The Economic history review DATINI

The Economic History review

London, poi Oxford, poi Cambridge, Economic history society
semestrale; dal 1949/50 quadrimestrale, dal trimestrale
ISSN: 0013-0117

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia Coll. Riv. Str. 0060
Consistenza: n. 1, 1927/28-
Lacune: a. 6, 1935-36; a. 15, 1946, 2;

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche Coll. Riv. Str. 0306
Consistenza: n. 24, 1971-n. 54, 2001

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1927 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 10, 1939/40, II

Obituary, p. 91
F. J. Fisher, Commercial Trends and Policy in Sixteenth-Century England, p. 95
J. D. Chambers, Enclosure and the Small Landowner, p. 118
B. Bromberg, Temple Banking in Rome, p. 128
Robert Lopez, The English and the Manufacture of Writing Materials in Genoa, p. 132
H. Furber, The United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies, 1783-96, p. 138
D. Chapman, The New Shipwright Building Company of Dundee, 1826 to 1831, p. 148

Reviews, p. 152
N. S. B. Gras, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1939, p. 185

a. 10, 1939/40, I

H. J. Habakkuk, English Landownership, 1680-1740, p. 2
P. Morazé, The Treaty of 1860 and the Industry of the Department of the North, p. 18
R. A. L. Smith, Marsh Embankment and Sea Defence in Medieval Kent, p. 29
M. Dessauer, Unemployment Records, 1848-59, p. 38
C. Verlinden, The Rise of Spanish Trade in the Middle Ages [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 44

Reviews, p. 60
J. De L. Mann, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1939, p. 82
F. J. Fisher, Commercial Trends and Policy in Sixteenth-Century England, p. 95
J. D. Chambers, Enclosure and the Small Landowner, p. 118
B. Bromberg, Temple Banking in Rome, p. 128
Robert Lopez, The English and the Manufacture of Writing Materials in Genoa, p. 132
H. Furber, The United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies, 1783-96, p. 138
D. Chapman, The New Shipwright Building Company of Dundee, 1826 to 1831, p. 148

Reviews, p. 152
N. S. B. Gras, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1939, p. 185

a. 9, 1938/39, II

C. H. Wilson, The Economic Decline of the Netherlands, p. 111
D. C. Douglas, The Norman Conquest and English Feudalism, p. 128
W. W. Rostow, Investment and Real Wages, 1873-86, p. 144
M. M. Postan, The Fifteenth Century, p. 160
A. Raistrick, E. Allen, The South Yorkshire Ironmasters (1690-1750), p. 168
B. Natarajan, Influence of Classical Theories on Interest Regulation in India (1800-55), p. 186

Reviews, p. 193
N. S. B. Gras, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1938, p. 239
C. Brinkmann, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Germany 1937, p. 251

a. 9, 1938/39, I

W. O. Henderson, Germany’s Trade with her Colonies, 1884-1914, p. 1
D. Knoop-G. P. Jones, The English Medieval Quarry, p. 17
T. A. M. Bishop, The Rotation of Crops at Westerham 1297-1350, p. 38
D. K. Clark, Edward Backwell as a Royal Agent, p. 45
H. J. G. Bab, The Evolution of the British Building Society, p. 56
G. Wright, The Origins of Napoleon III’s Free Trade, p. 64
G. E. Fussell, Agriculture from the Restoration to Anne [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 68

Reviews, p. 75
J. De L. Mann, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1938, p. 99
M. Bloch-P. Leuilliot, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of France 1938, p. 104
C. H. Wilson, The Economic Decline of the Netherlands, p. 111
D. C. Douglas, The Norman Conquest and English Feudalism, p. 128
W. W. Rostow, Investment and Real Wages, 1873-86, p. 144
M. M. Postan, The Fifteenth Century, p. 160
A. Raistrick, E. Allen, The South Yorkshire Ironmasters (1690-1750), p. 168
B. Natarajan, Influence of Classical Theories on Interest Regulation in India (1800-55), p. 186

Reviews, p. 193
N. S. B. Gras, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1938, p. 239
C. Brinkmann, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Germany 1937, p. 251

a. 8, 1937/38, II

C. S. Orwin, Observation on the Open Fields, p. 125
W. W. Rostow, Investment and the Great Depression, p. 136
C. Hill, Soviet Interpretations of the English Interregnum, p. 159
E. J. Hamilton, The Decline of Spain, p. 168
L. Rabinowitz, The Medieval Jewish Counterpart of the Gild Merchant, p. 180
M. H. Cole, The Investment of Wealth in Thirteenth-Century Genoa, p. 185

Reviews, p. 188
N. S. B. Gras, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1937, p. 219

a. 8, 1937/38, I

P. C. Gordon Walker, Capitalism and the Reformation, p. 1
B. Lewis, The Islamic Guilds, p. 20
D. Marshall, The Old Poor Law (1662-1795), p. 38
G. C. Homans, Partible Inheritance of Villagers’ Holdings, p. 48
D. Knoop-G. P. Jones, The Impressment of Masons in the Middle Ages, p. 57
T. S. Willan, The River Navigation and Trade of the Severn Valley (1600-1750), p. 68
R. K. Kelsall, Wages of Northern Farm Labourers in Mid-Eighteenth Century, p. 80

Reviews, p. 82
J. De L. Mann, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1937, p. 111
W. Vogel, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Germany 1936, p. 116
C. S. Orwin, Observation on the Open Fields, p. 125
W. W. Rostow, Investment and the Great Depression, p. 136
C. Hill, Soviet Interpretations of the English Interregnum, p. 159
E. J. Hamilton, The Decline of Spain, p. 168
L. Rabinowitz, The Medieval Jewish Counterpart of the Gild Merchant, p. 180
M. H. Cole, The Investment of Wealth in Thirteenth-Century Genoa, p. 185

Reviews, p. 188
N. S. B. Gras, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1937, p. 219

a. 7, 1936/37, II

R. Pares, The Economic Factors in the History of the Empire, p. 119
P. Elman, The Economic Causes of the Expulsion of the Jews in 1290, p. 145
J. U. Nef, Prices and Industrial Capitalism in France and England (1540-1640), p. 155
V. M. Lavrovsky, Parliamentary Enclosures in the County of Suffolk (1797-1814), p. 186
H. StL. B. Moss, The Economic Consequences of the Barbarian Invasions, p. 209
D. O. Wagner, The Common Law and Free Enterprise: An Early Case of Monopoly, p. 217
W. H. B. Court, A Warwickshire Colliery in the Eighteenth Century, p. 221
W. R. Scott, New MSS. Relating to Adam Smith, p. 229

Reviews, p. 231
N. S. B. Gras, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1936, p. 258
M. Bloch-P. Leuilliot, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of France 1936, p. 267

a. 7, 1936/37, I

F. M. Stenton, The Road System of Medieval England, p. 1
William Beveridge, Wages in the Winchester Manors, p. 22
E. F. Heckscher, Mercantilism, p. 44
A. Rébillon, Henri Sée (1864-1936) [Obituary; Nachruf], p. 55
F. Edler, Winchecombe Kerseys in Antwerp (1538-44), p. 57
D. Seaborne Davies, Acontius, Champion of toleration, and the Patent System, p. 63
P. J. Thomas, B. Natarajan, Economic Depression in the Madras Presidency (1825-54), p. 67

Reviews, p. 76-113
J. De L. Mann, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1935, p. 114
R. Pares, The Economic Factors in the History of the Empire, p. 119
P. Elman, The Economic Causes of the Expulsion of the Jews in 1290, p. 145
J. U. Nef, Prices and Industrial Capitalism in France and England (1540-1640), p. 155
V. M. Lavrovsky, Parliamentary Enclosures in the County of Suffolk (1797-1814), p. 186
H. StL. B. Moss, The Economic Consequences of the Barbarian Invasions, p. 209
D. O. Wagner, The Common Law and Free Enterprise: An Early Case of Monopoly, p. 217
W. H. B. Court, A Warwickshire Colliery in the Eighteenth Century, p. 221
W. R. Scott, New MSS. Relating to Adam Smith, p. 229

Reviews, p. 231
N. S. B. Gras, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1936, p. 258
M. Bloch, p. Leuilliot, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of France 1936, p. 267

a. 5, 1934/35, II

D. W. Brogan, The Rise and Decline of the American Agricultural Interest, p. 1
E. A. Kosminsky, Services and Money Rents in the Thirteenth Century, p. 24
F. J. Fisher, The Development of the London Food Market, 1540-1640, p. 46
T. H. Marshall, The Population of England and Wales from the Industrial Revolution to the World War, p. 65
H. A. Shannon, Migration and the Growth of London, 1841-91. A Statistical Note, p. 79
W. H. Marwick, Early Trade Unionism in Scotland, p. 87
L. Lyell, The Problem of the Records of the Merchant Adventurers, p. 96
H. L. Beales, The ‘Basic’ Industries of England, 1850-1914 [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 99

Reviews, p. 113-50
N. S. B. Gras, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1934, p. 151
W. Vogel, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Germany 1934, p. 156

a. 5, 1934/35

J. U. Nef, The Progress of Technology and the Growth of Large Scale Industry in Great Britain, 1540-1640, p. 3
A. J. & R. H. Tawney, An Occupational Census of the Seventeenth Century, p. 25
H. L. Beales, ‘The Great Depression’ in Industry and Trade, p. 65
A. Baster, The Origins of British Banking Expansion in the Near East, p. 76
C. R. Oldham, Oxfordshire Poor Law Papers II, p. 87
A. M. C. Lemesurier, The Orphan’s Inventories at the London City Guildhall, p. 98
T. S. Aston, The Industrial Revolution [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 104

Reviews, p. 120-38
J. De L. Mann, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1934, p. 139

a. 4, 1932/34

F. Heckscher, The Place of Sweden in Modern Economic History, p. 1
R. Lennard, English Agriculture under Charles II: The Evidence of the Royal Society’s ‘Enquiries’, p. 23
G. Todd, Some Aspects of Joint Stock Companies, 1844-1900, p. 46
J. A. White, A Plea for the Teaching of Economic History in Secondary, Central and Senior Schools, p. 72
A. E. Levett, Notes on the Statutes of Labourers, p. 77
P. L. Prendeville, A Select Bibliography of Irish Economic History. Part III: The Nineteenth Century [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 81

Reviews, p. 91
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1931-32, p. 123
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1931, p. 124
C. Brinkmann, The Place of Germany in the Economic History of the Nineteenth Century, p. 129
E. M. Carus-Wilson, The Origin and Early Development of the Merchant Adventurers’ Organization in London as shown in their own Medieval Records, p. 147
F. J. Fisher, Some Experiments in Company Organization in the Early Seventeenth Century, p. 177
W. O. Henderson, The Cotton Famine on the Continent, 1861-1865, p. 195
E. C. Lodge, Elizabeth Levett: A Memoir, p. 210
M. Postan, Mediaeval Capitalism [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 212

Reviews, p. 228
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1932-33, p. 250
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of France 1932, p. 252
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Germany 1932, p. 254
H. Hauser, The Characteristic Features of French Economic History from the Middle of the Sixteenth to the Middle of the Eighteenth Century, p. 257
V. M. Lavrovsky, The Commutation as a Factor in the Gradual Decrease of Land Ownership by the English Peasantry, p. 273
H. A. Shannon, The Limited Companies of 1866-1883, p. 290
R. L. Reynolds, Some English Settlers in Genoa in the Late Twelfth Century, p. 317
M. K. Dale, The London Silkwomen of the Fifteenth Century, p. 324
R. H. Tawney, Modern Capitalism [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 336

Reviews, p. 357
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1933, p. 379
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1932, p. 381
N. S. B. Gras, Business History, p. 385
A. P. Usher, The Origins of Banking: The Primitive Bank of Deposit, 1200-1600, p. 399
N. Kenyon, Labour Conditions in Essex in the Reign of Richard II, p. 429
A.V. Judges, Economic History in Schools, p. 452
E. Honjo, The Economic History Year-Book of Japan, p. 461
A. Birnie, Some Aberdeenshire Leases in the Eighteenth Century, p. 464
C. R. Oldham, Oxfordshire Poor Law Papers I, p. 470

Reviews, p. 475
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1933, p. 506
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of France 1933, p. 508
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Germany 1933, p. 510

a. 3, 1931/32

H. Sée, The Economic and Social Origins of the French Revolution, p. 1
E. A. Kosminsky, The Hundred Rolls of 1279-80 as a Source for English Agrarian History, p. 16
H. Heaton, Benjamin Gott and the Industrial Revolution in Yorkshire, p. 45
T. K. Derry, The Repeal of the Apprenticeship Clauses of the Statute of Apprentices, p. 67
W. R. Scott, A Letter of Adam Smith to Henry Dundas, 1789, p. 88
W. R. Scott, The Manuscript of Adam Smith’s Glasgow Lectures, p. 91
F. R. Salter, The Hanse, Cologne and the Crisis of 1468, p. 93
F. G. Emmison, Poor Relief Accounts of Two Rural Parishes in Bedfordshire, 1563-1598, p. 102
W. H. Marwick, A Bibliography of Scottish Economic History [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 117

Reviews, p. 138
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1930, p. 176
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1929, p. 180
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of France 1930, p. 188
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Germany 1928-29, p. 192
J. De L. Mann, The Teaching of Economic History in Universites: Part I. Continental, p. 197
C. Nettels, British Policy and Colonial Money Supply, p. 219
G. Ambrose, English Traders at Aleppo, 1658-1756, p. 246
G. Sayles, A Dealer in Wardrobe Bills, p. 268
P. L. Prendeville, A Select Bibliography of Irish Economic History [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 274

Reviews, p. 291
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1931, p. 320
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1931, p. 321
J. De L. Mann, The Teaching of Economic History in Universites: Part I. Continental, p. 325
J. De L. Mann, The Teaching of Economic History in Universites: Part II. United States, British Empire and Japan, p. 330
D. Knoop, G.P. Jones, Masons and Apprenticeship in Medieval England, p. 346
L. S. Sutherland, The Accounts of an Eighteenth-Century Merchant, p. 367
E. W. Gilboy, Labour at Thornborough: An Eighteenth-Century Estate, p. 388
G. Brodnitz, Lujo Brentano: A Memoir, p. 399
P. L. Prendeville, A Select Bibliography of Irish Economic History [Part II] [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 402
G. E. Fussell, Early Farming Journals [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 417

Reviews, p. 421
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1931, p. 446
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of France 1931, p. 447
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Germany 1931, p. 450

a. 2, 1929/30

W. Sombart, Economic Theory and Economic History, p. 1
Henri Pirenne, The Place of the Netherlands in the Economic History of Medieval Europe, p. 20
T. H. Marshall, Jethro Tull and the ‘New Husbandry’ of the Eighteenth Century, p. 41
A. Plummer, The Place of Bronterre O’Brien in the Working-Class Movement, p. 61
William Beveridge, The Winchester Rolls and their Dating, p. 93
E. M. Carus-Wilson, The Aulnage Accounts: A Criticism, p. 114
G. W. Daniels, T. S. Ashton, The Records of a Derbyshire Colliery, 1763-1779, p. 124
W. H. Moreland, Recent Work in Indian Economic History (1905-1928) [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 130

Reviews, p. 137
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1928, p. 185
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1927-8, p. 190
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of France 1927-8, p. 194
M. Rostovtseff, The Decay of the Ancient World and its Economic Explanations, p. 197
J. L. Hammond, The Industrial Revolution and Discontent, p. 215
A. Beardwood, Alien Merchants and the English Crown in the Later Fourteenth Century, p. 229
V. Barbour, Dutch and English Merchant Shipping in the Seventeenth Century, p. 261
W. R. Scott, Economic Resiliancy, p. 291
J. F. Nichols, An Early Fourteenth Century Petition from the Tenants of Bocking to their Manorial Lord, p. 300
H. Sée, The Normandy Chamber of Commerce and the Commercial Treaty of 1786, p. 308
J. De Iongh, The International Economic History Exhibition, Amsterdam 1929, p. 314
J. R. & W. Rees, A Select Bibliography of the Economic History of Wales [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 320

Reviews, p. 327
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1929, p. 371
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1928, p. 375
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of France 1929, p. 383
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Germany 1927, p. 386

a. 1, 1927/28

William Ashley, The Place of Economic History in University Studies, p. 1
N. S. B. Gras, The Rise and Development of Economic History, p. 12
G. Unwin, The Merchant Adventurers’ Company in the Reign of Elizabeth, p. 35
K. Asakawa, Agriculture in Japanese History: A General Survey, p. 81
A. E. Levett, The Financial Organization of the Manor, p. 65
E. Davis, The Small Landowner, 1780-1832, in the light of the Land Tax Assessment, p. 87
W. S. Holdsworth, A Neglected Aspect of the Relations between Economic and Legal History, p. 114
B. H. Putnam, Northamptonshire Wage Assessments of 1560 and 1667, p. 124
William Ashley, A Notebook of Arnold toynbee, p. 135
J. Sée, Recent Work on French Economic History (1905-1925) [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 137

Reviews, p. 154
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1925-6, p. 184
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States 1925-6, p. 191
C. H. K. Marten, The Teaching of Economic History in Schools, p. 193
E. A. Kosminsky, Russian Work on English Economic History, p. 208
M. M. Postan, Credit in Medieval Trade, p. 234
G. N. Clark, War Trade and Trade War, 1701-1713, p. 262
A. L. Dunham, The Development of the Cotton Industry in France and the Anglo-French Treaty of Commerce of 1860, p. 281
H. Sée, The Intendants’ Mémoires of 1698 and their Value for Economic History, p. 308
C. R. Fay, The Significance of the Corn Laws in English History, p. 314
W. R. Scott, Memoir: Sir William Ashley, p. 319
G. Brodnitz, Recent Work in German Economic History (1900-1927) [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 322

Reviews, p. 346
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1926, p. 372
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States 1926-7, p. 377
List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of France 1926-7, p. 381