European review of history / Revue européenne d’histoire DATINI

European review of history / Revue européenne d’histoire

ISSN: 1350-7486

Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 140
Consistenza: a. 16, 2009, 1-a. 16, 2009, 6

[ 2009 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 16, 2009, 6


Sarah Tatum, Editor’s note: The ERHIREH and the Middle Ages, p.
771 I. Studies – Études
Julia Hillner, Monks and children: corporal punishment in Late Antiquity, p. 773
Som Koon, Jamie Wood, Unity from disunity: law, rhetoric and power in the Visigothic kingdom, p. 793
Sarah Tatum, Auctoritas as sanctitas: Balthild’s depiction as ‘queen-saint’ in the Vita Balthildis, p. 809
Katherine Bullimore, Unpicking the web: the divorce of Ecgfrith and Æthelthryth, p. 835
Hannah Williams, Composing the mind: doubt and divine inspiration in Otloh of St Emmeram’s Book of Temptations, p.
Briony Aitchison, Holy cow!: the miraculous cures of animals in late medieval England, p.
Amy Fuller, Rebel with a cause? From traitor prince to exemplary martyr: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s representation of San Hermenegildo, p.

II. Debates and Reviews – Débats et Revues – Book Reviews – Comptes Rendus
Medieval Period – Epoque medievale, p. 911
Early Modern History – Histoire Moderne, p. 917
Modern History – Histoire Contemporaine, p. 918
Contents and Author Index, Volume 16, 2009, p. 932

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SPECIAL ISSUE: Transnational Spaces in History – NUMERO SPECIAL: Des espaces nationaux dans l’Histoire
GUEST EDITORS: Michael. G. Muller and Cornelius Torp

Michael G. Muller, Cornelius Torp, Conceptualising transnational spaces in history, p. 609
Ole Peter Grell, The creation of a transnational, Calvinist network and its significance for Calvinist identity and interaction in early modera Europe, p. 619
Antonio Terrasa-Lozano, Aristocracy and litigation in the seventeenth century: a transnational space for famil lawsuits, p. 637
Philip Crang, Sonia Ashmore, The transnational spaces of things: South Asian textiles in Britain and The Grommar of Ornament, p. 655
Ulrike Lindner, Transnational movements between colonial empires: migrant workers from the British Cape Colony in the German diamond town of Liideritzbucht, p. 679
Heather Jones, International or transnational? Humanitarian action during the First World War, p. 697
Katrin Steffen, Martin Kohlrausch, The limits and merits of internationalism: experts, the state and the international community in Poland in the first half of the twentieth century, p. 715
Mate Nikola tokic, Landscapes of conflict: unity and disunity in post-Second World War Croatian émigré separatism, p. 739
René Leboutte, A space of European de-industrialisation in the late twentieth century: Nord/Pas-de-Calais, Wallonia and the Ruhrgebiet, p. 755

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Harm Kaal, Running die big city: die Dutch prewar mayoralty under construction, p. 437
Morgan Meyer, Creativity and its contexts: the emergence, institutionalisation and professionalisation of science and culture in Luxembourg, p. 453
Bertrand Vayssière Ali, L’élargissement de 2004 au regard des précédents espagnol et portugais: un jeu de miroirs?, p. 477

II. Guest Edited Dossier: Citizenship between locai and imperiai contexts – Dossier: La citoyenneté entre localité et empire
Dieter Gosewinkel, Introduction: neither East nor West – new approaches to citizenship in modern European history, p. 499
Regula Argast, An unholy alliance: Swiss citizenship between locai legai tradition, federai laissez-faire, and ethno-national rejection of foreigners 1848-1933, p. 503
Benno Gammerl, Subjects, citizens and others: the handling of ethnic differences in the British and the Habsburg Empires (late nineteenth and early twentieth century), p. 523
Ulrike voti Hirschhausen, From imperiai inclusion to national exclusion: citizenship in the Habsburg monarchy and in Austria 1867-1923, p. 551
Dieter Gosewinkel, Stefan Meyer, Citizenship, property rights and dispossession in postwar Poland (1918 and 1945), p. 575

Book Reviews – Comptes Rendus, p. 597

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Dick Geary, Kostas Vlassopoulos, Introduction, p. 295
Rachel Zelnick-Abramoviz, Freed slaves, their status and state control in Ancient Greece, p. 303
Marc Kleijwegt, Creating new citizens: freed slaves, the state and citizenship in early Rome and under Augustus, p. 319
Richard Gamauf, Slaves doing business: the role of Roman law in the economy of a Roman household, p. 331
Kostas Vlassopoulos, Slavery, freedom and citizenship in classical Athens: beyound a legalistic approach, p. 347
Brian P. Owensby, Legal personality and the processes of slave liberty in early-modern New Spain, p. 365
Loren Schweninger, Slave women, country courts and the law in the United States South: a comparative perspective, p. 383
Keila Grinberg, Slavery, manumission and the law in nineteenth-century Brazil: reflections on the law of 1831 and the « principle of liberty « on the southern frontier of the Brazilian empire, p. 401
Jane-Marie Collins, « Uteis a si e a sociedade « or a brief guide to creolisation in nineteenth-century Brazil: balck women, mobility, marriage and markets in Salvador da Bahia (1830-1888), p. 413

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Antero Holmila, The Holocaust and the birth of Israel in British, Swedish and Finnish press discourse, 1947-1948, p. 183

P.J. Rhodes, Ancient Athens: democracy and empire, p. 201
Iain Stewart, Existentialist manifesto or conservative politicai science? Problems in interpreting Raymond Aron’s Introduction à la philosophie de l’histoire, p. 217
Frederick Whitling, Memory, history and the classical tradition, p. 235

Book Reviews – Comptes Rendus
Ancient History – Antiquité, p. 255
Medieval Period – Epoque medievale, p. 256
Early Modera History – Histoire Moderne, p. 258
Modern History – Histoire Contemporaine, p. 267

Historiography – Historiographie, p. 292

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Cultures of Communication: New Historical Perspectives – Cultures de communication: perspectives historiques nouvelles
GUEST EDITORS: Richard McMahon, Eugen Stancu and Hanna Orsolya Vincze


Richard McMahon, Cultures of communication: new historical perspectives, p. 1

I. State cultural policies: power and negotiation
Andrei Cusco, Estate interest vs. state service: the (un)easy integration of the Bessarabian nobility into the Russian imperial system, p. 15
Stanislav Sretenovic, French cultural diplomacy in the kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians in the 1920s, p. 33
Heike Karge, Mediated remembrance: local practices of remembering the Second World War in Tito’s Yugoslavia, p. 49

II. Intellectual networks and local negotiations
Hanna Orsolya Vincze, The stakes of translation and vernacularisation in early modern Hungary, p. 63
Teodora Shek Brnardic, Exchange and commerce: intercultural communication in the age of Enlightenment, p. 79
Richard McMahon, On the margins of international science and national discourse: national identity narratives in Romanian race anthropology, p. 101

III. Cultural diffusion and appropriation
Victor Taki, In search of true monarchy: Montesquieu, Speranskii, Karamzin and the politics of reform in early nineteenth-century Russia, p. 125
Martin Klesment, Interpretation and adjustment of foreign concepts in Soviet Estonia: the discussion and adaptation of management theories, p. 151
Eugen Stancu, Text, context, interpretation: from Thomas Atkinson Witlam to Mihail Sadoveanu, p. 169