Technology and Culture DATINI

Technology and Culture

Detroit-Chicago. Society for the History of Technology
ISSN: 0040-165X
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0585
Consistenza: a. 29, 1988, 1-
Lacune: a. 42, 2001, 1;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1988 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 61, 2020, 4

SPECIAL ISSUE: Manufacturing Modernity: Innovations in Early Modern Europe

Adam Lucas, Manufacturing Modernity: Innovations in Early Modern Europe—An Introduction, p. 995
Jérôme Baudry, A Politics of Intellectual Property: Creating a Patent System in Revolutionary France, p. 1017
Benjamin Bothereau, Illuminated Publics: Representations of Street Lamps in Revolutionary France, p. 1045
Marie Thébaud-Sorger, Changing Scale to Master Nature: Promoting Small-scale Inventions in Eighteenth-century France and Britain, p. 1076
Luciano Boschiero, Machines, Motion, Mechanics: Philosophers Engineering the Fountains of Versailles, p. 1108
David Philip Miller, A New Perspective on the Natural Philosophy of Steams and Its Relation to the Steam Engine, p. 1129
The Editors, Take 1: Historians of Technology Watching Chernobyl, p. 1149
Sonja D. Schmid, Chernobyl the TV Series: On Suspending the Truth or What’s the Benefit of Lies?, p. 1154
Anna Veronika Wendland, Ukrainian Memory Spaces and Nuclear Technology: The Musealization of Chornobyl’s Disaster, p. 1162
Egle Rindzeviciute, Chernobyl as Technoscience, p. 1178
Slawomir Lotysz, Ciro Paoletti, Glen O’Sullivan, Kamna Tiwary, Magdalena Zdrodowska, « Technology and Power »: The International Committee for the History of Technology’s (ICOHTEC), University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland (July 22-27, 2019), p. 1188
The Editors, Sixty Years of Scholarship, p. 1196
Peter Norton, Urban Transport and Mobility in Technology and Culture, p. 1197

a. 61, 2020, 3

Ruth Oldenziel, Editorial, p. ix
Raechel Lutz, Petroleum’s Park: How Oil Shaped the Palisades Interstate Park, 1900-1960, p. 713
Sean Weiss, Making Engineering Visible: Photography and the Politics of Drinking Water in Modern Paris, p. 739
Susan Murray, The New Surgical Amphitheater: Color Television and Medical Education in Postwar America, p. 772
Jean-François Fava-Verde, Managing Privacy: Cryptography or Private Networks of Communication in the Nineteenth Century, p. 798
Pär Blomkvist, Martin Emanuel, Regulating Innovation: Utility vs. Leisure in Swedish Moped History, 1952-1961, p. 815
Jacob Ward, Computer Models and Thatcherist Futures: From Monopolies to Markets in British Telecommunications, p. 843
Thomas Haigh, Mark Priestley, Contextualizing Colossus: Codebreaking Technology and Institutional Capabilities, p. 871
Hanna Vikström, Producing Electric Light: How Resource Scarcity Affected Light Bulbs, 1880-1914, p. 901
Mette Simonsen Abildgaard, Lee Humphreys, Landline Natives: Telephone Practices since the 1950s as Innovation, p. 923

a. 61, 2020, 2 – supplement

Laura Ann Twagira, Introduction: Africanizing the History of Technology, p. S1
Robyn d’Avignon, Spirited Geobodies: Producing Subterranean Property in Nineteenth-Century Bambuk, West Africa, p. S20
Jennifer Hart, Of Pirate Drivers and Honking Horns: Mobility, Authority, and Urban Planning in Late-Colonial Accra, p. S49
Laura Ann Twagira, Machines That Cook or Women Who Cook? Lessons from Mali on Technology, Labor, and Women’s Things, p. S77
Drew Thompson, « Não há Nada » (« There is Nothing »): Absent Headshots and Identity Documents in Independent Mozambique, p. S104
Marissa Mika, The Half-Life of Radiotherapy and Other Transferred Technologies, p. S135
Mahriana Rofheart, Fictional Technologies of Collaboration, p. S158

a. 61, 2020, 2

Sangwoon Yoo, Innovation in Practice: The « Technology Drive Policy » and the 4Mb DRAM R&D Consortium in South Korea in the 1980s and 1990s, p. 385
Lei Zhang, Foreign Wells: Japanese Well Drilling in Beijing, 1900-10, p. 416
Chang-Xue Shu, Thomas Coomans, Towards Modern Ceramics in China: Engineering Sources and the Manufacture Céramique de Shanghai, p. 437
Christopher Leslie, As We Could Have Thought: Deploying Historical Narratives of the Memex in Support of Innovation, p. 480

Jason Krupar, The Disappearing Nuclear Landscape: Snapshots of Lost Atomic Technologies, p. 512
Gonçalo Santos, Suzanne Z. Gottschang, Rethinking Reproductive Technologies and Modernities in Time and Space, p. 549
Chiaki Shirai, Historical Dynamism of Childbirth in Japan: Medicalization and its Normative Politics, 1868-2017, p. 559-580 Gonçalo Santos, Birthing Stories and Techno-moral Change across Generations: Coping with Hospital Births and High-tech Medicalization in Rural South China, 1960s-2010s, p. 581
Suzanne Z. Gottschang, Reproductive Modernities in Policy: Maternal Mortality, Midwives, and Cesarean Sections in China, 1900s-2000s, p. 617
Francesca Bray, The Craft of Mud-making: Cropscapes, Time, and History, p. 645

a. 61, 2020, 1

Norris Pope, The Reception of Kodachrome Sheet Film in American Commercial Photography, p. 1
Andrew Denning, Mobilizing Empire: The Citroën Central Africa Expedition and the Interwar Civilizing Mission, p. 42
Abby Spinak, « Not Quite So Freely as Air »: Electrical Statecraft in North America, p. 71
Daniel Macfarlane, Nature Empowered: Hydraulic Models and the Engineering of Niagara Falls, p. 109
Theresa Levitt, When Lighthouses became Public Goods: The Role of Technological Change, p. 144
Rebecca Slayton, Brian Clarke, Trusting Infrastructure: The Emergence of Computer Security Incident Response, 1989-2005, p. 173
Josh Ellenbogen, Alison Langmead, Forms of Equivalence: Bertillonnage and the History of Information Management, p. 207
Hanna Rose Shell, High Altitude Observatory: Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds, p. 239
Erik Van Der Vleuten, History and Technology in an Age of « Grand Challenges »: Raising Questions, p. 260
Karena Kalmbach, Andreas Marklund, Anna Åberg, Crises and Technological Futures: Experiences, Emotion, and Action, p. 272
Matthias Heymann, Per Högselius, Elena Kochetkova, John Martin, Ole Sparenberg, Frank Veraart, Anna Åberg, Challenging Europe: Technology, Environment, and the Quest for Resource Security, p. 282
Ute Hasenöhrl, Jan-Henrik Meyer, The Energy Challenge in Historical Perspective, p. 295
Frank Schipper, Martin Emanuel, Ruth Oldenziel, Sustainable Urban Mobility in the Present, Past, and Future, p. 307
Stathis Arapostathis, Léonard Laborie, Governing Technosciences in the Age of Grand Challenges: A European Historical Perspective on the Entanglement of Science, Technology, Diplomacy, and Democracy, p. 318

a. 60, 2019, 4

Prakash Kumar, Introduction, p. 933
Projit Bihari Mukharji, Akarnan: The Stethoscope and Making of Modern Ayurveda, Bengal, c. 1894-1952, p. 953
Bharat Jayram Venkat, A Vital Mediation: The Sanatorium, before and after Antibiotics, p. 979
Rachel Berger, Clarified Commodities: Managing Ghee in Interwar India, p. 1004
Prakash Kumar, « A Big Machine Not Working Properly »: Elite Narratives of India’s Community Projects, 1952-58, p. 1027
Amit Prasad, Burdens of the Scientific Revolution: Euro/West-Centrism, Black Boxed Machines, and the (Post) Colonial Present, p. 1059
Robert Belot, Yoel Bergman, Hans-Joachim Braun, Jan Hadlaw, Stefan Poser, Magdalena Zdrodowska, Forty-fifth Symposium of the International Committee for the History of Technology: « Technological Drive from Past to Future? 50 Years of ICOHTEC, » Jean Monnet University, Saint-Étienne, France, 17-21 July 2018, p. 1083
Daniel Miller, Anthropological Studies of Mobile Phones, p. 1093

a. 60, 2019, 3

Jonas van der Straeten, Borderlands of Industrial Modernity: Explorations into the History of Technology in Central Asia, 1850-2000, p. 659
Tim Soens, Greet De Block, Iason Jongepier, Seawalls at Work: Envirotech and Labor on the North Sea Coast before 1800, p. 688
Chaim Shulman, The Groundbreaking Water Supply Systems of Central and Eastern European Cities, 1300-1580, p. 726
Andreas Marklund, Trawling the Wires: Mass Surveillance of Border-crossing Communication in Denmark during World War II, p. 770
Samson Lim, Photography and Forgery in Early Capitalist Siam, p. 795
Heather Munro Prescott, We Must Not Allow a Contraception Gap: Planned Parenthood’s Campaign for New Birth Control and Feminist Health Activism in the 1990s, p. 816
Nuno LuÍs Madureira, Reckless Proliferation and Guardianship Proliferation: The Fast Breeder Nuclear Reactor and the Plutonium Economy, p. 833
Alexandru Lesanu, Removing a German Sugar Factory to the Soviet Borderlands: A Case Study of the Postwar Technological Transfer in Soviet Moldavia (1946-52), p. 866
Peter Soppelsa, Amy S. Rodgers, Origins of the Flyswatter, p. 886

a. 60, 2019, 2

Saara Matala, Flashy Flagships of Cold War Cooperation: The Finnish-Soviet Nuclear Icebreaker Project, p. 347
Rachel S. Gross, Layering for a Cold War: The M-1943 Combat System, Military Testing, and Clothing as Technology, p. 378
Mary Augusta Brazelton, Engineering Health: Technologies of Immunization in China’s Wartime Hinterland, 1937-45, p. 409
Robert MacDougall, Sympathetic Physics: The Keely Motor and the Laws of Thermodynamics in Nineteenth-Century Culture, p. 438
Nathan Kapoor, « Who Has Seen the Wind »: Imagining Wind Power for the Generation of Electricity in Victorian Britain, p. 467
Peter Petchey, New Zealand’s Technological Participation in the International Goldfields: The Example of the Stamper Battery, p. 494
Elizabeth Patton, Where Does Work Belong? Home-Based Work and Communication Technology within the American Middle-Class Postwar Home, p. 523

Editor’s Note, p. 553
Florence Hsia, Dagmar Schäfer, Introduction, p. 554
Carla Nappi, McKenzie Wark, Reading Needham Now, p. 562
Buyun Chen, Needham, Matter, Form, and Us, p. 574
Helen Tilley, A Great (Scientific) Divergence: Synergies and Fault Lines in Global Histories of Science, p. 583
Jianjun Mei, Some Reflections on Joseph Needham’s Intellectual Heritage, p. 594
Maikel H. G. Kuijpers, Materials and Skills in the History of Knowledge: An Archaeological Perspective from the « Non-Asian » Field, p. 604
Zhang Baichun, Tian Miao, Joseph Needham’s Research on Chinese Machines in the Cross-Cultural History of Science and Technology, p. 616
Derek W. Vaillant, Colonialists in the Machine: Maria Paula Diogo and Dirk van Laak, Europeans Globalizing, p. 625

a. 60, 2019, 2 supplemento

SPECIAL ISSUE: Listening to the Archive: Sound Data in the Humanities and Sciences
Carolyn Birdsall, Viktoria Tkaczyk, Listening to the Archive: Sound Data in the Humanities and Sciences, p. 1
Patrick Feaster, Enigmatic Proofs: The Archiving of Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville’s Phonautograms, p. 14
Julia Kursell, Listening to More Than Sounds: Carl Stumpf and the Experimental Recordings of the Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv, p. 39
Viktoria Tkaczyk, Archival Traces of Applied Research: Language Planning and Psychotechnics in Interwar Germany, p. 64
Carolyn Birdsall, Radio Documents: Broadcasting, Sound Archiving, and the Rise of Radio Studies in Interwar Germany, p. 96
Xiaochang Li, Mara Mills, Vocal Features: From Voice Identification to Speech Recognition by Machine, p. 129
Judith Kaplan, Rebecca Lemov, Archiving Endangerment, Endangered Archives: Journeys through the Sound Archives of Americanist Anthropology and Linguistics, 1911-2016, p. 161
Joeri Bruyninckx, For Science, Broadcasting, and Conservation: Wildlife Recording, the BBC, and the Consolidation of a British Library of Wildlife Sounds, p. 188

a. 60, 2019, 1

Jo Guldi, Parliament’s Debates about Infrastructure: An Exercise in Using Dynamic Topic Models to Synthesize Historical Change, p. 1
Heidi Hausse, The Locksmith, the Surgeon, and the Mechanical Hand: Communicating Technical Knowledge in Early Modern Europe, p. 34
Álvaro Ferreira da Silva, M. Luísa Sousa, The « Script » of a New Urban Layout: Mobility, Environment, and Embellishment in Lisbon’s Streets (1850-1910), p. 65
Katie Day Good, Sight-Seeing in School: Visual Technology, Virtual Experience, and World Citizenship in American Education, 1900-1930, p. 98
Katherine G. Aiken, « The Environmental Consequences … Were Calamitous »: Smelter Smoke Controversies in Progressive Era America, 1899-1918, p. 132
Florian Bayer, Ulrike Felt, Embracing the « Atomic Future » in Post-World War II Austria, p. 165
Kristina Söderholm, Roine Viklund, Policy and Business Efforts for the Reduced Impact of Mining on Nature: When Historical Studies Have Something to Offer Policy Makers, p. 192
Christopher Cullen, Hiraoka Ryuji, The Geneva Sphere: An Astronomical Model from Seventeenth-Century Japan, p. 219
John Krige, Regulating International Knowledge Exchange: The National Security State and the American Research University from the 1950s to Today, p. 252

a. 59, 2018, 4 supplemento

SPECIAL ISSUE: Shift CTRL: New Directions in the History of Computing
Thomas S. Mullaney, Shift CTRL: Computing and New Media as Global, Cultural, Sociopolitical, and Ecological, p. 1
Nathan Ensmenger, The Environmental History of Computing, p. 7
Thomas S. Mullaney, QWERTY in China: Chinese Computing and the Radical Alphabet, p. 34
Honghong Tinn, Modeling Computers and Computer Models: Manufacturing Economic-Planning Projects in Cold War Taiwan, 1959-1968, p. 66
Eden Medina, Forensic Identification in the Aftermath of Human Rights Crimes in Chile: A Decentered Computer History, p. 100
Janet Abbate, Code Switch: Alternative Visions of Computer Expertise as Empowerment from the 1960s to the 2010s, p. 134
Fred Turner, Millenarian Tinkering: The Puritan Roots of the Maker Movement, p. 160

a. 59, 2018, 4

Grant Olwage, Paul Robeson’s Microphone Voice and the Technologies of Easy Singing, p. 823
Simon Zagorski-Thomas, Directions in Music by Miles Davis: Using the Ecological Approach to Perception and Embodied Cognition to Analyze the Creative Use of Recording Technology in Bitches Brew, p. 850
Sarah Mittlefehldt, Wood Waste and Race: The Industrialization of Biomass Energy Technologies and Environmental Justice, p. 875
Bradley Fidler, Andrew L. Russell, Financial and Administrative Infrastructure for the Early Internet: Network Maintenance at the Defense Information Systems Agency, p. 899
Luminita Gatejel, Building a Better Passage to the Sea: Engineering and River Management at the Mouth of the Danube, 1829-61, p. 925
Chris Hables Gray, Drones, War, and Technological Seduction, p. 954

a. 59, 2018, 3

Annapurna Mamidipudi, Wiebe E. Bijker, Innovation in Indian Handloom Weaving, p. 509
John Pannabecker, Research, Invent, ImproveA Dictionnaire Technologique for Non-elites (1822-35), p. 546
Dorthe Gert Simonsen, Island in the AirPowered Aircraft and the Early Formation of British Airspace, p. 590
Sean F. Johnston, Alvin Weinberg and the Promotion of the Technological Fix, p. 620
Giacomo Parrinello, Systems of PowerA Spatial Envirotechnical Approach to Water Power and Industrialization in the Po Valley of Italy, ca.1880-1970, p. 652
Ian Johnson, Technology’s Cutting EdgeFuturism and Research in the Red Army, 1917-1937, p. 689

Jennifer Tucker, Glenn Adamson, Jonathan S. Ferguson, Josh Garrett-Davis, Erik Goldstein, Ashley Hlebinsky, David D. Miller, Susanne Slavick, Display of ArmsA Roundtable Discussion about the Public Exhibition of Firearms and Their History, p. 719

Arnold Pacey, History and the Art of Hand-pump MaintenanceReflections on My Working Life, p. 770

Review, p. 789

a. 59, 2018, 2

Gemma Cirac-Claveras, Satellites for What? Creating User Communities for Space-based Data in France: The Case from LERTS to CESBIO, p. 203
Mario Daniels, John Krige, Beyond the Reach of Regulation? « Basic » and « Applied » Research in the Early Cold War United States, p. 226
Douglas O’Reagan, Lee Fleming, The FinFET Breakthrough and Networks of Innovation in the Semiconductor Industry, 1980-2005: Applying Digital Tools to the History of Technology, p. 251
Tilman Dedering, Blue Skies into White Space: Southern African Responses to the Trans-African Flight of the Silver Queen, 1920, p. 289
Jaakko Suominen, Antti Silvast, Tuomas Harviainen, Smelling Machine History: Olfactory Experiences of Information Technology, p. 313
Janne M. Korhonen, Tolerating the Intolerable: Flash Smelting of Copper and the Construction of Technological Constraints, p. 338
Georgina J. Henderson, Turn, Turn, Turn: The Construction of the Architectural Spiral Fluted Column in the Ancient Mediterranean World, p. 363
The Philadelphia Meeting, 26-29 October 2017, p. 410
Awards, p. 439
Hyungsub Choi, Displaying « Growth and Development »: Exhibit Hall 3, National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, p. 454
Robert Bailey, Rethinking Art as Interrelation, p. 464

Review, p. 473

a. 59, 2018, 1

Andrew L. Russell, Lee Vinsel, After Innovation, Turn to Maintenance, p. 1
Michael Camp, « Wandering in the Desert »: The Clinch River Breeder Reactor Debate in the U.S. Congress, 1972-1983, p. 26
Barbara Penner, The Cornell Kitchen: Housing and Design Research in Postwar America, p. 48
Thomas Jepsen, « A New Business in the World »: The Telegraph, Privacy, and the U.S. Constitution in the Nineteenth Century, p. 95
Lindsay Schakenbach Regele, The World’s Best Carpets: Erastus Bigelow and the Financing of Antebellum Innovation, p. 126
Francesco Gerali, Marcin Krasnodebski, Saara Matala, Dick Van Lente, Forty-fourth Symposium of the International Committee for the History of Technology: « Science, Technology, and Medicine between the Global and the Local, », Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 24-29 July 2017, p. 152
Frank Dittmann, Nicolas Lange, Robots: The 500-year Quest to Make Machines Human, p. 159

Review, p. 168

a. 58, 2017, 4

Hyungsub Choi, The Social Construction of Imported Technologies: Reflections on the Social History of Technology in Modern Korea, p. 905

Silvia Berger Ziauddin, Superpower Underground: Switzerland’s Rise to Global Bunker Expertise in the Atomic Age, p. 921
Craig Robertson, Learning to File: Reconfiguring Information and Information Work in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 955
Daniel Williford, Seismic Politics: Risk and Reconstruction after the 1960 Earthquake in Agadir, Morocco, p. 982
Vivien Hamilton, Medical Machines as Symbols of Science?: Promoting Electrotherapy in Victorian Canada, p. 1017
Marco Beretta, Glassmaking Goes Public: The Cultural Background to Antonio Neri’s L’Arte Vetraria (1612), p. 1046

a. 58, 2017, 3

Roland Wenzlhuemer, The Telegraph and the Control of Material Movements: A Micro-Study about the Detachment of Communication from Transport, p. 625
Casper Andersen, Internationalism and Engineering in UNESCO during the End Game of Empire, 1943-68, p. 650
Thomas R. Wellock, A Figure of Merit: Quantifying the Probability of a Nuclear Reactor Accident, p. 678
Kendra Smith-Howard, Healing Animals in an Antibiotic Age: Veterinary Drugs and the Professionalism Crisis, 1945-1970, p. 722
Fabrizio Ansani, The Life of a Renaissance Gunmaker: Bonaccorso Ghiberti and the Development of Florentine Artillery in the Late Fifteenth Century, p. 749
James E. Webb, Technocracy,and the New Deal roots of « Space Age Management », p. 790

Francesca Bray, SHOT: Internationalization and the Art of Translation, p. 815

Ronald R. Kline, Humans and Machines, p. 835

Hanna Rose Shell, Gregg Mitman, The Documentary Impulse, p. 846

a. 58, 2017, 2

Zac Zimmer, Bitcoin and Potosí Silver: Historical Perspectives on Cryptocurrency

Joshua T. Brinkman, Richard F. Hirsh, Welcoming Wind Turbines and the PIMBY (« Please in My Backyard ») Phenomenon: The Culture of the Machine in the Rural American Midwest, p. 335
Matthew N. Eisler, Exploding the Black Box: Personal Computing, the Notebook Battery Crisis, and Postindustrial Systems Thinking, p. 368
Charles R. Acland, American AV: Edgar Dale and the Information Age Classroom, p. 392
Tiago Saraiva, Ana Cardoso De Matos, Technological Nocturne: The Lisbon Industrial Institute and Romantic Engineering (1849-1888), p. 422
Brice Cossart, Producing Skills for an Empire: Theory and Practice in the Seville School of Gunners during the Golden Age of the Carrera de Indias, p. 459

Seth Rockman, Introduction, p. 487
William Deringer, Pricing the Future in the Seventeenth Century: Calculating Technologies in Competition, p. 506
Caitlin Rosenthal, Numbers for the Innumerate: Everyday Arithmetic and Atlantic Capitalism, p. 529
Jonathan Senchyne, Rags Make Paper, Paper Makes Money: Material Texts and Metaphors of Capital, p. 545
Barbara Hahn, Must We Embody Context?, p. 556

Memorial, p. 570
Essay Review, p. 578

a. 58, 2017, 1

Arnaud Orain, Sylvain Laubé, Scholars versus Practitioners?: Anchor Proof Testing and the Birth of a Mixed Culture in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 1
Catherine Mas, She Wears the Pants: The Reform Dress as Technology in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 35
Roberto Cantoni, What’s in a Pipe?: NATO’s Confrontation on the 1962 Large-Diameter Pipe Embargo, p. 67
Terje Finstad, Naked Gene Salmon: Debating Fish, Genes, and the Politics of Science in the « Age of Publics », p. 97
Douglas O’Reagan, Know-How in Postwar Business and Law, p. 121

Lisa Onaga, Aaron S. MooreIntroduction: Searching for the Historical Roots of 11 March 2011, p. 154
Kristina Buhrman, Remembering Future Risk: Considering Technologies of the Archive for Discussion of Tohoku’s Seismological Past after 2011, p. 159
Philip C. Brown, Reverse Flow: The Role of Built Environments in Shaping Disaster, p. 170
Takuji Okamoto, Reorganization, Deregulation, and Liberalization: Postwar Development of the Japanese Electric Power Industry and Its Change after 11 March 2011, p. 182
Lisa Onaga, Reconstructing the Linear No-Threshold Model in Japan: A Historical Perspective on the Technics of Evaluating Radiation Exposure, p. 194

a. 57, 2016, 4

Adelheid Voskuhl, Engineering Philosophy: Theories of Technology, German Idealism, and Social Order in High-Industrial Germany, p. 721
Gerardo Con Díaz, The Text in the Machine: American Copyright Law and the Many Natures of Software, 1974-1978, p. 753
Carry Van Lieshout, Droughts and Dragons: Geography, Rainfall, and Eighteenth-Century London’s Water Systems, p. 780
Adam Plaiss, From Natural Monopoly to Public Utility: Technological Determinism and the Political Economy of Infrastructure in Progressive-Era America, p. 806
Rachel Rothschild, Détente from the Air: Monitoring Air Pollution during the Cold War, p. 831
Svetlana Usenyuk, Sampsa Hyysalo, Jack Whalen, Proximal Design: Users as Designers of Mobility in the Russian North, p. 866

James Frederick Edwards, The Concave Faces of the Great Pyramid: An Explanation, p. 909

Maria Paula Diogo, Kostas Gavroglu, Ana Simões, STEP Matters: Historiographical Considerations, p. 926
Manolis Patiniotis, Pedro M. P. Raposo, Beyond Fixed Geographies: Moving Localities and the Making of Knowledge, p. 930
Josep Simon, Antonio García-Belmar, Education and Textbooks, p. 940
José Ramón Bertomeu-Sánchez, Stathis Arapostathis, Experts and Peripheries: Ongoing Research and Future Challenges, p. 951
Eirini Mergoupi-Savaidou, Faidra Papane-Lopoulou, Ana Carneiro, Popularization of Science, Technology, and Medicine in the « Periphery »: A Step Further?, p. 966
Oliver Hochadel, Agustí Nieto-Galan, How to Write an Urban History of STM on the « Periphery », p. 978
Marta Macedo, Jaume Valentines-Álvarez, Technology and Nation: Learning from the Periphery, p. 989

The Boeing Milestones of Flight Hall, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, p. 998

a. 57, 2016, 3

Simone M. Müller, From Cabling the Atlantic to Wiring the World: A Review Essay on the 150th Anniversary of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable of 1866, p. 507

Benoît Godin, Technological Innovation: On the Origins and Development of an Inclusive Concept, p. 527
Marta Macedo, Standard Cocoa: Transnational Networks and Technoscientific Regimes in West African Plantations, p. 557
Elena Kochetkova, Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Western Forestry Systems and Soviet Engineers, 1955-1964, p. 586
Ivan Paris, Domestic Appliances and Industrial Design: The Italian White-Goods Industry during the 1950s and 1960s, p. 612

Anwesha Chakraborty, Anna Guagnini, The #FoodPeople Exhibition at the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, Milano, p. 649

Anto Mohsin, Epic Audiovisual History of Technology Course by a Historian of Innovation: W. Bernard Carlson, « Understanding the Inventions that Changed the World », p. 657

Peter A. Coclanis, King Cotton: Sven Beckert, Empire of Cotton, p. 661

a. 57, 2016, 2

Edward Jones-Imhotep, Malleability and Machines: Glenn Gould and the Technological Self, p. 287
Marionne Cronin, Richard Byrd, Technological Explorer: Polar Exploration, the Machine, and Heroic Masculinity in Interwar America, p. 322
Nick Hall, Zoomar: Frank G. Back and the Postwar Television Zoom Lens, p. 353
Margaret M. Grubiak, An Architecture for the Electronic Church: Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, p. 380
Larrie D. Ferreiro, Alexander Pollara, Contested Waterlines: The Wave-Line Theory and Shipbuilding in the Nineteenth Century, p. 414

Johan Schot, Confronting the Second Deep Transition through the Historical Imagination, p. 445

Deborah Breen, Designs and Dreams: Questions of Technology in Hayao Miyazaki’s The Wind Rises, p. 457

Essay Review, p. 460

a. 57, 2016, 1

Pat Munday, Mining Cultures and Mary Cults: Where the Sacred and Profane Meet, p. 1

Jesse Adams Stein, Masculinity and Material Culture in Technological Transitions: From Letterpress to Offset Lithography, 1960s-1980s, p. 24
Angie M. Boyce, « When Does It Stop Being Peanut Butter? »: FDA Food Standards of Identity, Ruth Desmond, and the Shifting Politics of Consumer Activism, 1960s-1970s, p. 54
Mark Aldrich, Engineers Attack the « No. One Killer » in Coal Mining: The Bureau of Mines and the Promotion of Roof Bolting, 1947-1969, p. 80
Creso M. Sá, Andrew Kretz, Technology Commercialization as University Mission: Early Historical Developments at the University of Toronto, p. 119

Lilia Campana, Technical Experimentation in Ship Design during the Last Decades of the Serenissima: Gerolamo Maria Balbi’sGalea alla Ponentina, p. 144

Awards, p. 183
The Albuquerque Meeting, 8-11 October 2015, p. 196

Shaul Katzir, Christopher Neumaier, M. Luísa Sousa, David Zimmerman, Forty-second Symposium of the International Committee for the History of Technology and Fourth Meeting of the History of Electrical Technology: « History of High-Technologies and Their Socio-Cultural Contexts, » Tel Aviv, Israel, 16-20 August 2015, p. 216

Lisa Onaga, Hanna Rose Shell, Digital Histories of Disasters: History of Technology through Social Media, p. 225

a. 56, 2015, 4

Rens van Munster, Casper Sylvest, Pro-Nuclear Environmentalism: Should We Learn to Stop Worrying and Love Nuclear Energy?, p. 789

Erik M. Conway, Simulation and Spacecraft Design: Engineering Mars Landings, p. 812
Hallam Stevens, Networking Biology: The Origins of Sequence-Sharing Practices in Genomics, p. 839
Lee Jared Vinsel, Designing to the Test: Performance Standards and Technological Change in the U.S. Automobile after 1966, p. 868
Hermione Giffard, A Hard Sell: Factors Influencing the Interwar Adoption of Tungsten Carbide Cutting Tools in Germany, Britain, and the United States, p. 895
Edward Gillin, Prophets of Progress: Authority in the Scientific Projections and Religious Realizations of the Great Eastern Steamship, p. 928

Essay Reviews, p. 957

a. 56, 2015, 3

Ken Cooper, Microlessons: Toward a History of Information-Age Cuisine, p. 579
Jimena Canales, The Media of Relativity: Einstein and Telecommunications Technologies, p. 610
Donald MacKenzie, Mechanizing the Merc: The Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Rise of High-Frequency Trading, p. 646
Lino Camprubí, Resource Geopolitics: Cold War Technologies, Global Fertilizers, and the Fate of Western Sahara, p. 676
Leslie Tomory, London’s Water Supply before 1800 and the Roots of the Networked City, p. 704

Nasser Zakariya, Exhibiting Cosmos, p. 738

Essay Review, p. 745
Book Reviews, p. 749

a. 56, 2015, 2

Special Issue: (Auto)Mobility, Accidents, and Danger

Mike Esbester, Jameson M. Wetmore, Introduction: Global Perspectives on Road Safety History, p. 307

Peter Norton, Four Paradigms: Traffic Safety in the Twentieth-Century United States, p. 319
Nicholas Oddy, This Hill Is Dangerous, p. 335
Massimo Moraglio, Knights of Death: Introducing Bicycles and Motor Vehicles to Turin, 1890-1907, p. 370
Donald Weber, Safety or Efficiency?: Strategies and Conflicting Interests in Belgian Road-Safety Policy, 1920-1940, p. 394
Stève Bernardin, « Taking the Problem to the People »: Traffic Safety from Public Relations to Political Theory, 1937-1954, p. 420
Jameson M. Wetmore, Delegating to the Automobile: Experimenting with Automotive Restraints in the 1970s, p. 440
Mark Lamont, Rebekah Lee, Arrive Alive: Road Safety in Kenya and South Africa, p. 464
Claes Tingvall, The History of Traffic Safety: Describing 100 Years, p. 489

Mike Esbester, Promoting Road Safety, p. 493

Pamela O. Long, A Crooked Path, p. 498

Bruce E. Seely, The State of SHOT: Organizational Capacity in a Volunteer-based Organization, p. 508

Daniel Kim, Future Visions: Technology and Citizenship in Underwater Dreams, p. 530

Book Reviews, p. 533

a. 56, 2015, 1

Whitney E. Laemmli, A Case in Pointe: Romance and Regimentation at the New York City Ballet, p. 1
Chihyung Jeon, The Virtual Flier: The Link Trainer, Flight Simulation, and Pilot Identity, p. 28
Lisa Messeri, Janet Vertesi, The Greatest Missions Never Flown: Anticipatory Discourse and the « Projectory » in Technological Communities, p. 54
Maja Fjaestad, Fast Breeder Reactors in Sweden: Vision and Reality, p. 86
Kate McDonald, Asymmetrical Integration: Lessons from a Railway Empire, p. 115

Peter Avanti, Captivating Technologies: Reflections on the Equal-Tempered Diatonic Keyboard, p. 150
Natalia Nikiforova, The Concept of Technology and the Russian Cultural Research Tradition, p. 184

Hanna Rose Shell, Alex Wellerstein, Technologist-Historian: Data Visualization Meets the Archive, p. 204

Organizational Notes, p. 209
Conference Report, p. 241
Essay Reviews, p. 248
Book Reviews, p. 261

a. 55, 2014, 4

Scott Gabriel Knowles, Learning from Disaster?: The History of Technology and the Future of Disaster Research, p. 773

Yulia Frumer, Translating Time: Habits of Western-Style Timekeeping in Late Edo Japan, p. 785
Sarah E. M. Grossman, Mining Engineers and Fraud in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, 1860-1910, p. 821
Phillip G. Bradford, Paul J. Miranti, Technology and Learning: Automating Odd-Lot Trading at the New York Stock Exchange, 1958-1976, p. 850
Andrew L. Russell, Valérie Schafer, In the Shadow of ARPANET and Internet: Louis Pouzin and the Cyclades Network in the 1970s, p. 880
W. Patrick McCray, How Astronomers Digitized the Sky, p. 908

W. Bernard Carlson, From Order to Messy Complexity: Thoughts on the Intellectual Journey of Thomas Parke Hughes, p. 945
Arne Kaijser, Tom Hughes-International Scholar, p. 953
Ann N. Greene, Reflections on Tom Hughes, p. 958 Gabrielle Hecht, On the Importance of the Visual … and of Mentoring, p. 964
John Staudenmaier S.J., Notes for Tom Hughes’s Funeral Homily: University of Virginia Chapel, 6 April 2014, p. 970

Exhibit Review, p. 937
Essay Review, p. 988
Book Reviews, p. 995

a. 55, 2014, 3

John K. Brown, Not the Eads Bridge: An Exploration of Counterfactual History of Technology, p. 521
Shane Hamilton, Agribusiness, the Family Farm, and the Politics of Technological Determinism in the Post-World War II United States, p. 560
Ursula Klein, Depersonalizing the Arcanum, p. 591
William Rankin, The Geography of Radionavigation and the Politics of Intangible Artifacts, p. 622
Barbara Bettoni, Fashion, Tradition, and Innovation in Button Manufacturing in Early Modern Italy, p. 675

Hanna Rose Shell, Films in the Archive: Hollywood in Detroit, p. 711

Exhibit Review, p. 716
Essay Reviews, p. 723
Book Reviews, p. 734

a. 55, 2014, 2

Kevin L. Borg, Introduction: Constructing Sociotechnical Environments-Aurality, Air Quality, and Automobiles, p. 287

Gijs Mom, Orchestrating Automobile Technology: Comfort, Mobility Culture, and the Construction of the « Family Touring Car, » 1917-1940, p. 299
David Z. Morris, Cars with the Boom: Identity and Territory in American Postwar Automobile Sound, p. 326
Stefan Krebs, « Dial Gauge versus Senses 1-0 »: German Car Mechanics and the Introduction of New Diagnostic Equipment, 1950-1980, p. 354
David N. Lucsko, Of Clunkers and Camaros: Accelerated Vehicle Retirement Programs and the Automobile Enthusiast, 1990-2009, p. 390
Christopher Neumaier, Eco-Friendly versus Cancer-Causing: Perceptions of Diesel Cars in West Germany and the United States, 1970-1990, p. 429

Rosalind Williams, Our Technological Age, from the Inside Out, p. 461

Hanna Rose Shell, Introduction from the Editor, p. 477
Matthew Battles, Technology at Sea: Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Véréna Paravel, Leviathan, p. 479

Book Reviews, p. 486

a. 55, 2014, 1

Daniel A. Barber, Tomorrow’s House: Solar Housing in 1940s America, p. 1
David Nofre, Mark Priestley, Gerard Alberts, When Technology Became Language: The Origins of the Linguistic Conception of Computer Programming, 1950-1960, p. 40
Crosbie Smith, Witnessing Power: John Elder and the Making of the Marine Compound Engine, 1850-1858, p. 76
Joel A. Tarr, Toxic Legacy: The Environmental Impact of the Manufactured Gas Industry in the United States, p. 107
Huub Wijfjes, Spellbinding and Crooning: Sound Amplification, Radio, and Political Rhetoric in International Comparative Perspective, 1900-1945, p. 148

Organizational Notes, p. 186
Conference Reports, p. 211
Memorial, p. 223
Exhibit Review, p. 227
Essay Reviews, p. 237
Book Reviews, p. 249
Communications, p. 282

a. 54, 2013, 4

Richard F. Hirsh, Benjamin K. Sovacool, Wind Turbines and Invisible Technology: Unarticulated Reasons for Local Opposition to Wind Energy, p. 705
Heather Prescott, The Pill at Fifty: Scientific Commemoration and the Politics of American Memory, p. 735

Helen Anne Curry, Industrial Evolution: Mechanical and Biological Innovation at the General Electric Research Laboratory, p. 746
Jung Lee, Invention without Science: « Korean Edisons » and the Changing Understanding of Technology in Colonial Korea, p. 782

Special Section: Science and Industry in Modern France
Theresa Levitt, Liberty, Equality, Technology: Virtuous Inventors and Base Profiteers in the French Industrial Revolution and Beyond, p. 815
Paola Bertucci, Enlightened Secrets: Silk, Intelligent Travel, and Industrial Espionage in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 820
Mi Gyung Kim, Invention as a Social Drama: From an Ascending Machine to the Aerostatic Globe, p. 853
Derek W. Vaillant, At the Speed of Sound: Techno-Aesthetic Paradigms in U.S.-French International Broadcasting, 1925-1942, p. 888

Classics Revisited, p. 922
On the Cover, p. 942
Exhibit Reviews, p. 947
Essay Review, p. 963
Book Reviews, p. 968
Index, p. 1011

a. 54, 2013, 3

Christelle Rabier, Introduction: The Crafting of Medicine in the Early Industrial Age, p. 437

Liliane Hilaire-Pérez, Christelle Rabier, Self-Machinery?: Steel Trusses and the Management of Ruptures in Eighteenth-Century Europe, p. 460
François Zanetti, Curing with Machines: Medical Electricity in Eighteenth-Century Paris, p. 503
Anna Maerker, Anatomizing the Trade: Designing and Marketing Anatomical Models as Medical Technologies, ca. 1700-1900, p. 531
Claire L. Jones, Instruments of Medical Information: The Rise of the Medical Trade Catalog in Britain, 1750-1914, p. 563

Wiebe E. Bijker, Good Fortune, Mirrors, and Kisses, p. 600

a. 54, 2013, 2

James W. Cortada, How New Technologies Spread: Lessons from Computing Technologies, p. 229

Augustin Cerveaux, Taming the Microworld: DuPont and the Interwar Rise of Fundamental Industrial Research, p. 262
Madhumita Saha, Food for Soil, Food for People: Research on Food Crops, Fertilizers, and the Making of « Modern » Indian Agriculture, p. 289
Jeffrey T. Manuel, Mr. Taconite: Edward W. Davis and the Promotion of Low-Grade Iron Ore, 1913-1955, p. 317

Inside the Black Box
The Atlas and the Air Force: Reassessing the Beginnings of America’s First Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, p. 346

a. 54, 2013, 1

Shelley McKellar, Negotiating Risk: The Failed Development of Atomic Hearts in America, 1967-1977, p. 1
Amy Gangloff, Safety in Accidents: Hugh DeHaven and the Development of Crash Injury Studies, p. 40
Andrew J. Hogan, Set Adrift in the Prenatal Diagnostic Marketplace: Analyzing the Role of Users and Mediators in the History of a Medical Technology, p. 62
From Javanese Coca to Java Coca: An Exemplary Product of Dutch Colonial Agro-Industrialism, 1880-1920, p. 90

a. 53, 2012, 4

Nathan Ensmenger, The Digital Construction of Technology: Rethinking the History of Computers in Society, p. 753

Thomas S. Mullaney, The Moveable Typewriter: How Chinese Typists Developed Predictive Text during the Height of Maoism, p. 777
Rachel Plotnick, At the Interface: The Case of the Electric Push Button, 1880-1923, p. 815
Thomas R. Wellock, Engineering Uncertainty and Bureaucratic Crisis at the Atomic Energy Commission, 1964-1973, p. 846

John Stone, The Point of the Bayonet, p. 885

Essay Reviews, p. 909

a. 53, 2012, 3

Chris Evans, Alun Withey, An Enlightenment in Steel?: Innovation in the Steel Trades of Eighteenth-Century Britain, p. 533
David C. Brock, Christophe Lécuyer, Digital Foundations: The Making of Silicon-Gate Manufacturing Technology, p. 561
Simon Werrett, Technology on the Spot: The Trials of the Congreve Rocket in India in the Early Nineteenth Century, p. 598

Sheila Bonde, Clark Maines, The Technology of Medieval Water Management at the Charterhouse of Bourgfontaine, p. 625

Memorial, p. 671
Exhibit Review, p. 678
Essay Reviews, p. 688

a. 53, 2012, 2

John M. Staudenmaier SJ, Welcoming in a Lovely World, p. 259

R. Scott Kemp, The End of Manhattan: How the Gas Centrifuge Changed the Quest for Nuclear Weapons, p. 272
Francesca Russello Ammon, Unearthing Benny the Bulldozer: The Culture of Clearance in Postwar Children’s Books, p. 306
Jessica Ratcliff, Art to Cheat the Common-Weale: Inventors, Projectors, and Patentees in English Satire, ca.1630-70, p. 337
Joris Mercelis, Leo Baekeland’s Transatlantic Struggle for Bakelite: Patenting Inside and Outside of America, p. 366
Clive Edwards, « Improving » the Decoration of Furniture: Imitation and Mechanization in the Marquetry Process in Britain and America, 1850-1900, p. 401

Memorial, p. 435
Essay Reviews, p. 461

a. 53, 2012, 1

John L. Rudolph, Teaching Materials and the Fate of Dynamic Biology in American Classrooms after Sputnik, p. 1
Nasir Tyabji, Negotiating Nonalignment: Dilemmas Attendant on Initiating Pharmaceutical Production in India, p. 37
Robert G. W. Kirk, « Standardization through Mechanization »: Germ-Free Life and the Engineering of the Ideal Laboratory Animal, p. 61
David Schleifer, The Perfect Solution: How Trans Fats Became the Healthy Replacement for Saturated Fats, p. 94
Elisabeth van Meer, The Transatlantic Pursuit of a World Engineering Federation: For the Profession, the Nation, and International Peace, 1918-48, p. 120

Organization Notes – Awards, p. 146
Conference Report, p. 177
Essay Reviews, p. 185

a. 52, 2011, 4

Peter Soppelsa, Intersections: Technology, Mobility, and Geography, p. 673

Geoff D. Zylstra, Whiteness, Freedom, and Technology: The Racial Struggle over Philadelphia’s Streetcars, 1859-1867, p. 678
Greet De Block, Designing the Nation: The Belgian Railway Project, 1830-1837, p. 703
Tiina Männistö-Funk, The Crossroads of Technology and Tradition: Vernacular Bicycles in Rural Finland, 1880-1910, p. 733
Els De Vos, Hilde Heynen, Uncanny and In-Between: The Garage in Rural and Suburban Belgian Flanders, p. 757

Film Review, p. 788
Essay Reviews, p. 792
Book Reviews, p. 809

a. 52, 2011, 3

Rosalind H. Williams, Charles W. McFarland, Once More to the Mountain, p. 441
Richard Popp, Machine-Age Communication: Media, Transportation, and Contact in the Interwar United States, p. 459
Jennifer Light, Discriminating Appraisals: Cartography, Computation, and Access to Federal Mortgage Insurance in the 1930s, p. 485
Carl A. Zimring, The Complex Environmental Legacy of the Automobile Shredder, p. 523
Sean F. Johnston, Making the Invisible Engineer Visible: DuPont and the Recognition of Nuclear Expertise, p. 548
Alex Ruuska, Ghost Dancing and the Iron Horse: Surviving through Tradition and Technology, p. 574

Exhibit Review, p. 598
Essay Reviews, p. 606
Book Reviews, p. 618

a. 52, 2011, 2


Svante Lindqvist, How to Establish an Academic Discipline: A Swedish Experience, p. 233

Edmund Russell,James Allison, Thomas Finger, John K. Brown, Brian Balogh, W. Bernard Carlson, The Nature of Power: Synthesizing the History of Technology and Environmental History, p. 246

Janet Ore, Mobile Home Syndrome: Engineered Woods and the Making of a New Domestic Ecology in the Post-World War II Era, p. 260
Don Leggett, Spectacle and Witnessing: Constructing Readings of Charles Parsons’s Marine Turbine, p. 287
John K. Smith, The Catalyst Club: Contentious Chemistry and Confounding Innovation, p. 310

Inside the Black Box
Larrie D. Ferreiro, The Social History of the Bulbous Bow, p. 335

a. 52, 2011, 1

Editor’s Note
Suzanne Moon, Accepting the Baton, p. 1-5

Richard F. Hirsh, Historians of Technology in the Real World: Reflections on the Pursuit of Policy-Oriented History, p. 6-20

Timothy Cooper, Peter Lund Simmonds and the Political Ecology of Waste Utilization in Victorian Britain, p. 21-44
Rebecca Slayton, From Death Rays to Light Sabers: Making Laser Weapons Surgically Precise, p. 45-74
Leslie Tomory, Building the First Gas Network, 1812-1820, p. 75-102

Research Note
Timothy S. Wolters, Recapitalizing the Fleet: A Material Analysis of Late-Nineteenth-Century U.S. Naval Power, p. 103-126

On the Cover, p. 127
Presidential Address, p. 131
Organizational Notes, p. 143
Exhibit Review, p. 171
Book Reviews, p. 180