Economic Notes DATINI

Economic Notes

Siena, Monte dei Paschi di Siena
ISSN: 0391-5026
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze
Periodico elettronico in linea – ID n.: SFX963017520063
Consistenza: v. 1, a. 1972, 1-
Lacune: v. 27, a. 1998, 2-3; v. 27, a. 1998, 2-3; v. 15, a. 1986, 1-v. 26, a. 1997, 3;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1972 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 52, a. 2023, 3

Mais Sha’ban, Claudia Girardone, Anna Sarkisyan, Thankom Arun, On the relationship between financial inclusion and bank performance
Admasu A. Maruta, Habtamu T. Edjigu, Woubet Kassa, Does financial inclusion empower women in Africa?
Susovon Jana, Tarak N. Sahu, Is the cryptocurrency market a hedge against stock market risk? A Wavelet and GARCH approach

v. 52, a. 2023, 2

William R. Pratt, Gustavo A. Barboza, Matthew Brigida, Leverage and fi rm value
Jörg Döpke, Karsten Müller, Lars Tegtmeier, Moments of ross-sectional stock market returns and the German business cycle
Biruk B. Ashenafi, Dong Yan, Financial intermediation, inclusion, Fintech, and income inequality in Africa: Robust evidence from the supply and demand side data

v. 52, a. 2023, 1

Rym Ayadi, Sami B. Naceur, Sandra Challita, Does income inequality really matter for credit booms?
Saibal Ghosh, Political connections and bank behaviour

Inzamam Ul Haq, Time-frequency comovement among green financial assets and cryptocurrency uncertainties

Review Article

v. 51, a. 2022, S1


Giovanni Ferri, General overview of the fi rst 50 years of Economic Notes, 1972–2021
Pier Francesco Asso, Giovanni Ferri, Economic notes: The early years, 1972–1983
Alessandro Vercelli: Editorial policy of Economic Notes—1993–1998
Antonio Roma: Economic Notes: 1999–2011
Giovanni Ferri, Luca Fiorito, The years of Monte dei Paschi’s disengagement 2012–2019
Giovanni Ferri, The recent changes of Economic Notes, 2019–2021

v. 51, a. 2022, 3

Radeef Chundakkadan, Rajesh Raj Natarajan, Subash Sasidharan, Small firms amidst COVID-19: Financial constraints and role of government support
Carmelo Algeri, Antonio F. Forgione, Carlo Migliardo, Do spatial dependence and market power matter in the diversification of cooperative banks?
Peterson K. Ozili, Jide Oladipo, Paul Terhemba Iorember, Effect of abnormal credit expansion and contraction on GDP per capita in ECOWAS countries
Bikramaditya Ghosh, Spyros Papathanasiou, Georgios Pergeris, Did cryptocurrencies exhibit log-periodic power law signature during the second wave of COVID-19?

v. 51, a. 2022, 2

Alex Fayman, Su-Jane Chen, Timothy Mayes, Community banks versus non-community banks: Post the Great Recession
Madhur Bhatia, Rachita Gulati, Are boards ‘substitute’ or ‘complement’ dividend payout? Econometric evidence for Indian banks
Bhanu Pratap Singh, Anup Kumar Yadava, Technical efficiency of financial inclusion and human development: Insights from the Indian states
Julien Pinter, Monetarist arithmetic at COVID-19 time: A take on how not to misapply the quantity theory of money

v. 51, a. 2022, 1

Fulvia Pennoni, Francesco Bartolucci, Gianfranco Forte, Ferdinando Ametrano, Exploring the dependencies among main cryptocurrency log-returns: A hidden Markov model
Guangdong Xu, From financial structure to economic growth: Theory, evidence and challenges
Antonio Roma, Is the value effect due to M&A deals? Evidence from the Italian stock market
Giulio Soana, Regulating cryptocurrencies checkpoints: Fighting a trench war with cavalry?

v. 50, a. 2021, 3

ORIGINAL ARTICLES Ibrahim D. Raheem, Kazeem B. Ajide, Xuan V. Vo, The hype of social capital in the fi nance-growth nexus
Bhanu Pratap Singh, Annu Kumari, Tanya Sharma , Abhishek Malhotra, Financial inclusion, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna Scheme and economic growth: Evidence from Indian States
Gian Maria Tomat, Housing prices, volatility, and fundamental value
Hiroshi Gunji, Kenji Miyazaki, An industrial-organization approach to conventional and unconventional monetary policy

v. 50, a. 2021, 2

Mahmoud Mohieldin, Ahmed Rostom, Chahir Zaki, The external wealth of Arab nations: Structure, trends, and policy implications
Emanuele De Meo, Giacomo Tizzanini, GDP-network CoVaR:A tool for assessing growth-at-risk
Shantanu Ghosh, Tarak Nath Sahu, Financial inclusion and economic status of the states of India: An empirical evidence
Silvia Del Prete, Maria Lucia Stefani, Women as « gold dust »: Gender diversity in top boards and the performance of Italian banks
Valeria Venturelli, Andrea Landi, Riccardo Ferretti, Stefano Cosma, Elisabetta Gualandri, How does the fi nancial market evaluate business models? Evidence from European banks
Rym Ayadi, Sami Ben Naceur, Mohamed Goaied, Financial development and employment: New panel evidence

v. 50, a. 2021, 1

Maddalena Galardo , Iconio Garrì , Paolo Emilio Mistrulli, Davide Revelli, The geography of banking: Evidence from branch closings
James P. Cover, Boyi Zhuang, Life with habit and expectation: A new explanation of equity premium puzzle
Mehrab Kiarsi, The rise of market power and Ramsey-optimal policy implications
David Knezevic, Martin Nordström, Pär Österholm, The relation between municipal and government bond yields in an era of unconventional monetary policy
Valerien O. Pede, Raymond J. G. M. Florax, Henri L. F. De Groot, Gustavo Barboza, Technological leadership and sectorial employment growth: A spatial econometric analysis for U.S. counties
Nicholas Apergis, Tasawar Hayat, Tareq Saeed, Cyclicality of commodity markets with respect to the U.S. economic policy uncertainty based on granger causality in quantiles