapons Technology: The Japanese National Railways and Products of Defeat, 1880s-1950s, p. 286
Marionne Cronin, Northern Visions: Aerial Surveying and the Canadian Mining Industry, 1919-1928, p. 303
Peter D. Norton, Street Rivals: Jaywalking and the Invention of the Motor Age Street, p. 331

Ron Eglash, Broken Metaphor: The Master-Slave Analogy in Technical Literature, p. 360

Exhibit review, p. 370
Classic revisited, p. 377
Essay reviews, p. 165
Riposte, p. 407
Book reviews, p. 411

a. 48, 2007, 1

Marc Olivier, George Eastman’s Modern Stone-Age Family: Snapshot Photography and the Brownie, p. 1
Boel Berner, Rationalizing Technical Work: Visions and Realities of the Systematic Drawing Office in Sweden, 1890-1940, p. 20
Sally M. Horrocks, Industrial Chemistry and Its Changing Patrons at the University of Liverpool, 1926-1951, p. 43
Peter J. Westwick, Reenging Ingineers: Management Philosophies at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the 1990s, p. 67

Geoffrey Forden, How the World’s Most Underdeveloped Nations Get the World’s Most Dangerous Weapons, p. 92

Presidential address, p. 104
Organizational Notes, p. 117
Conference report, p. 153
Classic revisited, p. 158
Essay reviews, p. 165
Book reviews, p. 175
Memorial, p. 236
Comment, p. 245

a. 47, 2006, 4

Chandra Mukerji, Tacit Knowledge and Classical Technique in Seventeenth-Century France: Hydraulic Cement as a Living Practice among Masons and Military Engineers, p. 713
Jacob Darwin Hamblin, Exorcising Ghosts in the Age of Automation: United Nations Expert and Atoms for Peace, p. 734
Christine MacLeod, Alessandro Nuvolari, The Pitfalls of Prosopography: Inventors in the « Dictionary of National Biography », p.757

Robert I. Burns, S.J., « Gegna »: Coastal Mooring in Crusader Valencia, p. 777

On the cover, p. 787
Exhibit review, p. 791
Conference report, p. 799
Essay Reviews, p. 803
Book reviews, p. 814
Index, p. 882

a. 47, 2006, 3

Ruth Oldenziel, Signifying Semantics for a History of Technology, p. 477

Eric Schatzberg, « Technik « Comes to America: Changing Meanings of « Technology « before 1930, p. 486
Ronald R. Kline, Cybernetics, Management Science, and Technology Policy: The Emergence of « Information Technology « as a Keyword, 1948-1985, p. 513

Liliane Hilaire-Pérez, Catherine Verna, Dissemination of Technical Knowledge in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era: New Approaches and Methodological Issues, p. 536

On the cover, p. 566
Exhibit reviews, p. 570
Classics revisited, p. 584
Essay Reviews, p. 597
Essays, p. 607
Book reviews, p. 638
Communications, p. 704
Comment, p. 707

a. 47, 2006, 2

Constant II Edward W., A Tale of Two Bonanzas: How Knowledgeable Communities Think about Technology, p. 253
Alezander Jennifer Karns, Eddiciency and Pathology: Mechanical Discipline and Efficient Worker Seating in Germany, 1929-1932, p. 286
Aldrich Mark, From Forest Conservation to Market Preservation: Invention and Diffusion of Wood-Preserving Technology, 1880-1939, p. 311

Essays, p. 341
Conference report, p. 369
Classics revisited, p. 373
Essay Reviews, p. 381
Memorial, p. 472

a. 47, 2006, 1

Downey Greg, Constructing « Computer-Compatible » Stenographes: The Transition toReal-Time Transcription in Courtroom Reporting, p. 1

de la Peña Carolyn Thomas,  » Bleaching the Ethiopian   » : Desegregating Race and Technology through Early X-Ray Experiments, p. 27
Mody Cyrus C.M., Corporations, Universities, and Instrumental Communities: Commercializing Probe Microscopy, 1981-1996, p. 56

Bachrach David S., Crossbows for the King, Part. II: The Crossbow during the Reign of Edward I of England (1272-1307), p. 81

On the cover, p. 91
Essays, p. 95
Organizational notes, p. 120
Classics revisited, p. 156
Essay reviews, p. 164
Book reviews, p. 179

a. 46, 2005, 3

Fred Turner, Where the Counterculture Met the New Economy: the WELL ant the Origins of Virtual Community, p. 485
Darwin H. Stapleton, A Lost Chapter in the Early History of DDT: The Development of Anti-Typhus Technologies by the Rockefeller Foundation’s Louse Laboratory, 1942-1944, p. 513
Jonathan Rees, « I Did Not Know… Any Danger Was Attached »: Safety Consciousness in the Early American Ice and Refrigeration Industries, p. 541
Yasushi Sato, Local Engineering and Systems Engineering: Cultural Conflict at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, 1960-1966, p. 561

Paul E. Ceruzzi, Moore’s Law and Technological Determinism: Reflections on the History of Technology, p. 584

Susan Horning, James C. Williams, Recent Symposia of the International Committee for the History of Technology, 2002-2004, p. 594

Joy Parr, Industrializing the Household: Ruth Schwartz Cowan’s More Work for Mother, p. 604

Essay Reviews, p. 613
Book reviews, p. 623

a. 46, 2005, 2

Michael Brian Schiffer, The Electric Lighthouse in the Nineteenth Century: Aid to Navigation and Political Technology, p. 275
Eric Tagliacozzo, The Lit Archipelago: Coast Lighting and the Imperial Optic in Insular Southeast Asia, 1860-1910, p. 306
Robert Bud, Antibiotics, Big Business, and Consumers: The Context of Government Investigations into the Postwar American Drug Industry, p. 329
Janet R. Daly Bednarek, The Flying Machine in the Garden: Parks and Airports, 1918-1938, p. 350

John H. White, War of the Wires: A Curious Chapter in Street Railway History, p. 374

Essay Reviews, p. 385
Book Reviews, p. 405
From the Henry Ford, p. 475
Memorial, p. 479

a. 46, 2005, 1

Adam Robert Lucas, Industrial Milling in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds: A Survey of the Evidence for an Industrial Revolution in Medieval Europe, p. 1
Frances Robertson, The Aesthetics of Authenticity: Printed Banknotes as Industrial Currency, p. 31
Hugo Johan Schot, Radical Innovation as a Multileved Process: Introducing Floating Grain Elevators in the Port of Rotterdam, p. 51
Sean F. Johnston, Shifting Perspectives: Holography and the Emergence of Technical Communities, p. 77

Michael Eckert, Strategic Internationalism and the Transfer of Technical Knowledge: The United States, Germany, and Aerodynamics after World War I, p. 104

On the cover, p. 132
Organizational Notes, p. 137
Conference Report, p. 164
Classics Revisited, p. 168
Essay Review, p. 187
Book Reviews, p. 198
Communications, p. 263
Memorials, p. 265

a. 45, 2004, 4

William K. Storey, Guns, Race, and Skill in Nineteenth-Century Southern Africa, p. 687
Michael A. Krysko, Forbidden Frequencies: Sino-American Relations and Chinese Broadcasting during the Interwar Era, p. 712
James Spiller, Radiant Cuisine: The Commercial Fate of Food Irradiation in the United States, p. 740

Arthur Molella, The City as Communications Net: Norbert Wiener, the Atomic Bomb, and Urban Dispersal, p. 764
David Gwyn, Tredegar, Newcastle, Baltimore: The Swivel Truck as Paradigm of Technology Transfer, p. 778
Larry Owens, Engineering the Perfect Cup of Coffee: Samuel Prescott and the Sanitary Vision at MIT, p. 795

On the Cover, p. 808
Exhibit Reviews, p. 812
Essay Review, p. 830
Book Reviews, p. 834
Memorials, p. 911

a. 45, 2004, 3

Eda Kranakis, Fixing the Blame: Organizational Culture and the Quebec Bridge Collpse, p. 487
Rob Raven, Geert Verbong, Dung, Sludge, and Landfill: Biogas Technology in the Netherlands, 1970-2000, p. 519
Brian Woods, Nick Watson, In Pursuit of Standardization: The British Ministry of Health’s Model 8F Wheelchair, 1948-1962, p. 540
Carlo Marco Belfanti, Guilds, Patents, and the Circulation of Technical Knowledge: Northern Italy during the Early Modern Age, p. 569

Museum Review, p. 590
Classics Revisited, p. 603
Book Reviews, p. 624
Communications, p. 677
From the Henry Ford, p. 679
Memorial, p. 683

a. 45, 2004, 2

Lissa Roberts, An Arcadian Apparatus: The Introduction of the Steam Engine into the Dutch Landscape, p. 251
Massimo Mazzotti, Enlightened Mills: Mechanizing Olive Oil Production in Mediterranean Europe, p. 277
Stephen Petrina, Sidney Pressey and the Automation of Education, 1924-1934, p. 305
Nasir Tyabji, Gaining Technical Know-HOw in an Unequal World: Penicillin Manufacture in Nehru’s India, p. 331

Guillaume De Syon, What the Wrights Wrought: The Centennial of Flight in Recent Literature, p. 350
Catherine W. Allen, The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C., p. 358
Deborah G. Douglas, The Wright Brothers and the Invention of the Aerial Age, at the National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C., p. 363
Russell Douglass Jones, Heroes of the Sky: Adventures in Early Flight, at the Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Michigan, p. 368
Robert C. Post, A Narrative for Our Time: The Enola Gay « and after that, period », p. 373

William F. Ogburn, Social Change with Respect to Culture and Original Nature, Rudi Volti, p. 396

Essay Review, p. 406
Book Reviews, p. 413
From the Henry Ford, p. 476
Comment, p. 479

a. 45, 2004, 1

Chen-Pang Yeang, Scientific Fact or Engineering Specification? The U.S. Navy’s Experiments on Wireless Telegraphy circa 1910, p. 1
Gabrielle Barnett, Drive-By Viewing: Visual Consciousness and Forest Preservation in the Automobile Age, p. 30
Richard E. Jackson, Recognizing Emerging Environmental Problems: The Case of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater, p. 55
Lars Heide, Monitoring People: Dynamics and Hazards of Record Management in France, 1935-1944, p. 80

David S. Bachrach, Crossbows the King: The Crossbow during the Reigns of John and Henry III of England, p. 102

On the Cover, p. 120
Organizational Notes, p. 123
Exhibit Review, p. 154
Essay Reviews, p. 159
Book Reviews, p. 168
Communications, p. 236
Memorial, p. 241
Comment, p. 247

a. 44, 2003, 4

Chandra Mukerji, Intelligent Uses of Engineering and the Legitimacy of State Power, p. 655

Michael D. Gordin, A Modernization of « Peerless Homogeneity »: The Creation of Russian Smokeless Gunpowdeer, p. 677
I. B. Holley Jr., Blacktop: How Asphalt Paving Came to the Urban United States, p. 703
Kristen Haring, The « Freer Men « of Ham Radio: How a technical Hobby Provided Social and Spatial Distance, p. 734

Glen Asner, Researching the History of Technology at the Hagley Museum and Library, p. 762

Exhibit Review, p. 778
Classics Revisited, p. 786
Essay Review, p. 794
Book Reviews, p. 799

a. 44, 2003, 3

Crosbie Smith, Ian Higginson, Philip Wolstenholme, « Avoiding Equally Extravagance and Parsimony »: The Moral Economy of the Ocean Steamship, p. 443
Asif Siddiqi, The Rockets’ Red Glare: Techonology, Conflict, and Terror in the Soviet Union, p. 470
Cornelis Disco, Jan Van Den Ende, « Strong, Invincible Arguments »? Tidal Models as Management Instruments in Twentieth-Century Dutch Coastal Engineering, p. 502
Trevor J. Pinch, Karin Bijsterveld, « Should One Applaud? « Breaches and Boundaries in the Reception of New Technology in Music, p. 536

On the Cover, p. 560
Exhibit Review, p. 566
Classics Revisited, p. 574
Essay Review, p. 586
Book Reviews, p. 591
Comment, p. 650

a. 44, 2003, 2

María M. Portuondo, Plantation Factories: Science and Technology in Late-Eighteenth-Century Cuba, p. 231
Sara E. Wermiel, No Exit: The Rise and Demise of the Outside Fire Escape, p. 258
Randall Patnode, « What These People Need Is radio »: New Technology, the Press, and Otherness in 1920s America, p. 285
Thomas C. Lassman, Industrial Research Transformed: Edward Condon at the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1935-1942, p. 306

James Frederick Edwards, Building the Great Pyramid: Probable Construction Methods Employed at Giza, p. 340

On the Cover, p. 355
Exhibit Review, p. 359
Classics Revisited, p. 364
Essay Review, p. 371
Book Reviews, p. 376

a. 44, 2003, 1

Stephanie Dalley, John Peter Oleson, Sennacherib, Archimedes, and the Water Screw: The Context of Invention in the Ancient World, p. 1
Frank N. Laird, Constructing the Future: Advocating Energy Technologies in the Cold War, p. 27
Kenneth Lipartito, Picturephone and the Information Age: The Social Meaning of Failure, p. 50

Carolyn C. Cooper, Myth, Rumor, and History: The Yankee Whittling Boy as Hero and Villain, p. 82

Pamela O. Long, Of Mining, Smelting, and Printing: Agricola’s De re metallica, p. 97

Daryl M. Hafter, The Cost of Inventiveness: Labor’s Struggle with Management’s Machine, p. 102

Awards, p. 114
The Toronto Meeting, 17-20 October 2002, p. 130

Exhibit Review, p. 142
Classics Revisited, p. 147
Book Reviews, p. 160
Comment, p. 227

a. 43, 2002, Supplement

Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (1999)
Compiled by Henry Lowood

Bibliography, p. 1
Author Index, p. 122
Subject Index, p. 136

a. 43, 2002, 4

Guest Editor: Joy Parr

Joy Parr, Modern Kitchen, Good Home, Strong Nation, p. 657

Abigail A. Van Slyck, Kitchen Technologies and Mealtime Rituals: Interpreting the Food Axis at American Summer Camps, 1890-1950, p. 668
Shelley Nickles, « Preserving Women »: Refrigerator Design as Social Process in the 1930s, p. 693
Amy Sue Bix, Equipped for Life: Gendered Technical Training and Consumerism in Home Economics, 1920-1980, p. 728

Susan Strasser, Making Consumption Conspicuous: Transgressive Topics Go Mainstream, p. 755

Exhibit Review, p. 771
Classics Revisited, p. 777
Book Reviews, p. 842
Comment, p. 227

a. 43, 2002, 3

Guest Editor: Martin Reuss

Martin Reuss, Learning from the Dutch: Technology, Management, and Water Resources Development, p. 465
Martin Reuss, A Letter from Monique de Vries, Vice Minister of Transport, Public Works, and Water Management, p. 473

William H. TeBrake, Taming the Waterwolf: Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management in the Netherlands during the Middle Ages, p. 475
Petra J. E. M. Van Dam, Ecological Challenges, Technological Innovations: The Modernization of Sluice Building in Holland, 1300-1600, p. 500
Arne Kaijser, System Building from Below: Institutional Change in Dutch Water Control Systems, p. 521

Harry Lintsen, Two Centuries of Central Water Management in the Netherlands, p. 549
Wiebe E. Bijker, The Oosterschelde Storm Surge Barrier: A Test Case for Dutch Water Technology, Management, and Politics, p. 569

Book Reviews, p. 585

a. 43, 2002, 2

Arni Sverrisson, Small Boats and Large Ships: Social Continuity and Technical Change in the Icelandic Fisheries, 1800-1960, p. 227
John R. Pannabecker, School for Industry: L’École d’Arts et Métiers of Châlons-sur-Marne under Napoléon and the Restoration, p. 254
Dario Gaggio, Negotiating the Gold Standard: The Geographical and Political Construction of Gold Fineness in Twentieth-Century Italy, p. 291
Hugh R. Slotten, Satellite Communications, Globalization, and the Cold War, p. 315

Exchange, p. 351
Classics Revisited, p. 374
Essay Review, p. 390
Book Reviews, p. 398

a. 43, 2002, 1

Pierre Cluade Reynard, Public Order and Privilege: Eighteenth-Century French Roots of Environmental Regulation, p. 1
Kenkichiro Koizumi, In Search of Wakon: The Cultural Dynamics of the Rise of Manufacturing Technology in Postwar Japan, p. 29
Onno De Wit, Jan Van Den Ende, JOhan Schot, Ellen Van Oost, Innovation Junctions: Office Technologies in the Netherlands, 1880-1980, p. 50
Karin Zachmann, A Socialist Consumption Junction: Debating the Mechanization of Housework in East Germany, 1956-1957, p. 73

On the Conver, p. 100
Museum Review, p. 102
Organizational Notes, p. 110
Classics Revisited, p. 139
Essay Review, p. 150
Book Reviews, p. 155
Comment, p. 222

a. 42, 2001, 4

William Boyd, Making Meat: Science, Technology, and American Poultry Production, p. 631
Robert Lewis, Redesigning the Workplace: The North American Factory in the Interwar Period, p. 665
Stephen B. Johnson, Samuel Phillips and the Taming of Apollo, p. 685
Atsushi Akera, Voluntarism and the Fruits of Collaboration: The IBM User Group, Share, p. 710

Karl Stephan, Experts at Play: Magnetron Research at Westinghouse, 1930-1934, p. 737

Leo E. Landis, Reaping the Harvest, p. 750

Charles K. Hyde, Detroit, Toledo, and Milwaukec Roundhouse, Greenfield Village, Dearborn, p. 754
Stefan Zeilinger, The Works, National Railway Museurn, York, p. 760
Stephen Hoadley, Stearn-The Museum of the Great Western Railway, Swindon, p. 764

Warren Belasco, Roadside Dreams, Fast Food Nightmares, p. 767

Book Reviews, p. 771
Communications, p. 839

a. 42, 2001, 3

Robert C. Post, « A Very Special Relationship »: SHOT and the Smithsonian’s Museum of History and Technology, p. 401
Norris Pope, Dickens’s « The Signalman « and Information Problems in the Railway Age, p. 436
Gary L. Frost, Inventing Schemes and Strategies: The Making and Selling of the Fessenden Oscillator, p. 462
Gijs P. A. Mom, David A. Kirsch, Technologies in Tension: Horses, Electric Trucks, and the Motorization of American Cities, 1900-1925, p. 489

Robert C. Post, A Corner of the Nation’s Attic, p. 519

Terry S. Reynolds, On Not Burning Bridges: Valuing the Passé, p. 523

Awards, p. 531
The Munich Meeting, 17-20 August 2000, p. 545

Book reviews, p. 559
Comment, p. 626

a. 42, 2001, 2

Greg Downey, Virtual Webs, Physical Technologies, and HiddenWorkers: The Spaces of Labor in Information Internetworks, p. 209
Stuart W. Leslie, Regional Disadvantage: Replicating Silicon Valley in New York’s Capital Region, p. 236
W. Patrick McCray, What Makes a Failure? Designing a New National Telescope, 1975-1984, p. 265
Robert G. Angevine, Individuals, Organizations, and Engineering: U.S. Army Officers and the American Railroads, 1827-1838, p. 292

Henry Petroski, The Success of Failure, p. 321

Russell Douglass Jones, Prague Summer: The Twenty-Seventh Symposium of the International Committee for the History of Technology, p. 329

Book reviews, p. 333