The Journal of Transport History DATINI

The Journal of Transport History

Leicester. University College of Leicester
ISSN: 0022-5266
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0299
Consistenza: v. 1, 1953, 1-
Lacune: III ser., v . 21; III ser., 1980, 2;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

III ser., 11, 1990, 2

Peter J. Lyth, « A multiplicity of instruments »: the 1946 decision to create a separate British European airline and its effect on civil aircraft production, p. 1
Simon Heap, The development of motor transport in the Gold Coast, 1900-39, p. 19
Ann R. Shorten, The Australian marine engeneer and the imperially valid certificate of competency : some aspects of a tradition, p. 38
Keith Fairclough, A successful Elizabethan project : the river Lea improvement scheme, p. 54
A.J. Buchanan, The turnpike roads : a classic trap?, p. 66
Book reviews, p. 73

III ser., 11, 1990, 1

Edward P. Duggan, The education of American carriage makers, 1880-1916, p. 1
John M. Kleeberg, The privatisation of the Brunswick State Railways in 1869-70, p. 12
Ian M. Matley, The White Sea-Baltic Canal : a route to the Russian north, p. 29
Alfred C. Mierzejewski, The German National Railway beetween the world wars : Modernisation or preparation for war?, p. 40
Margaret Walsh, « See this amazing America »: the long-distance bus industry’s use of advertising in its first quarter century, p. 61
Book reviews, p. 90

III ser., 10, 1989, 2

Obituary : Professor John B. Rae, p. IV
Richard J. Buckley, Capital cost as a reason for the abandonment of first-generation tamways in Britain, p. 99
G. H. Pirie, « A most difficult and delicate question »: racial segregation on the Central South African railways, 1902-1910, p. 113
K. R. Fairclough, The river Lea before 1797 : an adequate flash lock navigation, p. 128
David Brooke, The « lawless « navvy : a study of the crime associated with railway building, p. 145
Malcolm Cooper, McGregor Gow and the Glen Line : the rise and fall of a British shippig firm in the Far East trade, 1870-1911, p. 166
John Armstrong, Freight pricing policy in coastal companies before the First World War, p. 180
Roy S. Walker, A century highway : the Hinckley to Melbourne Common turnpike, p. 198
Book reviews, p. 209

III ser., 10, 1989, 1

Guest editor : Gary Hawke
Frank Broeze, Distance tamed : steam navigation to Australia and New Zealand from its beginnings to the outbreak of the Great War, p. 1
Eric Pawson, Tony Hoare, Regional isolation, railways and politics : Nelson, New Zealand, p. 22
Malcolm Tull, The development of port administration in Australia : the case of Fremantle, 1903-1939, p. 41
G. F. Docwra, H. M. Kolsen, Transport and Australian federalism, 1901-1972, p. 59
David Lansley, The railways of New South Wales : output, imputs, and productivity, 1860-1913, p. 74
Book reviews, p. 91

copertina della rivista

III ser., 9, 1988, 2

Guest editor : Peter Mackie
Gerald W. Crompton, « Some good men, some doubtful men …. « The role of railway volunteers in the general Strike, p. 127
Leonard L. Coburn, Eighty years of US petroleum pipeline regulation, p. 149
Charles Harvey, Jon Press, Sir George White : a career in transport, 1874-1916, p. 170
Alex J. Robertson, Backward British businessmen and the motor ship, 1918-39 : the critique reviewed, p. 190
Paul Collins and Michael Stratton, From trestles to tracks : the influence of the motor manufacturing process on the design of British car factories, p. 198
A.D. George, Aviation and the state : the Grahame-white Aviation Company 1912-23, p. 209
Notice, p. 214
A home for transport documents, p. 214
Book reviews, p. 215

III ser., 9, 1988, 1

Guest editor : Sarah Palmer
Freda Harcourt, British oceanic mail contracts in the age of steam, 1838-1914, p. 1
A.Gomez-Mendoza, Government and the development of modern shipbuilding in Spain 1850-1935, p. 19
Ryoichi Miwa, Government and the Japanese shipping industry, 1945-64, p. 37
David J. Starkey, The economic and military significance of British privateering, 1702-83, p. 50
Simon P. Ville, Shipping in the port of Newcastle, 1780-1800, p. 60
Malcolm Tull, Australian maritime history : a progress report, p. 78

P. Davies and S, Marriner, Recent publications and developments in the study of maritime economic history, p. 93
Michael Robbins, Some recent railway history in German, p. 109

Book reviews, p. 118
Review round-up, p. 123
Books received, p. 126

III ser., 8, 1987, 2

Alfred C. Mierzejewski, The Deutsche Reichshbahn and Germany’s supply of coal, 1939-45, p. 111
A.D.M. Phillips, B. J. Turton, Staffordshire turnpike trusts and traffic in the early nineteenth century, p. 126
Jens Möller, The landed estate and the railway : the introduction of a new means of transport in southern Sweden, p. 147
John Armstrong, The role of coastal shipping in UK transport : an estimate of comparative traffic movements in 1910, p. 164
Michèle Merger, Transport history in France : a bibliographical review, p. 179
P. J. Cain, Bibliography transport history in other periodicals, 1985-86, p. 202

J. S. Owen, Trackway transport on a tidal foreshore, p. 210
Conference report – J. R. Bruijn, J. C. A. Schokkenbroek, Shipping companies and authorities in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries : their common interest in the development of port facilities, p. 216
Book reviews, p. 220

III ser., 8, 1987, 1

Diane Drummond, Building a locomotive : skill and the work force in Crewe locomotive worksm 1843-1914, p. 1
David Smith, Managerial strategies, working conditions and the origins of unionism : the case of the tramway and omnibus industry, 1870-91, p. 30
Nicholas Papayanis, The development of the Paris cab trade, 1855-1914, p. 52
Margaret Walsh, The motor carrier act of 1935 : the origins and establishment of federal regulation of the inter-state bus industry in the United States, p. 66
Charles R. Berry, Travel on the Nicaragua route in 1865 : the diary of John Green Berry, Jr., p. 81

Review article – Gerard Turnbull, From Thames to Titicaca : an appreciacion of Charles Hadfield, p. 98
Book reviews, p. 103

III ser., 7, 1986, 2

Frank Broeze, Peter Reeves, Kenneth McPherson, Imperial ports and the modern world economy : the case of the Indian Ocean, p. 1
Peter Butterfield, Grouping, pooling and competition : the passenger policy of the London & North Eastern Railway, 1923-39, p. 21
A.J. Robertson, The new road to the Isles : Highland Airways and Scottish Airways, 1933-39, p. 48
K. B. Sherwood, The canal boatmen’s strike of 1923, p. 61
G. H. Pirie, The Cape Colony’s « Railway Protector of Natives », 1904, p. 80
Richard Storey, The Royal Mail stream packet company crisis : a footnote, p. 93

Book reviews, p. 97
Short notices, p. 111
Books received, p. 115

III ser., 7, 1986, 1

Edgar Jones, A transport private saving the calculation for brewers Truman Hanbury& Buxton, 1815-63, p. 1
David Brooke, The advent of the steel rain, 1837-1914, p. 18
Robb Robinson, The evolution of railway fish traffic policies, 1840-66, p. 32
G. C. Dickinson, C. J. Longley, Twopence to the terminus? A study of tram and bus fares in Leeds during the inter-war period, p. 45
Research in transport history – Nicholas Baldwin, The international transport workers’ federation archive, p. 61
Book reviews, p. 67

III ser., 6, 1985, 2

John B. McCall, Dieselisation of American railroads : a case study, p. 1
Gerard Turnbull, State regulation in che eighteenth-century English economy : another look at carriers’ rates, p. 18
V. Y. Laverychev, The trend towards State monopoly in pre-revolutionary Russia’s railways, p. 37
Keith Lampard, The promotion and performance of the London Chatham & Dover Railway, p. 48
James M. Laux, Truks in the west furing the first world war, p. 64
Gerard Turnbull, Bibliography of transport historu in other periodicals, 1983-84, p. 71
Book reviews, p. 79
Short notices, p. 93

III ser., 6, 1985, 1

Takeshi Yuzawa, The introduction of electric railways in Britain and Japan, p. 1
Stephanie Jones, George Benjamin Dodwell : a shipping agent in the Far East, 1872-1908, p. 23
A.E. Harrison, The origins and growth of UK cycle industry to 1900, p. 41
Jack Simmons, Suburban traffic at King’s Cross, 1852-1914, p. 71
Malcolm Tull, American technology and the mechanisation of Australian ports, 1942-58, p. 79
Book reviews, p. 91

III ser., 5, 1984, 2

David Postles, Customary carrying services, p. 1
Simon Ville, The deployment of English merchant shipping : Michael and Joseph Henley of Wapping, ship owners, 1775-1830, p. 16
Yoshinobu Oikawa, Market structure and the construction of rural railways during the formative period of industrial capitalism in Japan, p. 34
David B. Frost, The revitalisation of Queensland railways through export coal shipments, p. 47

Eric Pawson, Popular opposition to turnpike trusts?, p. 57
William Albert, Popular oppostitio to turnpike trusts and its significance, p. 66
Book reviews, p. 69
Short notices, p. 79

III ser., 5, 1984, 1

R. J. Irving, The capitalisation of Britain’s railways, 1830-1914, p. 1
Rosemary E. Ommer, The decline of eastern Canadian shipping industry, 1880-95, p. 25
Baron F. Duckham, Road administration in South Wales : the Carmarthenshire roads board 1845-89, p. 45
A. M. Solovyova, The railway system in the mining area of southern Russia in the late nineteenth and early twentyeth centuries, p. 66
Tomohei Chida, The development of Japan’s post-war shipping policy, p. 82
Anthony I : Nwabughuogu, The role of bicycle transport in the economic development of eastern Nigeria, 1930-45, p. 91
Book reviews, p. 99
Book received, p. 109

III ser., 4, 1983, 2

Corinne Mulley, The background to bus regulation in the 1930 road traffic act : economic, political and personal influences in the 1920s, p. 1
David L. Lightner, Railroads and the American economy : the Fogel thesis in retrospect, p. 20
Jonathan J. Pincus, Railways and land values, p. 35
Gary Firth, Bradford coal, Craven limestone and the origins of the Leeds & Liverpool Canal, 1765-75, p. 50
M. C. Adams-Webber, The interstate commerce commission and Southern Territory freight rates, 1887-1914, p. 63

Research in transport history
Abstracts of theses, p. 75
Bibliography of transport history in other periodicals, 1981-82, p. 77
Book reviews, p. 83

III ser., 4, 1983, 1

Jerome K. Laurent, Trade, transport and technology : the American Great Lakes, 1866-1910, p. 1
Kenneth S. Mackenzie, William Darley Bentley and the burden of Canadian unity : the Canadian and Brazilian Direct Mail Steam Ship service, 1879-83, p. 25
Roy Scott, The origins and growth of railway industrial development work in the United States from 1900 to the 1970s, p. 40
V. Zhuravlyov, Private railway companies in Russia in the early twentieth century, p. 51
Michael Robbins, Hitler’s broad-gauge railway : a review article, p. 67
T. R. Gourvish, Stokers and pokers : railway history in the personal accounts of engine drivers and firemen, p. 74

Research in transport history
Deborah Jenkins, Sources for transport history in the CBI predecessor archive, p. 77
Richard Storey, Sources for National Busworkers’ Association, p. 81
Book reviews, p. 84

III ser., 3, 1982, 2

Sarah Palmer, « The most indefatigable activity »: the General Steam Navigation Company, 1824-50, p. 1
Robin Craig, Printed guides for master mariners as a source of productivity change in shipping, 1750-1914, p. 23
Anthony Slaven, British shipbuilders : market trends and order book patterns between the wars, p. 37
Alan Jamieson, Shipbuilding in the Channel Islands in the nineteenth century, p. 63
G. R. Henning, Edwyn Sandys Dawes and Australian maritime labour, p. 81
Alex R. Buchan, Shipbuilding in Peterhead in the nineteenth century : a note, p. 91
Book reviews, p. 99

III ser., 3, 1982, 1

Roy Church, Markets and marketing in the British motor industry before 1914, with some French comparisons, p. 1
R. O. Christensen, The State and Indian railway performance, 1870-1920. Part II, The government, rating policy and capital funding, p. 21
Stephen Porter, Farm transport in Huntingdonshire, 1610-1749, p. 35
Gerard Turnbull, Scotch linen, storms, wars and privateers : John Wilson & Son, Leeds linen merchants, 1754-1800, p. 47

Transport history, research and bibliography, p. 71
Book reviews, p. 87
Short notices, p. 93

III ser., 2, 1981, 2

R. O. Christensen, The State and Indian railway performance, 1870-1920. Part I, Financial efficiency and standards of service, p. 1
Robert Unwin, The transport systems of the Vale of York, 1660-1775, p. 17
Jon Press, Wages in the merchant navy, 1815-54, p. 38
A.G. Kenwood, Transport capital formation and economic growth on Teesside, 1820-50, p. 53

Research in transport history, Deposit of Charles Hadfield’s waterway history papers, p. 73
Book reviews, p. 75
Short notices, p. 82
Book received, p. 82

III ser., 2, 1981, 1

John Butt, Achievement and prospect : transport history in the 1970s and 1980s, p. 1
Brian Austen, The impact of the mail coach on public coach services in England and Wales, 1784-1840, p. 25
Simon Ville, Wages, prices and profitabiliti in the shipping industry during the Napoleonic wars : a case study, p. 39
Geoffrey Channon, A. D. Chandler’s « visible hand » in transport history : a review article, p. 53
John Chartres, L’homme et la route, Conference report, p. 65

Harold W. Hart, Walter Fagg’s broad-gauge line : notes concerning a Folkestone innovation, p. 69
Book reviews, p. 75
Short notices, p. 81