
34. Economia ed energia. Secc. XIII-XVIII

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Atti a cura di Simonetta Cavaciocchi
Firenze 2003

Apertura dei lavori
Antonello GIACOMELLI, Vice-sindaco di Prato
Pietro VESTRI, Presidente dell’Istituto
Hans POHL, Presidente del Comitato Scientifico
Peter MATHIAS, Economic Expansion, Energy Resources and Technical Change in the Eighteenth Century: a New Dynamic in Britain
L’energia nella lunga durata in Europa e nei diversi paesi
ANGUS MADDISON, Growth Accounts, Technological Change, and the Role of Energy in Western Growth
Paolo MALANIMA, Energy System in Agrarian Societies: the European Deviation
Massimo LIVI BACCI, Popolazione ed energia
Uta LINDGREN, Energie et Technologie au Moyen-Age
E.A. WRIGLEY, Energy Constraints and Pre-Industrial Economies
Le energie tradizionali
Bruce CAMPBELL, The Uses and Exploitation of Human Power from the Thirteenth to the Eighteenth Century
John LANGDON, The Use of Animal Power from 1200 to 1800
John MUNRO, Industrial Energy from Water-Mills in the European Economy, 5th to 18th Centuries: the Limitations of Power
Karel DAVIDS, Innovations in Windmill Technology in Europe, c. 1500-1800
Harald WITTHÖFT, Energy and Large-Scale Industries (1300-1800)

Grzegorz MYSLIWSKI, Utilization Of Water in the Central Europe
(12th – 16th Cents)
Susanna TEKE, L’energia idraulica nella siderurgia medioevale
Catherine VERNA, Fer, bois, houille : forges hydrauliques et gestion
des combustibles (XIVe siècle, Pyrénées-Languedoc)
Miguel José DEYÁ BAUZÁ, La energía eólica en las Islas Baleares
durante el antiguo régimen: los molinos de viento
Roberta MORELLI, Nel mondo dell’energia rinnovabile: boschi
e siderurgia nell’Italia Centrale secc. XV-XVI
Juan HELGUERA QUIJADA, Los problemas energéticos de la industria española a finales del siglo XVIII: Entre el agotamiento de las energías tradicionales y el fracaso de las nuevas fuentes de energía

Mercati energetici, aspetti politici, aspetti istituzionali e giuridici
HORST KRANZ, Nutzung von Steinkohle im Mittelalter
Ad VAN DER WOUDE, Sources of Energy in the Dutch Golden Age
Robert ALLEN, Was There a Timber Crisis in Early Modern Europe?
John HATCHER, The Emergence of a Mineral-Based Energy Economy in England, c.1550-c.1850)
Mathieu ARNOUX, Moulins seigneuriaux et moulins royaux en Normandie : marché de l’énergie et institution (XIIe-XVe siècles)
Laura MOSCATI, Il diritto delle acque nell’economia moderna
Réné LEBOUTTE, Intensive Energy Use in Early-Modern Manufacture
Paul WARDE, Forests, Energy, and Politics in the Early-Modern German States
Anton SCHULER, Holzenergienutzung und Waldschutz in der frühen Neuzeit
Christopher T. SMOUT, Energy in Scotland, Ireland and Iceland 1600-1800
Jean-François BELHOSTE, La consommation proto-industrielle de bois : industries métallurgiques et verrières, chauffage domestique, bois d’œuvre ; conflits ou partage (XVIIe-début XIXe siècles)
F.-J. BRÜGGEMEIER, Fossile Energie und Luftverschmutzung im 18. Jahrhundert
Ben GALES, Technological, Economic and Institutional Problems of Coal Production and theIntroduction of Steam Power in a Three Country-Area (Germany, Netherlands and Belgium), 18th century
Alberto GUENZI, Presentazione del video: Produzione e distribuzione di energia idraulica in una città industriale di Antico Regime. Il modello bolognese
Energia, ecologia e ambiente. Le nuove fonti energetiche. Le nuove applicazioni
Paul BENOIT, KARINE BERTIER, Energie hydraulique, innovation et transformation du milieu à la fin du Moyen Age et à la Renaissance
Kristine BRULAND, Growth Trajectories in Scandinavian Industrialization: Some Reflections on the Role of Energy Inputs
Denis WORONOFF, Les nouvelles sources d’énergie : le charbon de terre à l’époque moderne (fin XVe-fin XVIIIe siècles)
Ian BLANCHARD, Water- and Steam Power: Complementary or Competitive Sources of Energy?
Andrée CORVOL, Les communautes d’habitants et l’approvisionnement energetique :les combustibles ligneux
René QUATREFAGES, La poudre et ses effets économiques au début des temps modernes
Astrid KANDER, Pre-Industrial Energy Use and CO2 Emissions in Sweden
Göran RYDÉN, Novelties and Responses. Iron and Coal in the Industrial Revolution in Britain, Sweden (and Russia)
Chris WHATLEY, New Sources of Energy and Scottish Industrialisation
Raffaello VERGANI, Gli usi civili della polvere da sparo (secc. XV-XVIII)
Cinzia CAPALBO, Claudio ROTELLI, Il valore energetico delle trasformazioni agrarie nella Toscana del XV e XVI secolo Le proprietà agricole dell’Ospedale della Misericordia di Prato
Carlo PONI, Traslazione dei mulini da seta dall’Italia centrale e sub-padana verso l’area collinare e prealpina: il caso di Bergamo
T. KJAERGAARD, Denmark’s Ecological Crisis in the Eighteenth Century
Energia e cultura
Ricardo CÓRDOBA DE LA LLAVE, Some Reflections on the Use of Water Power in Al-Andalus
Nicoletta MORELLO, Georg Agricola (1494-1555) e la conduzione della miniera: tecnica e impresa
Luca MOLÀ, Energia e brevetti per invenzioni nell’Italia del Rinascimento
Larry STEWART, The Boast of Matthew Boulton Energy, Innovation and Projectors in the Industrial Revolution
JAN LUITEN VAN ZANDEN, The Ecological Constraints of an Early Modern Economy: the Case of the Holland 1350-1800