Journal of Early Modern History DATINI

Journal of Early Modern History

Trimestrale, poi bimestrale
ISSN: 1385-3783
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 58
Consistenza: a. 5, 2001, 1 – a. 17, 2013, 5-6
Lacune: a. 6, 2002;
[ 2020-2001 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 17, 2013, 5-6 (Special Issue)

Peter Mazur, Abigail Shinn, Introduction: Conversion Narratives in the Early Modern World, p. 427
Irene Fosi, Conversion and Autobiography: Telling Tales before the Roman Inquisition, p. 437
Matthew Dimmock, Converting and Not Converting “Strangers” in Early Modern London, p. 457
Emanuele Colombo, A Muslim Tumned Jesuit: Baldassarre Loyola Mandes (1631-1667), p. 479
Ananya Chakravarti, In the Language of the Land: Native Conversion in Jesuit Public Lettersfrom Brazil and India, p. 505
Opher Mansour, Picturing Global Conversion: Art and Diplomacy at the Court of Paul V (1605-1621), p. 525
José Alberto Rodrigues Da Silva Tavim, Portuguese New Christians in the Turkish “Carrefour” Between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean in the Sixteenth Century: Decentralization and Conversion, p. 561

Book Review Section
Book Reviews, p. 585

a. 17, 2013, 4

Dean Kostantaras, Commerce, Culture and Civilization in Greek Enlightenment and Contemporary European Thought, p. 315
Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen, Limits to Despotism: Idealizations of Chinese Governance and Legitimizations of Absolutist Europe, p. 347
Benjamin Breen, No Man Is an Island Early Modern Globaliziation. Knowledge Networks, and George Psalmanazar’s Formosa, p. 391

Book Reviews, p. 419

a. 17, 2013, 3

Jeffrey R. Watt, Calvin’s Geneva Confronts Magic and Witchcraft: The Evidence from the Consistoty, p. 215
Katherine Aron-Beller, Outside the Ghetto: Jews and Christians in the Duchy of Modena, p. 245
Liudmila V. Charipova, Orthodox Reform in Seventeenth-Century Kiev: The Evidence af a Library, p. 273

Book Review Section
Book Reviews, p. 309

a. 17, 2013, 2

Gary K. Waite, Empathy for the Persecuted or Polemical Posturing? The 1609 Spanish Expulsion of the Moriscos as Seen in English and Netherlandic Pamphlets, p. 95
Stefania Tutino, “For the Sake of the Truth of History and of the Catholic Doctrines”: History, Documents, and Dogma in Cesare Baronia’s Annales Ecclesiastici, p. 125
Vasileios Syros, Gaienic Medicine and Social Stability in Early Modern Florence and the Islamic Empires, p. 161

a. 17, 2013, 1 (Special Issue)


Sebastian R. Prange, Robert J. Antony, Piracy in Asian Waters. Part 2: Piracy, Sovereignty, and the Early Modern Asian State-An Introduction, p. 1 Sebastian R. Prange, The Contested Sea: Regimes of Maritime Violence in the Pre-Modern Indian Ocean, p. 9
Peter Borschberg, From Self-Defense to an Instrument of War: Dutch Privateering Around the Malay Peninsula in the Early Seventeenth Century, p. 35
Dahpon David Ho, The Empire’s Scorched Shore: Coastal Chiniz, 1633-1683, p. 53
Simon Layton, The “Moghul’s Admiral”: Angrian “Piracy” and the Rise of British Bombay, p. 75

a. 16, 2012, 6 (Special Issue)


Robert J. Antony, Sebastian R. Prange, An Introduction: The Social and Economic Dynamics of Piracy in Early Modern Asia, p. 455
Michael Pearson, “Tremendous Damage” or “Mere Pinpricks” The Costs of Piracy, p. 463
Robert J. Antony, Bloodthirsty Pirates? Violence and Terror on the South China Sea in Early Modern Times, p. 481
Charles Wheeler, Identity and Function in Sino- Vietnamese Piracy: Where Are the Minh Hildng?, p. 503
Adam Clulow, The Pirate and the Warlord, p. 523

Book Reviews, p. 543

a. 16, 2012, 4-5 (Special Issue)


Elizabeth Horodowich, Introduction: Speech and Oral Culture in Early Modern Europe and Beyond, p. 301
Una McIlvenna, Word versus Honor: The Case of Françoise de Rohan vs. Jacques de Savoie, p. 315
David Coast, Misinftrmation and Disinformation in Late Jacobean Court Politics, p. 335
John M. Hunt, The Conclave from the “Outside In” Rumor, Speculation, and Disorder in Rome during Early Modern Papal Elections, p. 355
Tara Alberts, Catholtc Written and Oral Cultures in Seventeenth-Century Vietnam, p. 383
Elizabeth S. Cohen, She Said, he Said: Situated Oralities in Judicial Records from Early Modern Rome, p. 403

Book Reviews, p. 431

a. 16, 2012, 3

Daniel Bellingradt, The Early Modern Ciiy as a Resonating Box: Media, Public Opinion, and the Urban Space of the Holy Roman Empire, Cologne, and Hamburg Ca. 1700, p. 201
Anne Gerritsen, Porcelain and the Material Culture of the Mongol-Yuan Court, p. 241

Book Reviews, p. 275

a. 16, 2012, 2

Griet Vermeesch, Professional Lobbying in Eighteenth-century Brussels: The Role of Agents in Petitioning the Central Government Institutions in the Habsburg Netherlands, p. 95
Ines G. ?upanov, Passage to India: Jesuit Spiritual Economy between Marsyrekm and Profit in the Seventeenth Century, p. 121
Laura Newby, Copper Platesfbr the Qianlong Emperor : from Paris to Peking via Canton, p. 161

a. 16, 2012, 1

Violet Soen, Reconquista and Reconciliation in the Dutch Revolt: The Campaign of Governor-General Alexancier Farnese (1578-1592), p. 1
Au?a Baniulyt?, Italian Intrigue in the Baltic: Myth, Faith, and Politics in the Age of Baroque, p. 23
Susan Mokhberi, Finding Common Ground Between Europe and Asia: Understanding and Conflict During the Persian Embassy to France in 1715, p. 53

Book Reviews, p. 81

a. 15, 2011, 6

Bohnet, Adam, Ruling Ideology and Marginal Subjects: Ming Loyalism and Foreign Lineages in Late Choson Korea, p. 477
Hynes, Laura, Routine Infanticide by Married Couples? An Assessment of Baptismal Records from Seventeenth Century Parma, p. 507
Willumsen, Liv Helene, A Narratological Approach to Witchcraft Trial: A Scottish Case, p. 531

Book Reviews, p. 561

a. 15, 2011, 5

John A. Marino, Mediterranean Studies and the Remaking of Pre-modern Europe, p. 385
Eric R Dursteler, On Bazaars and Battlefie/ds: Recent Scho/arship on Mediterranean Cultural Contacts, p. 413

Review Article
Adam Morton, Coming of Age? The Image in Early Modern England, p. 435

Book Review Section
Book Reviews, p. 459

a. 15, 2011, 4

Taylor, Scott, Honor in the Early Modern Eastern Mediterraneanan Introduction, p. 301
Peirce, Leslie, Abduction with (Dis) honor: Sovereigns, Brigands, and Heroes in the Ottoman World, p. 311
O’Connell, Monique, The Sexual Politics of Empire: Civic Honor and Official Crime outside Renaissance Venice, p. 331
Cesco, Valentina, Female Abduction, Family Honor, and Women’s Agency in Early Modern Venetian Istria, p. 349
Dursteler, Eric, “Convenient to the Piety of Our Signoria and to the Honor of the Lord God”: Gender and Institutional Honor on the Early Modern Dalmatian Frontier, p. 367

a. 15, 2011, 3

Eah R. Clark, Transient Possessions: Circulation, Replication, and Transmission of Gems and Jewels in Quattrocento Italy, p. 185
Cristian Berco, Syphilis, Sex and Marriage in Early Modern Spain, p. 223
Angela Barreto Xavier, Conversos and Novamente Convertidos: Law, Religion, and Identity in the Portuguese Kingdom and Empire, p. 255

Book review Section, p. 289

a. 15, 2011, 1-2 (Special Issue)


Glancarlo Casale, Nabil Matar, Simon Ditchifield, Editorial, p. 1
Phil Withington, Introduction – Citizens and Soldiers: the Renaissance Context, p. 3
Micheál Ó Siochrú, Civil Autonomy and Military Power in Early Modern Ireland, p. 31
Laura A. M. Stewart, Military Power and the Scottish Burghs, 1625-1651, p. 59
Philip J. Stern, Soldier and Citizen in the Seventeenth-Century English East India Company, p. 83
Angela Mcshane, Recruiting Citizens for Soldiers in Seventeenth-Century English Ballads, p. 105
Hannah Smith, The Army, Provincial Urban Communities, and Loyalist Cultures in England, c. 1714-50, p. 139
Andrew Mackillop, Confrontation, Negotiation and Accommodation: Garrisoning the Burghs in Post-Union Scotland, p. 159

a. 14, 2010, 6 (Special Issue)


Catherine Fletcher, Jennifer Mara DeSilva, Italian Ambassadorial Networks in Early Modern Europe-An Introduction, p. 505
Katalin Prajda, The Florentine Scolari Family at the Court of Sigismund of Luxemburg in Buda, p. 513
Jennifer Mara DeSilva, Official and Unofficial Diplomacy between Rome and Bologna: the de’ Grassi Family under Pope Julius II, 1503-1513, p. 535
Catherine Fletcher, War, Diplomacy and Social Mobility: The Casali Family in the Service of Henry VIII, p. 559
Megane K. Williams, “Dui Fratelli … Con Dui Principi”: Family and Fidelity on a Failed Diplomatic Mission, p. 579

a. 14, 2010, 5

Photini Danou, Catholic Treason Trials in Elizabethan England. Complexities and Ambiguities in the Stage Management of a Public Show: The Case of William Parry, p. 393
Mathis Leibetseder, Across Europe: Educational Traveiing of German Noblemen in a Comparative Perspective, p. 417
Vasileios Syros, Between Chimera and Charybdis: Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Views on the Political Organization of the Italian City-States, p. 451

a. 14, 2010, 4

Charles J. Halperin, Royal Recreation: Ivan the Terrible Goes Hunting, p. 293
Kaya ?ahin, Constantinople and the End Time: The Ottoman Conquest as a Portent of the Last Hour, p. 317
R. Kent Guy, Ideology and Organization in the Qing Empire, p. 355

Book Review Section
Book Reviews, p. 379

a. 14, 2010, 3

Kees Boterbloem, Russia and Europe: The Koenraad van Klenk Embassy to Moscow (1675-76), p. 187
Maurits Van Den Boogert, Provocative Wealth: Non-Muslim Elites in Eighteenth-Century Aleppo, p. 219
Suraiya Faroqhi, The Ottoman Ruling Group and the Religions ofits Subjects in the Early Modern Age: a Survey of Current Research, p. 239

Book Review Section
Book Reviews, p. 267
Erratum, p. 291

a. 14, 2010, 1-2


Carla Rhahn Phillips, Lisa Norling, Giancarlo Casale, Introduction to the ‘Social Hutory of the Sea’ Special Issue, p. 1
Denver Brunsman, Men of War: British Saiolr and the Impressment Paradox, p. 9
Valentina K. Tikoff, Adolescence in the Atlantic: Charity Boys as Seamen in the Spanish Maritime World, p. 45
Michael J. Jarvis, The Binds of the Anxious Mariner: Patriarchy Paternalism and the Maritime Culture of Eighteenth-Century Bermuda, p. 75
David Wheat, Nharas and Morenas Horras: A Luso-African Model for the Social History of the Spanish Carribean, c. 1570-1640, p. 119
Alan M. Stahl, Michael of Rhodes and the Birth of the Mariner’s Manual, p. 151
Tonio Andrade, Beyond Guns, Germs, and Steel: European Expansion and Maritime Asia, 1400-1750, p. 165

a. 13, 2009, 6

Jeremy Franks, Christopher Henrìk Braad (1728-81) and his extracts in 1760 from the Surat Capuchins’ mission diary that they had kept since the I650s. An Introduction, p. 435
Jeremy Franks, Extracts from the Capuchins’ Diary Kept in Suratjrom 1658 to 1760; Mode in Surat in 1760 by C.H. Braad. Translation and Comments, p. 449
Ralph A. Austen, Imperiai Reach Versus Institutional Grasp: Superstates of The West and Central African Sudan in Comparative Perspective, p. 509

Book Review Section
Book Reviews, p. 311

a. 13, 2009, 5

Andrey V. Ivanov, Conflicting Loyalties; Fugitives and “Traitors” in the Russo-Manchurian Frontier, 1651 -1689, p. 333
Kate Brittlebank, The Dreams of Kings: A Comparative Discussion of the Recorded Dreams of Tipu Sultan of Mysore and Peter the Great of Russia, p. 359
John E. Wills, Jr., Author, Publisher, Patron, World: A Case Study of Old Books and Global Consciousness, p. 375

a. 13, 2009, 4

Amanda Pipkin, “They were not humans, but devils in human bodies”: Depictions of Sexual Violence and Spanish Tyranny as a Means of Fostering Identity in the Dutch Republic, p. 229
Zoltàn Biedermann, The Matrioshka Principle and How it was Overcome: Portuguese and Habsburg Imperiai Attitudes in Sri Lanka and the Responses of the Rulers of Rotte (1506-1598), p. 265

Book Review Section
Book Reviews, p. 311

a. 13, 2009, 2-3


Andrew Newman, Preface to the “Travet to Iran “Special Issue p. 99
Sussan Babaie, Visual Vestiges of Travet Persian Windows on European Weaknesses, p. 105
Rudi Matthee, The Safavids under Western Eyes: Seventeenth-Century European Travelers to Iran, p. 137
Sonja Brentjes, Immediacy, Mediation, and Media in Early Modern Catholic and Protestant Representations of Safavid Iran, p. 173
Kurosh Meshkat, The Journey of Master Anthony fenkinson to Persia, 1562-1563, p. 209

a. 13, 2009, 1

Jane Tolbert, Ambiguity and Conversion in the Correspondence of Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc and Thomas DArcos, 1630-1637, p. 1
Peter A. Mazur, Combating “Mohammedan Indecency”: The Baptism of Muslim Slaves in Spanish Naples, 1563-1667, p. 25
Cherie Woodworth, The Birth of the Captive Autocracy: Moscow, 1432, p. 49

Book Review Section, p. 71

a. 12, 2008, 6

Suzanne Desan, Transatlantic Spaces of Revolution: The French Revolution, “Sciotomanie” and American Lands, p. 467
Marie Seong-Hak Kim, “Comparing the Incomparable”: Local Custom and Law in Sixteenth-Century Korea and France, p. 507
Markus Friedrich, Government and Information-Management in Early Modern Europe. The Case of the Society of Jesus (1540-1773), p. 539

a. 12, 2008, 5

Tamar Herzig, Bridging North and South: Inquisitorial Networks and Witchcraft Theory on the Eve of the Reformation, p. 361
Mark Brayshay, The Choreography of Journeys of Magnificence: Arranging the Post-Nuptial Progress of Frederick, the Elector Palatine, and Princess Elizabeth of England from London to Heidelbergin 1613, p. 383

Silvia Mostaccio, A Conscious Ambiguity: The Jesuits Viewed in Comparative Perspective in the Light of Some Recent Italian Literature, p. 409

Book Review Section, p. 443

a. 12, 2008, 3-4 Special Issue

Riitta Laitinen, Thomas Cohen, Cultural History of Early Modern Streets – An Introduction, p. 195
Maria Helena Barreios, Urban Landscape: Houses, Streets and Squares of 18th Century Lisbon, p. 205
Emese Bálint, Mechanisms of the Hue and Cry in Kolozsvár in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century, p. 233
Riitta Laitinen, Dag Lindström, Urban Order and Street Regulation in Seventeenth-Century Sweden, p. 257
Elizabeth S. Cohen, To Pray. To Work, to Hear, to Speak: Women in Roman Streets c. 1600, p. 289
Alexander Cowan, Gossip and Street Culture in Early Modern Venice, p. 313
Anu Korhonen, To See and to Be Seen: Beauty in the Early Modern London Street, p. 335

a. 12, 2008, 2

Steven B. Miles, Imperial Discourse, Regional Elite, and Local Landscape on the South China Frontier, 1577-1722, p. 99
Paul M. Dover, The Economic Predicament of Italian Reinassance Ambassador, p. 137
Bertrand Forclaz, A Careful Managements: The Borghese Family and their Fiefs in Early Modern Lazio, p. 169

a. 12, 2008, 1

Michel Van Groesen, The De Bry Collection of Voyages (1590-1634): Early America reconsidered, p. 1
Catia Antunes, The Commercial Relationship between Amsterdam and the Portuguese Salt-Exporting Ports: Aveiro and Setubal, 1580-1715, p. 25
Nabiul Matar, Queen Elizabeth I Thought Moroccan Eyes, p. 55

Martine van Ittersum, Political Thought in the Dutch Republic in an Age of Decline, p. 77

Book Review Section, p. 85

a. 11, 2007, 6

Christine R. Johnson, Buying Stories: Ancient Tales, Renaissance Travelers and the Market for the Marvelous, p. 405
Nicholas Bomba, The Hiberian Amazon: A Struggle for Sovereignty in the Potuguese Court, 1643-1648, p. 447
Tryntje Helfferich, A Levy in Liège for Mazarin’s Army: Practical and Strategic Difficulties in Raising and Supporting Troops in the Thirty Years War, p. 475

C. K. Woodworth, Ocean and Steppe: Early Modern World Empires, p. 501
Simon Ditchfield, Papal Patchwork Unicked, p. 519

Book Rewiew Section, p. 527

a. 11, 2007, 4-5, Special Issue

Peter Arnade, Henk van Nierop, Introduction, p. 253
Anne-Laure van Bruaene, Spectacle and Spin for a Spurned Prince. Civic Strategies in the Entry Ceremonies of the Duke of Anjou in Antwerp, Bruges and Ghent (1582), p. 263
Yolanda Rodríguez Pérez, The Pelican and its Ungrateful Children: The Construction and Evolution of the Image of Dutch Rebelliousness in Golden Age Spain, p. 285
James D. Tracy, Princely “Auctoritas “or the Freedom of Europe: Justus Lipsius on a Netherlands Political Dilemma, p. 303
Renè van Stipriaan, Words at War: The Early Years of William of Orange’s Propaganda, p. 331
Marc Boone, The Dutch Revolt and the Medieval Tradition of Urban Dissent, p. 351

Book Review Section, p. 377

a. 11, 2007, 3

Stefania Tutino, Huguenots, Jesuits and Tyrants: Notes on the “Vindiciae contra Tyrannos” in Early Modern England, p. 175
Jutta Sperling, Dowry or Inheritance? Kinship, Property, and Women’s Agency in Lisbon, Venice and Florence (1572), p. 197

Book Review Section, p. 239

a. 11, 2007, 1-2

Mikhail Kizilov, Slave Trade in the Early Modern Crimea from the Perspective of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish Sources, p. 1
John W. Randolph, The Singing Coachman or, The Road and Russia’s Ethnographic Invention in Early Modern Times, p. 33
Pärtel Piirimäe, Russia, The Turks and Europe: Legitimations of War and the Formation of European Identity in the Early Modern Period, p. 63

Justin Champion, How to Read Hobbes: Independent, Heretic, Political Scientist, Absolutist? A Rewiew of Some Recent Works on Hobbes, p. 87

Book Review Section, p. 99

a. 10, 2006, 4

Stephen Timmons, Witchcraft and Rebellion in Late Seventeenth-Century Devon, p. 297
David Graizbord, Inquisitorial Ideology at Work in an Auto De Fe, 1680: Religion in the Context of Proto- Racism, p. 331
Jos Gommans, Jitske Kuiper, The Swat Castle Revolutions: Myths of an Anglo-Bania Order and Dutch Neutrality, C. 1740-1760, p. 361

a. 10, 2006, 3

Sonia Brentjes, Volkmar Schüller, Pietro della Valle’s Latin geography of Safavid Iran (1624-1628): Introduction, p. 169

Victor Enthoven, Martine J. Van Ittersum, The mouse that roars: Dutch Atlantic history collection, p. 221

Book Review Section, p. 231

a. 10, 2006, 1-2, Special Issue

Peter C. Mancall, Introduction: What Fynes Moryson knew, p. 1
Mary C. Fuller, Making something of it: Questions of value in the early English travel collection, p. 11
Nicholas Dew, Reading travels in the culture of curiosity: Thevenot’s collection of voyages, p. 39
Anne Good, The construction of an authoritative text: Peter Kolb’s description of the Khoikhoi at the Cape of Good Hope in the eighteenth century, p. 61
Jonathan D. Sassi, Africans in the Quaker image: Anthony Benezet, African travel narratives, and revolutionary-era antislavery, p. 95
Joan-Pau Rubies, Travel writing and humanistic culture: A blunted impact?, p. 131

a. 9, 2005, 3-4

Aurelio Espinosa, The Grand Strategy of Charles V (1500-1558), p. 239
Ines G. Zupanov, “One civility but multiple Religions”: Jesuit Mission among St. Thomas Christians in India (16th-17th centuries), p. 284
Frans Ciappara, Parish Priest and Community in 18th-Century Malta: Patterns of Conflict, p. 329
Maija Jansson, Measured Reciprocity: English Ambassadorial Gift Exchange in the 17th and 18th centuries, p. 348
Joan Meznar, Our Lady of the Rosary, African Slaves and the struggle Against Heretics in Brazil, 1550-1660, p. 371

Book Review Section, p. 398

a. 9, 2005, 1-2

Liam M. Brockey, Jesuit Pastoral Theater on an Urban Stage: Lisbon, 1588-1593, p. 1
Nabil Matar, Confrontin Decline in Early Modern Arabic Thought, p. 51
Yaron Ben-Naeh, Moshko the Jew and His Gay Friends: Same-Sex Sexual Relations in Ottoman Jewish Society, p. 79
Joan-Pau Rubiés, Oriental Despotism and European Orientalism: Botero to Montesquieu, p. 109
Michael Heyd, Elliot Horowitz, “A Feather in the Wind”: An Interview with Sir Keith Thomas, p. 181

Book Review Section, p. 193

a. 8, 2004, 3-4

Special Issue:

A note on Transliteration, p. 190

Donald E. Crummey, Ethiopia in the Early Period: Solomonic Monarchy and Christianity, p. 191

Marie-Laure Derat, “Do Not Search for Another King, One Whom God Has Not Given You”: Questions on the Elevation of Zär’ ä Ya’eqob (1434-1468), p. 210
Hervé Pennec, Dimitri toubkis, Reflections on the Notions of “Empire” and “Kingdom” in Seventeenth-Century Ethiopia: Royal Power and Local Power, p. 229
Anaïs Wion, Why Did King Fasilädäs Kill His Brother? Sharing Power in the Royal Family in Mid-Seventeenth Century Ethiopia, p. 259
Claire Bosc-Tiessé, “How Beautiful She Is!” in Her Mirror: Polysemic Images and Reflections of Power of an Eighteenth-Century Ethiopian Queen, p. 294
Douglas Catterall, At Home Abroad: Ethnicity and Enclave in the World of Scots Traders in Northern Europe, c. 1600-1800, p. 319
Paloma Fernández Pérez, Juan Carlos Sola-Corbacho, Regional Identity, Family, and Trade in Cadiz and Mexico City in the Eighteenth Century, p. 358

Simon Ditchfield, Of Dancing Cardinals and Mestizo Madonnas: Reconfiguring the History of Roman Catholicism in the Early Modern Period, p. 386
Ebru Boyar, Ottoman History in a Comparative Perspective?, p. 409

Book Review Section, p. 416

a. 8, 2004, 1-2

Thomas Freller, In search of a Mediterraneam Base: The Order of St. John and Russia’s Great Power Plans during the Rule of Tsar Peter the Great and Tsarina Catherina II, p. 3
Václav Buzek, From Compromise to Rebellion: Religion and Political Power of the Nobility in the First Century of the Habsburgs’ Reign in Bohemia and Moravia, p. 31
Lynn Johnson, Friendship, Coercion, and Interest: Debating the Foundations of Justice in Early Modern England, p. 46
Jutta Sperling, Marriage at the Time of the Council of Trent (1560-70): Clandestine Marriages, Kinship Prohibitions, and Dowry Exchange in European Comparison, p. 67
Christine Isom-Verhaaren, Shifting Identities: Foreign State Servants in France and the Ottoman Empire, p. 109
Allyson Poska, Elusive Virtue: Rethinking the Role of Female Chastity in Early Modern Spain, p. 135

Review Articles, p. 147
Book Review Section, p. 160

a. 7, 2003, 3-4

Graeme Murdock, “Freely Elected in Fear”: Princely Elections and Political Power in Early Modern Transylvania, p. 213
Dariusz Kolodziejczyk, Semiotics of Behavior in Early Modern Diplomacy: Polish Embassies in Instabul and Bahçesaray, p. 245
Albrecht Classen, The World of the Turks Described by an Eye-Witness: Georgius de Hungaria’s Dialectical Discourse on the Foreign World of the Ottoman Empire, p. 257
Gayle K. Brunelle, Migration and Religious Identity: The Portuguese of Seventeenth-Century Rowen, p. 283
Kathleen M. Comerford, Did Tuscan Dioceses Confessionalize in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries?, p. 312
Antje Stannek, Vestis virum facit: Fashion, Identity, and Ethnography on the Seventeenth-Century Grand tour, p. 332

Book Reviews, p. 345

a. 7, 2003, 1-2

Introduction, p. 3 Scott Taylor, Credit, Debt, and Honor in Castile, 1600-1650, p. 8
Susanne Pohl, Uneasy Peace. The Practice of the Stallung Ritual in Zürich, p. 28
Thomas Cohen, Bourdieu in Bed: The Seduction of Innocentia (Rome, 1570), p. 55
Amanda Wunder, Western Travelers, Eastern Antiquities, and the Image of the Turk in Early Modern Europe, p. 89
Mark Potter, War Finance and Absolutist State Development in Early Modern Europe: French Venality in the Seventeebth Century, p. 120
Donald J. Harreld, Atlantic Sugar adn Antwerp’s Trade with Germany in the Sixteenth Century, p. 148

Review Article, p. 164
Book Reviews, p. 172

a. 5, 2001, 4

Huri Islamoglu, Peter C. Perdue, Introduction, p. 271
Peter C. Perdue, Empire and Nation in Comparative Perspective. Frontier Administration in Eighteenth-Century China, p. 282
Dina Rizk Khoury, Administrative Practice between Religious Law (Shari’a) and State Law (Kanun) on the Eastern Frontiers of the Ottoman Empire, p. 305
Melissa Macauley, A Vorld Made Simple: Law and Property in the Ottonian and Qjng Empires, p. 331
Huri Islamoglu, Modernities Compared: State Transformations and Constitutions of Property in the Qjng and Ottoman Empires, p. 353
R. Bin Wong, Formal and Informal Mechanisms of Rule and Economic Development: The Qing Empire in Comparative Perspective, p. 387

a. 5, 2001, 3

Rhoais Murphey, Süleyman I and the Conquest of Hungary: Ottoman Manifest Destiny or a Delqyed Reaction to Charles V’s Universalist Vision, p. 197
Charles Parker, Pilgrim’s Progress: Narratives of Penitence and Reconciliation in the Dutch Reformed Church, p. 222

Review Artiche: Julian Goodare, Christopher Storrs, State Formation in Early Modern Europe, p. 241
Book Reviews, p. 247

a. 5, 2001, 2

Steve Tamari, Ottoman Madrasas: The Multiple Lives of Educational Institutions in Eighteenth-Century Syria, p. 99
Clodagh Tait, Adored for Saints: Catholic Maqyrdom in Ireland, c. 1560-1655, p. 128

Book Review Section, p. 160

a. 5, 2001, 1

Janet Martin, Multiethnicity in Muscovy. A Consideration of Christian and Muslim Tatars in the 1550s-1580s, p. 1
Denis Crouzet, Circa 1533: Anxieties, Desires, and Dreams, p. 24

William Beik, Absolutism and the Rise of Capitalism in France and England, p. 62
E.L. Jones, Economic Achievement Dissected, p. 68

Book reviews, p. 74