Agricultural History Review ELETTRONICHE DATINI

Agricultural History Review

Londra, British Agricultural History Society
ISSN: 0002-1490
Rivista digitale online all’indirizzo web:

consistenza fascicoli digitali: v. 1, 1953-v. 64, 2016, II
(vedi le Open Access Policy della rivista)
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 48
Consistenza: v. 4, 1956, 2 – v. 51, 2003, 2
Lacune: v. 5, 1957, 1, 2; v. 8, 1960, 1, 2; v. 10, 1962, 1 – v. 13, 1965, 1; v. 14, 1966, 1; v. 30, 1982, 1; v. 34, 1986, 1;

Conservata in:Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Str. 0653
Consistenza: a. 19, 1971-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

Malcolm Thick, Garden seeds in England before the late eighteenth century: II –The trade in seeds to 1760, p. 105
G.G.S. Bowie, Northern wolds and Wessex downlands: contrasts in sheep husbandry and farming practice, 1770-1850, p. 117
Urban Emanuelsson, Jens Möller, Flooding in Scania: a method to overcome the deficiency of nutrients in agriculture in the nineteenth century, p. 127
Joanna Bourke, Dairywomen and affectionate wives: women in the Irish dairy industry, 1890-1914, p. 149
Cormac Ó Gráda, Irish agricultural history: recent research, p. 165
Dan Byford, Work in progress, p. 174
V.J. Morris, D.J. Orton, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history, 1989, p. 180
Mark Overton, The critical century? The Agrarian History of England and Wales, 1750-1850, p. 185
J.A. Chartres, Obituary: Dr George Fussell, p. 190
David Hey, Conference report: spring conference 1990, p. 192

Book Reviews, p. 194

Jules N. Pretty, Sustainable agriculture in the middle ages: the English manor, p. 1
K.P. Witney, The woodland economy of Kent, 1066-1348, p. 20
Mark Bailey, Sand into gold: the evolution of the foldcourse system in west Suffolk, 1200-1600, p. 40
Malcolm Thick, Garden seeds in England before the late eighteenth century: I – Seed growing, p. 58
G.E. Mingay, The diary of James Warne, 1758, p. 72
John R. Walton, On estimating the extent of parliamentary enclosure, p. 79
Raine Morgan, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, 1988, p. 83
J.A. Chartres, Conference report: winter conference, 1989, ‘Food supply and towns’, p. 95

Book Reviews, p. 97

Della Hooke, Pre-Conquest woodland: its distribution and usage, p. 113
David Postles, Cleaning the medieval arable, p. 130
Charles W.J. Withers, William Cullen’s agricultural lectures and writings and the development of agricultural science in eighteenth-century Scotland, p. 144
Peter M. Solar, Harvest fluctuations in pre-Famine Ireland: Evidence from Belfast and Waterford newspapers, p. 157
Desmond A Gillmor, The political factor in agricultural history: trends in Irish agriculture, 1922-85, p. 166
Joseph Harrison, The agrarian history of Spain, 1800-1960, p. 180
Bruce M.S.Campbell, Laying foundations: The Agrarian History of England and Wales 1042-1350, p. 188
V.J. Morris, D.J. Orton, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history 1988, p. 193
Peter Dewey, Conference report: spring conference 1989, p. 198

Book Reviews, p. 200

D.L. Farmer, Two Wiltshire manors and their markets, p. 1
Andrew Watkins, Cattle grazing in the Forest of Arden in the later middle ages, p. 12
Norman Hidden, Jethro Tull, I, II, and III, p. 26
Andrew K. Copus, Changing markets and the development of sheep breeds in southern England, 1750-1900, p. 36
Leah Leneman, Land settlement in Scotland after World War I, p. 52
Mark Cleary, French agrarian history after 1750 – a review and bibliography, p. 65
Raine Morgan, Supplement to the bibliography of theses on British agrarian history: omissions and additions 1984-6, p. 89

Book Reviews, p. 98

M. Patricia Hogan, Clays, culturae and the cultivator’s wisdom: management efficiency at fourteenth-century Wistow, p. 117
R.H. Britnell, The Pastons and their Norfolk, p. 132
Paul Glennie, Continuity and change in Hertfordshire agriculture, 1550-1700: II – Trends in crop yields and their determinants, p. 145
A.J.S. Gibson, The size and weight of cattle and sheep in early modern Scotland, p. 162
Stewart Richards, The South-Eastern Agricultural College and public support for technical education, 1894-1914, p. 172
Thomas D. Isern, Gopher tales: a study in western Canadian pest control, p. 188
V.J. Morris, D.J. Orton, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history 1987, p. 199

Book Reviews, p. 205

Mark Bailey, The rabbit and the medieval East Anglian economy, p. 1
Christopher Dyer, Changes in diet in the late middle ages: the case of harvest workers, p. 21
John Martin, Sheep and enclosure in sixteenth-century Northamptonshire, p. 39
Paul Glennie, Continuity and change in Hertfordshire agriculture 1550-1700: I – Patterns of agricultural production, p. 55
Colin J. Holmes, Science and the farmer: the development of the agricultural advisory service in England and Wales 1900-1939, p. 77
Bruce M.S. Campbell, Towards an agricultural geography of medieval England, p. 87
Raine Morgan, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, 1986, p. 99

Book Reviews, p. 111

N.J. Mayhew, Money and prices in England from Henry II to Edward III, p. 121
Madeleine Gray, Crown property and the land market in south-east Wales in the sixteenth century, p. 133
G.G.S. Bowie, Watermeadows in Wessex: a re-evaluation for the period 1640-1850, p. 151
Phillip Dodd, The agricultural statistics for 1854: an assessment of their value, p. 159
C.M.A. Baker, C. Manwell, The Breton breed of cattle in Britain: extinction versus fitness, p. 171
David Grigg, Farm size in England and Wales, from early Victorian times to the present, p. 179
V.J. Morris, D.J. Orton, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history 1986, p. 191
Michael Havinden, Postgraduate research in agricultural history in British institutions of higher education: a survey, p. 195

Book Reviews, p. 199

Simon A.C. Penn, Female wage-earners in late fourteenth-century England, p. 1
G.G.S. Bowie, New sheep for old – changes in sheep farming in Hampshire, 1792-1879, p. 15
John Chapman, The extent and nature of parliamentary enclosure, p. 25
E.J.T. Collins, The rationality of ‘surplus’ agricultural labour: mechanization in English agriculture in the nineteenth century, p. 36
David Taylor, Growth and structural change in the English dairy industry, c1860-1930, p. 47
E.A. Wrigley, Early modern agriculture: a new harvest gathered in, p. 65
Rachel Hellier, Barbara Hutton, A model farm at Scarthingwell near York in 1793 and 1986, p. 72
James T. Lemon, Agriculture and society in early America, p. 76
Raine Morgan, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, 1985, p. 95

Book Reviews, p. 108

Angus J.L. Winchester, The Distribution and Significance of ‘Bordland’ in Medieval Britain, p. 129
T.A. Rowell, Sedge in Cambridgeshire: its Use, Production and Value, p. 140
John R. Walton, Pedigree and the National Cattle Herd, circa 1750-1950, p. 149
A.J. Marrison, The Tariff Commission, Agricultural Protection and Food Taxes, 1903-13, p. 171
J.H. Porter, Tenant Right: Devonshire and the 1880 Ground Game Act, p. 188
V.J. Morris, D. Jorton, List of Books and Pamphlets on Agrarian History 1985, p. 198
Michael Havinden, Obituary: Sir John Higgs, KCVO, FSA (1923-86), p. 204

Book Reviews, p. 206

John Sheail, Nature Conservation and the Agricultural Historian, p. 1
David Postles, The Perception of Profit before the Leasing of Demesnes, p. 12
Christine Hallas, The Social and Economic Impact of a Rural Railway: the Wensleydale Line, p. 29
Alan R. H. Baker, The Infancy of France’s First Agricultural Syndicate: the Syndicat des Agriculteurs de Loir-et-Cher 1881-1914, p. 45
Hilary P. M. Winchester, Agricultural Change and Population Movements in France, 1892-1929, p. 60
M. Robinson, The Extent of Farm Underdrainage in England and Wales, prior to 1939, p. 79

J. Bieleman, Rural change in the Dutch province of Drenthe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, p. 105
W. Thwaites, Dearth and the marketing of agricultural produce: Oxfordshire c. 1750-1800, p. 119
Charles W.J. Withers, A neglected Scottish agriculturalist: the ‘Georgical lectures’ and agricultural writings of the Rev Dr John Walker (1731-1803), p. 132
P.K. Hall, Harvest fluctuations in an industrializing economy: Japan, 1887-1912, p. 158
T. Rooth, Trade agreements and the evolution of British agricultural policy in the 1930s, p. 173
V.J. Morris, D.J. Orton, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history 1984, p. 191

Book Reviews, p. 198

A.R. Bridbury, Thirteenth-century prices and the money supply, p. 1
Mavis Mate, Medieval agrarian practices: the determining factors? p. 22
Alan Nash, The size of open field strips: a reinterpretation, p. 32
J.M. Martin, The social and economic origins of the Vale of Evesham market gardening industry, p. 41
A.G. Parton, Parliamentary enclosure in nineteenth-century Surrey – some perspectives on the evaluation of land potential, p. 51
Stewart Richards, Agricultural science in higher education: problems of identity in Britain’s first chair of agriculture, Edinburgh 1790-c1831, p. 59
J.K. Bowers, British agricultural policy since the Second World War, p. 66
Raine Morgan, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, 1983 p. 77

Book Reviews, p. 89

J.V. Beckett, The peasant in England: a case of terminological confusion?, p. 113
H.E. Hallam, The climate of eastern England 1250-1350, p. 124
Michael Reed, Enclosure in north Buckinghamshire, 1500-1750, p. 133
C.M. Ann Baker, The origin of South Devon cattle, p. 145
I.D. and K.A. Whyte, Continuity and change in a seventeenth-century Scottish farming community, p. 159
Peter Ripley, Village and town: occupations and wealth in the hinterland of Gloucester, 1660-1700, p. 170
J.M. Martin, Village traders and the emergence of a proletariat in south Warwickshire, 1750-1851, p. 179
H.M.E. Holt, Assistant commissioners and local agents: their role in tithe commutation, 1836-1854, p. 189
V.J. Morris, D.J. Orton, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history, 1983, p. 201

Book Reviews, p. 206

Paul Muskett, The East Anglian agrarian riots of 1822, p. 1
M.L. Ryder, Medieval sheep and wool types, p. 14
Barbara English, Patterns of estate management in east Yorkshire, c 1840-c 1880, p. 29
R.B. Weir, Distilling and agriculture 1870-1939, p. 49
Adrian H. Cowell, An approach to the agrarian history of upland country: ecology and habitat, p. 63
Raine Morgan, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, 1982, p. 75

Work in progress, p. 86
Book Reviews, p. 94

Stuart MacDonald, Agricultural improvement and the neglected labourer, p. 81
Mary Harvey, Planned field systems in eastern Yorkshire: some thoughts on their origin, p. 91
John Broad, Cattle plague in eighteenth-century England, p. 104
Nicholas Goddard, The development and influence of agricultural periodicals and newspapers, 1780-1880, p. 116
Fred Bateman, Research developments in American agricultural history since 1960: the northern farm economy, p. 132
Alan R.H. Baker, Discourses on British field systems, p. 149
Alan Everett, Past and present in the Victorian countryside, p. 156
Margaret C. Smyth, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history 1982, p. 170

Book Reviews, p. 176

A.W. Jones, Glamorgan Custom and Tenant Right, p. 1
J.R. Fisher, Landowners and English Tenant Right, 1845-1852, p. 15
Alistair Mutch, Farmers’ Organizations and Agricultural Depression in Lancashire, 1890-1900, p. 26
Colin A. Lewis, Irish horse breeding and the Irish Draught Horse, 1917-1978, p. 37
Raine Morgan, Annual List and Brief Review of Articles on Agrarian History, 1981, p. 50

Book Reviews, p. 61

J.V. Beckett, The Decline of the Small Landowner in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century England: Some Regional Considerations, p. 97
B.J. Buchanan, The Financing of Parliamentary Waste Land Enclosure: Some Evidence from North Somerset, 1770-1830, p. 112
M.C. Cleary, The Plough and the Cross: Peasant Unions in South-Western France, p. 127
G.E. Fussell, The Tariff Commission Report, p. 137
Margaret C. Smyth, List of Books and Pamphlets on Agrarian History 1981, p. 143
Raine Morgan, Supplement to the Bibliography of Theses on British Agrarian History: Omissions and Additions for 1979, 1980, p. 150

Book Reviews, p. 156

Pamela Horn, An Eighteenth-Century Land Agent: The Career of Nathaniel Kent (1737-1810, p. 1
Brian Short, ‘The Art and Craft of Chicken Cramming’: Poultry in the Weald of Sussex 1850-1950, p. 17
John Langdon, The Economics of Herses and Oxen in Medieval England, p. 31
John Martin, Enclosure and the Inquisitions of 1607: An Examination of Dr Kerridge’s Article ‘The Returns of the Inquisitions of Depopulation’, p. 41
Allan G. Bogue, Farming in the North American Grasslands: A Survey of Publications, 1947-80, p. 49
Raine Morgan, Annual List and Brief Revieww of Articles on Agrarian History, 1980, p. 69

Book Reviews, p. 80

W.A. Armstrong, The Influence of Demographic Factors on the Position of the Agricultural Labourer in England and Wales, c1750-1914, p. 71
Christopher Clay, Lifeleasehold in the Western Counties of England 1650-1750, p. 83
Martin Spray, Holly as a Fodder in England, p. 97
G.E. Fussell, The Origin of Farming, p. 111
Patrick Chorley, Early Evidence of Sainfoin Cultivation Around Paris, p. 118
Alistair Mutch, The Mechanization of the Harvest in South-West Lancashire, 1850-1914, p. 125
Sarah Carter, List of Books and Pamphlets on Agrarian History 1980, p. 133

Book Reviews, p. 138

J.N. Hare, The Demesne Lessees of Fifteenth-Century Wiltshire, p. 1
B.M.S. Campbell, The Regional Uniqueness of English Field Systems? Some Evidence from Eastern Norfolk, p. 16
Pauline Frost, Yeomen and Metalsmiths: Livestock in the Dual Economy in South Staffordshire 1560-1720, p. 29
Shimon Applebaum, The Essex Achievement, p. 42
Raine Morgan, Annual List and Brief Review of Articles on Agrarian History, 1979, p. 45

Book Reviews, p. 56