Mediterranean World DATINI

Mediterranean World

Tokyo, Mediterranean Studies Group Hitotsubashi University
ISSN: 1343-9626
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 126
Consistenza: n. XVII, 2004-
[ 2020-2004 ]

copertina della rivista

n. XXIII, 2017

Editorial Note

Masako Kido, H ????p?k? ??????? ??? ??????p????? (?p?????????? 1735) ???? k?????k?? ????? ???????? ????? (The Historical Significance of the Wall Paintings (Dated 1735) of the Panaghia Phaneromeni Monastery in Salamina), p. 1
Vaios Vaiopoulos, Militia and Longae Viae Tibullus and Messalla Corvinus in the First Book of the Corpus Tibullianum (lst Cent. BCE), p. 37
Athanasios Efstathiou, Religious Crisis in the Greek Mainland during the Fourth Century B.C. The Third Sacred War: Diplomatic Initiatives, Propaganda and Final Settlement, p. 45
Fotis Vasileiou, A Family in Crisis: Religion, Separation, and Traditional Values in Early Byzantium, p. 55
Kalomira Mataranga, Kleandridas in Exile: A Spartan in Thurii, p. 63
Ilias Giarenis, The Crisis of the Fourth Crusade in Byzantium (1203-1204) and the Emergence of Networks for Anti-Latin Reaction and Political Action, p. 73
Hiroshi Kato, Erina Iwasaki, Alexandria in the Time of Constantine Cavafy (1863-1933), p. 81
Nobuo Misawa, The Crisis between Greece and Japan Immediately after WWI: The Japanese Policy to Advance to the Mediterranean World, p. 123
Nanako Murata-Sawayanagi, The Memory in a Crisis: A Japanese Ship Helping Out Greek Refugees on the Quay of Smyrna in 1922, p. 135
Yutaka Horii, Changes in the Ottoman-Venetian Treaties in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, p. 147
Kazuaki Sawai, A Survey of Historical Research on Natural Disasters in Early Modern Istanbul, p. 155
Hassen El Annabi, The Illegal Migration in the Mediterranean: The Case of Tunisia, p. 163
Michela Dal Borgo, Regimi alimentari e diete negli ospedali e negli ospizi veneziani (secc. XVI-XVIII), p. 175
Miki Iida, Venetian Silk Textiles and Fashion Trends in the Ottoman Empire during the Early Modern Period, p. 191
Katsuyuki Takenaka, Managing Critical Moments in Urban Politics: Discussion on the future Urban Planning in Reus, Catalonia, p. 201
Jun Takami, La Contabilità della Scuola Grande di San Marco nel tardo Medioevo a Venezia, p. 223

Index to Volumes I-XXIII of Transactions of the Mediterranean Studies Group at Hitotsubashi University, p. 245

n. XXII, 2015

Editorial Note

Hiroshi Kato, Erina Iwasaki, Réseaux locaux en Egypte: Rôle des associations villageoises au Caire, p. 1
Vaios Vaiopoulos, Greek Universities in the Framework of the Current Financial Crisis Immobility and Adaptation, p. 17
Kazuaki Sawai, The 1509 Istanbul Earthquake and Subsequent Recovery, p. 29
Nobuo Misawa, Shintoïsme et Islam au Japon de l’entre-deux-guerres: Comment est-ce que des japonais en sont-ils venus à croire en l’Islam?, p. 43
Katsuyuki Takenaka, Entrepreneurs Networking in the Contemporary Mediterranean: Field Survey in a Catalan Coastal Town, Cambrils, p. 65
Yuka Saito, Raising-awareness on Landscape through the Footpath Routes: a Challenge for the Preservation of Vineyard Landscape in Alt Penedès, Catalonia (Spain), p. 79
Mohamed Ouerfelli, Diplomatic Exchanges between the City of Pisa and the States of the Maghrib (from the 12th to the 14th Century), p. 97
Raouda Heni, The Assassination of Farhat Hached, Consequences and Feedback in Morocco in the Eyes of Tunisian Press, p. 113
Michela Dal Borgo, At the Origin of Hospitality: Venetian Hostelry, Tavern and Lodging between the Fourteenth and Eighteenth Centuries, p. 121
Yoko Kamenaga-Anzai, An Aspect of the Genoese Network and its Colonial World in the Middle Ages, p. 137
Mohamed Tahar Mansouri, The Social Crisis in Byzantium after the Fourth Crusade, 1203-1204, p. 147
Hassen El Annabi, Réfugiés de Libye en Tunisie (2011) Solidarité de crise, crise de la solidarité, p. 155
Yutaka Horii, The Crisis and Order of Venetian Trade in Later Mamluk Egypt, p. 163
Eiji Nagasawa, Some Reflections on Scenario Planning for the Middle East, p. 169

Index to Volumes I-XXII of Transactions of the Mediterranean Studies Group at Hitotsubashi University, p. 183

n. XXI, 2012

Editorial Note, p. I

Hiroshi Kato, Michiya Nishimura, The Monetary Map of the East Mediterranean in the Middie Ages, p. 1
Hiroshi Kato, Michiya Nishimura, The Monetary Histoiy of the East Mediterranean in the Middie Ages as Judged from Imitated Coins, p. 3
Michiya Nishimura, Use of Money in the Byzantine Empire: Some Examples of Transactions, p. 21
Hiroshi Kato, Reconsidering al-Maqrïzï’s View on Money in Medieval Egypt, p. 33
M. Tahar Mansouri, Muslims and Byzantines in Byzantine Hagiography, p. 45
Nobuo Misawa, The First Japanese Who Resided in the Ottoman Empire: the Young Joumalist NODA and the Student Merchant YA MA DA, p. 51
Hirotaka Tateishi, Pedro Rodriguez de Campomanes y la formación del Diccionario geográfico-histórico de España, p. 71
Katsuyuki Takenaka, Recuperación del Núcleo Histórico de Reus como Espacio de Centralidad, p. 89
Hiromi Saito, The Value of « Pratica di Mercatura » as a Document of Economic History, p. 113
Yoko Kamenaga-Anzai, Medieval Genoese Colonial Society Viewed from an Analysis of their Colonial Testaments Part 1: Testators and their Bequests, p. 129
Gabriella Airaldi, Intemational Relations and the Colonial System in Medieval Genoa, p. 139
Michela Dal Borgo, Strutture Militari Veneziane: le città murate dello Stato da Terra e le città fortificate dello Stato da Mar, p. 149
Antonio Fabris, Maria Pia Pedani, The Angels’ Questions: Symbols and Ideas about Death between East and West, p. 165
Miki Iida, Florentine Textiles for the Ottoman Empire in the Seventeenth Century, p. 179
Hassen El Annabi, L’ile de Jerba à travers le récit du voyageur allemand Ewald (début du XIXe siècle), p. 197
Areej Mohammad Al-Rajhi, Taxes in Ancient Egypt in the Era of the Twelfth Pharaos’ Dynasty, p. 205
Salwa Al-Sulaiman, Make-Up Products and the Beauty of Egyptian Women during the Mamluk Period (648-923H/1250-1517), p. 217
Hiroshi Kato, Reiji Kimura, Salwa F. Elbeih, Erina Iwasaki, El-Sayed A. Zaghloul, Land Use Change and Crop Rotation in Rashda Village, Dakhla Oasis, Egypt: Analysis of a Govermnent Well District Based on Satellite Data, p. 235
Eiji Nagasawa, Comparing Two Egyptian Revolutions: 1952 vs. 2011, p. 267
Heba El Laithy, Youth and Arab Revolutions, p. 283
Yasuhiro Otsuki, Pioneer of Byzantine Studies in Japan: Late Prof. Kin-ichi Watanabe’s Works, p. 295

List of late Professor Kin-ichi WATANABE’s works, p. 301
List of late Professor Katsumi NAKAZAWA’s works, p. 309
Index to Volumes I-XXI ofTransactions of the Mediterranean Studies Group at Hitotsubashi University, p. 311

n. XX, 2010

Editorial Note, p. I Hiroshi Kato, Erina Iwasaki, Eiji Nagasawa, Hisao Anyoji, Nobuhiro Matsuoka and Reiji Kimura, Rashda: System of Irrigation and Cultivation in a Village in Dakhla Oasis, p. 1
Mounira Chapoutot-Remadi, Turkomans in Syria and Circassian Power, p. 47
M.Tahar Mansouri, Byzantium and the Arabs from the VIIth to XIth Century, p. 57
Abdelkrim Mejri, Étre « maghrébin musulman » immigré en Tunisie depuis la conquéte de l’Algérie jusqu’à la veille de la deuxième guerre mondiale (1830-1937), p. 69
Hirotaka Tateishi, « El Ebusitano »: el primer periódico de Ibiza en los fondos de una biblioteca americana, p. 87
Katsuyuki Takenaka, Entre la Remodelación y la Conservación: Hacia una Renovación Integrai del Centro Histórico de Tarragona, p. 111
Michela Dal Borgo, La descrizione del Peloponneso di Andrea Londano alla Repubblica di Venezia (1570), p. 133
Antonio Fabris, Muslim-Christian Borders during the Modern Age, p. 151 To??a?? ?ahha? (Tokuaki Bannai), METAMOP?O??I O?PA?A O?HO?O ?TA???HC?O?O M???I?AHTA B P?CC?O? HAPO?HO? ????T?PE, p. 163
Satoshi Toda, Poverty and Charity in Early Christianity. Some Preliminary Observations, p. 187
Yutaka Horii, Some Characteristics of the Ottoman Capitulations in the Sixteenth Century: The Cases of Dubrovnik and Venice, p. 199
Taha al-Kilani al-Jawazi, Bedouin Poetic Legacy in Egypt, p. 209
M. Tahar Mansouri, The Arabs through Skylitzes’ Miniatures, p. 235
Mounira Chapoutot-Remadi, The Khaldunian Vision of the World, p. 251

Index to Volumes I-XX of Transactions of the Mediterranean Studies Group at Hitotsubashi University, p. 267

n. XIX, 2008

Editorial Note, p. I

Hirochi Kato, Erina Iwasaki, Rashda. A Village in Dakhla Oasis, Egypt, p. 1
Eiji Nagasawa, Historical Contexts of Economic Reform in Egypt, p. 57
Hirotaka Tateishi, La Constitucón de Cádiz de 1812 y los conceptos de Nación/Ciudadano, p. 79
Katsuyuki Takenaka, Apuntes sobre la fragilidad del sistema hídrico in la isla de Mallorca, p. 99
Hiromi Saito, The Develpoment of Rialto, p. 121
Michela Dal Borgo, Commercio, industrie e protezionismo nella Repubblica di Venezia del XVIII secolo il caso delle fabbriche privilegiate, p. 131
Antonio Fabris, Food Culture between East and West, p. 141
Yoko Kamenaga-Anzai, The Family Consciousness in Medieval Genoa. The Case of the Lomellini, p. 149
Miki IIda-Sohma, The Textile Market in Istambul and Bursa in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century: An Introduction, p. 161
Yumi Katsuta, Società Umanitaria e la legge Crispi sulle Opere Pie, p. 199
Yutaka Horii, Capitulation and Negotiations. The Role of the Venetian Consul in Early Ottoman Egypt, p. 207
Fusatoshi Fujisawa, I testi scolastici fanno il popolo, p. 217
Yumi Nakajima, An Attempt at a Short History of the Macedonian Literary Language from the Point of View of the « Role of the Individual », p. 245
Yasuhiro Otsuki, Monastic Property and the Imperial Taxation System – As Seen in Iviron Documents, p. 263
Khairy Tourk, The Muslim Minorities in the West: A Socio-economic Study, p. 297

Index to volumes I-XIX of Transactions of the Mediterranean Studies Group at Hitotsubashi University, p. 355

n. XVIII, 2006

Editorial Note, p. I

Keiichi Takeuchi, Geographical Societies and Colonialism. Comparative Considerations of Italy and Japan, p. 1
Maria Pia Pedani, Venetian Consuls in Egypt and Syria in the Ottoman Age, p. 7
Michela Dal Borgo, Popoli, etnie, religioni nelle relazioni degli ambasciatori veneziani, p. 23
Hiromi Saito, A Ledger of Rinucci, a Florentine Clothier, 1322-25, p. 37
Miki Iida-Sohma, I tessuti serici veneziani e il mercato ottomano nell’epoca premoderna (secoli XVI-XVII°), p. 63
Hirotaka Tateish, Apuntes sobre el Diari de Mahó de Joan Roca i Vinent, p. 77
Joan Armangué i Herrero, El llegat bibliografie d’Eduard Toda a l’Alguer (1888), p. 105
Katsuyuki Takenak, Avyuka Saito, Trayectorias de tres regiones pioneras en la producción comercial de vino en España: Jerez, Penedès y Rioja, p. 131
Yoshikazu Nakamura, A Russian Goes to the Holy Land Considerations on Ioann Luk’yanov’s Accounts of his Pilgrimage in the Early Eighteenth Century, p. 161
Eizo Matsuki, The Crimean Tatars and their Russian-Captive Slaves An Aspect of Muscovite-Crimean Relations in the 16th and 17th Centuries, p. 171
Yasuhiro Otsuki, Towards the Origin of « Empire » .A Perspective on the Study of the Byzantine State, p. 183
Michiya Nishimura, Propaganda and Denominations of the Byzantine Successor States and the Crusader States (1204-1261) An Essay on the Political History of the Empire in Exile, p. 197
Akira Usuki, Jewish National Communist Movement in Iraq A Case of Anti-Zionist League in 1946, p. 211
Erina Iwasaki, Analytical Framework for the Analysis of Kinship in North African Rural Societies A Case Study of Commercial Migration in Southern Tunisia, p. 227
Khairy Tourk, Quality Changes in the Factors of Production During the Colonial Period: Effects on Post- Independent Growth Paths in Egypt and S. Korea, p. 245
Eiji Nagasawa, Inventing the Geography of Egyptian Nationalism (Watamya) A Review of Gamal Hamdan’s The Personality of Egypt and his Personal History, p. 271

The Byzantine Empire as Comparative Economic System. A Review on Yasuhiro Otsuki, Empire and Charity, Byzantium (Tokyo, Sôbunsha Publishers, 2005), Kouichi Tadenuma, p. 319

Hiroshi Kato, Erina Iwasaki, Cairo and Alexandria at the Beginning of the 20th Century. An Analysis Based on Population and Education Censuses for 1907/8, p. 323

Bibliography of Works of Professor Keiichi Takeuchi, p. 369

n. XVII, 2004

Editorial Note, p. I
Keiichi Takeuchi, Perception of the Mediterranean World in China and Japan and vice versa in the History of Geography and Cartography, p. 1
Katsuyuki Takenaka, Inmigrantes en la configuración de grupos profesionales en la Cataluña contemporánea, p. 17
Hirotaka Tateishi, Zacarías de Vizcarra y La vocación de América: Apuntes sobre la Hispanidad y el nacional-catolicismo, p. 41
Joan Armangué i Herrero, Patrimoni oral i frontera linguística: Voluntaris sards a la guerra civil espanyola, p. 55
August Bover, Conflict and Culture in the Mediterranean: Catalonia and the Battle of Lepanto (1571), p. 65
Denise Boyer, The Tanka in Catalonia: Examples by Carles Riba (1897-1959) and Salvador Espriu (1913-1985), p. 71
Hiromi Saito, Venice after the Battle of Prevesa (1538) – The Smuggling of Greek Wheat and the Confiscation of the Cargos of Captured Foreign Ships, p. 79
Michela Dal Borgo, Innovazioni napoleoniche nei territori dell’ex Repubblica di Venezia: Sistema metrico decimale e catasto, p. 105
Masaki Horiuchi, Metrical Aspect of Arab-Andalus Music in Morocco The relation between music and poem, p. 155
Hiroshi Kato, Erina Iwasaki, Ali El-Shazly, Internal Migration Patterns to Greater Cairo – Linking three kinds of data: census, household survey, and GIS –, p. 173

Index to Volumes I-XVI of Transactions of the Mediterranean Studies Group at Hitotsubashi University, p. 253
List of Contributors of this Volume, p. 264
Publications by the Mediterranean Studies Group at Hitotsubashi University, p. 265