European history quarterly DATINI

European history quarterly

ISSN: 0265-6914
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 0614
Consistenza: v. 19, 1989, 1-
Lacune: v. 28, 1998, 2; v. 34, 2004, 1; v. 36, 2006, 4

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1989 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 50, 2020, 2

Special issue: The Nation from the Grassroots: Perspectives on Spanish National Identity in the 20th century
Guest editor: Javier Moreno-Luzón

Javier Moreno-Luzón, Introduction: Approaching Spanish National Identity from the Grassroots, p. 199

Eric Storm, When Did Nationalism Become Banal? The Nationalization of the Domestic Sphere in Spain, p. 204
Javier Moreno-Luzón, ‘Seeds of Spain’: Scouting, Monarchy and National Construction, 1912-1931, p. 226
Nerea Aresti, A Fight for Real Men: Gender and Nation-Building during the Primo de Rivera Dictatorship (1923-1930), p. 248
Alejandro Quiroga, Home Patriots: Spanish Nation-Building at a Local Level in the Primo de Rivera Dictatorship (1923-1930), p. 266
Alfonso Iglesias Amorín, The Hispano-Moroccan Wars (1859-1927) and the (De)nationalization of the Spanish People, p. 290
Eduardo Hernández Cano, Printing the ‘People’: Populism, Photography, and the Spanish Republican Nation (1931-1936), p. 311

Charles Esdaile, Recent Writings on the Military History of Spain’s Civil War, p. 331

Book Reviews, p. 345

v. 50, 2020, 1

Elisabetta Giuseppina Lurgo, Charity and Sanctity: The Ritiri of the Rosine in the Eighteenth-Century Savoyard State, p. 5
Kim P. Middel, Finnur Jónsson’s Image of Iceland: Writing History in Changing Conditions, p. 22
Jesús-Ángel Redondo Carden˜oso, Political Mobilization and Social Unrest in Rural Portugal in the Early Twentieth Century: The Example of Montemor-o-Novo between 1908 and 1918, p. 44
Idrit Idrizi, Between Subordination and Symbiosis: Historians’ Relationship with Political Power in Communist Albania, p. 66
Andrew Demshuk, A Polish Approach for German Cities? Cement Old towns and the Search for Rootedness in Postwar Leipzig and Frankfurt/Main, p. 88

Review Article, p. 128
Book Reviews, p. 137

v. 49, 2019, 4

Special Issue: ‘The most formidable weapon’: Work replacement, armed strikebreaking and private police in Europe’s Belle Époque social conflicts
Guest Editor: Matteo Millan

Matteo Millan, Introduction: Strikebreaking During Europe’s Belle Époque, p. 553

Alessandro Saluppo, Strikebreaking and Anti-Unionism on the Waterfront: The Shipping Federation, 1890-1914, p. 570
Amerigo Caruso, Joining Forces against ‘Strike Terrorism’: The Public-Private Interplay in Policing Strikes in Imperial Germany, 1890-1914, p. 597
Matteo Millan, ‘The Public Force of the Private State’ – Strikebreaking and Visions of Subversion in Liberal Italy (1880s to 1914), p. 625
Claire Morelon, Social Conflict, National Strife, or Political Battle? Violence and Strikebreaking in Late Habsburg Austria, p. 650

Comment, p. 677
Book Reviews, p. 682

v. 49, 2019, 3

Miroslav ?edivý, The Path to the Austro-Sardinian War: The Post-Napoleonic States System and the End of Peace in Europe in 1848, p. 367
Evren Kutlay, A Historical Case of Anglo-Ottoman Musical Interactions: The English Autopiano of Sultan Abdulhamid II, p. 386
Karen Gram-Skjoldager, Haakon A. Ikonomou, Making Sense of the League of Nations Secretariat – Historiographical and Conceptual Reflections on Early International Public Administration, p. 420
Michael P. Ortiz, Spain! Why? Jawaharlal Nehru, Non-Intervention, and the Spanish Civil War, p. 445
Natalia Jarska, Modern Marriage and the Culture of Sexuality: Experts between the State and the Church in Poland, 1956-1970, p. 467

Book Reviews, p. 491

v. 49, 2019, 2

Minchul Kim, Condorcet and the Viability of Democracy in Modern Republics, 1789-1794, p. 179
James White, ‘The Free Sale of Opium’: The Reaction of Russian Orthodox Churchmen to Freedom of Conscience, 1864-1905, p. 203
Jorge Marco, Mercedes Yusta Rodrigo, Irregular War, Local Community and Intimate Violence in Spain (1939-1952), p. 231
Mathew Turner, Tony Joel, David Lowe, ‘Between Politics and Scholarship’: The First Decade of the Institut für Zeitgeschichte, 1949-1958, p. 250
María Sierra, Creating Romanestan: A Place to be a Gypsy in Post-Nazi Europe, p. 272

Review Article, p. 293
Book Reviews, p. 301

v. 49, 2019, 1

Benedetta Borello, Being Brothers or Pretending to Be: Merchants, Artisans, Inn-keepers, Painters &Brothers in Seventeenth-Century Rome, p. 5
Myrna Gene Martin, Outsiders on the Inside: Italian Jewish Ghettos and Cholera in the 1830s, p. 28
Enrico Acciai, Traditions of Armed Volunteering and Radical Politics in Southern Europe: A Biographical Approach to Garibaldinism, p. 50
Matthew Kerry, The Bones of Contention: The Secularization of Cemeteries and Funerals in the Spanish Second Republic, p. 73

Review Article, p. 96
Book Reviews, p. 105

v. 48, 2018, 4

Special Issue : Constructing the Modern State in the Balkans
Guest Editor: Maria Bucur

Maria Bucur, Introduction: Constructing the Modern State in the Balkans 597

Maria Bucur, To Have and to Hold: Gender Regimes and Property Rights in the Romanian Principalities before World War I, p. 601
Evdoxios Doxiadis, Resurrecting the Law: State Formation and Legal Debates in Nineteenth-Century Greece, p. 629
Alex R. Tipei, Audience Matters: ‘Civilization-Speak’, Educational Discourses, and Balkan Nationalism, 1800-1840, p. 658
Evguenia Davidova, Serving the State: Military and Public Health Practices in Bulgaria (1878-1908), p. 686

Theodora Dragostinova, Studying Balkan State-Building: From the ‘Advantages of Backwardness’ to the European Framework, p. 708

Liise Lehtsalu, Comparison as a Method of Transregional and Global History, p. 714

Book Reviews, p. 720

v. 48, 2018, 3

Fabrizio Antonio Ansani, Military Archives of Renaissance Florence: Resolutions and Bookkeeping of the Dieci di Balìa and the Otto di Pratica, p. 409
Arturo Zoffmann Rodriguez, ‘Off to Moscow with No Passports and No Money’: The 1921 Spanish Syndicalist Delegation to Russia, p. 435
Ludger Mees, Ethnogenesis in the Pyrenees: The Contentious Making of a National Identity in the Basque Country (1643-2017), p. 462
Paul Preston, Britain and the Basque Campaign of 1937: The Government, the Royal Navy, the Labour Party and the Press, p. 490

Axel Körner, Beyond Nation States: New Perspectives on the Habsburg Empire, p. 516

Martijn Lak, Europe and Germany’s Age of Catastrophe, 1914-1950, p. 534

Review Article, p. 534
Book Reviews, p. 545

v. 48, 2018, 2

Phillip D. Fox, The Advantage of Legal Diversity for State Formation: Bourbon Reforms and Aragonese Law in Eighteenth-Century Spain, p. 203
Miguel Ángel del Arco Blanco, Before the Altar of the Fatherland: Catholicism, the Politics of Modernization, and Nationalization during the Spanish Civil War, p. 232
Chris Millington, Getting Away with Murder: Political Violence on Trial in Interwar France, p. 256
Edvin Pezo, Emigration and Policy in Yugoslavia: Dynamics and Constraints within the Process of Muslim Emigration to Turkey during the 1950s , p. 283

Giacomo Giudici, From New Diplomatic History to New Political History: The Rise of the Holistic Approach, p. 314

v. 48, 2018, 1

Paul Garfinkel, A Wide, Invisible Net: Administrative Deportation in Italy, 1863-1871, p. 5
Gareth Stockey, Repression, Rivalry and Racketeering in the Creation of Franco’s Spain: The Curious Case of Emilio Griffiths, p. 34
Ana Antic, Living in the Age of Axis Internationalism: Imagining Europe in Serbia Before and During the Second World War, p. 61
Lukasz Krzyzanowski, An Ordinary Polish town: The Homecoming of Holocaust Survivors to Kalisz in the Immediate Aftermath of the War, p. 92

Eric Storm, A New Dawn in Nationalism Studies? Some Fresh Incentives to Overcome Historiographical Nationalism, p. 113

v. 47, 2017, 4

Nigel Aston, Francophilia and Political Failure: Lord Shelburne and Anglo-French Interactions, c. 1760-1789, p. 613
Joris Oddens, The Greatest Right of Them All: The Debate on the Right to Petition in the Netherlands from the Dutch Republic to the Kingdom (c. 1750-1830), p. 634
Miguel Martorell Linares, ‘The Cruellest of all Forms of Coercion’: The Catholic Church and Conflicts around Death and Burial in Spain during the Restoration (1874-1923), p. 657
Ola Innset, Markets, Knowledge and Human Nature: Friedrich Hayek, Karl Polanyi and Twentieth-century Debates on Modern Social Order, p. 679

Paul Bookbinder, New Perspectives on the Holocaust, p. 701

Book reviews, p. 708

v. 47, 2017, 3

Patrick Milton, Debates on Intervention against Religious Persecution in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: European Reactions to the Tumult of Thorn, 1724-1726, p. 405
Ambrogio A. Caiani, Re-inventing the Ancien Régime in Post-Napoleonic Europe, p. 437
Angelo Matteo Caglioti, Race, Statistics and Italian Eugenics: Alfredo Niceforo’s Trajectory from Lombroso to Fascism (1876-1960), p. 461
Maria Thomas, Sacred Destruction? Anticlericalism, Iconoclasm and the Sacralization of Politics in Twentieth-Century Spain, p. 490

Piotr Zuk, Inequalities, Social Exclusion and Radical Political Struggle – Some Historical and Social Thoughts on the Interwar Period in Poland (1918-1939), p. 509

v. 47, 2017, 2

Christopher W. Close, City-States, Princely States, and Warfare: Corporate Alliance and State Formation in the Holy Roman Empire (1540-1610), p. 205
Friedemann Pestel, Educating against Revolution: French Émigré Schools and the Challenge of the Next Generation, p. 229
Joel C. Webb, Drawing a Glorious Past, Picturing an Uncertain Future, p. 257
Robert Niebuhr, Enlarging Yugoslavia: Tito’s Quest for Expansion, 1945-1948, p. 284

David G. Morgan-Owen, Britain, Europe, and the War at Sea, 1900-1918, p. 311

v. 47, 2017, 1

Peter Anderson, Silvia Evangelisti, Francis King, Editorial, p. 5

Felicia Ro?u, Free from Obedience: Constitutional Expressions of the Right of Resistance in Early Modern Transylvania and Poland-Lithuania, p. 6
George Gilbert, Revolt from the Right: Russia’s Right-Wing Students Between Conservatism and Radicalism, p. 32
James Perkins, Peasants and Politics: Re-thinking the British Imaginative Geography of the Balkans at the Time of the First World War, p. 55
Ángel Alcalde, War Veterans and Fascism during the Franco Dictatorship in Spain (1936-1959), p. 78

Review, p. 99

v. 46, 2016, 4

Nicholas Scott Baker, Dux ludens: Eleonora de Toledo, Cosimo I de’ Medici, and Games of Chance in the Ducal Household of Mid-Sixteenth-Century Florence, p. 595
José Antonio Mateos Royo, State, Representative institutions and Economic Reforms in Times of Decline: Royal Taxation and Trade Policy in Aragon (1626-1700), p. 618
Jennifer Ngaire Heuer, Celibacy, Courage, and Hungry Wives: Debating Military Marriage and Citizenship in Pre-Revolutionary France, p. 647
Marcin Wodzinski, The Socio-Economic Profile of a Religious Movement: the Case of Hasidism, p. 668

Review, p. 702

v. 46, 2016, 3


Filippo de Vivo, Andrea Guidi, Alessandro Silvestri, Archival Transformations in Early Modern European History, p. 421

Alessandro Silvestri, Archives of the Mediterranean: Governance and Record-Keeping in the Crown of Aragon in the Long Fifteenth Century, p. 435
Andrea Guidi, The Florentine Archives in Transition: Government, Warfare and Communication 1289-1530 ca.), p. 458
Vanessa Harding, Monastic Records and the Dissolution: A Tudor Revolution in the Archives?, p. 480
Randolph C. Head, Configuring European Archives: Spaces, Materials and Practices in the Differentiation of Repositories from the Late Middle Ages to 1700, p. 498
Filippo de Vivo, Archives of Speech: Recording Diplomatic Negotiation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italy, p. 519
Antonio Castillo Gómez, The New Culture of Archives in Early Modern Spain, p. 545
Markus Friedrich, Being an Archivist in Provincial Enlightened France: The Case of Pierre Camille Le Moine (1723-1800), p. 568

v. 46, 2016, 2

Daniel Jütte, ‘They Shall Not Keep Their Doors or Windows Open’: Urban Space and the Dynamics of Conflict and Contact in Premodern Jewish-Christian Relations, p. 209
Ben Kehoe, The Italian Risorgimento and Sicilian Popular Balladry: The Problem of ‘Deep Images’ and Popular Reception, p. 238
Kate?ina Králová, In the Shadow of the Nazi Past: Post-War Reconstruction and the Claims of the Jewish Community in Salonika, p. 262
Claudio Hernández Burgos, The Triumph of ‘Normality’, Social Attitudes, Popular Opinion and the Construction of the Franco Regime in Post-War Rural Spain (1936-1952), p. 291

Review Article, p. 311
Book Reviews, p. 327

v. 46, 2016, 1

Erik Swart, Defeat, Honour and the News: The Case of the Fall of Breda (1625) and the Dutch Republic, p. 6
Shane Nagle, Peripheries and Contested Regions in Nationalist Imaginations: Irish-German Comparisons, 1850-1930, p. 27
Matteo Millan, In Defence of Freedom? The Practices of Armed Movements in Pre-1914 Europe: Italy, Spain and France, p. 48
Jonathan Dunnage, Policemen and ‘Women of III Repute’: A Study of Male Sexual Attitudes and Behaviour in Fascist Italy, p. 72
Raanan Rein, Inbal Ofer, Becoming Brigadistas: Jewish Volunteers from Palestine in the Spanish Civil War, p. 92

Review Article, p. 113
Book Reviews, p. 124

v. 45, 2015, 4

Julian Swann, J. H. Shennan (1933-2015), Our First Editor, p. 613
Marisa Linton, Mette Harder, ‘Come and Dine’: The Dangers of Conspicuous Consumption in French Revolutionary Politics, 1789-95, p. 615
Edward Shawcross, When Montevideo Was French: European Civilization and French Imperial Ambitions in the River Plate, 1838-52, p. 638
Malik Mazbouri, Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl, A Legislator under Surveillance: The Creation and Implementation of Swiss Banking Legislation 1910-1934, p. 662
Martina Cucchiara, The Bonds That Shame: Reconsidering the Foreign Exchange Trials of 1935-36 Against the Catholic Church in Nazi Germany, p. 689

Bibliographical Essay
Tomasz Hen-Konarski, No Longer Just Peasants and Priests: The Most Recent Studies on Nation Building in Nineteenth-Century Ukraine, p. 713

Review Article, p. 738
Book Reviews, p.

v. 45, 2015, 3

Jeff Fynn-Paul, Occupation, Family, and Inheritance in Fourteenth-Century Barcelona: A Socio-Economic Profile of One of Europe’s Earliest Investing Publics, p. 417
Sophie Heywood, Missionary Children: The French Holy Childhood Association in European Context, 1843-c.1914, p. 446
Alexis Rappas, The Transnational Formation of Imperial Rule on the Margins of Europe: British Cyprus and the Italian Dodecanese in the Interwar Period, p. 467
Alejandro Quiroga, Spanish Fury: Football and National Identities under Franco, p. 506

Review Article, p. 530

v. 45, 2015, 2

Special Issue: Violence in Late Socialist Public Spheres Guest Editor: Sabine Rutar

Sabine Rutar, Violence in Late Socialist Public Spheres, p. 205

Rasa Balo?kait?, The Hidden Violence of totalitarianism: Policing Soviet Society in Lithuania, p. 215
Gleb Tsipursky, Worker Youth and Everyday Violence in the Post-Stalin Soviet Union, p. 236
Radina Vu?eti?, Violence against the Antiwar Demonstrations of 1965-1968 in Yugoslavia: Political Balancing between East and West, p. 255
Sabine Rutar, Containing Conflict and Enforcing Consent in Titoist Yugoslavia: The 1970 Dockworkers’ Strike in Koper (Slovenia), p. 275
Keith Brown, Order, Reputation and Narrative: Forms of State Violence in Late Socialist Macedonia, p. 295
C?lin Morar-Vulcu, Becoming Dangerous: Everyday Violence in the Industrial Milieu of Late-Socialist Romania, p. 315 Jeff Hayton, Krawall in der Zionskirche: Skinhead Violence and Political Legitimacy in the GDR, p. 336

Book Reviews, p. 357

v. 45, 2015, 1

Rady Roldán-Figueroa, Martín de Roa, S.J. (1559-1637) and the Consolidation of Catholic Literary Culture in Spain, p. 5
Phil McCluskey, Louis XIV, Duke Leopold I and the Neutrality of Lorraine, 1702-1714, p. 34
Marie-Cecile Thoral, Sartorial Orientalism: Cross-cultural Dressing in Colonial Algeria and Metropolitan France in the Nineteenth Century, p. 57
Antoon Vrints, Beyond Victimization: Contentious Food Politics in Belgium during World War I, p. 83
Mary Vincent, Ungodly Subjects: Protestants in National-Catholic Spain, 1939-53, p. 108

Book Reviews, p. 132

v. 44, 2014, 3

Micah Alpaugh, The British Origins of the French Jacobins: Radical Sociability and the Development of Political Club Networks, 1787-1793, p. 593
Roberto Romani, Liberal Theocracy in the Italian Risorgimento, p. 620
Maria Cristina Galmarini, Turning Defects to Advantages: The Discourse of Labour in the Autobiographies of Soviet Blinded Second World War Veterans, p. 651
Paul Corthorn, Cold War Politics in Britain and the Contested Legacy of the Spanish Civil War, p. 678

Review Article, p. 703
Book Reviews, p. 718

v. 44, 2014, 3

Keith Neilson, 1914: The German War?, p. 395

Anton Caruana Galizia, Family Strategies and Transregional Mobility: The de Piro in Eighteenth-Century Malta and Sicily, p. 419
Louise Seaward, The Société Typographique de Neuchâtel (STN) and the Politics of the Book Trade in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe, 1769-1789, p. 439
Thomas Beaumont, Extending Democracy: Railway Workers and the Popular Front in France, 1936-1938, p. 458
Peter Monteath, POW ‘Holiday Camps’ in the Third Reich, p. 480

Book Reviews, p. 504

v. 44, 2014, 2

Gregory Hanlon, An Italian Aristocracy in Arms: The Duke of Parma Goes to War 1635-1637, p. 205
Gerrit Verhoeven, ‘Le pays ou` on ne sait pas lire’: Literacy, Numeracy and Human Capital in the Commercial Hub of the Austrian Netherlands (1715-75), p. 223
Martyn Lyons, The Power of the Scribe: Delegated Writing in Modern Europe, p. 244
Tamar Groves, Political Transition and Democratic Teachers: Negotiating Citizenship in the Spanish Education System, p. 263

Review Article, p. 293
Book Reviews, p. 303

v. 44, 2014, 1

Alex Fairfax-Cholmeley, Mapping the Terror: The Paris Revolutionary Tribunal and the Development of a National System of ‘Revolutionary Justice’ in France, 1793-94, p. 5
Stephen C. Bruner, ‘At Least So Long As We Are Talking About Marching, the Inferior Is Not the Black, It’s the White’: Italian Debate over the Use of Indigenous Troops in the Scramble for Africa, p. 33
Spyridon Ploumidis, Corporatist Ideas in Inter-war Greece: From Theory to Practice (1922-1940), p. 55
Benjamin Tromly, Brother or Other? East European Students in Soviet Higher Education Establishments, 1948-1956, p. 80

Review Article, p. 103
Book Reviews, p. 113

v. 43, 2013, 4

Mathias Persson, The Utility of the ‘Other’: German Representations of Sweden in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century, p. 603
Dean J. Kostantaras, Christian Elites of the Peloponnese and the Ottoman State, 1715-1821, p. 628
Joseba Louzao Villar, Catholicism Versus Laicism: Culture Wars and the Making of Catholic National Identity in Spain, 1898-1931, p. 657
Salvatore Garau, Anticipating Norwegian Fascism: The Radicalization of Urban Right-Wing Nationalism in Inter-war Norway, p. 681
Joan Tumblety, Rethinking the Fascist Aesthetic: Mass Gymnastics, Political Spectacle and the Stadium in 1930s France, p. 707

Review Article, p. 731
Book Reviews, p. 739

v. 43, 2013, 3

Michael Auwers, The Gift of Rubens: Rethinking the Concept of Gift-Giving in Early Modern Diplomacy, p. 421
Hanna Diamond, ‘Prisoners of the Peace’: German Prisoners-of-War in Rural France 1944-48, p. 442
Anita Pra_zmowska, The Polish Underground Resistance During the Second World War: A Study in Political Disunity During Occupation, p. 464
Andrew Dowling, The Leading Role of the Party: Catalan Communism and the Franco Regime, 1939-1975, p. 489

Review Article, p. 508
Book Reviews, p. 519

v. 43, 2013, 2

Claudia Stein, Images and Meaning-Making in a World of Resemblance: The Bavarian-Saxon Kidney Stone Affair of 1580, p. 205
Florencia Peyrou, A Great Family of Sovereign Men: Democratic Discourse in Nineteenth-Century Spain, p. 235
Sarah E. Shurts, Resentment and the Right: A Twentieth-Century Cycle of Reaction, Revaluation, and Retreat by the French Extreme Right, p. 257
Peter Polak-Springer, ‘Jammin’ with Karlik’: The German-Polish ‘Radio War’ and the Gleiwitz ‘Provocation’, 1925-1939, p. 279
Bradley W. Hart, Science, Politics, and Prejudice: The Dynamics and Significance of British Anthropology’s Failure to Confront Nazi Racial Ideology, p. 301

Review Article, p. 326
Book Reviews, p. 335

v. 43, 2013, 1

Zsuzsanna Lada, The Invention of a Hero: Lajos Kossuth in England (1851), p. 5
Jennifer L. Foray, An Old Empire in a New Order: The Global Designs of the Dutch Nazi Party, 1931-1942, p. 27
Catherine Brice, Monarchy and Nation in Italy at the End of the Nineteenth Century: A Unique Form of Politicization?, p. 53
Maria Thomas, The Faith and the Fury: The Construction of Anticlerical Collective Identities in Spain, 1874-1931, p. 73

Review Articles, p. 96
Book Reviews, p. 118

v. 42, 2012, 4

Christopher Storrs, The Spanish Risorgimento in the Western Mediterranean and Italy 1707-1748, p. 555
Todd Blake Berryman, The Poetry of Discontent: Jérôme Bonaparte and his Alleged Exploitation of the Kingdom of Westphalia, p. 578
Ulf Brunnbauer, Emigration Policies and Nation-building in Interwar Yugoslavia, p. 602
Jon Cowans, On Condition of Contrition: French Reactions to American Films on the Vietnam War, 1978-1987, p. 628-

Review Articles, p. 650

v. 42, 2012, 3

Paul R. Keenan, Card-playing and Gambling in Eighteenth-century Russia, p. 385
Giulia Albanese, Reconsidering the March on Rome, p. 403
Tine Van Osselaer, Masculinity and Catholicism: The Leagues of the Sacred Heart in Belgium, 1900-1940, p. 422
Stefanos Katsikas, The Muslim Minority in Greek Historiography: A Distorted Story?, p. 444

Review Articles, p. 468

v. 42, 2012, 2

Jesús Astigarraga, The Economic Thought of A. Genovesi in the Late Spanish Enlightenment: R. De Salas’s Critical Analysis, p. 211
Peter Anderson, The Chetwode Commission and British Diplomatic Responses to Violence behind the Lines in the Spanish Civil War, p. 235
Tuong-Vi Tran, The Failure of the French Tripartite Experiment in May 1947, p. 261
Nikolaos Papadogiannis, Between Angelopoulos and The Battleship Potemkin: Cinema and the Making of Young Communists in Greece in the Initial Post-dictatorship Period (1974-81) 286

Review Articles, p. 309

v. 42, 2012, 1

Julian Swann, Jan Rüger, Silvia Evangelisti, Editorial, p. 5

Victoria Pineda, Rhetoric and the Writing of History in Early Modern Europe: Melo’s Guerra de Cataluña and Mascardi’s Ars historica, p. 6
Murray Frame, The Early Reception of Operetta in Russia, 1860s-1870s, p. 29
Chris Millington, The French Veterans and the Republic: The Union nationale des combattants and the Union fédérale, 1934-1938, p. 50
Dejan Djokic, Nationalism, Myth and Reinterpretation of History: The Neglected Case of Interwar Yugoslavia, p. 71

Review Articles, p. 96
Book Reviews, p. 114

v. 41, 2011, 4

Philip Dwyer, War Stories: French Veteran Narratives and the ‘Experience of War’ in the Nineteenth Century, p. 561
Michael J. Crawford, Noble Status and Royal Duplicity in the Crown of Castile, 1454-1504, p. 586
E.D.R. Harrison, Carton de Wiart’s Second Military Mission to Poland and the German Invasion of 1939, p. 609
Sabina Mihelj, Imperial Myths between Nationalism and Communism: Appropriations of Imperial Legacies in the North-eastern Adriatic during the Early Cold War, p. 634

Review Articles, p. 657
Book Reviews, p. 672

v. 41, 2011, 3

Matthew Brown, Gabriel Paquette, The Persistence of Mutual Influence: Europe and Latin America in the 1820s, p. 387
Brian Hamnett, Spain and Portugal and the Loss of their Continental American Territories in the 1820s: An Examination of the Issues, p. 397
Mónica Ricketts, Together or separate in the fight against oppression? Liberals in Peru and Spain in the 1820s, p. 413
Scott Eastman, ‘America Has Escaped from our Hands’: Rethinking Empire, Identity and Independence during the Trienio Liberal in Spain, 1820-1823, p. 428
Gabriel Paquette, The Brazilian origins of the 1826 Portuguese Constitution, p. 444
Natalia Sobrevilla Perea, From Europe to the Andes and back: Becoming ‘Los Ayacuchos’, p. 472
Margaret Small, Review Article: Exchange of Knowledge and Culture in Early Modern Europe, p. 489

Book Reviews, p. 501

v. 41, 2011, 2

Axel Korner, Music of the Future: Italian Theatres and the European Experience of Modernity between Unification and World War One, p. 189
Frank Caestecker, Bob Moore, Female Domestic Servants as Desirable Refugees: Gender, Labour Needs and Immigration Policy in Belgium, The Netherlands and Great Britain, p. 213
Louisa Zanoun, Language, Regional Identity and the Failure of the Left in the Moselle Département, 1871-1936, p. 231
Michael J. Hughes, British Opinion and Russian Terrorism in the 1880s, p. 255

v. 41, 2011, 1

Maud Anne Bracke, From Politics to Nostalgia: The Transformation of War Memories in France during the 1960s-1970s, p. 5
Gearóid Barry, Marc Sangnier and ‘the Other Germany’: The Freiburg International Democratic Peace Congress and the Ruhr invasion, 1923, p. 25
Nico Randeraad, The International Statistical Congress (1853-1876): Knowledge Transfers and their Limits, p. 50
Pablo La Porte, ‘Rien à ajouter’: The League of Nations and the Rif War (1921-1926), p. 66

Review, p. 88