I Tatti studies : Essays in the Renaissance DATINI

I Tatti studies : Essays in the Renaissance

Chicago (già Firenze), Harvard University. Center for Italian Studies Villa I Tatti
Semestrale, già biennale (fino al 2012)
ISSN: 0393-5949
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 77
Consistenza: v. 1, 1985-

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca Umanistica
Punto di servizio: Lettere; Riv. it. 1692/ 10
Consistenza: v. 1, 1985-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2012 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 1999-1985 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 26, 2023, 1

Alexander Nagel, Editor’s note, p. 1

Christopher S. Wood, The Whisperers: Invidious Perspectives in Trecento Painting, p. 3
Estelle Lingo, Caravaggio, Alberti, and Narcissan Disegno, p. 35
Alani Hicks-Bartlett, On the Gaze and “gl’idoli altrui”: Vision and Loss in Tasso’s Gerusalemme liberata, p. 63
James K. Coleman, Islands in Flux: Migration and Ecological Change in Early Modern Isolari (Books of Islands), p. 91
Sefy Hendler, Cellini’s Dog, p. 109
Stephanie Azzarello, Parchment, Gilding, and God: Gold Leaf and Divine Connection in a Camaldolese Choir Book, p. 145

v. 25, 2022, 2

Jane Tylus, Editor’s note, p. 219

Andrew Hui, Things in the Decameron: How Objects Become Secular, p. 225
Deborah Pellegrino, Keeping Track of the Household: Accounting the Exceptional Spousal Collaboration between Margherita and Francesco Datini, p. 251
Katalin Prajda, Mercanti come tramite degli scambi culturali nella Firenze del primo Rinascimento: Il caso del Regno d’Ungheria, p. 279
Laura Ingallinella, Marquis of Pietraperzia, Bloodstained Books in Renaissance Sicily: The Library of Matteo Barresi, p. 309
Sanne Wellen, ?Ricco di tanto ardire?: A Contextual Study of Agnolo Bronzino’s Portrait of Lodovico Capponi, p. 339
Rafael Japón, Per la ?perfezione, ornamento et bellezza? della cappella Salviati di Giambologna nella Basilica di San Marco a Firenze: La distruzione della cappella Martini e il disegno per il nuovo altare, p. 369
Victoria Addona, Jerusalem Delivered to Italy: Moving the Holy Sepulcher across the Mediterranean, p. 399

v. 25, 2022, 1

Jane Tylus, Editor’s note, p. 1

Henrike Christiane Lange, Giotto’s Triumph: The Arena Chapel and the Metaphysics of Ancient Roman Triumphal Arches, p. 5
Roberto Nicosia, ?Non si deve portare un anello stretto al dito?: L’orazione Pro litteris greci di Pietro Bembo e la questione della lingua, p. 39
Paola Ugolini, ?Il poter dir?: Sincerity, Truth, and Faithfulness in Orlando furioso 37, p. 69
Edward H. Wouk, Dominicus Lampsonius, Giorgio Vasari, and the Print as Work of Art, p. 89
Guido Rebecchini, Dynastic Conflicts and European Politics in the Transmission of the Medici Inheritance, p. 133
Fernanda Marinho, Primitivismo e francofilia nella critica di Lionello Venturi, p. 167
Teresa Kittler, Jam Sessions: Celant and Battisti, Modern and Early Modern Connections, p. 193

v. 24, 2021, 2

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 217

Brittany Asaro, An Inside View: Gendered Perspectives on Freedom in Decameron 7.5, p. 223
Jennifer McFarland, Ties That Unbind: Proximities, Pizzochere, and Women’s Social Options in Early Modern Venice, p. 241
Jane Stevens Crawshaw, A Sense of Time: Experiencing Plague and Quarantine in Early Modern Italy, p. 269
Miles Pattenden, Papal Rome in Lockdown: Proximities, Temporalities, and Emotions during the Im/mobility of the Conclave, p. 291
Mahnaz Yousefzadeh, Judeo-Persian-Tobit and G.B. Vecchietti: Exile and Writing between Florence and the Persianate World, p. 311

Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby, Bride, Court Lady, Oriental Princess, Virgin Mary, Jewess: The Many Faces of Queen Esther in Early Modern Florence, p. 345
Selene Maria Vatteroni, Letture « spirituali » di Petrarca all’Accademia Fiorentina, p. 377
Deborah Parker, Ovidian Influences and Figural Obsessions in Michelangelo’s Fall of Phaethon Drawings, p. 401

v. 24, 2021, 1

Jane Tylus, Editor’s note, p. 1

Ronald L. Martinez, The Oblique Glance of the Muse: Invidious Rivalry, Culture Wars, and Disputed Epic Authority in Petrarch’s Africa, p. 7
Valeria Finucci, A Royal Accident: Medical Authority and Political Dynamics in 1559, p. 41
Suzanne B. Butters, Disorders at the Grand Duke’s Shrine of Santissima Annunziata, p. 67
Francesco Brenna, The Role of Music in Tasso’s Reflections on the Value of Poetry, p. 101
Alessia Bellusci, Jewish Magic in the Syncretic Renaissance: Baking a Pizza for the Bogeyman, p. 125
Filippo Petricca, The Vanishing of Angelica: Ariosto, Cervantes, and the Economy of Gratitude, p. 161
Eileen Reeves, And Now You Don’t, p. 191