Canadian Journal of History / Annales Canadiennes d’Histoire DATINI

Canadian Journal of History / Annales Canadiennes d’Histoire

Saskatoon. Department of History, University of Saskatchewan
Semestrale; dal 1970 quadrimestrale
ISSN: 1010-3643
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 65
Consistenza: a. I, 1966, 1-a. L, 2015, 3
Lacune: a. XLIII, 2008, 1; a. XLVIII, 2013, 3;
[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ]

copertina della rivista

a. XXV, 1990, 3

Harvey Chisick, The Wealth of Nations and the Poverty of the People in the Thought of Adam Smith, p. 325
David R. Schweitzer, Fearful Spectres: Charles James Fox and the Illusion of Anglo-Irish Oppositional Unity, 1784-1801, p. 345
Douglas A. Lorimer, “Nature”, Racism, and Late Victorian Science, p. 369

David Levine, Making the Family Modern, p. 387

Reviews, p. 399
Notes, p. 487
Advertisements, p. 491

a. XXV, 1990, 2

Carola M Small, Messengers in the County of Artois, 1295-1329, p. 163
Geoffrey Adams, A Spirited Anachronism: The Anti-Protestant Polemic of the Abbé Jean Novi de Caveirac, 1713-1782, p. 177
Richard I. Bazillion, Economic Integration and Political Sovereignty: Saxony and the “Zollverein”, 1834-1877, p. 189
S. P. MacKenzie, Morale and the Cause: The Campaign to Shape the Outlook of Soldiers in the British Expeditionary Force, 1914-1918, p. 215

Michael Kater, Inside Nazis: The Goebbels Diaries, 1924-1941, p. 233

Reviews, p. 245
Notes, p. 315
Advertisements, p. 320

a. XXV, 1990, 1

Benoît Beaucage, Difficultés économiques et réaction seigneuriale au Terroir de Beaucaire: La commanderie des hospitaliers de Saint-Pierre de Campublic aux XIVe et XVe siècles, p. 1
Michael Nutkiewicz, A Rapporteur of the English Civil War: The Courtly Politics of James Howell, (1594?-1666), p. 21
Linda Frey, Marsha Frey, The Bounds of Immunity The Sá Case. Politics, Law, and Diplomacy in Commonwealth England, p. 41
Hugh Wilson, The Best of Friends: Britain, America and Thailand, 1945-48, p. 61

Review Article
Antonio Santosuosso, Morality and Politics in Machiavelli Two Recent Interpretations, p. 85

Reviews, p. 91
Notes, p. 155
Advertisements, p. 159

a. XXIV, 1989, 3

B. J. C. McKercher, Diplomatic Equipoise: The Lansdowne Foreign Office, The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, and the Global Balance of Power, p. 299
Robert McCormack, War and Change: Air Transport in British Africa, 1939-1946, p. 341
Ronald S. Love, Winning the Catholics: Henry IV and the Religious Dilemma in August 1589, p. 361

Donna T. Andrew, Marriage History as Social History, p. 381

Reviews, p. 387

a. XXIV, 1989, 2

Sharon Kettering, The Decline of Great Noble Clientage during the Reign of Louis XIV, p. 157

Christopher Kent, Undisciplined History, p. 179
F.M Carroll, Anglo-American Relations and the Origins of the Cold War: The New Perspective, p. 191

Reviews, p. 209

a. XXIV, 1989, 1

John Rodden, My Orwell, Right or Left, p. 1
T.R. Ravindranathan, A Non-Bolshevik Bolshevik: The Trials and Tribulations of Giacinto Menotti Serrati 1917-1921, p. 16
Roy A. Prete, French Strategic Planning and the Deployment of the B.E.F. in France in 1914, p. 42
Jonathan F. Wagner, Nazism and Sentimentalism: The Propaganda Career of Karl Goetz, p. 63

Wesley K. Wark, Beyond the Missing Dimension: The New Study of Intelligence, p. 82

Reviews, p. 90

a. XIII, 1988, 3

Daniel M. Klang, Cesare Beccaria and the Clash Between Jurisprudence and Political Economy in Eighteenth Century Lombardy, p. 305
James Pritchard, Fir Trees, Financiers, and the French Navy During the 1750’s, p. 337
Donald G. Wileman, Caillaux and the Alliance, 1901-1912: The Evolution of Disillusioned Conservative, p. 355

Paid F. Grendler, “Renaissance Humanism. Foundations, Forms, and Legacy” Vol. 1: “Humanism in Italy.” Vol. 2: “Humanism Beyond Italy.” Vol. 3: “Humanism and the Disciplines”, p. 374
Ivo N. Lambi, Populists, Patricians, and Rethinking German History Some Recent Writings, p. 378

Reviews, p. 384

a. XXIII, 1988, 2

E. Patricia Tsurumi, Serving in Japan’s Industrial Army: Female Textile Workers, 1868-1930, p. 155
Timothy Brook, Censorship in Eighteenth-Century China: A View from the Book Trade, p. 177
Glenda Fraser, Enver Pasha’s Bid for Turkestan, 1920-1922, p. 197
Burton M. Smith, Anti-Catholicism, Indian Education and Thomas Jefferson Morgan, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, p. 213
Ted M. Kaminski, Bismarck and the Polish Question: The “Huldigungsfahrten” to Varzin in 1894, p. 235

Reviews, p. 251

a. XXIII, 1988, 1

R. Bruce Shepard, The Origins of the Oklahoma Black Migration to the Canadian Plains, p. 1
Tom Saunders, Politics, the Cinema, and early Revisitations of War in Weimar Germany, p. 25
David Dilks, “The Great Dominion”: Churchill’s Farewell Visits to Canada, 1952 and 1954, p. 49
Helen Liebel- Weckowicz, Ranke’s Theory of History and the German Modernist School, p. 73

Reviews, p. 95
The Canadian Journal of History, p. 154

a. XXII, 1987, 3

Karl H. Wegert, Political Engagement and the German Intelligentsia, 1789-1800, p. 297
Christopher English, French Public Opinion and the Second Empire’s Intervention in China, 1854-61, p. 321
Victor M. Batzel, “The General Scope of the Act”: A Study of Law, Moralism, and Administration in England, 1844-1910, p. 349
Randall B. Woods, The Politics of Diplomacy: Winston S. Churchill and the Second Quebec Conference, p. 367

Reviews, p. 383
Books Received, p. 442
Professor Geoffrey Bilson, p. 455

a. XXII, 1987, 2

R. Michael Rogers, Quakerism and the Law in Revolutionary England, p. 149
Malcolm Greenshields, Women, Violence, and Criminal Justice Records in Early Modern Haute Auvergne (1587-1664), p. 175
Donald M. McKale, “Weltpolitik” versus “Imperium Britannica”: Anglo-German Rivalry In Egypt, 1904-14, p. 195
Christopher Youé, “A Delicate Balance”: Resident Labour on Settler Farms in Kenya, until Mau-Mau, p. 209

Timothy E. Anna, L. Bethell (edited by), “The Cambridge History of Latin America”, Volumes IV and V, p. 229

Reviews, p. 235
The “Canadian Journal of History”; an important notice, p. 295

a. XXII, 1987, 1

Pat Anderson, The Other Gothic Revival: Contemporary Ideals in English Revivalism, 1730-1840, p. 1
Richard Francis Spall, Jr., The Bedchamber Crisis and the Hastings Scandal: Morals, Politics, and the Press at the beginning of Victoria’s Reign, p. 19
Emiliana P. Noether, “Morally Wrong” or “Politically Right”? Espionage in Her Majesty’s Post-Office, 1844-45, p. 41
Jack Gaston, The Free Trade Diplomacy Debate and the Victorian European Common Market Initiative, p. 59

Reviews, p. 83

a. XXI, 1986, 3

Harriet Lightman, Political Power and the Queen of France: Pierre Dupuy’s Treatise on Regency governments, p. 299
Jeremy Black, British Foreign Policy and the War of the Jeremy Black Austrian Succession 1740-48: A Research Priority, p. 313
David Spring, Eileen Spring, Social Mobility and the English Landed Elite, p. 333
Keith A. P. Sandiford, Cricket and the Barbadian Society, p. 353
Christopher A. Kent, Michel Foucault: Doing History or Undoing it?, p. 371

Michael J. Carley, Le Declin d’une grande puissance: La politique étrangère de la France en Europe, 1914-24, p. 397

Reviews, p. 408

a. XXI, 1986, 2

J. Michael Hayden, The Uses of Political Pamphlets: The Example of 1614-15 in France, p. 143
J. P. Rossi, The Last Whig: Lord Hartington as Liberal Leader 1875-80, p. 167
B. J. C. McKercher, A Sane and Sensible Diplomacy: Austen Chamberlain, Japan, and the Naval Balance of Power in the Pacific Ocean, 1924-29, p. 187

D. R. Woolf, Puritans, Politics, and Popular Culture in Seventeenth-Century Britain, p. 215

Reviews, p. 233

a. XXI, 1986, 1

Helen Liebel-Weckowicz, Nations and Peoples: Baltic-Russian History and the Development of Herder’s Theory of Culture, p. 1
Janina M. Konczacki, Stanislaw August Poniatowski’s Thursday Dinners and Cultural Change in Late Eighteenth Century Poland, p. 25
David R. Schweitzer, Viceregal Vignettes: Lords Lieutenant of Ireland under William Pitt, the Younger, 1784-1801, p. 37
John McDermott, Total War and the Merchant State: Aspects of British Economic Warfare against Germany, 1914-16, p. 61

Reviews, p. 77

a. XX, 1985, 3

Paul Thibault, Pope Gregory XI (1370-1378) and the Crusade, p. 313
Elly Hermon, Regards sur les ONG dans le mouvement International de coopération intellectuelle et d’éducation pour la paix pendant l’entredeux-guerres: Le cas de l’Union des Associations internationales, p. 337
H. E. Wilson, Partisan Imperialists and Islamic Separatism in South Thailand, 1945-49, p. 369

Modris Eksteins, History or Histrionics? Recent Writing on the Great War, p. 393

James A. Leith, Reinterpreting the French Revolution, p. 405

Reviews, p. 409

a. XX, 1985, 2

D. R. Woolf, Two Elizabeths? James I and the Late Queen’s Famous Memory, p. 167
Claude C. Sturgill, Changing Garrisons: The French System of Etapes, p. 193
James N. Retallack, Conservatives contra Chancellor: Official Responses to the Spectre of Conservative Demagoguery from Bismarck to Bülow, p. 203

Paul Christianson, Piety and Aristocratic Politics in Early Seventeenth-Century England, p. 237

Reviews, p. 249
Notices, p. 310

a. XX, 1985, 1

Thorold J. Tronrud, Dispelling the Gloom. The Extent of Poverty in Tudor and Early Stuart towns: Some Kentish Evidence, p. 1
Richard Reid, William W. Holden and “Disloyalty” in the Civil War, p. 23
Burton M. Smith, Business, Politics and Indian Land Settlements in Montana, 1882-1904, p. 45
Robert J. Young, Reason and Madness: France, the Axis Powers and the Politics of Economic Disorder, 1938-39, p. 65

Michael H. Kater, Nazism and the Third Reich in Recent Historiography, p. 85

Reviews, p. 102
Notices, p. 164

a. XIX, 1984, 3

Gerald Bowler, “An axe or an act”: the Parliament of 1572 and Resistance Theory in early Elizabethan England, p. 349
David Smith, Sir George Grey at the Mid-Victorian Home Office, p. 361

John Money, Constituencies and Communities: Voters, Rioters and Politics in Georgian England, p. 387
Anita Clair Fellman, Nineteenth-Century American Domesticity, p. 398
Brian Jenkins, Anglo-American Relations before the First World War, p. 407

Reviews, p. 387
Books received, p. 489

a. XIX, 1984, 2

James M. Stayer, The Eclipse of Young Man Luther: An Outsider’s Perspective on Luther Studies, p. 167
Reginald C. Stuart, “Engines of Tyranny”: Recent Historiography on Standing Armies during the Era of the American Revolution, p. 183
Richard F. Hamilson, Herman Goering’s First Public Address: A Note on Popular History, p. 201
Richard A. Harrison, The Runciman Visit to Washington in January 1937, p. 217

Roger L. Nichols, Recent Writings in American Indian History, p. 240
Bruce C. Daniels, American History from the Outside in: Indian Historians and U. S. Foreign Policy in Asia, p. 245
Lawrence D. Stokes, National Socialism and German History, p. 255

Reviews, p. 240

a. XIX, 1984, 1

Andrew Lossky, The Absolutism of Louis XIV: Reality or Myth?, p. 1
Manuela Albertone, “Dans une Republique, nul n’est libre d’être ignorant”: Révolution française et obligation scolaire, p. 17.
Daniel M .Klang, Reform and Enlightenment in Eighteenth Century Lombardy, p. 39

Egemont Lee, The Two Romes of the Reinaissance, p. 71
Ralph Croizier, Modernization and its Discontents: Western Scholars and Modern Chinese History, p. 75
PatriciaWaring-Ripley, Modern Society, Militarism and Technology, p. 84

Reviews, p. 71

a. XVIII, 1983, 3

John France, The Election and Title of Godfrey de Bouillon, p. 321
David Farmer, Grain Yields on Westminster Abbey Manors, 1271-1410, p. 331
Jacques Grimard, Les “Ports Books” anglais, sources d’histoire commerciale, p. 349
Spring Eileen, The Family, Strict Settlement, and Historians, p. 379

Reviews, p. 399
Books received, p. 471

a. XVIII, 1983, 2

Robert Louis Koepke, The Short, Unhappy History of Progressive Conservatism in France, 1846-1848, p. 187
Steven Philip Kramer, In search of Arthur Ranc, p. 217
Modris Eksteins, The First Performance of “Le Sacre du Printemps” or, the Audience as Art, p. 227

Brian W. Dippie, Reflections on the White Man Problem, p. 247
Nicholas Roger, Party Politics During the Whig Ascendancy, p. 253

Reviews, p. 247

a. XVIII, 1983, 1

David Stafford, John Buchan’s Tales of Espionage: A Popular Archive of British History, p. 1
K. M. Wilson, The Question of Anti-Germanism at the Foreign Office Before the First World War, p. 23
J. M. McEwen, “Brass-Hats” and the British Press During the First World War, p. 43
Peter Fraser, The British “Shells Scandal” of 1915, p. 69
Tim Travers, Learning and Decision-Making on the Western Front, 1915-1916: The British Example, p. 87
John A. Schultz, Finding Homes Fit for Heroes: The Great War and Empire Settlement, p. 99

Keith A. P. Sandiford, Sport and Victorian England, p. 111

Reviews, p. 111

a. XVII, 1982, 3

Albert Soboul, Les Philosophes, L’Ancien Régime, et la Révolution, p. 409
Martin S. Staum, Images of Paternal Power: Intellectuals and Social Change in the French National Institute, p. 425
Robert Stein, The Revolution of 1789 and the Abolition of Slavery, p. 447
Lloyd S. Kramer, Lafayette in 1830: A Center That Could not Hold, p. 469

Egemont Lee, Italian Urban History, 1100-1600, p. 493
James M. Stayer, Luther Studies and Reformation Studies, p. 499
M. J. Sydenham, The French Revolution is Not Yet Over, p. 505

Reviews, p. 493

a. XVII, 1982, 2

Victor M. Batzel, Parliament, Businessmen and Bankruptcy, 1825-1883: A Study in Middle-Class Alienation, p. 171
R. Vogel, A Tribute to C.C. Bayley, p. 215
A. C. Saunders, de C. M., The Depiction of Trade as War as a Reflection of Portuguese Ideology and Diplomatic Strategy in West Africa, 1441-1556, p. 219
M. Perceval-Maxwell, Protestant Faction, the Impeachment of Strafford and the Origins of the Irish Civil War, p. 235
William H. Dray, Presentism, Inevitability and the English Civil War, p. 257
Sharon Kettering, The Causes of the Judicial Frondes, p. 275

Louis A. Knalfa, “Insolent and Formidable Felons”: Historical Crime in Early Modern England, p. 307
L. Stewart, Newtonians, Revolutionaries and Republicans, p. 314

Reviews, p. 307
Books received, p. 401

a. XVII, 1982, 1

Eric W. Sager, Religious Sources of English Pacifism from the Enlightenment to the Industrial Revolution, p. 1
Roger Fletcher, Socialist Nationalism in Central Europe Before 1914: The Case of Karl Leuthner, p. 27
David D.Roberts, Frustrated Liberals: De Ruggiero, Gobetti, and the Challenge of Socialism, p. 59
Oscar L. Arnal, Catholic Roots of Collaboration and Resistance in France in the 1930’s, p. 87

Trevor Lloyd, Speaking of Money, p. 111
RonaldHamowy, The Democratic Party and Personal Liberty, p. 115
Leonidas E. Hill, The Origins of World War II, p. 123

Reviews, p. 111

a. XVI, 1981, 3

Joseph I. Shulim, The Continuing Controversy over the Etiology and Nature of the French Revolution, p. 357
Iwan Morgan, French Ideas of a Civilizing Mission in South America, 1830-1848, p. 379
John F. Aantore, The Comintern’s United Front Initiative of May 1934: French or Soviet Inspiration?, p. 405

Patrice Higonnet, L’Enseignment et la Société en France, p. 423
Modris Eksteins, Universalgeschicte Revisited, p. 425
Michael H. Karter, In Pursuit of Hitler, p. 431

Reviews, p. 423

a. XVI, 1981, 2

Carola M. Small, The District of Rome in the Early Fourteenth Century: 1300-1347, p. 193
C.R. Day, The Development of Protestant Primary Education in France under the Constitutional Monarchy, 1815-1848, p. 215
Stanley Z. Pech, Right, Left and Centre in Eastern Europe 1860-1940: A Cross-National Profile, p. 237
Michael Kater, Anti-Fascist Intellectuals in the Third Reich, p. 263

Dominick Graham, Thinking about War, p. 279
Brayton Polka, Skinner foundation, p. 282

Reviews, p. 279

a. XVI, 1981, 1

T. D. Burridge, Barnacles and Trouble Makers: Labour’s Left Wing and British Foreign Policy, 1939-45, p. 1
J. A. Bayer, British Policy towards the Russo-Finnish Winter War 1939-40, p. 27
Martin Petter, Sir Sydney and the Colonial Office in the Second World War: A Career in the Making, p. 67
H.E.Wilson, Labour, Planters and Politics in Pre-War Malaya: The Selangor Riots, 1941, p. 87

Paul Christianson, Politics and Parliament in England, 1604-1629, p. 107
Frederick A. De Luna, Karl Marx’s Interpretation of History, p. 113

Reviews, p. 107
Books received, p. 187