I Tatti studies : Essays in the Renaissance DATINI

I Tatti studies : Essays in the Renaissance

Chicago (già Firenze), Harvard University. Center for Italian Studies Villa I Tatti
Semestrale, già biennale (fino al 2012)
ISSN: 0393-5949
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini “, Coll: Riv. 77
Consistenza: v. 1, 1985-

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca Umanistica
Punto di servizio: Lettere; Riv. it. 1692/ 10
Consistenza: v. 1, 1985-

copertina della rivista

v. 23, 2020, 2

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 177

Hanan Yoran, Aurelio Lippo Brandolini’s Republics and Kingdoms Compared and the Paradoxes of Humanist Monarchism, p. 185
Diletta Gamberini, Rappresentare le lacerazioni dell’animo: Archetipi letterari dell’amphibolía di Pomponio Gaurico, p. 213
Chrysa Damianaki, La ritrattistica siciliana di Francesco Laurana e l’influenza di Antonello da Messina, p. 241
Emanuela Ferretti, Prophecies and Ruins: Architectural Sources for Leonardo’s Adoration of the Magi, p. 273
Filip Malesevic, Justification and Grace in the Sala dei Cento Giorni: Tridentine Influences in Giorgio Vasari’s Vite, p. 303
Erin Giffin, Giovanni Battista Braccelli’s Etched Devotions before the Vatican Bronze Saint Peter, p. 341
Branko Mitrovic, Guarino Guarini’s Architectural Theory and Counter-Reformation Aristotelianism: Visuality and Aesthetics in Architettura civile and Placita philosophica, p. 375

v. 23, 2020, 1

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 183

Judith Bryce, Decoding Code Name 16: Was Francesco Caccini the Host of the Donati-Ardinghelli Wedding Celebrations of 1465?, p. 7
Peter Howard, The Language of Dives and Lazarus: Preaching Generosity and Almsgiving in Renaissance Florence, p. 33
Robert Millard, Death and the Maenad, p. 53
Eve Borsook, Filippo Strozzi and the Two Plinys: Civic Pride, Diplomacy, and Private Taste in Quattrocento Naples and Florence, p. 77
Anthony Presti Russell, “La forza della virtù”: Vasari on Skill and Holiness in the Lives of Fra Angelico and Filippo Lippi, p. 101
Antonia Gatward Cevizli, Representing the Ottomans and Their World in 1490s Mantua: The Lost “Ottoman Mode” in Mantuan Painting in Comparative Perspective, p. 125
Cyril Gerbron, A Playful Invention: Agostino Carracci’s Bacchus with Goat in the Louvre, p. 153

v. 22, 2019, 2

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 183

Heather Webb, Botticelli’s Illustrations of Dante’s Paradiso: The Construction of Conjoined Vision, p. 187
Christopher J. Nygren, Metonymic Agency: Some Data on Presence and Absence in Italian Miracle Cults, p. 209
Victoria Kirkham, Laura Battiferra’s ‘Letter from Lentulus’ and the Likeness of Christ in Renaissance Italy, p. 239

Nicholas Scott Baker, A Twenty-First-Century Renaissance, p. 273
Lina Bolzoni, Al di là dei confini, p. 279
C. Jean Campbell, Natural History as Model: Pliny’s Parerga and the Pictorial Arts of Fifteenth-Century Italy, p. 283
Paula Findlen, The Museum’s Renaissance Revisited: Histories, Objects, Exhibits, p. 295
Tamar Herzig, The Future of Studying Jewish Conversion in Renaissance Italy, p. 311
Kate Lowe, Reasons to Be Cheerful: The Future of Italian Renaissance History, p. 319
Lia Markey, The Future of Premodern Studies: A View from the Newberry, p. 325
Andrea Rizzi, Signs of Trust in the Italian Renaissance, p. 335
Sarah Gwyneth Ross, Weird Humanists, p. 345
Guido Ruggiero, Forgetting the Italian Renaissance and Other Irreverent Suggestions for the Future, p. 355
Lisa Sampson, ‘Finally the Academies’: Networking Communities of Knowledge in Italy and Beyond, p. 369
Deanna Shemek, Digital Renaissance, p. 383
Laurie Stras, Renaissance Music and Musicology: Challenges and Opportunities, p. 393
Francesca Trivellato, Economic and Business History as Cultural History: Pitfalls and Possibilities, p. 403
Bronwen Wilson, Art History, Boundary Crossing, Making Worlds, p. 411
Rebecca Zorach, What Future?, p. 421

v. 22, 2019, 1

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 1

Gur Zak, “Umana cosa è aver compassione”: Boccaccio, Compassion, and the Ethics of Literature, p. 5
Olivia Holmes, Decameron 5.8: From Compassion to Compliancy, p. 21
F. Regina Psaki, Compassion in the Decameron: The Opening Sequence, p. 37

Tracy Cosgriff, The Library of Julius II and Raphael’s Art of Commentary, p. 59
Brandon Konoval, Music and the Book of Nature: Vincenzo Galilei on the Conundrum of Musical Consonance, p. 93
Pablo González Tornel, Francesco Borromini and the Spanish Church of Santi Ildefonso e Tommaso da Villanova in Rome, p. 121
Emanuele Lugli, The Ribbon Files: The Medici Project to Chart the Measurements of the Entire World, p. 143

v. 21, 2018, 2

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 209

Leah Whittington, Qui Succederet Operi: Completing the Unfinished in Maffeo Vegio’s Supplementum Aeneidos, p. 217
Shane Butler, Things Left Unsaid, p. 245
Bernd Kulawik, Tolomei’s Project for a Planned Renaissance of Roman Architecture-Unfinished?, p. 275
Suzanne Sutherland, Paula Findlen, Iva Lelková, Etruscan Dreams: Athanasius Kircher, Medici Patronage, and Tuscan Friendships, 1633–1680, p. 299

Holly Flora, New Light on Cimabue’s Lead White at Assisi, p. 351
Sanne Wellen, Bronzino’s Portrait of Antonio Lapi: A Hypothetical Identification with Considerations of Chronology and Costume in Bronzino’s Male Portraits, p. 389
Karen T. Raizen, Monsters of the Pastoral Stage and the Nature of the Unnatural, p. 423

v. 21, 2018, 1

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 1

Marvin Trachtenberg, Tektonikon and Surfacescape: Architecture and the Body in the Italian Renaissance, p. 7
Ovanes Akopyan, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola and Astrology (1486–1493): From Scientia Naturalis to the Disputationes adversus astrologiam, p. 47
Marsha Libina, “False Prophecies,” Scripture, and the Crisis of Mediation in Early Modern Rome: Sebastiano del Piombo’s Borgherini Chapel in San Pietro in Montorio, p. 67
Laura Moretti, Sean Roberts, From the Vite or the Ritratti? Previously Unknown Portraits from Vasari’s Libro de’ Disegni, p. 105
Deborah Parker, The Function of Michelangelo in Vasari’s Lives, p. 137
Mahnaz Yousefzadeh, Shafii al-Sharif’s Subhat-al-Akhbar in the Medici Collection: Visualizing Royal Genealogy in the Persico-Islamic and the Medici Courts, p. 159
Christina Schaefer, Silence and Dissent: Tasso’s Challenge to the Discourse of Oikonomia in Il padre di famiglia (1580), p. 185

v. 20, 2017, 2

Renaissance Modernities
Stephen J. Campbell, On Renaissance Nonmodernity, p. 261
Martina Piperno, “Eccetto l’Ariosto”: Giacomo Leopardi legge l’Orlando furioso, p. 295
Gandolfo Cascio, Wordsworth e Michelangelo: La traduzione delle Rime come appropriazione e reinterpretazione, p. 317
Giulia Calvi, Cultures of Space: Costume Books, Maps, and Clothing between Europe and Japan (Sixteenth through Nineteenth Centuries), p. 331
Rocco Rubini, Petrarchan Hermeneutics between (and beyond) Gadamer and Betti, p. 365
Jacomien Prins, Carl Gustav Jung’s Interpretation of Girolamo Cardano’s Dreams, p. 391
Pierette Marie Kulpa, The Fascistization of Michelangelo Buonarroti and the Libertà Espressiva of the Pietà of Palestrina, p. 415

v. 20, 2017, 1

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 1

Monique O’Connell, Voluntary Submission and the Ideology of Venetian Empire, p. 9
Katharina N. Piechocki, Cartographic Translation: Reframing Leonardo Bruni’s De interpretatione recta(1424), p. 41
Fabrizio Bondi, “Tre diero affetti assalto al tracio petto”: Il mito di Procne, Filomela e Tereo nei volgarizzamenti ovidiani, p. 67
Giulia Torello-Hill, Angelo Poliziano’s De poesi et poetis (BNCF Naz. II.I.99) and the Development of Ancient Dramatic Criticism, p. 105
John Gagné, Collecting Women: Three French Kings and Manuscripts of Empire in the Italian Wars, p. 127
Marco Ruffini, The Lives without the Medici?, p. 185
Robert S. Stone, Autos-da-fé: The Roles of a Saint in Spanish Sicily, p. 205
Angela Dressen, Bernard Berenson’s Cinquecentine: Inspirations from the Sixteenth-Century Accademia Fiorentina, p. 229

v. 19, 2016, 2

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 231

Joseph Connors, The Berenson Collection: A Guide, p. 235
Cyril Gerbron, Christ Is a Stone: On Filippo Lippi’s Adoration of the Child in Spoleto, p. 257
Jessica O’Leary, Politics, Pedagogy, and Praise: Three Literary Texts Dedicated to Eleonora d’Aragona, Duchess of Ferrara, p. 285
Daniel Stein Kokin, Giannozzo Manetti in Leonardo Bruni’s Shadow: The Formation and Defense of a Humanist Hebraist, p. 309
Ann E. Moyer, Noah on the Janiculum, Dardanus in Fiesole: Medieval Legends and Historical Writing in Sixteenth-Century Florence, p. 335
Diletta Gamberini, A Bronze Manifesto of Petrarchism: Domenico Poggini’s Portrait Medal of Benedetto Varchi, p. 359
Tiffany L. Johnston, The Correggiosity of Correggio: On the Origin of Berensonian Connoisseurship, p. 385
Anthony Molho, Besuch in Deutschland: Paul Oskar Kristeller in America, p. 427

v. 19, 2016, 1

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 1

Roisin Cossar, Filippo de Vivo, Christina Neilson, Introduction, p. 5
Roisin Cossar, Venetian Notaries, Space, and Sociability in the Trecento, p. 23
Marta Cacho Casal, Bologna alla stanza o in casa mia: Mobility and Shared Space in the Circle of Francesco Albani, p. 41
Christina Neilson, Demonstrating Ingenuity: The Display and Concealment of Knowledge in Renaissance Artists’ Workshops, p. 63
Cecilia Hewlett, Locating Contadini in the Renaissance City: Food Circulation and Mobility in the Marketplace, p. 93
Filippo de Vivo, Walking in Sixteenth-Century Venice: Mobilizing the Early Modern City, p. 115
Yvonne Elet, Raphael and the Roads to Rome: Designing for Diplomatic Encounters at Villa Madama, p. 143
Niall Atkinson, Getting Lost in the Italian Renaissance, p. 177
Dario Tessicini, Viewing the Stars from the Rialto: Astrological Dialogues in Sixteenth-Century Venice, p. 209

v. 18, 2015, 2

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 21

Timothy Verdon, The New Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, p. 265
Susan Gaylard, De mulieribus claris and the Disappearance of Women from Illustrated Print Biographies, p. 287
Andrew Hui, The Birth of Ruins in Quattrocento Adoration Paintings, p. 319
Andrea Moudarres, On the Threshold of Law: Dictatorship and Exception in Machiavelli and Schrnitt, p. 349
Alessandra Paola Macinante, Parodia per immagini: Appunti sulla tradizione silografica del Baidus, p. 371
David Quint, The Modem Copy: Dante, Ariosto, and Michelangelo’s Sistine Ceiling, p. 397
Nathaniel Silver, Creating a Renaissance Painter: Pesellino, Connoisseurship, and the Romantik, p. 429
David Alan Brown, Isabella’s Christ, p. 469

v. 18, 2015, 1

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 1

Eileen Reeves, Galileo, Oracle: On the History of Early Modem Science, p. 7
Andrew Dell’Antonio, Performances of Identity in Early Modem Italian Music, p. 23
Samuel Y Edgerton, Thomas I. Loughman, The Spiritual Space of Piero della Francesca’s Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Ange!s: A New Understanding of Its Mysterious Perspective, p. Philip Sohm, Giving Vasari the Giorgio Treatrnent, p. 61
Jana Graul, “Particolare Vizio de’ Professori di Queste Nostre Arti”: On the Concept of Envy in Vasari’s Vite, p. 113

Pier Mattia Tommasino, Otranto and the Self, p. 147
David Young Kim, Gentile in Red, p. 157
Beatrice Saletti, L’affare della Tomba di David (Gerusalemme, XV secolo): I frati minori e i loro protettori europei tra sequestri, ritorsioni ed embargo, p. 193
Raùl Gonzàlez Arévalo, Italian Renaissance Diplomacy and Commerce with Western Mediterranean Islam: Venice, Florence, and the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada in the Fifteenth Century, p. 215
Gennaro Varriale, Redimere anime: La Santa Casa della Redenzione dei cattivi a Napoli, 1548—1599, p. 233

v. 17, 2014, 2

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 203

Stefano Carrai, Italian Poetry of the Reinassance: Recent Studies and New Perspectives, p. 207

Gur Zak, Humanism as a Way of Life: Leon Battista Alberti and the Legacy of Petrarch, p. 217
Oren J. Margolis, The “Gallic Crowd” at the Aragonese Doors”: Donato Acciaiuoli’s “Vita Caroli Magni” and the Workshop of Vespasiano da Bisticci, p. 241
Carlo Vecce, “Arcadia” at the Newberry, p. 283
Roberto Nicosia, Alla scuola di Omero: Costantino Lascaris e la traduzione latina dell’Odissea nel “De Aetna” di Pietro Bembo, p. 303
Morten Steen Hansen, After the Veronica: Crisis and the “Ars sacra” of Polidoro da Caravaggio and Pontormo, p. 325
Jennifer Haraguchi, “Vita di Eleonora”: A unique example of autobiographical Writing in Counter-Reformation Italy, p. 369
Ann Rosalind Jones, Labor and Lace: The Crafts of Giacomo Franco’s “Habiti delle donne venetiane”, p. 399

v. 17, 2014, 1

Jane Tylus, Editor’s Note, p. 1
Hans Belting, St Jerome in Venice: Giovanni Bellini and the Dream of Solitary Life, p. 5

GENDER IN EARLY MODERN ROME (Edited by Julia L. Hairston)
Elizabeth Cohen, Open City: An Introduction to Gender in Early Modern Rome, p. 35
Jessica Goethals, Vanquished Bodies, Weaponized Words: Pietro Aretino’s Conflicting Portraits of the Sexes and the Sack of Rome, p. 55
Kenneth Gouwens, Meanings of Masculinity in Paolo Giovio’s “Ischian” Dialogues, p. 79
Laurie Nussdorfer, Men at Home in Baroque Rome, p. 103
Eleonora Canepari, Cohabitions, Household Structures, and Gender Identities in Seventeenth-Century Rome, p. 131
John Christopoulos, Non-Elite Male Perspectives on Procured Abortion, Rome ca. 1600, p. 155
John Hunt, Carriages, Violence, and Masculinity in Early Modern Rome, p. 175
Julia L. Hairston, Afterword, p. 197

v. 16, 2013, 1-2

Jane Tylus, General Editor, A New I Tatti Studies, p. 1

Edward Muir, Italy in the No Longer Forgotten Centuries, p. 5
Diana Robin, Women on the Move: Trends in Anglophone Studies of Women in the Italian Renaissance, p. 13
Marzia Pieri, Il made in Italy sul teatro rinascimentale: una nuova frontiera culturale, p. 27
Michael Cole, Towards an Art History of Spanish Italy, p. 37

Georgia Clarke, Fabrizio Nevola, Introduction: Experiences of the Street in Early Modern Italy, p. 47
Niall Atkinson, The Republic of Sound: Listening to Florence at the Threshold of the Renaissance, p. 57
Fabrizio Nevola, Surveillance and Control of the Street in Renaissance Italy, p. 85
Stephen J. Milner, ” … Fanno bandire, notificare, et expressamente comandare … “: Town Criers and the Information Economy of Renaissance Florence, p. 107
Guido Rebecchini, Rituals of Justice and the Construction of Space in Sixteenth-Century Rome, p. 153
David Rosenthal, Owning the Corner: The ‘Powers’ of Florence and the Question of Agency, p. 181
Georgia Clarke, The Emperor’s Hat: City, Space, and Identity in Contemporary Accounts of Charles V’s Entry into Bologna in 1529, p. 197
Nicholas Terpstra, Creations & Recreations: Contexts for the Experience of the Renaissance Street, p. 221

Andrea Rizzi, Eva Del Soldato, Latin and Vernacular in Quattrocento Florence and Beyond: An Introduction, p. 231
Andrea Rizzi, Leonardo Bruni and the Shimmering Facets of Languages in Early Quattrocento Florence, p. 243
Brian Jeffrey Maxson, This Sort of Men’: the Vernacular and the Humanist Movement in Fifteenth-Century Florence, p. 257
Blake Wilson, Dominion of the Ear: Singing the Vernacular in Piazza San Martino, p. 273
Elizabeth Mellyn, Passing on Secrets: Interactions between Latin and Vernacular Medicine in Medieval Europe, p. 289
Eugenio Refini, “‘Aristotile in parlare materno’: Vernacular Readings of the Ethics in the Quattrocento, p. 311
Eva Del Soldato, The Elitist Vernacular of Francesco Cattani da Diacceto and its Afterlife, p. 343

Areli Marina, Introduction: Lordship Reified, p. 363
Areli Marina, The Langobard Revival of Matteo il Magno Visconti, Lord of Milan, p. 377
Eva Helfenstein, Lorenzo de Medici’s Magnificent Cups: Vessels as Status Symbols in Fifteenth-Century Europe, p. 415
Timothy McCall, Brilliant Bodies: Material Culture and the Adornment of Men in North Italy’s Quattrocento Courts, p. 445
Touba Ghadessi, Lords and Monsters: Visible Emblems of Rule, p. 491

copertina della rivista

v. 14-15, 2012

Martin ?tefánik, talian Involvement in Metal Mining in the central Slovakian Region, from the Thirteenth Century to the Reign of King Sigsmund of Hungary, p. 11
Margaret Haines, Myth and Management in the Construction of Brunelleschi’s Cupola, p. 47
Patricia Simons, Giovanna and Ginevra: Portraitsfor the Tornabuoni family by Ghirlandaio and Botticelli, p. 103
Linda Pellecchia, From Aesop’s Fabies to the Kalila wa-Dimna: Giuliano da Sangallo’s Staircase in the Gondi Palace in Florence, p. 137
Alana O’Brien, Aposties in the Oratory of the Compagnia detto Scalzo: “adornata da e mia frateli academizi”, p. 209
Olivier Rouchon, Scrittoio, tesoro, archivio: le duc Côme Ier et le secret des écritures, p. 263
Carmen Donia, “Ut pictura lingua” : Ecfrasi e memoria nelle pagine di Vincenzio Borghini, p. 307

Photo Credits, p. 357

v. 13, 2010

Giancarla Periti, Female Self-Commemoration, Spirituality, and Lineage in Jacopo Loschi’s Frescoes for the Convent of San Paolo in Parma, p. 11
Peter Howard, Painters and the Visual Art of Preaching: The Exemplum of the Fifteenth-Century Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel, p. 33
Gene Brucker, Niccolò Machiavelli, His Lineage, and the Tuscan Church, p. 79
Benedetta Matucci, Ratio ancilla fidei. Una proposta per la lettura del monumento di san Giovanni Gualberto di Benedetto da Rovezzano, p. 91
Nadja Aksamija, Architecture and Poetry in the Making of a Christian Cicero: Giovanni Battista Campeggi’s Tuscolano and the Literary Culture of the Villa in Counter-Reformation Bologna, p. 127

Photo credits, p. 201

v. 12, 2009

Judith Bryce, Dada degli Adimari’s Letters from Sant’Antonino: Identity, Maternity, and Spirituality, p. 11
Roberto Cobianchi, Fashioning the Imagery of a Franciscan Observant Preacher: Early Renaissance Portraiture of Bernardino da Siena in Northern Italy, p. 55
Carolyn James and F.W.Kent, Margherita Cantelmo and Agostino Strozzi: Friendship’s Gifts and a Portrait Medal by Costanzo da Ferrara, p. 85
Jerzy Miziolek, Orpheus and Eurydice: Three Spalliera Panels by Jacopo del Sellaio, p. 117
Lorenzo Pericolo, Love in the Mirror: A Comparative Reading of Titian’s Woman at Her Toilet and Caravaggio’s Conversion of Mary Magdalene, p. 149
Sanne Wellen, La Guerra de’ topi e de’ ranocchi, Attributed to Andrea del Sarto: Considerations on the Poem’s Authorship, the Compagnia del Paiuolo, and Vasari, p. 181
Bramko Mitrovic, Studying Renaissance Architectural Theory in the Age of Stalinism, p. 233

Photo Credits, p. 265

v. 11, 2007
Amanda Lillie, Fiesole: “locus amoenus “or Penitential Landscape?, p. 11
Gene Brucker, I Tatti and its Neighbors, 1427-1530, p. 57
Machtelt Israëls, Absence and Resemblance. Early Images of Bernardino da Siena and the Issue of Portraiture (With a New Proposal for Sassetta), p. 77
Flaminia Bardati, Napoli in Francia? L’arco di Alfonso e i portali monumentali del primo Rinascimento francese, p. 115
Guido Rebecchini, After the Medici. The New Rome of Pope Paul III Farnese, p. 147
Nerida Newbigin, Greasing the Wheels of Heaven: Recycling, Innovation and the Question of “Brunelleschi’s “Stage Machinery, p. 201
Suzanne B. Butters, The Uses and Abuses of Gifts in the World of Ferdinando de’ Medici (1549-1609), p. 243
Photo Credits, p. 355

v. 10, 2005

Antonella Astorri, David Friedman, The Fiorentine Mercanzia and its Palace, p. 11
Richard A. Goldthwaite, An Entrepreneurial Silk Weaver in Renaissance Florence, p. 69
Gary Ianziti, From Praise to Prose – Leonardo Bruni’s Lives of the Poets, p. 127
Louis A. Waldman, Patronage, Lineage, and Self-Promotion in Maso da San Friano’s Naples Double Portrait, p. 149
Pauline Moffitt Watts, A Mirror for the Pope: Mapping the Corpus Christi in the Galleria delle Carte geografiche, p. 139

Photo Credits, p. 173

Allegato: NICOLAI RUBUNSTEIN. In memoriam
F. W. Kent, Foreword, p. 9
Riccardo Fubini, Nicolai Rubinstein: dal Medioevo al Rinascimento (e dal Comune ai Medici, p. 11
Michael Mallett, Nicolai Rubinstein and the Lorenzo Letters, p. 25
F.W. Kent, Nicolai Rubinstein, Teacher, p. 35

v. 9, 2001

Alison Brown, Lucretius and the Epicureans in the Social and Political Context of Renaissance Florence, p. 11
Giancarlo Fiorenza, Pandolfo Collenuccio’s Specchio d’Esopo and the Portrait of the Courtier, p. 63
Maureen C. Miller, The Medici Renovation of the Florentine Arcivescovado, p. 89
Alessandra Malquori, La ?Tebaide? degli Uffizi ? Tradizioni letterarie e figurative per l’interpretazione di un tema iconografico, p. 119
Lorenz Böninger, Politics, Trade and Toleration in Renaissance Florence -Lorenzo de’ Medici and the Besalù Brothers, p. 139

Photo Credits, p. 173

v. 8, 1999

Gary Ianziti, The Plutarchan Option – Leonardo Bruni’s Early Career in History, 1405-1414, p. 11
Anthony Grafton, Historia and Istoria – Alberti’s Terminology in Context, p. 37
Letizia Panizza, Pico della Mirandola e il De Genere Dicendi Philosophorum del 1458 – L’encomio paradossale dei “barbari “e la loro parodia, p. 69
Carmen C. Bambach, The Purchases of Cartoon Paper for Leonardo’s Battle of Anghiari and Michelangelo’s Battle of Cascina, p. 105
Albert Russell Ascoli, Faith as Cover-up – Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso, canto 21 and Machiavellian Ethics, p. 135
Lina Bolzoni, Il mondo utopico e il mondo dei cornuti – Plagio e paradosso nelle traduzioni di Gabriel Chappuys, p. 171
David Rosenthal, The Genealogy of Empires – Ritual Politics and State Building in Early Modern Florence, p. 197
Photo Credits, p. 237

v. 7, 1997

E. H. Gombrich, The Sassetti Chapel Revisited: Santa Trinita and Lorenzo de’ Medici, p. 11
Jérôme Hayez, Io non so scrivere a l’amicho per siloscismi – Jalons pour une lecture de la lettre marchande toscane de la fin du Moyen Age, p. 37
Bette Talvacchia, Classical Paradigms and Renaissance Antiquarianism in Giulio Romano ‘s I Modi, p. 81
Francesco Smerlati, Dalla donna di palazzo alla donna di famiglia – Pedagogia e cultura femminile tra Rinascimento e Controriforma, p. 119
Michele Ciliberto, Giordano Bruno tra mito e storia, p. 175
Pietro C. Marani, Il Cenacolo di Leonardo e i suoi restauri nella Milano fra il XV e il XX secolo fra arte e fede, propaganda politica e magnificenza civile, p. 191
David Quint, Duelling and Civility in Sixteenth Century Italy, p. 231
Arnaldo Morelli, Per ornamento e servicio – Organi e sistemazioni architettoniche nelle chiese toscane del Rinascimento, p. 279
Photo Credits, p. 305

v. 6, 1995

Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, Les Noces Feintes – Sur quelques lectures de deux thèmes iconographiques dans les cassoni florentins, p. 11
Salvatore Settis, Traiano a Hearst Castle – Due cassoni estensi, p. 37
Ronald Witt, What did Giovannino Read and Write? – Literacy in Early Renaissance Florence, p. 83
Andrew Butterfield, New Evidence for the Iconography of David in Quattrocento Florence, p. 115
Creighton E. Gilbert, Ghiberti on the Destruction of Art, p. 135
Stephen J. Campbell, “Sic in Amore furens “- Painting as Poetic Theory in the Early Renaissance, p. 145
Massimiliano Rossi, Per l’unità delle arti – La poetica figurativa’ di Giovambattista Strozzi il Giovane, p. 169
Paul F. Gehl, The 1615 Statutes of the Sienese Guild of Stationers and Booksellers – Provincial Publishing in Early Modern Tuscany, p. 215
Photo Credits, p. 255

v. 5, 1993

Gene Brucker, Florentine Voices from the Catasto, 1427-1480, p. 11
Caroline Elam, Art in the Service of Liberty – Battista della Palla, Art Agent for Francis I, p. 33
Stefano La Via, Concentus Iovis adversus Saturni Voces -Magia, Musica astrale e Umanesimo nel IV Intermedio fiorentino del 1589, p. 111
John Monfasani, The Averroism of John Argyropoulos and his Quaestio utrum intellectus humanus sit perpetuus, p. 157
Robert Williams, The Facade of the Palazzo dei ‘Visacci’, p. 209
Christopher Reynolds, Aspects of Clerical Patronage and Musical Migration in the Renaissance, p. 245
Alessandro Cecchi, Un ritratto immaginario e celebrativo di Giovanni di Paolo Rucellai – indagini e ipotesi, p. 265
Charles Trinkaus, Lorenzo Valla ‘s Anti-Aristotelian Natural Philosophy, p. 279
Photo credits, p. 329

v. 4, 1991

James R. Banker, The Program for the Sassetta Altarpiece in the Church of S. Francesco in Borgo S. Sepolcro, p. 11
Gary Ianziti, Humanism ‘s New Science – The History of the Future, p. 59
Tim Carter, Non occorre nominare tanti musici – Private Patronage and Public Ceremony in Late Sixteenth Century Florence, p. 89
Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, The Genesis of the Family Tree, p. 105
Allen J. Grieco, The Social Politics of Pre-Linnaean Botanical Classification, p. 131
Honey Meconi, Sacred Tricinia and Basevi 2439, p. 151
Roberto Bizzochi, La nobiltà in Dante, la nobiltà di Dante – Cultura nobiliare, memoria storica e genealogia fra Medio Evo e Rinascimento, p. 202
Walter Stephens, Metaphor, Sacrament, and the Problem of Allegory in Gerusalemme Liberata, p. 217
Robert W. Gaston, Love’s Sweet Poison – A New Reading of Bronzino’s London Allegory, p. 249
Photo credits, p. 291

v. 3, 1989

Sydney J. Freedberg, Some Thoughts on Berenson, Connoisseurship, and the History of Art, p. 11
Lorenzo Polizotto, Dell’arte del ben morire: The Piagnone Way of Death, 1494-1545, p. 27
Margaret Haines, Brunelleschi and Bureaucracy: The Tradition of Public Patronage at the Florentine Cathedral, p. 89
David Nutter, Ippolito Tromboncino, Cantore al Liuto, p. 127
Giovanna Perini, L’arte di descrivere: La tecnica dell’ecfrasi in Malvasia e Bellori, p. 175
Anthony Colantuono, Titian’s Tender Infants: On the Imitation of Venetian Painting in Baroque Rome, p. 207
William E. Wallace, Michelangelo at Work: Bernardino Basso, Friend, Scoundrel, and Capomaestro, p. 235
Photo credits, p. 281

v. 2, 1987

An Editorial Comment to Richard Goldthwaite’s The Economy of Renaissance Italy, p. 11
Richard A. Goldthwaite, The Economy of Renaissance Italy – The Preconditions for Luxury Consumption, p. 15
F. W. Kent, Palaces, Politics and Society in Fifteenth Century Florence, p. 41
Roger Jones, Mantegna and Materials, p. 71
H. Colin Slim, Arcadelt’s “Amor, tu sai “in an Anonymous Allegory, p. 91
Valerie Wainwright, The Testing of a Popular Sienese Regime – The Riformatori and the Insurrection of 1371, p. 107
Robert Black, Humanism and Education in Renaissance Arezzo, p. 171
Nancy Struever, Lorenzo Valla’s Grammar of Subject and Object – An Ethical Inquiry, p. 239
Photo credits, p. 269

v. 1, 1985

Michael Bury, Bernardo Vecchietti, Patron of Giambologna, p. 13
Tim Carter, Music and Patronage in Late SixteenthCentury Florence – The Case of Jacopo Corsi (1561-1602), p. 57
Caroline Elam, Piazza Strozzi – Two Drawings by Baccio d’Agnolo and the Problems of a Private Renaissance Square, p 105
Louis Green, Lucca under Castruccio Castracani – The Social and Economic Foundations of a Fourteenth Century Italian Tyranny, p. 137
Thomas Kuehn, Reading between the Patrilines – Leon Battista Alberti’s Della Famiglia in Light of His Illegitimacy, p. 161
Piotr Salwa, Fiction e Realtà – Novella come fonte storica, p. 189
Salvatore Settis, Danae verso il 1495, p. 207
Mikolaj Szymanski, Ciceronian Decadence – Tommaso Aldobrandini’s Consolation for Bernardo Salviati, p. 239
Illustrations, p. 265
Photo credits, p. 309